Why a prophetic dream is real. Explanation

Many people claim that they dream prophetic dreams. But not everyone understands what it is. Scientists give such a definition to prophetic dreams: these are dreams in which a person can see a situation that can happen in the future in reality. Not all dreams can be called prophetic, and often certain places, events or people dream only because a person is too focused on them.

How to deal with such dreams? Which of the dreams is really considered prophetic? How to react to what is dreaming? All these questions can be answered if we analyze the varieties of prophetic dreams and understand the nature of their origin.

First of all, it is necessary to understand that prophetic dreams can be both literal and symbolic. Those prophetic dreams are called literal, the events of which are later repeated in reality. The most banal example of a literal dream: a man dreamed that he had an accident, and the next day this incident really happened to him.

It is much more difficult to deal with the so-called symbolic prophetic dreams, since in them the future is not presented directly, but indirectly, that is, in a dream a person is given a certain hint, a symbol that needs to be unraveled.

No matter what a person dreams - whether it is a nightmare or a happy dream - it is always very difficult to interpret it correctly. And the clues of such dreams, as a rule, need to be looked for in dream books. Fortunately, at present the choice of such literature is very wide, so there should be no problems with the interpretation of dreams, unless, of course, the dream was prophetic.

In addition to dividing into literal and symbolic, prophetic dreams can also be pseudo-prophetic, doubles, truly prophetic.

Man has always wanted to know what the future holds for him. This desire has been inherent in him since ancient times. In pagan times, as well as during the development of early civilizations and the Middle Ages, people turned to seers and priests to find out what this or that dream means, and to get some guidance for action in a future life. In documentary sources, you can find a lot of information that the interpretation of the symbols and signs of dreams not only helped ancient people find out whether the hunt would be successful and what harvest they could harvest, but also predicted the real outcome of battles and battles. At present, it is impossible to determine whether the dream interpreters were people with supernatural abilities or just good psychologists who could make people believe that all their predictions came true. However, at present, the search for the mystical in symbols and images from dreams continues to be relevant. People are still trying to find answers to all questions in dreams, perceiving each dream as prophetic.

For example, in a dream a girl sees a flock of pigeons flying away. Waking up, she opens the dream book and sees that such a dream means a quarrel and loss of personal happiness. The girl, quite obviously, gets upset, and in the evening she goes on a date with her boyfriend. She has Bad mood she is silent. The guy tries to find out what happened, starts asking questions. In the end, everything ends in a fight. And the girl thinks that her dream turned out to be prophetic. But in fact, in reality, this is the so-called pseudo-prophetic dream, when, under the influence of a dream, a person programs himself for a certain situation, and as a result, the dream seems to come true.

As for the so-called twin dreams, it should be noted that such a phenomenon most often occurs in creative people who have completely devoted themselves to their favorite work, and can focus on solving one problem for a long time. There are many examples in history of how creative people in their dreams they drew ideas for creativity, saw their future discoveries. For example, it is known for certain that Pushkin saw rhymes in a dream, which in real life I couldn’t pick up, in a dream, come to Rafael the plots of the paintings that he later recreated. Rene Descartes saw the basics of analytic geometry in a dream. The chemist August Kekule, with the help of dreams with monkeys, managed to describe the cyclic formula of benzene in real life. But the most famous example of a twin dream is the discovery of the Russian scientist Dmitry Mendeleev, who saw his table of periodic chemical elements in a dream.

According to psychologists, the phenomenon of such dreams arises because during the period of wakefulness human brain focused on a particular issue. Thus, a pronounced obsession is formed. When a person falls asleep, his brain by inertia continues to work. If during the day a person is distracted by some other problems, in a dream the brain is freed, because external stimuli missing. Thus, nothing interferes with his fruitful intellectual work and concentration. That is why there are all the answers that could not be found during the waking period.

One of the most famous is sleep. american president Abraham Lincoln. He dreamed White House, a coffin that stood under a white cover, as well as the words of the guard that they were burying the American president, who was killed in the theater. 10 days later, a terrorist attack took place in the theater, after which America really lost the president.

Another a prime example a truly prophetic dream is the dream of K. Ryleev's mother. Even as a child, the future poet was very painful, and the doctors did not give his mother any hope of curing him. In a dream, Kondraty's mother heard a voice that told her that it was pointless to ask for help from Heaven, since the boy would not live long, but very hard life, and his death will be simply monstrous. After that, the boy quickly began to recover, but the life of the Decembrist was indeed full of hardships, and in the end he was executed by hanging for an attempt on the king's behalf.

