Vitamin pp in foods. Vitamin PP (Niacin equivalent) - its functions and role in the body

Vitamin PP is considered a medicine in traditional medicine due to its beneficial properties. Vitamin PP is also known as nicotinic acid, nicotinamide, niacin, vitamin B3.

The daily intake of vitamin PP for an adult is 14-18 mg, for children under one year of age – 5-7 mg. Pregnant and lactating women need to consume 19-21 mg of vitamin PP.

Functions of vitamin PP

Vitamin PP ensures the occurrence of redox processes in the body.

Nicotinic acid is involved in reactions to produce energy from fat and sugar.

Vitamin PP prevents the occurrence cardiovascular diseases. Vitamin PP regulates blood cholesterol levels very effectively. Nicotinic acid reduces the effects of lipoprotein, which leads to blood clots. Vitamin PP can reduce the level of triglycerides, which provoke the occurrence of hypertension and diabetes.

Nicotinic acid supports normal functioning nervous system. Vitamin PP eases migraines and prevents their occurrence.

Vitamin PP ensures activity gastrointestinal tract, relieves inflammation of the mucous membranes. Nicotinic acid is involved in the production gastric juice and in food promotion processes. Vitamin PP activates the work of the pancreas and liver.

Nicotinic acid plays important role in the formation of red blood cells and hemoglobin synthesis.

Vitamin PP is the only vitamin that takes part in the formation hormonal levels body. Nicotinic acid is an integral part in the process of hormone synthesis various systems and organs. Thyroxine, insulin, cortisone, testosterone, estrogen, progesterone are produced with the participation of vitamin PP.

Vitamin PP deficiency

The result of nicotinic acid deficiency is the occurrence of pellagra. It manifests itself as peeling skin, nervous disorders, diarrhea. Other symptoms of vitamin PP deficiency are insomnia, loss of appetite, indigestion, muscle weakness, pain in the limbs, ulcerations and cracks in the skin.

Vitamin PP overdose

Excess nicotinic acid is manifested by redness of the skin of the chest, neck and face with a feeling of heat.

Sources of vitamin PP

Nicotinic acid can be synthesized in the human body from tryptophan (an essential amino acid). Sources of vitamin PP of animal origin: white chicken meat, kidneys and liver, cheese, fish, eggs. Plant sources nicotinic acid: peanuts, mushrooms, green pea, potatoes, tomatoes, legumes, brewer's yeast, some herbs.

If you have insomnia, fears, anxiety, anger, irritability, inability to concentrate on anything, etc., if you have begun to gain excessive weight, and your mental state is such that you are advised to consult a psychiatrist if you are full of aggression - change your diet first of all to include foods rich in B vitamins, in particular PP, B1, B2, B6, as well as vitamins A, C, etc.

Vitamin PP (vitamin B3, niacin, niacin) is for the brain what calcium is for bones. Without it, the brain cannot function normally, since a person loses memory, the ability to associate, and cannot sleep. Often these symptoms are mistaken by others for senility. Signs of vitamin PP deficiency appear in 13% of people over 60 years of age. According to various clinics, signs of vitamin PP (niacin) deficiency are observed in more than 9% of women and 8% of men aged 18 to 44 years. Dr. Edwin Boyle from the USA has worked with niacin for over 20 years. He believes that a lack of vitamin PP (niacin) in the body leads to obesity and that this vitamin helps remove even very dense deposits of cholesterol and other fats on the walls blood vessels. Niacin also removes metabolic waste from the body, alleviating arthritis pain.

Initially, vitamin B3 was called PP - “preventing pellagra.” In the United States, one of the most developed countries in the world, several thousand people die from pellagra every year. In Egypt, Italy, Romania and other countries, tens of thousands die from it. Pellagra is a common disease in places where corn is the staple food, just as beriberi is common in rice-eating nations.

Where there is a lack of fruits and vegetables, meat and milk, where the diet mainly consists of foods rich in starch, people begin to suffer from pellagra. In some cases, these same reasons can cause chronic alcoholism. Pellagra is especially rampant in rainy years, when corn does not have time to fully ripen.

