Anatomically shaped breast implants. Round versus anatomical: choosing implants for the ideal breast shape

From the beginning of the heyday of the aesthetic trend in medicine to this day, breast prosthetics is considered the most popular procedure in plastic surgery. Breast implants are medical devices made from biocompatible high-quality material. They are installed under the muscle or skin in order to simulate the shape of the female breast and increase its size after surgery.

Types of Breast Implants

Modern plastic surgery uses two types of implants:

  • silicone;
  • saline.

The composition of both products suggests filler and silicone shell. Types of products are classified according to the density of the gel filler, called cohesive or viscous. This gel helps ensure the firmness and shape of the breast even if the outer shell ruptures. This can be seen in the examples in the photo before and after the procedure.

The consistency of a saline implant is softer to the touch, but it contains effect of hearing the movement of bubbles. This means that when a woman moves, the liquid shimmers and makes sounds. If the membrane ruptures, the saline solution then leaks into the mammary gland tissue. This does not pose a danger to the body.

Implant forms

(photos before and after the procedures are shown below) are considered the most suitable for breast correction with obvious asymmetry and ptosis. A round implant is necessary for those who want to get the most voluminous and lifted breasts.

Today, there are several forms of round implant: low- and high-profile. It should be remembered that after installation they are capable of turning over and do not provide a natural appearance. You can verify this from the photos before and after the operation. Because these dentures are easier to install, doctors love working with them. Round dentures are relatively cheap.

Anatomical (teardrop-shaped) implants They are widely used to increase breast volume, as well as when a woman wants to maintain the naturalness and smooth contour of the breast after surgery. Anatomical (teardrop-shaped) implants are more expensive than round ones, but working with them is more difficult.

According to some experts, given the growth of the capsule, the teardrop-shaped (anatomical) prosthesis takes on a round shape over time. The anatomical prosthesis tends to shift, so the breast can become deformed in appearance, as evidenced by photos before and after the procedures. To avoid such nuances, when selecting anatomical prostheses, it is necessary to choose those that are characterized textured surface.

Anatomical (drop-shaped) implants are able to maintain the shape of the breast even when a woman lies down, and this looks unnatural.

Breast Prosthesis Dimensions

Size is calculated based on volume - in milliliters. To put it simply, one breast size corresponds to filler volume 150 ml. The size of the breast prosthesis is added to the natural volume of the breast. This means that after the operation, a patient with a second size receives a fourth.

There are adjustable and fixed size implants. In the first case, the filler is injected into the shell during surgery after the implant is installed. Thus, the surgeon will be able to adjust the breast size in “real time”. The surgeon will make decisions after studying the characteristics of the body, including the condition of the skin, body proportions and width of the chest.

Breast implant lifespan

Modern implant manufacturers provide a lifetime warranty on the prosthesis after its installation. Purely theoretically, the implant does not require replacement, except in situations where their integrity is damaged and the shape of the breast has changed (examples can be seen in the photos before and after surgery). In addition, mammoplasty does not interfere with the normal lactation process. However, there are certain cases that force the patient to undergo the operation again:

  • sudden change in weight;
  • change in the shape of the breast prosthesis due to pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • defects in the shell of a round or anatomical implant (the photo before and after the operation perfectly reflects the process).

Main manufacturers

Advantages of endoprostheses

  1. Biocompatibility and sterility - modern implants guarantee a minimum risk of rejection by the body and do not provoke inflammation.
  2. Imitation of natural breasts - the prosthesis exactly repeats the shape of the breast before surgery, both visually and tactilely.
  3. The safety of the filler is the salt type, which is harmless to the body, and the cohesive gel is not transported into the body even if the prosthesis is damaged.
  4. Low incidence of rupture - this can occur solely due to severe trauma or impact.

Women who decide to enlarge their breasts with round or anatomical silicone implants must first resolve a number of very difficult issues. Their list includes not only the size of the desired breast, but also the type of implant itself. The choice determines the final result, the duration of maintaining the shape of the breast, convenience and many other indicators.

At the moment, the market offers several types of implants, which differ from each other in the following characteristics:

  1. Shape (round or anatomical). Here, in most cases, preference is given to round implants, since they are cheaper and additionally allow you to achieve a push-up effect.
  2. Texture (smooth or porous). The porous texture is more convenient, since such implants are practically not subject to displacement.
  3. Filler (silicone or saline solution). Doctors recommend giving preference to silicone implants. They are more elastic and at the same time there is a choice among different degrees of rigidity.

