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Agitation is a state of pronounced emotional arousal, accompanied by a feeling of fear and anxiety, speech and restlessness. In a state of agitation, a person has an unconscious need to perform simple automatic movements or develops excessive fussiness.

Agitation - pronounced emotional arousal accompanied by fear


Agitation in some cases is a variant of the norm. For example, it can be provoked by a strong stressful situation both acute and chronic.

More often agitation is considered as one of the symptoms accompanying the following diseases psyche:

  • Alzheimer's disease;
  • agitated depression;
  • anxiety neurosis;
  • catatonic schizophrenia;
  • involutional depression;
  • affective insanity.

The state of agitation can be provoked by the use of narcotic or psychotropic substances, alcoholic beverages. In addition, pathology occurs against the background of severe infectious diseases.

The mechanism of development of agitation is complex and currently not fully understood. It is assumed that they play a lot important role:


It is characteristic of agitation that the patient usually does not notice this condition in himself, despite the following pronounced signs:

  • motor or speech anxiety;
  • hand tremor;
  • tachycardia;
  • increased sweating;
  • pallor of the skin;
  • rapid breathing;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • increase in body temperature.

During an attack, the patient cannot stay in one place for a long time. He loses the ability to reason correctly or establish complex cause-and-effect relationships.

According to medical statistics, it is the state of agitation that is one of the main reasons traumatic injuries medical staff during business hours.

A person in a state of agitation experiences severe anxiety, and sometimes fear, cannot fall asleep and calm down on his own. At the same time, attempts to control his behavior by relatives or friends often lead to an attack of aggression, up to injuring both the patient himself and those around him.

In cases where agitation occurs against the background of an illness, its symptoms, for example, lack of criticality, delusions, hallucinations, join the signs listed above.


Only a psychiatrist can diagnose a state of agitation after observing the patient for some time. Only taking into account all the features, a specialist can conduct differential diagnosis between agitation and akathisia. Akathisia in its manifestations has much in common with agitation, but the treatment of these conditions requires a different approach.

More often, agitation is considered as one of the symptoms that accompany mental illness.

To find out the reasons that led to the occurrence of agitation, a laboratory and instrumental examination is carried out, including:

If necessary, other diagnostic methods can be used.


Therapy of agitation should be aimed at eliminating the cause that caused its development. If this is a stressful situation, the use of tranquilizers is indicated. With agitation that has arisen against the background of the disease, it is treated.

Drug correction of agitation is undertaken only on the prescription of a doctor and under his control. For this purpose, antipsychotics, antidepressants, antianxiolytics can be used.

Psychotherapy plays an important role in the elimination of agitation. It allows the patient to develop resistance to stressful situations, nervous and physical overwork.


Prevention of agitation is the treatment of mental illness. Mentally healthy people need to avoid stressful situations, stop drinking alcohol and narcotic substances. It is important that a patient prone to agitation receive regular psychotherapeutic support. The skills to resist stress acquired in its course reduce the risk of recurrence of the pathology.

Agitation in some cases is a variant of the norm. For example, it can be triggered by a strong stressful situation - both acute and chronic.

Consequences and complications

Being in a state of agitation, a person can harm both himself and others, damage other people's property. According to medical statistics, it is the state of agitation that is one of the main causes of traumatic injuries to medical staff during working hours.

With timely and full course treatment, the prognosis is favorable. It worsens when the patient has a mental illness, because in this case, repeated episodes are not uncommon.

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Translated from Latin, agitation means "setting in motion." Its main features are unconscious motor and speech restlessness. The patient at the same time remains in a strong emotional arousal, experiences anxiety and fear, fusses, loses causal relationships between phenomena and the ability to reason, feels emptiness and absent-mindedness, can only perform simple automated actions. The condition has not only mental, but also vegetative manifestations. Agitation can be a pre-pathological condition with severe stress or mental illness (anxiety neurosis, Alzheimer's disease, depression, catatonic schizophrenia). Or it could be a symptom infectious disease, alcohol or drug intoxication.


