Hobbies. Simple dog training to stay alone at home and not whine How your usual walk should go

After all, when everyone is at home, she is just a good boy! She gets dirty in the apartment and spoils the doors. Is this her revenge for being left alone at home, or is she missing something? How to teach her to stay at home alone? The behavior of dogs in the absence of owners in the apartment is often destructive - howling, barking, damaged furniture and walls - all this upsets us, no matter how much we love our pet.

Do you remember the moment when an affectionate baby just appeared in your house? You took a week off from work to fully devote yourself to a new family member, from the first minutes of his appearance, the puppy was treated kindly and kissed, followed you around the apartment (however, as now), and he sleeps next to the bed or on it. Then you made a big mistake.

The basic habits of puppies are formed at the age of one to 3 months.

You didn't teach your puppy to be alone and now that he has grown up, every time you leave is a huge stress for him. No, your dog is not taking revenge on you, he is simply desperate for his loneliness. For an animal, chewing is a kind of sedative, like chewing gum or cigarettes for people. And any punishment for damaged things in this case is ineffective. Dogs have a short memory, and when you punish your dog for eating a shoe a few hours ago, he will not understand this. For him, the punishment will be associated only with your return. And next time, the stress will be even more - not only is she left alone, she will also be punished upon the return of the owner.

The tips below will help teach your dog to stay at home alone.

Take your dog for a good walk before leaving home. Get active with her. A tired dog has less energy for destructive activities. The session should last at least 20-30 minutes.

For dogs who are afraid to be alone at home, interactive toys are needed that can keep your pet busy for a while. The ideal option is a Kong toy. The classic Kong has the shape of a snowman, is made of high-strength rubber and is hollow inside. You can put various goodies, cookies or special pastes into the Kong. So, do not feed your pet in the morning, but stuff a few rubber toys with the morning norm. If in order to interest the dog you need something more tasty, prepare this stuffing in advance (several recipes are given in the afterword to the article), stuff the toys and freeze. Give out the toy five minutes before leaving the house.

When you leave, do not make violent farewell scenes, and when you come home, do not communicate with the dog until he has calmed down.

The next very important point in accustoming to loneliness is to confuse the pet and not let him know that you are leaving. Dogs are very smart and observant, and our Shar-Peis are especially, and you probably noticed that they get nervous as soon as you start to gather. Your task is to confuse the dog and change your behavior in such a way that it would be almost impossible to understand that you are leaving the house. For example, a dog reacts to your dressing up. Change your clothes several times during the day, but stay at home. Does the dog get excited when you take the keys? Take them during the day several times and sit down to watch TV. And so on. Analyze your behavior and make your departure unpredictable.

By the way, if the dog has become nervous and shows signs of anxiety, in no case should you try to calm him down. All your dog will understand is your restless tone and this will only reinforce his confidence that everything will be bad soon. You should speak in a calm, cheerful tone, without excessive emotionality. A pet can be gently patted or stroked on the chest. It is on the chest, and not on the tummy, tail and other erogenous zones of the dog, stimulating which you only increase the tension, while your task is to relax the dog.

Use the soothing "I'll be right back" line only when you're sure you'll be back in exactly the amount of time your dog can tolerate. To do this, leave the house more often and return after a short period of time. You will accustom the animal to the fact that you can return at any time, and the severity of the experience will subside.

If you have a good relationship with your neighbors, ask one of them to visit your bored friend regularly.

Sometimes, namely in cases where the dog is not obsessed with the owner, but is simply afraid to be alone, the appearance of a second animal in the house helps a lot. The neighbor's Doberman, whose owner likes to "walk" at night, did not let the entire entrance to sleep with his howl. The problem of howling was solved instantly, as soon as a cat was brought into his comrades. However, if you decide to get a second pet, it's ideal to "borrow" it from a friend for a few days to see if it helps your dog.

The next tip for calming an anxious dog is to use fumigators that release pheromones for dogs. In large pet stores (in Moscow, for example, in the Beethoven network), D.A.P. Dog Appeasing Pheromone Pheromone for dogs (diffuser + bottle). This fumigator releases pheromones that mimic the mammary pheromone of lactating bitches. These pheromones have a calming effect on animals, making them feel safe.

If, despite your efforts, it is not possible to solve the problem with natural methods, you can resort to the help of medicines. They will be discussed in the next article.

