Open form of tuberculosis after surgery. Open form of tuberculosis: who can get infected? Main symptoms of pathology

How is open tuberculosis treated? Tuberculosis is one of the most dangerous infectious diseases of our time, which has already become a social problem. The number of patients is growing every year; according to statistics, out of 100 thousand residents of Russia, 80 suffer from tuberculosis, of which about 2% of cases end in death.

Main danger of this disease is that there are cases in which you can become infected even after short period time of communication with the patient.

This form is called the open form of tuberculosis. Since this disease is transmitted by airborne droplets and contact by everyday means

, in which the patient becomes a carrier of the virus, tuberculosis in open form is very dangerous. When you cough, you produce sputum containing bacteria that can be passed on to others. Open form diseases can only be treated in special medical institutions - anti-tuberculosis hospitals. During treatment, the patient is isolated while his sputum contains bacteria.

dangerous disease

The causative agent of the disease is also called Koch's bacillus or tuberculosis bacillus. Bacillus Koch retains its infectious properties even in dry sputum, on the ground, and also on the surface of objects. In addition, it is highly resistant to acids, alkalis and other disinfectants. When infected, inflammation appears in the lung tissues different sizes

, looking like tubercles. Also, the open form may be accompanied by the formation of cavities, resulting in coughing accompanied by hemoptysis.

In humans, in most cases, the development of the disease is provoked by human (more than 90%) and bovine mycobacteria, but there are many more varieties of them.

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How is open pulmonary tuberculosis transmitted? It is important for everyone to know how the open form of tuberculosis is transmitted! The main carrier of the disease is a person already suffering from tuberculosis. The infection process can occur through any objects during a conversation. Dust contains mycobacteria; when inhaled with air, they enter the body and infection occurs. However, not all people are sick dangerous disease

, are contagious.

Forms in which microbes are not excreted with sputum are not infectious to others. This is closed tuberculosis. IN in rare cases the source of the disease may be a large. If an animal is sick, then the milk contains a bovine type of mycobacteria and if it gets into food, the infection is transmitted to humans. As a result, the disease can develop into either a closed or open form.

In humans, in most cases, the development of the disease is provoked by human (more than 90%) and bovine mycobacteria, but there are many more varieties of them.

Signs of an open form

The symptoms of tuberculosis infection are very similar to the symptoms of other infectious diseases, but they have some peculiarities.

The time from the moment of penetration of microbes into the body until the development of allergization of the body is very difficult to identify. Currently, doctors agree that it is approximately 2-3 months.

The first signs of infection can be detected using tuberculin, which is injected under the skin. This procedure is called the Mantoux test. Cases where the reaction to a tuberculin test is negative, but a year later is positive, with an increase in the size of the papule by 0.5 cm, indicate infection.

In humans, in most cases, the development of the disease is provoked by human (more than 90%) and bovine mycobacteria, but there are many more varieties of them.

Stages of the disease

In cases where a person leads healthy image life: follows a daily routine, proper diet, goes in for sports, hardens, strengthens your immune system, the stage of infection and sensitization can last for years. That is, a person is infected, but in fact his health is normal.

Painful condition, lethargy, fever - these are all intoxications. It manifests itself during stress, when protective forces the body is weakened. The cause of such intoxication is not toxic substances secreted by bacteria, but an allergy to the pathogen. This phase can also last for a very long time.

Lung develops in people who are in contact with the pathogen for the first time. An inflammatory reaction develops around the site of infection. Gradually, the focus of inflammation hardens, as a result, fibrous tissue forms in its place. It absorbs calcium and thickens. Such nodules are visible during X-ray examination. At this stage, the disease is rarely open.

Despite the fact that the body continues to be in the process of an allergic reaction, under favorable circumstances the disease can proceed hidden.

The latent stage of the disease occurs when Koch's bacilli live on the periphery of the inflammation, without manifestation obvious symptoms.

- this is the stage when, after the primary stage, immunity drops sharply or another infection enters the body. It can affect large areas of lung tissue. The disease progresses aggressively, mycobacteria are present in the sputum.

