How to become healthier. Correct body posture improves health

In this article I will tell you how to improve your health. Nowadays, when everyone has a lot of stress and anxiety, many people begin to think about their health. Many people constantly take pills and go to doctors. But are pills and doctors able to cure a person of the diseases that bother him forever? Tablets treat superficially. Tablets, treat a consequence of the disease, and not his reason. People are simply being stuffed with drugs. When you go to the doctor, what do the doctors prescribe for you? Pills! It happens that there are many different ones. Besides the fact that they are quite expensive, they also lead to various kinds other diseases. Remember the wise saying: “We treat one thing, and cripple the other.” Even the most harmless tablet contains ethanol which is extremely harmful to human health. You can ask on the Internet about the dangers of ethyl alcohol. Now let's look at what exactly you need to do to become a healthy person:

1. Reduce your pill intake.

Pills, as they say, cure one thing and cripple another. This is true. The tablets contain ethyl alcohol, which destroys the human body. The tablets contain different chemical substances, which destroy the human body, undermine the immune system, destroy the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract, negatively affect everything internal organs and human secretions. Pills create addiction. For example: Many people do this: If your stomach hurts a little, they immediately go to take a pill; if you have a headache, they take a pill. Such people have pills for everything. The body malfunctions mainly due to emotional problems. Tablets treat only the consequence, and not the cause of the disease. You should also remember that pharmaceutical companies It is extremely beneficial for people to consume the pills regularly. This is understandable. Because this is their business and bread. Nowadays there is a lot of advertising about pills. I remember that the advertisements used to be all the time: “There’s a hurricane in your stomach, take Espumisan,” or “Afobazol is the best medicine for stress and anxiety.” I just want to ask them: Do you treat your anxiety with pills yourself? I don't think. With their amount of money, they get massages, go on vacation to Miami, eat exclusively healthy food. I am for beautiful life, but not through the health of other people. Business should help people, not hook them on pills. Of course, in some cases, pills are necessary. But, if you go to a standard pharmacy, you can see so much imported crap that is simply not needed and is prohibitively expensive. IN Soviet time, pharmacies only stocked basic medicines, and as soon as the market emerged, pharmacies turned into commercial structures that want to profit from the health of the population. Therefore, be aware of this issue.

2. Get rid of negative emotions and thoughts about the past and present.

Negative emotions are the cause of most diseases of both the human psyche and body. Imagine the human body as a complex system, and negative emotions as interference that creates malfunctions in the operation of this system. And the more such negative emotions a person accumulates, the more failures there are in the system. There is a saying that all illnesses come from nerves. I would paraphrase it a little: All illnesses are due to negative emotions that arose in the past and arise in the present. All diseases are caused by disruptions in human energy caused by emotional negative charges. Human energy can be imagined as a stream. If a person has few negative emotions and experiences, then this stream is clean and relaxed, but again, if a person has a lot of negative experiences, then this stream is dirty and in some places dry. That is, energy does not move in a free flow throughout the body, but there are disruptions that block the movement of energy in the human body. In order to get rid of negative emotions you can use various techniques work with the subconscious, such as: Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), Become Free Fast (BSFF), Tapas Acupressure Technique (TAT), GP-4, Ho'oponopono and others.

3. Play sports.

Sport helps a lot in improving your health. When playing sports, metabolism is normalized, blood circulation is improved, immunity is strengthened, this and much more comes from regular exercise. Sport increases a person’s energy, rejuvenates the body, brings the whole human body into vitality and balance, also sport gives self-confidence and harmony. Accustom yourself to daily physical activity. Join the gym, start doing exercises, go jogging and you will feel much better.

4. Visit more fresh air.

Many people spend most of their time in stuffy rooms sitting at a computer. Now many people have cars, some drive public transport and many simply forgot about a regular walk in the fresh air. Either this doesn’t seem respectable to many, or maybe it’s just laziness. Regular walks improve health and strengthen the immune system, saturate the brain with oxygen, make all the cells of the body function and work better, and simply improve your mood. Oxygen is laughing gas.

5. Eat right.

6. Be happy and smile more.

Joy and smile are the basis happy life. Joy promotes relaxation. Rejoicing, you are doing the most beneficial thing for your health. You produce endorphins, which improve the functioning of the entire body, helping to improve human functioning and normalize. Smiling and laughter massages the internal organs of a person. A smile is strength and health, anger and despondency are weakness and poor health. Remember this always, wherever you are.

