Pay for electricity to a disabled person of the 2nd group. Experiments of the mayor's office on citizens of preferential categories

Put out the lights Social regulation of electricity consumption will hit the poorest segments of the population


From July 1 of this year, the so-called social norms electricity consumption. The essence of the innovation lies in the fact that when electricity is consumed within the designated norm, tariffs will be slightly reduced, and beyond it they will be increased. Officials at all levels say that those who save energy will benefit from this initiative. According to the assurances of the authorities, 70-80% of the population will fit into social norms. However, in some regions where social norms were introduced as an experiment, only 40% fit into them. Experts interviewed by NI believe that in most subjects the threshold level of the social norm will be set lower than the real ones. natural needs citizens. In addition, the new measure declared as “social protection” may in practice hit the least protected sections of the population.

Large families that consume large amounts of electricity run the risk of not meeting social norms.

Currently, citizens pay according to the tariff for the delivered resource, regardless of how much they spent: little or a lot. In the future, it is planned to establish a monthly rate of electricity consumption per household, based on the number of citizens registered in the apartment, and also to approve two tariffs. The first will be applied if the citizen fits into the norm. The second takes effect if the tenant has consumed electricity in excess of the social norm. Naturally, the tariff "above the norm" will be more than the "social".

According to the authorities, new system was required, since citizens now do not pay for electricity in full. The existing tariffs for the population are much lower than for industrial enterprises. It turns out that industry and entrepreneurs subsidize the consumption of electricity by citizens. In fact, citizens on average pay only 80% of the value of the resource. Now, in order to "disperse" the industry, which showed almost zero growth rates at the end of last year, it is proposed to change the existing payment system.

However, as they say, it was smooth on paper. The mayor's office of the capital and representatives of the authorities of a number of northern regions have already opposed the forced introduction of an "energy ration", asking the government to give the subjects the right to decide for themselves when to introduce a social norm for electricity. According to the city authorities, with the introduction of the norm, Muscovites will have to pay much more for electricity consumed in excess of the established bar (an average of 50-70 kilowatt-hours per person per month). The authorities of the capital noted that " Negative consequences of a social nature will exceed the economic effect of the introduction of a social norm.

Social norms are set by local authorities individually in each region. Since September, the project began to work in the Trans-Baikal and Krasnoyarsk Territories, as well as in the Vladimir, Nizhny Novgorod, Oryol, Rostov and Samara regions. But from July 1, 2014, social norms will be introduced throughout Russia. The initiators of the project assure that for 70% of the population, tariffs will remain at the same level or will be slightly reduced, and only 30% of consumers will face the choice of cutting electricity consumption above this norm or paying at an inflated rate. According to Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, 80% of the country's citizens will fit into social norms.

In regions where social norms have been introduced in pilot mode, energy consumption limits vary. The minimum installed in the Nizhny Novgorod and Vladimir regions - 50 kWh, in the Zabaikalsky and Krasnoyarsk territories - 65 kWh and 75 kWh, respectively, in Rostov region– 96 kWh. The residents of the Samara and Oryol regions were the luckiest - they are allowed to spend 150 kWh per person per month. Thus, the average value for Russia is about 70 kWh.

However, the authorities promised that there would be no “equalization”. The specific dimensions of the social norm, according to the methodology developed by the Ministry of Regional Development, after its approval by the government, will be established by the regional authorities. The numbers will be different everywhere. Firstly, depending on the territory: somewhere there is more daylight, somewhere less. For countryside the volume will be one, and for the city - another. Whether the apartment has an electric stove or not, whether an elevator is installed in the house or not - will also matter. In the norm, not only individual, but also general house electricity costs will be taken into account.

The difference between tariffs within the framework of social norms has not yet been finally determined. There are two proposals: -10% within the social norm and +40% if it is exceeded, or -5% and +35%, respectively. It is planned to develop the final tariff scale for the regions before May. At the same time, taking into account the consumption norms set for the pilot regions, it is hardly possible to count on the fact that the population will be able to save on “social” electricity consumption.

