The use of psychological knowledge in the activities of police officers. Types of official documents in the activities of employees of internal affairs bodies


1. Psychological characteristics of the activities of police officers.

2. Psychological characteristics of the personality of an internal affairs officer.

3. Psychological training of police officers.

4. Professional and psychological requirements for the personality of a law enforcement officer. The psychological potential of the employee.

5. Professional deformation. The main directions of prevention.

1. Psychological characteristics of the activities of police officers.

The question of the professional suitability of a law enforcement officer is relevant. The professional activity of an internal affairs officer imposes certain requirements and leaves a peculiar imprint on the personality and lifestyle in general. In order to determine what personal qualities that determine the effectiveness of professional activity, an internal affairs officer should have, it is necessary to subject this activity itself to psychological analysis, identify its specific features, patterns, and reveal its structure.

The psychological features of the activities of police officers are currently studied in some detail in legal psychology.

According to the authors who conducted these studies (V.L. Vasiliev, A.V. Dulov, V.E. Konovalova, A.R. Ratinov, A.M. Stolyarenko and others), the activities of an internal affairs officer are characterized by the following specific psychological characteristics.

Legal regulation subordinates the activities of the police officer to the order strictly established by the norms of the law (legislative acts, regulatory documents of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, etc.). Failure to perform or improper performance by an employee of their official duties is always a violation of a particular law. All this leads to increased employee responsibility for their decisions and actions.

Wide tactical scope within the framework of the law and professional morality.

The presence of power. In the interests of the cause, employees have been granted the right, if necessary, to invade the privacy of people, find out hidden circumstances, enter the dwellings of citizens, restrict, if necessary, the freedom of individual citizens and even deprive them of it. The use by an employee of his powers is determined by a high degree of responsibility, reasonableness and legality of actions; characterized by extreme tension. The ability to reasonably, legally use the granted power is one of the most important professional requirements for police officers.

Permanent confrontation and resistance interested persons. The need to overcome dangerous situations, the elimination of obstacles that are specially created in the way of an employee, cause various emotional reactions, require constant volitional tension and active mental activity. In conditions of active confrontation, there is a need for constant complex intellectual work, encryption of one's goals, and masking of real social roles.

Sociability is multifaceted and exclusive. The employee communicates with representatives of different age categories, with people of different professions, occupying different legal status. This requires knowledge of human psychology in general and the psychological foundations of communication in particular. A distinctive feature of the employee's sociability is that it requires reincarnation. The need for this is explained by the importance of establishing psychological contact with all persons falling within the scope of its activities.

Time pressure and overload at work. Efficiency and speed are among the basic principles of the professional activity of a police officer. The longer the offender is at large, the more opportunities he has to evade responsibility, destroy the traces of his criminal activity, and hide from the investigation. Procrastination leads to failure.

On the other hand, the shortage of time is manifested in the need to comply with procedural and other deadlines that are allotted for the investigation of a criminal case, consideration of citizens' applications, etc. The employee is constantly in a tense state because of this.

Tension is also associated with great physical and mental stress due to high extremity activities, with the impact of various kinds of stress factors: work in a conflict situation, irregular working hours, the presence of a negative emotional coloring of activity, etc.

Cognitive nature of activity requires the construction of various versions, drawing up plans, the implementation of operational and service activities and work plans in general, is connected with the practical organization of work that implements mental schemes and decisions.

Types of professional activity police officer: cognitive, constructive, organizational and communicative. In real work, all of them are carried out in an organic unity.

cognitive activity. Without the implementation of cognitive activity, it is impossible to achieve any goal of combating crime; without knowledge, neither the activity as a whole nor any of its indicated types can be realized. Only as a result of the process of cognition does it become possible to purposefully carry out other actions of the employee.

In order to solve the problems of combating crime, the cognitive activity of an employee must ensure the establishment of facts, circumstances, causal dependencies related to events of the present, past, and future time, give answers to questions: what is unknown, what needs to be discovered to solve a specific problem, etc. . to be creative.

constructive activity- this is a mental activity aimed at planning stages, actions to detect, investigate, prevent crimes, search for hidden criminals, etc. Gives an answer to the question in what sequence we will search for the unknown.

