Gunshot wound to the head consequences. Gunshot wounds of the skull and brain

There are many different options diet "8 kg". All of them help to reduce weight, but each diet has its own menu and a different list of prohibited and allowed foods.

The results of the chosen diet will largely depend on lifestyle and individual features organism. Today you will learn how to lose 8 kg on a diet in a week, eight days or a month.

How to lose weight by 8 kg - diet for a week

Let's describe several options for the "8 kg per week" diet. So, in the first option, it is proposed to use the same menu every day. For breakfast, you can eat any fruit and a serving of semolina porridge. At lunch, the authors of the diet advise limiting yourself to a portion of semolina porridge and a handful of dried fruits. For dinner, you can add a tablespoon of condensed milk to a serving of porridge. On the 8 kg per week diet, you can drink unsweetened drinks.

It is advisable not to add to porridge butter and sugar. The semolina diet is very useful for work disorders digestive tract. It can also be used for gastritis or restriction in choosing a method of losing weight.

The next version of the semolina porridge diet is rather monotonous: it is allowed to eat three times a day semolina with a spoonful of jam and drink unsweetened green tea or still water.

The diet "Ladder"

Diet "Ladder" (diet "8 days 8 kg", diet "8 thin days") - effective method weight loss, consisting of several stages:

  • unloading (the first 2 days of the diet);
  • recovery (3rd day);
  • energy (4th day);
  • construction (5th day);
  • fat burning (6th day);
  • final (7-8th day).

The first two days of the "8 days 8 kg" diet, the body is cleansed of toxins and toxins and prepares for the process of losing weight. During this period, it is allowed to eat one or two kilograms of apples per day, drink purified water and kefir, and in the morning be sure to take Activated carbon(1 tablet per 10 kg of weight). Charcoal is necessary to cleanse the digestive tract of accumulated toxins.

The third day of the diet is necessary to restore the condition gastrointestinal tract after cleaning. At the recovery stage of the diet, you can eat lean beef (400 g), low-fat dairy products, greens and tomato juice.

The next step is to replenish stocks exclusively useful glucose in the body (two or three tablespoons of honey, unsweetened dried fruit compote or a handful of raisins).

On the fifth day of the diet "8 days 8 kg" you need to eat food, rich in protein: turkey or chicken fillet - steamed, boiled or baked, five boiled potatoes in their skins and a large number of water.

During the sixth day of weight loss, you can eat light vegetables and fruits in any amount c oatmeal(200 g).

In the remaining two days of the diet, you can gradually add vegetable salads seasoned with sunflower oil, bread coarse grinding and low-fat yogurt.

Diet "8 kg per month"

The water diet is the easiest way to lose 8 kg in a month. On such a diet, you do not have to give up your usual diet, but just drink clean water correctly. The basic rule of the water diet "8 kg per month" is a ban on drinking liquids after meals. This condition helps speed up the digestion of food and metabolism, and therefore eliminate constipation, bloating and reduce body fat.

On a water diet, you should drink two glasses before each meal. pure water. For determining required amount water per day, your weight should be multiplied by 0.05 liters. This figure will be the norm of liquid for a person.

On a water diet, nutritionists advise eating at least four times a day, so the amount of water before meals should be about two liters. The rest of the liquid should be drunk between meals, but not earlier than two hours after the meal.

Diet for 8 days with a specially designed menu, helps to get rid of three kilograms excess weight for this period.

8 day diet menu

The diet begins with three days, when you need to eat only foods that are low in calories. This is to get you used to proper nutrition. During the diet, you need to drink at least a liter of water per day, and be away from alcoholic beverages fully. It is essential that your diet consists of breakfast, a light snack and one main course.

First day

Breakfast on the first day of the diet can be half a kilogram of apples and one large banana. For an appetizer, vegetable soup or carrots with celery juice are offered. You can also eat vegetable salad with brown rice, seasoned olive oil. The main dish is a vegetable salad, but vegetables should be only green and boiled beans, which are poured with a spoonful of olive oil.

Second day

Start the second day with a juicy apple and a carrot or an orange. For an appetizer, a salad made from celery with carrots and baked potatoes are offered. The main dish on this day will be a vegetable salad, we take green vegetables, boiled cauliflower, which you need to sprinkle with grated cheese, and fry it on the grill or in the oven.

