See someone's funeral in a dream. Why dream of a funeral according to a dream book - "Dream Interpretation: a truthful interpreter of dreams L. Moroz"

Recently, people have increasingly begun to turn to dream books in order to interpret this or that dream. In this review, we will try to consider one of the possible night visions. Let's talk about what the funeral is about.

What does such a dream portend?

If you had a funeral, it means that you need to prepare for change. Such a dream implies a huge number of interpretations. And the most popular of them relate to the revaluation of value, new events that will take place in life. However, everything new will be aimed at the successful resolution of problem situations. At the same time, it should be understood that much will depend on the personality of the person and on the spiritual state in which he is at the moment when he had a dream.

Decide who is being buried

6. If in a dream they sympathize with you, because you have lost someone close to you, then a magnificent feast awaits you.

7. If you cry at a funeral, expect big luck soon.

8. Why dream of your own funeral? The answer is somewhat unexpected - you should prepare for a dizzying success.

9. Young girls usually see such a dream if they are preparing for their wedding.

10. If in a dream you saw a hearse, then you should expect separation from your loved ones. Soon you will have to go very far.

11. Why dream of a child's funeral? If it is yours, then it symbolizes health and well-being. If you dream of the funeral of a friend’s baby, this is a bad sign for the family whose child has died (in a dream).

12. If you need to bury a pet, then this indicates changes in the weather.

13. Hearing a death knell in a dream means a possible illness of those people whom you saw not so long ago.

14. Ringing a bell in a dream is a bad sign. It symbolizes an accident. If trips were planned, then it is better to refuse them. Before the new moon, you should not drive. The baptized should order magpies for health in seven churches. If you are not baptized, then you need to pour salt near the threshold. Thus, you protect yourself and your family from ailments.

15. If in a dream a sick person beats a bell, this symbolizes his own death.

A gloomy dream does not always bring only bad

But other interpretations can also be found. So why dream of a funeral? Agree that a gloomy dream in which you just looked out the window and saw a funeral procession will not add positive emotions the next day.

In the event that you saw a funeral in a dream, you should not take it seriously. So, if you lost one of your relatives, and it was a bright and fine day outside, then this indicates good health for loved ones. Even marriage is possible, which will be quite successful. However, if it rains during the funeral procession, then you may expect illness and not too good news. Things will soon leave much to be desired.

You can expect bad news and happy events

Why dream of someone else's funeral? If a person is completely unfamiliar to you, then you should expect complications in relations with people. Such problems will come as a surprise to you. If you buried your child, then nothing bad will happen in your family. However, relationships with friends will be broken. A death knell in a dream does not bode well. It is worth waiting for the sad news. The person who at the time of sleep is far from you can get sick. If in a dream you yourself ring the bell, then in this way you portend the beginning of illness and failure.

If you see a funeral procession, then this indicates that sad news should be expected. Did you see a torchlight procession in a dream and even took part in it? So, in real life, entertainment awaits you. However, you should behave with extreme caution, as such fun can compromise you and your achievements.

sad symbol

Why dream of a friend's funeral? A rather sad sign, both for sleep and for reality. Soon we should expect illnesses from friends or relatives, which can lead to death. This mainly applies to wealthy relatives. If you saw a stranger being buried, this may portend an imminent wedding. In many cases, the procession to the cemetery can speak of unhappy marriages and illnesses of children.

What to expect if you had such a dream?

It is worth summing up and talking about those symbols that are hidden in such dreams.

1. The person who is buried will live a long life.

2. A sunny day at a funeral is an auspicious sign that speaks of health for relatives and friends. A person will soon be happy. Bad weather symbolizes illness and not entirely pleasant news. There is a possibility of decline in business.

3. A dream in which you are simply present at the funeral of a person who is completely unfamiliar to you can speak of unexpected complications in relation to the family.

4. The death of a child - health and peace for you, problems for friends.

5. The ringing of bells in a dream marks sad news. A person who is absent can get sick. Ringing the bell on your own - portends trouble.

Why dream of a grandmother's funeral? In most cases, such a dream is positive. And he leads to a happy life. No need to panic after such a dream.

And if in a dream you saw a coffin?

What can a coffin dream about? This item always evokes associations with death. However, it should not be taken so literally. In many cases, a coffin in a dream symbolizes completely different events. If it is empty, then you can be sure that you will live a long life. And your health will be strong.

