What is the rectal temperature? Why is rectal temperature measured and graphed?

Body temperature readings at various points are valuable information material. Temperature values ​​characterize the general condition of the patient and provide clues regarding possible specific diseases and processes occurring in the body. Human body temperature in healthy condition is stable and can vary within strictly defined limits.

Taking temperature rectally gives important indicators general condition patient's health.

Indications for measuring rectal temperature

This section has a stable temperature, which makes its changes indicative of various conditions body. The internal temperature of the rectum is close to the indicators of other internal organs. The usual place where the thermometer is installed is the armpits. However, the rectum (basal temperature) is also used to obtain temperature values. Direct indications to involve the rectum in the process are:

  • the patient is exhausted (the armpit tissue does not cover the thermometer);
  • damage to the skin of the armpits, mucous membranes oral cavity inflammation;
  • hypothermia of the body while internal organs maintain temperature in the normal range;
  • the patient being unconscious;
  • temperature measurements in a child;
  • thermoneuroses, etc.

Measurement method

Before use, the thermometer is freed from the disinfectant with running water and wiped dry. To measure temperature correctly, reduce the thermometer readings by shaking to approximately 35 degrees. Adults can measure their temperature themselves, while children’s basal temperature is recorded by parents and medical staff. The part of the thermometer body that will be buried inside is lubricated with Vaseline. After removal, the temperature meter is washed and disinfected.

Before measuring temperature, mobility is limited to a minimum.

The procedure is carried out in the morning (immediately after waking up). Provides minimal mobility and a calm, relaxed state. It is known that activity instantly raises the temperature in the anus by a certain number of points. Therefore, a temperature meter (more accurate - mercury), Vaseline, and a watch are placed in advance near the place of night rest in order to insert the thermometer without getting out of bed.

Violation of the rules reduces the reliability and accuracy of the state reflection. The patient lies on his side, pulling his legs to his chest. The narrow part of the thermometer with the lubricated end should be carefully inserted into the anus to a depth of 20 - 30 mm. How long does the procedure take? Keep the thermometer for about 5 - 10 minutes.

The patient, when the thermometer is already inside, squeezes his buttocks tightly for this time. There is no need to hold it with your hands. Upon completion, readings are taken from the temperature meter. What should the temperature be? It should be taken into account that the temperature in the anus is higher than in the armpit (groin) by 0.5 - 1.0 degrees. Therefore to basal values in the range of 37.2 - 37.7 you can take it calmly.

It is necessary to keep a diary where the measured temperature is recorded. This will create clarity of results and show dynamics, if any. In some cases, it is necessary to additionally measure the temperature in axillary area

. It is important to know the difference in results, for example, during pregnancy, during the period when ovulation occurs, before menstruation, etc. The thermometer will accurately measure the temperature when the patient is in calm state . It will take 15 - 20 minutes to get there. It is known that after eating, an emotional outburst, motor activity

  • , being in warm clothes, the armpit may overheat. Thus, comparing the temperature in the rectum and in the armpit helps to understand that appendicitis has begun. Its symptoms may be:
  • excessive gas formation;
  • nausea with vomiting; sharp and persistent pain in right side
  • abdominal cavity;
  • defecation disorders;

loss of performance, weakness, etc. Due to its proximity to the “blind” process, the rectum quickly responds to inflammation with a significant increase in.basal temperature With appendicitis, the values ​​of compared temperatures differ by more than 1.0 degrees.

This is a direct signal to quickly consult a doctor about appendicitis, so as not to miss a gentle removal. There will also be a noticeable difference in the heating rates of the right and left armpits (“Widmer’s symptom”), and in the right it will be higher.

Contraindications for measurement

  • In a number of situations related to the condition of the patient’s body, recording the rectal temperature is contraindicated, which is associated, among other things, with painful installation and removal of the thermometer. These may include:
  • diarrhea;
  • ailments of the rectum in the acute stage; delayed bowel movements due to compaction feces

Rectal temperature in women (ovulation period and pregnancy)

Basal temperature in the rectum, measured rectally, provides reliable information to gynecologists and women (when the normal classical dynamics of the process is known) about the state of their reproductive system. like this free diagnostics should be carried out systematically. It provides knowledge about what temperature is and should be, how many degrees is the optimal difference at different stages.

