Pregnancy in the first months after birth: features, possible complications. Started your period while breastfeeding

Many women are afraid of menstruation appearing after giving birth 2 months later; they consider this phenomenon abnormal and, in a panic, try to find their cause. In most cases, there is no cause for alarm, but it is worth figuring out when the appearance of menstruation is natural, and under what circumstances it is better to immediately consult a doctor.

The female body begins to recover and return to the prenatal period after the placenta is removed. The uterus immediately begins to contract with varying intensity, this process depends on many circumstances. But after 2 months it reaches regular size and weight, returns to its usual place. During this period, the ovaries are already ready to perform their functions, hormonal background the woman's body stabilizes. This process is not affected in any way by the method of delivery; it can even begin according to an individual schedule.

The occurrence of menstruation 2 months after delivery is considered normal restoration process under certain conditions:

To bad factors early appearance Menstruation can be attributed to the likelihood of becoming pregnant. Therefore, a woman should avoid unprotected sexual intercourse and use available contraceptives.

Started your period while breastfeeding

Young mothers worry when they have periods after childbirth during lactation; they believe that because of this the amount of milk will decrease. And there is some truth in this. The fact is that in a woman’s body, with the arrival of menstruation, the level of prolactin decreases. If a mother does not put her baby to the breast correctly, skips night feedings and drinks water from a bottle, then the likelihood of menstruation increases. Therefore, menstruation can begin 2 months after birth.

At breastfeeding periods can mean serious problems with women's health. Some chronic diseases, decreased immunity and hormonal disorders influence the process of prolactin production.

When menstruation appears during lactation without any unusual painful symptoms no need to panic. Extra stress will not benefit a nursing mother. Doctors do not consider this situation as pathological deviation, the woman should calm down and continue to feed the baby. And on a free day, calmly go for a consultation with a gynecologist in order to dispel all doubts.

Can I get my period a month after giving birth?

Immediately after childbirth, women begin to experience heavy bleeding, the medical name is lochia. Bloody discharge is profuse during the first 5 days, then insignificant for 3–4 weeks. Mothers notice the appearance of pain in the lower back and abdomen while feeding the baby. With its sucking actions, it stimulates the uterus, which begins to more actively get rid of bloody mucus.

If postpartum hemorrhage did not stop even 40 days after birth, but painful sensations are not allowed to live normally and care for the newborn, then the woman should think about going to the doctor. Copious discharge with a pungent odor and elevated temperature bodies can be symptoms inflammatory process in the uterus. This condition of a young mother requires immediate treatment.

There are cases when the uterus contracts and clears out in the first 2-3 weeks after birth. Therefore, by the first month of her baby’s life, a woman begins to have full periods after childbirth. At the same time, their cycle is also quickly established. This phenomenon, although rare, is not something abnormal. More often, menstruation appears at this time in women who have easily withstood the trials of the pregnant period.

How many months after giving birth do you get your period?

Restoration of the uterus after childbirth occurs on an individual basis, the time of the arrival of menstruation depends on external and internal factors. Physiological features A woman’s body is based on the level of prolactin, and it, in turn, depends on the presence of breastfeeding.

In nursing mothers

The absence of a menstrual cycle during lactation is a normal and natural phenomenon. When the baby actively and regularly suckles at the breast, the hormone prolactin dominates in the female body; it suppresses the work of the ovaries. There is no possibility of egg maturation, and menstruation does not occur. Restoring the female body can take quite a long time: from six months to 2 years. At the same time, it is important to visit a gynecologist every 2–3 months to exclude pathological changes in the female genital organs and selection of individual contraception.

If you express milk

Many mothers are confident that menstruation after childbirth means the end of breastfeeding. Some of them complain that the baby refuses to take the breast due to the spoiled taste of the milk. But menstruation does not affect the quality of milk in any way; it also contains all useful material necessary for the baby. Women are looking for a way to extend natural feeding and use the method of expressing milk. On the one hand, there are cases when menstruation does not affect the amount of breast milk, and on the other hand, it disappears completely.
Of course, you can try to express milk and thereby provide the baby with food, but the mechanisms of stimulation of the nipples are completely different, and prolactin is unlikely to be produced with the same intensity. Expressing milk in combination with regular breastfeeding can delay the onset of your period by a couple of months.