In the event that you purchase a coffin or are simply present at the place where they are made, then in reality you will have real estate. The variety in the interpretation of this kind of dream can be confusing. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze your dream quite carefully, pay attention to the presence of people and significant, and sometimes absolutely insignificant, seemingly moments in it. If everything is reproduced with high accuracy, then the interpretation can turn out to be more detailed and correct.

If the coffin is not empty

Why dream of your own funeral? If you saw yourself in a coffin, then you should wait for problems to arise in the near future, which will be impossible to get rid of. Cases of this kind will need to be resolved on their own, as strangers will not be able to help. A stranger lying in a coffin symbolizes an imminent disaster that will successfully pass you by. Most likely, they will try to harm you. However, the intention of the opponents will not be realized.

A dream with an empty coffin speaks of health. The subconscious mind can thus communicate that you have a lot of strength. You can do ambitious things.

A simple coffin made of ordinary wood indicates that your current life is completely satisfied with you. If the funeral attribute is decorated with velvet, made of mahogany, this indicates that the financial situation does not suit you. And in business you will fail.

If you are lying in a coffin, then expect an imminent accident or illness. It is necessary to go to the doctor for a consultation if something bothers you. You don't have to take care of your health. Otherwise, everything can end quite sadly.

What does the Russian dream book say?

Why dream of coffins? The funeral in this situation symbolizes the imminent separation. If you bury a coffin, then in real life you can quarrel with your loved one. At work, you will be faced with problems due to which you may be fired.

If you make a coffin yourself, it symbolizes that you find and create problems for yourself.

What is Freud talking about?

If there is a woman in the coffin, then for a man such a dream may portend a quick separation. However, there is no need to be afraid. It only says that your feelings have disappeared. And it happened a long time ago, but you did not want to perceive it.

If in a dream you saw an empty coffin, then this means spiritual emptiness. Perhaps you have experienced a separation that has had a strong effect on your state of mind.

What does Shuvalov say about sleep?

If in a dream you are lying in a coffin, expect serious problems. In the future, parting with a loved one or any difficulties at work is possible. Health will deteriorate. This can only go on for a few months. Try to decide what is important to you. This is what should be given special attention. There is no need to chase after all your affairs, since you can lose everything.

What did the Mayans say?

An empty coffin signifies evasion from the problems of the real world. If you saw a funeral, then this means that there are more envious people, and they have a huge impact on your actions. If you are lying in a coffin, then expect imminent problems, which will not be easy to deal with.

What does the English dream book say?

If you purchase a coffin or design it yourself in a dream, then this may mean that you have prepared quite seriously for future problems. If you dig a grave, bury a coffin, or just see a funeral, this promises some kind of loss. And perhaps you will part with many problems.

The coffin does not always portend bad news

The dream in which you saw such a sad sign does not always indicate upcoming troubles. However, before you do, do anything after such a vision, you must carefully interpret it. People, actions, additional elements - all this can play a decisive role. Not a single detail should be overlooked.


You should not expect problems if you saw a funeral in a dream. Just remember all the details, and then correctly "sort out" such a dream. Perhaps nothing bad will happen. In the near future, only numerous joys can await you. In this review, we discussed in detail what a dream in which a funeral could mean could mean. We hope this will help you understand what such a vision carries.

You could experience the most terrible and truly terrible feeling if you had to see a funeral in a dream. In real life, such a day never brings joy, but rather anxiety, worries and tears. Let's find out why a funeral is dreamed of during the flight of the soul to unknown lands.

Miller's predictions

Own burial is interpreted by the psychologist in a positive way. For the debtor, the dream book portends the receipt of a large amount of money and the opportunity to get rid of the duty, since the dead are free from their duties. A single dream book portends an early engagement and wedding. But for a patient, a dream prophesies death.

It is important to pay attention to what the weather was like. A clear sky and a warm day in a dream promise good health and a successful completion of all affairs. And a piercing wind, clouds overhead, drizzling rain or, even worse, a thunderstorm are deciphered by the dream book as a disease and many problems.

If, after the burial, a howl was heard from under the ground, then be very careful and do not break the law. The dream book warns of a high risk of going to jail or becoming addicted.

When deciphering what the funeral ceremony is dreaming of, you do not need to be frightened and upset ahead of time. This plot is often a favorable sign. The main thing is to take into account the features of the events that appeared in a dream.

