Psychic reflection of reality. Levels of mental reflection

This concept is philosophical, because this reflection is not in the literal sense. It is a kind of phenomenon that manifests itself with the help of images and states of the personality passed through the consciousness.

In other words, mental reflection is special shape a dynamic connection of a person with the world, in the process of which new desires appear, a worldview, positions are formed, and specific solutions to some problems are developed. Any individual is able to manage his personal reality, presenting it in artistic or some other images.

Features and properties

Psychic reflection has a number certain moments, which are its individual manifestations. There are some features mental reflection:

  • Mental images appear in the course of a person's active pastime.
  • Psychic reflection makes it possible to carry out some kind of activity.
  • It has a forward character.
  • Allows you to accurately represent the world.
  • Progress and improve.
  • Changes through personality.

Characteristics of this process

The individual is able to perceive real world, to find your destiny, to have the development of the inner world only thanks to this process. Unfortunately, not every individual correctly reflects these phenomena - such a problem occurs in people with mental disabilities.

As for healthy person, then he has the following criteria of mental reflection:

1. Dynamism. Throughout life, each person's thoughts, attitudes and feelings are modified. That is why the mental reflection can also change, because various circumstances influence it very significantly.

2. Activity. This process cannot coexist with passive behavior or regression. Thanks to this quality of the psyche, the individual, without understanding it, is constantly looking for the best and most comfortable conditions.

3. Objectivity. The personality gradually develops, therefore the psyche also receives constant progress. Since we study the environment through activity, mental reflection is objective and regular.

4. Subjectivity. Despite the fact that this process is objective, but it is also influenced by the past of the individual, his environment and his own character. That is why characterization includes subjectivity. Each of us looks at the same world and events in our own way.

5. Speed. Our ability to solve some problems with lightning speed exists thanks to the psyche. It has the right to be called superior to reality.

Stages and levels

Although this process seems to us something integral, it is still divided into several stages. The main stages and levels of mental reflection include:

1. Submission. This level is characterized by the dynamic activity of the subconscious of the individual. Past memories that have been partially forgotten reappear in the imagination. This situation is not always affected by the senses.

The degree of importance and significance of incidents or phenomena has a great influence. Some of these incidents disappear, only the most necessary episodes remain.

An individual, thanks to thinking, creates his ideals, makes plans, controls his consciousness as best he can. This is how personal experience comes about.

2. Sensory criterion. This level is also called the sensory level. On it, mental images are built on the basis of what we feel through the senses. This influences the transformation of information in the required direction.

Due to the fact that there is an excitation of taste, smell, sensation, personal data is enriched and affects the subject more strongly. If something similar happens to an individual, then the brain stimulates the repetition of some moments from the past, and they influence the future. This skill helps a person at any time to create clear pictures in his own mind.

3. Logical thinking. At this level, real events don't matter. A person uses only those skills and abilities that are present in his mind. The universal human experience, about which the person knows, is also important.

All stages of mental reflection naturally intersect and interact. This process is due to integrated work sensory and rational activity of the individual.


Reflection is not alien to all living organisms in contact with other objects. Three forms of mental reflection can be distinguished:

1. Physical. This is a direct relationship. This process has a time limit. Such properties are insignificant for any of the objects (the immutability of the connection traces), since destruction occurs.

2. Biological. This form characteristic only of living beings, and this is its peculiarity. Thanks to it, such organisms can "mirror" both living and alternative nature.

The biological form of mental reflection is divided into several types:

  • Irritability (the response of living beings to the realities and processes of this world).
  • Sensitivity (the ability to reflect other objects in the form of sensations).
  • Mental reflection (the ability to change one's character depending on the situation).

3. Mental. The most difficult and progressive form of reflection. She is not considered an inactive mirror duplicate of this world. It is clearly related to scanning, solutions.

First of all, it is an actively reflected world around in connection with a specific problem, danger or need. This form has:

  • Reflection as the stages of overcoming the individual himself, own life and habits.
  • Reflection as self-control and development.
  • Reflection as a stage in the study of others by the personality.
  • Reflection as a stage of study by an individual public life and relationships.

Understanding the psyche as a part a certain kind reflection allows us to assert that it does not arise suddenly or accidentally, as something incomprehensible in nature. Psychic reflection can be explored as the transformation of derived imprints into subjective experience and on this basis to build a spatial image.

Thus, in the foundation of mental reflection is the primary interaction with environment, but this process requires an auxiliary activity to create images of objects in the behavior field of the subject. Author: Lena Melissa

The psyche (from the Greek psychikos - spiritual) is a form of active reflection by the subject of objective reality, which arises in the process of interaction of highly organized living beings with the outside world and performs a regulatory function in their behavior (activity). The central category in this definition is the active display or reflection of reality.

