Varicose veins what to do when fluid flows. Causes of lymph

The lymphatic system is very important for humans. It is responsible for protection and penetration into the body various kinds infections. And if it is violated, then various kinds of swelling and cracks and ulcers appear on the body, which begin to secrete fluid in the form of lymph (ichor). Lymph discharge is, of course, a completely unpleasant sight. However, such diseases can be fought.

Causes of lymph discharge from a wound

Blood poisoning as a cause of lymph secretion

Transmission of various types of diseases that are associated with skin diseases and circulatory system.


Bad habits.

Work in enterprises that are associated with chemical industry or harmful effects on the body.

Frequent overload of the body as a cause of lymph secretion.

Injuries suffered.

Symptoms of lymph discharge from a wound

As for the symptoms, you can talk about this here.

  • Swelling of the limbs and the appearance of wounds.
  • Discharge of fluid from wounds.
  • Pain.
  • Joint mobility disorders.
  • Initial redness in areas of cracks or wounds.
  • Weakness.
  • Feeling of heaviness and as if bursting.

How to stop ichor and lymph?

Naturally, with this kind of illness, it is necessary to turn to a good specialist to assist in treatment. Treatment methods depend on the origin of the lymph itself. If there is lymphatic discharge or edema associated with heart disease, then in such cases the doctor will prescribe diuretics for you. They will help in the outflow of accumulated fluid and normalize the functioning of the heart and blood vessels.

Doctors also prescribe drugs to stop lymph, which strengthen the walls of blood vessels and improve their elasticity. Troxevasin ointment has an excellent effect when used every day.

For more complex diseases, such as trophic ulcers, lymphomas, ulcers of lymph nodes and lymph nodes, it is necessary surgical intervention. You cannot cure this kind of disease at home.

In any case, if there is lymph discharge, consult a doctor immediately. The disease should not be neglected, as more complex forms can lead to tragic consequences, even fatal outcome. Always be careful and don’t try to do everything yourself. Do not constantly listen to the advice of friends and family on how to stop lymph. For qualified specialists it is much clearer what needs to be done.

How to stop lymph flow at home?

Of course, mild forms of lymphatic discharge can be treated at home. You just need to follow the rules that will help you.

To stop lymph, you will need the following products: manganese solution, elastic bandage, calendula tincture and alcohol solutions(preferably diluted boiled water).

If the discharge of lymph is due to edema, in such cases it is necessary to moisten the bandage with a solution of manganese and bandage the affected area. Keep the bandage on until it dries completely. And continue this procedure until the wounds dry out.

If you cannot buy potassium permanganate, you can use alcohol solutions based on calendula or simply alcohol. However, it must be diluted with boiled water.

If you need to reduce swelling of the lower extremities, you need to use an elastic bandage.

When lying on a bed or sitting on a chair, place your feet as high as possible to prevent fluid from flowing downwards. And on the bed, to stop the lymph, place a cushion under your feet. And in general, try not to put too much strain on your legs and body. Heavy weights and long walking are contraindicated in treatment.

Hello, Elena Olegovna! You practically cured my mother (trophic ulcer). The leg is pink, lumpy, with individual patches of fibrin, under which, as we see, there is also pink tissue. But there is one thing that is unclear - we really hope for your help this time too. Exudate or something similar to clear lymph periodically flows from the leg very heavily. This does not always happen, but sometimes. Mom smears her leg with Baneocin ointment. It can be seen that it helps a lot, but the fluidity remains.:((What does this mean? How can I make sure that it doesn’t exist or, on the contrary, it is a necessary thing for healing? In general, I really hope for your help this time too. Best regards , Lilya

Lilia, Russia, Moscow, 36 years old


Surgeon-phlebologist-lymphologist, first category surgeon

Hello, Lilia.