“Regions where social norms are already in force demonstrate their inexpediency. At least 70% of the population must meet the established consumption limit. However, for example, in Vladimir region only 40% of them, which means that more than half of the residents pay for electricity consumption at a high tariff. And the reason for this is not at all the extravagance of Vladimir residents, but the volume of the social norm - 50 kWh per person. For comparison, a refrigerator that operates around the clock generates 35 kWh per month. Probably, the municipal authorities receive a lot of complaints and already intend to raise the bar to 140 kWh, ”the first vice president of the all-Russian public organization Russian Club of Financial Directors Tamara Kasyanova.

With the opinion that the Russians are actually being driven into energy bondage, Sergey Belolipetsky, a teacher at the Faculty of Real Estate Economics of the RANEPA, the chairman of the Association of Homeowners' Association of the Moscow Region, agreed in an interview with NI. "According to the head Federal Service according to the tariffs (FTS) of Sergey Novikov, the level of social norm in the regions will be 75–100 kWh per person per month. For some reason, however, they keep silent about the fact that even in China, the average monthly consumption is more than 300 kWh per person,” the specialist said.

Experts note that low-income Russians spend more time at home than the rich. They eat much less often in catering, preferring to cook at home, they also do laundry at home, due to their low education, they do not use energy-saving appliances and light bulbs. That is, they will have to pay much more. “The preliminary fork of the social norm in Moscow is expected to be from 70 to 100 kWh per person. The idea of ​​allocating a social norm for a household is being considered, but it is likely to be less beneficial for large families. There is evidence that one resident of Moscow consumes about 200 kWh per month. That is, in best case the social norm is enough for half of the consumed energy. Of course, there will be those who will meet the norm or slightly exceed it, but those will be less than 10%. Much will depend on the lifestyle of the consumer - it will be easier for a lonely workaholic to fit into the social norm than for a large family with constant washing and ironing, ”Anatoly Voronin, an analyst at the international financial holding, told NI.

'Cause nothing good but growth social tension, will not end, because specifically in Russia there is no shortage of electricity, but the framework for selling it to the population is already very strict. This is clearly unprofitable for the population, ”Anna Linevskaya, an expert at the International Financial Center, said in an interview with NI.

In addition to social norms for energy consumption, the government prepared other “gifts” for the Russians in 2014: people are waiting for an increase in tariffs for gas, water, and heat. So far, the authorities expect that the growth of housing and communal services tariffs will fit into the formula "inflation minus 30%" and will amount to 4.5%. But in any case, this will hit the wallets of citizens, since now residents of the Russian Federation spend an average of 11% of their funds on housing and communal services, and the poorest segments of the population - up to 30%.

An unpleasant surprise turned out to be the receipt of January payments for housing and communal services for some Muscovites. It's about about socially unprotected residents of the capital who are entitled to communal benefits. In particular, about all groups of disabled people according to general illness, including minors (children with developmental disabilities), as well as those who participated in the operation to eliminate the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant or were exposed to radiation during tests at the Semipalatinsk test site.

It should be noted that in total there are over 40 categories of citizens in the metropolitan region, for example, veterans of Moscow, most of whom use benefits provided by the state (federal and municipal budgets) for paying for electricity. In Moscow, since January 1, 2016, they, in “diplomatic” language, have been minimized and reduced. Although the size of benefits for utility bills remained the same, 50%. Could there be a mistake on the invoice?

Benefits for the disabled - old, calculation - new

This is how the officials and specialists from Mosenergo explain the metamorphosis that has taken place to discouraged Muscovites. The fact is that on January 1, the Decree of the Government of Moscow, dated December 25, 2015, came into force. According to this document, payment for electricity in Moscow, taking into account a fifty percent discount, is made based on the approved standard. That is, it is on him that the guaranteed benefits for the disabled apply. Let's look at a specific example.

Suppose, according to the meter, the consumption for the month was 500 kW. In cold weather, electricity in Moscow is sometimes spent on additional heating of apartments, central heating batteries can not cope, and in summer it is spent on the operation of air conditioners. They are unlikely to be turned off even with the complete abolition of the benefits; people with disabilities in the heat, in the polluted air of the metropolis, breathe heavily. But we digress a little.