Psychic reflection is not a mirror, mechanically passive copying of the world (like a mirror or a camera), it is associated with a search, a choice, in a psychic reflection the incoming information is subjected to specific processing, i.e. mental reflection is an active reflection of the world in connection with some kind of necessity, with needs. This is a subjective, selective reflection of the objective world, since it always belongs to the subject, does not exist outside the subject and depends on subjective characteristics. You can define the psyche as "a subjective image of the objective world" - this is our representation or picture of the world, according to which we feel, make decisions and act.

The fundamental property of the psyche - subjectivity - determined introspection as the main method of its study from ancient times until the emergence of the first research centers at the end of the 19th century. Introspection is self-observation organized according to special rules.

AT domestic psychology, basically, a rationalistic way of cognition based on logic and experience is adopted, which connects the psyche with the activity of the brain, the development of which is due to the evolution of living nature. However, the psyche cannot be reduced simply to the nervous system. Mental Properties are the result of the neurophysiological activity of the brain, but contain the characteristics of external objects, and not internal physiological processes through which the psychic arises. Transformations of signals taking place in the brain are perceived by a person as events taking place outside him - in external space and the world.

Mental phenomena do not correlate with a single neurophysiological process, but with organized sets of such processes, i.e. the psyche is a systemic quality of the brain, realized through multilevel functional systems brain, which are formed in a person in the process of life and mastering by him historically established forms of activity and experience of mankind through vigorous activity. Thus, specifically human qualities (consciousness, speech, labor, etc.) are formed in a person only during his lifetime, in the process of assimilation by him of the culture created by previous generations. Consequently, the human psyche includes at least three components, as shown in Figure 3.

Fig.3. The structure of the mental display by the subject of the external and internal world.

Functions of the psyche.

The definition and concept of the psyche, analyzed above, gives an idea of ​​the functions of the psyche or answers the question - why does the subject need the psyche.

Even W. James, the founder of the functional approach in psychology (the forerunner of behaviorism - the science of behavior) believed that the psyche serves the purposes of adapting the individual in the world around him and therefore reflects it. Accordingly, the functions of the psyche include: 1) reflection, 2) adaptation necessary for survival and interaction with the environment - biological, physical, social. From the definition of the psyche, it can be seen that it also performs 3) a regulatory function, that is, it directs and regulates the activity of the subject and controls behavior. In order to regulate behavior adequately to the conditions of external and internal environment, that is, adaptively, it is necessary to navigate in this environment. Consequently, it is logical to single out 4) the orientational function of the psyche.

The mental functions mentioned above 5) ensure the integrity of the body, which is necessary not only for survival, but also for the preservation of the physical and mental health subject.

Modern domestic psychologists expand the list of traditionally considered functions of the psyche. So, V. Allahverdov in his works pays great attention 6) the cognitive or cognitive function of the psyche and considers the psyche as an ideal cognitive system. One of the well-known Russian methodologists B. Lomov, based on systems approach, highlights 7) the communicative function of the psyche, since the psyche of the subject arises and develops in interaction with others, that is, it is included as a component in other systems (an individual within a group, etc.).

Ya. Ponomarev drew attention to the fact that human behavior can be non-adaptive, (for example, creative behavior - where a person, when implementing his ideas, sometimes acts contrary to common sense and self-preservation instinct). Accordingly, he added 8) the function of creative activity, which leads a person to create new reality beyond what already exists.

It seems that this is an incomplete list of the functions of the psyche, that is, why and for what it is needed by the individual, personality and subject of activity. Psychological science is waiting for new discoveries on the path of research mental phenomena.

The subject and tasks of psychology.

Psychology is the science of the laws of development and functioning of the psyche. The object of psychology is the psyche. The subject of the study of psychology is, first of all, the psyche of humans and animals, which includes many phenomena. With the help of such phenomena as sensations and perception, attention and memory, imagination, thinking and speech, a person cognizes the world. Therefore, they are often called cognitive processes.

Other phenomena regulate his communication with people, directly control his actions and deeds. They are called mental properties and states of the individual (these include needs, motives, goals, interests, will, feelings and emotions, inclinations and abilities, knowledge and consciousness).

In addition, psychology studies human communication and behavior.

Tasks of psychology:

1. Qualitative study of all mental phenomena.

2. Analysis of all mental phenomena.

3. Study psychological mechanisms mental phenomena.

4. Introduction psychological knowledge in the lives and activities of people.

Communication of psychology with other sciences. Branches of psychology.

It is impossible to understand the psyche and behavior of a person without knowing his natural and social entity. Therefore, the study of psychology is associated with human biology, the structure and functioning of the central nervous system.