The normal basal temperature increases during ovulation. Its maximum indicators are recorded from 15 to 25 days monthly cycle. They allow you to detect background hormonal abnormalities that lead to cycle disruption. It should be borne in mind that rectal temperature readings may rise for other reasons:

  • any physical activity before taking readings;
  • sleep duration is less than 6 hours;
  • an illness that causes high temperatures;
  • measurement and sex are separated by a time interval of less than 12 hours;
  • eating shortly before the procedure;
  • introduction of separate medicines feces

Basal temperature indicators demonstrate the amount of progesterone during pregnancy. If it is deficient, there is a threat of miscarriage, abortion or fetal death. Rectal heating fixations of the rectum inform about the functions and condition of the ovaries. The first half of the cycle is marked by a temperature that is less than 37.0. Then, when ovulation occurs, it rises within half a degree, and in the 2nd half it rises above 37.0.

When fertilization of the cell has not occurred, on the eve or on the day of menstruation, the level of progesterone begins to decrease, and menstrual cleansing of the body begins. A graph of rectal temperature values ​​helps diagnose the following:

  • acute inflammation - in all phases of the cycle, values ​​are significantly higher than 37.0;
  • chronic endometritis (endometriosis) - menstruation occurs with background values ​​of more than 37.0;
  • lack of corpus luteum functions - temperature rise occurs later probable period cell maturation and lasts only from 5 to 7 days;
  • lack of cell maturation - the temperature is constantly below 37.0 degrees, etc.

The results are entered into a special chart reflecting changes in hormonal levels within the cycle.

The onset of fertilization and its satisfactory course are characterized by high temperatures, which last up to 4-5 months, then decrease. Measurements during the first 12 weeks are important for informational purposes. If the temperature during this period exceeds 37.0 degrees, it confirms that the amount of the hormone progesterone is sufficient - there are no complications.

When the temperature starts to creep down (becomes even below 37.0 degrees) - these are symptoms of a possible spontaneous miscarriage (even if there are no other reasons for concern).

A carefully constructed schedule allows you to timely identify disorders in the body and adjust treatment. Until the 12th week, hormonal therapy saves pregnancy. But a rise in rectal temperature to 37.7 or more and its maintenance at this level informs about probable troubles, in particular about the inflammatory process.

It is recommended to use the same meter so that the error is constant. How long should measurements be taken? They are carried out strictly every day, at the same hour (no later than 07:30) before going to the toilet in the morning for any need. If the temperature exceeds 37.0 degrees, the thermometer is removed from the anus, and after sanitization it records the temperature in the left armpit area. The result, as well as the date, day of the cycle and existing features are recorded next to the rectal value. The heat indicates that the immune system
actively fights viruses or bacteria. So in this regard it is a positive sign that the body is protecting itself. However, if the body temperature rises very strongly and quickly, rising by several degrees per hour (up to a temperature of 40 ° C), the child may experience seizures.
The American Academy of Pediatrics does not recommend using mercury thermometers, which can break easily. In general, to prevent accidental exposure to mercury, we advise parents to remove all mercury thermometers from the home. Instead, baby essentials include a digital rectal thermometer and, if desired, an ear (or tympanic) thermometer. Rectal thermometers are the most accurate way to measure temperature in young children.
The procedure for measuring rectal temperature with a digital thermometer is as follows.

  1. Wipe the tip of the thermometer medical alcohol or soap and water. Rinse with cool (not hot) water.
  2. Place a disposable plastic cap.
  3. Apply a small amount of ointment such as Vaseline to the tip.
  4. Place your baby face down on your lap or on a hard surface. Hold it in a stable position by placing your palm on bottom part back directly above the buttocks.
  5. With your other hand, turn on the thermometer and insert it into anal hole to a depth of 1.27 to 2.54 cm. (Do not insert it deeper.) Use two fingers to hold the thermometer in place with your palm on the baby's buttocks.
  6. Hold the thermometer in place for about one minute until sound signal.
  7. Pull out the thermometer and check its readings. Most digital thermometers are sold with disposable protective caps; After measuring the child's temperature, remove and discard the used cap. Next time, get a new one.

Rectal temperature over 38 °C may indicate a fever in a child. If you think your baby's fever may be due to physical activity or too much warm clothes, after thirty minutes, measure the temperature again. If your baby is under two months old and has a fever of 38°C or higher, contact your pediatrician immediately.
For older children, tympanic thermometers are an alternative. They measure the temperature inside auricle, but must be inserted correctly into the child's ear for accuracy.