Another good example is Mark Twain's dream. As a young man, Mark Twain, along with his brother Henry, were accepted as apprentice pilots on a steamship called the Pennsylvania. But it so happened that Mark fell ill, so he missed the flight. In a dream, he had a dream in which he saw a coffin in the middle of the room, and in the coffin - his brother with a bouquet of white roses and one red rose. The dream was so real and impressed the future writer so much that when he woke up, he did not immediately realize that it was a dream. After some time, the brothers began to work on different ships, and a few days later Mark heard about the wreck of the ship on which his brother worked. Mark urgently went to the scene of the accident, but he could no longer help his brother. The bodies of all the dead were in the morgue. It was very difficult to search for the brother's body, because all the bodies were in the same wooden coffins. And only in the middle of the hall was the only metal coffin in which Twain saw his brother with a bouquet on his chest. As it turned out, women were so touched by beauty young man that with your own money buy a metal coffin for him so that the body can be delivered to relatives. And the woman who put the bouquet in the coffin said that Henry was very similar to her dead son.

Later, neither the poet himself nor the scientists who specialize in dreams could explain whether this was a mere coincidence or a prophetic dream.

There are a fairly large number of theories about the nature of dreams. But of greatest interest is the theory of John William Dunn. He constantly had dreams that foreshadowed events in his family. Later he began to see dreams that concerned the fate a large number of people. According to his theory, the present, past, and future all happen at the same time. The human consciousness in a dream perceives time as a ruler, and can freely cross the boundaries of time. And if a person can learn to use the opportunity to move freely in time, then this can be of great benefit not only for himself, but also for society as a whole.

Scientists, however, have found that not every person can see prophetic dreams. Only very sensitive people with fine emotional tuning are capable of this. As a rule, in most cases, dreams are gloomy, and portend the death of loved ones, disasters and high-profile murders. Rarely can they predict joyful events- success in career and marriage.

It is definitely impossible to answer the question of how to relate to prophetic dreams. You can simply ignore such dreams, simulate real events of your life for them, and also realize your creative ideas. But in any case, you need to remember that human life is not programmed. And dreams that describe some future events are not a sentence. What you dreamed about may be just a signal that you need to prepare for trouble and be able to correct the situation in order to prevent its undesirable outcome.

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Do you know what part of life a person spends in a dream? Yes, that's right, a third. Do you know how much brain research is devoted to how it works in sleep? Abroad - the same third. We have about two percent. Meanwhile, this is an area where...

Do you know what part of life a person spends in a dream? Yes, that's right, a third. Do you know how much brain research is devoted to how it works in sleep? Abroad - the same third. We have about two percent. Meanwhile, this is an area in which a real scientific boom is predicted in the 21st century, a cascade of unexpected discoveries.

I am talking with a doctor of biological sciences, head of the laboratory of neurobiology of sleep and wakefulness. It has just been created in 2007 at the Academic Institute of Higher nervous activity and Neurophysiology RAS (IVDNiNF RAS).

This person could rightfully be called the “grandson” of Academician Ivan Pavlov, since he was the last graduate student of his student, Corresponding Member of the USSR Academy of Sciences Ezras Hasratyan, founder of the IVDNiNF RAS. But he went along a different path, passing along the junction, where the study of the neutrophysiology of the brain and the patterns of our consciousness and subconscious interact with each other.

By the way, in the late 80s, he was the head of the development of the first domestic computer electroencephalograph. And in 2001, he organized a school-conference for young scientists “Sleep is a window to the world of wakefulness”, which this year, for the fourth time, was held under his leadership.

My interlocutor is Vladimir Dorokhov.

- Vladimir Borisovich! The brain is a huge topic. What are the coordinates of your laboratory in it?

The brain is truly as vast as the universe itself. We are specifically engaged in the neurophysiology of sleep, the study of people's consciousness in sleep and on transitions to sleep and awakening.

For about ten years, since about 1991, in Russia, timelessness reigned in this area. Growing in the world chain reaction experiments with impressive results in practice, while we preached the idea of ​​either the “sleep of the mind that gives rise to monsters”, or the complete shutdown of the “resting” brain (they say there is nothing to study in it, except for unconscious “noises”).

- This is not true?

Not like that, of course! The brain in this very "switched off" is fraught with the possibility of great discoveries (from the periodic table to poetic pearls born in a dream), and considerable prognostic potential (the same "prophetic dreams").