Pellagra is a serious disease that manifests itself by damage to the skin and mucous membranes, severe diarrhea, neuropsychiatric disorders. Now it's serious disease is rare, but initial symptoms- vitamin PP deficiency - quite common occurrence. This disease was especially widespread among prisoners in camps during World War II.

Acute symptoms of pellagra: “strawberry tongue”, inflammation of the tongue and the entire oral cavity, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, constipation and diarrhea, often low acidity of gastric juice. Most often on the hands, face, neck and internal surfaces thighs, symmetrical redness, swelling and peeling of the epidermis appear. A person begins to get tired easily, he is tormented by headaches, insomnia, weakened memory, he is easily irritated, he is irritated by bright light, bright colors, music. Sometimes he falls into melancholy, hallucinations, agitation, and trembling in his hands are possible. This all seems like the beginning of something difficult. mental illness. Pellagra is not only a deficiency of vitamin PP. This is also a lack of multivitamins, primarily group B, as well as vitamins C, A, E, D, etc. Often the symptoms of pellagra are so masked that doctors diagnose “neurasthenia”. And only when the disease develops can a correct diagnosis be determined.

An effective treatment for pellagra in humans is niacin (vitamin PP). Vitamin PP is involved in many oxidative processes and reactions of the body. Its deficiency is often associated with monotonous diet, lack of herbs, greens, vegetables and “live” foods in the diet. The group of vitamins has almost the same antipellagritic effect. Microorganisms living in the intestines of humans and most animals can synthesize nicotinic acid from tryptophan (an essential amino acid that is not synthesized in the human body and most animals, a component of many proteins found only in plants). However, when food rots, during the breakdown of proteins in the intestines, toxic substances are formed from tryptophan obtained from animal products - skatole and indole. This suggests that we must always take care, firstly, about the consumption of green vegetables in their natural form; secondly, about ensuring daily cleansing intestines (about bowel movements) and thirdly, about limiting animal protein products in your diet, since the essential amino acid tryptophan is found only in plants.

Minimum daily requirement for vitamin PP

IN methodological recommendations MR on the norms of physiological needs for energy and nutrients for various groups of the population of the Russian Federation dated December 18, 2008, provides the following data:

Physiological need for Vitamin PP, mg per day:

Upper permissible level Vitamin PP consumption is set at 60 mg per day

Signs of a lack of nicotinic acid, or vitamin PP:

  • Damage to the gastrointestinal tract and diarrhea;
  • Damage to the skin and mucous membranes, often leading to dermatitis; cracks in oral cavity;
  • Disorder of the nervous system up to dementia.

It has been established that if a person receives sufficient quantity nicotinic acid (15 mg - 1 g), the signs of this disease disappear very soon. But there were cases when patients recovered only when they were simultaneously administered B: (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin) and nicotinic acid (vitamin PP). Studies have shown that when treating pellagra, adults need from 500 mg to 1 g of nicotinic acid; children need a smaller amount, and for healthy norm significantly less - 15 - 20 mg. This amount is contained, for example, in one glass of sour milk.

At proper nutrition Our food will provide us with sufficient amounts of vitamin PP, as well as other B vitamins and essential microelements.

If the diet is high in fiber and low in sugar and sweets, then it does not need to be supplemented with vitamin PP; most likely it will be enough. But those who love sweets and drink alcohol require 2-3 times more of this vitamin than normal. For diabetes, the dose of vitamin PP should also be higher than normal.

Vitamin PP is found in all foods that contain other B vitamins, but in different quantities (meat, kidneys, liver, dairy products). For example, in 100 g of liver there is about 14 mg, in 100 g of tuna - about 19 mg. IN meat products It also contains a lot of niacin. Turkey meat is especially rich in it. Heat treatment does not reduce the content of nicotinic acid in products. But if the diet contains a lot of starch substances, then the body’s needs for nicotinic acid increase.