If you're not breastfeeding

Artificial feeding from the very birth of a child affects a woman’s body. In it, the level of prolactin rapidly drops immediately, due to this, eggs begin to be produced and the appearance of menstruation can be expected immediately after the end of the removal of lochia from the uterus. When the mother does not breastfeed, the first menstruation most often begins 2 months after delivery. By this time, the uterine mucosa has already been restored and returns to its normal state.

The situation when there is no breastfeeding and menstruation does not come is dangerous. There is a possibility of inflammatory processes in female organs, endometriosis and even cancer.

If heavy bleeding begins, what should you do?

After childbirth, stabilization of the menstrual cycle may take more than one month. A woman may be harassed copious discharge, lasting up to 7 days. This is considered normal if their color, smell and consistency have not changed, and the pads last for 4-5 hours.

When menstruation continues for more than 10 days after childbirth, its intensity increases, and unnatural clots are noticeable in the discharge, then we can talk about the beginning of heavy bleeding. In this case, you should promptly visit a doctor for timely assistance. He will conduct examinations of the pelvic organs using an ultrasound machine to identify postpartum complications, inflammation of the uterus or other problems that provoke heavy bleeding. After identifying the causes, the woman may be hospitalized and even prescribed uterine curettage if heavy bleeding is caused by the remnants of the placenta.

In case of heavy bleeding, especially if it began immediately after lochia discharge or 2 months after childbirth, it is important to replenish the lack of iron in the body. After all, iron deficiency affects general condition woman's health. Fatigue, drowsiness, rapid heartbeat appear, and the young mother also experiences psychological difficulties - irritability, sudden change moods. To help the body during heavy bleeding, it is not enough to simply introduce iron-rich foods into the diet. Wanted medical supplies iron, but it is better to use specimens intended for oral administration. They should also contain other minerals that help hematopoietic system function normally.

A woman needs to carefully monitor her health and respond quickly if her period after childbirth causes concern. It is worth checking with a gynecologist once again rather than taking a long time to treat the consequences of delaying timely help. After all, the well-being and mood of the baby depend on the health of the young mother.

Many people are asking the alarming question whether it is acceptable bleeding 2 months after giving birth?

Pregnancy encourages restructuring of the entire body. Adaptation to new conditions begins and all efforts are concentrated on carrying and giving birth to a child. At the final stage, pushing begins, during which the abdomen with aperture, increases intra-abdominal pressure. Thanks to straining, the child moves along the paths, creating pressure on everything internal organs mother.

Such a shock is naturally new to the body. It will take time to resume work hormonal system, and also wait until the uterus is completely reduced until normal size. At this point, women notice bleeding after childbirth, a discharge that doctors usually call lochia. Already 10 days after the birth of the baby, they become scarcer, change their structure, but do not completely disappear.

Resuming work for everyone internal systems individually. In the first days and weeks after the birth of a child, a considerable period passes during which the uterus gets rid of excess blood, mucus and blood clots. Sometimes, young mothers are frightened by the eight-week period when spotting persists.

This phenomenon is considered normal both immediately and two months after the end of pregnancy.

When not to worry:

  • 1-4 days - active, with clots. After the placenta came out, it violated the integrity of the endometrium; simply put, a wound appeared that will heal gradually. Such bleeding may be allowed provided that the duration does not exceed four days. Many women mistake them for menstruation, because the abundance and color are very similar.
  • Up to thirty days, white, yellowish and light-colored lochia without clots may appear. Heavy bleeding stops, renewal and regeneration processes take place. There is less and less abundance.
  • When 2 months are behind after childbirth, it means the final stage has arrived, when the woman returns to normal. It all ends with the uterus returning to its previous weight and size.

Pink discharge may be observed 2 months after birth, but in no case is it faint or abundant.

What you should be wary of:

  • If the blood remains scarlet for a long time.
  • The abundance is too great and you have to change the sanitary pad every 30-60 minutes.
  • When lochia has bad smell. In this case, there is a risk of uterine bleeding.
  • Availability painful sensations lower abdomen.
  • Increased body temperature and fever.