Do physically and mentally healthy person agitation is due to external causes and may be a natural response to strong tension, stress, psychological trauma, fright, sudden changes in the environment. This condition is also common in people who engage in life-threatening activities. In such cases, agitation is usually provoked by physical or mental overexertion, accumulated fatigue, especially if it persists for a long time. Agitation can cause overuse drinks containing alcohol, caffeine, or pharmacological preparations based on psychotropic substances.

Agitation can be a consequence of internal causes, that is, a symptom of an illness. Emotional overexcitation of this kind often accompanies infectious pathologies, intoxication, endogenous depressions, Alzheimer's disease, anxiety neurosis, senile dementia, catatonic schizophrenia, senile decline, bipolar disorder. Sometimes she points to endocrine pathologies, beriberi, vegetovascular dystonia.

The mechanism of development of agitation is not fully understood, but among the factors predisposing to given state, note brain ischemia, metabolic disorders, the action of toxins and neuroreflex mechanisms, autoimmune and immune reactions, as well as psychological characteristics of the individual.


For a person in a state of agitation, the symptoms of this pathology remain invisible. But they can be noted by others. The main symptom is arousal. It is expressed in a number of internal autonomic disorders: trembling of the limbs, increased sweating, palpitations, shallow and rapid breathing, skin pallor.

In addition to the internal, there are also external symptoms that leave an imprint on behavior. A person in a state of agitation feels an emptiness in the head, an almost complete absence of thoughts. At the same time, he loses the ability to reason sensibly and logically, to identify complex connections between cause and effect. All this is accompanied by a feeling of anxiety, fear and gradually turns into speech and motor disinhibition.

From the point of view of speech, agitation is expressed in the fact that obscene expressions and turns that are not characteristic of this individual are used. There is a clouding of consciousness, confusion of speech, repetitions of the same phrase, unsuccessful attempts to complete a thought, throwing from one formulation to another are possible.

From the point of view of motor skills, unconscious movements of the same type are noted, the behavior is fussy, hands tremble, coordination of movements is disturbed. The patient cannot sit in one place and walks from corner to corner. In a state of agitation, a person may unknowingly harm himself or others. Spontaneous shouting, tics are also possible, especially if agitation is a symptom of a mental illness. In severe cases, delusional thoughts and ideas, autoaggression, suicidal attempts are possible.

When agitation is accompanied by depression, it is associated with apathy, depression, insomnia, constant feeling causeless anxiety. In Alzheimer's disease, this disorder may have additional symptoms in the form of depression, hallucinations, behavioral disorders, wanderlust.


Treatment for agitation will depend on what causes it. This requires careful diagnosis. You can't let the situation take its course. Even if agitation arose as a reaction to stress, and not as a consequence mental pathology, the patient carries a potential threat both to himself and to others.

If a patient with agitation has mental illness then the cause is treated. To determine the possible sources of agitation, a blood test for thyroid hormones and alcohol content, a general urine and blood test, blood pressure measurement, electroencephalography, MRI or CT of the brain are prescribed.

Agitation always affects the daily condition of the patient negatively, therefore, in most cases, for its treatment are used medications.

  • Antipsychotic medications are prescribed for paranoia and clouding of consciousness. The drugs have side effects such as drowsiness, unusual movements, and rigidity.
  • Antidepressants are used for depressive states. Lead to drowsiness, constipation, dry mouth.
  • Anxiolytics are needed to suppress anxiety and emotional tension, anxiety and fear.

Psychotherapy plays a major role in treatment. Sessions with a specialist are aimed at gaining resilience to emotional stress. The first step is individual psychotherapy. After a marked improvement, the patient can be transferred to group lessons where you can also practice the principles of interaction with others. Help is sometimes required not only for those suffering from agitation, but also for their relatives and friends. It is important to create an atmosphere of calm and goodwill in the immediate environment. All this will help to quickly return the patient to normal life.

From time to time stamps publish books about themselves in the genre of "fifty heroic years". The glorious IWC manufactory has long deserved detailed story- from the creation of its watch world to the present day. Such a book was written by a journalist and expert, a gray-bearded German, Manfred Fritz. He edits a newspaper and spends hours in his spare time. The book on which he spent three years of work is called IWC Schaffhausen. Engineering Time since 1868, weighs more than four kilos and costs as much as a watch of some less famous brand. But another story is woven into this fundamental story, and another book is invested in the book, not a documentary, but even an artistic one, which was made together by the writer Paulo Coelho and the artist Enki Bilal.