At one time, I talked with Academician P.V. Simonov about discoveries in a dream and about “prophetic dreams”. He polafgal: such a dream is a consequence, and our cause is life choice. Life is a chain of choices. And each leads to certain events. Most of the time, we just don't realize it. And the brain working in a dream shows the result ...

Pavel Vasilievich believed that in a dream the brain is more independent of external circumstances. And those options for future events that are discarded by us during the day as third-rate due to stereotypes, prejudices and other reasons, in a dream, when the work of the subconscious intensifies (Freud called sleep the royal road to the subconscious), will be drawn as significant and even defining. And when we wake up, we receive this “new” information in the form of a “prophetic dream”.

I basically agree with this. But in recent times more and more reliable data is accumulating, demonstrating the phenomenal accuracy of some "prophetic dreams". There is a known case when a journalist saw a volcanic eruption in a dream and told about it in a newspaper. And soon it actually happened. But - the eruption of the Krakatoa volcano, and not the one whose name the newspaperman dreamed of. He was accused of creating another "day". However, it turned out: he dreamed ancient name It's Krakatoa!

And on the other hand, when it comes to the predictive capabilities of the brain working in sleep, experimental data increasingly speak of ambiguity, the complexity of the interaction of random and regular, various factors- both dependent and independent of our life choices.

- Have you become interested in the nature of sleep and dreams since childhood, as soon as you began to see these same dreams?

No you! At first, after the Faculty of Biology, Moscow State University, he was a "classical" neurophysiologist. But at the IVNDiNF RAS, he found himself in a favorable "nutrient" environment. Thanks to Academician P.V. Simonov and his scientific school, supported by the current leaders of the institute, in our country, perhaps for the first time in the country, human consciousness, including on its border with the subconscious, has become the subject of deep and systematic research.

In 1991, the Japanese professor E. Hiroshige came to us, who studied ... drowsiness. Since I had one of the first computer-aided brain-mapping electroencephalographs we had built, a Japanese man began working on it. Every evening we discussed the results. Performed in Japan in 1993 joint work. Since then, the boundary between sleep and wakefulness has been the address of my particular interest. Here, the latest fundamental knowledge about the brain and promising applied problems are in close contact.

- What do you have in mind?

Our research, for example, helps reduce the number of traffic accidents. After all, the “sleep of the mind” gives rise not only to “monsters”, but also numerous accidents. Too often they happen due to the “disconnection” of the driver or driver, the extinction of their orienting reaction. The reason may be “lack of sleep”, and the monotony, monotony of the road, and, conversely, receiving unexpected information. In most cases, a person does not feel the moment of transition to sleep from a drowsy state, when, as it seems to him, he is still in control of the situation.

The modern equipment that our laboratory has at its disposal makes it possible to fix this moment with an accuracy of fractions of a second. Based on the experiments conducted, the Neurocom research and production company (it was created by neurophysiologist V. Shakhnarovich and MIPT graduates who worked at the Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics of the Russian Academy of Sciences) designed a device to control the level of wakefulness of railway drivers.

This is a bracelet worn on the arm. When falling asleep, there is an unconscious transition from being awake to drowsy state consciousness, the orienting galvanic skin reaction fades away. When the fading reaches dangerous level, a sharp beep is activated. To stop it, the driver must stand up and press the button. But if it does not respond to the signal, the brakes automatically turn on. Where this device has been introduced, the number of accidents has been drastically reduced. Currently, work is underway on a similar system for vehicles.

In the same vein - experiments that scientifically document the relationship between traffic accidents and drivers' conversations on mobile phones. American researchers argue that such conversations are more dangerous than a strong cocktail drunk before the road. According to representatives of Rosgosstrakh, up to a quarter of road accidents that pass through Insurance companies, could not have happened if it were not for telephone conversations behind the wheel.

We participated in an experiment conducted this summer by CJSC Neurocom and the company mobile communications Beeline. It used an in-vehicle version of a wakefulness monitor to investigate how talking on a cell phone affects drivers' attention span. Result: in nine out of ten subjects, about 50 seconds after the start of the conversation, the devices noted a weakening of the attention function.

You supervised the development of the first in our country computerized electroencephalographic equipment for brain research. Others followed you. The Americans declared 1990-2000 the decade of brain research and invested a lot of money in the development of various tomographs. And what do we have today?

Now you can already see with your own eyes which areas of the brain are active under certain conditions. mental states what type of neurons are responsible for this activity. Our brain is aware of the signal it received in literally hundreds of milliseconds. Now these speeds are available to scientific equipment. Modern functional magnetic resonance tomographs are able to "see" the changing activity of various parts of the brain with the speeds of real mental processes.

