The cat shits on the floor what to do. How to wean a cat to shit in the wrong place, anywhere


Try to find out the reason
First of all, you need to take the cat to the veterinarian to rule out possible health problems. It should be remembered that worms, constipation and various diseases of the genitourinary system can lead to the fact that the animal starts past its own. Thus, the animal is trying to draw attention to its problem. In addition, in this case, the cat may associate the tray with painful sensations.
One of the most common causes of an "unworthy" cat is resentment and revenge. Cats are very sensitive and touchy. It is often difficult for owners to guess what exactly caused such a reaction in their pet. Sometimes the animal simply does not have enough attention and affection. The cat may not like the tray itself or the place in which it is located. Cats are very picky and quite capable of refusing to go to the litter box if it is not comfortable enough or smells bad. Also, your cat may not be satisfied.

Thoroughly, using household chemicals, wash the entire house. Use special odor eliminators. Temporarily remove all carpets. In the "marked" place the bowls with his food. Cats are very clean and will never poop where food is. If there are too many such places, you can stick a few granules on cardboard boxes and lay out these cardboard boxes in the “marked” places.

Make sure the litter box is the right size for your cat and is in an accessible and convenient location.

Experiment with fillers - try a different kind of filler. Try to change the contents of the tray as often as possible. Each time, put a piece of paper soaked in the urine of the animal in the tray.

It happens that our four-legged pets not only make us happy, but also upset us a little, starting to write anywhere. And the question of why the cat suddenly began to shit not in the tray can arise at any stage of the animal's life with you.

Domestic cats perfectly feel the mood and state of the person

And if you can forgive your beloved pet quite a lot, for example, scratched furniture or a broken pot, then the constant smell of cat urine in the house is impossible to forgive. After all, this smell so often reminds of itself that it begins to annoy not only you, but also your guests, chasing them everywhere. Yes, and wet clothes, shoes or bedding, since the cat began to write anywhere, will not please any lover of living creatures. Let's fight this problem and figure out why the cat shits anywhere.

Causes of cat disobedience

Why suddenly the cat began to do its business on the bed or pee everywhere? Perhaps this is a bad omen and worth sounding the alarm?

To get rid of cat marks and ensure that the cat stops going to the toilet anywhere, it is necessary to understand the reasons for such actions.

When a cat is disobedient, it is necessary to find out the reason for its behavior

The cat does not like the tray, the location of the toilet, the filler

This is one of the most common reasons that the cat stopped going to the tray - the animal simply does not like the toilet, the smell of the filler. This happens if you, for example, purchased a new tray or washed the old one with new cleaning products. Cats prefer to go to pee where there is already some smell of their urine. Therefore, if you tried too hard to rid the cat's tray of the smell, then he may start going to the toilet nearby, on the bed, or anywhere else. The ideal tray should be:

  • twice as long as the cat itself, or at least 1.5 times,
  • do not have strong odors,
  • it was not to be used for its intended purpose by other animals,
  • filler is better to take without a special smell.

In order for the cat to stop shitting next to the tray and start walking on the filler, you need to do the following: replace the tray itself, change the cleaning products and not be zealous with them. It is better not to finish washing a little than to leave a pungent smell of detergent.

It is better to place the tray in a rather secluded place where there is no high traffic of people. Cat food should not be nearby, because a cat is always shitting far from the place of food. One way to make your cat feel comfortable and cozy in peeing is to get a covered litter box. So she will feel protected and will gladly agree to visit her own toilet, and not crap anywhere.

Perhaps the reason is that the cat does not like his toilet

What to do if the cat needs to be accustomed to a new filler, but the animal does not like it? In order for the cat to get used to and begin to walk on a new substrate, add a new filler little by little to the old one. And gradually completely switch to the one you have chosen for your pet.

If, when eliminating these reasons, the question of why the cat does its business next to the tray is not resolved, perhaps this is due to other problems.


If your cat poops on the bed or on the carpet nearby, she may associate your bedspread or floor covering with the litter box. To avoid such mistakes of your pet, for a while remove those things that may be associated with the tray, cover the bed with another coverlet and observe. If your cat or kitten shits on the bed, this is a bad omen, perhaps he is offended by the owner and simply takes revenge. If the cat began to go only to the tray, everything worked out for you, and the reason was precisely in the associations.