Other interpretations

The French dream book associates a magnificent, even pretentious funeral procession with a loss of authority. You will bring shame on your family. However, if in a dream the ceremony was poor, and few people came, then the interpretation of the dream is reversed. In reality, you will achieve dizzying success and the respect of others.

Wangi's dream book attaches significant importance to the one whose funeral was. If your body was seen off on the last journey, this is a sign that it is time to get rid of bad habits, or there will soon be a reason to see a doctor. If in a dream the coffin was empty, the dream symbolizes the despondency that reigns in the soul.

Hammering nails into the coffin portends getting rid of vices and shortcomings. The dream book enhances the meaning of dreams if it was hard to do. But carrying the coffin portends betrayal on your part, as a result of which a loved one will seriously suffer.

Why dream of a funeral? Tsvetkov deciphers the vision as follows: if a dream appeared to a lonely woman or a single man, they will have an early wedding. For spouses, a mourning event in a dream portends the successful completion of planned affairs.

A churchyard and a funeral are an unfavorable sign according to the Muslim dream book. Expect big expenses and slow progress. But if the coffin belongs to you, then in reality you will go to a holiday where you will be the pearl of the evening.

The 21st century dream book promises reconciliation with a close friend, a quarrel with which happened over a trifling matter. Receive condolences in a dream predict a party and fun. But the sorrow experienced in a dream reminds us that happiness will not last long.

The funeral in a dream took place at the cemetery, which means that the issues that have been troubling lately will be safely resolved. Harmony will reign in the family and in relationships with others, predicts Felomena's dream book.

If guests have fun at the ceremony and laughter sounds - in reality, others will be set against you. It is better to behave quietly and modestly, without provoking aggression, avoiding critical statements and new acquaintances.

The modern dream book deciphers the sad procession and the sad faces of people as the presence of enemies in the immediate environment. You have been cornered and are preparing a trap.

Denise Lynn interprets a funeral in a dream as the completion of a life stage, the death of old beliefs and principles.

Deceased relatives

One of the most terrible moments is to see how a loved one is buried.

Why dream of a brother's funeral? To correctly decipher a dream, it is necessary to take into account the emotions experienced. If in a dream there is no longing, bitterness of loss, then the character is distinguished by good health and longevity. And sadness is interpreted as the appearance of problems with the little brother.

In a dream, did you see your sister off on their last journey? This means that her life will improve, and the difficulties, if any, will dissolve.

Why dream of a son's funeral? The seers reassure: all the problems associated with him will be safely resolved, and the disease, if it was, will recede.

Why grandmother's funeral is dreamed of depends on the nuances of the dream. Alive in reality, the old woman seers prophesy longevity. But if a bell rings during the funeral ceremony, the dream book warns of bad news. You will probably soon learn about the illness of a loved one.

Finding out what the grandfather’s funeral is dreaming of, the seers advise looking inward, this is especially true if the character has long since passed away. The loneliness you experience prevents you from enjoying life. In this position, the dream book recommends opening up to others and showing friendliness. Then people will be drawn to you, appreciate the inner world.

Why dream of a child's funeral? Seers interpret the dream somewhat in two ways. On the one hand, this plot predicts complete mutual understanding in the family. If there was a conflict, there will be a solution that will suit everyone. On the other hand, the dream book notes that relationships with people around you will lose their relevance for you, because the lack of communication is replenished in the circle of relatives.

Why dream of the funeral of a relative who has long since died, if the ceremony was illuminated by a bright warm sun? This plot portends a successful combination of circumstances, now you can handle any business. Take advantage of this opportunity to do what you've been putting off.

Why dream of the funeral of a father who has long since passed away? You expect a lot of problems of a different nature, unforeseen expenses, difficulties in business. But if in reality dad is alive, then a dream portends him to good health. To accept condolences at a funeral in a dream - in reality you will spend time at a fun holiday and receive many congratulations. It is possible that your father organizes it.

Why dream of mom's funeral? This is a very unfavorable sign. Although everything will be fine with the parent, many difficulties await you. The dream book prophesies: problems will arise from scratch, where you do not expect it at all.

The funeral ceremony took place on a gloomy rainy day? Get ready for trouble, the dream book instructs. At work, competitors become more active, the authorities will criticize the submitted project, deprive the bonus. However, if in reality the mother is alive, the events in the dream promise her good health for many years to come.