Many years ago, scientists from the Institute of Ecology and Evolution Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IPEE) Lev Mukhametov and Alexander Supin established that dolphins never completely sleep. If one half of their brain is asleep, the other half is awake. And vice versa. People don't have that. But the swing-like, wave change different stages sleep is observed. Is there a reserve here for enhancing the restorative role of sleep?

Hiding. The rhythmic alternation of different stages of sleep - slow, when the activity of the brain is deeply inhibited, and paradoxical, in which the brain is actively working and which is the cradle of all dreams, has long been established. It is known that during the night the brain, as if on a swing, goes through 5–6 such cycles in succession, with alternating slow-wave and paradoxical stages of sleep. But an in-depth study of these phases, which began in last years, perhaps, will bring no less surprises than that wonderful discovery of one-hemispheric sleep in dolphins, which you recalled.

For example, a number of experiments carried out by us together with colleagues from other institutes V. Loginov and V. Kovalzon made it possible to hypothesize that brain recovery after a stroke occurs in the paradoxical stage of sleep. If the hypothesis is confirmed, it is possible that it will be possible to influence this recovery by activating paradoxical sleep.

In a word, to the treatment of various diseases, up to the most severe, drug-therapeutic and surgical methods sleep therapy may also be added. And not as side branches, which has long been practiced, but as one of the main areas of healing. These are all tasks and somnology, which is not yet in the official lists of scientific specialties, and sleep medicine, which is also not in our health registries.

Normally, about 8 hours a day, but this time may increase or decrease depending on the individual properties of the body. It turns out that each of us spends about a third of his life in a dream. At this moment, all vital processes slow down a little and, as it were, restore their strength. One of the most amazing properties organism is the ability to see and feel some events while a person is sleeping. The ability to see dreams is individual for everyone. Someone sees them every night, some - very rarely. It depends on which differs in duration.

What is the dream like?

Central nervous system controls all body processes. Sleep is no exception, as there are special structures in the brain responsible for rest. These neurons are called hypnotic centers. There are 2 phases of sleep: slow and fast. Responsible for each special education quadrigemina, blue spot, etc.). In addition, individual structures are responsible for the change of cycles, these include the cerebral cortex. Dreams are a collection of images, sensations, sounds that a person experiences while he is sleeping. Most often this happens before awakening, in the phase REM sleep. The duration of dreams is about 10-20 minutes. If at this moment you observe a sleeping person, you can detect activity eyeballs that make movements behind closed eyelids. The state of the brain during REM sleep is close to wakefulness, but muscle tone significantly reduced, and most often the movements of the body are not made.

Types of dreams

Depending on what exactly a person sees when he sleeps, different differences are distinguished. Their differences are that they can bring positive and negative emotions, be conscious or not, associated with real events in life, prophetic. In some cases, you can see the memory of some event. What dreams are:

What are prophetic dreams

This group is separate and occupies a particularly important place, since some people associate them with changes in their destiny. What is a dream: prophetic images are divided into 2 types. The first is literal, it implies a situation that is completely, literally, repeated in a person's real life. The second type of prophetic dreams is symbolic: in this case, people can only see a hint of some event, and not everyone can correctly interpret it.

When exactly can you see prophetic dreams

They are not seen every night. Even those people who predict the future from them note that this happens quite rarely. When there are prophetic dreams: there is a connection between their appearance and the day of the week. This usually happens on the night of Thursday to Friday or from Monday to Tuesday. Some sources point to the connection of prophetic dreams with the numbers on the night on which a person saw them (for example, 1, 3, 5, etc.). Moreover, some of them come true in the near future, others - in the distant future.

The connection of prophetic dreams with religion

If we talk about the time of the appearance of prophetic dreams, then it is different for Orthodox and Catholic Christians. The first argue that the most truthful prophecies can be seen during Baptism - that is, in the second half of January (week from 19 to 26). Catholics associate the appearance of prophetic visions with Christmas, which comes in their faith on December 25th. According to the sacred biblical Scripture, the Lord conveyed his will through dreams. This privilege was not granted to everyone, but only to the elect, who were obliged to interpret it to others. All other people saw ordinary dreams that did not have a specific meaning.

Bishop Ignatius in his writings states the opposite. He says that dreams are the tricks of demons who are trying in this way to harm the peace of mind of people and sow evil thoughts there. The Lord, however, invented the night time so that a person could fully rest not only physically, but also morally. Therefore, he should not see dreams at this time that distract him from calmness.