Yes, this is also one of the reasons that is inherent in such feline behavior. If the cat is offended, then the owner's bed or his things may suffer. And so that your pet does not start writing anywhere - love and respect him, do not beat and do not scold in vain. And what to do if this has already happened, and the cat has shit on the bed or started doing it everywhere? Make every effort so that your pet feels your care, warmth and care and begins, as before, to go to pee on the tray.


Urolithiasis, intestinal worms, prolonged constipation can all lead to problems with discharge and cause pain to your pet. Therefore, cat litter can be associated with discomfort in an animal, and he will begin to avoid pissing in the right place. And if suddenly a cat, for no particular reason, began to go out of need not in a tray, pay attention to his health. This may be a bad omen. What to do? Contact a specialist and treat.

Sometimes a cat's refusal to litter can signal a health problem.


Just like people, our smaller brothers can experience stressful situations that will have consequences. Moving, the arrival of a large number of strangers on the territory of the cat, the appearance of a child or a new pet in the family - all this can cause the cat to stop going to its toilet.

Love and caress your pets, and they will definitely reciprocate and will not cause you trouble.

There are two categories of cats: some do not go to the toilet, because they are not yet accustomed to it and therefore crap in all the places they like. Others have been going to the tray for a long time for a long time and suddenly begin to neglect it.

Running to the vet

The first and main reason why cats crap anywhere, perhaps, is the disease of the animal. The pain that a cat or cat experiences when trying to go to the toilet is involuntarily associated with the tray. Therefore, they choose other places for defecation. If the cat regularly went to the tray, and then stopped, she should not be educated, but shown to the veterinarian. For example, cystitis, dermatitis, kidney disease can cause cats to shit in the wrong places. When providing veterinary care and treatment, both the owners and their pets no longer face problems with the toilet.

If the problem is not the disease of the animal

If the pet is completely healthy and the disease is excluded, then the reasons why cats shit anywhere can be very different. But you should always remember one thing - the cat does this because something is bothering her.

In order to determine the nature and motive of the actions of the pet, you need to watch him.

So, another most common cause of misbehavior is a cat litter problem.

  1. The tray is small.
    The correct size of the tray should be one and a half times the length of the animal.
  2. An unpleasant smell from detergents used to clean the tray, or the smell of plastic from which it is made.
    It is recommended to wash the tray only with cold water (after hot, the smell of urine is not eliminated), it is best to use liquid soap in a small amount.
  3. Dirty filler, due to untimely cleaning of the toilet, can also cause an aversion to it in an animal.
    Do not forget that cats are clean by nature. And they will not go to a dirty toilet.
  4. The smell and structure of the filler.
    There are fillers with a very pungent odor. The human nose may not pick it up, but the sensitive nose of a cat will be irritated by such a sharp scent. The same is with the structure of the filler. For example, an animal may not like granular litter because the granules roll under the paws. Some cats don't like crumbly litter, which, when wet, clogs between her claws. Naturally, in such cases, the cat will avoid the tray and find another secluded place to correct their natural needs.
  5. The location where the tray is located.
    It is known that cats do not go to the toilet where they eat. Therefore, if the tray is located near the place where the feeders are, cats will not go to it. In addition, if the toilet is installed in a noisy place, the cat will avoid it. The toilet is a kind of holy of holies, it should be quiet, calm, secluded there. Without unnecessary noise and everything that can frighten the animal during the procedure.
  6. Associative perception.
    Sometimes a cat may mistake objects in the house that look like him for a toilet. For example, carpet or bed.
  7. Territory label.
    Cats use scent to secure their territory. That is why they can leave excrement and puddles all over the house. Most often this happens when the animal feels insecure. Then you can see that the cat shits partly in the tray, and partly in other places. This is especially true when another animal or a small child appears in the house, or during a move or rearrangement of furniture. The animal does not detect its own smell and tries to express its rights to the territory in this way. This is a kind of protection.
  8. Expression of protest.
    Sometimes cats begin to spoil, anywhere, as a protest to the behavior of the owners or other family members. So, they can pour into the shoes of their offender or into bed. If the “reason for disagreement” is eliminated, the situation with the toilet changes. One cat piled up on the owner's bed whenever they left him alone at home. So he expressed his displeasure and showed that he was bored. When the family adopted a second kitten, heaps on the bed stopped appearing.

That's what they are - cats. And their character is wow. Yes, and they show it, it turns out, through their attitude to the toilet.

Correcting the situation

Education in the form of beating and poking the nose is unlikely to help. This can have the opposite effect - the cat will continue to shit, only secretly from the owners.