Lymph flows against the background of edema. If you bandage your leg with elastic bandages or wear therapeutic compression socks (and given that the ulcer is healing, you can now switch to them), the amount of fluid will gradually decrease. This must be done, since lymph irritates the skin and provokes erosion. I don’t quite understand, is the lymph flowing from the ulcer itself, or around it? If it is from an ulcer, then continue baneocin, but there is no need to smear the skin around it. You can dry it with dyes like Fukortsin every three days.

Sincerely, Belyanina Elena Olegovna.

Hello. My grandmother has swelling of the legs associated with ischemic heart disease. Sores have formed on the legs. “water”, i.e. lymph, flows out of them. Tell me what to do. I know that this cannot be cured, but at least I wanted to reduce the swelling. A diuretic (furasimide, as prescribed doctor) does not help. Another doctor said that it is necessary elastic bandage tie it to reduce the secretion of lymph. And I wanted to know if you have any medications or ointments for this disease? Our attending physician prescribed pentoxifylline. But it doesn’t help.

Question asked 8 years ago

Doctors' answers

I wish you health!

Hello! The most important thing to achieve in this case is to reduce the swelling as much as possible. Furosemide is not so much for swelling of the legs, but, perhaps, for unloading the heart, so continue to give it if the doctor prescribed it. Make sure grandma doesn't sit with her legs dangling for too long. If she is sitting, then you need to put your feet on a chair or at least on a stool. When lying down, place pillows or a cushion under her feet. To prevent your legs from swelling too much during the day, you really need to tie an elastic bandage. Pentoxifylline should not be of much use in this case. It’s better to give her some kind of venotonic like phlebodia, detralex, troxevasin, venoruton, etc. Phlebodia is better because It relieves lymphedema well. Don't expect that these remedies will make grandma's legs normal, but it will get better. Make wet-dry dressings with a solution of potassium permanganate (pink) or simply with alcohol/vodka - wet the gauze with potassium permanganate and wrap your legs in the places where lymph flows. Let it stay until it dries. Potassium permanganate dries out those cracks from which lymph flows. But the most important thing is to keep your legs higher, this will have the greatest effect.
I wish you health!

One of critical systems The human body is lymphatic. It is she who acts as a guarantor of protection from various kinds infections. If various malfunctions and disturbances occur in it, this leads to the appearance of swelling, ulcers, cracks or other problems on the body. Lesions on the skin may leak a fluid called lymph. Therefore, patients often ask questions: if lymph flows from the leg, what to do in such a situation to stop it? How to prevent repeated violations in the system?

Initially, it is important to determine why this situation occurs. The main causes of disorders of the body's lymphatic system include:

  • blood poisoning that occurs through various reasons, but most often this is due to the lack of treatment of complex wounds;
  • deterioration environmental situation, surrounding a person;
  • the presence of diseases associated with the skin or circulatory system;
  • bad habits;
  • carrying out work activities in complex and hazardous conditions, for example, in the chemical industry;
  • constant and severe overload of the body, leading to the fact that wounds in the leg begin to leak clear liquid- lymph;
  • suffering complex injuries.

Thus, lymph leakage from the leg may be a consequence various factors and pathologies, therefore this phenomenon quite common.

Symptoms of the disease

Many people are unable to determine what kind of fluid is flowing from a wound, which raises the question of whether lymph is actually flowing. To make sure that it is the ichor that is being secreted, and not, for example, pus, other symptoms should be taken into account:

  • the limb begins to swell, and new ulcers appear that release fluid;
  • severe pain occurs in the wound area;
  • joint mobility is impaired;
  • redness of the skin occurs in places where there are cracks or wounds;
  • a person feels constant weakness and severity in the area of ​​skin damage.

Treatment begins only after an appropriate diagnosis has been made. However, you can stop the flow of lymph at home immediately after the problem occurs.

How to stop lymph flow

First, you should consult a doctor so that he examines the patient, listens to his complaints, makes a diagnosis and prescribes treatment. It is important to carry out therapy using a method that eliminates the cause of the disorder in the lymphatic system.