A couple of authors perform in unequal weight. Sixty-year-old Paulo Coelho is a highly read Brazilian writer, his books are sold all over the world, we are no exception. Among the admirers of his "Alchemist" are Vladimir Putin and Nikita Mikhalkov. A month later, his book will be published about how he, a Brazilian writer, crossed Russia from Moscow to Vladivostok three years ago on the Trans-Siberian Express. "When I was at Baikal, the water was plus two - I jumped into it without hesitation, like a lion, my guards did not have time to scream, and I was already in the water!" This is Coelho telling me, dragging on his cigarette and shaking his ridiculous ponytail around his neck under his bald skull. He is a typical dude, a big lover of watches, he is not averse to showing off his IWC - platinum Portofino Hand-Wound from last year's vintage collection and Aquatimer, with which it is not scary to jump into Baikal. At the request of IWC President George Kern, he wrote seven novellas about watches. “Literature is like a clock,” says Coelho. “You look into a book, you see words and letters, and then history opens up behind them, literature. You look at a clock, you see hands and numbers, and then history opens up behind them, time ". He speaks in paradoxes and enjoys acting like an inspired madman with coffee and a cigarette. Do you travel in time? How many times! Do you love crazy people? We are all crazy!

Enki Bilal is almost unknown to us, but for the entire French-speaking world, where comics, cartoons BD bandes dessinees are recognized as the ninth art, he is more important than Coelho, Putin and Mikhalkov combined. Bilal is a great draftsman, a master of telling stories without digging into words. Born in Yugoslavia, Enes Bilalovich has lived in France since the age of eight, preferring to speak French, but remembers a few important Russian words from the first grade in Belgrade school.

The mix of Czech and Bosnian blood, with a graft of French culture, makes him a very special BD writer. There is a lot of black bitterness in his stories, a lot of pessimism, sex, death, made-up politics that are no better than the real one. He still regrets that the bipolar world of his childhood, where communism was balanced by capitalism and white was sharply different from black, was blurred into a threatening modern picture. In his Parisian workshop, he creates stories of children born under bombs in Sarajevo or people who ended up in the Chernobyl zone.

The IWC brand is a traditional participant of the Geneva Watch Salon (SIHH). The premiere of this year's manufactory from Schaffhausen was the updated and expanded Portugaise collection, which celebrated its 70th anniversary. Portugaise 2010 includes watches with automatic and manual winding, replicas of the first models of the line, chronographs, perpetual calendars, yacht watches. The flagship model of the line is the complex Portugaise Tourbillon Retrograde with a platinum case. This collectible model is limited to 250 pieces.

He is a fan of Tarkovsky, but can not stand high art and a long speech. "I can no longer watch three-hour performances and director's films." He is for a torn consciousness, short images and short remarks, since endless literary periods cannot be put into the mouths of comic book heroes. "Bubbles" will not survive and will burst. He is a supporter of literary "zapping". A master of the illustrated book that gives him a livelihood, he advocates for the e-book, for the ability to hold ten writers at the same time and, if necessary, switch from Coelho to another program.

It seems to me that he would have written this story himself with great pleasure, breaking it up into short lines and sharp shots, and would not have acted as an illustrator of someone else's prose. But he also loves watches, considers them a magical mechanism and has long been wearing pilot's IWC, which his wife gave him.

Journalists asked what it was like to work with the brand and whether Coelho and Bilal experienced any difficulties associated with the task of glorifying the brand. George Kern answered these questions: "When you invite artists, just try to explain to them what to do - they will just send you to hell. Only one thing depends on us: to choose the right people and don't bother them anymore.

Agitation is a state of excessive emotional uplift, excitement, which is usually accompanied by strong feeling anxiety or fear. Against the background of such overexcitation, a person's motor activity increases, but coordination of movements may be impaired. Because of what the patient's actions look uncontrolled, chaotic, thoughtless. Only the most simple, “thoughtless” operations are automatically performed correctly. From the outside, this state can be perceived as panic or confusion.