Sometimes at this stage the inflammation can develop into pneumonia, and in some cases it progresses to other internal organs. This is the miliary form of the disease. the lungs usually have an open shape.

Wherein open tuberculosis can proceed almost unnoticed, manifesting itself only with symptoms such as:

But there are also acute symptoms of the disease:

The best way to diagnose an infection is to laboratory conditions check sputum for the presence of bacilli.

Bronchoscopy is another method of detecting the disease and is performed in cases where it is impossible to obtain sputum.

Tuberculosis is a very terrible disease that can have an open and closed form. The first case is the most dangerous, because bacterial secretions (sputum, saliva, etc.) contain tuberculosis microbes, and this is detected when bacteriological research(sowing). What is the risk of contracting tuberculosis in the open form?

Open form features

Bacterial discharge is characteristic of any type of disease when the lungs are infected, The lymph nodes, organs genitourinary system, gastrointestinal tract. The presence of bacterial secretions in saliva is the most important indicator infectious danger for patients, because it comes from people who release germs into the air.

Watch a film about the fate of one person who became infected with tuberculosis.

Today, laboratory tests have insufficient capacity, so mycobacteria are not detected in culture in many people infected with tuberculosis. Thus, people are officially considered non-infectious, but at the same time they are serious threat for the surrounding society. This is why medicine cannot guarantee 100% protection for people who have constant contact with infected people. There is a 30% chance that a person will develop active disease.

Symptoms of infection

Throughout the year, after you have stopped contacting infected people, you must definitely monitor them, which require visiting a tuberculosis dispensary for examinations (fluorography of the lungs). The main open forms of tuberculosis:

  • Prolonged causeless decrease in total weight;
  • prolonged dry cough (more than 20 days);
  • constant (up to 37-38°);
  • inflammation and swelling of the lymph nodes;
  • general lethargy and malaise of the body;
  • the appearance of pain in the sternum;

You definitely need to undergo examination at a tuberculosis dispensary in the following situations:

  • After prolonged contact with infected people;
  • in the immediate environment there are people who have had tuberculosis (there are high risk genetic susceptibility to infection);
  • in case of decreased immunity;
  • long-term use of hormones, cytostatic medications;
  • bad habits, chronic stress.

Tuberculosis infection

In case of contact with bacteria-releasing agents or contaminated things, there is a high risk of infection of healthy people - this is influenced by the strength of the pathogens and susceptibility human organisms. According to statistics, one bacterial excretor can infect up to 10 people over the course of a year.

How can you become infected with open tuberculosis:

  • Short-term contacts with patients who have abundant bacterial excretion;
  • prolonged contact with infected people (living together, working, studying);
  • close bodily contact with bacteria excretors.

When infected, clinically significant disease may develop. The average person has a 10% chance of becoming infected. The risk of infection is influenced by the functioning of the immune system, and the likelihood increases in the following conditions:

  • The first 5 years after complete recovery;
  • puberty in adolescents;
  • re-infection;
  • presence of immunodeficiency viruses;
  • concomitant infections and diseases (insulin resistance, diabetes mellitus);
  • taking glucocorticoids and immunosuppressants.

Methods of infection

Tuberculosis infections are most dangerous in the case of an open form (excretion of mycobacteria by patients). Often, germs spread in families or regular groups. The danger of spreading bacteria into to a large extent decreases in case timely detection and isolation of patients. The places where microbes enter organisms play an important role.

How is tuberculosis transmitted in the open form:

Spread through the air

Bacteria are released into the surrounding atmosphere in the form of droplets during coughing, sneezing and talking with patients. When inhaling, microbes penetrate into the lungs of a healthy interlocutor. Based on the strength of the cough and the volume of bacterial droplets, they can spread over different distances: during a cough - 2 meters, during a sneeze - 9 meters. Typically, sputum is dispersed within a radius of 100 cm near the bacterial excretor.