The meaning of dreams

What kind of dream is and how dreams are divided according to semantic meaning, many people are interested. For this reason, there are many books that are able to interpret the essence of what they saw during the rest. Dream Interpretations were created by predictors who have the ability to recognize signs seen and not understood by a person. According to these books, each plot has a connection with real life. In addition, any object or phenomenon seen at night carries its own semantic load. The question of what kind of dream happens can be answered thanks to its correct interpretation. Following this theory, any image is symbolic and prophetic. The meaning of dreams does not reflect complete picture upcoming event, but indirectly indicates it (for example, a joyful or sad event is expected in the future).

Sorcerers and ghosts, instant travel in space and transmigration of souls, alien abductions and encounters with loch ness monster... How do you want to believe that in our everyday life there is room for the inexplicable!

The less this or that phenomenon is studied, the more myths and fables surround it. For many hundreds of years, sleep has remained the object of absolutely fantastic conjectures. Recently, I came across information that up to 80% of the Russian population believes that prophetic dreams are true ... Being a somnologist, I cannot ignore this topic full of delusions. And, of course, I intend to argue with those who believe in the mysticism of prophetic dreams.

What are dreams?

First, let's figure out what dreams are. Dreams are called "shards of the day." It is believed that this is by-product brain activity, which is formed at night during the processing of information received during the day. Separate fragments of this information flow add up, mix with each other, giving birth to our dreams. From this point of view, the origin of dreams was very well described by I.M. Sechenov, who described them as "unprecedented combinations of experienced impressions."

The content of dreams is determined not only by fresh, but also more early memories. For example, it happens that a sleeping person suddenly sees in a dream a person whom he has not met for several years. Why is this possible? The fact is that during sleep, the subcortical layer is disinhibited and chaotic excitation of neurons belonging to different parts of the brain is observed. For this reason, long-standing memories can be “embedded” in dreams, including even those that a person would seem to have long forgotten about.

Thus, there is no mysticism in the origin of dreams. Are there prophetic dreams that can predict the future? Most likely this is a hoax. Moreover, we can say with confidence: it is everyday reality that “predicts” our dreams, and not vice versa.

Why do dreams sometimes come true

Sometimes even the most inveterate skeptics suddenly begin to believe in miracles: there comes a moment in their life when they suddenly have unknown reasons a dream comes true. How can this be explained?


The simplest answer to the question of why prophetic dreams are dreaming is a common coincidence. Every night a person sees several dozen separate dreams, their number reaches several thousand a year, so sooner or later one of them may quite accidentally repeat itself in reality.

Singer Irina Otieva, confident that prophetic dreams really exist, once said that at the age of 10 she saw herself in a dream, already an adult, singing in a huge concert hall. She realized that this dream was prophetic when, many years later, she performed in the Rossiya Concert Hall - in the very one from her dream.

However, after I started questioning her, we found out two things. First, she dreamed of a singing career from the very beginning. early childhood, and secondly, even before her dream, she had already been to "Russia" with her parents. Impressions from the concert, dreams of creativity and fame - this is how, apparently, this “prophetic” dream turned out.

Coincidence can even be attributed to those dreams, the plot of which does not relate to Everyday life. The reason for this is the information flows that fall on a person every day. Television, radio, the Internet… The information load from the outside is simply colossal, sometimes we don’t even record everything we see and hear, but information, regardless of our will, enters the brain, and in the process of its processing, the most unusual dreams arise. Some are interested in: what to do to have a prophetic dream? According to this logic, the answer to the question is simple: live ordinary life, look around, listen and remember.

Once I spoke with a woman who claimed that a few days before the fire in the Ostankino tower she had a dream that the tower had already burned down. Was it a prophetic dream? On the eve of her dream, this lady could well walk past the TV tower on her way to work, then watch some story about a fire on TV, and then, quite naturally, see in a dream a “cocktail” of a tower and a fire.

Subconscious information analysis

Are you familiar with the concept of enlightenment? There's a problem in front of you, you don't know how
to solve it, and at one moment the decision suddenly comes as if by itself. This is the result of the analytical abilities of our brain. We may not focus on thinking, but the brain still automatically “thinks for us” and sometimes delivers the results of its activities in such an unexpected and pleasant way.

Analysis and the search for solutions are processes that take place in our head all the time, and immersion in sleep does not stop them. That is why the intuitive, predictive guesses of the brain are sometimes reflected in our dreams. Unconscious analysis of information is another answer to the question of why prophetic dreams occur.