Agitation does not develop in an empty place. It is caused by internal or external causes. This anxious overexcitation becomes typical for people who experience constant severe stress, in particular by virtue of the profession.

The danger of agitation lies in the fact that a person who is not able to control his actions, being in a state of some kind of affect, can harm both himself and the people around him. Therefore, it is extremely important to react immediately, noticing changes in the behavior of the patient, and seek help from the appropriate specialist. Despite the fact that agitation is understood as a condition conditionally within the normal range (located on the border of the norm and the disease), it needs to be corrected. Especially in cases where overexcitation occurs more than once and can be a symptom of some serious illness.

External and internal bases

Among the external causes of agitation, in addition to stress, one can single out the accumulated severe fatigue, excessive mental and physical strain, persisting long time. To provoke attacks of such an affective state can drugs, the use of large doses alcohol, caffeine, addiction to psychotropic (narcotic) substances.

Since agitation can be a symptom, this condition accompanies a number of diseases. And it is diseases that can be considered internal reasons provoking emotional overexcitation.

These diseases include:

Main symptoms

With agitation, there are manifestations affecting mental condition person, as well as reflecting on nervous system(vegetative manifestations).

Vegetative visual symptoms

Agitation is characterized by obvious outward signs. A person in this state uncontrollably performs unconscious, often repetitive movements. The pulse rate and heart rate usually increase significantly, as do arterial pressure, a temperature jump is possible. In patients with agitation, tremor is present, breathing becomes rapid. Pale skin may be accompanied by heavy sweating.

During an attack of agitation, a person behaves restlessly, fussily, cannot sit in one place. The condition can affect the usual rhythm of life, which causes sleep disturbance, up to complete insomnia. A person cannot calm down on his own, and attempts to control him by friends or relatives can lead to unpleasant consequences.

Other signs

Among other manifestations of the considered pathology, first of all, include a violation of thinking. The patient is not aware of his condition, does not notice the randomness of movements. He cannot build logical and causal relationships, as if a vacuum forms in his head without thoughts and ideas.

Important: If agitation is a symptom of any negative disease state, then along with all the signs, additional manifestations of a particular disease usually appear. For example, hallucinations, delusions, lack of criticality to what is said aloud are possible.

Anxiety, fear, intense anxiety, intrusive thoughts are also capable of accompanying agitation.

This condition is in many ways similar in its manifestations to another disorder - akathisia. And it is extremely important to correctly determine what exactly a person suffers from. Akathisia and agitation are corrected by different medications, require little different approach in treatment.

Treatment Methods

Any therapy is initially aimed at establishing the exact root cause that caused the state of agitation. If provokes emotional overexcitation any serious internal disease, then it is the one that is being treated. When the pathology in question is caused medicines, they are excluded from the life of the patient. With alcohol or drug intoxication an appropriate correction is made.

It should be understood that the development of agitation can occur not under the influence of diseases, then a person will have enough sleep and rest. But if there is some concern about your well-being, it is recommended to consult a doctor anyway.

medicinal effect

The selection of medicines is carried out taking into account general condition patient.

When a person has a sleep disorder, they may be prescribed sedatives, various sedatives, including on plant-based(motherwort, valerian and others).

However, the main drugs that are most often prescribed to patients are:

  • antipsychotic drugs that help block possible seizures paranoia;
  • antidepressants prescribed and with a sedative purpose;
  • different kind tranquilizers are also appropriate in the treatment, but they cause extremely severe daytime sleepiness.


Psychotherapy in people with this pathology is an integral part of the treatment process. It can also be used prophylactically, even if overexcitation with motor activity arose only once under the influence of circumstances.

The selection of psychotherapeutic methods is carried out with an emphasis on the state of the person, taking into account his complaints. Usually the choice falls on various behavioral techniques that help patients cope with their condition, learn to control it, and adaptive psychotherapy.