Organizational activity. It aims to provide optimal conditions for the implementation of all other types of professional activities of the employee. Its content is the management of the processes of disclosure, investigation, prevention of crimes, which is manifested in the operational management, accounting and control, maintaining interaction between the participants in these processes. It consists of both the transfer and exchange of information, and the organization of the actions of other persons who, by the nature of their duties, must follow the instructions of the employee.

Communicative activity. The communicative activity of an employee consists in obtaining the necessary information through communication, i.e. direct verbal contact with others, in order to solve practical operational tasks. In order to influence people in the process of communication, the personality of an employee must harmoniously combine sufficiently high intelligence and erudition with a strong will, as well as a set of personal properties that determine his human attractiveness.

Conclusion.Service in the Department of Internal Affairs is accompanied by extreme loads, activities take place in tense, difficult conditions associated with the use of weapons, physical force, and special means. The safety of the life and health of an employee, the results of official activities largely depend on his professional readiness.

2. Psychological characteristics of the personality of an internal affairs officer.

The psychological characteristics of police officers have long been the object of research by psychologists. The very purpose of such a social institution as the police determines the special requirements for the personality of each employee. Constant presence in an aggressive and criminally oriented environment, access to weapons and the right to use them, etc. cannot but affect the adequacy of responses. The currently available research in the field of psychology of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, as a rule, concerns the study of their reliability, aggressiveness, and the ability to control the use of weapons. The structure of the departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is wide, and belonging to them affects the types of activities, volume, frequency, emotional involvement, the nature of contacts with the population, etc.

The development of professional competence of police officers is determined by the difficulties associated with time constraints, financial, intellectual-informational and other human resources. A period of adaptation to the conditions of service in the ATS is allocated, during which development of the following key competencies: operational-investigative, legal, organizational, analytical, communicative and social. They implement the following main directions: relating to oneself as a person, as a subject of life; relating to human interaction with other people; related to professional activity.

Professional Competence is defined as an integral property of a person that characterizes her desire and ability to realize her potential (knowledge, skills, experience, personal qualities, etc.) for successful activities in the law enforcement field. The process of developing professional competence police officers is defined as d achievement of compliance of the professional and personal development of an employee with the requirements of official activity and the needs of the individual himself in the motivated performance of his official, operational and social duties with a high consciousness of public duty.

The multiplicity of tasks facing the police leads to the development of multifunctionality in activities, the allocation of groups of employees who perform specific functions. The activities of various police officers, differing in the methods used, coincide in their target parameters. The link that unites them and makes them interact closely is the presence of a single object of activity - the criminal (offender).

Even the most general review of the main psychological characteristics and structural elements of an employee's professional activity shows how complex and multifaceted his activity is. She makes many different demands on him, among which one of the most important is the possession developed professionally significant personality traits .

First of all, they include:

Ø professional and psychological orientation of his personality;

Ø psychological stability;

Ø developed volitional qualities (ability to control oneself in difficult situations, courage, courage, reasonable risk appetite);

Ø well-developed communication skills (the ability to quickly establish contact with various categories of people, establish and maintain trusting relationships);

Ø the ability to have a psychological impact on people in solving various kinds of operational tasks;

Ø role-playing skills, the ability to transform;

Ø developed professionally significant cognitive qualities (professional observation and attentiveness, professionally developed memory, creative imagination);

Ø professionally developed thinking, a tendency to intense mental work, quick wit, developed intuition;

Ø speed of reaction, ability to navigate in a difficult environment.

These qualities are not inherent in a person initially. Their formation and development is a long and intense process, but this is a necessary condition for the professional development of an employee of the internal affairs bodies. The absence or insufficient development of these qualities of the employee's personality hinders the normal implementation of his functional duties, generates errors in his activities, causes the processes of professional maladaptation and professional deformation of the personality. In this regard, professional and psychological training of employees is of great importance, one of the purposes of which is the formation of these qualities in employees.

3. Psychological training of police officers.

One of the leading directions for improving the activities of the Department of Internal Affairs is the psychological training of employees. Target such training- the formation of their readiness to act professionally, competently, clearly, with high efficiency in any difficult conditions of official activity.

Operational and service activities make special demands on the personal qualities of employees, primarily professionally important ones. The features of this activity require the development of emotional and volitional stability among employees, the formation of their psychological reliability when exposed to stress factors.