Drops of tuberculosis bacteria settle on the ground and, when dry, turn into microdust. In this case, the microbes are viable for about 3 weeks. In the event of strong gusts of wind, sweeping dust and people moving, microparticles containing tuberculosis bacteria rise upward, penetrating the lungs and infecting healthy people.

Infection in the esophagus

According to the results laboratory research, for infection in the digestive tract, much more mycobacteria are needed than with the airborne droplet method. Thus, by inhaling contaminated air, you can become infected with one or two microbes, and by eating food - more than a hundred.

Features of the spread of Koch bacilli in the case of the alimentary route of infection are demonstratively shown based on the data trial in Lübeck, which were published in many information sources. Then, by an absurd accident, more than 250 infants were orally administered not BCG, but a tuberculosis culture (Kiel strains) for vaccination. Because of this infection, 70 children died, 130 children became ill but were cured, and 55 were not infected. Autopsies of 20 dead infants showed that in almost all cases inflammatory processes were localized in the digestive tract.

The main feature of this method of infection is that mesenteric lymph nodes are often affected by tuberculosis. Note that tuberculosis microbes also enter the gastrointestinal tract due to ingestion of their own secretions (when pulmonary tuberculosis), which was officially confirmed by flotation of the liquid after gastric lavage.

Infection due to skin-to-skin contact

Koch's wand in an enlarged size.

In medicine, cases of human infection with tuberculosis through the connective membrane of the eye have been recorded. Patients are often found to develop acute conjunctivitis or inflammation of the lacrimal sacs. Situations where healthy people become infected due to close bodily contact with the skin of an infected person are extremely rare. There have been isolated situations where people became infected with tuberculosis through contact of damaged hand skin with sick animals (in particular, milkmaids and cows).

Intrauterine infection

In medicine, cases of infection of a child from a sick mother have been officially registered. This was determined after the death of infants within 5 days after birth and autopsy of their corpses. According to doctors, infection occurs through the placenta from a sick mother or through direct contact of damaged areas of the placenta with an infected obstetrician during childbirth. This method infection is the rarest.

Precautionary measures

Many people think about the open form of tuberculosis. The answer is clear: it can be treated, but only in. But doctors recommend following certain requirements in order to eliminate the risk of contracting tuberculosis, because any therapy is severe stress for the body, especially with long-term treatment.

To reduce the likelihood of becoming infected with tuberculosis after contact with patients, it is recommended to adhere to the following requirements:

  • It is necessary to exclude smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages;
  • V daily ration nutrition, you must add at least 150 grams of products containing animal fats (meat and dairy products, fish, eggs, etc.);
  • be sure to take a sufficient amount of vitamin complexes;
  • It is undesirable to supplement your diet with food synthetic origin(chips, crackers, fast food);
  • you need to walk outside as much as possible, move as much as possible and stick to
  • Close contact with infected people should be avoided;
  • It is important to regularly visit the clinic for preventive examinations (do fluorography of the lungs).

Forms in which microbes are not excreted with sputum are not infectious to others. This is closed tuberculosis. modern world There are many diseases that carry great danger for humanity. Open is one of them. Every year the number of cases increases, and the mortality rate from this infection reaches 2% for every 100 thousand population.

Today it is infection very well studied. The microorganisms that cause this infection, their forms, routes of transmission, and methods of treatment are known. But with all the availability of information, every person may be at risk of infection with this terrible bacillus -.

Forms and routes of infection

Main hallmark open and during diagnosis there will be a release of bacteria (BC “+” or BC “-”). In the open form of tuberculosis, in addition to Koch's bacilli, mucus and specific tuberculous pus can be found in the sputum.

If we examine the discharge from the bronchi through a simple microscope, then mycobacteria will be determined only when they large quantities. Modern hardware diagnostics can even detect traces of mycobacteria.

In medicine, there are three forms of tuberculosis, each of which can pose a threat of infection. More details about this in the table.

Manifestations of tuberculosis Possibility of infection
Primary Observed:
  • if the patient is infected for the first time;
  • upon examination, symptoms of pulmonary inflammation are revealed;
  • the disease may be asymptomatic and detected only by x-ray (calcification is visible).