There is a lot of niacin in sunflower seeds and groundnuts- peanuts (in 1 glass of roasted nuts - about 24 mg). You just need to remember that peanuts are easily infected with a fungus that produces aflatoxins, a strong carcinogenic poison. Therefore, it is necessary to take grains that are clean from spoilage, wash them thoroughly, and disinfect them weak solution manganese or iodinol and then rinse under running water. After this, they are dried in a frying pan without overcooking.

A good source of vitamin PP can be considered unrefined grains - sprouted wheat, buckwheat, porridge from whole grains - oats, corn, rye, barley, and so on. In addition, beans and peas, soybeans and mushrooms are rich in it. But brewer’s yeast is especially rich in vitamin PP, like all B vitamins.

Vitamin-rich foods PP, NE

Product nameVitamin RR, NE, mgdaily requirement: 20 (mg)">%RSP
Dried boletus87,8764 439,4%
Dried porcini mushroom69,1 345,5%
Dried boletus63,984 319,9%
Instant coffee26,49 132,5%
Chicken egg white, dry22,7 113,5%
Roasted coffee beans19,7 98,5%
Natural coffee, ground19,3074 96,5%
Peanut18,9 94,5%
Roasted peanut kernel17,6 88%
Pork liver17,2 86%
Lamb liver16,11 80,6%
Rapeseed seed15,9 79,5%
Sunflower seed15,7 78,5%
Tuna15,5 77,5%
Edible gelatin14,4752 72,4%
Natural tuna. Canned food14 70%
Pork blood, dry13,8942 69,5%
Turkeys 2 cat.13,9 69,5%
Dried bream13,8 69%
Wheat bran13,5 67,5%
Chicken liver13,3864 66,9%
Nutmeg13,32 66,6%
Pistachios13,32 66,6%
Turkeys 1 cat.13,3 66,5%
Chicken, 2 categories13,3 66,5%
Egg powder13,2 66%
Tuna in oil. Canned food13,2 66%
Beef liver13 65%
Low-fat soy flour12,7 63,5%
Pelamida12,6 63%
Chicken, category 112,5 62,5%
Ginkgo nut, dried11,732 58,7%
Raw smoked sausage, Brunswick11,6 58%
Atlantic mackerel11,6 58%
Rabbit meat11,6 58%
Broilers (chickens) 2 cat.11,6 58%
Far Eastern mackerel11,5 57,5%
Wheat germ flour11,4 57%
Pork kidneys11,4 57%
Semi-defatted soy flour11,3 56,5%
Cold smoked roach11,2 56%
Turkey poults, 2 categories11,2022 56%
Sesame seed11,1 55,5%
Broilers (chickens) 1 cat.11,1 55,5%
Whale meat11 55%
Turkey poults, category 110,7208 53,6%
Chicken breast (fillet)10,7212 53,6%
Oceanic horse mackerel10,7 53,5%
Honey mushrooms10,7 53,5%
Chinook10,5 52,5%
Natural Kuril mackerel. Canned food10,3 51,5%
Chicken in its own juice10,3 51,5%
Cold smoked mackerel10,3 51,5%
Pig meat10,3 51,5%
Veal 2 cat.10,3 51,5%
Cervelat10,1 50,5%
Salted salmon, gutted with head10 50%
Veal 1 cat.9,9 49,5%
Jacas9,8698 49,3%
Undefatted soy flour9,8 49%
Mackerel in oil. Canned food9,8 49%
Tourist breakfast (beef)9,8 49%
Boletus9,8 49%
Olympic raw smoked sausage9,7 48,5%
Soybean, grain9,7 48,5%
Natural mackerel. Canned food9,7 48,5%
Veal liver9,6884 48,4%

Vitamin PP can be found in two forms: nicotinic acid and nicotinomide.


Vitamin resources are considered to be: beef liver, yeast, broccoli, carrots, cheese, corn flour, dandelion leaves, dates, eggs, fish, milk, peanuts, pork, potatoes, tomatoes, wheat germ, whole grain products.