Deciphering what the husband’s funeral is dreaming of, the seers give a dual interpretation. In reality, they are at an impasse and don’t know what to do next - the situation will be resolved soon. According to another version, events in a dream predict the receipt of a solid inheritance, the solution of all financial difficulties and material independence.

A man burying his wife in a dream portends the development of stalled cases, the resolution of old issues. In addition, Felomena's dream book promises an opportunity to make good money.

Pay attention to the emotions that arose in a dream when you saw off a relative on their last journey. If there is no grief, sadness, longing, then this is a good sign. Higher powers are on your side, don't be afraid to take risks when starting a new project. He will make you rich and famous.

Why dream of your own funeral? Although the vision causes fear and shock, it promises good luck and excellent health. In reality, feel a surge of vital energy, now any business is within your reach. In addition, the dream book speaks of mutual understanding among relatives, the stability of family ties, and happiness.

What did you do

Most often, weddings and funerals portend a deterioration in health. A dream is especially relevant if in a dream the wedding ceremony took place in a cemetery. It's time to replace bad habits and correct behavior.

Sobbing at the ceremony is deciphered by the dream book as a reminder - happiness is temporary. Joy and prosperity will leave your life.

Being at a funeral ceremony, according to the Esoteric Dream Book, portends an expensive gift from friends and an invitation to a holiday where you will meet an interesting influential person.

In a dream, they saw a huge funeral procession - things will stall, and the realization of the dream will have to be postponed. The longer the column that accompanied the coffin was, the more obstacles and difficulties will arise.

Did you meet many relatives and friends at the funeral in a dream? In reality, dramatically increase your income. Perhaps there will be an engagement.


According to the dream book, if in reality a relative is seriously ill, then the dream where you go to the funeral is a reflection of fears. Events in a dream give hope for a speedy, successful healing.

According to another version, why dream of going to a mourning event means an unfinished business that you really don’t want to do. Constantly postponing its implementation does not bring relief. The dream book recommends pulling yourself together and fulfilling your obligations, then you will feel great relief.

Preparing for a funeral in a dream is a harbinger of a series of failures. To mitigate the consequences of dreams, Felomena in his dream book recommends being more careful and not getting involved in dubious adventures.

Running to the funeral ceremony means the appearance of difficulties in life. This will be associated with unpleasant events that happened in the past.

Friends and strangers

Why dream of someone else's funeral? The streak of bad luck will soon be replaced by a favorable period. Hopeless cases will end successfully, the sick will get better, in the conflict it will be possible to find a solution that suits everyone.

In a dream, they buried an unknown person in sunny weather? The financial situation will begin to improve rapidly. The dream interpretation speaks of a meeting with a person convicted of power, who will help solve the difficulties that have arisen, will support financially.

For those born in the summer, the funeral of a stranger in a dream is a good symbol. You will have the strength and energy to translate your plans into reality. And unusual creative ideas will be supported by others and superiors. The dream interpretation indicates that this is the best time to start new business.

They buried someone else's child in a dream, while the ceremony looked miserable, and two or three people were present. There will be problems in business. The dream interpretation predicts: competitors are weaving intrigues to set you up. Analyze all the actions of ill-wishers, then, perhaps, it will be possible to avoid the trap.

In a dream, was a living person buried in reality? You will be called to the wedding as a witness. Perhaps at the celebration you will meet your betrothed, destined by fate.

Why dream of a friend’s funeral is interpreted by seers very positively. If there was no news about a friend for a long time, expect a meeting with him, a visit to visit or an invitation from him to a holiday.

The small dream book of Veles considers the funeral of a friend who in reality holds a high position to be a good sign. Act boldly, finance risky projects, take on new business, Dream Interpretation foresees success and unheard of luck.

Did you have to bury your friend on a warm sunny day? The dream interpretation predicts a familiar meeting with his fate. A new admirer will literally carry her in her arms and anticipate desires. Events in a dream are also favorable for you - a pleasant change will occur in your personal life.

The dream book often deciphers the appearance of a dead person in a dream as a change in the weather. But a funeral in a dream indicates: you are engaged in a hopeless business, and in the coming days a complete failure awaits. The dream interpretation recommends not to wait for the thunder to strike, but to prepare by “laying down straws”.