A few recipes for the Kong toy:

1. Ingredients: 1 egg, some vegetables, any low-fat cheese.
Whisk the egg. Put the vegetables in the kong, pour over the egg and add the cheese pieces. 20 sec. In the microwave and you're done. Refrigerate before use.

2. Ingredients: Low-fat fish fillet, a couple of tablespoons of regular yogurt without additives, a little grated carrot. Stuff this Kong and freeze. And tasty and healthy.

3. The easiest option: mix the food that you usually feed your dog with processed cheese, the cheese will stick the pieces of food together like cement.

When getting a puppy, many owners have no idea what awaits them, and sometimes they simply hope for a miracle, each time being surprised by gnawed shoes, overturned flower pots and torn sofa cushions. I will not hide the fact that quite recently I was among such naive ones.

It's been four months since I've had the cutest Labrador puppy, and all this time my house has been like a dump, in the truest sense of the word. I love my pet very much, so I endure all his pranks, but one thought bothers me for a day: what to do with a dog at home so that it doesn’t smash everything to smithereens?

What do we expect from dogs and what is really happening

When we were offered to take a Labrador puppy, I agreed immediately, seeing his sweet, good-natured and well-mannered mother. She was carrying this “cute”, who was only 30 days old, and was touched. Such a quiet, calm sweetheart. Sweet licked my hands, smacked me funny and fell asleep right in my arms. The husband suggested naming the “cute” Ares, in honor of one of the ancient gods. Only now I forgot to explain that this character was responsible for wars and destruction)))

And how right he was! Our Ares would definitely take first place in the destroyer competition! And he showed his character exactly after 3 days, when, having acclimatized after moving and being separated from his family, he began his dirty work.

The first thing he did was tear his pillow to shreds, the diaper we tried to put on him, and the box we wanted to make him a house out of. And not only tore, but scattered shreds in all the rooms. The next day he began to gnaw on the cloth handle of the sofa and the bottom bookshelf. A week later, he somehow got my book and tore all the pages out of it. Then it got worse ... Gnawed steps on a wooden staircase, kitchen stools, all the shoes that he could get ... books, magazines, food bowls, including cat bowls ... Now you can’t list everything, I’ll only say one thing - he pretty much helped us get rid of from rubbish. I threw out all the flowers that stood below the high window sill, long, already boring curtains, old shoes that I didn’t raise my hand on “what if they still come in handy” ... and many, many unnecessary things ...

Now I remember what I thought when I agreed to a puppy: I saw a big, beautiful, and lazy dog ​​who brings slippers on command, eats little and entertains guests by performing various tricks. What did I get? Still a small, hyperactive, groovy dog ​​who sleeps little and is constantly doing something. Do you think this only happened to me? Check out the internet! All puppies, and adult dogs, bully the same way!

How I tried to deal with it

Our Ares Yuryevich Gerasimov was caught at the crime scene). Well, okay, the products, but why did the sofa bite?)))

This is where the fun begins. If I sorted out one trouble called “puddles and poop” pretty quickly, having taught the dog to ask to go outside (I’ll tell you about this in a separate article - it will come in handy for many), then the second trouble - the ability to destroy things was ineradicable. So, more about what I tried.

  • I bought a bite spray. . These squirts are sold in all major stores that have a section of pet products. Inside the bottle is terribly smelly - smelly, you can’t say otherwise, liquid. When I, happy and satisfied, sprayed her stairs, all the family members immediately ran out into the street. And the neighbor, who came in on business, decided that we had a corpse buried somewhere. What about a puppy? For the first 20 minutes, he sniffed, sneezed and grimaced funny. Really didn’t gnaw, but as soon as the rubbish weathered, everything started all over again.
  • sprinkled with pepper . In fact, this cannot be done, since substances that irritate the mucous membrane are very harmful to the dog's sense of smell. But I was so sorry for the new sofa that I decided to take a chance. The dog did not touch the covered place, gnawed out a hole and pulled out a stuffing 20 centimeters from the “powder”.
  • Doused with bleaching liquid . It contains chlorine, and dogs hate the smell of bleach. My dog ​​gave up - he didn’t gnaw anything, but wherever I poured the solution, there were vile white spots, and at home, because of the terrible smell of bleach, it was impossible to live. In general, this option also does not roll.
  • I also built barricades so that the puppy cannot get into other rooms. Only this was in vain - the cunning and inventive dog, having a completely well-fed figure, managed to get through even through a crack. And if this did not work out, he leaned on his whole body, pushed, but managed to move suitcases, boxes and even an overturned table!