What should you choose and how do these characteristics affect the final result? In this difficult task, doctors come to the rescue because they can easily simulate the final result, taking into account the anatomical features of the patient. In this case, all the wishes of the patient are taken into account.

Round or anatomical implants?

Among all the questions when choosing a breast implant, women spend the longest time thinking about its shape. So, at the moment there are two options available: round and anatomical shapes. What's the difference?

First of all, it is worth saying that round implants differ from anatomical ones in price. The latter have a higher cost. Also, anatomical implants are drop-shaped and perfectly replicate the natural shape of the breast. Round ones, on the contrary, change its appearance. But these are not the main reasons why the latest type of breast implants has become the most common in the world. Here the matter lies elsewhere.

And the first reason for the prevalence of round breast implants is to provide the largest projection. They make the breasts more rounded and allow you to easily achieve a push-up effect. Anatomical implants do not change the shape of the breast, but are only aimed at increasing its size.

It is also worth noting that when using round implants, the risk of capsular contracture is reduced. If the implant turns over, it will be absolutely invisible from the outside. When using anatomical implants the situation is slightly different. Breast asymmetry becomes noticeable even with slight displacement, which brings a number of inconveniences. To align the implant, you need to contact a surgeon, who will prescribe the technique.

What do you need to know before surgery?

To achieve the desired effect after augmentation surgery, the patient must undergo thorough preparation.

The list of required items includes:

  1. Choosing a clinic and plastic surgeon. Here, it is mandatory to have certificates and licenses to conduct this type of operation, positive reviews and experienced doctors who have already earned a good reputation.
  2. Selecting the manufacturer and type of implant. This procedure is performed in conjunction with the doctor who will perform the breast augmentation.
  3. Providing the doctor with the opportunity to examine the breast and determine the implantation site, taking into account its shape, size and motor activity of the patient.
  4. Familiarize yourself with the methods of pain relief used, the features of the operation and rehabilitation in the postoperative period.
  5. Before making a final decision, be sure to take into account possible changes in the breasts under the influence of changes in body weight, pregnancy, lactation, gravity, etc.
  6. Pass all the required tests and do an ultrasound of the mammary glands.

A full consultation with a specialist is mandatory. Together with him, you need to choose the prosthesis itself, decide on its size, type and location of implementation.

How is breast augmentation surgery performed?

As a rule, breast augmentation with round and anatomical implants takes from 40 minutes to 2 hours and is performed under general anesthesia.

During this time, the surgeon makes an incision in one of four places:

  1. Under the breast. This approach allows you to minimize the likelihood of damage to the mammary gland and is one of the most popular.
  2. From the armpit. This place is not used very often, since there is a high probability of damage to muscle tissue, the seam itself is noticeable after healing, and it is difficult to form a pocket for the implant. But, in the case of implantation through the armpit, it holds very well and is almost completely invisible in any position of the body.
  3. Along the lower edge of the nipple areola. Used when introducing small implants. But, using this method is fraught with the possibility of damage to the ducts and a slightly noticeable seam remains around the areola. Additionally, this method is fraught with visual identification of the implant itself in a horizontal position of the body.
  4. An incision in the navel area. This method is used less often than all others, since after the procedure a noticeable scar remains on the abdomen.

After the implant has been installed, the incision is sutured. In this case, the doctor can perform a breast lift procedure if this is required to achieve the maximum aesthetic shape.

Complications in the postoperative period

Since breast augmentation with implants is accompanied by damage to soft tissues, breast swelling is observed in the first week after surgery. It almost doubles. In this case, the implant can remain above its intended location for a long time until the body adapts to the foreign body in the body.

In addition to the above defects, patients may experience the following complications:

  1. Contouring of the prosthesis. Its contours are especially visible when lying down. This drawback is noticeable only if the prosthesis was installed under the gland. When implanted in the armpit, such consequences are not observed. Also, when installing a prosthesis under the gland, the implant can be easily palpated.
  2. Fibrous-capsular contracture. This consequence is observed when using implants with a smooth shell. The main reason for the development of fibrocapsular contracture is an incorrectly created pocket for the prosthesis. Often, inexperienced surgeons create a small pocket. This in turn leads to tissue necrosis, suture divergence and disruption of the healing process.
  3. Displacement of the endoprosthesis. This happens in cases where the surgeon has formed a large pocket. To control the size during surgery, the doctor must have special sizers on hand.