An infected person may not even be aware that he is a carrier of the infection - mycobacteria are released through coughing, sneezing, or saliva (open tuberculosis)

Latent The tuberculosis bacillus can be in the body of an infected person in an inactive form, but under favorable circumstances, it becomes activated and the patient develops (10% of total number sick)
Secondary The source of bacteria can be located not only in the lungs, but also in any other organ; another name for this form is miliary tuberculosis

All three forms include signs of the open form of tuberculosis.

And how can you get infected? Most often, infection occurs by airborne droplets. But it is not necessary to be in close contact with a sick person. The Koch bacillus, secreted when coughing, is very stable in the external environment.

It retains its vital activity in dry sputum, on the ground, and on household objects. Mycobacterium tuberculosis is resistant to acids, alkalis, and many disinfectants.

Very rarely, the disease can be transmitted through cuts and wounds (contact with a patient with tuberculosis) or through the digestive tract (this route of transmission is also dangerous open tuberculosis).

First symptoms and risk of infection

Exists whole line symptoms, by the presence of which a diagnosis is made and the disease can be determined: open form of tuberculosis. The most common symptoms are:

The most reliable information about infection can only be obtained through laboratory diagnostics. Accurate up to 100% correct diagnosis“Open pulmonary tuberculosis” can be diagnosed by isolating mycobacteria from sputum (determining test). Bacteria are grown on special media and special staining.

Also to effective methods diagnostics include the following studies:

  • bronchoscopy (lung tissue is collected and examined);
  • endoscopic examination of other organs (as indicated);
  • radiography.

It should be noted that the open form of tuberculosis is treated exclusively in specialized medical institutions - anti-tuberculosis dispensaries.

The first as diseases can be identified using staged tests: Mantoux or Diaskintest reactions. If the results are positive, a consultation with a TB doctor and additional examination is required.

There are several categories of people who belong to groups increased risk. These include:

The risk of infection is greatly influenced by the degree and duration of contact with a sick person:

  • a one-time meeting is less dangerous than short-term but frequent communications;
  • Living in the same apartment (transmission of infection) increases the risk of infection to almost 90%.

Therapy and prevention

It is very important to consult a doctor at the first sign or suspicion of tuberculosis infection. Self-medication can lead to irreversible consequences. A disorderly and uncontrolled reception medicines only mycobacteria will develop stable resistance to them.

Treatment periods for open forms of tuberculosis range from six months to two years. Drug therapy is selected strictly individually (consulted by the attending physician), and for the first few months the patient is in the hospital (until the active release of Koch's bacillus stops). It is strictly forbidden to interrupt the course of treatment.

There are a number of treatment regimens based on the following drugs:

  • Pyrazinamide;
  • Rifampicin;
  • Isoniazid;
  • Ethambutol.

If over the course of two to three months the selected treatment regimen does not have the desired effect, another one is selected, and the method of administering the drugs is also changed. After completing the course of treatment, laboratory and diagnostic examination for the release of Koch's bacillus into the environment.

When taking the above drugs, a number of symptoms may occur and spread to the body. side effects shown in the table below.

As a result, it should be concluded that drug therapy and only a doctor should treat open tuberculosis.

The most effective method Vaccination is an open form of vaccination for children today - the first vaccination is given to the child while still in the maternity hospital.

For the adult population, vaccination is carried out according to indications. Home prevention for them it is compliance sanitary standards and improving working conditions. Must be completed every year preventive examination, do not jeopardize your health harmful effects, harden the body.

Following simple rules will help avoid infection with this terrible infection and will allow it not to spread in society.

What is the open form of tuberculosis, how is it transmitted? This question worries many people because, despite progress in the field of medicine, the number of people suffering from this terrible disease is growing every year. But the good news is that the percentage fatal outcome from this disease has decreased compared to previous years. No one, unfortunately, is immune from open pulmonary tuberculosis, such a formidable and intractable disease. Many famous personalities died from this disease. Therefore, we will try to understand how the disease occurs and how it is transmitted, we will consider the stages of the disease and methods of treatment. Because forewarned means forearmed!