I climbed all the forums, re-read all the sites, and came to the conclusion that the instinct of destruction in dogs cannot be defeated if we don’t come up with something more interesting for them than nibbling, tearing and breaking. So, I finally began to think, not how to protect things, but what to do with the dog so that it does not ruin the whole house to the ground.

What to do with a dog at home

Someone is also lucky with a pet!

“Here on the street - a completely different matter, there are so many interesting things around! You can gnaw branches, chew leaves, lick pebbles and lap water from a puddle. What about at home? Homes are boring!” - so my pet most likely thought, chewing on another slipper. So I decided to look for information about home games, and I didn't really want to spend money on expensive dog toys, as they were needed to make up for the damage already done. So here's what my pet liked.

  1. Which hand. We all remember the children's game with two cams, in one of which something is hidden. Why not invite your puppy to play with it? This develops a sense of smell, makes the dog think and at the same time entertains the owners. So, let the dog sniff the sausage, saying “sniff”, then hide the treat in one hand, and give the command “search”. If the dog guesses correctly, we give yummy. Gradually we complicate the task by choosing products with a faint smell. This is Ares' favorite game: now he finds any yummy at once! And the team “sniff” immediately begins to lead the nose. You can complicate the game by hiding food under one of several identical plates.
  2. We master the stairs. Do you want to lose weight? I definitely need this, but I have no desire to go out and run on the street - I can’t stand slush, and I’m also a lazy person. So I had to come up with running up the stairs with the dog. After a few days, Ares calmly overtook me, but after a few “up and down”, spitting on my extra fat, he went to bed. He had no strength left for hooliganism.
  3. hide and seek . Another kids game that dogs love! Aren't they children? They are also naive, kind and playful, so they can be offered to play “hovanki”. The essence of the game is this: you hide, and then loudly call the dog. Repeat the call only if he is completely confused. If he finds it, give him something tasty. Dogs are always looking for something to “chew” faster. Gradually lower your tone of voice and shorten your phrases. By the way, this game may well someday help you out, for example, if you get lost in the forest.
  4. “Well, get it” . This game has no price! She keeps the dog busy for an hour or two. Take some kind of hard box or plastic bottle, put something tasty and odorous inside. Give to your pet and enjoy the silence! My dog ​​can't chew through a tightly packed plastic mineral water bottle.
  5. "Bubble" . This entertainment is as simple as it is free! Try blowing bubbles around the dog. This sight will amuse all family members, and the puppy will tire completely.
  6. "Chewing Bones" . I saw a bone in the store, made of I don’t know what, but the dog liked it. You need to give a treat sometimes, so as not to get bored. While chewing - the house is in perfect order.
  7. Rubber toys - squeakers . They are inexpensive and sold everywhere. I bought 3 pieces - a hedgehog ball, a stick and a cloth animal of an unknown breed. Dogs enjoy playing with these toys. And they know for sure that these are their things. I was convinced of this when I moved the puppy to a new place, to a cooler room. While she was carrying the mattress, the dog tried to stuff all three toys into her mouth at the same time. As a result, he dragged himself one by one.

What to do with a dog while she is home alone

To be honest, I have not yet found the answer to this question. The best thing I came up with is to leave the dog alone for the shortest possible time, fastened on a leash. At the same time, I leave food, toys, old shoes, etc.

It seems to me that while the puppy is small, it is difficult to teach him to behave perfectly. By the way, already now I notice that Ares is showing less and less attention to our things, but plays with his own toys. Therefore, I hope that in time everything will fall into place. What will come of it, I will definitely tell you!

I love dogs! Alena Gerasimova

What can I do to keep my dog ​​well-behaved at home? How to entertain a dog at home?

Some of my clients are faced with the problem of what to do with the dog at home so that it does not demand attention, does not distract, and does not climb to the guests. If there is no way to exhaust the dog with a game, but at the same time, so that the dog does not eat. After all, many dogs are street fed.

