Consequences of anesthesia and anesthesia during and after surgery. Eyeball damage

Anesthesia has long been an integral part of surgical operations and other medical procedures. Today, few people imagine performing a tooth extraction or appendicitis without anesthesia, not to mention complex and lengthy interventions. Thanks to this invention of medicine, people can not worry about painful sensations during major operations. Nevertheless, there are a number of claims that the use of general anesthesia causes serious consequences for the body. Children, the elderly and those patients who have repeatedly experienced serious surgical interventions are especially afraid of being introduced into a state of general anesthesia.

It remains to be seen whether these claims are substantiated. Let's find out what exactly is general anesthesia and what are its types, are there contraindications for its use and how does it affect the human body. As well as whether complications are possible after the use of general anesthesia and how to prepare for the procedure in order to avoid these consequences.

What is general anesthesia

Anesthesia is a general anesthesia during which the work of the central nervous system is artificially inhibited. nervous system patient, causing him to lose consciousness. This state is reversible. In the process, memory and consciousness are lost, muscles relax, some reflexes decrease or completely turn off, and sensitivity to pain completely disappears. All these effects occur with the introduction of one type of anesthetic or several generic drugs, the choice of which is carried out by an anesthesiologist based on data on the patient's age, clinical indications, duration of the operation, the severity of the intervention and comorbidities present in his body.

What types of general anesthesia are used in medical practice? Miscellaneous systems organisms have different susceptibility to drugs general anesthesia Therefore, the doctor decides on the use of one or several drugs at once. That is, general anesthesia is divided according to the amount of use of medications that cause artificial loss of consciousness:

  • mononarcosis - during the operation, one agent is used;
  • mixed anesthesia - the use of two or more types of drugs;
  • combined anesthesia - the use of several different means or a combination of them with components that affect certain systems and functions.

And also share the types of anesthesia, depending on the method of its introduction into the body:

  • inhalation - the drug for anesthesia is administered through the respiratory tract;
  • parenteral - intravenously, intramuscularly, rectally - simultaneously with ventilation of the lungs or without it;
  • combined - various means are used sequentially, and the way they are used can also change.

If there are indications for artificial ventilation lungs during the operation, tracheal intubation is performed - the introduction of a tube into the airways immediately after the person is immersed in artificial sleep. And also the injection of oxygen or gas mixtures into the lungs can be carried out in other ways - using a ventilator or using a special bag.

The mechanism of action of general anesthesia on the human body

Anesthesiologists today use safe drugs various groups- barbiturates, inhalation painkillers, benzodiazepines, which allow for a smooth entry of the patient into an unconscious state, and then a trouble-free exit from it. The mechanism of action of general anesthesia proceeds in several stages, each of which has its own characteristics.

The course of all stages of anesthesia is monitored on the instrument monitors - data is taken blood pressure, pulse, electrocardiogram, oxygen content in the blood and other vital signs.

Contraindications for general anesthesia

There are no absolute prohibitions for performing any intervention under general anesthesia, since surgical operations are made according to vital indications. However, the doctor may suggest that the patient reschedule the date of the manipulation or, if possible, use a different type of anesthesia for the following reasons:

Pediatric anesthesiologists insist on postponing surgical intervention if the child has a disease infectious nature, especially when it is a pathology of the respiratory system, rickets, malnutrition severe degree, rashes on the skin of a purulent nature, as well as in the period after routine vaccination.

Another point considered as an obstacle to general anesthesia is allergic reaction, including anaphylactic shock. This condition develops when immersed in anesthesia is extremely rare - in one out of 15,000 patients.

How to test for allergies to general anesthesia? - for this you need to notify the doctor about those drugs that once showed a reaction, remember unsuccessful cases local anesthesia during dental treatment, and you can also undergo special tests. Tests for the sensitivity of the body to a particular drug, carried out before the operation, will help the doctor decide on the choice of means for general anesthesia.

At emergency indications for surgery or progression cancerous tumor, doctors do not consider it correct to consider the issue of contraindications to anesthesia. main goal save the life of the patient by any means.

Possible complications of general anesthesia

Despite the fact that anesthesia is a guarantee of human safety during surgical intervention, it can also cause some, including hazardous reactions. Conventionally, they are divided into 3 groups.