Third day

On the third day, have breakfast with tea, with milk and honey added to it, and two slices of bread and butter. The snack will be fruit of your choice, as well as raisins and dates, nuts are allowed. The main course is again a green vegetable salad, with pasta and tomato sauce.

Fourth day

Start the fourth day with half a grapefruit, one apple and natural yogurt with honey and chopped nuts. The snack of the fourth day will be baked potatoes with butter, or a spoonful of sour cream and sprinkled with herbs, as well as salad and cabbages and one ripe pear. The main dish will be a vegetable casserole with cheese. In order to cook it, you will need one each of red, green and yellow peppers, two zucchini, three ripe tomatoes and one onion, three cloves of garlic. Grease the pan with oil and put vegetables in layers, sprinkle each layer with parsley mixed with olive oil. Bake in the oven for forty minutes, then remove and sprinkle with grated cheese, and put in the oven until a crust of cheese appears. Broccoli can be served with the casserole.

Fifth day

The fifth day consists in the morning of porridge cooked in water, with one spoonful of cream and a piece of bread or toast with butter. A light snack is a salad of winter vegetables. To do this, you need to take cabbage and cut it, orange juice and four steamed dried apricots with two spoons walnut. Spice up the salad natural yogurt with liquid honey, two tablespoons each and lemon zest. Apples baked with nuts and cinnamon. The main dish will be vegetable soup and grilled chicken. Chicken breast put with onions and garlic in a saucepan with kefir, and heat for two minutes, add a spoonful of coriander and cumin, after an hour of marinade, cook on the grill. You can serve with leeks.

Sixth day

The sixth day begins with scrambled eggs and mushrooms and orange juice. For a light snack, pumpkin soup and bread with butter are suitable. Vegetable salad winter and fresh beets. Grilled trout with lemon wedges, spinach and cabbage leaves will suit the main dish. Also vegetable stew.

Seventh and last days

Seventh day. For breakfast, grapefruit juice, baked apples with almonds. A snack will be yogurt, only natural, as well as dried fruits with cashews. The main dish will be fried lamb fillet with a celery stalk and an apple.

The last day will start with muesli with banana and cream. The appetizer will be baked potatoes and beans, as well as celery and greens. And the main dish will be vegetable soup, on broth, and cod baked in the oven.

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Weapon wounds in peacetime are even more diverse than in wartime. gunshot wounds are applied intentionally or through careless handling of a machine gun, a hunting rifle, a gas pistol, a self-propelled gun. This group also includes damage by non-firearms: pneumatic guns, crossbows, spearguns, etc.

The peculiarity of such lesions is that the inlets are often pinpoint, with a small diameter (2-3 mm), and the gunshot wound itself often occurs with a hit in the cavity.

In addition, there are several point injuries, for example, when hit by a shot, which makes it difficult to provide assistance. When fired from close range or point-blank range, the damage is wider and deeper.

Brief first aid instructions

First aid for gunshot wounds is urgently regardless of which part of the body is damaged and which striking element caused damage: buckshot, shot, bullet, shell fragment.

Before providing assistance, it is necessary to correctly assess the condition of the victim, the severity and severity of the wound, the nature of the injury, the type of gunshot wound. The course and outcome of the injury will depend on how quickly and correctly assistance was provided.

First aid for a gunshot wound includes the following:

Wait for the medical team, constantly talking with the person, if the ambulance arrives no earlier than in half an hour, ensure the transportation of the victim to the hospital on their own. Next, we will consider in detail some of the types of gunshot wounds: bullet wounds of the arms and legs, chest, head, spine and neck, abdomen.

First aid for injured hands and feet

The main thing that they pay attention to in gunshot wounds of the extremities is the presence of bleeding.

With damage to the femur or brachial artery a person loses consciousness in 10-15 seconds, death from blood loss occurs in 2-3 minutes - therefore, immediate first aid is necessary.

It is important to determine the type of bleeding: bright, scarlet, gushing from the wound in a pulsating stream. dark blood, burgundy, flows out of the wound with less intensity. When blood seeps out of the wound in drops, resembling a sponge.

First aid measures for gunshot wounds to the arms and legs:

  • In case of bleeding from the arteries, apply a twist above the wound indicating the exact time;
  • At profuse bleeding from a vein, you can also either twist below the wound or apply pressure bandage.