And now, in spring, food motivation is needed more than ever. After all, spring is the time for love (many bitches flow) and marvelous aromas (heaps of garbage that accumulated for several months of winter have already appeared from the snowdrifts). And we need a powerful weapon against these temptations - food! So the dog should eat at home to a minimum. Of course, the easiest way is to give the dog something to chew on, this activity takes an average of 30-60 minutes. And the dog relaxes in the process and becomes less annoying. So, our selection of treats that are impossible to fill up, but that will keep your dog busy for a while:

1. Beef bone with a minimum of meat. A huge callus with remnants of tendons that are difficult to tear off the bone is a good option.

2. Deer horn. Useful mineralized chew, which is very difficult to eat to the end. Please note that the horn has more or less porous areas in its structure. More porous areas gnaw faster, well suited to small dogs. Less porous areas are very dense, better suited to large dogs or those representatives who have jaws, like crocodiles - they grind quickly and into crumbs. There are also options for artificial "horns" of American production. They are made from crumbs of horns mixed with edible plastic. Their advantage is that they do not leave crumbs or splinters that can harm the dog. An amstaff-type dog is enough for a couple of months! But their main disadvantage is the price. They cost about 1000 rubles. a piece.

3. Toy with pate or canned food. The most commonly used is "Kong" or another hollow toy, from which all the delicacy does not immediately spill out. The beauty of the pate is that it is difficult to pick it all out without a trace in a short time, you have to sweat to get your tongue to all the nooks and crannies of the toy. You can initially spread the pate around the edges of the toy, because we don’t need the dog to eat.

4. Ice cubes. A simple recipe: pour the meat broth into ice molds (or any other forms), throw a couple of tidbits into each mold (vegetables, fruits, meat, whatever your dog likes) and leave to freeze in the freezer. Most dogs enjoy such an ice cube for a long time (especially in the heat), licking it. But there are also representatives who like to gnaw more, and the cube disappears into the bowels of the mouth in a matter of seconds. There are a couple of tricks for such glitches. The ice piece should be large, greater than the distance between the upper and lower jaws when open. This way your dog will not be able to grab the piece and will be forced to lick it. You can also freeze a string in a cube and hang the finished cube at the level of the muzzle. On weight, slippery ice is also difficult to gnaw, you have to lick and just play with it.

5. If the dog copes with ice cubes quickly, then the broth can be frozen in a hollow Kong-type toy. And also freeze a rope toy with broth. This can be done by pouring the broth into a tall tetra-pak bag, such as from juice, and putting a rope toy in it. After freezing, remove the bag and give the dog “ice on a string”.

6. Search for sweets in the box. In a box or box (I use a plastic box from IKEA) throw a handful of treats or regular food. Pour objects on top that the dog will not be able to choke on if they accidentally fall into the mouth. I throw toys and rags. Also suitable for this purpose are bushings from used toilet paper, wine corks (pre-washed from the smell of alcohol), balls for filling a children's pool, and so on. The dog will rummage for a long time in search of food.

7. Nyamki, wrapped in paper, in a box. We prepare a handful of food, cut into small pieces of paper. We wrap 1-2-3 pieces in each. We push all the nyams wrapped in paper tightly into the box. The dog chews on the box, takes out the papers and unfolds them to get to the treats. True, then you have to crawl on the floor and collect torn pieces of paper)) But it's worth it! The dog is carried away for an average of 30 minutes, if you use a small box, like from under toothpaste, cream, etc.

8. Variation of item 7: place the “bookmarks” described above in different places of the apartment so that the dog finds them in turn and gnaws them. The options above can also be used for anxious dogs who "refuse" to be home alone. As you leave, leave one or more of the described treat options for your dog. It will take her a while and tire her out. Moreover, your departure will be associated with pleasant events for her. Thus, the dog will not smash the apartment.

The owner does not know how to entertain the dog. Coming up with ideas is exhausting. It's much easier to get off the couch and keep your pet busy when the manual is at hand. Read the article, find out how to spend time with a dog at home if it's bad weather outside.

Why physical activity is needed

Bored dogs seek adventure and get into trouble. A person either figures out how to manage the time of the animal, or the dog takes the initiative in its paws. The result is deplorable - chewed shoes, peeled wallpaper or upholstery on upholstered furniture.

Play with your dog a couple of times a day. And then destructive behavior, the desire to gnaw things and excessive barking, will bypass the house.

find food

Smell games are an easy way to tire your dog. Teach pet the game of "find treats", help to fatigue mentally and physically, hone natural skills.