Here's how to use such a thermometer:

  1. Place the plastic cap on the tip of the thermometer.
  2. Carefully insert it into the ear canal.
  3. Press the power button.
  4. After a few seconds, you can check the digital reading of your baby's temperature.

A baby's temperature can also be taken with an oral or rectal thermometer in the armpit, but the readings will not be as accurate as rectal or ear measurements. However, this method is quite acceptable for children older than three months.

  1. Place the touch tip of the thermometer in your child's armpit.
  2. Press its handle firmly against the side wall chest about a minute until the ready signal sounds.
  3. Check the digital readings.

Dressing a child

  • Supporting your baby on your lap, stretch the collar of the T-shirt and pull it over his head. Use your fingers to keep clothing from getting caught on your face or ears.
  • Do not try to push your baby's arm through the sleeve. Instead, put your hand inside it from the outside, grab the handle, and thread it through the sleeve.
  • While supporting the baby's back and head, release the arms from the sleeves one by one.
  • Then stretch the collar of the T-shirt and, slowly lifting the top above your chin and face, remove it.

Cozy package

  • Your baby will likely spend most of his or her time wrapped in a baby blanket for the first few weeks. Not only does this keep him from getting cold, but gentle compression seems to give most newborns a sense of security.
  • To carefully wrap your baby, spread out the blanket with one corner folded over. Place your baby face up on the blanket with his head on the folded corner.
  • Fold the left corner around the body and tuck it underneath. Cover the baby's legs with the bottom corner and wrap it with the right corner, leaving only the neck and head exposed.

The traditional, proven way to determine the onset of ovulation is to measure the temperature rectally. Many women have probably heard about him. Some of them successfully use this method when planning birth control and pregnancy, and keep charts of such measurements. By monitoring these indicators, you can find out whether pregnancy has occurred even before the delay. Dependence of basal temperature and hormonal regulation We will consider pregnant women in this article.

Basal temperature is measured at rest after several hours of sleep. It is the lowest, and can be used to monitor the hormonal activity of the monthly cycle. The onset of ovulation is indicated by an increase in this indicator by 0.25-0.5°C. Basal temperature can be determined in several ways - in the mouth, in the vagina or in the rectum ( rectal method), and measurements should be carried out every day, using the same method. The method of measuring temperature in the rectum at rest is considered the most accurate and informative, especially for monitoring the condition during pregnancy. This method of monitoring basal temperature is the oldest method, allowing you to determine the onset of ovulation and the most suitable days for conception, tracking hormonal levels before and after pregnancy. Oral and vaginal methods of temperature control are less popular and are not widespread.

U healthy woman there is a difference of several tenths of a degree between rectal temperature readings in different periods cycle. If there are conclusions resulting from measurements of basal temperature that there is no ovulation for several cycles, it makes sense to visit a doctor to undergo a gynecological (and possibly endocrinological) examination. Monitoring rectal temperature during pregnancy is of particular importance.

Rectal temperature during pregnancy: what is this measurement method based on

Rectal temperature analysis is based on monitoring hormonal activity. During ovulation, there is a release of progesterone in the body, accompanied by a hyperthermic effect on the body, and an increase in rectal temperature is observed. Corpus luteum The ovary, formed at the site of the burst follicle, produces this hormone. Thus, during ovulation, an increase in rectal temperature can be observed. By analyzing these indicators, we can make an indirect conclusion about the release of the egg. Nevertheless this method is characterized by some errors. Sometimes the absence of an increase in rectal temperature does not guarantee the absence of ovulation - and conversely, the presence of an ideal graph does not guarantee ovulation and the presence of sufficient progesterone levels. Sometimes (with luteinization of the follicle without ovulation), maturation and subsequent release of the egg are not observed. In addition, in a disease characterized by an increase in the level of prolactin in the blood, the rectal temperature graph resembles that during pregnancy. It should be noted that, despite the obvious errors, many women quite successfully use the method of measuring rectal temperature when planning pregnancy, as well as to monitor their condition after its onset.

In order for the results of the analysis of rectal temperature indicators to be sufficiently informative, it is necessary to adhere to certain rules:

  • in order to minimize instrumental error, measurements are carried out using the same thermometer. A mercury thermometer is ideal, but an electronic one can also be used;
  • The duration of measurements should be at least five minutes;
  • Rectal temperature measurements should be taken in the same way, every day at the same time (optimally in the morning after at least three hours of continuous sleep). To do this, set the alarm clock for the same time;
  • You should not get out of bed until your rectal temperature has been taken. It is also not recommended to make sudden movements - for example, shaking a thermometer (it should be prepared in advance - knock it down until low indicators in the evening and place it next to the bed);
  • women working in night shift, can measure temperature during the day after several hours (at least three) of continuous sleep. It is worth noting that this method of control is less reliable.