If 8 weeks or more have passed after giving birth, and the bleeding has started again, then you should see a doctor and figure out what it is. Either returned menstrual cycle, or dangerous signal, in this case, medical help is necessary. A characteristic indicator of “good and bad” discharge is its color, namely:

  1. Brown - starts on the 6th day. They are painless and indicate the cleansing and release of dead cells, mucus, and clots. Shouldn't have strong smell. The smell serves alarm signal about the infection.
  2. Yellow may come on the 10th day, as confirmation of a normal and stable recovery stage. This good sign, the main thing is to breastfeed, thereby facilitating rapid cleansing.
  3. Purulent, greenish ones do not bode well and are most likely caused by endometritis, which prevents contraction of the uterus. They indicate the presence of an inflammatory process and provoke associated diseases that are dangerous for the mother and newborn.

You can't be irresponsible relate to such fools. You should immediately consult a doctor for diagnosis and proper treatment.

Impact on recovery

There are circumstances conducive to a quick return to normal. A number of factors help the body regenerate faster. Need to:

  • You should put your baby to your breast as often as possible. Feeding causes a sensation vaguely similar to contractions, provoking contraction, and therefore more quick cleansing uterus and its reduction in size.
  • Go to the toilet on time so as not to overload bladder. Tolerating in this case is very harmful.
  • Lie on your stomach more often, as this position improves and triggers contractions.
  • Wear special elastic bandages that help hold the organs. Bandages have a beneficial effect on normalizing the condition.

The uterus enlarges 500 times during pregnancy. Spring latest dates ranges from a kilogram to one and a half. It takes time to shrink to its original size. At good conditions in 60 days this organ will reach its normal state.

What to do?

When several days have passed after giving birth, the mother must understand: now she needs to take care of herself twice as carefully. The issue of hygiene becomes paramount.

  1. Every time after using the toilet, wash thoroughly outside, but not inside, after washing your hands with soap. Use warm, comfortable water.
  2. You can use hypoallergenic products for intimate hygiene who have good composition no fragrance.
  3. Remember that after giving birth, taking a bath is contraindicated for 2-3 months.
  4. Use hygienic diapers for the first 5-7 days after discharge.
  5. Change sanitary pads as often as possible. This will prevent bacteria from appearing and developing in the vagina.
  6. As for tampons, they interfere with cleansing, which can make you feel worse and cause bleeding. Another reason not to use them is that they do not allow you to accurately track the amount of blood that comes out per day. So, you can miss dangerous symptoms.

Bottom line

We found out that bleeding is quite normal and not pathological. It is necessary to monitor the condition, not missing any symptoms. If you notice a deviation from the norm or frightening symptoms in time, this will prevent the development of unpleasant diseases.


Perhaps you are thoroughly tired, but at the same time you have already begun to adapt to a new way of life. Some women happily enjoy their motherhood, communicate with other parents, continue to manage household chores and even work. Others find it difficult to cope with the changed life, quarrel with their partner, get angry with the child, scolding themselves for deciding on “such an adventure.” And this is not good, because the baby feels everything and lets it pass through himself.

A small child tumbling cutely in his stomach is not a toy, but a living person with his own character and vital needs that only a mother can provide. But it won't always be like this. - the time when you belong entirely to the child. Of course, you won’t always be able to attend all the noisy, festive parties, you won’t be invited to visit by unmarried friends every time, and some friends will drop out, in principle, because the topic of children will not seem interesting to them at all. This should be treated as a temporary phenomenon: the baby will grow up and you will become freer.

More often, women who give birth for the first time experience despair. Of course, they wanted this child, they dreamed that he would be born as soon as possible, but they were not mentally prepared for the fact that childbirth was just the beginning adult life in the role of parents, and not “phew” - the end of pregnancy. In fact, this is where many problems arise.

In most cases, accepting the role of a mother does not come immediately. and during the first months of the child’s life, the woman feels tired and confused. At one point or another, the desire to “give up everything” arises. “Where is the all-encompassing love for the baby? When will I feel it? - some young mothers ask themselves questions. And the understanding of their own “heartlessness” plunges them into shock or despair.

Such thoughts do not at all mean that a woman is incapable of love. She just needs time. Loving a child requires considerable investment, time, physical and moral. After all, a baby is a person, and his character does not always coincide with his parents’ ideas about an ideal baby. In addition, motherhood also means worry, anxiety, care, protection and serious responsibility. Often, it is after some not always pleasant experience or emotional upheaval associated with a child that the maternal instinct awakens.