Take treats, spread treats around the room. Give your dog the “find” command and praise each time a treat enters its mouth. Make it harder. Hide treats in hidden places, such as under a rug. With the help of smell, the animal will find the pieces.


Put the treat under the cup. Move objects like station scammers do. Give the command "find a treat." The game stimulates the mind, develops problem solving skills.

Find a Treat in King Kong

Kong is an intellectual toy for dogs. Stuff the insides of the item with food. Leave the toy and go to work without worrying about anything. Extending your play time is easy. Place the treat item in the freezer overnight. Take it out before leaving. It will take 30 minutes to thaw. During this time, the dog's interest in the hidden treat will only increase.

The Kong toy is indestructible. The item is eco-friendly, does not break, easy to clean.

tug of war

You don't need a lot of space to play. Let the dog win. The victory will bring pleasure to the dog and cause a desire to play more. Pets after this exercise become obedient, they have increased confidence in the actions of the owner.

"Mom's Helper"

Animals love to work. For example, bring home slippers.

work off the food

People have surrounded dogs with care - animals sleep softly, pets are looked after, dogs eat a lot. But a person's friends not so long ago, by historical standards, helped with the housework. Pets lack mental and physical exercise.

Get the dog to work off the food. This is done in two ways. The dog either takes out a portion of food from a toy dispenser or performs a trick before receiving a treat, such as rolling over on the floor.

Learn to recognize the names of toys

Start with one item, repeat the name as you play. Soon the animal will begin to associate the toy with the name. Checking memory is easy. Ask the pet to bring the desired item by choosing from the items. Treat each time the task is completed correctly.

Teach your dog new tricks

The pet can jump through the hoop - do not stop at this trick. Learn to jump over the leg. Come up with new exercises, repeat the old ones.

Guess which hand

  • Take treats in the palm of your hand;
  • Close your palms in front of the pet's face;
  • The dog will find and give a sign with his nose, try to get a piece;
  • Don't resist, give food.

Teach your dog the basics of obedience

The dog follows the basic commands "sit, stand, take, come to me." Repeat occasionally, refresh the memory of animal skills.

Learn how to massage

Massage of the dog's limbs relieves pain and tension after walking. Movements on the back disperse the blood. A person makes an animal feel good. Dogs do not refuse massage with hands or brushes.

Take care of your dog's appearance

People give dogs haircuts, bathe pets, cut their nails, comb out the undercoat, brush their teeth. It takes time and effort, both for the person and the object of care.

Call the dog from time to time

If you notice that your pet is bored, take a toy or treat in your hand. Call the dog. Allow me to grab an item from my hand. Praise for obedience, stroke. The pet will be engaged in a bone or a game with a ball, will scatter.

Overcoming obstacles

Teach your dog to jump over a stick. Raise a little higher, repeat. Place obstructions on the floor. Call the dog. Treat only when it jumps over an object.

Dogs love to catch soap bubbles. Children's toys are safe for dogs and do not contain toxic substances.

Invest in toys, change, hide old items for a while

People and animals get tired of the routine. Buy new play items for your dog. Maintain your pet's enthusiasm for play. Hide old toys from time to time. The dog will forget about them and play with pleasure after a while with an object from the closet.

Invite friends

Invite friends with dogs over. People and animals will spend time together. The owners will talk and discuss matters, the dogs will play enough.

It's so simple, inexpensive, without effort, they take the pet's time with useful things.

When a person makes a four-legged friend for himself, it becomes necessary not only to create normal conditions for the life of a pet, but also to develop and entertain him. A dog, like any other family member, requires attention and care. With it you need to spend time, play, teach. The best way to learn is through play.

Why games

Through games, the animal not only learns the rules of behavior necessary for it. They help the pet throw out the accumulated energy.

You can often see on walks bored dogs. They do not know what to do with themselves, and the owner does not pay attention to them. This is wrong, because on walks the dog should not only relieve himself. Communication with a pet through games allows you to establish contact between him and his owner. He learns to always obey you, be near you, and not run somewhere in search of adventure. Playing with the owner, the dog draws positive emotions from this process. He develops a desire to always be the best for his master in order to receive praise and approval.

Important! The more time you spend playing with your pet, the more loyal it becomes.