Complications of the first group are observed in patients after surgery up to 80% of cases, but they disappear on their own within 1-3 days. The consequences of the second group are observed in 5-20% of patients, depending on the patient's age, general clinical picture and health status. Injuries of the third group occur in about 1% of all cases of immersion in general anesthesia. Development risk serious complications increases for elderly patients suffering from cardiovascular pathologies and from intolerance to painkillers of certain groups.

How else is general anesthesia dangerous for a person and what negative impact can it have during application?

An overdose of anesthesia can be life-threatening - this is respiratory depression, impaired patency respiratory tract(tissue edema), bronchospasm, bradycardia (decreased heart rate), drop in blood pressure. Possible in case of severe overdose death. Fortunately, the administration of analgesics and the subsequent condition of the patient is carefully monitored by the anesthesiologist, so cases of overdose are very rare. And in order to avoid complications before the operation, the patient undergoes all the necessary examinations.

Effects of general anesthesia on the human body

Since the effect of painkillers used for general anesthesia extends to all organs and systems, there is a risk of the consequences of such an effect.

What are long-term consequences use of general anesthesia? Consider the degree and risk of its impact on individual systems of the human body.

How general anesthesia will affect the human body depends on many circumstances. That is why the anesthesiologist closely monitors its course during the operation. It should be borne in mind that the risk of negative effects of painkillers increases for children and elderly patients, with chronic (especially infectious) pathologies, with prolonged exposure to the body, and also if tissue poisoning occurs as a result of too high an anesthetic dose.

Consequences of general anesthesia for a woman's body

Because the female body is special, it is often possible to judge his condition before and after anesthesia only according to the data that were recorded at the time of the operation. After all, a woman can experience puberty, pregnancy, menstruation, or just a change hormonal background. The consequences of general anesthesia for a woman's body increase during the period of gestation - operations at this time are undesirable. Any drug with an anesthetic effect in this period may have toxic effect on the mother and child.

Most dangerous time for manipulations under general anesthesia are the first two trimesters of pregnancy, when the process of formation of vital important organs and fetal systems. The middle of the third trimester is also a contraindication for general anesthesia. At this time, there is tension in the uterine muscles, which can provoke a miscarriage or bleeding.

prohibition of pregnancy after anesthesia

If C-section held under general anesthesia, the patient may experience clouding of consciousness after surgery, convulsions, nausea and dizziness.

How long can you get pregnant after general anesthesia? Special studies on this topic has not been conducted, but doctors take into account toxic effect on the body of painkillers against the background of egg maturation. Full period the formation of the ovarian follicle takes at least 120 days, so it would be most reasonable to plan conception after general anesthesia no earlier than 4 months later. During this time, a full-fledged egg cell will form in the body, which has not been exposed to negative impact toxic drugs.

General anesthesia and breast-feeding is another frequently discussed issue. If a woman is breastfeeding during surgery, doctors recommend interrupting the process for at least two weeks. Being in a hospital, the mother will not be able to feed the child on schedule, which is already a break. Then it takes about 10 more days to cleanse the body of toxic substances, which can affect the health of the baby, acting with breast milk.

How does general anesthesia affect children?

Modern medicine has a wide range safe drugs for immersing a child in an artificial sleep, in addition, funds intended for pediatric practice are regularly tested and subject to increased quality control. Thus, modern drugs practically do not provide side effects on children's body. However, much here depends on the professional skills of the anesthesiologist, who is engaged in choosing the type of anesthesia and determining the amount of the drug.

What is the danger of general anesthesia for a child? - there are no special complications in children, side effects the same as in adults are possible, and they are observed extremely rarely - in about 1% of cases. Complications are more common in children who are younger than 2 years old, therefore, if it is possible to undergo surgery until the baby grows up to 4 years of age, doctors recommend choosing this option.

The effect of anesthesia on the elderly

The consequences of anesthesia in the elderly may be more pronounced, since by old age in the body there are major changes. Such patients recover longer after surgery, in most cases they have chronic diseases Therefore, this category of patients is under closer attention of anesthesiologists.

Elderly people with the following pathologies are at an additional risk of developing complications after general anesthesia:

It is the presence of these diseases that the anesthesiologist considers when choosing the drug and the desired dose for general anesthesia.

Not always elderly age is a contraindication for anesthesia, concomitant chronic pathologies. Will general anesthesia be harmful for an elderly person and will he have Negative consequences- depends on the reserves of the patient's body, on his state of health.

