How to check the authenticity of medicines. Medicines

Fake drugs in best case they simply will not be useful, at worst, they can cause irreparable harm to health, up to and including death. Medicines in pharmacies are checked for quality by the relevant regulatory authorities, but they are able to cover only about 20% of medicines. How to buy a medicine in a pharmacy, avoiding a fake, we will tell in our article.

Types of fake drugs

There are 4 main types of counterfeit drugs in our pharmacies:

  • "pacifiers" - preparations that do not contain substances specified in the instructions. Usually instead of them put chalk, flour, starch, sugar. In principle, pacifiers are safe, but only as long as recovery does not depend on their use;
  • medicines in which more expensive and effective ingredients are replaced by less effective cheap analogues. The result from the use of such drugs is many times lower than expected;
  • made in violation of technology. The composition and dosage in such medicines are within the normal range, but the quality is pretty lame due to non-compliance with the production regime. These medicines may be more short term storage than indicated on the package, or have a weak effect.

Another case of “wrong” drugs that cannot be attributed to falsification, but from which people suffer, is drug substitution. For example, instead of pills that reduce blood pressure, there may be pills in the blister that increase it.

For more information about drug counterfeiting, see the video:

What drugs are counterfeited most often?

In most cases, drugs are counterfeited:

  • whose value is in price range from $4 to $35. It makes no sense to make very cheap ones, since their production simply may not pay off, and it is unprofitable to produce counterfeits of expensive drugs, since consumer demand for them is low;
  • actively advertised. Advertising stimulates demand and guarantees high levels of sales and profits.

In most cases, the following are fake drugs in pharmacies:

Ways to identify counterfeit drugs

Alas, there is no way that would allow with 100% probability to select original pharmaceutical products and screen out counterfeit products. However, there are a number of rules, the observance of which will significantly reduce the chances of buying fake drugs in pharmacies.

According to the law, in Ukraine and the Russian Federation medications are non-refundable. However, you can return a low-quality medicine, but you will have to provide an expert opinion proving that you were sold a counterfeit drug. In Ukraine laboratory research you will have to do it at your own expense, and in Russia such a service is provided only legal entities. So it is unlikely that you will be able to defend your right. Therefore, it is better to try to prevent this by checking medicines in pharmacies before buying.

True, he does not assume that this medicine will be genuine, but only reveal a clear fake. What percentage of counterfeit medicines is present on Russian market Pharmaceutics is hard to say. In the world, tens of billions of dollars are spinning on the counterfeit market, and up to 200 thousand people die from the action or inaction of a counterfeit. It is believed that drug counterfeiting is an extremely profitable illegal business. It is best to shop in places where there are special stands with "Information for the consumer" about counterfeit and rejected drugs.

Pharmacies for the sale of counterfeit products are criminally liable, therefore they are interested in the quality of the products offered.

Counterfeiters know that people don't always scrutinize packaging, and therefore sometimes don't attach importance to neat packaging.

For each medicinal product, the seller must have a quality certificate and a passport of analysis. After the New Year holidays, the Ministry of Health announced an auction for the development of an application for scanning and processing barcode data on drug packaging. Each package of the medicinal product has a label with protective strip. Quality.RF is the leading source of information on the quality of medicines in the Russian Federation.

Acquire medical preparations only needed in pharmacies, and large ones.

Buying pills, solutions and even vitamins in dubious establishments (stalls, pharmacy kiosks in the subway, transitions and online services), you initially risk your health.

Mandatory labeling of medicines effective method fight against fraudsters.

Appearance of the drug.

The labeling of the drug must include the necessary information.

The “RLS - Encyclopedia of Medicines” has a section “Drugs Identifier” containing high-quality photographs dosage forms and packages of drugs with a risk of counterfeiting.

Do not buy drugs that are not prescribed to you by a doctor you trust.

Each product was assigned a unique code that allows you to identify the product, on the packaging they described how to check the authenticity. After the appearance, it will be possible to download the application of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation for checking and obtaining information about medicines using a barcode from the application store, or from the website of the Ministry itself. It should work on iOS and Android platforms. Recall that applications for smartphones that work like a barcode scanner have been around for a long time. With their help, you can also find information on the Internet about the product of interest.

With this application, the user will be able to scan the barcode of the drug, and then get it full description, properties, purpose, i.e. a kind of electronic manual.

The Ministry has long had a database of barcodes for identifying medicines.

Let me share my experience: the products manufactured by our company were also faked, but we found next solution. The maximum value of the contract is 3 million rubles. However, I would like to question the effectiveness of determining the authenticity of a drug using this application. For example, immediately after scanning a barcode, information about a medicine will appear on the screen, and not just a bunch of links on the Internet.

Obviously, a single database will have a number of advantages over a "dump" of sites with information about a particular drug.