There are herbs that contain vitamin PP in abundance: alfalfa, burdock root, catnip, cayenne pepper, chamomile, chickweed, eyebright, fennel seed, fenugreek, ginseng, hops, horsetail, mullein, nettle, oats, parsley, peppermint, leaves raspberries, red clover, rose hips, sage, sorrel.


The strong effect of vitamin PP on metabolic processes due to its inclusion in the composition of niacinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) and niacinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADP), which are considered cofactors of a number of enzymes. Particularly worth noting is niacinamide, which is found in codehydrase, which is considered a hydrogen carrier to flavoprotein enzymes, regulating redox processes in our body.

A nicotinic acid

Niacin – unique vitamin, which traditional medicine calls it medicine. It is quite possible that, along with all the medicines presented, in fact it is the most effective remedy, which can bring cholesterol levels in the blood back to normal.

Vitamin PP is a component of the B-complex, which has great value to produce energy and support well-being on many levels, including heart health and optimal circulation. It takes part in more than fifty reactions where sugar and fat are converted into energy. It is needed for the metabolism of amino acids and plays an important role in the conversion of fats into substances called eicosanoids, hormone-like agents that can control the metabolic pathways of the human body.

Niacin is exceptional at controlling cholesterol. In people who have had a myocardial infarction, niacin increases the chances of staying alive to a greater extent compared with pharmaceuticals. These results were summed up by researchers from the Coronary Medicine Project, where niacin was correlated with two anti-cholesterol drugs to determine that the best way can contain non-lethal heart attack, and how real life is after a myocardial infarction. Even several years after treatment was completed, the incidence of death was actually reduced in those taking niacin.

Niacin can simultaneously combat four major risk factors for cardiovascular disease:

  • high LDL cholesterol, which tends to accumulate on inside artery walls, restricting blood flow and promoting hardening of the arteries, that is, atherosclerosis. The use of niacin reduces the level of LDL cholesterol;
  • low HDL cholesterol, one of the first symptoms of cardiovascular disease, since HDL is an aid in cleansing circulatory system from LDL.; increased content lipoprotein(a), sticky by-product LDL - lipoprotein (a), which has become Lately independent cause of heart disease risk, poses the same risk as high blood pressure, smoking, tendency to be overweight and general level cholesterol. It literally clogs the arteries and increases the possibility of blood clots. The higher its level, the greater risk you will be exposed. None of existing drugs does not affect high amounts of lipoprotein(a). It is worth noting that joint reception niacin with vitamin C significantly reduces possible risk;
  • excessive triglyceride content. Recently recognized as an independent risk factor, these blood fats signal the presence of an insulin disorder, that is, type II diabetes, as well as hypertension. The best method fight against high content Triglycerides may be reduced by sharply reducing your intake of sugar and other carbohydrates, but niacin supplements can still provide strong support by reducing triglyceride levels.


The use of nicotiminide is recommended for the treatment of the following pathological conditions:
Diabetes. Back in 1940 It was found that those suffering from type I diabetes require injections with less insulin when systematically taking nicotinamide. This substance also has the ability, to some extent, to protect the pancreas from damage; otherwise, this can lead to loss of the ability to produce its own insulin.

This is what scientists were referring to when they gave nicotinamide to approximately eighty thousand children (5 to 7 years old) in New Zealand for preventive purposes. Nicotinamide reduced the incidence of type I diabetes by more than 50%.

Osteoarthritis. Important property Nicotinamide is considered to reduce pain and improve joint mobility in osteoarthritis.
Like niacin, nicotinamide has a mild sedative effect and is beneficial in treating various emotional and neuropsychiatric disorders, including anxiety, depression, decreased attention, alcoholism and schizophrenia. IN large doses it has an antioxidant effect and laboratory research in cell culture was active against the HIV16 virus.

Daily requirement

For an adult, the daily requirement for nicotinic acid (and nicotinamide) is approximately 20 mg, with large physical activity- about 25 mg, for children from 6 months to 1 year - 6 mg; from 1 year to 1.5 years - 9 mg; from 1.5 to 2 years - 10 mg; from 3 to 4 years - 12 mg; from 5 to 6 years - 13 mg; from 7 to 10 years - 15 mg; from 11 to 13 years - 19 mg; for boys 14-17 years old - 21 mg; for girls 14-17 years old - 18 mg.