The main tasks of psychological preparation:

- to increase the psychological stability of the police officers to the action of stress factors and their combinations, typical for the police department;

To develop the psychological qualities of employees, to form special characteristics of skills and abilities that contribute to the highly effective performance of all professional actions in any difficult and dangerous conditions of operational activities.

Psychological readiness is a complex component of the professional skills of employees. This is a set of formed and developed psychological characteristics of an employee that meet the specific and important psychological characteristics of operational activities and are one of the necessary prerequisites for its implementation. It is made up of four groups components :

- professional and psychological orientation and sensitivity of the employee (desire, interest and ability to understand the psychological aspects of situations and people with whom he deals, the ability to understand them);

- readiness an employee on the psychological aspects of the effectiveness of professional actions and tactics, manifested in the understanding of the psychological conditions for the effectiveness of professional actions and the ability to ensure their creation; skillful use of psychological means for the implementation of professional actions (verbal and non-verbal), skillful application of the entire complex of psychological techniques that ensure higher efficiency in solving operational tasks;

- developed professional observation and memory employee (includes the ability to apply psychologically based techniques and rules to improve the efficiency of professional observation, developed professional attentiveness, training of the senses and perception, training in quick, complete and accurate memorization, good retention in memory and correct reproduction of information significant for the tasks being solved);

- psychological stability (expressed in the ability of an employee to act calmly and confidently in psychologically difficult, emotionally intense, dangerous and responsible situations of operational activities).

Psychological readiness significantly increases the professional skills of the employee. Scientific data and existing positive experience point to the need to introduce special tasks, forms and methods of targeted improvement of psychological preparedness in the system of vocational training. Psychological training is an important type of professional training in the internal affairs bodies, it is a specially organized, purposeful process of influencing employees to form, develop and activate the necessary qualities that determine the successful, effective performance of operational tasks.

Psychological preparation itself is determined by the characteristics of the employees' performance. In accordance with this, the content of psychological training should be characterized by a clearly defined professional orientation.

FROM the content of psychological preparation employees:

formation of psychological readiness for the fight against crime;

development of psychological orientation in various aspects of specific operational and official activities;

Formation and development of professionally significant cognitive qualities;

· improvement and development of skills and abilities to establish psychological contact with various categories of citizens;

· formation of skills of role behavior in various situations of operational activity;

Improving the ability to apply psychological and pedagogical methods of influence in complex, conflict situations of communication with citizens;

formation of psychological stability of the ability to control oneself in tense situations of operational and service activities;

development of positive emotional and volitional qualities of a person, training employees in self-regulation and self-government techniques;

Formation of volitional activity and skills of volitional actions;

Preparation for mental overload at work.

F formation of psychological readiness for the fight against crime is the most important in psychological preparation. The main thing here is the formation of the professional orientation of employees, the development of their persistent professional interests in their activities. It also involves the formation among employees of intolerance to all kinds of offenses, a strong habit of unconditional compliance with legal norms, a heightened sense of truth, justice and legality.

The development of psychological orientation in various aspects of specific operational activities involves familiarizing employees with the basics of psychology, developing their skills and habits to take into account the psychology of people, groups in their work, knowledge and consideration by employees of the psychological characteristics of ongoing investigative, operational-search and other actions.

Professionally significant cognitive qualities ensure the effectiveness of the cognitive activity of employees. These qualities include: professional sensitivity, perception, observation, memory, thinking, imagination. Special exercises and trainings for the development of these qualities involve the mastery of basic techniques and knowledge of certain rules for increasing the efficiency of memorization, preservation and reproduction of professionally significant information, the development of logical thinking and creative imagination.

Improvement and development skills and abilities to establish psychological contact with various categories of citizens also very important for psychological preparation. The activity of an employee of the internal affairs bodies is unthinkable without constant communication with various categories of citizens (victims, witnesses, suspects, accountable, etc.). The quality of the received operationally significant information depends on the ability of employees to communicate with them, establish psychological contact, trusting relationships, which in turn affects the success of the activity as a whole. In the course of psychological training, employees must master the system of methods and techniques for establishing psychological contact. They should have the ability to quickly establish contact with strangers and win them over, the ability to listen to people, the ability to overcome psychological barriers in the process of communication. Psychological training involves the assimilation by employees of the rules for establishing psychological contact.