Such measurements must be carried out every day without skipping, and the results obtained should be recorded immediately.

Rectal temperature during pregnancy: characteristic trends of the monthly cycle

This method of tracking the condition of the female body is most effective when taking regular measurements. Using these daily indicators, it is quite convenient to immediately build a graph.

There are patterns of the monthly cycle that are characteristic of women of reproductive age:

  • from the beginning of menstruation, you can observe a drop in rectal temperature down from 37°C. Until the end of menstruation given temperature is about 36.6°C, often slightly lower;
  • subsequently, until the onset of the ovulation cycle, the rectal temperature remains around the level that could be observed at the end of menstruation;
  • upon the onset of ovulation, an increase in temperature is observed - in the range of 37.1 - 37.4°C;
  • after ovulation, the rectal temperature remains the same as during it;
  • if fertilization does not occur and menstruation begins, the measurement drops to approximately 37°C.

IN to the greatest extent It is advisable to monitor rectal temperature during pregnancy early stages. After its onset, it remains unchanged (about 37.1°C); normally, these indicators do not change for several months (until the 4-5th month of pregnancy), and then decrease.

Rectal temperature during pregnancy: measurement errors

In the case when conception has occurred, the temperature in the second phase of the cycle does not fall relative to the indicator during ovulation, i.e. remains around 37-37.1°C. In such cases, we can conclude that pregnancy has occurred several days before the expected period of missed menstruation. However, such conclusions are not always correct. If you are interested in information about what rectal temperature is observed during pregnancy, it is worth considering the following.

Sometimes increased rectal temperature can be observed as a result of the following phenomena:

  • the measurements were not carried out correctly enough - some of the recommendations were not followed;
  • if there is any inflammatory process in the woman’s body, accompanied by general increase body temperature;
  • if shortly before the measurements, sexual intercourse took place;
  • in case of infection, as well as exacerbation of gynecological disease;
  • with furunculosis;
  • in the presence of physical activity, including minor ones, before measurements were taken (for example, a woman drank water);
  • after taking certain medications or herbal infusions;
  • after consumption the day before significant amount alcohol;
  • due to the previous stress state, as well as poor sleep;
  • after a flight and a change in time zones.

To make sure you are pregnant, it is recommended to take a blood test for hCG ( human chorionic gonadotropin), which begins to be produced by the body after the fertilized egg is fixed in the uterine cavity (about a week - 10 days after sexual intercourse).

Why is rectal temperature measured during pregnancy?

In the presence of pregnancy, due to the corresponding hormonal changes in the body, the temperature remains elevated. Modern methods clinical and laboratory examinations allow for effective monitoring of health status expectant mother. In addition, some doctors (especially old-school ones) recommend rectal temperature measurement during pregnancy. These procedures will be especially useful for pregnant women who have previously experienced miscarriage. Monitoring basal temperature makes it possible to timely identify subtle signs of a threatened miscarriage and take measures to avoid similar phenomena. In cases where the rectal temperature graph during pregnancy shows a decrease below 37°C, it is recommended to consult a doctor. You should also be wary of a concomitant increase in hCG levels below normal. The same applies to obtaining measurement results exceeding 37.6°C, since these indicators may indicate the development of an inflammatory process.

It is necessary to note that pregnant women who have not previously experienced cases of spontaneous abortion should not worry too much if they detect a basal temperature of about 36.9°C on the thermometer. Most modern doctors do not give special significance tracking basal temperature, giving preference to the results of examinations in the form of ultrasound and monitoring the dynamics of hCG growth. Every female body is individual in its own way, moreover, fluctuations in these indicators often provoke various external factors. Despite this, many experts recommend paying attention to a decrease in rectal temperature during pregnancy below 37°C. This phenomenon may indicate the probable possibility of pregnancy failure or the risk of stopping the development of the gestating fetus. In any case, first of all, you should carefully monitor your body’s signals and follow the accompanying recommendations of doctors.

To get the most reliable results It is required to measure rectal temperature during pregnancy strictly in morning time, following awakening, using the same thermometer. You should not get out of bed before this. In addition, some experts recommend not to talk or even open your eyes completely. If you wake up earlier, you should still measure your basal temperature before going to the toilet.