Most common the following types treatment:

  • If the appearance of lymphatic drainage is associated with heart disease, then diuretics are prescribed to ensure drainage. excess liquid, as well as guaranteeing the normalization of the performance of the heart and blood vessels.
  • If the functioning of blood vessels is disrupted, troxevasin ointment or other drugs of similar action are prescribed, intended to strengthen the walls and improve their elasticity.
  • If trophic ulcers or more are detected complex diseases(lymphomas) surgical treatment is mandatory, since the lymph node has an ulcer or concomitant diseases cause unbearable pain, and it is impossible to eliminate these disorders at home or with conventional medications.

Thus, if you detect lymph flowing from wounds on your leg, you should consult a doctor. A non-healing cut or other damage to the skin is a signal of a significant disorder in the body.

How to stop lymph flow yourself

If the wound becomes wet and does not leak a large number of lymph, then you can cope with this problem at home. The following procedures are used for this:

  • A manganese solution and a bandage are prepared, and you can also use medical alcohol or a tincture based on calendula. But it is undesirable to use them in pure form Therefore, water is prepared and mixed with the solution in optimal proportions.
  • If lymph is secreted due to swelling, then the bandage is moistened in the prepared solution, after which it is used to bandage the damaged area on the leg. The bandage should not be removed until completely dry. After the wound has dried, it is replaced with a new one. The process is repeated until the ulcer is completely healed.
  • If there is a need to relieve swelling from the legs, then it is advisable to initially use not an ordinary bandage, but an elastic one.
  • While in a sitting or lying position, it is advisable to take a position in which the legs are located higher than the body; you can use various bolsters.
  • During the period of lymph secretion it is not allowed heavy load on your feet, do not lift heavy objects or walk for long periods of time.

If lymph leakage is detected from the wound, you must visit a specialist. There can be many reasons for this pathology. You can use some tips to stop the flow of ichor at home after consulting with your doctor.


Good afternoon, my relative is 93 years old, fully mental consciousness, about 7 years ago he had a fracture of his left hip and since then he has been on crutches. Doctors also claim that he previously suffered a heart attack on his legs. A month ago, both of his legs became very swollen and lymph began to flow from his left. Severe pain, he says it feels like the skin on his leg is being torn. Doctors concluded that he had ischemic disease hearts, atrial fibrillation, he often lacks air, especially after walking. The grandfather himself is all a little swollen, but both legs are completely swollen, especially from the knee to the foot, purple wounds have formed there, from which huge quantities lymph flows out, when he walks, a wet trail remains behind him. In the morning he feels much better, but in the evening he begins to experience terrible pain. If you press on the leg, a hole remains, which quickly flattens out. Takes Troxevasin capsules 3 times a day, 2 Trifis tablets in the morning, Preductal tablets 2 times a day, 1 Ateris tablet in the evening, Cardiomagnyl. sometimes Furasemide, but it helps a short time, Asparkam 2 times a day, 2 tablets, in the evening Ketanov and make Baktosin lotions. Since he lives in a village, there is no way to show him to a good specialist; local doctors are afraid to take him to the hospital, justifying that his heart will not withstand treatment with antibiotics. We rely only on our own strength and your recommendations. Thank you in advance.


Good afternoon. It’s very good that you are worried about your grandfather. Your relative, as far as can be judged from the information provided without visual inspection, severe heart failure due to ischemic heart disease and rhythm disturbances. A significant decrease in cardiac function leads to the development stagnation By big circle blood circulation, resulting in swelling of the lower extremities, the anterior abdominal wall, and in the most severe cases, anasarca. The accumulation of fluid in the venous vessels leads to sweating into the intercellular space and further onto the surface of the skin with the formation of trophic ulcers.

How can you help your grandfather?