What can hurt a woman 2 months after giving birth?

  • Crotch

Most likely, you no longer feel pain in the perineum so acutely, but sometimes it can still make itself felt with unpleasant stretching. After childbirth, the “first road” that gave the child life looks very “shabby.” Female vagina and the inner labia are still stretched, the woman feels a certain “flabbiness” in this part of the body, sometimes getting upset about it.

Don't worry, the property of the fabrics intimate area such that they can stretch and eventually return to their normal state. This is how nature intended. Approximately, after 2 full months, the genitals of a woman who has given birth return to normal, but you can contribute to the recovery process by performing special exercises Skittles.

They are usually recommended already during pregnancy, but even now they will be very useful. Imagine that in the same intimate place you hold the rubber expander as if in your hand and squeeze your fingers. Do almost the same thing: squeeze tightly and then relax the vaginal muscles 10-15 times. Perform 5-7 approaches daily.

This process is completely invisible to others, so you can return to physical therapy during normal activities, relaxation and even while walking. Our body is designed in such a way that it needs training in everything, so help your body recover faster.

In the second month after giving birth, you can still celebrate vaginal discharge- lochia. You still need to monitor their quantity and composition. Gradually from brown-red, they turn into brownish-red, and over time they acquire natural color privates female discharge. Most likely they will stop by the end of this month.

This will indicate that the uterus has completely contracted and you need to do two important things:

  • Visit your gynecologist.
  • Delight your husband with his first sexual experience after childbirth.

The second follows from the first, since before starting again sex life, you need the doctor to “give the go-ahead for this.” It is important to get checked gynecological chair and take special swabs.

For obvious reasons, many women dread both going to the doctor and having sex. For them, it looks about the same, since both the specialist and the partner will have to “address” the delicate organs that have suffered serious stress during the birth process. If after the examination the doctor says that everything is fine in perfect order, you have to discuss with your partner exactly how your first sexual experience will happen. This is precisely the definition that suggests itself for sex after childbirth, because a woman can experience very similar, psychologically based sensations. She is afraid of pain and that's normal.

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At the end postpartum discharge a woman can freely bathe in a hot bath.

If during natural birth were or, and then stitches were put in, they continue to hurt. A woman is still not allowed to sit, make sudden movements, lift weights, or even carry a baby in her arms. Although for obvious reasons this cannot be avoided. Naturally, even the most simple steps, which cause pain in the seam area, cause irritation and even resentment.

The same applies to consequences. The scar stretches, sometimes itches, and still doesn’t seem strong enough. Because of this, the young mother worries, avoids sudden movements, and is angry that she cannot engage in some of her usual activities without the risk of damaging the incision site.

These discomfort can be called an absolutely natural phenomenon, since the integrity of the muscles and tissues was damaged, and complete healing requires not 1 or 2 months.

It all depends on individual characteristics female body. Some young mothers are fluttering around literally 1.5 months after giving birth, others “cry out” in pain after 4, and for others, even after half a year they still remind themselves of themselves. However, in most cases the condition postpartum sutures stabilizes 2 months after birth, so if any of the above is familiar to you, be patient a little longer. It will definitely be easier later.

  • Back

What to think about 2 months after giving birth?

If the process of restoring a female figure after labor is underway not at the speed with which we would like, a young mother can, in particular, the shape of her abdomen. For obvious reasons, not every belly returns to its previous shape. For some, and for others, a similar situation may persist in principle, since the genetically inherent property of the tissues could not cope with the overextension caused by pregnancy.

A woman needs to stop reproaching herself for her own unattractiveness, since few who gave birth can boast ideal forms a month, and sometimes a year after birth. In addition, an ugly belly is such an insignificant payment for the all-encompassing happiness that a wonderful child gives and will give in the future.

Therefore, if you are visited by sad thoughts about your own imperfection, try to accept the current situation and think something like this:

  • My body still doesn't look quite the way I would like it to, but that doesn't mean it will always be that way. Now I need time to get used to the role of a mother, but if I want and am ready to take care of myself, I will return to my previous forms.
  • I accept myself as I am, because I did everything possible to give my child life, and if this happened at the cost of the beauty of my body, then it was necessary. The most important thing is my child!