Psychology is also closely connected with the history of society and its culture, since in the formation mental functions human essential role played the main historical achievements - tools and sign systems.

Man is a biosocial being; his psyche is formed only within the framework of society. Accordingly, the specificity of the society in which a person lives determines the characteristics of his psyche, behavior, worldview, social interactions with other people. In this regard, psychology is also related to sociology.

Consciousness, thinking and many other mental phenomena are not given to a person from birth, but are formed in the process individual development in the process of upbringing and education. Therefore, psychology is also connected with pedagogy.

The following branches of psychology are distinguished:

1) General psychology - studies cognitive and practical activities.

2) Social psychology - studies the interaction of the individual and society

3) Age psychology - explores the development of the psyche from the conception of a person to his death. It has a number of branches: child psychology, psychology of a teenager, youth, adult and gerontology. Pedagogical psychology has as its subject the psyche (of the student and teacher) under conditions educational process(training and education).

4) Psychology of work - considers the psyche in the conditions of labor activity.

5) Psycholinguistics - deals with the study of speech as a type of psyche.

6) Special psychology: oligophrenopsychology, deaf psychology, tiflopsychology.

7) Differential psychology - explores all kinds of differences in the psyche of people: individual, typological, ethnic, etc. 8) Psychometry - comprehends questions mathematical modeling psyche, problems of measurement in psychology, ways quantitative analysis results of psychological research.

9) Psychophysiology - studies the relationship between the interaction of biological and mental, higher physiology nervous activity and psychology.

Methods of psychology.

The main methods of psychology, like most other sciences, are observation and experiment. Additional - self-observation, conversation, questioning and biographical method. AT recent times psychological testing is becoming more and more popular.

Self-observation is one of the first psychological methods. This is the choice of a method for the study of mental phenomena, the advantage of which is the ability of direct, direct observation of thoughts, experiences, aspirations of a person. The disadvantage of the method is its subjectivity. It is difficult to check the obtained data and repeat the result.

The most objective method is experiment. There are laboratory and natural views experiment. Advantage of the method: high accuracy, the opportunity to study the facts, not available to the eye observer, special devices.

Questionnaires are used in psychology to obtain data from large group test subjects. There are open and closed types of questionnaires. AT open type the answer to the question is formed by the subjects themselves; in closed questionnaires, the subjects must choose one of the options for the proposed answers.

The interview (or conversation) is conducted with each subject separately, therefore it does not provide an opportunity to obtain detailed information as fast as using questionnaires. But these conversations allow us to fix emotional condition person, his attitude, opinion on some issues.

There are also various tests. In addition to tests intellectual development and creativity, there are also tests aimed at studying individual features man, the structure of his personality.

4. The concept of the psyche and its functions.

The psyche is general concept denoting the totality of all mental phenomena studied by psychology.

There are 3 main functions of the psyche:

Reflection of the influences of the surrounding world

Awareness of one's place in the world

This function of the psyche, on the one hand, ensures the correct adaptation of a person in the world. On the other hand, with the help of the psyche, a person realizes himself as a person endowed with certain characteristics, as a representative of a particular society, social group who is different from other people and is in a relationship with them, a person’s correct awareness of his personal characteristics helps to adapt to other people, to build communication and interaction with them correctly, to achieve common goals in joint activities, to maintain harmony in society as a whole.

Regulation of behavior and activities

Thanks to this function, a person not only adequately reflects the surrounding objective world, but has the ability to transform it.

5. The structure of the psyche ( mental processes, conditions, properties and neoplasms).

The psyche is a general concept denoting the totality of all mental phenomena studied by psychology

Usually, the following main components are distinguished in the structure of the psyche: mental processes; mental neoplasms; mental states; mental properties.

Mental processes are a component of the human psyche that arises and develops in the interaction of living beings with the outside world. Mental processes are caused both by external influences of natural and social environment, and various desires, various needs.

All mental processes are divided into cognitive. which include sensations, ideas, attention, memory; emotional, which can be associated with positive or negative experiences, volitional, which ensure decision-making and their implementation.

The result of mental processes is the formation of mental formations in the structure of the personality.

Mental neoplasms are certain knowledge, skills and abilities acquired by a person during his life, including in the learning hall.

Mental states are phenomena of cheerfulness or depression, efficiency or fatigue. calmness or irritability, etc. Mental states arise due to various factors, such as the state of health, working conditions, relationships with other people.

On the basis of mental processes and mental states, the properties (qualities) of the personality are gradually formed.

Characteristics of mental reflection.

Psychic reflection is the right, right reflection.