A necessary component of the professional skills of an internal affairs officer are skills of role behavior in various situations of operational activities , they are used to obtain information necessary for the disclosure or prevention of crimes. In this regard, in the course of psychological training, employees must develop the ability to disguise their belonging to the police department, their true qualities, states and goals of communication.

Need to develop and improve the ability to apply psychological and pedagogical methods of influence in complex conflict situations of communication with citizens. Such situations are the most typical for the activities of employees of internal affairs bodies, so it becomes very important to develop the ability of employees to neutralize a conflict situation, teaching them how to resolve conflicts. The effectiveness of employees' activities largely depends on the skillful use of certain methods of psychological and pedagogical influence on people, such as persuasion, suggestion, coercion, stimulation. Employees should also develop the skills to use various tactical methods of behavior in a situation of conflict behavior, including the use of a conflict situation for operational purposes.

Psychological stability, the ability to control oneself in tense situations of operational activities are considered as one of the most important indicators of psychological preparedness, which is manifested in the ability of employees not to succumb to negative circumstances. Here it is important to develop knowledge and skills to anticipate these difficulties in solving operational tasks. The formation of psychological stability contributes to the training of employees in the impeccable performance of professional actions in conditions of maximum psychological difficulties, which can be achieved by modeling tension in the process of training and practical exercises.

The development of positive emotional and volitional qualities of a person, training employees in self-regulation and self-government techniques is also an integral part of psychological preparation. The formation of psychological stability and the ability to control oneself in stressful situations involves the development of certain emotional and volitional personality traits in employees, such as responsibility, resistance to failure, propensity and resistance to risk, self-control, endurance, etc. The employee must master the techniques of self-control of behavior, manage their behavior and emotions. In the process of classes and training, employees must master the methods of self-regulation, relieving nervous tension, and activating internal resources to complete the task.

Psychological preparation includes formation of volitional activity and skills of volitional actions . In practical activities, employees of the internal affairs bodies have to face various obstacles that make it difficult to perform high-quality work, and sometimes even achieve their goals. In these situations, they have to show volitional activity that encourages them to overcome these difficulties and obstacles. The development of skills of volitional actions is facilitated by the inclusion in the process of classes of certain elements, obstacles that impede the implementation of the task. The experience of volitional activity, accumulated in the process of such training, will influence the development of the will, volitional qualities of the individual.

Preparing for mental overload at work It is also necessary and expedient, since the activities of police officers are characterized by the fact that various factors affecting them are often stressful, leading to excessive loads and overloads of the nervous system. This affects the effectiveness of their activities. Therefore, employees should be familiar with the basic patterns of these processes and techniques (in particular, for example, methods of psycho-regulatory training), which allow in a short time to restore working capacity and relieve excessive mental stress.

4. Professional psychological requirements for the personality of a law enforcement officer. The psychological potential of the employee.

The psychological potential of a personality (PPL) is the level of formation of its mental properties and qualities, which together represent a reserve for increasing the efficiency of activity, further development and creative manifestation. PPL is the psychological capabilities of an employee as a subject of labor and management.

A system of knowledge mediated by individual experience, actually used by a person as a guide to action, is called individual concept of personality.

Only by studying the patterns of correlation between personality and life activity, it is possible to identify abilities and those specific mental capabilities that directly “work” for the employee’s professional skills and the results of his activities. This is the ability to measure and mobilize one's personal (natural, mental, socio-psychological) capabilities with the scale of the tasks to be solved, for which a person undertakes; this is the ability to develop a socially mature, realistic understanding of the course of life, social events; this is the ability not only to adapt to the environment, but to find or change one's place in life.

Speaking in the unity of spatial and temporal characteristics, the potential of the individual concentrates in itself all the reserves and capabilities of a person - the potential of the mind, the potential of the will, the potential of the senses, the potential of the body, the social potential, the creative potential, the spiritual potential.

The psychological potential concretizes in itself the mental capabilities of a person in their entire spectrum, ranging from mental properties to professional skills and personal psychophysiological resources.

PPL structure includes:

Motivational, ideological and moral potential (which encourages work);

Qualification (professional knowledge, skills, abilities), communicative, intellectual and creative potential (what a person can do);

Emotional-volitional potential, performance (what are the psychological resources of the individual).