P.S. Learn for FREE how to transform your thinking and change your life with effective techniques to work with the subconscious:

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How you want to always be in good shape, in good mood, enjoy life and please loved ones. This, in my opinion, is the main components of our health. After all, if something hurts, then our mood is not right, we don’t want to smile, and nothing makes us happy. I won't talk about any heavy and terrible diseases, but what I’ll tell you about will help everyone on the path to health.

So, step one. Our body is 80% water. And this water is vital for us. To be slim and beautiful, you need to consume 30 ml. water per kg. weight constantly. It's about only about water. Not about tea, juice, coffee and other liquids. Water cannot be replaced by anything. She's the only one who carries it great benefit to our body. Therefore, drink plenty of water. Don't let yourself dry out.

Step two. Eat right. food should contain proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and water. As they say: breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, dinner like a pauper. Eat more vegetables and fruits, boiled or steamed meat, fish, avoid sausages, smoked meats, canned food. At least try to eat them less often. May your diet be healthy.

Step three. Love walks in the fresh air in any weather. If you don’t always have time to walk, walk home from work, at least a few stops. This will help relieve the stress of a difficult working day and see how beautiful and diverse the world in which we live is.

Step four. Communicate more with your children. Play games with them. It is children who teach us to be cheerful and spontaneous, sincere and kind. They charge us adults with positive emotions, and this is very important for health.

Step five. Read more. Read more books this year than last. Reading not only expands our knowledge, but also trains the brain, memory, and imagination. Read more interesting books. If you are not interested in a book before the 50th page, throw it away; it is not worth wasting your time and eyesight on it.

Step six. Healthy sleep. They say a woman is only as old as she looks before breakfast. Your sleep should last at least 7 hours. Give your body a rest. Alternation of sleep and wakefulness - necessary condition vital activity of our body. Wake up in a good mood and success in everything is guaranteed to you.

Step seven. Move. no matter how you feel, get up and go. Life is motion. Play sports. It has recently been found that exercise has a positive effect on mental capacity person. Having a mind is a sign of health.

Step eight. Smile. A smile does not leave you indifferent: a beautiful one intrigues, a modest one touches, a kind one pleases, a happy one enchants, a sincere one inspires. It is believed that smiling prolongs life. Be positive. Remember that gloomy people look much worse and live shorter lives than optimists.

Step nine. Get rid of everything that oppresses you, that is not useful for you, that is beautiful, that does not make you happy. Throw away those things that you did not need during the year. Don't clutter your living space.

Step ten. Learn to love yourself, enjoy life and feel happy! Then you will definitely be healthy!

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Work out good habits nutrition. You need to carefully monitor what you eat. Food gives us energy, and taste is only a secondary factor. You also need to eat what you like, but not what your body doesn’t like.

  • The best food for humans is vegetarian food. If you eat fresh vegetables and fruits, your digestive system can easily accept and digest them. IN vegetable nutrition there are many benefits. Your blood is cleansed and your skin becomes truly healthy. You begin to feel cheerful, and your the immune system is improving. In addition, vision improves and there are many, many other benefits.
  • But if you are an athlete or do heavy lifting physical activity, then you should follow a non-vegetarian diet. But you should eat meat from time to time, not always. yours digestive system it is difficult to digest, and sometimes the meat increases acidity because it has high level pH.

Drink plenty of water every day. For an average-sized person, the water requirement should be 2.5 to 3 liters of water on a hot day. It helps fight constipation and digest food.

Try to eat as little junk food as possible. It's hard to avoid, but whenever you get the urge to eat something unhealthy, grab the fruit and eat it. Junk food doesn't give you the energy or nutrients you need.

Be very physically active. This doesn't mean you need to throw money at the gym and never go there. Physical activity is anything from walking to work to daily chores. You need to give your body some kind of physical activity.

  • Try it different types physical activity such as walking, cycling, yoga, martial arts and so on. Your body needs movement, otherwise it becomes sluggish and slow. Obesity is the root cause of many diseases, so wake up now and start giving your body some exercise before it's too late!
  • Maintain mental performance. A person can eat healthy and have a chiseled body, but not actually be in shape. To become truly healthy, you must have a healthy mind. A person with negative thoughts will eventually become what he thinks about. Positive thinking is the best medicine for such a person.