The whole danger is that open tuberculosis can be transmitted through contact with a sick person in just a few minutes. This happens when talking, coughing through airborne droplets. The form of open tuberculosis is very dangerous. Diseased microbes found in the patient’s sputum easily enter the airspace when coughing. Therefore, people who become ill with this form should be strictly in hospitals! As long as their sputum contains harmful bacteria.

The danger is that pathogenic microbes retain their existence very for a long time. They can live even in dry form. For example, if a patient spits sputum on the ground, the germs of this sputum remain in it for a very long time. terrible disease. And people can become infected by simply stepping on it or picking up something from the ground.

In addition, these bacteria are not affected by treatment chemicals. They survive even after applying alkali to the surface. Therefore, they are difficult to kill, for example, with ordinary bleach.

Open pulmonary tuberculosis is characterized by the appearance of small bubbles and cavities on the surface of the lungs. As a result, the person begins to cough up hemoptysis. It is necessary to know the main signs of open tuberculosis.

A sick person has the following symptoms:

  1. Suffocating pulmonary cough, worse at night. In this case, hemoptysis is often observed.
  2. Very large volume of sputum, reaching up to 100 ml.
  3. Sweating at night.
  4. Body temperature is above 38.
  5. Lack of appetite.
  6. Rapid weight loss.
  7. Pain in the chest area.
  8. Severe weakness, fatigue.

Possible variants of infection

Now let's try to figure out how this disease is transmitted. The open form of tuberculosis is an aggressive form of the disease, when pathogenic microbes contained in sputum and released into the air can harm other creatures. They can get on various objects. Therefore, the air in the room is contagious, as well as all objects located there! You can also become infected through utensils in public catering establishments. Places large cluster people (this could be a cafe, transport, train station, etc.) pose a great danger in terms of infection. Through cuts and wounds, infection can also occur and tuberculosis can develop.

One long, but close contact with a sick person can be more dangerous in terms of infection than many short ones. It is clear that kissing or sexual contact with a sick person is the most dangerous way of infection for healthy person. Therefore, it is extremely important to avoid casual relationships.

In order to prevent infection, entrances to TB doctors are usually located separately, or these doctors are seen in special remote dispensaries.

If the sputum no longer contains germs of the disease, then this is a closed form of tuberculosis. It is considered not contagious.

Sometimes the source of infection can be ordinary livestock. A sick animal can infect humans.

Main stages of the disease

A person infected with the bacteria of this disease can live for many years without even knowing that this infection has settled in his body. Having accidentally met a person with tuberculosis or picked up bacteria by touching objects on which they were located, a person initially does not experience anything. The infection lives in him, the immune system works to suppress the bacteria so that the disease does not manifest itself. This may be the case for several years.

Then the manifestation of tuberculosis intoxication may begin.

A person may suddenly feel:

  • fever;
  • weakness;
  • lethargy.

He may have a slight elevated temperature. But this is not a disease yet, but allergic reaction for the virus.

Further, primary tuberculosis develops. At the site where the bacteria enters the lungs, inflammation appears. Then it is covered fibrous tissue. It absorbs calcium from the body and gradually hardens. Nodules form. This change will already be noticeable on the x-ray. This is not yet an open form of tuberculosis. Koch bacteria already live in the human body, but this has not yet manifested itself much.

Secondary tuberculosis begins when the immune system fails. This could be for many reasons. Perhaps the person had a cold, or was taking some medications that reduce immunity (for example, antibiotics). Or another infection has entered the human body. In this case, the disease develops rapidly and takes an open form.

Sometimes this stage manifests itself in low temperature, lethargy. Therefore, sometimes this condition is mistaken for a cold.

But more often the temperature rises to high numbers, a suffocating cough, and increased sweating.

In this case, it is necessary to test the sputum for tuberculosis bacteria as quickly as possible. If for some reason this procedure cannot be done, an examination method such as bronchoscopy will help.