The structure of the PPL is a holistic education of the individual.

PPL Integrity means:

Ability to self-development and transformation of reality;

The completeness of the representation of the mental properties and qualities of the individual, providing an active life position, efficiency, a sense of the new, competence, a conscious attitude to work and devotion to duty;

The level of development of the PPL of an employee as an additional mental strength of an employee in the performance of professional duties.

Components of psychological potential.

1. Individual professional concept. The individual professional concept of a law enforcement officer is a subjective, personal vision of the system of basic professional problems, content, methods and techniques of work, difficulties in organizing interaction and personal work. The individual professional concept in its formed form reveals the personal meaning of the employee's activity, influences the motivation of work, the setting of specific service and life goals.

2. Moral and psychological qualities. These qualities reflect the moral obligations and ethical standards of behavior of a law enforcement officer. We are talking about proper and necessary behavior in terms of morality, professional ethics, specific moral standards, humane treatment of another person. The moral basis of the employee's behavior is the following moral and psychological qualities: a sense of professional duty; professional honor; justice; adherence to principles; honesty; decency; sympathy and empathy; courage; installation on observance of law and service discipline; a sense of camaraderie; humanity and compassion towards the victims of crimes, etc.

3. Cognitive and intellectual qualities. It is known that well-developed qualities, such as perception and attention, allow the employee to obtain sufficient information about the emerging criminogenic situation, the characteristics of the personality of the offender, etc. Professional memory of an employee for faces, appearance of a person, numbers (dates of birth, for example), first name, patronymic, last name, etc. allows you to effectively solve professional problems. The productive thinking of an employee is characterized by such qualities as flexibility, breadth, criticality, speed, ingenuity, predictability, heuristics, etc.

4. Emotional qualities. The activity of a law enforcement officer is associated with stress and negative experiences. Among the stress factors associated with professional activities, the following are often mentioned: high workload and lack of free time; difficulties associated with entering a new position; increased responsibility for decisions made; feeling of inconsistency between what he should, what he would like and what he really does; the need to often make compromises in the name of maintaining a career; lack of feedback on their activities; unsatisfactory relationship with superiors; job growth uncertainty; unfavorable socio-psychological climate in a professional team, etc. An employee should pay attention to the development of such emotional and volitional qualities as determination, perseverance, self-control, emotional balance, endurance, endurance, prudence, composure, self-confidence, etc.

5. Communicative qualities. The following communication qualities contribute to the effectiveness of business interaction: organization, confidence, independence, orientation towards cooperation, readiness to help, sympathy, commitment, communication technique, sensitivity, responsiveness, caring, fairness, sincerity in communication, activity in joint activities, sociability, consistency , tact. Such qualities impede business interaction: skepticism, shyness, humility, overconformity, aggressiveness, desire for dominance, complacency, isolation, irascibility, resentment, distrust, suspicion, timidity, rudeness, condescension, isolation, secrecy.

Modern requirements for the professional qualities of a police officer.

Professional suitability for work in law enforcement depends to a greater extent on a high level of general development of the individual than on any special abilities. The selection of persons entering the service of law enforcement agencies, in terms of their professional suitability, implies a clear description of the requirements imposed by official activities on the personality of a law enforcement officer.

With regard to the personality of a specialist of a particular ATS service, there are several groups of general requirements for all categories of employees.

1. Requirements related to the content of the work of an internal affairs officer as a type of public service and political activity.

2. Requirements related to the legal regulation of activities.

3. Requirements related to the opposition of interested parties.

4. Requirements related to the presence of power.

5. Requirements related to the preservation of official secrets.

6. Requirements related to the socio-psychological atmosphere of the activities of a law enforcement officer.

7. Requirements related to the diversity of activities of police officers.

8. Requirements related to lack of time, uniqueness of conditions and overload in the activities of a police officer.

Thus, an internal affairs officer must be a person of a high level of development and maximally comply with the general and special requirements of the activity he has chosen, being independently active.

5 professional deformation. The main directions of prevention (Budanov A.V., 1992).