    Keep yourself clean. The feeling of cleanliness makes us feel different. Keep your body clean inside and out. Keep yours clean environment. You will not suffer from diseases if your surroundings are clean. Infectious diseases can spread in unclean environments. Make sure your surroundings are clear of litter. A clean environment helps us focus better on our work and creates a conducive environment.

    Each of us wants to be healthy and live long life without wasting it on various types of ailments. In general, if we consider all the secrets of how to become healthy, they can be grouped into four groups. It is these groups that we will consider in detail in our article.


    General health

    First of all, pay attention to the general rules.
    • Provide yourself, as it is an integral part healthy life. The point is that in the background chronic lack of sleep a lot of diseases can actively develop, since, first of all, lack of sleep affects the decrease immune function body. Go to bed before midnight and sleep a full 8 hours a day and then you will not only be healthy, but also cheerful and with a positive attitude.

    • Necessarily, since it is the guardian of our body, which is always protected from pathogenic microbes, infections and bacteria.

    • Maintain good hygiene, most germs and bacteria enter the body through dirty hands and poorly washed fruits and vegetables. Be sure to wash your hands as soon as you come home or when you are about to eat or prepare food.

    • Accept hot bath or visit the bathhouse at least twice a month. Toxins and lactic acid are eliminated through the skin along with sweat, which helps rejuvenate the body and improve human well-being, as well as remove skin blackheads and pimples.

    • Avoid self-medication, it will not lead to anything good. IN difficult cases try to find good specialist and follow his advice. Listen to your body, the sooner you identify and rule out health problems, the better it will be for your health. A doctor can only help based on your well-being and sensations.

    • Try to be in nature more often, it brings harmony into our lives. As for the microclimate of the apartment, this is facilitated by fresh air, cleanliness, correct temperature, as well as planted flowers and other house plants.

    Physical activity

    Some tips for physical activity.
    • Give your body physical exercise, do gymnastics, visit the pool or gym, do hiking, they help increase your vital energy.

    • Try to move more, take a walk outside, it will improve general state body. Physical exercise will increase tissue saturation with blood and oxygen. Lying on the couch or sitting at the computer for a long time will lead to impaired blood flow and health problems.

    • Do it every morning morning exercises, or at least a little warm-up.

    • Do “vascular gymnastics” by taking cold and hot shower.

    Proper food

    Healthy food is an integral part of human health and has its own rules.
    • Chew your food thoroughly and slowly. It should melt in the mouth, which greatly facilitates the work of the gastrointestinal tract and increases its efficiency.

    • Steam it, which will preserve the nutrients of the food, vitamins and minerals as much as possible. Try to avoid fried vegetable oil food. Have a fish day at least once a week; fish contains fatty acids. polyunsaturated acids, so necessary for our body - they will prolong your youth and improve your well-being. Avoid fried foods; such foods are hazardous to your health. Fried potatoes or meat should be an exception and should be consumed no more than once or twice a month.

    • Definitely half of yours daily ration should be vegetables. Make a variety of salads from cabbage, beets, tomatoes, cucumbers and carrots. Season them with vegetable or olive oil and eat them at the beginning of your meal. Have breakfast with porridges (buckwheat, rice, oatmeal and semolina) cooked in water with minimal addition of salt and sugar and you will not have problems with gastrointestinal tract. Include in your diet seaweed, she's a treasure trove useful substances and microelements, eat at least 400–500g of it per week, as it helps cleanse the body of toxins.

    • Drink without sugar, it will reduce the risk oncological diseases, there's a lot in it beneficial to the body microelements, vitamins and nutrients. Green tea useful for obesity and cardiovascular diseases, he interferes inflammatory processes and skin aging. Use well-cleaned raw water, because the water from the tap is not very good good quality, it is better to buy and drink bottled water. Water contains necessary for the body microelements.

    • Eliminate sugar and salt from your diet, as the body receives them in sufficient quantity with food, and an excess of them is guaranteed to lead to health problems. Limit your consumption of red meat, it ages our body. It is better to eat poultry and fish, try to add them to the finished dish to a minimum. Give up white bread, give preference to black bread, to which are added whole grains or bran.

    • Remember that fruits and vegetables grown in the area where you live are better absorbed by the body. Vitamins from apples brought from afar, only 30% of the vitamins are absorbed.