  1. It is optimal to hospitalize. If hospitalization is refused, then this seriously ill patient can be carried out at home by a local physician with the participation of a cardiologist and a surgeon. If possible, arrange at least a stay for day hospital. All diagnostic measures must be implemented to the maximum extent possible.
  2. Limit the amount of liquid and salt you consume.
  3. Elastic compression – buy grade 3 for grandpa, initially you will need 3-4 pieces, taking into account changes 2 times a day. Can be replaced with elastic bandages, but the limb must be bandaged correctly, otherwise there will be no effect.
  4. It is better to replace Troxevasin capsules with Phlebodia 600; in addition to reducing the number of tablets, the effect will be better. Research confirms this.
  5. Atoris and Cardiomagnyl should be used on permanent basis, the statin dose is adjusted according to the lipid spectrum.
  6. The most important link in the treatment of this condition will be the prescription of diuretics - Furosemide, Torasemide in combination with Veroshpiron. The dose is adjusted only by the attending physician based on examination data. When taking Veroshpiron, Asparkam can be discontinued. Furosemide (Torasemide) is best administered intramuscularly at first.
  7. There are no drugs to treat atrial fibrillation - these could be beta blockers, digoxin (taking into account such heart failure).
  8. Add ACE inhibitors– Enalapril, Ramipril, Perindopril, taking into account blood pressure and kidney function.
  9. To prevent thromboembolic complications, it is necessary to add Xarelto in the absence of contraindications (insufficient data), effectiveness this drug easier to control than warfarin. Selecting the dose of Warfarin in rural conditions is almost impossible. But these drugs are among the most important in the treatment of atrial fibrillation.

Lymphorrhea of ​​the legs is pathological discharge lymph from lymphatic vessels due to their damage. Infiltrate may be released different times With varying intensity depending on the size of the vessel and the nature of its damage. Intense discharge of lymph (several liters) can be fatal and requires urgent medical attention.

Nature and factors of the disease

Lymphorrhea of ​​the legs is characterized by the fact that lymphatic fluid accumulates in the tissues of the lower extremities, and lymph outflow does not occur. Lymphorrhea often affects people suffering from:

  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • renal failure;
  • vascular diseases.

Most often, lymphorrhea occurs as a complication of lymphostasis of the lower extremities.

Lymphostasis is changes in the subcutaneous fat tissue, as a result of which lymph stagnates in it, and the patient develops constant swelling of the legs. The legs of a patient with lymphostasis change greatly: due to constant swelling, they resemble logs, since the ankle and lower leg are the most swollen. Lymphostasis of the lower extremities can be congenital or may appear during life. The second option for the development of the disease is more common.

Stages of the disease

There are several stages of disease development

  1. At the initial stage, lymphorrhea is almost invisible and manifests itself in the form of mild edema, which either appears or disappears. Most people do not attach importance to these symptoms, which leads to the fact that the infiltrate accumulates, the disease progresses, and its signs become more obvious.
  2. The second stage of the disease is also called the lymphedema stage. At this stage, the infiltrate is already actively released from the lymphatic vessels, the fluid accumulates mainly in the area of ​​the ankles and feet. Swelling does not cause any particular discomfort to the patient and, as a rule, disappears on its own after a long rest. Treatment of the disease at this stage usually has a positive result.
  3. The third stage of the disease or stage of fibroedema, unlike the first two, is characterized by irreversible changes in the human body. The patient's legs become very thick in all areas, and the swelling does not subside on its own. It becomes difficult for a person to move. It is at this stage that warts and ulcers appear on the skin of the sore leg, through which fluid (lymph) oozes out through the skin. Due to the proliferation of connective tissue, the skin becomes hard. If you press on it with your finger, the depression will remain for some time.
  4. The fourth stage of the disease, or the stage of elephantiasis, is very difficult to treat. The legs at this stage are constantly massive, lose their usual contours, and the skin of the legs is very rough. The patient is practically unable to move independently. All legs are covered with warts and ulcers, and an infiltrate flows out through the skin.