How best to endure general anesthesia

How to prepare for general anesthesia so that the anesthesia procedure and the operation itself pass without consequences? To do this, you need to follow a number of recommendations:

These rules will make it easier to transfer general anesthesia.

How to recover faster from anesthesia and return to habitual way life at least in a hospital?

  1. A light diet will help the body recover.
  2. In order for the kidneys to quickly remove the remnants of the drugs, plenty of drinking is shown.
  3. You can not be nervous and worried, it will only aggravate the situation.
  4. In some cases, doctors prescribe restorative drugs after general anesthesia, they will help to quickly cope with the effects of the anesthetic.

The recovery period depends on the type and duration of anesthesia, the age of the sick person and his state of health.

Many patients, especially men, are interested in whether it is possible to drink alcohol after general anesthesia? The answer is unequivocal - with a drink you have to wait until full recovery body and excretion of the anesthetic. All pain medications are incompatible with ethanol, drinking alcohol shortly after general anesthesia can lead to dangerous consequences and even to death. And also patients are often prescribed antibiotics, which are also incompatible with strong drinks.

As you can see, no matter how harmless general anesthesia may seem, it nevertheless affects almost all human organs and systems. However, it is not the anesthesia itself that should be feared, but the disease due to which the operation is performed. When assessing risks and negative impact anesthesia on the patient's body, one should think that the operation is carried out in order to save the patient's life at any cost. In addition, anesthetic drugs in our time reduce the risk of complications to a minimum, so most fears and myths are unjustified. How often you can do general anesthesia - depends on clinical indications and the health of the patient! But, in general, doctors do not recommend the abuse of anesthesia and advise it to be carried out for health reasons, no more than once every 6 months.

There is still love. Same common consequence among women. At least I still found the time when her first man meant something to a girl. I don’t know if it’s good or bad, but a fairly high degree of purity of feelings, relations was definitely observed in comparison with the current relations of young people. I don't speak for everyone, of course, but I mean in general. buburu July 23, 2013 Be prepared for the fact that after the first sex you and your young man relations can change dramatically, and not at the very better side. Because of this, many young girls get serious psychological trauma, which leads to further problems in intimate life. To prevent this from happening, the first sexual experience must be acquired on the basis of a strong mutual feeling of love.

Consequences after the first sex

Why does this happen Thoughts that the first sexual intercourse is always unsuccessful and this is very unpleasant process, must be driven away. It can be noted that many people have such an attitude, but there are exceptions to any rules: it is not necessary that blood will flow after defloration. There are cases when bleeding does not occur at all - and this is not some kind of defect, it is just an individual predisposition.
It is worth understanding why, in general, when losing virginity, it hurts and bleeds. Sometimes there are cases when the loss of virginity passes gradually - after the first couple of times, when the virgin film is only tearing. In this case, bleeding may occur each time, or it may not occur at all.


First sexual intercourse In addition, it is believed that until the age of 17-18, the female body is not prepared for sexual activity, and in early age the first sex for a girl is more traumatic and painful. First of all, it is stress for the body, both on a physical and psychological level. For both the girl and the guy, he brings something new, still unknown.


As a rule, few people leave their first sexual experience pleasant sensations, and this depends not only on sympathy or antipathy for a partner, but also on ignorance of how to behave in this situation. Consequences of the first intercourse We will be very grateful if you recommend us to your friends in in social networks. The medical portal provides medical consultations in the mode of correspondence with doctors on the site.

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After the first sex, what are the consequences?

Pain and blood - well normal phenomenon for the first intercourse, as well as the absence of one of the variables. If a girl is visited by any doubts, then she can turn to a specialist. For example, it would not be superfluous to do this if some time after the first experience there was a delay critical days or they feel pain in front of them. The need to consult a doctor It is necessary to consult a doctor if the first contact was unprotected. That is, you should not be ashamed of anything, because a scrupulous attitude to your health has not yet killed anyone. Sometimes causes sharp pain during the first sexual intercourse, a phenomenon such as an abnormal structure pubic bone. The norm is the shape of the roller, with a thickness of thumb hands. It is this structure that does not pose any threat during the first sexual intercourse or during childbirth.