Advantages and disadvantages of implants

To make a final decision, you must weigh all the pros and cons.

So, among the advantages of breast augmentation with implants, in particular round shapes, we can highlight:

  1. The ability to increase breast volume and achieve a “push-up” effect.
  2. Harmonious breast appearance in any body position.
  3. Preservation of breast symmetry even with deployed implant.
  4. No access restrictions.
  5. Affordable price for both the prosthesis itself and the operation.

Unfortunately, breast augmentation surgery using silicone implants also has a number of disadvantages.

In particular, these are:

  1. If selected incorrectly, there is a high probability of achieving an excessive effect and causing a number of complications.
  2. In some cases, breast asymmetry persists.
  3. Complications that develop as a result of rejection of the implant by the body.
  4. High probability of gland damage.

There are also a number of contraindications for which surgery cannot be performed at all.

These are:

  • cancer;
  • diabetes;
  • disorders of the thyroid gland;
  • problems with blood clotting;
  • breast-feeding.

How long do implants last?

Well-known implant manufacturers usually provide a lifetime warranty on their products. Moreover, if it ruptures, it is replaced free of charge. Accordingly, it can be argued that breast augmentation does not require repeated surgery. But that's not true. There are a number of factors that may lead to repeat surgery.

These are:

  • sharp fluctuations in body weight within wide limits;
  • increase in size and change in breast shape after pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • presence of implant defects.

Fortunately, most patients who undergo breast augmentation do not experience any side effects and do not require repeat surgery.

Round implants are endoprostheses of regular shape in the form of a rounded cone. The purpose of their development is to create smooth, round contours of the female breast and increase volume.

Round-shaped endoprostheses appeared first, and for a long time were the only implants for breast augmentation. Not long ago, drop-shaped endoprostheses, the so-called anatomical implants, appeared. Endoprostheses of both types have similar features:

  • a silicone shell covered with a protective layer on top to prevent the filler from getting into the surrounding tissue;
  • have two types of surface: smooth, textured;
  • the internal contents are represented by gel or saline solution.

To understand how round implants differ from anatomical ones, you need to consider their main characteristics, advantages and disadvantages:



maximize volume

does not increase volume much

look harmonious in any body position

Natural shape when sitting or standing, excluding lying position

ball shape

drop shape

breast lifting effect

imitation of natural breasts

easy to implant

more difficult to implant

lower cost

more expensive

when they are turned over, the breasts retain their shape

may shift, leading to breast deformation

produce a push-up effect without wearing a bra

restrictions on wearing bras with a push-up effect

indicated for ptosis of breast tissue, asymmetry, breast enlargement by several sizes

indicated for initially flat breasts

Augmentation with round implants makes the breasts round, soft, with proportional contours. You can choose an endoprosthesis of the optimal shape according to the physiological characteristics of each woman.

A special advantage of round implants is their high plasticity. This quality of endoprostheses allows the breast to be positioned naturally in any body position. If a woman takes a vertical position, then breasts with round implants take on a teardrop shape. Lying down flattens the breasts, which is natural for natural breasts. This type of implant is great for women who are actively involved in sports and dancing. They look very flexible and natural during intense movements. Round implants are easier to install. The result largely depends on the presence of a certain volume of glandular tissue. Their main disadvantage is the unnatural effect of overcrowding on the upper slope of the breast when a large implant is introduced. But this factor is a consequence of incorrect installation due to a surgeon’s error. Breast asymmetry limits the use of round implants.

Types of round implants

Each woman has individual anatomical characteristics. To achieve maximum naturalness, several types of round implants have been developed. Main criteria for selecting endoprostheses:

  • size (110-800 ml);
  • type of filler: biodegradable, saline solution, silicone gel;
  • low, medium, high and extra-high profile - the ratio of the diameter and height of the endoprosthesis;
  • shell material and texture: silicone (smooth), polyurethane (textured);
  • degree of density of the gel content: silicone or cohesive (non-flowing) gel with different softness parameters.