The following measures must be taken:

  • Thoroughly wash all unauthorized places, fixing the result with some strong-smelling agent. There are many different odor repellents in pet stores today;
  • Show the cat to the veterinarian to rule out the cause of the disease;
  • Install the second tray. Sometimes cats don't go "little" and "big" in the same potty. In this case, it is easy to fix the problem by installing two trays;
  • Install a larger pot if the old one is small;
  • Place the tray in a safe place;
  • Place cups with food in undesirable places for bowel movements;
  • Choose a filler that suits the animal;
  • If the cat poops, marking the territory, you can wipe the body of the animal with a soft cloth, especially in the area of ​​the tonsils, and then wipe the objects in the house with the same cloth at the height of the cat's body. The smell of the cat will be transferred to objects in the house, and the cat will not mark;
  • Establish contact and communication with animals.

Having noticed the wrong attitude of a cat to the toilet, it should be remembered that the reasons why cats shit anywhere is a kind of cry for help. So the cat cries for the attention of the owner. Only a caring attitude, understanding and contact with the animal can change the situation.

The cat goes to the toilet past the tray. How to deal with it? - video

So, you have decided to adopt a kitten. The first days of the presence of a fluffy lump fill the home with joy and fun. But after a few days, it becomes clear that you need to not only play with your pet, but also clean up after it. Before the owner, the question arises: how to wean a cat to shit.

Why does a cat crap is a rather rhetorical question. Nature has not explained to animals that living next to people, they will need to adhere to certain rules. Moreover, the rules that a person sets. Murkas live by their own laws and often these laws do not suit their owners at all.

Let's start by excluding from the topic small kittens that "walk" anywhere. The kids are still very small, so they simply cannot understand what and where to do. Therefore, we will exclude kittens from the topic and wait until they grow up.

Another thing is an adult cat. A smart, intelligent animal, which in an instant began to violate the long-established rules of the house. If, until now, the obedient Murka has begun to “absent” in the wrong place, it is urgent to take action. First, you need to understand the reason for this behavior.

For starters, do not attack your pet. The fact that “trouble” happened is not always the fault of the pet. He may himself be a victim of circumstance. For example:

  1. Stressful situation. The cat may well violate the charter due to a sharp change in the situation. For example, noisy relatives have been visiting you for a long time. Or the neighbors have been undergoing a loud renovation for several days. The reason may also be a rearrangement in the house and moving to a new place of residence. Cats are painfully experiencing such changes, so they may well not cope with their instincts.
  2. Health problems. Malaise can cause the cat to start shitting anywhere. The reason for this may not necessarily be a problem in the genitourinary system. Even a banal indigestion can push the cat to "crime". It is also worth paying attention if a previously obedient pet began to mark things. If this continues for a long time, it is necessary to show it to the veterinarian.
  3. In males, a surge of hormones can provoke special feelings. Puberty provokes the cat's attempts to find a bride. And in order to find her, you need to tell everyone around that an enviable groom lives in this territory. But how to do it? Of course, marking all the corners in the house.
  4. Tray preference. It often happens that cats stop visiting the tray due to poor-quality filler, an uncomfortable shape of the toilet, or as a result of poor hygiene in the latrine. If the cat turns up its nose from the new filler, change it. If this does not help, try using a different tray. If all the measures taken do not give a result, then the reason most likely has psychological roots.
  5. Some cats are mischievous. A pet can express its opinion regarding events in the house by way of a marked carpet or corner.

Leadership problem

Another common reason that the pet began to "walk" anywhere is the hierarchy in the house. Living with people, the animal perceives all the inhabitants of the dwelling as one large (or small) flock. It may hurt your feelings, but more often than not, a cat or a cat considers itself to be the leader in this pack. Even if the cat does not make important decisions at the family council, his "rule" has a different character. It is enough for Murchik to simply observe the household so that his ego is at peace.

But it happens that one of the inhabitants of the "pride" - a man - suddenly begins to behave inappropriately. For example, more and more often he sits on a chair chosen by a fluffy leader. Or treats the mustachioed dictator with tasteless food. The cat begins to "put things in order." In the world of cats, smells are the most important, so the pacification of the intruder is done by eliminating his smell. The cat wets the master's shoes or puts a "mine" on the bed, which previously smelled of the owner. Now the cat is in charge.

If the animal does not just go to the tray, but crap on your personal belongings, take a closer look - perhaps you are infringing on his cat's pride. Establish personal relationships before carrying a cat in a puddle with its face.