Features of applying a pressure bandage

In case of a gunshot wound of the extremities, when applying a pressure bandage, it is necessary:

  • In place of the hearth, you need to put a 4-layer napkin;
  • Fix the fabric on the limb with three rounds of gauze bandage;
  • Use a pressure pillow, apply it from above so that it covers the edges of the wound;
  • Fix the roller with a bandage, the bandage should be applied with a tight pressure so that the blood stops;
  • The pressure pad should be in the form of a dense tight roller, in its absence, use any means at hand;
  • If the wound is foreign object, it is impossible to apply a bandage until it is removed.

The injured person must be given a body position in which the limbs will be above the level of the heart.

In some situations, with bullet wounds, tamponade is used to stop the blood. For this manipulation, the wound opening is stuffed with a sterile dressing material using a thin long object.

The second important circumstance for any injuries of the arms or legs is the presence of fractures.. When a fracture is present, any movement of the limbs should be excluded before the arrival of doctors, since the sharp edges of the bone further damage the soft tissues and blood vessels.

How to transport the victim?

If you plan to deliver the victim to a medical facility on your own, you must transport immobilization limbs, for this use any improvised means.

The tire is applied, capturing two adjacent joints, and secured with bandages or any tissue.

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When shooting arms and legs, rest of the limb is provided not only for fractures, but also for severe damage fabrics with a large surface - this is considered an anti-shock measure.

If the injured person has severe blood loss associated with arterial bleeding, the victim must be delivered immediately to the operating unit. The existing shock and bleeding from a vein serve as an indication for the delivery of the wounded to intensive care.

Gunshot wounds to the chest

A gunshot to the chest refers to difficult circumstances and is accompanied by shock and complications. Fragments, ricochet bullets cause destruction of the ribs, sternum, shoulder blades, damage the lungs, pleura.

Fragments of bones penetrate deeply into the tissues of the lungs, pneumo- and / or hemothorax is possible.

If the organs inside the chest are damaged, the blood fluid does not always flow out, sometimes it accumulates there, so it is difficult to judge damage to the vessels during gunshot wounds.


When blood enters the chest cavity, hemothorax occurs, blood interferes with breathing, disrupts the function of the heart, since the volume of the chest has a limit, and blood occupies the entire volume.


Through the wound, air seeps into the pleura, the presence of a constant communication with the atmosphere causes open pneumothorax. Sometimes the inlet of the wound is clamped, then the open pneumothorax turns into a closed one.

There is also a pneumothorax with a valve, when air freely enters the chest cavity, its return is prevented by a valve, which was formed as a result of a gunshot wound.

When providing first aid for a gunshot wound to the chest, the condition of the person and the nature of the wound must be taken into account:

If the bullet hit the heart, one can assume the most worst case . By outward signs the victim - the person quickly loses consciousness, the face acquires an earthy hue - it immediately becomes clear what happened, but death does not always occur.

Rapid delivery of the victim to the doctors, where he will be drained, sutured in a heart wound, can save a life.

Help with a head injury

When a person loses consciousness with a gunshot wound to the head, it is not necessary to bring him out of a swoon, you cannot waste time on this. All actions should be aimed at stopping the blood, for this you need to put a piece of a sterile bandage folded in several layers on the wound and tightly wrap it around your head.

At heavy bleeding head wound dressing should be pressure, using a dense pad that presses the soft tissue against the skull.

Then you should give the person a lying position on a solid plane, ensure peace and wait for the arrival of doctors.

When shooting the head, breathing often stops, the heart stops.. In such situations, the victim must indirect massage hearts and artificial respiration take the victim to medical institution on its own is highly discouraged.

Gunshot wound to the spine and neck

When the spine is damaged by a weapon wound, a short loss of consciousness occurs. Help with wounds spinal column is to stop the blood and provide rest for the person. It is undesirable to move the victim, to independently transport him to a medical institution.

Bullet wounds of the neck are often accompanied by a violation of the integrity of the larynx, as well as damage to the cervical arteries.

In the event of a wound in the neck, the bleeding must be stopped immediately.
, carotid artery press with fingers, or apply a pressure bandage using the victim's hand, which is raised up, then wrapped around the neck with the hand.

Sometimes the neck, larynx, and spine are simultaneously affected. Help in these situations comes down to stopping the bleeding and providing peace to the victim.

First aid for a wound in the stomach

The gunshot of the abdomen includes three pathologies:

If the organs fell out, you can not put them back into the stomach, they are lined with tissue rollers, then they are bandaged. The peculiarity of the bandage is that it should always be in wet, for this it needs to be watered.