The best implants are those with gel as a filler. Bioimplants and prostheses filled with saline solution begin to lose volume and ability to support the breast over time. The gel filler is superior to saline solution in organoleptic properties, for example, to the touch. Implants with saline content are likely to form folds, leading to changes in the contours of the mammary glands. The textured surface due to micropores allows the surrounding tissues to better grow into the shell of the prosthesis. This allows you to minimize the likelihood of its rotation.

How to choose the size? There is no exact recommendation for choosing implants. Only an experienced specialist is able to assess the anatomical features of the patient’s figure and chest, the size of the chest and determine the most suitable implant. The main parameters taken into account by the specialist:

  • volume of mammary glands;
  • presence of asymmetry;
  • degree of ptosis;
  • the volume of tissue around the mammary glands;
  • quality characteristics of the skin, thickness of the subcutaneous fat layer;
  • parameters of the chest, shoulder width, waist, hips.

The choice of the optimal implant is based on its type, width, height, projection. Round implants are characterized by equal width and height, with the highest point of projection located slightly above the center point. To correct breast asymmetry, low-profile round endoprostheses are installed. In cases of severe ptosis and deficiency of native tissue, endoprostheses of medium and high profile are used.

The validity period of implants is unlimited. Manufacturers also assure that they are completely safe. Replacement of endoprostheses for the entire period of use is not required, with the exception of certain cases:

  • their rupture;
  • sudden change in body weight;
  • previous pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • complications after mammoplasty: implant displacement, fibrocapsular contracture, calcification, breast deformation process.

In these cases, free replacement of endoprostheses is provided.

The main advantage of round dentures is uniform enlargement, giving a beautiful round shape to the mammary glands. But the choice of the optimal endoprosthesis will depend on the recommendations of the plastic surgeon and the wishes of the client herself. It is also necessary to pay attention to the correct choice of clinic and study reviews of women who have undergone surgery on the Internet.

We welcome readers to our website for whom the issue of anatomical implants is relevant. There is no complete unity in the use of different types of endoprostheses either among plastic surgeons or among patients. And today we will look at one of the types of improving bust shape - increase breast anatomical implants.

Types of implants - “anatomists” and criteria for their selection

Anatomical differences:

  • dimensions (or height and base/base or diameter);
  • shell texture;
  • filler material and shell.

The doctor can and should describe all the features of endoprostheses to you during the consultation. Focusing on the advantages and disadvantages.


The main difference between this type of endoprosthesis and hemispherical implants is the profile. To be precise, the profile is usually understood as the height from the base (base) to the highest point of the implant. Endoprostheses are usually classified according to height or profile:

  • with high;
  • average;
  • low profile.

Some companies, for example (Germany), offer patients ultra-high profile breast inserts.

It is the profile, as a parameter, that allows a specialist to select the ideal prosthesis to improve a woman’s bust. When choosing a particular implant, the doctor is guided by:

  • on your own experience;
  • aesthetic taste;
  • client's wishes;
  • her anatomy;
  • and the current state of the tissues.
  • in the process of eliminating mastoptosis;
  • and to add volume to the upper pole of the chest.

This form The prosthesis makes the breasts look as natural as possible, but less voluminous compared to end inserts of the same size.


You can choose an implant based on texture:

  • with a smooth surface;
  • textured (porous).

The former are cheaper, the latter are less prone to displacement and other unpleasant movements inside the pocket prepared for it. The presence of texture allows tissue to grow into the pores of the shell and fix the prosthesis.

Fillers and shell

Most modern breast prostheses are made of elastomer as a shell. Many companies specializing in the production of breast prostheses prefer to make multilayer capsules of increased density. Such endoprostheses can be stretched almost 10 times without tearing the capsule.

Less commonly, manufacturers offer double-layer or double-shell lumen implants. In this case, the space between the layers of the shell is filled with physiological solution, and the inner capsule contains the gel.

Modern implants are filled mainly with silicone beads and gels:

  • cohesive;
  • mobile;
  • dense cohesive (cross-connected) with “shape memory”;
  • hydrogel;
  • biocompatible filler, etc.

The latest offerings from breast implant companies are dual-gel breast implants.

New products in the breast implant market

It’s worth stopping at micropolyurethane implants. Polyurethane endoprostheses were developed for reimplantation in patients who developed pain after the first endoprosthesis. Over time, plastic surgeons began to recommend this prosthetic option to all potential clients.