What an attractive tray

It's no secret that cats are noble aesthetes. Not only will they not eat from a dirty bowl, but they will not go into a dirty pot either. What should be an attractive tray?

Requirements for a cat litter box:

  • Purity. Be sure to take care of the cleanliness of the cat pot. Cat traces should be removed regularly. You also need to wash the tray itself regularly. It is not recommended to use aggressively smelling products at the same time - the cat may refuse to visit the restroom.
  • Calm. The cat will not do its business if the latrine is noisy and restless.
  • Tray size. The pot should be spacious and not too deep. The cat should be able to bury the result of the work, as well as the opportunity to go into the “closet” completely.

There is a huge variety of trays for cats. Various designs provide for the selection of the toilet according to the size of the animal and the preferences of the owner.

If a filler is used in the tray, then the pot must have a special mesh. Thanks to this “layer”, the cat will step on the grate with its paws, and will not spread the filler around the house.

The sides of the tray should be of sufficient height so that when the cat puts things in order, the filler does not end up on the floor.

If you plan to use a tray without a grid, then be prepared for:

  • The smell that will seep into the room;
  • Filler, taken out by the paws outside the toilet;
  • Possible whims of a cat if her claws cling to the net.

However, this design has its advantages. The tray is easy to clean, and the filler changes very quickly. There are also no additional parts that will be difficult to disinfect.

There are closed-type models that look more like a house. If a cat can stand up in such a toilet to its full height, then she will definitely like the potty.

More advanced models offer self-cleaning. That is, the effort in caring for such a toilet will be minimal.

How to wean a cat to shit

Depending on which place the pet has chosen to organize his toilet, there are different ways to deal with the problem.

Flower pots

If the cat is in the habit of doing its business in a pot of flowers, be patient. Weaning the animal from this "in a good way" will not work. The fact is that they defecate in the ground and bury their waste, cats have become accustomed to in the course of evolution. Therefore, a scolded cat will not even understand why you are angry with her.

Here are some ways to keep a cat away from flowers:

  • Place flower pots in a room that is inaccessible to the cat. This will be needed only for that period until the murka gets used to the tray;
  • There is an ultrasonic cat repeller. However, one should carefully use such innovations so as not to harm the psyche of the animal;
  • You can use smells that are unpleasant for the cat. One of the most "frightening" are citrus fruits. It is enough to spread orange peels in pots, and the cat will cease to be interested in botany. The complexity of the method lies in the fact that the crusts must be periodically changed during the entire period of weaning.
  • If the flowers are on the windowsill, then sticky tape can be glued to its surface, securing it with the adhesive side to the top. Having walked through such a trap, the cat will refuse such an undertaking in the future.
  • Mechanical protection. It is enough to protect the cat's access to the ground with any improvised materials.


Cats poop on the bed for a variety of reasons. It often happens that the animal is simply bored, being alone for a long time, so it begins to be harmful in this way.

Another reason for trips to the blanket is a dirty tray. Having found uncleaned deeds in his pot, the cat goes to the place where he can easily bury the "mine" - in bed.

However, if the love of cleanliness and boredom can be forgiven for a cat, then the main reason for heaps on the bed is difficult to forgive. And the main reason is jealousy.

If a pet, having been the most beloved and most needed all his conscious life, suddenly finds a “competitor”, it’s bad. Cats love revenge. Don't argue with it. If your cat has never taken revenge on you, it is only because it did not find a suitable reason.

So, who can be such a “competitor”? Yes, anyone! New pet, family member or small child. If someone got the attention that was intended for the fluffy one, the murchik will definitely put everything in its place.

There are two ways out of this situation:

  • Apologetic. Pay attention to the cat and stop yelling at him for the sake of the boa. Resuming the former friendship, you will resume the cleanliness of the bed;
  • Radical. It has been noticed that most often the bed suffers from puddles during periods of sexual hunting of the pet. If you do not plan to breed kittens, spay the animal.


The cat is a predator by nature. Even if you, the owner, saw him peacefully sleeping or playing, other cats should not know this. For all the surrounding felines, the pet should be the thunderstorm of the area. How do cats mark their possessions? Smell.

Therefore, marking in the entrance for the cat is his position. Even if you and all the neighbors do not recognize the importance of such a procedure.

It is very difficult to wean a cat from marking the front door. It happens that a real struggle arises between the murks and a whole delegation of mustachioed ones shits in the entrance.