Symptoms of the disease - pain after deprivation of virginity

Kristina:: Obstetrics and gynecology / Gynecologist get infected with Ureoplasma and Mycoplasma through anal sex? Replies: 2Posts: 1 22.10.200811:36 Irina:: Obstetrics and gynecology / Gynecologist How to calculate the stray day Replies: 1Posts: 2 11.08.201108:30 Anastasia:: Obstetrics and gynecology / Gynecologist consequences of the first sex! Replies: 3Posts: 0 28.01.200822:02 Anastasia:: Obstetrics and gynecology / Gynecologist get pregnant by having sex during menstruation? Replies: 1Posts: 2 07/14/201608:52 Alisa:: Obstetrics and Gynecology / Gynecologist mobile version page Login: Password: — remember me registration | recover password Best consultants TOP50 Leaders by sections Follow the link to create a site from scratch in Joomla, details…

Consequences of the first intercourse

This is respect, care, tenderness, understanding - all the feelings that make up love. If a girl really believes that she has already matured and is ready to enter into intimate relationship, then you need to think, first of all, about safety. Of the main consequences early start sexual life - unwanted pregnancy, infections.
Is it possible to get pregnant the first time? Rumors that only those who live a regular sex life can get pregnant are a huge dangerous delusion! If a girl has her first sexual contact and loses her virginity, can she get pregnant after the first time? Maybe! By the way, not so long ago sociological research, which was attended by 400 girls. 80% of them did not use protection during their first sexual intercourse.

What should you be prepared for after the first sexual intercourse?

This explains the fact that in most cases the first sexual intercourse in girls occurs painlessly. If a girl feels that the desire for sex is great and feels ready for sexual intercourse with this particular man, she does not experience severe pain. Therefore, it is much easier to use tried and tested methods of preventing pregnancy than to practice using coitus interruptus.


As a result, ejaculation occurs outside the female genital organs. Feeling the increase in orgasm, the man removes the penis from the vagina, which protects the partner from the risk of pregnancy. The consequences of interrupted sexual intercourse can be the most unexpected: if you successfully apply this method for quite a long time, it is possible that you simply have an infertility factor.

Consequences of the first sex

Guest | (Eagle) | 24.02.2013 20:13 After the first sex blood is coming It's been 4 days, is this normal? (Guest) Yusya 03/02/2013 19:41 I had the first sex (not protected) The guy did not fully enter me, is it possible to get pregnant? (Guest) kristina 04/05/2013 14:18 I am 16 years old. I got into a check 1 time there was blood and it didn’t hurt for long Tell me after that there may be children (Guest) Svetlana 22.09.2013 19:45 there is a possibility that I will get pregnant, I didn’t finish in me, but you can say that it was on me. And just in case, another question, after how much can I do a pregnancy test? (Guest) Anastasia 12.11.2013 19:22 When I had my first sex, I felt excellent sensations. My first sex was in the 10th grade. More precisely, I myself inserted myself there 15 times earlier. Now I'm in the 11th grade.

Blood after the first intimate relationship

Answers: 1; Comments: 69 Kikina Yulia Alekseevna obstetrician-gynecologist Dear Maria. Perhaps you have an exacerbation of hemorrhoids or a fissure of the rectum. Address to the proctologist on internal reception. Creation time: November 29, 2007 12:04 pm medical center Moscow city.
Dear visitors, you can continue your consultation on our specialized website dedicated to women's health»»» Find more answers in the site database ««« (Guest) anna 27.10.2008 09:53 I had sex for the first time. isolating as with menstruation. is this normal? (Guest) MAGGIE 21.01.2009 15:56 the day before yesterday I had my first sex, it didn't hurt very much, but there was a lot of blood. For the third day, blood continues to flow, as during menstruation, but a little lighter. Unpleasant sensations No. Friends said that this is normal, although it happens rarely, and will soon pass.
After the first time, I had some kind of vile slight nausea and my stomach ached, not much, but like during menstruation .. The head split and in general the condition left much to be desired. I just come to my senses (after 5 days) .. Interestingly, did anyone have the same disgusting thing? Maybe they just drank too much vodka and drank KPS GOD for 5 days. I don’t remember anything like that.. I know one thing - I wanted to continue.. Lapka GOD drank a bucket of good wine + a trough of strawberries added with goodies.. it’s understandable irma960 Newbie I didn’t have anything like that. On the contrary, the mood was upbeat. Maybe she was just nervous? Kashtanka Svoi had a very painful first day of menstruation ... I don’t remember such things in my whole life ... I couldn’t even breathe ... but everything else was very good .... Vuivra Guru Kashtanka wrote: I didn't have anything like that.