It should be noted that the method of measuring rectal temperature to track the progress of pregnancy is quite informative until about the 18-20th week. Later (after the 20th), rectal temperature decreases during pregnancy, and its measurement is no longer effective.

Measuring rectal temperature - video


Structural features anal canal, namely the anal sphincter, which closes its lumen, contribute to the fact that the temperature of this cavity is stable.

The temperature readings of the rectum are very close to those of the internal organs. These factors influence the fact that measuring the temperature in the rectum gives the most reliable indicators.

In addition, in a number of situations, carrying out other methods of temperature measurements turns out to be ineffective and ineffective. Cases where rectal administration is recommended include:

  • the presence of thermoneuroses in humans;
  • measurement of indicators in a child;
  • excessive thinness and exhaustion of the patient ( Not sufficient quantity soft tissue in the axillary region);
  • general hypothermia of the body (when the skin temperature is much lower than the temperature of the internal organs);
  • inflammatory processes skin axillary region and oral cavity;
  • lack of consciousness of the patient.

All of the above factors make it impossible to measure temperature in any other way. Body tremors and children's hyperactivity can interfere with recording the thermometer.

For example, in situations such as when a person is unconscious, taking measurements in the oral cavity can even pose a threat to the patient's life. Therefore, in such cases, the rectal method of measurement is the most optimal.

However, there are also certain contraindications to measure temperature using this method. Among them intestinal disorders, stool retention, various inflammatory processes in the rectum, presence hemorrhoids, anal fissures(especially during exacerbation of diseases), etc.

Taking measurements

To measure rectal body temperature, you can use a mercury thermometer. The patient should take a lateral decubitus position. Hips pressed tightly against abdominal wall. Before use, the thermometer is treated with a disinfectant solution and running water.

After which it is wiped dry. The mercury column is shaken to bring it below 35° C. For more comfortable insertion, the end of the thermometer is lubricated with Vaseline or vegetable oil. After insertion, you need to tense your gluteal muscles and squeeze it. Temperature is measured at a depth of up to 5 cm. After 5 minutes, thermometry readings can be recorded.

Unlike armpit, For rectal measurements 37 °C is not a low-grade mark on a thermometer.

The fact is that in this part of the human body, as in all internal organs and mucous membranes, temperature regime slightly higher, so the thermometer readings when measuring rectal temperature 37.2 - 37.7 ° C are the absolute norm.

What does a person's fever indicate?

Hyperthermia is a signal that certain disorders are occurring in the body. The most common of these processes are:

When a person has such serious pathological processes, you should pay attention to the presence accompanying symptoms: rash, acute pain.

Slight increases in temperature may be caused by natural cycles body, overheating, nervous overstrain and other factors.

Thermometry in children

Children's body temperature is slightly higher than that of adults. Newborn babies are very sensitive to both hypothermia and overheating. At this age, thermometry is one of the most objective ways to assess health status.

Because axillary and oral measurement methods do not allow achieving accurate results in patients of this age, the method of measuring body temperature in ear canal. But measuring a child's rectal temperature provides the most accurate data.

Taking rectal temperature measurements in children mercury thermometer, without certain skills, carries a certain danger. Therefore in Lately Digital thermometers are becoming especially popular.

Normal rectal temperature infants is within 38° C. During the procedure, the child should be calmed, because The slightest movements can cause an increase in indicators.

Especially in the first months of a child’s life, the temperature curve is just being established.

Up to two or three months, its changes can be provoked by the slightest factors: screaming, breastfeeding, swaddling. The air parameters of the room in which the child is located also have an impact. Stable humidity and temperature of 20 - 22° C are considered optimal for a child.

It should be remembered that for children under 1 year of age, body temperature above 38 - 39 ° C can be dangerous - in such a situation the child runs the risk of fibril seizures. Therefore, if heat doesn't subside long time, you need to contact your pediatrician.

Women's basal body rate chart

A basal (rectal) measurement schedule is an effective and popular way to plan pregnancy. With its help, you can determine the period of ovulation that is most favorable for conception, find out about the approach of menstruation or the onset of pregnancy.

To make the schedule as accurate as possible, you need to consider the following factors:

  • measurements are taken immediately after sleep (at the same time, without getting out of bed);
  • sleep on the eve of measurements should be complete;
  • indicators are measured for at least 5 minutes in a stationary position;
  • Data must be charted for a minimum of three cycles.