Did they bury a dog in a dream? The subconscious indicates health problems. The dream interpretation recommends taking measures aimed at increasing immunity, for example, drinking a course of vitamins, spending more time in the fresh air.`

Let's remember the moment when the burial ceremony took place. If the funeral was magnificent, pretentious, rich, then for you this is a loss of authority both in the family and among colleagues. Poor ceremony, the minimum number of those present means a stunning success. If the deceased is a close relative, then the dream book interprets this kind of funeral as a positive prediction. Success in all endeavors and good health await you, but only if the weather was clear and cloudless. But a cloudy, gloomy day, even a downpour is a symbol of losses in business and diseases.

Seeing a coffin in a dream

Vanga's dream book, based on who died, is interpreted as follows: a coffin with your name wants to warn you about possible health problems. It's time to think about proper nutrition, about exercising in the gym and finally get rid of addictions. An empty coffin is a symbol of spiritual emptiness and loneliness. According to the same dream book, a dream about a funeral in which you had to carry a coffin warns of tempting offers, but it is important to protect yourself from vile deeds. Indeed, otherwise, numerous troubles and sufferings will fall on your loved one.

For singles and married

Seeing a funeral in a dream for an unmarried girl or a bachelor is a wedding. For ringed people, these are joyful events and a successful result of conceived deeds.
If you had to cry in a dream, then the dream book portends happiness. The black life streak will soon change, you should not lose heart and give up ahead of time. When the funeral began with a funeral procession, and you saw a lot of people walking, then your business stopped. Depending on how long the procession is, the delay in business depends. The more people, the longer and slower you will move towards the intended goal.

Hope for the best

Never transfer what you see to real events, even if there are seriously ill relatives in your life. Each dream has its own designation. Remember, the harder you endure the loss in a dream, the more pleasant events await.

How to define a prophetic dream

After interpreting the dream, we think. Whether a dream will come true or not depends on which lunar day he had a dream and on what day of the week. Let's look at the Lunar calendar and specify what and what lunar day.

Comparing the data on the lunar day and the day of the week, we can assume whether the prophecy of sleep will come true.

Sleep from Friday to Saturday 02/23/2019

Sleep from Friday to Saturday can also be used in reality. The abundance of happy events and pleasant impressions presented by Morpheus speaks ...

Do not be afraid if you dreamed of your own funeral. In a dream, this is only a symbol that a certain life stage has ended. In addition, the event indicates the deliverance (or the need to get rid) of unnecessary emotions, experiences, habits. The dream book will explain in detail what else the sad event is dreaming of.

For good or bad?

In general, death in a dream is a sure sign of longevity. Moreover, if such a vision was dreamed during an illness, then the dream book guarantees a speedy recovery.

Seeing your death means that you are destined for a long life with your loved one without much upheaval.

At the same time, their own funeral indicates that something is about to change dramatically, whether it be a situation or a worldview. But it depends only on you whether these changes will be for good or for worse.

Do not be afraid!

There is another unusual interpretation of a dream in which it happened to see one's own funeral. The dream book believes that in reality you are really afraid to die.

In a dream, infinity reminds us that these fears are groundless, and it is necessary to realize that death is only a transition to another level, and not the end of everything.

Rest or complications?

What is the dream of preparing for the event? The dream interpretation is convinced that everything here depends on various details.

If in a dream your own funeral promises to be magnificent and solemn with music and gun salvos, then in real life there will be difficulties in relations with others.

Quick preparation for a modest farewell with a minimum of invitees promises a waking vacation in a pleasant company of people who share your point of view.


Did you dream that strange preparations were being made for the ceremony with a clearly witchcraft ritual overtones? Someone very evil and strong wants to harm you.

Decryption of actions

In addition, it is worth remembering all your actions in a dream and giving them explanations.

  • Buying a coffin for yourself is an unplanned expense.
  • A wreath of fresh flowers - to a profitable business.
  • From artificial - to deception.
  • Dig a hole yourself - fortunately in marriage / for the wedding.
  • Seeing yourself in a coffin is a fun event.
  • Forcibly put in it - for the wedding.
  • Buried - to unexpected joy.

Miller's notes

Miller's dream interpreter noted that his own funeral, which takes place on a sunny day, guarantees health and a happy fate. If it rains during the event, then the dream book advises you to prepare for difficult times and trials.