If one of the family members registered in this living space has benefits for paying for electricity, in Moscow from January 1, 2016 the payment is calculated in the following way: 500 kW minus 45 kW (electricity standards per person in an apartment with a gas stove) or 70 (with an electric one). They are now paid at a reduced rate by half. The remaining electricity in Moscow is no longer subject to discounts. In our case, this is 455 or 430 kW versus 250 before. Hence and noticeable difference in total. For pensioners living alone, the social standard is slightly higher, 50 and 80 kW, respectively.

Benefits for utilities: how to get your

The question involuntarily begs: where did such norms for electricity come from, the numbers are really funny. It turns out that they are very old, not changed since 1994. It is quite possible that in the last century such a volume of consumption corresponded to reality. And even encouraged citizens to save. By the way, this is one of the main reasons for reforming the preferential system, which is pointed out by government officials, that public money should be saved. Veterans of Moscow and pensioners did not even hear about the existing modern gadgets, "smart" devices that make life easier. A home computer was also a rarity, and now for many disabled people with problems of the musculoskeletal system it is a “window on the world”: work, study, full communication. Is it really possible to shrink, limit yourself to only the most necessary?

Don't worry, we'll show you a couple of quite affordable solutions. To save on light, about 30-40%, for example, a multi-tariff (three-zone) meter will help. True, you will have to purchase and install such a meter at your own expense. However, "the skin is worth the candle", judge for yourself. Electricity in Moscow at night is 4 times cheaper than during the day. And the tariff of the so-called "semi-peak zone" differs from the usual one by a quarter, naturally, downwards. It is enough to rationally distribute the work of energy-consuming household appliances during the day (turn on the bread machine at night), and not overpay.

If the recalculation of electricity payment benefits in Moscow from January 1, 2016 significantly affected the budget, and the rent exceeds 10%, in other regions it is 22% of the total income (the amount of earnings, pensions, scholarships, allowances, etc. of all family members ), you should apply to the social security authorities to receive a housing subsidy. And do not put off filing an application on the back burner, very soon we will have a new increase in tariffs for housing and communal services, of course, light will also rise in price. And utility benefits are projected to remain at the same level.

Prices will rise by the summer

The Moscow government warns city residents that from July 1, tariffs for water, heat, gas and electricity will rise by about 7.5%. The total payment will increase by an average of 200-250 rubles. Someone will not pay attention to such a difference against the backdrop of growing inflation, but not veterans of Moscow and pensioners. After all, literally everything is becoming more expensive: bread, milk, medicines, travel by public transport.

In the near future, it is also planned to charge a fixed fee (about 20 rubles) from each household, apartment connected to the centralized power supply. This money will be used to maintain electrical networks in good condition (scheduled repairs, replacement of worn out, outdated equipment). In general, albeit small, but an additional expense for the population, especially for those who own no living space.

It’s good that in the capital there are good funds for benefits for the disabled, but in the localities the financing is worse. One can hope that social norms will finally be revised, and benefits for paying for electricity, introduced in Moscow on January 1, 2016, will return to the old values. Well, let's wait and see.

Read also

  • How cool and short to congratulate Tatyana on January 25


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14.03.2016 / 15:58


Elections will show who is right and let them try to putin.

17.03.2016 / 21:24


At the expense of three-tariff electricity metering: for 3 tariff tariffs from 07/01/2016 in Moscow, electricity prices were raised by almost 15%, and for one-tariff tariffs - by less than 7%. At the same time, the tariff in the "semi-peak" is practically equal to the one-tariff. And even before, 3-tariff accounting did not give 30-40% savings - in fact, less than 15%. So you can save money - sleep during the day, and lead a vigorous life at night, although Mosenergosbyt, for example, has already ripped off money from me for a 3-tariff meter !!! Well done rob everyone - the slogan of the day!

05.04.2016 / 09:49


State money - saving on disabled people is another extortion in the interests of Chubais Rotenberg Gref, etc.

Electricity benefits for disabled people of the 2nd group are determined by the authorities state power and local governments. However, their size varies depending on the region of the country. To take advantage of your legal rights, you need to clarify the information on the place of residence.