The surface of these implants makes it possible to minimize the growth of connective tissue around a foreign object (prosthesis). This virtually eliminates the risk of developing contractures after mammoplasty.

Most implants have a shell with a fairly significant thickness. Micropolyurethane shells are thin, that is, their thickness is no more than a few millimeters. But judging by the number of micropolyurethane bubbles, if you stretch them in one line, you can get “beads” several kilometers long.

Connective tissue will grow into the cavities formed by them, securing the prosthesis. Due to this, the layer of connective tissue will be thin, but firmly hold the prosthesis in “its embrace,” negating the risk that the anatomical implant will unfold, ruining the surgeon’s work.

This same feature of the endoinsert allows you to minimize the risk of such an unpleasant complication as ripples. Such prostheses allow plastic surgery to remain at the peak of popularity.

Advantages of modern “anatomists”

The high quality and reliability of such endoprostheses is ensured by:

  • high aesthetic indicators, which can be assessed in the photos of patients who underwent the procedure;
  • reliability and tear resistance;
  • safety in case of damage (modern gels are either biocompatible or practically do not leak through a rupture);
  • sterility;
  • pleasant tactile sensations (when in contact with a woman’s breast it is almost impossible to detect the implant).

At the same time, the anatomical shape of the endoinsert ensures a natural appearance of the breast, which eliminates the visual recognition of plastic surgery.

Disadvantages of anatomical endoprostheses

When inserting a prosthesis, surgeons may not use all access points. To implant a micropolyurethane implant, a higher qualification of a specialist is required than to implant an ordinary anatomist.

If the prosthesis flips, it will be clearly noticeable and a repeat operation will be required, unlike the flip of a round endoprosthesis. To the average anatomist, it may take on a rounded shape over time due to the growth of fibrous tissue.

Breasts corrected by anatomists cannot be corrected using underwear. And, of course, unlike their round “brothers,” anatomical endoprostheses retain their shape even in a lying position, which is not entirely natural. This is easy to see in the pictures before and after implantation.

This concludes our brief review of this for you, we look forward to seeing you at ours again. If you find something interesting for yourself in our articles, be sure to share this information with your friends via social networks.

Women who decide to improve the shape of their breasts or increase their size are wondering: what is the difference between round implants and anatomical ones and which ones to choose? Indeed, the shape of the implants plays an important role and allows you to achieve a natural-looking breast. So which implants are better: round or anatomical? Does shape matter? And how to achieve the desired result?

What is the difference?

As can be easily understood from the definition, round implants have a round shape. The anatomical ones follow the contours of a young woman’s breast; their teardrop-shaped shape begins with a flat slope at the top, which gradually increases in volume. Thanks to this, anatomical implants are successfully used not only for aesthetic purposes, but also for breast reconstruction.

A plastic surgeon will help you choose round or anatomical implants based on the width and shape of the chest, as well as the patient’s build. Round implants will allow you to get more volume and lift your breasts higher. Thanks to them, the neckline will look simply amazing. However, many women do not like the large volume of the breasts in the upper part - for them it does not look natural and attractive enough - so they choose anatomical implants. In favor of round implants, it is worth saying that they can make the contours of the breast unnatural only in two cases:

  • when positioned too high;
  • if the patient does not have sufficient volume of her own breast tissue.

So the shape doesn't matter. If selected incorrectly, even anatomical implants can look unnatural. That is why, when selecting, the individual contours of the patient’s body and her complexion must be taken into account.

Where to choose?

  • young patients with well-developed mammary glands;
  • women who have sufficient volume and slight mastoptosis of the breast;
  • patients who want a more balanced breast shape.

POLYTECH® implants

Modern plastic surgeons note a number of advantages of German-made POLYTECH® implants. They have a modular structure, thanks to which a base with a width of 70 mm to 158 mm is available to patients in different projections and in each type of implant:

  • Même® - dome-shaped with a round base, following the contours of a young woman’s breast;
  • Replicon® - anatomical with a round base that follows the contours of an adult woman’s breast;
  • Opticon® - anatomical with a shortened base, suitable for obese women with curvy figures;
  • Optimam® is anatomical with an oblong base, suitable for slender women with an athletic build.


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