There are several ways that you can take advantage of:

  • Bleach. Most owners, having tried all possible methods, report: nothing works as effectively as the smell of disinfection. After harvesting, water all the "marked" corners with this product, and the cats will bypass "your" territory.
  • Special means, for example, Antigadin. Some drugs "show" the cat where to go to the toilet, others have a repulsive smell and scare the animal. If you apply both means in the right places, the pet will be on the right path.

How to litter a cat

In order for the cat to go to the toilet in the allotted place, it must first be accustomed to this very place. The quickest and most painless way to train a small kitten that has recently left its mother.

However, it happens that it is necessary to raise an adult animal. This situation is more difficult, but its result depends entirely on the tenacity of the owner.

Also, a special tool can help to accustom a cat to a tray. It is enough to process a pot with it, and the cat will understand what's what.

It is important to start training as soon as the cat gets into the house. If you miss a few days, the cat will choose any other corner and it will be extremely difficult to wean it from this place.

To toilet train a cat, you need to take advantage of the moment when she is looking for a place to be alone. This is easy to see by the way the animal stamps its paws and meows. As soon as the pet starts searching, put him in the tray. It is important not to show aggression and violence. The animal should feel your kindness.

Cats do not like violence over, so once feeling hostility while visiting the toilet, the pet may abandon the potty forever.

It is important to carry out this procedure as many times as it takes for the cat to get used to this place and associate it with natural instinct. Don't waste your time. Having accustomed a cat once, you will no longer clean up puddles throughout the house.

How to potty train a cat

Some owners practice accustoming cats not to the tray, but to the toilet. At first glance, this is impossible, but with patience, you can forever forget about trays, fillers and unpleasant odors.

Learning process:

  1. At the initial stage, you will still need a tray. At the time of the start of "training" the cat should go to the pot next to the toilet. The distance between the human "tray" and the cat should be minimal.
  2. Next, you need to gradually change the height of the tray. Use the tools at hand to raise the tray 1-2 centimeters daily. The only condition is that the pot must stand steadily and not stagger during the cat's visit.
  3. The tray should be raised as gradually as possible. The cat should not notice the change. If you make a sharp "jump" in height, the murka may refuse to visit the "unstable" structure.
  4. When the height of the tray reaches the level of the toilet lid, stop moving for a few days.
  5. Next, you need to move the tray to the side - with one edge it should stand on its "pedestal", with the other - on the toilet. After a few days of visiting such a design, the cat will get used to it.
  6. For households, such training may interfere somewhat, however, for the sake of such a thing, it is worth to be patient.
  7. The next step is to install the tray in the middle of the toilet. The structure still needs to be stable.
  8. When the cat begins to go to the toilet tray without hesitation, remove the cat pot. It is best to remove it altogether so that the animal does not find its toilet elsewhere in the apartment.
  9. If you acted gradually and carefully, the cat will start going to the toilet.

What Not to Do

In the process of weaning a cat from visiting corners, it is important to be careful. If you decide to use aggression. That cat can decide on revenge and then your fight will drag on.

Before weaning a cat to shit in the wrong place, take care of the quality and cleanliness of the tray. Then proceed carefully, but persistently. If you are patient, the cat will give in and go to your terms.

In most cases, weaning a cat from the habit of shitting is some difficulty. But it is not difficult to teach a cat to visit the tray.

Relief funds

To simplify the installation of rules in the house, you can use special tools. Here is some of them:

  • Mr. Fresh - a means to discourage the cat from unwanted places;
  • "Smart Spray" has the same property;
  • Another reliable method is Trixie Anti-Kot;
  • "Beaphar Reppers Fernhalte Spray" - will help to cope with puddles outdoors;

Before using these products, it is necessary to disinfect the “marked” area. To make it easier to spot the stains, use a UV flashlight.

That's all the secrets of accustoming cats and cats to the rules of order. If you have questions or you have a unique experience on the topic, share it with us!

Cats are by nature very clean animals. Most of the period of wakefulness, they carefully lick their hair and paws, put themselves in order. Domestic representatives of the feline family will never sit where it is dirty, they will prefer to stay on a bed that has just been ironed with an ironed bedspread or a freshly laundered sweater.

If you pour food or pour water into a dirty bowl and offer it to a fluffy pet, she will certainly look at the owner with reproach. She refuses to eat, even if she is very hungry. No wonder cats are called the aristocrats of the animal world. They value their person and choose only the best for themselves.

What to do if the cat began to spoil anywhere

Cats are animals known for their cleanliness.

What to do if yesterday's clean started today to crap anywhere?