One man told the story of how a "prophetic dream" helped him find the missing value. During a business trip in a hotel, his watch disappeared. He left the room in the morning for the pool, and when he returned a couple of hours later, they were not on the bedside table near the bed, although he clearly remembered that he had taken them off and put them there before leaving.

The man turned to the hotel security, he was assured that no one entered the room in his absence. Suspecting a universal conspiracy, he searched the entire room and did not find the loss. Tired of searching, he lay down on the bed and accidentally dozed off. He did not think how to see a prophetic dream - he just fell asleep. In a dream, he saw how he looked into the bag with swimming trunks and a towel, which he took with him, and saw a watch there. Waking up and doing the same thing in reality, he actually found his "treasure".

At the time of the story, this gentleman believed that he was faced with a double riddle: firstly, he did not understand how the watch could get into the package, and secondly, he allegedly saw a prophetic dream. However, by restoring the chain of events that happened on that mysterious morning, he had to debunk his belief in miracles.

It turns out that before leaving for the pool, the dreamer had a fleeting intention to look after swimming in a fitness bar, so he took his wallet with him. Or rather, I thought that I had taken it, but in reality, out of absent-mindedness, I grabbed a watch from the bedside table. He never went to the bar - he was tired of swimming and forgot. But during sleep, his brain “remembered” this, analyzed the information and provided him with a ready-made solution, telling him where the lost item was. Did this person see a prophetic dream? In a way, yes. But there was nothing mystical about it. Everything can be explained with scientific point vision...

In the situation described above, the prophetic dream is, as it were, turned into the past, but still I would like to predict the future. Analysis and forecast are, in a certain sense, a prediction of the future based on past experience. We plan our lives, we expect that something will happen in the future, and in connection with this, we somehow prepare for this. This is the uniqueness of the human brain, that it has abstract thinking, it can think and predict the future.

But for some reason, we absolutize such predictions in a dream. Therein lies the problem. Any forecast of events in the future is probabilistic. An event may or may not occur with a certain probability. For example, if you dreamed that you would go to work tomorrow (like everyone previous weeks, months and years) - will it be a prophetic dream? 99% of people will say no. But how not? You dreamed about the future!

And here is another example. You dreamed that you were leaving the house, and you head will fall icicle. You went out and she really fell! Most people will say that this is a prophetic dream. But in fact, this happened an event that could happen, albeit with an extremely low probability. The brain predicted it, as a person looked at the weather forecast the day before, which spoke of a thaw, icicles and black ice.

If you dream of some potential trouble in the future, then it is quite possible to analyze the situation and take some action to avoid it. For example, a month ago you crossed the road to wrong place in front of the passing cars. And suddenly you dreamed that you were hit by a car. Think about it. Maybe you should walk the extra 100 meters and use the pedestrian crossing?

But it’s not worth bringing your behavior to the point of absurdity in connection with such “prophetic dreams”. Imagine next situation. You didn't come to work today. And tomorrow write an explanatory note to the boss: “Dear Chief! I'm not sure if there are prophetic dreams, but since I dreamed that I was hit by a car, I decided not to leave the house all day. AT best case you will be advised to see a psychiatrist, and at worst, you will simply be fired.

Here we can recall the saying of one Englishman: “If you dreamed that horse number 6 would win tomorrow at the races, then bet money on it, but do not mortgage your house.”

deja vu

Please note: very often people realize that some of their dreams turned out to be prophetic only at the moment when it comes true. Until then, they may not even remember it! Probably, in such cases, prophetic dreams are imitated by such a well-known phenomenon as deja vu.

Sometimes a person has a spontaneous failure in the propagation of signals along information channels brain. New information falls into the departments responsible for memories. It makes you perceive current situation like what happened in the past.

Deja vu is a very specific sensation that is accompanied by a feeling of "out of reality". For this reason, during deja vu, a person may think that he saw the event that just happened in a dream. Hence the photographic coincidence of reality and some "prophetic" dreams.


“Everyone lies,” said the main character of the famous television series (“Doctor House”). And this is true - a person, without noticing it, tells a lie or half-truth at least 20 times a day.

Are there prophetic dreams? Many are easily convinced that yes. Moreover, this topic is very mysterious. It gives the dreamer significance and arouses interest in relation to his person. This is used by people seeking to attract attention to themselves. Pay attention to those who allegedly see prophetic dreams. As a rule, these are teenagers, the elderly and women with problems in personal life- a typical list of people deprived of attention. Thus, it is worthwhile to perceive stories about prophetic dreams with a healthy distrust.