The normal rectal temperature for women the day before the end of menstruation is 36.3° C. During the follicular phase - 36.6 - 36.9° C. At this time, the necessary conditions for the maturation of the egg, so the likelihood of getting pregnant during this period is very low.

Rectal temperature during ovulation is 37.0 - 37.4 ° C. It is the few days before the start of this period that are most favorable for conceiving a child. At this time, the mucous membrane of the cervix is ​​most sensitive; together with the seminal fluid, the sperm has time to enter the fallopian tubes for contact with the egg. After ovulation, the rectal temperature decreases and a few days before menstruation reaches 37.0 ° C.

If for two weeks or more the rectal temperature is 37°, this means that such dynamics of the graph may indicate the onset of pregnancy.

In addition, using basal schedule you can find out about the possible presence of diseases in a woman. To do this, it is enough to know the normal rectal body temperature. Among such diseases: endometritis, progestational insufficiency, inflammation of the appendages, etc.

Methods for reducing body temperature

To reduce elevated temperature body at home, you must follow the following instructions:

  • drink enough fluids to avoid dehydration;
  • cool the limbs with cold baths;
  • use cooling compresses on the forehead;
  • wipe the body with water at room temperature;
  • observe bed rest.

You can also improve thermoregulation by sweating. You should review your diet and exclude fatty and fried foods.

If the body temperature is above 38° C, there is a need to use antipyretics.

To get rid of a symptom, you first need to establish the cause that causes it. Thermoregulation disorders can be varied: hypothermia, hyperthermia, changes in body temperature. But all of them indicate some kind of malfunction in the human body and require treatment.

Its indicators are important for gynecologists and obstetricians. Measuring rectal temperature is one of the reliable methods for determining ovulation. With its help you can identify possible deviations hormonal levels, which lead to cycle disruption.

Rectal temperature during pregnancy indicates whether a woman has enough progesterone in her body. If there is a shortage of it, a miscarriage or threat of miscarriage is possible. In clinics where it is available wide range examinations and tests, this method of monitoring pregnancy is rarely prescribed. In places where it is not possible to test for hormones, rectal (basal) temperature can give exact information about the state of pregnancy, as well as in general about reproductive system women.

To figure out what the rectal temperature should be during pregnancy, you need to understand how the female body works. Plotting a graph of basal (rectal) temperature makes it possible to determine the phases of the cycle, determine the time of ovulation, as well as the development of pregnancy.

In the first half of the cycle, the rectal (basal) temperature is below 37 degrees, during the period of ovulation it rises slightly (by half a degree), and in the second half of the cycle the normal rectal temperature is 37 degrees and above. If pregnancy does not occur, the level of the hormone progesterone, which causes an increase in temperature in the rectum, decreases and menstrual bleeding begins.

If pregnancy has occurred, the temperature remains at high levels until 15-20 weeks, after which it decreases. Temperature measurement before 12 weeks of pregnancy is especially informative. At this stage, rectal degrees and higher indicate a sufficient level of the hormone progesterone. This means that the pregnancy proceeds without complications.

If the rectal temperature begins to decrease during pregnancy, this may be a sign of an incipient spontaneous miscarriage, even if the woman is not worried about anything. A correctly constructed chart allows you to suspect problems in the body and prescribe treatment in a timely manner.

If the rectal (basal) temperature decreases (below 37 degrees) up to 12 weeks, hormonal therapy in order to maintain the pregnancy.

Basal (rectal) temperature should be measured in the morning immediately after a night's sleep. It is advisable to do this at the same time. In the evening, prepare a thermometer, place it close to the bed so that you can reach it with your hand. Measure temperature without getting out of bed before bowel movement Bladder and intestines. Measurement time - 5-10 minutes. The obtained indicators are recorded in a special chart.

The graph curve shows how the different phases cycle. When pregnancy occurs, the rectal temperature increases. Pregnancy proceeds well if the basal temperature remains at 37 degrees and above for four to five months. Usually there is no need to measure the temperature for so long while expecting a baby, the main period is up to 12 weeks, when it is possible

Too high a rectal temperature during pregnancy may indicate a possible problem. This happens during inflammatory processes. At the same time, the basal (rectal) temperature remains at 37.7-37.8 degrees. With such indicators, it is necessary to consult a doctor who will prescribe examination and treatment.

Rectal temperature during pregnancy - quite informative and also free method, allowing you to determine the threat of miscarriage or inflammatory processes during pregnancy. If your doctor has prescribed this test for you, do it according to the instructions.



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