Undoubted luck

Why dream that at your burial in a dream you saw many familiar faces in a sad crowd? In reality, wealth will bring a profitable marriage.

The death of any person in a dream always causes negative feelings and fear of the future. Why dream of your funeral? You should not be very afraid of these visions, most likely it is only a symbol that a certain life stage of your life has come to an end.

Also, this sad event may indicate deliverance or the need to get rid of unnecessary experiences, emotions or bad habits. A dream book will help to explain in detail why this sad event is still being dreamed of.

Seeing your funeral is a sign that soon everything will fall into place in your life, troubles and hardships will pass, all unsolvable situations will end successfully. Also, changes are coming in the dreamer's personal life. It can be either a meeting with a loved one, or a marriage proposal, the birth of children, a magnificent marriage. Own funeral in a dream can also personify the internal state of a person. Perhaps you are tormented by deep feelings, you feel longing and despair, fear of something or someone, loss of life orientation, physical or nervous exhaustion.

For a man to see his own funeral in a dream is a good sign. Soon influential sponsors will appear in your life, profitable new contracts, you will achieve incredible heights in business and receive the expected profit. It is also possible to purchase new real estate.

Seeing many relatives around your coffin who suffer and cry is a symbol of bad family relationships. In your family, unfortunately, quarrels and conflicts constantly occur, there is hatred and stupid accusations, a careless attitude, disrespect. It is worth trying to change this situation.

If a stranger was present at his own funeral in a dream, who kept aloof, then this is a bad sign. Someone harbored a serious grudge against you. Perhaps this person is from your inner circle. In the near future, you should be on your guard, because this person has insidious plans and will soon move on to decisive action. Sooner or later, the truth will be revealed, but you should not take risks and be too gullible.

To experience a terribly depressed state at your funeral in a dream is an auspicious sign. Soon you will have a happy trip with your lover, pleasant communication with friends and so on.

Running away from your own funeral in a dream is a good sign. Soon you will come to realize your own mistakes, you will try to correct what previously seemed impossible. It can be both reconciliation with a long-standing enemy, and deep repentance, forgiveness of insults and the choice of a different life path. Also, such a dream can portend a comfortable and long life until old age.

It is a bad sign to see your own funeral in a wedding dress. This dream predicts a whole bunch of problems that are about to fall on your head. If in reality you have already put on this dress, then soon you will face serious health problems and the strongest and closest relationships in your life will be destroyed. If you see the dress for the first time, problems with loved ones and financial losses are coming. You should try not to make large purchases and smooth out conflicts with your loved ones as much as possible.

If in a dream you were buried in an old dress, then financial problems await you soon. You can lose money because of your self-confidence or, conversely, problems with your own self-esteem. If this dream was dreamed of by a young man, then this is a kind of warning that one should not trust intuition alone. It is necessary to more carefully calculate the possible solutions to various situations in life, otherwise it may end very badly.

If at your funeral you were in old shoes, then soon you will have trouble along the way. Perhaps the trip, which is planned for the near future, will be dangerous, there is a risk of accidents.

If in a dream you were buried alive by a loved one, then you should expect betrayal and betrayal from your partner. Perhaps because of his indifference and coldness in your relationship, you cannot change the situation around you and get rid of pressing problems. You should be more careful, save your nervous system. Soon your black streak in life will end.

Interpretation of various dream books

According to Miller's dream book

Miller's dream book ambiguously interprets the funeral. He pays special attention to the weather in this dream. If you dream of good and sunny weather, then you will have a happy fate, the health of your loved ones, and good luck in all your endeavors. If your own funeral took place in cloudy and rainy weather, then illness, failure and loss await you.

According to Hasse's dream book

In this dream book, it is believed that your funeral in a dream predicts a long life and excellent health, as well as harmony and happiness in your family.