The idea of ​​the existence of prophetic dreams is strongly supported by various interpreters, predictors and "magicians in the seventh generation." This is a very good tool for influencing people with unstable mentality. Figures of the occult sciences, as a rule, are very good psychologists that can convince an impressionable person of anything. And just prophetic dreams are a very fertile topic, providing a strong and long-term dependence of people who have fallen into their trap.

Several times I had to consult people with severe insomnia and depression, which developed against the background of constant expectation of some kind of trouble from supposedly prophetic dreams. It usually goes like this.

A person comes to the interpreter of dreams and tells his dream. Whatever he says, he will be told that everything is terrible, the chakras are closed, the biofield is damaged, the beloved will leave, there will be no money and diseases will fall ... Of course, this is followed by an offer to fix everything, but you need to come regularly and tell your prophetic dreams; Truth, the most honest word – this will help! And it is on this that healing rituals will depend.

Naturally, all this is not done for free. After some time, a person is told that the problem is even deeper, black magic is already involved here, enemies are poking his Voodoo doll with needles and, in general, the strongest evil eye ... Even more manipulations and money are needed. The unfortunate develops the strongest chronic stress, a persistent reflex of expectation of trouble is formed. All this leads to depression and severe insomnia, which has to be treated by psychiatrists and somnologists.

Prophetic dreams are true. Usually they dream from Thursday to Friday, and on Christmas time you can even guess at a dream. Special conspiracies and rituals will help you see a dream that will surely come true in reality. If on any given day you had a dream and you want it to come true, in no case do not tell it to anyone for three days. If you saw bad dream, hold yourself by the crown of the head, light a candle and look at its flame, knock three times on the window ...

Ladies and gentlemen! Don't turn a secret belief in miracles into deliberately cultivated madness. Today there is no reason to believe that prophetic dreams really exist. Of course, it would be funny to see your future spouse long before they met or to find out what will be listed on the stock exchange in next year. But, alas, this is not possible.

Psychologists say that the tendency to believe in various kinds predictions suggests that a person does not like to take responsibility. Do not look for clues and predictions in the chaotic images of night dreams. Manage your life yourself!

The concept of "prophetic dreams" implies dreams in which a person can see some event that after some time happens in real life. Since ancient times, people have taken this phenomenon very seriously, but there is still no reliable answer to the question of why prophetic dreams occur. Of course, not every dream is true. Also, do not equate them with various symbols and images that can be interpreted in completely different ways.

A true prophetic dream is considered very a rare occurrence. More often, a person, having seen a certain image, tries to adjust it to reality, and if any coincidences occur, he begins to consider the dream to be true. As a rule, prophetic dreams can be seen only by selected people who devote their entire lives to a certain cause. In fact, their brain eventually gets used and, as it were, tunes in to a specific wave, a kind of obsession appears in its activity, which is reflected in dreams. This is how artists see their future masterpieces in a dream, scientists see important scientific discoveries, and so on.

Why do they arise?

To understand the various aspects of this interesting phenomenon, as well as to answer the main question of why prophetic dreams occur, a lot of research has been done. It was possible to find out that the prediction seen is always associated with the part of the brain that is responsible for emotional manifestations. The most clear and clear dreams are people of a creative warehouse, as well as those who practice various meditation techniques and yoga.

As for the question of when exactly true dreams come, there is also no exact answer here. There are many popular beliefs, according to which, a prophetic dream can be seen on certain days of the week, for example, on the night from Thursday to Friday or from Monday to Tuesday, or on a particular phase of the moon. AT ancient Russia people believed that true predictions dreams at baptism, Catholics believe that such dreams always come at Christmas. There is also a theory that most likely see true dreams occurs on days when there is an energy imbalance, for example, on a full moon or during the summer or winter solstice.

Types of dreams

Prophetic dreams are literal and symbolic. Literal dreams are always easy to interpret, and the events seen in them are repeated in detail in real life. It is much more difficult to analyze symbolic images, which can also predict the future, but not directly, but indirectly.

And although the nature of prophetic dreams is still poorly understood, they can all be divided into three groups, the first of which will include dreams associated with human activities, in which she is engaged most of her time. There are many examples in history when poets saw their poems in a dream, composers create melodies, engineers find new ideas for projects, etc. such dreams can be easily explained by the fact that the human brain is heavily loaded with certain information. Even being distracted by extraneous matters, consciousness continues to concentrate on a specific activity or a specific idea. When a person sleeps, he is in complete silence at rest, and it is at this moment that consciousness can give out an idea or solution to a problem that could not be born before.