Do not think that you need to start instilling love and respect in your pet not in infancy, but at a more mature age, when he learns to control his behavior. Puppies need your attention too. And the sooner they feel your attention and care, the sooner they will repay you in kind.

During the game, the puppy masters various life situations and finds out how to solve them. This helps him later in life. It is better to start playing with the puppy as a family- this will allow the pet to learn to understand the family hierarchy, to build relationships with each family member correctly. When the animal begins to understand its place and role in the "pack", it will become more self-confident.

How to play with a dog outside

Outdoor games help the dog not only express his emotions, but also improve his health.

Jogging and chasing

To cheer up the dog, you can play catch up. Touch the dog to get his attention and start running away from him. You need to encourage your pet to run after you. Sometimes the dog grabs a toy and starts to run away from you, thereby showing that he wants you to catch up with him.

You can just start jogging, dragging the dog with you. You can train an animal to run from three to four months. First you must learn to cover short distances, no more than 200 meters. For longer distances at a young age, patience is not always enough. You need to run not on asphalt and tiles, but on the ground so that the animal does not injure its paws.

Did you know? Most dogs can run at speeds up to 30 km/h. Greyhounds run at speeds up to 72 km/h.

In competitions of this kind, the dog needs to run through slides, tunnels and other obstacles. The owner at this time runs nearby and directs the pet.

On a walk, if there are no specially created obstacles nearby, you can run up the stairs, learn to jump over benches or run under them, run around trees and bushes.

An excellent place for such entertainment can be playgrounds. Only you need to play them either early in the morning or late in the evening when the kids are at home.


Most dogs love catch objects in motion. Therefore, the Frisbee will become their favorite pastime. All you need for this game is to buy a special flying disc. Make sure that the material of the product does not harm the teeth of the animal. Also, the dimensions of the disk must correspond to the dimensions of the dog.

The course of the game is very simple. You throw the disc by moving your hand away from you, thereby imparting torque to the object. In order for the dog to run after the toy, it needs to be interested. Let your pet get to know the subject first. Then turn the disc in front of the pet so that he wants to jump and grab the toy with his teeth. If the dog grabs the disc, give him the opportunity to chew on it. When the pet develops a grasping reflex for the toy, you can start the game.

Sit the dog down next to you and give it a little toss frisbee. If the animal managed to catch the disk, you can increase the height and range of the throw. When the pet has caught the disk, ask him to return the item to you through the “Give” command.

Did you know?People who have a dog at home move 66% more than others.

Burying and searching for things

Developing games for dogs include searching for things or treats. You can play both at home and on the street.

Start simple - looking for treats. Show a piece of food to the dog, scatter goodies around the yard in front of his eyes and give the command “Search”. It is important that at the time of scattering the dog is on a chain or someone is holding him so that he does not rush for food ahead of time. You may have to walk around with your four-legged friend at first until he gets the hang of the game.

When the animal has mastered the essence of the task assigned to it, you can complicate the game by hiding a treat nearby. When this stage is mastered, you can begin to hide in the ground. Here, not only treats should be used, but also favorite toys. If you live in a private house, then set aside a piece of land for the dog where he can dig the ground to his heart's content. There you can start hiding things.

You can train your dog to jump over obstacles. To do this, use stick or hoop.

At the beginning of training, hold the stick at the level of the withers of the animal or slightly lower. So the dog will learn to overcome the height of its own growth without injury. Gradually increase the height.

To make a pet jump, hold a stick in one hand, and a treat in the other, at some distance from the obstacle. Say "Barrier" and grab attention with a treat. When the pet performs a jump, encourage him with words.

For jumping through a hoop, the principle of operation is similar. Only first you need to let the dog get acquainted with the subject so that it does not cause fear in him. The diameter of the hoop should be slightly larger than the height of the dog at the withers.

Every dog ​​can learn to crawl, but not everyone will be happy to take a course in mastering the task. Indeed, in nature, animals move in this way extremely rarely. Before you start mastering the crawling technique, your pet must learn the command "Sit" and "Lie down".

We start the lesson by sitting the dog next to us with the help of "Sit" commands. Then, after half a minute, please lie down. To do this, when issuing a command with a straight hand, we perform a downward movement. Having laid the dog down, squeeze the yummy in the fist of your right hand and hold it near the ground - let the dog smell the bait. Then give the command to crawl; along with this, begin to move your hand parallel to the ground, moving away from the pet.