Symptoms of hypovitaminosis

Signs of hypovitaminosis may be the following diseases and disorders: Pellagra, corrosive ulcers, dementia, depression, diarrhea, dizziness, fatigue, headaches, indigestion, insomnia, pain in the limbs, loss of appetite, reduced content blood sugar, muscle weakness, cracked skin and inflammation.


Nicotinic acid can be prescribed as a specific agent for the prevention and prevention of pellagra. In addition, it is recommended for gastrointestinal diseases(especially in patients with gastritis with low acidity), for liver diseases (acute and chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis), with spasms of blood vessels of the limbs, kidneys, brain (see Nigexin, Nikoverin, Nikoshpan, Xanthinol nicotinate), with neuritis facial nerve, for atherosclerosis, long-term non-healing wounds and ulcers, infectious and other diseases.

Indications and doses of nicotinamide are almost completely the same as nicotinic acid (pellagra, gastritis with low acidity, chronic colitis, hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, etc.) Although nicotinamide is not used as a vasodilator


Nicotinamide is usually administered orally or parenterally.

For acceptance preventive measures prescribed for adults 0.015-0.025 g, children - 0.005-0.01 g 1-2 times a day.
When pellagra is diagnosed, adults are prescribed 0.05-0.1 g orally 3-4 times a day, children - 0.01-0.05 g 2-3 times a day for 15-20 days, in case of other diseases - 0.02-0.05 g for adults and 0.005-0.01 g for children 2-3 times a day.

1-2 ml of 1% are administered intravenously, intramuscularly or subcutaneously; 2.5% or 5% solution 1-2 times a day.
Release forms: powder; tablets of 0.015 g (for preventive purposes) and 0.005 and 0.025 g (for therapeutic purposes); ampoules of 1 ml of 1% solution, 1 and 2 ml of 2.5% solution.
Storage: List B. In a tightly closed container, out of reach sunlight place.


A nicotinic acid

People who are hypersensitive to nicotinic acid should be prescribed nicotinamide, not counting cases of using nicotinic acid as a vasodilator. It is necessary to take into account that prolonged use of increased doses of nicotinic acid can provoke the development of fatty liver degeneration. To avoid this outcome, it is strongly recommended to include daily diet methionine-fortified products.
Daily doses of nicotinamide cause almost no vasomotor reactions. It is better to use it in combination, where possible allergic reactions is reduced to almost zero.

  • There are sometimes cases in history when the same discovery is made more than once. This happened with gunpowder, with some geographical objects and with a substance necessary for humans. Vitamin PP was first obtained during chemical reaction between nicotine and chromic or nitric acid. Back then they had no idea about it beneficial properties. Half a century after this discovery, the doctor Goldberger, who was working on creating a cure for pellagra, put forward a theory about the existence of a vitamin that can fight this disease. He gave it the name "PP" (from "pellagra preventing"). And finally, in 1937 it was scientifically proven that nicotinic acid and vitamin PP are the same substance. At the same time, it began to be used to treat pellagra. Why else does the body need it, vitamin PP?

    Vitamin PP, also known as vitamin B3, or vitamin B3, is the only such compound that is considered a medicine. Thanks to your biological properties it effectively regulates the ratio of cholesterol and phospholipids, and also reduces the amount total cholesterol in organism. Medicinal effect comes in a few days. It also increases the amount of substances that prevent cardiovascular diseases.

    Vitamin PP is also called the vitamin of calm for its effect on the human brain. It has a vasodilating effect, which improves cerebral blood supply and necessary for normal operation brain, and at the same time relieves migraines.

    Another one important function This compound activates the work of enzymes that break down fats and carbohydrates, releasing from them the energy needed by all cells of the body, especially brain cells. It also has a calming effect and enhances the effects of medications prescribed for depression, schizophrenia, high level anxiety. Nicotinic acid is also used to combat alcoholism.