To some extent, prophetic dreams can also be attributed to those dreams that come true at the will of the person himself. We can simply believe that the dream is true and realize it on our own. It is also related to the activity of the brain.

The third group is the most interesting and mysterious, because it includes those dreams that can be associated with the real gift of clairvoyance. Such dreams are seen by people with a very fine mental organization and emotional sphere. No one can yet reliably explain the ability to see the future in a dream, but, nevertheless, similar phenomenon exists.


Many people try not to give out a true interest in dreams, but at least once they see a prophetic dream, they radically change their worldview. But how can you understand when dreams are really prophetic? You can recognize them by the following criteria:

Astrologers assure that such true dreams are a solution to future or existing problems, which a certain higher mind suggests to a person.


The interpretation of dreams can only be appropriate when they do not concern really exciting things. this moment problems or events. If you go to sleep on full stomach in a poorly ventilated room, it is quite natural that nightmares may occur, which in essence mean nothing and do not portend. Also, prophetic dreams cannot be dreamed and are able to alcohol intoxication or as a result of taking any psychotropic drugs and other medicines. True dreams dream only in normal conditions at good health. Often they are in no way connected with the real reality, therefore, waking up, a person cannot build any logical chains in order to somehow interpret their own dreams.

In fact, dream books are not needed for the interpretation of dreams, but it is important internal state the person himself, his emotions, feelings, intuition. Astrologers, on the other hand, believe that when trying to understand the meaning of a particular dream, it is necessary to take into account the day on which he had a dream, the phase of the moon and other factors. Often true dreams occur during a period of life when a person is experiencing some difficulties or is undergoing major changes. It is important to note that even unpleasant or frankly terrible prophetic dreams should not be taken too close to heart and turned into obsession, since this is just a tiny part of the future person, which can be interpreted in different ways, because a dream reflects, first of all, the internal state of the individual.

The brightest examples

The history of mankind knows many examples when someone managed to see a dream that was truly prophetic and significant in all respects. If we turn to the Bible, then we can remember Joseph, to whom an angel came in a dream and ordered to take Mary, pregnant with Jesus, to his house. Hecuba also saw a prophetic dream. She dreamed that she gave birth to a torch that burned the entire city. To prevent the dream from becoming a reality, her newborn son Paris was left far in the mountains, but he grew up and returned to Troy, meeting the beautiful Elena there. Further events are known - a fierce war broke out, and the city was completely burned.

Of interest is the case that happened to the President of the United States of America, Abraham Lincoln, who in a dream received a prophecy about his own death. Exactly ten days before his death, he dreamed of a coffin under the state, standing in the middle of the hall in the White House. It was the funeral of the President of the country.

It is interesting that many of the greatest scientists and artists saw prophetic dreams and found inspiration in them to make scientific discoveries and creativity. One can immediately recall the case when Dmitri Mendeleev managed to see a table of chemical elements in a dream. Other great examples can be recalled: the writer Dante dreamed of the plot of his famous “Divine Comedy”, the mathematician Turing saw the scheme and created the first computer based on it, the composer Tartini wrote the “Devil’s Sonata” also inspired by the plot of his dream.


Many people are interested in the question of how and when this can be done. In ancient times, people performed special rituals to attract true dreams. In fact, anyone can try to do this by doing a few simple rules psychological preparation:

  • before going to bed, it is useful to meditate in order to relax, clear your own thoughts and focus as much as possible on the desired object;
  • it is also important to correctly formulate a desire in your mind, because even scientists do not deny the materiality of thoughts, the main thing is that they are clearly formulated;
  • trying to cause prophetic dreams, you can light pleasant incense in the room, you need to go to bed alone;
  • if you see true dream nevertheless it will be possible, it is advisable to remember it well, in order to then try to correctly interpret it. To memorize the images seen, there are also special techniques.

The human mind, as well as memory, rests during sleep, which explains why it is so difficult to remember your own dream. Interestingly, prophetic dreams are usually so clear and vivid that they are practically not forgotten. If a person tries to invoke a true dream intentionally, he needs to learn how to remember it. To do this, you can keep a kind of dream diary, in which you will need to record in detail each of the dreams you see and be sure to date them. You need to enter information in the diary immediately after waking up, so as not to forget anything. Subsequently, it will be possible to compare the events taking place in life with their own dreams and understand whether some of them were really prophetic.



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