    Psychological attitude

    Harmony with your own self is important; these rules also need to be taken into account in order to be absolutely healthy.
    • Have positive thinking, envy, anger and fear will lead you to nervous breakdowns, and they in turn give rise to and , which also reduce immunity and give rise to great amount ailments. The best medicine from stress - communication with friends and loved ones. This normalizes blood pressure, improves mood, and helps overcome life’s adversities.

    • Find the source positive emotions and impressions, do what you love, which brings satisfaction. Negative thoughts will inevitably lead to illness.

    • Don't rush around, trying to embrace the immensity, trying to do many small things that you consider urgent. Bustiness contributes to stress in the body and, as a result, premature aging.

    • Give your brain a workout to keep your mind clear. Read books, solve crosswords, watch interesting programs and films - “mental gymnastics” will help you stay cheerful and wellness for many years.
    As you can see, the tips are quite simple and uncomplicated, and you do not need any medications or expensive health procedures. Be healthy!

    How to be healthy and strong? This is a question that all people ask themselves every day. But health primarily depends on ourselves. To be or become healthy and strong, you have to work at it.

    Health is the most valuable thing a person has. The desire to be healthy is on a par with biological needs a person - to breathe, eat, prolong one’s family.

    As a rule, people are often lazy to take care of their health when it is good, or try to do everything to make it worse. A person, in pursuit of high earnings, behaves in such a way that he loses his health, and then spends everything he has earned just to restore it.

    Health often depends on natural data. However, scientists have been able to prove that our genotype affects our health by only 20%. The remaining 80% depends on how he takes care of it. Let's look at the main parts of what it depends on good condition body.

    Proper nutrition

    Food should always be prepared from good natural products. All products that claim to be enriched with elements will not provide any benefit. You should make it a rule to eat only what is not harmful to your health.

    You need to eat strictly on time. Snack only on fruits, vegetables or sugar-free juices. The habit of eating at the same time helps to produce gastric juice at certain hours, and, therefore, improve digestion.

    Take food only when not large quantities. Solving the problem of overeating is a huge step towards better health and longevity, and it is better to always get up from the table slightly hungry.

    Physical activity is one of the components healthy image life

    Metro, trains, buses - all this does not help the right image life. This is how a person is - he must use all the benefits of civilization in order to make his life easier and develop laziness.

    For the majority of citizens, life develops in such a way that it is necessary to lead sedentary image life – 8 hours of work in the office. There are also ways to support physical activity, provided that there is absolutely no time to go to the gym or run like a marathon runner.

    First moment– take a shower and do exercises every morning

    In the morning, within 10-15 minutes, you should definitely do 5-10 simple physical exercise. It is also necessary to warm up the entire body, starting from the cervical vertebrae, ending with the tips of the toes and hands.

    Then take a contrast shower. It can improve blood circulation and enhance nutrition of skin cells. Cool water tones the skin.

    The result is a boost of energy and vigor until noon.

    Second point– after every two hours of work, ten minutes of rest.

    If you have a sedentary job, then every two hours you need to take a break to stimulate your muscles. It is well known that a change in physical and mental activity has a positive effect on performance. Continuous and monotonous work for more than two hours contributes to the accumulation of metabolic products in the muscles and muscle tone decreases.

    You can warm up on a chair - stretch, bend left and right, make several circular movements with your head and shoulders. There are even special gymnastics for office workers. Good and responsible managers give instructions to their employees in this regard.

    If taking a ten-minute break every two hours of working time is too much for you, then you can get by with at least three minutes. For the effect, it is the intensity of the activity that is important, not the time spent on activity.

    The result is good health and high performance.

    Third point– stay in the air for at least two hours a day.

    In the air you need to actively move, and not just be. If you try to change active movements If you try to breathe oxygen from an open window for two hours a day, it is unlikely that this will improve your health and increase your immunity. Walking or jogging is much better in the fresh and clean air than training in stuffy conditions. gym. This will significantly improve blood circulation and increase muscle tone.

    Physical exercises should be done in the fresh air in order to combine positive effect from motor activity with ventilation.

    A person should walk approximately 1200 steps daily. Which is about 1,200 kilometers.

    The result is that endurance develops and immunity increases.

    You can even come up with your own specific ways to “move” that are directly related. The methods listed above are suitable for everyone, without exception. The tips are basic and will 80% ensure you stay in great shape and feeling great.

    Proper nutrition and exercise are the foundation of health and strength!



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