    Participates in metabolism and their synthesis, affects the production of sex hormones. Taking vitamin PP is very beneficial for patients suffering from diabetes mellitus. Thanks to this substance, it is possible to significantly reduce daily dose insulin.

    PN is also necessary for the prevention of diabetes - it protects from damage to the pancreatic cells that process glucose.

    In osteoarthritis it reduces pain syndrome and increases joint mobility. In addition, niacin has the ability to remove toxic substances from the body, and therefore is successfully used to combat various poisonings.

    Where can you find niacin?

    Here are the foods that contain vitamin PP:

    • greens, including burdock root, sprouted wheat grains;
    • tomatoes;
    • dairy products;
    • chicken, pork and fish;
    • heart and liver;
    • mushrooms - champignons and porcini;
    • nuts;
    • eggs.

    With any heat treatment, the content of PP in products is reduced by 5-40%; no type of cooking completely destroys it. Vitamin PP is best absorbed with vitamins F and B.

    It should be noted that the body’s absorption of this compound from food largely depends on the form in which it is contained in it. For example, corn grains contain a lot of niacin, but in a form indigestible for humans. Because of this, in countries where the main part of the diet is this healthy and tasty cereal, cases of PP hypovitaminosis are not uncommon.

    Symptoms of Niacin Deficiency

    The following signs may indicate a lack of vitamin PP:

    • attacks of lethargy, apathy and dizziness, high fatigue;
    • attacks of headache;
    • pallor;
    • sleep disorders;
    • sudden weight loss;
    • cardiopalmus;
    • weakened immunity.

    These symptoms accompany many health problems, therefore the diagnosis of hypovitaminosis is early stage difficult.

    The reasons for the lack of vitamin PP in the body are as follows:

    • eating foods that do not contain this vitamin;
    • the body's inability to absorb it;
    • chronic liver diseases;
    • diarrhea;
    • alcoholism;
    • parenteral nutrition that does not contain vitamins;
    • endocrine cell tumors;
    • Harntup's disease.

    If the lack of vitamin was not detected and eliminated in a timely manner, more severe symptoms, and pellagra develops. This disease is often called the “three D disease” (diarrhea, dermatitis, dementia), and in America a fourth is added - “D (eath)”. Pellagra is potentially fatal - if not suitable treatment she kills in a maximum of 5 years.

    And given her symptoms, last years life will be unpleasant:

    • Dermatitiscan manifest itself in different forms. Eczema, in which crusts and blisters form, in which additional infection can develop. Destruction of skin folds. Thickenings skin, loss of elasticity and formation of folds. Atrophy. This phenomenon also affects the mucous membranes, starting with the oral cavity. On late stages“varnish tongue” syndrome appears - a bright red swollen organ, whose surface appears to be covered with varnish due to atrophy of the papillae.
    • Diarrhea- loose stool several times a day, blood appears in it only towards the end. Nausea, vomiting, and burning of mucous membranes are also typical.
    • Dementia, sometimes accompanied by organic psychosis. This entails irritability, hallucinations, and excessive excitability. Encephalopathic syndrome may also develop, which is accompanied by clouding of consciousness and uncontrolled attempts to grab something with hands or mouth.


    Sometimes, in an effort to increase the content of vitamin PP in the body, people create an excess of niacin. Despite the fact that this does not lead to such, to put it mildly, an unpleasant disease as pellagra, it should still not be tolerated.

    Signs of hypervitaminosis:

    • heart rhythm disturbance;
    • fainting and semi-fainting states;
    • rash;
    • nausea.

    Only a doctor can decide whether the body contains enough vitamin PP. If the examination shows the need for additional intake of this substance, he will also give instructions for use and monitor the changes occurring in the body. Self-medication is extremely dangerous; resorting to it is strictly not recommended.

    Application in cosmetology

    Vitamin PP is often used for hair. But without resorting to reception vitamin complexes or increasing the consumption of products that contain it. To keep your curls beautiful and healthy, you need to use this substance directly on them. You can rub it into your hair or make masks.