Prevention and treatment methods

The open form of tuberculosis is treated exclusively in a hospital setting, since it is the most contagious to others and occurs in a severe form. Treatment is usually prescribed antibacterial. IN complex therapy others are also appointed various drugs, which are selected individually. Typically therapy lasts about six months. Many people are interested in the question: how long do people with this disease live? The answer is comforting. At correct diagnosis And effective treatment symptoms may disappear for a long time.

The main thing is to do the following:

  • follow all doctor's orders;
  • after the course of treatment correct image life without bad habits;
  • increase immunity and undergo regular examinations on time.

Sick closed form may receive treatment at home but visit the doctor frequently.

Prevention includes: a healthy lifestyle, mandatory attendance fresh air, avoiding bad habits, sufficient quantity sunlight. It is important to strengthen your immune system. It can be various ways. From taking multivitamins to daily hardening. It is very useful to carry out frequent wet cleaning of the room. Be sure to eat well. Sometimes proper diet helps speedy recovery already sick people. It is advisable to use individual dishes and avoid coughing people. It is also useful to undergo examinations and diagnostics more often. Every year it is necessary to undergo fluorography. This will help to notice the beginning changes in the lungs. Diaskintest can be performed once a year. It is freely sold in pharmacies.

If a person with tuberculosis lives in your house, you need to visit a phthisiatrician. He will probably appoint prophylactic drugs. It is necessary to regularly clean the premises using special solutions. You can call specialists from the sanitary and epidemiological station to your home.

Even if infection has already occurred, visiting a doctor will help resolve necessary measures for recovery.

The open form of tuberculosis is a complex and serious disease, which in the past centuries of the 19th and 20th centuries took the lives of many people. Preventive measures, namely mandatory vaccination at birth and again at age 7 years, the risks of the disease were reduced in the second half of the 20th century. But a new panacea for getting rid of the disease has still not been invented. What is tuberculosis? This disease is not only infectious nature, but also social. Every person needs to know what the signs are, because the disease affects not only lower sections respiratory system, but can also be with manifestations of tuberculosis of bones and skin.

The tuberculosis bacillus was discovered by scientist Robert Koch, and the bacterium was named after him. To combat the disease, tuberculin was created, which was previously applied to open wound. The French physician Charles Mantoux improved this process and, as a result, tuberculin was introduced under the skin.

There are three forms of the disease:

  1. initial stage;
  2. latent period;
  3. open form of tuberculosis.

The initial stage is characterized easy process inflammation. Doctors have come to a consensus that such a hidden gap lasts from two to three months. The infectious focus turns into a nodule called caseosis. In the X-ray of the lungs, this compaction is clearly visible.

The latent stage is dormant and this virus may not manifest itself. As soon as the immune system weakens, it will make itself felt. If the bacilli have settled in the body with weak immunity, then they can be there until pneumonia manifests itself. Get infected from a person who has latent form diseases are not allowed, viruses will not be transmitted. But there is a danger that the latent form will become open.

The open form of tuberculosis is when infectious focus breaks through and the bacilli penetrate into respiratory organs. The shell that protects the bacterium from action immune cells, is torn. The lungs weaken and inflammation may begin. In this case, the infection spreads through the blood to other organs and the lining of the brain. Open tuberculosis in the lungs produces painful miliary Milium bacilli, which are called "millet". Milium is translated from Latin as millet.

A person with an open form of tuberculosis becomes the object of transmission of bacteria by coughing, sneezing or through household contact. The most accessible place for them is lung tissue. Symptoms of the open form of tuberculosis may not be obvious at the first stage; a person can go to work, communicate with people and spread a bad infection

Risk groups susceptible to the disease

The following people are likely to get this disease:

  1. HIV infected. Tuberculosis develops as a complication in them.
  2. Doctors take first place because when treating patients they have direct contact with them. Mask and gloves required attribute any medical professional.
  3. Pensioners, children and pregnant women. The pulmonary factor of these people is characterized by instability of endocrine and nervous functions.
  4. Antisocial people: homeless people and drug addicts, alcoholics and people released from prison, migrants and refugees, displaced persons.
  5. Immunocompromised people with cancer and diabetes mellitus. This group is susceptible to the disease due to reduced immunity

How can you get tuberculosis?