According to Tsvetkov's dream book

According to Tsvetkov, your own funeral portends a successful outcome of your affairs or a quick wedding. Such a sad event is also considered a symbol of a long and carefree life. If the coffin was carried with you easily and smoothly, happiness, prosperity, success and long life await you. For a sick person, this dream promises complete healing and deliverance from ailments;

  • hearing a funeral march during your own funeral is a symbol of the beginning of a new life. Also, these nightly dreams urge you to reconsider your attitude towards other people and finally determine which of them is an enemy and which is a friend;
  • cheerful music during their funeral is a sign of danger. You should be very vigilant and careful. In reality, someone is plotting something unkind against you.
  • Being at a relative's funeral on a nice sunny day is a sign of the good health of your loved ones; a happy fate is also possible. But if at the same time it is raining and the weather is gloomy, then soon expect illness and bad news, as well as a decline in business. If you are present at the funeral of a person you do not know, then unexpected complications in relations with people are possible. Your child's funeral portends health and peace in your family, but problems among friends. Hearing a death knell in a dream means unexpected sad news or illness of an absent person. Ringing the bell yourself is a harbinger of illness and failure, according to the dream book, this dream is deciphered in this way.

    To be at the funeral of a relative on a clear, sunny day is a sign of the good health of your loved ones. If at the same time it is cloudy and it is raining, soon expect illness or bad news. If you see the funeral of a person you do not know, unexpected complications in relations with people are possible. The funeral of a child in a dream portends health and peace in your family and problems among friends. Hearing a death knell in a dream - to unexpected sad news or illness of an absent person. Ringing the bell yourself is a harbinger of illness and failure.

    Dream Interpretation Funeral - A successful outcome; before the wedding; they hide you - long life; the dead man is alive - an invitation to the wedding; funeral procession - long sorrows (depending on the length of the procession, due to personal).

    If you dreamed that you were present at the funeral of a relative, and at the same time the bright sun was shining, then this is a symbol of the good health of loved ones. Perhaps one of them will have a happy marriage. But if the weather is cloudy and rainy, then expect poor health and unpleasant news about missing persons. There are also possible problems in business. Seeing a funeral in a dream is a sign of an unhappy marriage or poor health of children. The funeral of a stranger can mean unexpected anxiety. If you see your child’s funeral in a dream, then this means the health of your loved ones. clothes - this is a possible early widowhood. Seeing a relative's funeral in a dream - portends a nervous breakdown and anxiety in the family.

    Why dream of Burying - Being at a relative’s funeral on a good sunny day is a sign of the good health of your loved ones; a happy fate is also possible. But if at the same time it is raining and the weather is gloomy, then soon expect illness and bad news, as well as a decline in business. If you are present at the funeral of a person you do not know, then unexpected complications in relations with people are possible. Your child's funeral portends health and peace in your family, but problems among friends. Hearing a death knell in a dream means unexpected sad news or illness of an absent person. Ringing the bell yourself is a harbinger of illness and failure.

    Being at a relative's funeral on a good sunny day is a sign of good health, your relatives; a happy fate is also possible. But if at the same time it is raining and the weather is gloomy, then soon expect illness and bad news, as well as a decline in business. ; If you are present at the funeral of a person you do not know, then unexpected complications in relations with people are possible. Your child's funeral portends health and peace in your family, but problems among friends. Hearing a death knell in a dream means unexpected sad news or illness of an absent person. Ringing the bell yourself is a harbinger of illness and failure.

    Funeral - the meaning of sleep according to the 21st century dream book - reconciliation with an old friend, a quarrel with which happened out of stupidity. If relatives bring condolences to you at the funeral, then what this picture is dreaming of is a symbol of the upcoming holiday, fun. But the negative coloring of a dream, when you feel sorrow and grief at a funeral, means short-lived happiness.

    Why dream of mom's funeral? Most often, this is not a very good sign, but bad omens will not be associated with your mother in any way. Just get ready for the fact that life will soon bring many unpleasant surprises, disappointments, and you will have to deal with difficulties along the way with all your might - such forecasts are given to the dream book.

    But if you dream of the funeral of someone else's child, and at the same time they were poor, miserable, and literally two or three people were present, then such a picture in a dream, according to the forecasts of the dream book, promises problems in the business field. Be careful, your enemies are plotting behind your back, you need to beware of any actions from competitors.

    When you saw a funeral in a dream, then the interpretation of sleep according to Tsvetkov's dream book is quite unusual. Oddly enough, this sad, heavy story promises a wedding if an unmarried girl or a bachelor sees it. Married and married to see a funeral in a dream is a prosperous, joyful result of the planned business.