To reduce pain, cold is placed over the bandage on the wound. When the bandage is soaked through, the blood begins to ooze out, the bandage is not removed, but a new bandage is made over the old one.

When wounded in the stomach, you can’t drink and feed the victim, you also can’t give him medicines through the mouth.

All gunshots of the abdomen are considered to be primary infected, must be made antiseptic treatment gunshot wound and primary surgical treatment, which is done in the first hours after injury. These activities provide the best further prognosis.

When injured, the abdomen sometimes suffers parenchymal organs e.g. liver. The victim experiences shock, in addition to blood, bile flows into the abdominal cavity, bile peritonitis occurs. The pancreas, kidneys, ureters, and intestines also suffer. Often, along with them, nearby large arteries and veins are damaged.

After providing first aid, the victim is taken to a medical facility, where he is provided with qualified and specialized medical care.

A participant in the war with Japan, said that under his leadership trepanations were performed 299 times. Later, he published the famous manual “On Military Field Wounds of the Skull”, recognizing that these injuries are the most dangerous, although there were cases when a person did not die after receiving a bullet in the forehead.

Kutuzov phenomenon

In the mass consciousness Kutuzov appears in the image of a "one-eyed" field marshal, as he is shown in the film of the same name Vladimir Petrov(1943). A group of Russian, Ukrainian and American neurosurgeons reconstructed two bullet wounds into the head of the commander and made an assumption about the high degree of their danger to life. In fact, the fact that these injuries were fatal was recognized. So, during the Russian-Turkish war in the battle near Alushta on July 23 (according to some sources, 24) July 1774, Mikhail Illarionovich received a bullet in his left temple, which went right through his right temple. By the way, Kutuzov wore a black armband for only a few months - in rehabilitation period. According to General-Anshef V. M. Dolgorukov, this wound "contorted" the hero, but preserved his sight. The second time Kutuzov was wounded in the head on August 18, 1788 in the Battle of Ochakov. This time the bullet pierced the head from the side of the left cheek, flying out under the base of the skull. Neurosurgeon Mark Proyle from the Barrow Neurological Institute (USA) said in this regard that such injuries make a person suspicious, cautious and even indecisive, they say, that is why Kutuzov preferred to surrender Moscow, while other Russian generals offered to defend the capital.

First there was a drink, then -electric drill

In fact, the first effective tool for trepanation of the skull when assisting soldiers wounded in the head was a wire saw for sawing out a bone flap, which was thrown back together with soft tissues. The author of the saw for the head, oddly enough, was an obstetrician - Italian Geely. It was he who in 1894 proposed this tool, which immediately gained worldwide popularity among doctors. And in 1908 a French surgeon T. de Martel described the method of using a conventional electric drill to drill through the internal bone plate. Further F. Krause began to use an electric pump, and G. Cushing silver clips to ensure hemostasis during brain surgery. Practically with this set of tools, doctors met the First world war.

bullet speed

In 1914-1919, combinations of gunshot and mine-explosive damage appeared quite widely on the battlefields. open injury, as well as barotrauma with brain contusion. At the same time, they began to pay attention to the speed of a bullet piercing the skull. If at the time of the collision it was less than 100 m/s, then brain damage was observed along the bullet channel, slightly larger than the diameter of the bullet. It also turned out that more high speed became a source of additional damage due to shock waves and temporary cavitation. There was practically no chance to survive in these conditions. However, the Mexican revolutionary Wenceslao Moguel(Wenseslao Moguel), who was executed on March 18, 1915 by the soldiers of the firing squad, survived despite a control shot to the head. After receiving 8 bullets, he fell to the ground. After that, an officer approached him and almost point-blank "finished off" the revolutionary. After the soldiers left, Wenceslao Moguel woke up and independently reached his own. Per medical care he did not turn and quickly recovered.

All deaths out of spite

The war against German fascism, according to Soviet doctors, was characterized by an increase in head wounds: from 7.8% in 1942? m to 12% in 1945, while the severity of injuries also increased. Boris Vsevolodovich Gaidar, Head of the Military Medical Academy of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, Lieutenant General medical service, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, wrote in this regard: “As a neurosurgeon, I will dwell in more detail on the features of providing neurosurgical care to the wounded. Penetrating wounds of the skull were particularly severe; among all those killed on the battlefield, those wounded in the skull and brain accounted for 30.9%. At the end of the war, the operability of the wounded in the skull in specialized hospitals increased significantly. At the stage of qualified medical care, only urgent indications(continued external or intracranial bleeding, injury to the ventricles with abundant liquorrhea). Such a system of providing neurosurgical care to those wounded in the skull made it possible to reduce the incidence of brain abscesses from 70% in the First World War to 12.2% in the Great Patriotic War.”