What can make a mother happy 1-2 months after giving birth?

In the first months of your baby's life, you will be really tired, and there will be little past life"will interest you as much as before. However, this is not a reason to give up your favorite treatments or activities. Look interesting movies, read books, chat with friends.

It is clear that you should not stare at the TV for hours or chat on the phone, this is not only pointless, but also harmful, and, first of all, for the child. For these minutes or even hours you move away from him, and the baby experiences severe stress. But in the presence of dad you have every right set aside half an hour to take a shower, get a manicure, a face mask, call your mom, friend, etc.

Agree on this in advance and make it a habit to set aside time for yourself every day. It must be remembered that not every man is ready to take on the role of a “nanny”; unfortunately, this is how some representatives of the stronger sex imagine themselves next to a child; it seems to them something humiliating, “unmanly”. Therefore, explain how important these minutes of rest are for you, how much you value your spouse’s help and his participation in the “raising” of the child. In addition, a rested mother is much more willing to have sexual contact, which can already take place 1.5-2 months after birth. Fortunately, now most men have gradually gotten rid of the imposed “nanny” complex and are happy to share happy parenthood with their spouse.

So that a woman does not fall off her feet, . We don’t think it’s right to involve your husband in everything you do with your child. Even if you think logically, this is devoid of any common sense. Why should two adults “jump around the baby” and do one thing at the same time? It is much easier if, while mom is preparing dinner or ironing her husband’s clothes, dad is bathing the child. Or mom cleans the house, and dad entertains the baby with gymnastics or games. There are a lot of options for such a division of labor, and practice has shown that they give much more pleasant results than constant desire mothers force their partner to participate in everything that concerns the child. This simply irritates a serious man, but do you really want that?

To establish joint child care, try to think in this direction:

  • I want my partner to truly feel and understand how difficult it is for me in my new role. Therefore, I will try to convey to him the idea that I am really very tired and sincerely need his help and approval.
  • I will not manipulate or blackmail my partner with our common child, blame him for not wanting to take care of the child, but I will strive to ensure that natural stress, which we are now experiencing, could not destroy our relationship.
  • I will create conditions so that my partner can feel a true interest in our child and truly want to spend time with him.

Something about dad

The first important month is over, for which we congratulate you! Parents can already be considered “professionals”.

Both you and your husband have learned a lot, you already have your own “techniques” for interacting with your baby. At the same time, fatigue may accumulate. A month is exactly the period when the child probably begins to be disturbed, and therefore a lot of strength and patience is required from parents.

Mom, constant excitement for the baby can “result” in attacks of real despair. In addition, during this same period, for some reason, cases of lactostasis often occur, and this is very painful. In general, it’s time for dad to “lend his shoulder” and take care of his family.

It is very important for both mom and dad to understand the following. Dad, as a given, as a phenomenon in a child’s life, as a figure, is important in itself. It doesn’t matter what the father does with the child (within reason, of course). It is important and useful at this age to simply BE close to both parents. And dads very often even have an advantage in this process. More often than not, they do not spend the whole day with the child, and are more balanced and calm than a mother who has been stressed out during the day.

A father's confidence and calmness is very useful for a child at any age, believe me. Many mothers notice that despite the fact that dad “holds him wrong,” “speaks wrong,” etc., he calms the child much faster by holding him in his arms. This happens because the mother is very agitated by crying and fatigue, and the father is more or less calm, and the child feels this and perceives it as a calming signal: everything is fine.

Therefore, show the following piece of text to your dear man.

Just take your child and do almost everything with him that you would do without him. You can carry the baby and watch something on TV, you can eat (if the baby is in a sling, for example). You can walk and chat with friends. Perhaps with some changes, not sitting, but “right on the go,” but you can communicate. And the child hears and feels your voice, calm and joyful intonations, and calms down. After all, in 9 months he got used to your voice just like his mother’s. And this process is the very intricate “spending time with the child.” These are not some far-fetched actions, but simply life with your child nearby.