Complications of the underlying disease should be considered nosological units, injuries, syndromes and symptoms, pathological processes that are pathogenetically (directly or indirectly) associated with the underlying disease, but are not its manifestations.

While the manifestations of the disease are stereotyped, included in the syndrome of the disease itself, the complications are individual, although, of course, they follow general patterns. Often the boundary between the concept of "manifestation" and "complication" of the disease is not clearly defined. So, for example, concepts such as cider portal hypertension with cirrhosis of the liver, chronic cor pulmonale in chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases is more logical to understand as manifestations of underlying diseases, and, in particular, acute aneurysm of the heart in acute myocardial infarction, of course, is its complication. However, in clinical and pathoanatomical diagnoses, there is an unreasonable transfer of a number of manifestations of diseases to the heading of complications and, less often, vice versa.

When formulating complications, clear terms should be used that reflect certain nosological units, syndromes and symptoms. Terms such as “intoxication”, “heart failure”, “multiple organ failure”, etc. are uninformative and should be avoided. It is also necessary to indicate exactly the complications of the underlying disease, and not the elements of the mechanism of death (thanatogenesis), such as, for example, the same “heart failure”.

Naturally, the terms “acute” or “chronic cardiovascular insufficiency (NC I–III)”, the corresponding morphological terms “acute” or “chronic general venous congestion” can and should be used in appropriate cases.

Complications should be listed in pathogenetic or temporal sequence. Among the entire group of complications, there is one most important - fatal complication (immediate cause of death). Often, a group of fatal complications (more than one) is not very informative and is not suitable for statistical analysis.

Complications of resuscitation and intensive care(if they were not the result of erroneous actions and decisive factors of thanatogenesis and, thus, as fatal iatrogenic complications did not become the main disease) should be indicated in the diagnosis, as they can become an object for litigation, listing these events (with dates and duration their implementation) and the actual complications (for example, fractures of the ribs, etc.). There are proposals to indicate them after all the rubrics of the diagnosis, in a separate paragraph after the rubric of the concomitant disease. However, this separate paragraph seems more logical, starting with the words “Resuscitation measures” or “Intensive care during ...”, should be placed after the heading of complications of the underlying disease and before the heading concomitant diseases.

Accompanying illnesses.

Concomitant diseases are one or more nosological units that at a given time (during the last episode of medical care, in the event of a death) were not directly related to the underlying disease and did not take part in thanatogenesis.

It is necessary to objectively prove that these diseases did not play a role in the onset of death. At the same time, quite often, certain medical and diagnostic measures could be carried out for the deceased due to these diseases. However, it is important to note that comorbidities cannot have complications that play a role in the onset of death - fatal complications. Undoubtedly, an indirect connection can be found between almost all the diseases that the patient had at the same time, but this does not give a reason to exclude such diseases from the rubric of concomitant diseases and to over-expand the rubric of the combined underlying disease.

The most difficult procedure in permanent makeup is the correct insertion. This means the correct depth, the correct nature of the lines, as well as the uniformity of staining. And the most important is the depth of the puncture, which is controlled only by the master himself. If the pigment is not properly fixed in the skin, complications may occur after the crust falls off and the epidermis is completely restored, the paint will either disappear or its color will be unclear, very light. It will be possible to correct only with a repeated procedure.

Also, if the skin is damaged too deeply, even regardless of the color of the pigment, the shade may turn out to be completely different from what was expected, and a scar may appear.

Causes of complications

The causes of complications can be completely different, in the first place poor-quality material, its composition, a faulty apparatus, a cosmetologist lacks experience. That is why it is worth taking the search for a specialist seriously. And to look final result people who visited him.

If the client feels pain during the procedure, this may indicate a mismatch of the equipment, poor psychological interaction with the master (it happens most often), low threshold sensitivity or the anesthesia is not chosen correctly.

Edema may indicate the quality of the material and the depth of its introduction, the client’s personal tendency to edema, as well as the method of anesthesia (Emla ointment, which is used in dentistry, can cause severe swelling). As a rule, when normal conditions swelling should disappear within a few days, it should not be accompanied by itching or redness. In the presence of similar symptoms it is recommended to consult a doctor.