Headshot America

Medics Felix Vinas and John Pilitsis cited statistics, according to which approximately 2 million Americans annually seek medical help with various injuries of the head, with head injuries being the leading (fourth leading) cause of death (among people under the age of 44 years). Of these, approximately one-third (35%) of all fatalities are due to gunshot wounds to the head. Targeted skull shooting, according to neurosurgeons, lies in the popularization of this type of killing in popular culture and in the uncontrolled firearms market. Despite advances in medicine, mortality from penetrating brain injury remains very high. At the same time, not everyone dies. Perhaps that is why, queries on the topic “how to survive a headshot” in American search engines beat all records.

chances of salvation

Most famous in recent times assassinated a member of the US Congress Gabriel Giffords January 8, 2011 in Tucson. An attacker suffering from paranoid schizophrenia shot Giffords in the head with a Glock pistol (and also killed 6 other people). The bullet from the back of the head passed right through the skull in the region of the left hemisphere of the brain. At the request of the public, her attending physician Keith Black from Los Angeles spoke about the chances of surviving a head wound. “Almost everything depends on the area of ​​the brain that was hit, as well as the speed, and whether the bullet went right through,” Black explained. - If the bullet passes through both hemispheres, then the probability of death is much greater than in the case of Gabrielle. The brain is somewhat redundant, and can sometimes lose up to half, leaving a person alive. The chances of recovery are higher if the deep structures of the brain, such as the brain stem and thalamus, are not affected. The danger is also internal hemorrhage due to defeat blood vessels. In general, it is possible to save people who have not stopped breathing and blood pressure remains high enough: both functions are necessary to maintain an adequate supply of oxygen to the brain. Such "lucky ones", as statistics show, are few - about one in ten. And then, if help was provided in a timely manner.

Have you ever wondered what it's like to feel a gunshot wound? What happens to the body when a bullet pierces the skin, tears the muscles, crushes the bones? A gunshot wound is very different from any other type of wound. The inlet is instantly surrounded by a zone of necrosis, it is no longer possible to restore tissue. And, unfortunately, from year to year the chances of running into a bullet grow even for an ordinary person ..

In most cases, the bullet does not pass through the body of the victim through and through. Encountering a bone on the way, it begins to ricochet, causing even more damage.

Women's share

Women who have received severe injuries survive 14% more often than men. Scientists believe this may be due to negative impact male sex hormones on an injured immune system.

Life or death

The likelihood of survival after a gunshot wound depends on several factors. The location of the wound, the level of blood loss and how quickly the victim is taken to the hospital matters. In general, over the past quarter century, with gunshot wounds, 40% survive more people than before.


When shot in the head, the bullet flies through the brain so quickly that the tissues do not tear, but seem to be pushed apart. However, the result is still the same.

Body side

The side of the body when injured also has great importance. Shot in left side causes significant bleeding, while the injury right side bleeds less. It's just lower pressure.


Most often, the death of the wounded occurs as a result of bleeding, and not as a result of the injury itself. That is, if doctors were on time at the scene in 100% of cases, then most deaths could be prevented.


Worst of all would be a wound in the stomach. Doctors will have to try very hard to save the victim, and then reliably stop the consequences. Damaged stomach or intestines begin to spread the infection instantly.


A shot in the back of the head really leaves a person with a chance to survive. At the same time, a headshot from the side is guaranteed to be lethal. This is because a bullet flying in a straight line will usually destroy only one hemisphere of the brain, but a shot from the side will destroy both.

shock wave

In contact with the body, the bullet generates a shock wave propagating at a speed of 1565 m/s. Then the kinetic energy of the projectile is transferred to the tissues, provoking the occurrence of prolonged oscillations that destroy the tissues.

Caliber and wounds

A wound with a 7.62x39mm bullet from an AKM will be less dangerous than a wound with a 5.45x39 caliber - a bullet from an AK74 will begin to tumble when it enters the tissue and cause much more damage.



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