The open form is considered the most dangerous. You need to know a minimum of knowledge about open tuberculosis and how it is transmitted.

You can infect:

  • by air and droplets through breath and saliva;
  • through household items that are shared with a sick person;
  • In rare cases, the culprit of the disease may be livestock. If an animal is sick, then its milk contains a pathogen and when it gets into food, it is transmitted to humans.

The bacillus is not afraid of either acid or alkali. Even if it hits objects, it does not die. If a sick person coughs or sneezes, the bacilli are transmitted to nearby people. Open-form Koch bacilli are so dangerous that sick people are placed in special institutions.

Clear signs

They are obvious and indicate the presence of infection:

  1. severe cough during exertion and at night, possibly with blood discharge;
  2. excessive sweating at night;
  3. heat;
  4. severe weakness of the body, apathy and depression;
  5. copious sputum production;
  6. frequent shortness of breath, signs of pulmonary failure can be observed;
  7. sudden weight loss;
  8. headache;
  9. lack of appetite.

Types of diagnostics

Disease on early stages require comprehensive survey. Medical workers are carried out the following types diagnostics:

Mantoux test. If tuberculosis is suspected, tuberculin is administered. If the first signs indicate an increase in the button by more than 5 cm, then infection can be safely diagnosed.

Diasken test. This modern version Mantoux. This test has a valid answer.

X-ray. The picture will show lumps or the lungs will look like bags of millet.

Sputum check. This is the best way to test for bacteria.

Bronchoscopy. It is carried out when it is not possible to obtain sputum.

Blood analysis. It is used as an additional method.

To isolate from other people, patients with open tuberculosis are placed in a special room at a tuberculosis dispensary.


Usually, when people learn about open tuberculosis, they begin to panic. The state of people is understandable when they find out that they have been in contact with a sick person, and the sick person is afraid that he may lose his job and friends. If a person is not treated with an open form, then in a maximum of six months he will die.

Treatment, first of all, involves isolating patients in special institutions. Tuberculosis, especially if it is open, is treated with special antibacterial drugs and a complex of vitamins, as well as oxygen therapy. Patients use only personal utensils and bedding. The sputum is spat into a special container that is tightly covered. Paper napkins are burned. If happened destructive changes lungs, then surgery is prescribed.

The bacillus is resistant to antibiotics. Long term use potent drugs affects general condition sick. Even after treatment, a person has to recover for a long time. Treatment can last from six months to two years. after treatment it leaves scars and marks on the lungs.


The paradox of this disease is that the open form of tuberculosis has been studied well, but no new drugs have been invented to treat this disease. The negative thing is that Koch's bacillus is resistant to antibiotics. Treatment is carried out with the same drugs that were used 20 years ago. Currently more than modern medicines: Rifampicin, Ethambutol, Pyrazinamide and Isoniazid.

Of course, I would like to know the answer to the question: is tuberculosis curable? We can say yes. If the treatment regimen was applied correctly and all instructions were followed, then pulmonary tuberculosis can be cured even in such a stage as the open form.

To prevent illness, you must follow simple instructions:

  • get rid of the bad habit of smoking and alcohol;
  • exercise;
  • every person should know how this disease is transmitted;
  • maintain hygiene, wash your hands before eating and upon arriving home;
  • do fluorography annually;
  • consume vitamins and beneficial microelements.

The treatment course of the disease is 85% successful, however, there are situations when open tuberculosis takes the form of chronic. If the disease is treated inadequately, then such patients live no more than six years. But good therapy, Alternative medicine, reorganization of life in bad habits can significantly affect positive result. It is difficult to say how long the treated people live in total, because life factors may play a role here, medicinal drugs, rational nutrition and much more.



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