Wounds on the legs, if nothing is done and the disease is not treated, can become infected.

Diagnosis and treatment

As already noted, with lymphorrhea of ​​the lower extremities in the initial stages of the disease, the patient does not experience any particular discomfort, so he often prescribes “treatment” for himself: he uses elastic leg bandages and various folk remedies to relieve swelling. This is fundamentally wrong, since treatment without professional adjustment can even worsen the situation. How to treat lymphorrhea and what to do if the first symptoms appear?

A qualified specialist, phlebologist, in the treatment of lymphorrhea of ​​the lower extremities in initial stage will most likely recommend tight bandaging or wearing compression stockings, massotherapy to reduce lymph nodes, and will also select agents that tonic blood vessels and relieve swelling, benzopyrones. The prescription of antifungal agents and antibiotics is mandatory. If the treatment is comprehensive and consistent, it is possible full recovery sick.

If the disease is in an advanced stage, the swelling is very strong and infiltration is flowing, treatment may take a very long time. a long period. Perhaps the treatment will be lifelong and recovery will never occur. Treatment in this case will consist of preventing further progression of the disease and preserving the patient’s ability to move independently. Treatment of lymphorrhea, starting from the second stage, should include physiotherapeutic procedures.

Method Advantages
Physiotherapy. Allows you to tone the vessels of the legs, due to which the lymph begins to move and does not stagnate in the tissues. This means that the infiltrate is released in smaller quantities. Among physiotherapeutic procedures best effect provide variable pneumatic compression and electrical stimulation of blood vessels.
Cryotherapy. Impact on affected vessels low temperatures gives a positive effect.
Laser. The use of minimally invasive techniques such as cryotherapy and laser exposure is less traumatic and quite effective.
Surgery. As for the immediate surgical intervention, then it is carried out extremely rarely and in the most advanced cases, primarily at the stage of elephantiasis, when erysipelas is associated.

Traditional methods of treating lymphorrhea (use various infusions, decoctions and ointments based natural products and herbs) are ineffective and can only be used as an auxiliary therapy.

It is very important for human life lymphatic system because it provides protection to the body from pathogenic bacteria. When various violations Swelling and cracks may form on the legs, from which fluid is released. What to do if lymph flows from your leg. Treat this state You can succeed quite successfully if you turn to professionals for help in a timely manner.

Lymph may be discharged from the leg in the following situations:

  • Condition after surgery.
  • Diseases of the lymphatic vessels (blockage, impaired permeability, etc.)
  • Some skin diseases.
  • Severe heart failure.
  • Other systemic diseases.

If lymph flows from the leg, the person should be put to bed and the leg should be elevated (above the level of the heart). Apply a bandage to the site of lymph leakage. Seek medical help.


Most likely the patient will require hospitalization. If the patient refuses to undergo treatment in a hospital, then you can call a therapist, cardiologist and surgeon to your home. IN as a last resort, organize the patient’s stay in a day hospital.

The next steps are:

  • Diagnostics are carried out to the maximum extent.
  • Minimize salt and liquid intake.
  • Use bandages that have been previously soaked in weak solution manganese They are secured on top with a bandage, and after drying, they are replaced with a new compress.
  • Elastic compression. It is necessary to buy special grade 3 stockings for initial stage you will need 4 pieces, since they need to be changed 2 times a day. If you use elastic bandages in treatment, then the limb should be bandaged correctly. Compression is used only if the ulcer or fissure begins to heal, this method therapy will reduce the leakage of lymph.
  • Phlebodia 600 much more effective than capsules Troxevasin. Prescribed for lymphovenous insufficiency and microcirculation disorders.
  • If swelling and leakage of lymph occurs against the background of heart failure, then Cardiomagnyl and Atiris are prescribed on an ongoing basis.
  • Diuretics - this can be Torasemide with Veroshpiron or Furosemide. The dosage is selected only after the examination.
  • The dressing is changed twice a day. At this time, the damaged area is treated saline solution and one of the drugs is applied: Levomekol, Triderm, Oxycort or Baneocin. The initial dressings must be supervised by the surgeon.