Varieties of discounts

Group 2 disability is assigned after a special medical expertise individuals who are disabled but do not need permanent outside help and round the clock care.

To receive a benefit, you must provide the following documents:

  • certificate of assignment of disability group 2;
  • passport of a citizen of Russia;
  • compulsory health insurance policy;
  • pensioner's ID;
  • other documentation provided at the request of a representative of the authority social protection.

Benefits for utilities for disabled people 2 groups include a discount on the list utilities:

  • electricity;
  • water;
  • tidying up the area around the residential building;
  • garbage removal.

It is also related to payments for living space. This direction social benefits may include a discount on the purchase of solid fuels. The benefit and, accordingly, the discount is given to disabled people of the 2nd group who live in houses where there is no central system heating.

In the presence of disability 2 groups to an individual compensation may be provided (half of the due amount for capital repair work(repair is being carried out in an apartment building, public property is affected). The calculation of the electricity benefit for the disabled of the 2nd group is made in accordance with the established norms of consumed services for 1 individual.

To exercise your rights, you must apply for benefits by contacting the Social Security Administration. In this case, the disabled person must have the following package of documents:

  • citizen's passport Russian Federation;
  • certificate confirming the presence of a disability;
  • a document for an apartment (technical passport);
  • information about the composition of the family.

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Last changes

In 2015, a law came into force on the territory of the Russian Federation, according to which changes and amendments were made to a number of legislative and regulatory legal acts and to the content of the Housing Code.

Previously, a disabled person of groups 1 and 2 in any city of the country paid half the amount for the used electricity, gas, heat, water, and the rest Money financed from the state budget.

The updated scheme is now in effect. Each region has the right to independently set the rate of consumption of housing and communal services.

If a disabled person has not spent more than the norm for a month, he pays 50% of the bill. If the standard values ​​are exceeded, the subject pays the amount in full.

For example, the standard value of consumed electrical energy in a particular region is 100 kW per subject for 1 month (if there is a gas stove). A disabled person and his family members living in an apartment building consumed 120 kW. Prior to the changes made, the calculation of compensation was made from the entire volume of consumed energy (120 kW). Now the disabled person will be compensated only for 50 kW. If less than 100 installed kW are used, the compensation amount will be calculated from the resulting value. The water benefit for a disabled person of group 2 and gas is calculated in a similar way.

The changes made by the representatives of the state authorities are considered fully justified.

The surplus of consumed housing and communal services should not be paid from budgetary funds, causing damage to other socially unprotected categories of citizens. We are talking about pensioners, families that are low-income.

Studying National Center public control in the field of housing and communal services established standards for individual regions and cities showed that they are quite acceptable. In the capital, disabled people live much better when compared with the benefits of provincial cities, which affects the level of material well-being of citizens.

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Regional differences

Although some changes in the provision of benefits for utility services to disabled people of group 2 (this also applies to group 1) have taken place, they will not entail severe consequences for citizens. There are no plans to completely abolish benefits, in particular for residents of the capital. Moreover, he enjoys discounts when paying for housing and utilities great amount people (over 4 million). In Moscow, you can count more than 40 categories of the privileged population, and every citizen receives assistance from the state even in the face of a deteriorating economic situation.

The prescribed benefits for utility services for disabled people of the 2nd group are established throughout the territory of the Russian Federation in accordance with the unified current legislation. Their difference is determined by the spending standards, which are established by the federal subjects. These include the authorities of the republic, region or territory. Due to the current economic situation, individual regions have different opportunities to provide social security local population. This causes the appearance of differences in payment amounts, various losses among socially vulnerable citizens.

In Moscow, the introduced changes did not affect the well-being of citizens too much, since the normative values ​​are quite adequate.

The difference is offset by adjustment factors. At the same time, it is significant in certain regions. Some disabled people suffered, losing up to 100 rubles, while for others, the loss amounted to almost 1,000 Russian units.

On the territory of Tatarstan, the reduction in benefits is quite noticeable (over 25% from 1200 to 800 rubles). The reduction in compensation amounts in the Tomsk region occurred by about 650 rubles. The loss of disabled people in the city of Vladimir is also significant - 25%. In the Komi Republic, reductions are from 1100 to 800 rubles. Relatively lucky people with disabilities Saratov region, since now they have 720 rubles, and before the adoption of the law they had 830.