Work must also be carried out with fears, corrected internal anxiety, anxiety through art therapy and various options relaxation. Can be selected as individual approach, especially in severe cases, so be done group therapy. Despite the mass of unpleasant manifestations and the possible severity of the condition, it is possible to completely cure the pathology in question, but you should not try to do it yourself.

Turning to a specialist for advice, the patient will receive not only qualified assistance but also the necessary support. Having visited the doctor's office in time, there is a chance to prevent the deterioration of the condition and return to the usual easy life.

In certain cases emotional condition a person can be considered as a symptom of some pathologies. In this case, there is a need to correct violations using various types of drug and non-drug therapy. Such states include agitation, which doctors classify as the strongest emotional arousal, in which a person experiences a series of unpleasant symptoms. In some cases similar violation is completely natural, while in others it is considered as a symptom of quite serious pathological conditions. Let's try to figure out what agitation is, discuss the treatment, symptoms and causes of agitation.

Why does agitation occur? Causes of the condition

Agitation is the body's natural response to tension caused by severe stress. In addition, such a pathological condition can be a manifestation of a number of mental illnesses, for example, anxiety neurosis, agitated depression, catatonic schizophrenia and Alzheimer's disease. In some cases, agitation is provoked by the consumption of alcoholic beverages or drugs. Sometimes such mental reaction becomes one of the symptoms infection.

It should also be taken into account that in certain professions that are interconnected with an excessive risk to the life of the individual, as well as in emergency cases, agitation is often confused with confusion.

How does agitation manifest itself? Condition symptoms

The development of agitation in a person makes itself felt in a number of ways. different manifestations, but most often the patient himself does not note their presence.

So hallmark given pathological condition the appearance of motor or speech anxiety can be considered. Also, the patient has hand tremors, he is worried excessive sweating and an active heartbeat. These symptoms are usually accompanied by fairly rapid breathing, skin of a person are painted in pale tones.

With the development of agitation, the patient is faced with a feeling total absence thoughts and emptiness in my head. He becomes unable to reason or establish complex causal relationships.

Agitation is accompanied by feelings of fear and increased anxiety, which turn into restlessness of the motor or speech type. A person in this state needs to perform movements of the same type and not conscious nature. In addition, he is characterized by fussiness, he can perform extremely simple and automated actions.

How is agitation corrected? Treatment of the condition

In most cases, doctors manage to cope with agitation, but the correct and thorough conduct of the procedure is extremely important. medical diagnostics. In no case should you ignore the described symptoms, as this is extremely dangerous. When in a state of agitation, a person is capable of harming himself or others without intention.

In the event that this pathological condition has developed against the background of some mental illness, then therapy can be carried out by the most different methods. In these cases, treatment usually includes psychotherapy and medicinal formulations selected by a competent doctor. Attending psychotherapy sessions will enable the patient to control his condition, coping with agitation, and over time, such classes will help the individual increase his stress resistance.

In general, doctors classify agitation as a pre-pathological condition, and consider it on the border with the psychological norm. However, in most cases, when the described symptoms appear, patients have to take some medications.

So the treatment of agitation can be carried out by taking antipsychotics. Such medications are commonly used in the treatment of paranoia and various clouding of consciousness. They can provoke some side effects, for example, drowsiness, rigidity, as well as unusual actions.

Also, the correction of such a pathological condition may involve taking antidepressants. Such remedies also sometimes lead to the appearance side effects, for example, cause a feeling of drowsiness, dryness in oral cavity, cause constipation and feelings of fear.

Among other things, the treatment of agitation may include the use of anti-anxiolytic drugs. Such drugs can cause drowsiness and depression.

Pick up the most effective method correction of agitation can only be done by a doctor, focusing on individual characteristics patient and the causes of the development of this pathological condition.

If we talk about the prevention of recurrence of agitation, then for this purpose, patients are strongly recommended to attend courses of psychotherapy. Similar states help him gain greater resistance to the effects of various kinds of stress, which cause new attacks of the disease. With agitation that has developed as a result of certain mental illnesses, the main emphasis is on correcting the underlying disease, while it is extremely important to follow all the doctor's recommendations.

In no case should relatives and friends disregard manifestations of agitation in a person, because this can be fraught with the most different problems and constant unexpected relapses.



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