ABOUT further treatment The leading specialist will tell you in detail.

Lymphomassage (video)

Hello curious readers. Each of us has fallen or been injured at least once in our lives. And we all know the consequences of such awkward moments. Most often abrasions, bruises, bruises, wounds. And if the abrasions resolve quite quickly and do not cause much trouble, then open wounds, this is more serious. It is necessary to make dressings and treat wounds to avoid infection. But even after the wound has healed, there is a risk of infection, and then a clear liquid - lymph - begins to flow from the wound. And when lymph flows, not many people know what to do.

Lymph is a viscous, colorless liquid. There are no red blood cells, but enough lymphocytes. Lymph that flows from small wounds is called ichor. It moves from top to bottom - from the tips of the toes and hands to the chest. When a person is injured, in most cases little lymph flows out of the wound, and sometimes it is completely absent. But there are times when it begins to flow profusely and then the question arises: lymph flows, what should I do?

Here are a few mandatory procedures for lymphatic leakage: bandaging the legs with an elastic bandage with a low degree of extensibility, hardware and manual lymphatic drainage massage, and especially drug therapy, as well as wearing medicinal compression golf will help to gradually reduce the amount of fluid. This must be done because lymph causes erosion and irritation to the skin.

Now, dear readers, you already know what to do when lymph flows.

Weeping trophic ulcers are a typical complication if the patient has a prolonged course of varicose veins veins Especially if the disease did not qualify drug therapy, or the treatment was performed incorrectly using medicines, the use of which at this stage of development of vascular pathology was not relevant. With extensive wound damage to the epithelial surface of the leg, lymphatic fluid is released from the ulcer as an element defensive reaction body. Certain centers of the cerebral cortex, having received information about the presence of an ulcerative formation with a violation of integrity lower limb, give a signal to secure the area trophic lesion skin with additional lymph flow. Thus, the body creates an artificial mucous membrane over the open area wound surface and at the same time cleans it from penetration infectious microorganisms deep into the tissues of the leg. This avoids serious bacterial infection with profuse suppuration and the risk of amputation.

Causes of lymph discharge from a trophic ulcer on the leg

In addition to the body’s protective reaction to a violation of the integrity skin, leakage of lymphatic fluid from the ulcer trophic type possible if there are others pathological factors. Exist following reasons constant drainage of lymph from the surface open wound formed as a result of a severe form of vascular disease.

Progressive trophic dermatitis

In most patients who are faced with the appearance of ulcerative formations on their lower extremities with trophic destruction of the epithelium, only one is affected main vessel, which does not provide normal outflow venous blood. Simply put, the vein running deep in the tissues of the leg does not cope with the function assigned to it by nature of pumping the bloodstream.

If the patient has extensive vascular pathology and the disease affects a large number of vessels various types, which are localized in one segment of the leg, then it develops, associated with the formation of several foci of trophic ulcers at once. If there is such clinical picture the release of lymph from wounds is inevitable, since the integrity of not only the epidermis, but also the lymphatic channels through which the fluid itself circulates is compromised. Discharge from the lower limb is systematic and does not stop day or night.

Bacterial infection

In 73% of cases, if the wound surface of the ulcer is not properly cared for, a secondary infection occurs from environment. In this case, the secretion of lymph is the body’s reaction aimed at washing out microbes from the damaged area of ​​​​the skin by irrigating it abundantly. This method self-deliverance against pathogenic microflora it is really effective, but only in the first few days against bacterial infection. Subsequently, excess moisture in the wound tissue plays to the benefit of pathogenic microorganisms and begins pathological process suppuration with further necrosis of the surrounding epithelium. As soon as the patient takes measures aimed at and achieves positive result, copious discharge lymphatic fluid immediately stops.