The first reaction of the owner is shock or righteous anger. Outraged by such impudence and upset, the owner begins to scold the pet.

But do not rush to punishment. The act of the cat is not without reason. She does this not out of spite or a sense of revenge, something must be bothering her. You need to try to figure out the reasons that caused such oddity in the behavior of the pet.

You should start acting at the start of the problem, until the trouble has turned into a stable habit.

Main reasons

Before you scold your pet, watch him.

Violation of toilet "boundaries" can be triggered by one or more factors. You should observe the animal for several days, analyze the situation in the house.

A cat is still a kitten

Often the owners of kittens have difficulty with toilet training, you should be patient.

Problems with going to the toilet in a place clearly marked by the owner at this age are natural.

After all, this skill is not innate. If kittens live in the same room with their mother, then they quickly learn toilet "wisdom" from her. If the baby is about a month old and there is no sample of “exemplary” behavior before your eyes, you will have to be patient and don't rush pet.

Painful animal experience

It is possible that going to the toilet causes pain in the cat.

If the animal appeared in the family recently, but it is already quite old, you should ask the previous owners if the cat had a bowel movement or not.

Cat doesn't like litter box

It is very important that the tray is comfortable for the pet. In addition, it should not be a source of unpleasant odors.

The pet needs a tray that is spacious enough so that he can turn freely in it when he scoops up the filler. At the same time, the toilet should be a "secluded corner" protected from prying eyes. For this reason, a bulky container will not work, it is unlikely to be placed unnoticed. It is advisable to choose such a size of a cat pot so that it is one and a half lengths of the animal's body in length.

Disgust can also cause too strong a smell. The reason may lie in the material of the container, cheap plastic is especially unpleasant for cats. Also you need to pay attention to the chemical agent that processes the tray when changing filler. It is best to use chlorine-based products. It kills all unpleasant odors, and the specific aroma of bleach itself quickly disappears.

To clean the tray, it is better to use chlorine-based products.

You can use water and a neutral liquid soap. Another fact in favor of gentle washing of the tray: if you use too aggressive household chemicals, you can remove the cat smell so much that the animal may lose its association with the container, like with the toilet.

The cat will defecate near the pot if the litter is too dirty. The reason for this may be either his untimely replacement, or a large number of applicants. If several cats live in the room, then the optimal solution would be the simultaneous operation of two trays.

The cat is not happy with the location

Try placing the litter box in a secluded area, away from the food bowl.

Do not place the pot in the immediate vicinity of the cat's feeding area. It's unhygienic. Congenital disgust can provoke an animal to a kind of protest, and it will begin to do its toilet chores in the apartment.

Do not place the tray in an open place, she may feel uncomfortable. The problem can arise if the cat is disturbed during a bowel movement, or if the area where the potty is placed is too noisy and the light is too bright. In this case, in order to wean the cat to go to the toilet in the wrong places, it will be enough to move it to a secluded place. If the dwelling is rather small, a good option would be to purchase a closed tray.

If the owner is forced to change the location of the pot, this should be done gradually, moving the container a little daily.

The cat does not fit the litter

If such a problem occurs, it is worth trying to change the filler - it is quite possible that your pet does not like it.

Each cat is unique and has its own tastes.

Therefore, it is not always possible to choose a filler for the toilet the first time. This requires patience. A granulated sawdust remedy may not appeal to the animal if it is afraid of losing balance when the granules begin to roll under the paws.

A cat's sense of smell can be disturbed by the very strong odor that certain types of litter give off. when wet. And too aggressive fillers can irritate the delicate sensitive skin of the paw pads. These types are generally not recommended for use.

If for some reason it is required to transfer a pet from the usual to a new type of filler, you should introduce it carefully, gradually adding it to the pot and observing the reaction of the cat.

The arrival of a new family member can be stressful for a cat.

The cat may start going to the toilet in the wrong place as a sign of protest. The appearance of a new family member in the house can upset or embarrass him. It can be a child or another cat or dog. In this case, the problem with the toilet is a radical attempt to defend their right to territory. The animal thinks marking a certain area with its smell, it receives exclusive rights to it.

Putting such marks on a cat can also be prompted by a change of home. Moving to a new home can cause a lot of anxiety for a pet, because the tags have remained in the old territory, so logically the cat will want to make new ones. To avoid this, it is important to take some things from the old housing of the cat (toys, scratching posts) and be sure to take his old tray with you.

Video on how to wean a cat to shit anywhere



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