Also, according to the deputy director of the department information technologies and communications of the Ministry of Health of Roman Safronov, the user of the application will be able to determine the authenticity of the medicine.

It's a shame to overpay for a fake that you were given as branded expensive thing. But the purchase of “left” medicines and treatment with counterfeit medicines not only undermines the family budget, but also causes irreparable harm to the health of a sick person. Content counterfeit drugs may be useless or harmful to him. More than 10% of medicines entering the market today are manufactured at clandestine enterprises, and have nothing in common in composition with the original products.

Fake cheap is not profitable

By purchasing an inexpensive domestic medicine in a pharmacy, you can be sure of its composition. No one will bother with the clandestine production of analgin, iodine, calcium gluconate and furacilin.

The purpose of any fraud is to obtain light large illegal income. However, imitating a cheap cough mixture or aspirin, you won’t get a lot of fat. But the drug cost equal to the subsistence level and more expensive, it is worth checking for authenticity.

Do not counterfeit the so-called generics (inexpensive legal and proven analogues of expensive drugs). Such legitimate "twins" do not indicate which drug they are analogous to. They are easy to distinguish from fakes: the name of the company will not be indicated on the package or in the annotation, but only the active active substances are marked.


Advice. Do not throw away old boxes and jars of expensive medicines. Sometimes, to find out the truth, it is enough to compare the quality of the inscriptions and drawings on the goods offered with them.

  1. The packaging must indicate the country of origin and the expiration date.
  2. If there are errors and omissions in the texts on the packaging or in the instructions, then this indicates falsification.
  3. Be sure to have instructions for use in Russian.
  4. Authenticity is evidenced by a clear font that is not erased or blurred from moisture and drawings of the same quality.
  5. The packaging must be marked with numbers corresponding to the serial number of the product. Exactly the same number must be affixed to the accompanying certificate.
  6. For this product, embossing, inscriptions of the drug name and expiration date on blisters with tablets and capsules are required.

Well-known manufacturers of expensive drugs, taking care of their reputation, make packaging from high-quality material. Their product will never contain:

  • crushed, opened capsules;
  • chipped curved ampoules;
  • uneven, crushed tablets and pills.

Help from Roszdravnadzor

To dispel the last doubts about the authenticity of the medicine, you can take it to the nearest division of Roszdravnadzor and write an application for a quality examination. In the laboratory, careful chemical analysis drug and its compliance with the declared composition is clarified.

The authenticity of the medicine can also be found by going online to the Roszdravnadzor website on the Internet. It is enough to enter in the service the name of the medical product, its series, and the information system will automatically check the status of the product in a few minutes, comparing it with the list of products withdrawn from the distribution network, rejected in Russia.

Advice. Do not buy drugs from dealers, medical workers, private individuals and beauty salons. The most reliable place for the sale of certified medicines is state-owned pharmacies.

It is well known that various drugs can be not only a help to people, but also deadly. hazardous elements for life. The fact is that certain fraudulent organizations are engaged in the production of drugs from the wrong elements, which leads to the creation of drugs that not only will not be effective, but may even lead to lethal outcome. Counterfeiting medicines is a criminal act, but the profits that organizations receive for this work are very high, so illegal drugs continue to enter the market. That is why the government is trying to control this area of ​​\u200b\u200bactivity in order to exclude the possibility of hazardous substances entering the market.

Checking medicines for authenticity

Thanks to the control, it was possible to create a special method by which medicines can be checked for authenticity. Absolutely everyone can carry out a check, since this process is carried out in online mode. To do this, you just need to have access to the Internet, as well as see the serial number of the purchased drug. The fact is that the state has created a whole information service with huge amount information and data that quickly recognizes barcodes various medicines, and as a result, you can verify whether they are genuine or fake.

Checking medicines for authenticity by series online suggests that you will need to enter in desired shape barcode on the website, after which the following information will be received:

  1. type of medicinal product;
  2. its authenticity.

If the medicine is counterfeit, then relevant information is issued.

Unique innovations

Very soon it will be possible to use not only the site, as it is expected to launch special application for various mobile devices, which will easily recognize barcodes, after which it will be possible to quickly obtain reliable and up-to-date information about each drug. Since today almost every person has various modern phones, a large number of people will enjoy this program. It is with the help of the program that medicines will be checked online, and at the same time this can be done directly at the pharmacy or at another place where the drug is purchased.

In the application, you can not only make sure that the medicine is correct and genuine, but additional information will be displayed on how to use it. If a counterfeit is detected, the application will indicate that the drug has been withdrawn from trade or is not in the database at all. In this case, it will be necessary to contact the seller in order to obtain all permits for the sale of this medicine.