Psychic Reflection Features:

It makes it possible to correctly reflect the surrounding reality;

Psychic reflection deepens and improves;

Ensures the expediency of behavior and activities;

Has a leading edge

Different for each person

Psychic reflection has a number of properties:

– Activity. Mental reflection is an active process.

Subjectivity. This is expressed in the fact that we see one world, but it appears to each of us in different ways.

Objectivity. Only thanks to the correct reflection is it possible for a person to know the world around him.

Dynamism. That is, mental reflection tends to change.

Leading character. This allows you to make decisions with a certain lead in the future.

Our consciousness is a reflection of the external world. Modern personality capable of very fully and accurately reflecting the surrounding world, in contrast to primitive people. With the development of human practice, it increases, which makes it possible to better reflect the surrounding reality.

Features and properties

The brain realizes the mental reflection of the objective world. The latter has internal and external environment his life. The first is reflected in human needs, i.e. in a general feeling, and the second - in sensual concepts and images.

  • mental images arise in the process of human activity;
  • mental reflection allows you to behave logically and engage in activities;
  • endowed with a leading character;
  • provides an opportunity to correctly reflect reality;
  • develops and improves;
  • refracted through individuality.

Psychic Reflection Properties:

  • mental reflection is able to receive information about the surrounding world;
  • it is not a reflection of the world;
  • it can't be traced.

Characteristics of mental reflection

Mental processes originate in vigorous activity but on the other hand they are controlled by psychic reflection. Before we take any action, we present it. It turns out that the image of the action is ahead of the action itself.

Mental phenomena exist against the background of human interaction with the outside world, but the psychic is expressed not only as a process, but also as a result, that is, a certain fixed image. Images and concepts reflect the relationship of a person to them, as well as to his life and work. They encourage the individual to continuously interact with the real world.

You already know that mental reflection is always subjective, that is, it is the experience, motive, and knowledge of the subject. These internal conditions characterize the activity of the individual, and external causes act through internal conditions. This principle was formed by Rubinstein.

Stages of mental reflection

Patterns of internal mental activity

2.1. The concept of the psyche

2.1.1. Features of mental reflection

2.1.2. Structure and functions of the psyche

2.1.3. The psyche and structural features of the brain

In order for a manager to successfully influence the psyche of his employees in order to develop it, he needs to rely on individual experience(empirically acquired knowledge about the psyche) and on knowledge of psychology. Psychology as a science studies the human psyche.

Psyche- this is a subjective reflection by a person of objects and phenomena of objective reality, which is a function of the brain.

Psychology is guided by the following provisions:

The human psyche top product development of matter, brain function;

mental processes are subjective images of objective reality;

The personality and activity of a person are in unity, the psyche is manifested and formed in activity;

The most important aspects of the human psyche are socially conditioned;

· external influences influence a person through his inner world (mental states, experience, qualities, etc.).

These provisions follow from the theory of reflection, which is the core modern theory knowledge.

Mental reflection is not a mirror, mechanical, passive copying of the world, it is associated with a search, a choice. The incoming information is subjected to specific processing in connection with some need, needs. Mental reflection is subjective, as it belongs to the subject and depends on his subjective characteristics.

However, the psyche cannot be reduced simply to the properties of the nervous system. Although the brain is an organ whose activity determines the psyche, the content of this psyche is not produced by the brain itself, its source is the external world.

Mental properties are the result of the neurophysiological activity of the brain. The transformation of signals that takes place in the brain is perceived by a person as a set of events in the external space and the world as a whole. The great Russian physiologist I. M. Sechenov proved that the reflex act is the basis of everything mental.

The great Russian physiologist I.P. Pavlov created the doctrine of higher nervous activity (HNA), identified four types of HNA and substantiated this experimentally. He developed new principles physiological research which provided knowledge of the activity of the organism as a single whole, which is in unity and constant interaction with the environment.

The human psyche is not given in finished form to a person from the moment of birth and does not develop by itself. Only in the process of communication and interaction of a person with other people, in the process of mastering the culture created by previous generations, does he form human psyche and specifically human qualities (consciousness, speech, labor, etc.). Otherwise, nothing human appears either in behavior or in the psyche (Mowgli's phenomenon).

The psyche includes at least three components:

the outside world, nature, its reflection;

Full brain activity

· active transmission of human culture and human abilities to new generations.

accelerated mental development Three main achievements of mankind have contributed to people:

1) the invention of tools;

2) production of objects of material and spiritual culture;

3) the emergence of language and speech.

Mental reflection is characterized by a number of features:

It makes it possible to correctly reflect the surrounding reality, and the correctness of reflection is confirmed by practice;

The mental image itself is formed in the process of active human activity;

mental reflection deepens and improves;

Ensures the integrity of behavior and activities;

refracted through the individuality of a person;

is of a proactive nature.



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