If the dog tries to get up, press it with your hand to the ground in the withers area. If the animal was able to crawl at least 30 centimeters, reward it with yummy and commendable words, but do not allow it to get up. Let it rest, and then try to overcome the same distance again. With each session, gradually increase the length of the movement.

Important! During the exercise, the dogs get very tired. Therefore, at first, do not force your pet to crawl more than a meter and a half.

Games at home

Playing with a dog at home is no less important than playing outside. Playing with your pet, you distract him from property damage and teach adjust to indoor life. How best to play with your pet, we will tell below.

We open doors

This game will help the pet overcome obstacles such as a closed door when moving around the house. True, there is a minus here. When the animal has mastered the technique of entering the room, then it will be much more difficult to hide from him behind a closed door, unless the door is locked.

Leave your pet in the room and exit, closing the door behind you. At first, there should be a small gap through which the dog can see you. Call your pet. If your dog doesn't feel like pushing or pulling the door, lure him in with a treat. Then he will try to escape from prison as quickly as possible. When the dog has mastered the way of opening the door, close it completely and repeat the exercise.

We give a paw

Learning this command is useful for facilitating the inspection of the animal's limbs.

Seat the pet with the command "Sit". Then say: "Give me a paw." At the same time, touch one of the front limbs with your hand. If the dog himself does not want to give a paw, gently take it above the wrist and lift it up a little. Hold her for a while and praise your four-legged friend.

You can train in another way. Take a treat, show it to the dog and hold it in your palm. When the dog tries to get a treat with his paw, take him by the limb and say: “Give me a paw.” Hold the limb for a bit, let go, treat your pet with yummy and praise.

The most common food trick: catching yummy in the air. To perform an action, try to throw a treat so that the animal catches it on the fly, and does not take it from the floor. Otherwise, he will develop a habit of picking up everything from the floor. Even if the dog was unable to catch food in the air, do not give him the opportunity to pick it up from the floor. Stop the attempt with the word "No". Praise should be only for caught yummy. During the throw, you need to say "Op".

When a dog is left alone at home, it is worth considering what she can do with herself so that she does not mischief. At the dog should have their own toys, so that she gnaws them, not shoes and things. It can be plush, rubber, interactive toys.

You can train your dog to recognize toys by name. To do this, throw a toy and name it. The dog should hear a request to bring a certain thing. There should be no punishment here. You do not train a pet, but just play with it.


To teach your pet to perform this action, take a treat and show it to the dog, after placing it sideways beside you. Place the yummy between the forelegs. The dog should reach for the bait and lower himself onto his elbows. To prevent the animal from completely lowering its body to the ground, hold it with your hand under the stomach. Reward your pet. All actions must be preceded by the “Bow” command.

It happens that during the games the dog bends on its own. At this point, say "Bow." This is how the command will be mastered. Always encourage your pet.

Turn around yourself

Grab the yummy by holding it between your thumb and forefinger. The dog should not grab the treat, but only lick it. Start moving your hand with food. The dog should follow her. Say the command "Circle". When the animal makes a complete rotation around its axis, reward it with yummy and words.

Many owners do not know how to play with a dog at home to keep it interesting. Most pets love to snatch things from their hands. To teach the animal to obey the owner at this moment, try playing tug of war with him. Take a strong rope and give one end to the dog; keep the other one. Command "Pull". Try not to let him get too carried away with the game. It should stop easily and give you the rope.

Important! Do not use personal items for this game, otherwise the dog will only miss them in the future.

Basic rules of the game

  1. Start learning a new game in a comfortable place for the dog so that nothing frightens or distracts the animal.
  2. It is necessary to attract a pet to the game at a time when he is full of energy and strength. As a rule, such a moment comes when you have just stepped over the threshold of the apartment upon returning from work.
  3. Do not pet your pet before playing.
  4. The game should take place at a vigorous pace, without lisping.
  5. The game should not last long. Learn to interrupt her before the pet loses interest in her.
  6. If the dog does not want to play, stop communicating with him. He must understand that the game is a way of communicating with the owner.

As we see, play is very important for a dog. It allows her to establish contact with the owner and master a number of important actions. Spilled out in time, the energy of the dog will allow you to enjoy the rest after work and protect your property from damage.


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