Deep trophic ulcer

It is necessary to understand that the wound surface on the leg tends to expand its boundaries not only into a diametrical circle, but also deep into the patient’s leg. When the degree of damage is critical and a significant violation of the integrity of the dilated veins occurs, chronic lymph secretion begins, which only increases in volume as the patient’s health deteriorates.

All of the above reasons for the appearance of copious leakage of lymphatic fluid from an open wound on the leg are associated with the presence. Only the circumstances of the development of the disease and the symptoms of the clinical picture of the disease change. Also prerequisite Chronic hydration of the ulcer by lymph is the involvement of large lymphatic channels located in the lower limb in the inflammatory process.


Signs of an already existing lymph leakage or the primary stage of the onset of this process have their own special characteristics and pronounced clinical manifestations, the manifestation of which is the presence of the following symptoms in the patient:

In the absence of adequate drug therapy, which must be used with the appearance of the first symptoms of the disease, more and more new ulcers begin to appear, and the volume of secreted lymph constantly increases. This ends with the fact that a person cannot leave the confines of his home without having a leg that would constantly absorb a large amount of biological fluid.

How and with what to treat weeping trophic ulcers and stop the fluid?

The therapy method, aimed at stopping the process of lymph leakage from an open wound on the leg, consists of a whole complex therapeutic measures and the use of special medications that simultaneously dry out ulcer formation, improve venous blood trophism, and absorb excess moisture. In order to achieve the most positive results in a short period of time, it is necessary to use the following types of medications.

Absorbent dressings

They are sterile tissue pieces with a dense structure, which are impregnated with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory agents. Their edges are equipped with convenient fasteners that are attached to the surface of the leg and prevent the bandage from sliding down during active movement. In addition, the fabric components are selected by the manufacturer in such a proportional ratio that medical bandage It acts on the principle of a sponge, and if a patient has a lot of liquid flowing from the wound, then it absorbs it perfectly, maintaining a stable balance of moisture on the surface of the ulcer. The best way Such drugs of this group as Biaten, Cetuvit, PAM-T have proven themselves.

Compression underwear

These are unique elements of therapeutic clothing, which are presented in the form of stockings and golf. If the patient has trophic ulcers, then wearing compression garments eliminates the very essence pathological problem. Due to the compression effect, there is no stagnation of lymph and venous blood. Thanks to this, lymphostasis is stabilized trophic ulcer and the volume of biological fluid secretions is significantly reduced. The patient begins to feel much better, and the constantly weeping wound formation gradually dries out.

Collagen hydrogel

Used for the most complicated forms of trophic lesions of the skin of the lower extremity, when lymph flows profusely and most medications have not brought the expected therapeutic effect. The hydrogel is applied directly to the surface of the open wound and evenly covers the entire affected area. After 10-15 minutes, the gravity of the lymphatic fluid is completely blocked and the inflammatory process. The collagen-based hydrogel called Emalan has proven itself to be the best.

Medicines in this category also have an excellent healing effect.

Consequences and complications in the absence or improper treatment

Development of the disease with complete absence his therapy, or not adequately provided medical care, it is quite difficult to predict, because everyone clinical case individual. The following are distinguished: Negative consequences, the occurrence of which is directly related to abundant lymph leakage:

  • acute inflammation of an ulcerative neoplasm involving the surrounding epithelium and bone tissue lower limbs, which previously remained healthy;
  • suppuration of the wound surface with its complete filling purulent exudate, the removal of which is only possible by carrying out ;
  • sharp increase in population bacterial microflora due to the presence of a constantly humid environment (this complication always entails the development of an even greater inflammatory process);
  • the occurrence of necrosis, critical damage to leg tissue with further amputation.

No matter how the patient’s well-being deteriorates due to the lack of treatment for a trophic ulcer and stopping lymph leakage, any consequences associated with this process are extremely negative character and can lead to disability of the patient.



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