    One of the options for such a care product:

    • 4 ampoules of niacin;
    • 2 tbsp. l. ginger juice

    Whisk all ingredients and apply to hair.

    Why does the body need vitamin PP when used externally? This substance helps cope with unruly hair, fights hair loss, dandruff, stimulates growth, and revitalizes.

    In order to maintain a healthy amount of niacin in the body, you need to know what foods contain it, how best to prepare them, and the dangers of excess and deficiency of this beneficial substance. Having such a wealth of knowledge, every person is able to avoid the “three D disease” and improve their health.

    Did you know that there is a vitamin whose name is associated with bad habit, but has nothing to do with it? Did you know that it is very important for our body, but it is not produced independently? This substance can also be called a medicine because of its exceptional properties.

    Let's talk about nicotinic acid, or, as it is also called, vitamin PP - why the body needs it and what are its beneficial properties.

    The Latin word "vita" means "life". Vitamins are any organic compounds, which enter our body with food and are necessary for normal functioning all its organs and systems. Vitamin PP was discovered in the middle of the last century. Its other name is vitamin nicotinic acid, or B3. It belongs to the class of water-soluble B vitamins, has a slightly sour taste, and externally looks like a light, finely crystalline powder.


    It exists in two forms - niacinomide and niacin. The latter differs in that during heat treatment products it does not disappear. Therefore, the food that is its source can be boiled and stewed. If niacin is taken together with vitamin C, then these substances will enhance each other’s effects. This effect is especially pronounced in the treatment of colds. Niacinomide - not only useful substance, but also an important ingredient medicines, dietary supplements and cosmetics.

    The benefits of nicotinic acid

    This chemical compound has a tremendous impact on our body and all its systems:

    • Restores and regulates metabolism, accelerates metabolic processes, and is a source of energy.
    • Cleanses and restores the liver, helps it process harmful substances, and also helps the body get rid of them. In other words, it has a powerful detox effect.
    • Reduces cholesterol and “bad” fats in the blood, cleanses and thins it. Therefore, it is useful for people suffering from diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.
    • Improves cellular respiration processes, has a positive effect on immune system And general state body.
    • She has proven herself to be the best pharmaceutical product for hair treatment: restores its structure and improves blood supply to the scalp.

    Daily requirement

    Doctors recommend getting it daily with food not less than 17 and not more than 28 mg of this substance (dosage for adults). In case of extreme loads and stress, during pregnancy and when taking other specific medications, the dosage may be reduced or increased.

    If the body needs to get more nicotinic acid, doctors offer two options: in injections (intramuscular or intravenous) or in tablets.

    ATTENTION! Intravenous administration This medicine is often accompanied by allergic reactions, so the procedure should be carried out under medical supervision.


    The main reason for its shortage is unbalanced, poor-quality nutrition. Knowing which foods contain vitamin PP, you can compensate for its deficiency. In some cases, it is possible to identify individual disorders in the functioning of the body that prevent the absorption of vitamin PP, and sometimes a person’s need for this particular substance increases sharply. In people with diabetes, alcoholism, and liver and gastrointestinal disorders, the complete absorption of this compound causes difficulties.

    Symptoms and consequences of deficiency

    As a rule, the body reacts to a lack of this substance quite acutely, which is expressed in the following symptoms:

    • The skin dries out, becomes sensitive, and itches.
    • A person becomes apathetic, lethargic, gets tired quickly, and feels a lack of energy.
    • There are problems with the stomach and intestines (nausea, loss of appetite, loose stools with an unpleasant, unnatural odor).
    • The mucous membranes throughout the body become inflamed (especially in the eyes and intimate places).
    • Various neurological disorders and sleep problems.
    • The disease pellagra develops quite quickly, also referred to among doctors as “the disease of the three Ds”: dermatitis, dementia, diarrhea.

    ATTENTION! If you notice several of the following symptoms, you may be lacking vitamin PP. Consult your doctor for advice as deficiency of this substance has serious effects on the body.