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The reduction in benefits in a number of cities, for example, in Krasnodar, Sochi, Novgorod, etc., was provoked by a lack of funds, as well as the presence a large number disabled people.

In order not to deny anyone their right to social protection, it was decided to recalculate subsidies.

If we consider the Novgorod region, then on its territory there are almost 70 thousand people. preferential categories population, among which there are many disabled people of the 2nd group. For compensation, the region needs to allocate approximately 17 million rubles annually.

Following instructions regional center, in the Chelyabinsk region reductions reached 30%. At the same time, citizens should understand the dependence of the regional budget on the general economic situation in the country. Despite negative side changes, there is a positive trend.

It is connected with the creation of a database of disabled people who are entitled to preferential payments. This is done to calculate compensation amounts for paid contributions for major repairs. Payments are made not only to disabled people of category 2, but also to category 1, disabled children, parents who live with them. To take advantage of this privilege, you must apply.

As far as financial possibilities, the state and local authorities try to provide support to the disabled. The presence of temporary difficulties is surmountable, utility benefits are maintained and provided a significant number citizens.

Support is evidenced by the provision of a wide package social services the most vulnerable segments of the population, and their list is constantly expanding within the limits of budgetary possibilities.

Recently there was a rumor about the abolition of benefits for electricity bills for the disabled. Experts reassure: such changes are not planned in our state in 2019. However, there have been changes in the provision of benefits for the disabled. What are these changes? What are they? How does this affect the payment of electricity for the disabled? Read all the details in this article.

Changes in Electricity Payment Benefits for the Disabled

First of all, the changes affected the residents of the city of Moscow, namely the category of low-income Russians:

  • persons with disabilities (persons who are completely or partially deprived of the opportunity to find a job and provide for themselves due to illness, injury or injury);
  • families with disabled children under the age of 18;
  • persons affected by radiation exposure (both during the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and at the Semipalatinsk test site);
  • persons who are equal to them.

It cannot be said that for these low-income Russians there has been abolition of benefits related to payment for the use of housing and communal services, including electricity. A 50% preferential payment discount is valid for the following types of utilities:

  • heating;
  • water supply;
  • sewerage;
  • hot water supply (includes payment for water heating);
  • electricity;

According to the current legislation, the preferential discount for this type of service has remained the same - 50%. But the very procedure for calculating benefits has changed, as a result of which the amount of payment for the use of electricity for the disabled has become more than last year.

How can a person with a disability apply for electricity benefits?

In order to get the opportunity for a disabled person to take advantage of preferential discounts for paying for consumed electricity, it is necessary to contact the territorial body of the OSS - the Department of Social Protection. For disabled people, you need to submit a package of papers to this organization:

  1. Passport confirming the identity of a citizen of our state (photocopy).
  2. Information about the composition of the family.
  3. Medical certificate-certificate, which confirms the presence of a disability of the corresponding group.
  4. Pension certificate (if any).
  5. Account number.
  6. An application written by hand, asking for a preferential discount on electricity or some other utility bills.

Benefits will not be provided if there is a debt to pay for housing and communal services.

How are the calculations related to persons with disabilities and the benefits established for them now made?

A preferential discount of fifty percent is calculated based on the volume of a certain utility service used by a low-income Russian. The volume of consumption is determined using readings taken from a special data meter. But these readings should not exceed the consumption standards established and approved by Russian legislation.

The law also provides for a situation where such metering devices are not available. In this case, everything necessary calculations concerning fifty percent benefits for the disabled are conducted based on standard standards for the consumption of utilities, including electricity.

Electricity consumption regulations in force in 2019

Mosenergosbyt in 2019 provides low-income Russians living in Moscow (including the disabled) with a preferential discount of fifty percent. As already mentioned, this percentage is removed from the cost, which is calculated by the volume of electricity consumed only. That is, the readings of electric meters are taken into account - special meters for metering electricity consumption. But at the same time they should not be above legal norms.