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Quite often you can hear from mothers that they are worried about the “insensitivity” of fathers. It seems that the partner does everything and helps, but the same tenderness and excitement at the sight of the baby does not come from him as from the mother. And believe me, this is completely normal. Firstly, a man feels differently, and secondly, he shows his feelings differently. And besides, a man really needs time to realize that this is his child, and he is now the Pope.

Many men say that right after the birth of a child, they did not feel those same “fatherly feelings.” All the feelings came later, sometime after a month, sometime later. But this did not change the fact that the popes did everything that was required. They helped, woke up, rocked, carried, walked, etc.

Andrey, father of a 3-year-old son, tells the story. I, of course, rejoiced at the birth of my son, we were planning for the child, waiting, preparing. But somehow I was not at all prepared for the fact that there would be “so many” children.. At first I probably treated him like a funny animal, like a puppy. Carrying and squeezing for 15-20 minutes is welcome. But when you cry almost all night, it’s somehow too much.

But I love my wife very much, and I saw that it was not easy for her. And I tried to do what needed to be done. Honestly, sometimes without any enthusiasm. Must be worn, - worn. If he couldn’t stand the crying, he even put on headphones and wore them with headphones. When it turned out that my son slept better outside, he took him outside even at night. And somehow, unbeknownst to myself, I even began to treat him differently. I began to understand what he wanted, why he was crying, how to console him.

I can say that now everything is in order with “papal feelings”. Therefore, my advice to dads: just do what you need to do, and the feelings will definitely come. And mothers, accordingly, also have advice: do not worry about the feelings of fathers. Just plan the day so that you can hand the baby over to the daddy, and everything will come.

On my own behalf, I would like to note that I personally know the dad from whose words this was written, and we still have to look for such dads. Now that his son is 3 years old, they are just like real friends, they have games, development, and some kind of “their” time together. And love for his son is visible to the naked eye.

Quite often, a man can be embarrassed by the fact that his wife does not talk about anything at all except herself and the child. He came home from work, tired, but at home it was the same: ate, slept, pooped, walked. In this “common” for mother and child, “they ate”, there is also often a question: does the wife really not think of herself separately at all? The man begins to worry whether his wife will ever be the same?

It was interesting to talk with her, just recently. Just recently she was interested in many things. And now I am completely “closed” on one, important of course, but still on one topic.

There is no need to worry. My wife will definitely come back. This state is programmed by nature itself, so that the mother is not distracted from the child by extraneous (from the point of view of nature) things. Therefore, everything that does not directly concern the child is perceived as terribly unimportant, petty and insignificant. Sometimes even annoying. And vice versa, everything that concerns the child is “inflated” to incredible proportions.

But nature is also quick-witted, this state gradually levels out (the mother continues her life, and nature also takes care of this). Dear women, I ask you, do not forget to use your brain power to ask about your husband’s affairs, this is definitely useful. Listen to him. And then report last news on the diapers front and .

If the birth was natural, then the period of “abstinence” from sex is already coming to an end. In most cases, men remember (and remind) this. And the wife’s reaction can greatly surprise her husband. The wife may say something like: “there’s no time for this nonsense now,” or “you only need one thing,” etc.

The husband, as a rational being, can connect facts with consequences, and understand that the matter is in the new child. So now there will always be a child, so there won’t be sex anymore? Resumption theme sexual relations very relevant, and we will return to it more than once in our newsletter. At this stage (when the baby is a month old), the main reasons for the wife’s “coldness” are as follows.

  • She is just very scared that it will hurt, even after giving birth without complications.
  • She is so tired that she has no “resource” for sex.
  • She is embarrassed about her appearance (she has gained weight and may have stretch marks).
  • She's afraid she won't feel the same.
  • Everything that is not directly related to the child seems insignificant and unnecessary to her.

There are many fears and concerns, I am simply listing the main ones that are characteristic of this particular period. The husband is required to speak very carefully, without pressure, to his wife, to show his love. It helps a lot to agree on some “stage of new habituation” to each other. That you will spend some time a day together. Sit next to each other, hug, talk. That this will not mean “let’s jump into bed instantly.” Take things gradually. Let your wife remember and feel who you are to each other. Give her time to learn to switch from the role of Mom to the role of your wife. As I already wrote, this period is only the beginning of the process, and it is important to “start with the good.”

The article was written jointly with practicing psychologist Valeria Onisko.



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