    Funerals are usually attended by those who think about the deceased, so any absurdity and contrast in a dream about a funeral should be alarming, whether it be whose bright clothes, obscene behavior, etc. Cheerful faces instead of removable ones mean the brewing hostility of society or a certain circle of people towards the sleeping person . The owner of such a dream is recommended to abandon actions traditionally condemned by society, as well as to avoid unpleasant communication, dubious gatherings, companies and acquaintances.

    Why dream of your own funeral? It turns out that this dream is very favorable. It portends excellent health, good physical shape, a long and prosperous life. In addition, to see a VOSN funeral, a coffin and oneself in this coffin means living a happy family life in reality. Such a dream plot for a girl or a young man portends a successful marriage. If you dreamed about your own funeral, then it is possible that the sleeping person himself will be the center of everyone's attention.

    But dreamed about the funeral of a friend can have both a positive and a negative interpretation. To get an accurate forecast, it is worth remembering the weather conditions at the time of the funeral. If the weather is clear, then the dreamer will be lucky. Cloudy rainy weather during the ceremony portends failure and bitterness.

    And why dream of the funeral of a son or daughter? Such a terrible dream portends nothing bad. On the contrary, if the child has problems (for example, failures in studies), then they are quickly resolved. If there are no special problems in life, then you can be glad that your son or daughter will be completely healthy and happy.

    Alina, a funeral is often not a bad dream. They usually say that some stage in life will end, go into the past. The bride in white dreams of changes that will come soon. There is a good chance that you will be able to solve your problem. The second dream - speaks of a sign of fate, something fateful awaits you in the future. Moving up is positive, moving down promises problems. Found and climbed - it means that everything will definitely work out, the solution to your difficulties will be found.

    If after a dream in which you buried a close relative, you did not have an unpleasant residue in your soul, then in real life a long and happy life awaits him. It is worth paying attention to health if the dream disturbed you greatly, and you could not recover for a long time.

    Unexpected experiences and anxiety await the one who saw the funeral of a stranger in a dream. After such a dream, you should pay more attention to your family and friends. Perhaps they are now in a difficult situation and need your help.

    A dream in which you see many sad faces at a funeral warns that your enemies are preparing to go on the offensive and strike unexpectedly. After such a dream, be very careful and attentive.

    If at your own funeral in a dream, a stranger is present and keeps aloof - a bad sign: someone who harbors a serious offense, perhaps a person from a close circle. His cunning plans will succeed in the near future if the dreamer himself does not take decisive action. It is worth taking a closer look and listening to what friends or acquaintances say; sooner or later the truth will be revealed.

    Thus, do not be afraid and look for something mystical in a dream about your own funeral. In most cases, this dream has a positive meaning, and if there are negative points, then they are insignificant and do not pose a serious threat.

    Funeral Why dream - A successful outcome; before the wedding; they hide you - long life; the dead man is alive - an invitation to the wedding; funeral procession - long sorrows (depending on the length of the procession, in connection with the personal one), this is how this dream is interpreted by the dream book.

    The funeral of a deceased person - having seen such a dream, remember what emotions you overcame during it. If you cried and mourned, then the dream is a dream for trouble, If you didn’t notice stupid emotions in a dream, then you will have a good result.

    If the funeral takes place on a sunny, clear day, this portends you wonderful activities and the prospect of improving your financial situation. The disgusting weather at the funeral suggests that fatal events will suppress your will and faith in yourself for some time.

    To be accidentally in a dream at the funeral of a completely unfamiliar person, but, as it turns out, very well-deserved, is a sign of sadness and great loss. Lush solemn funeral with an orchestra and farewell volleys - to the point of confusion in matters of the heart.

    Being at a relative's funeral on a nice sunny day is a sign of the good health of your loved ones; a happy fate is also possible. But if at the same time it is raining and the weather is gloomy, then soon expect illness and bad news, as well as a decline in business.

    If in a dream you meet many relatives, friends and just familiar faces at whose funeral, in reality this promises wealth due to a profitable marriage. The dream in which you hide a relative portends friendship and reconciliation with everyone, even with former enemies.

    Interpretation: The clairvoyant on which side of her life she put an end to. She decided that it was foreign to her. Perhaps a job, dream or MCH. Another option: whom he loves so much that he completely dissolved in him, having lost his "I". The dream says: "You can't give up on yourself."

    I wish you that every night the Sleepy Cantata sounds for you - a perfect and complete dream, like a piece of music that carries a charge of vivacity and a prophecy of well-being in the coming day and all your future life.



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