The formation of "crusts", darkening and tightness of the skin. Such symptoms are normal reaction for the procedure. Do not forget that after the end of the procedure, the skin of the area where it was performed permanent makeup in Moscow lubricate wound healing ointment. Don't panic if the color of the crust differs from your chosen shade. After 2-5 days, the “crusts” peel off, after a week a preliminary result will be visible, and after 20 days the color may change slightly. And the final result should be expected approximately 28 days after the procedure.

If the procedure is carried out correctly, there are very rarely fragility of blood vessels, increased bleeding and the use of adrenaline and other drugs that trap blood under the skin, while hematomas form, as a rule, they disappear within a day.


official contraindications for permanent makeup No. But experts do not recommend this procedure:

  1. In diseases of blood clotting
  2. Somatic diseases
  3. Inflammatory diseases
  4. There should be no scarring at the site of the procedure being performed.

Permanent makeup can look great if the master has taken into account all the nuances and features of the client. Therefore, before the procedure, devote the master to everything possible contraindications in order to prevent harm to the client in time.

Diabetes is one of the most common and dangerous diseases our time. According to official data, almost 4 million people, or about 3% of the population, suffer from diabetes in Russia. But the real number of patients exceeds the number of diagnosed patients at times: academician Ivan Dedov, the chief endocrinologist of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, calls the figure 12.7 million patients, i.e. almost 9% of the population. Diabetes is dangerous not only in itself, but also with numerous complications, the risk of which is especially high in those who are not aware of their diagnosis and do not try to keep the disease under control - i.e. two thirds of diabetics. Here are the US statistics:

  • 71% of diabetics over 18 have high blood pressure
  • Diabetes increases the risk of heart attack and cardiovascular disease 1.8 times
  • Diabetes increases the risk of stroke by 1.5 times
  • 28.5% of diabetics over 40 suffer from diabetic retinopathy, damage to the retina that can lead to complete loss of vision.
  • Diabetes is the main cause of 44% of all reported cases of kidney disease
  • 60% of all non-traumatic leg amputations in patients over 20 years of age are due to diabetes

Can the risk of complications be reduced or even reversed? A growing number of experts believe so, if blood sugar levels are carefully controlled and a low-carb ketogenic diet (i.e., a strict variant of LCHF) is followed. We have translated an article by British doctor Ian Lang published on Ian Lang has type 1 diabetes himself.

Reversibility of complications

There are very interesting publications showing that the complications of diabetes are reversible. Many are familiar with the story of Dr. Richard Bernstein, who had kidney, ophthalmic and neurological complications caused by type 1 diabetes.

Dr. Bernstein told his story in Dr. Bernstein's Solution to Diabetes. Contrary to orthodox practice, he developed what we today call the ketogenic diet and found that by improving his control, he was able to get rid of complications.

Scientists in Japan came to the same conclusion after examining the effects of kidney transplantation. The donor had type 2 diabetes, the recipient did not. At the time of transplantation, the kidneys had diabetes-induced changes, but after a year, these changes reversed in the non-diabetic recipient.

There have also been publications of a type 1 diabetic kidney donor with all the signs of diabetic kidney disease. 6 months after transplantation in a non-diabetic patient, the kidney disease was completely gone. In addition, there have been publications about diabetic complications that went away after a pancreas transplant.

All this suggests that it is possible not only to slow down the development of complications in diabetes, but also to get rid of them completely.

If the complications are reversible, how can this be achieved?

Our body being alive biological organism is capable of self-healing to a certain extent. However, in order to give our body a chance to heal itself, we must remove the cause of the damage, which in the case of diabetes is constantly elevated level blood glucose.

When we bring blood sugar back to a “safe” level, there is no more damage done to the body and an opportunity for healing. But it needs maintenance healthy level glucose over a significant period of time.

There is plenty of evidence for this, especially from forum members who have switched to a low-carbohydrate diet. Patients report relief from complications, including symptoms of kidney injury neuropathy. In 2011, a study showed the reversibility of kidney damage in a group of mice fed a high-fat, low-carbohydrate diet.

This is similar to the debate over the reversibility of type 2 diabetes. Many have found that maintaining optimal glucose levels for long period time, they can reduce the symptoms of type 2 diabetes to the point of reversibility.

In conclusion, the evidence shows that complications do not have to remain forever. If you have complications, then try not to accustom yourself to the idea that it will only get worse. With good glucose control, they may become less severe, or even disappear completely.



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