How else can you determine a counterfeit drug

Not all people have the ability to use mobile applications or access the Internet to enter data from the drug to verify its authenticity. In this case, you need to know some rules, following which you can quickly and easily identify a fake. These include:

  • it is important to take a good look at the packaging of the medicine, which should be in good condition, and at the same time, no dents, sloppiness or other problems are allowed, and all surfaces must be glossy;
  • the paint on the package and on the medicine itself must be of high quality, and to check it, you can try to scratch it with your fingernail, because if it is easily removed, then we can talk about a low-quality drug;
  • the inscriptions should not contain errors;
  • the expiration date should be clearly visible and understandable, and its absence is the basis for refusing to purchase this medicinal product;
  • the reason for doubt is the lack of data on the country of manufacture and on the company that manufactures the drug;
  • if tablets are purchased, they must be even and whole, and their edges must be smooth and without any problems;
  • V without fail an official and genuine medicinal product must be accompanied by instructions for use, and in Russian.

If there is at least one doubt about the authenticity and quality of the medicine, then you should refuse to purchase it, since this is a very important decision. Poor-quality elements that are fakes can not only not bring the desired result of treatment, but simply harm human health.

Thus, checking the authenticity of medicines by series online is currently very popular, and it can be performed using the site, and soon through a special mobile app, however, it is additionally recommended to follow certain advice when examining the drug, so as not to acquire a fake.

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A person is not able to do without taking drugs. IN Lately one has to doubt the authenticity of drugs, even when buying them at a pharmacy. What to do in this case? There are online services, thanks to which each of you can check the medicine for authenticity by serial number. How to check medications for a series and not only, let's find out about it together.

What do you need to know?

There is a widespread opinion among consumers about the counterfeiting of medicines, even in pharmacies. It is difficult for a person to verify the authenticity, but at the same time he wants to buy only real ones, quality drugs because it concerns the health of him and his loved ones. In order not to buy fake medicine, you need to know a few simple rules able to help every consumer.

The work of each pharmacy is primarily a business. His main goal is to maximize profits from consumers. In this type of business, there is high competition, which is constantly growing. As a result of high competition, there is a decline in income.

Some drugstores turned out to be uncompetitive and stopped working. But not all pharmacies were closed against the backdrop of high competition, many continued to work, not caring about the welfare of consumers.

This picture gives reason for unscrupulous pharmacists to resort to deception. As a result, they started selling counterfeit medicines. In such a situation, people suffer. Any drugs can be faked, both average in price and expensive, which is especially scary. Is it true expensive medicines pharmacists are hesitant to counterfeit, as there is little income from such drugs.

if you accept expensive drugs, then you need to be sure of their authenticity. Indeed, in addition to the money thrown to the wind, you can only harm your health when taking such drugs. What you need to know to check the authenticity of drugs purchased at the pharmacy?

Accurate verification data

If you have any doubts about the quality of the purchased pharmacological preparations, then first of all, you can check the quality of medicines using the services of the supervisory authority. Specialists will be able to conduct an assessment and after the completion of the examination they will provide documentation on the conformity of the goods. If, after the study, you were issued a conclusion with a negative result, then you can contact the Consumer Protection Assurance Committee. At the same time, every buyer who comes across a fake medicine has full right present claims not only for damages, but also for non-pecuniary damage.

In order to be sure that the authenticity of the medicine is on highest level, drugs should be purchased only in municipal pharmacies, bypassing all sorts of dubious pharmacies. If you buy medicines through online pharmacies, then it is better to purchase drugs in time-tested, good places, for example,

If you buy drugs in a pharmacy, it is recommended to pay attention to a few simple points. You should not pay for goods at a pharmacy if you notice the following:

  • In the text of the annotation attached to the preparation, you noticed grammatical or spelling errors;
  • After examining the packaging, you did not find it: “best before ...”;
  • There is no gloss on the packaging going to the drug;
  • Medicinal preparation does not have its own passport and quality certificate;
  • It was not possible to find the manufacturer, his phone number and address on the packaging.

Checking medicine at home

Are you thinking of authenticating medications can only give them for examination? In fact, this is not so, today there is an easy way available to everyone that allows you to check the authenticity of purchased tablets at home. In each annotation attached to the drug, the time of its absorption is indicated. In order to verify the authenticity of such a fact, it is recommended to place one of the tablets in a container of water and note the time.

If the medicine turned out to be genuine, then it must dissolve without residue for the period of time that was indicated in the instructions attached to it. In the event that the tablet did not have time to dissolve completely or left behind a precipitate, then this indicates that you have a fake in front of you.

Also, before you make a purchase of a medicine at a pharmacy, you must definitely compare the information in the certificate with the data on the package. Such simple action will allow the consumer to know exactly what he is going to buy.

You need to be extremely careful when buying expensive medications, because today you can easily come across a fake. You should not buy medicines from hands or in dubious places, because it is extremely difficult to determine their quality “by eye”. Take care of your health, only in municipal pharmacies of the city and carefully study the data on the package. Don't skimp on your health!



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