Consider the values ​​​​of electricity consumption standards, which are established by the legislation of our state specifically for people with disabilities who enjoy a number of benefits and discounts:

  1. For people living alone:
    • for an electric stove - 80 kW / h per month;
    • for a gas stove - 50 kW / h per month.
  2. For families:
    • for an electric stove - 70 kW / h per month;
    • for a gas stove - 45 kW / h per month.

Unclaimed kilowatts, that is, remaining from the norms this month, are not transferred to the next.

An example of calculating the amount of preferential payment for electricity for the disabled

If a disabled person or a family with disabled people consumed during the billing period - in our country this calendar month- electricity in a smaller volume (based on the readings of electricity meters) than provided for by the standards, then fifty percent of the benefits apply to the entire volume. For example, meter readings are 60 kilowatts, in such a situation, payment with a fifty percent discount will be made for 30 kilowatts.

In the event that the volumes of preferential electricity norms established by law are exceeded, a fifty percent discount only works up to the standard limit. The remaining kilowatts are paid at the full 100% rate. For example, the monthly electricity consumption of one disabled person is 300 kilowatts (according to meters), from this figure it is necessary to subtract a preferential discount, which will be 40 kilowatts: 80 kilowatts according to the standards minus 50% statutory benefits for disabled people living alone. According to these calculations, 260 kilowatts will be paid (300 kilowatts consumed minus 40 kilowatts discounted).

Consider another example based on real facts. A family disabled person who uses an electric stove, according to the standards, can use an average of 70 kilowatts / hour. At the same time, a fifty percent discount in the form of communal benefits operates at 35 kilowatts / hour. In the case of conversion into rubles according to tariff scale(in March 2019, 1 kilowatt / hour costs 3 rubles 52 kopecks), we have: 35 kilowatts is 123 rubles 20 kopecks. If the electricity consumption standards for family disabled people with an electric stove are exceeded, that is, more than 70 kilowatts / hour, preferential 123 rubles 20 kopecks should be deducted from the total amount and the balance paid. With a lower electricity consumption (up to 70 kilowatts / hour), preferential (fifty percent) discounts are calculated: for a month, the meters clocked up 60 kilowatts, then only 30 of them are paid.

Any questions? Contact Mosenergosbyt!

You can clear up any misunderstandings that have arisen about the benefits for the disabled, which relate to the payment of electricity, without leaving your home. Now this is possible thanks to the official website of Mosenergosbyt -

In the "Virtual Reception" in the tab "Frequently Asked Questions" you can find information:

  1. About changing the data in the personal account.
  2. About benefits.
  3. How are benefits calculated?
    • 50% discount on expenses
    • half of the norm;
    • 100% of the cost.
  4. About examples of benefits calculation:
    • for a one-tariff electric meter (with a smaller and more expense electricity);
    • for a multi-tariff electricity meter (if tariff standards are exceeded).
  5. Paying electricity bills.
  6. About the state of the personal account.

This site also provides for the registration of individuals and the entrance to the client's personal account. With the help of the services provided by Mosenergosbyt, you can pay bills for consumed electricity. To do this, there are several ways that are very convenient for people with disabilities:

  • by registering in Personal account client" on the website of this company and clicking on the "Pay" tab (an automatic online service will calculate the required payment amount based on the current tariffs and standards);
  • without registering on the same site using a bank card;
  • using the automatic payment service.

Mosenergosbyt services for the disabled

When registering in the "Personal Account of the Client", it is possible to subscribe to the distribution of payment orders on email. The client will receive such an electronic document every month until the 10th day. At the same time, it can be both downloaded and immediately printed in paper form - the same familiar receipt for paying for electricity consumption. In addition to the account, it is also possible to find out the current balance in detail. Here you can also print blank forms of receipts, which should be filled out on your own and paid at any bank branch.

Mosenergosbyt provides full version electricity tariffs for 2019. These current tariffs are set by the regulatory authorities of our state, they also include preferential ones.

The list of services provided by Mosenergosbyt also includes those that are convenient for the disabled:

  • calling specialists involved in the maintenance of metering devices - electricity meters;
  • connection to power supply;
  • energy and environmental expertise;
  • organization of backup power supply;
  • insurance services.


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