    Symptoms and consequences of overdose

    If you heavily include foods rich in PP in your diet, it will not be beneficial, since an overdose of it is just as dangerous as its deficiency.

    You can understand that an excess amount of PP has entered the body by the following symptoms:

    • Diarrhea begins, accompanied by dizziness, nausea and vomiting.
    • The pressure drops sharply, pain is felt in the head and muscles.
    • Blood rushes to the surface of the skin intensely - hyperemia.
    • The skin becomes dry, and the arms and legs may become numb and swollen.

    The effects of an overdose may affect a person's overall health, but the liver and kidneys suffer the most, and the chemical composition blood.

    Contraindications for use

    Diseases of the stomach and intestines, urolithiasis disease and hepatitis are absolute contraindications for reception. In addition, there is individual intolerance, and various allergic reactions are possible. In order not to cause harm to your health, you should take this drug only on the recommendation of a doctor, after taking necessary tests and health assessments.

    Where is it kept?

    In case of mild deficiency, its reserves in the body can be replenished through nutrition.

    To do this, you just need to balance your diet by including in your daily diet healthy foods(names are listed below).

    In cases where it is observed severe shortage vitamin PP, groups will come to the rescue medical supplies and dietary supplements containing the source of this substance.

    In which products

    • Black bread is very useful, as well as bakery products from durum wheat, all cereals (especially buckwheat).
    • Meat products are record holders for PP content. It is healthy to eat beef and its by-products (which include liver, kidneys), as well as chicken.
    • Fatty sea fish, especially tuna and salmon, as well as fish called swordfish, are sources of health.
    • You can eat milk and dairy products, chicken eggs.
    • Useful walnuts, peanuts, sunflower seeds.
    • Among vegetables and fruits, preference should be given to beets, peas, beans, carrots, apples, grapes, corn, and fresh tomatoes.
    • Avocado is good for you, as it also contains healthy fats.
    • You can buy brewer's yeast at the pharmacy - this is a preparation that contains a real storehouse of B vitamins, including PP.

    Pharmacy drugs

    Available at any pharmacy at very reasonable prices. To purchase drugs containing vitamin PP, a doctor’s prescription is not required. All products containing nicotinic acid can be divided into tablets and injections.


    In most cases, as well as for the treatment of children, the drug is prescribed in tablets. The single dosage should be gradually increased over several days. Take the medicine only after meals, with warm liquid. This is necessary so that the drug does not cause irritation of the gastric mucosa and for better absorption. The course of treatment lasts from two weeks to three months, depending on the severity of the disease.


    Injections can be performed intramuscularly and intravenously. In the latter case, there is a high risk of allergic reactions. At home, you can inject yourself, strictly following the dosages prescribed by your doctor. The injections are quite painful, so it is necessary to alternate the buttocks daily, and also inject in a new place - away from the previous one.

    Role in medicine

    Widely used to compensate for the deficiency of this substance in the body, as well as in complex treatment many diseases:

    • Ischemic strokes
    • Atherosclerosis
    • Gastrointestinal diseases
    • Heart and vascular diseases
    • Microangiopathy
    • Diabetes
    • Neuralgia of the facial nerve
    • Unhealed wounds

    Interaction with other substances in the body

    However, there is drugs that should not be used simultaneously with PP:

    • Medicines to lower blood pressure.
    • Aspirin.
    • Agents that reduce blood clotting and thin it.

    PP enhances the effect of such groups of drugs as:

    • Remedies for the heart.
    • Painkillers and antispasmodics.
    • Fibrinolytics.

    ATTENTION! Not acceptable simultaneous use vitamin PP with alcohol - even the smallest dose of alcohol completely neutralizes its beneficial properties.

    PP is a unique vitamin that has a complex effect on our body. This substance is not produced in our body; its deficiency can only be replenished through food or medicine. In addition, it is often used in cosmetology and hair treatment. Reviews about this product are mostly positive. However, not every person will benefit from this treatment as it often causes side effects.

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