Factors of occurrence of professional deformation:

1 related to the specifics of law enforcement:

Detailed legal regulation of activities leads to excessive formalization and bureaucracy;

The presence of power in relation to citizens can lead to abuse and unreasonable use of them;

Corporative activity can cause psychological isolation of employees and alienation from society;

Increased responsibility for performance results;

Mental and physical overload associated with an unstable work schedule, lack of sufficient time for rest;

Extremity of activity (performing professional tasks in situations dangerous to life and health, risk, unpredictability of events, uncertainty of information about the activities of criminal elements, threats from criminals, etc.);

The need to come into contact with offenders can lead to the assimilation of a criminal subculture (criminal jargon, nicknames, etc.);

2 due to the psychological characteristics of the personality of an internal affairs officer:

Inadequate to the capabilities of the employee, the level of claims and excessive personal expectations;

Insufficient professional preparedness;

A specific connection between some professionally significant personality traits of an employee (decisiveness combined with low self-control can develop into excessive self-confidence, etc.);

Professional attitudes (for example, perceiving the actions of others as possible offenders can lead to global suspicion and an accusatory bias in activity);

Features of socio-psychological maladjustment of the employee's personality, leading to aggressiveness, a tendency to violence, cruelty, etc.;

Change in activity motivation (loss of interest, disappointment in the profession).

3 associated with possible adverse socio-psychological conditions of activity:

Inadequate and rude leadership style of subordinates;

Unfavorable influence of the immediate social environment outside the service (for example: family, friends, etc.);

Low public assessment of the activities of law enforcement agencies, leading to professional impotence and uncertainty about the need for their activities.

Manifestations of professional deformation:

1 in the process of official activity (in the external environment):

Confidence in one's own infallibility when solving professional problems, excessive conceit and inflated self-esteem;

The presence of an installation on the "accusatory bias", excessive suspicion, gross errors in the perception and evaluation of the actions of other people;

Legal nihilism, manifested in a disdainful attitude to the requirements of the law, ignoring the requirements of the law and arbitrary interpretation of the law and by-laws;

Legal rigorism: a pronounced attitude to tougher punishment, the application of tougher penalties to the offender, regardless of the characteristics of his personality, to the situation of the offense committed;

Secrecy stereotype: desire for too much secrecy

    Professional deformation of employees of internal affairs bodies: causes, manifestations.

    Psychological prevention of professional deformation.

PD is a negative change in his personality traits and qualities, leading to a distortion of the social and moral orientation of his professional activity.

The reasons are the peculiarity of the social sphere in which the employee operates.

The specifics of official activity.

Manifestations - professional stereotypes of assessment and conformity of the installation

Transferring one's service role, professional attitudes and stereotypes to

off-duty relationships.

legal nihilism

The most significant changes in professional deformation:

    Hypertrophy prof. Important qualities, their transformation in the opposite direction.

    Actualization and development of social negative traits (permissiveness, cynicism)

    Oppression and further atrophy of qualities, which are subjectively assessed as secondary.

    Not proportionate, disharmonious, distorted correlation and interaction of individual qualities.

Forms of manifestation of prof. Deformations:

1) Prof. Stereotypes of evaluation and conformity of the installation.

2) Transferring one's official role, professional attitudes and stereotypes into off-duty relationships.

3) Legal nihilism.

3. Psychological requirements for the personality of an internal affairs officer

- related with the content of the work of an internal affairs officer

With legal regulation of activity.

With opposition from stakeholders.

With authority.

With the protection of official secrets.

With a lack of time.

4. The role of communication in the professional activities of an internal affairs officer.

Communication is a complex multifaceted process of establishing and developing contacts between people. Includes the exchange of information, perception and understanding of another person.

A police officer, as a subject of all kinds of interpersonal contacts, actively participates in various types of professional communication - with different categories of citizens, management ... (confrontation, interrogation, and also non-procedural forms of communication)

5. Receptions and methods of effective communication in law enforcement.

Communication (communication) - this is a deliberate influence and impact on the behavior, state, attitudes of the partner. During communication, there is an exchange of information, mutual influence, mutual assessment, empathy, the formation of beliefs, attitudes, and character.

Ways of transmitting information in communication: VERBAL (speech) and NON-VERBAL (facial expressions, gestures, posture, intonation)

Ways to communicate effectively:

    Psychotechnics of visual diagnostics of the interlocutor

    Technique of psychological influence

    Technique for establishing psychological contact and confidential communication

    Psychotechnics of conflict-free interaction.

6. Basic forms of interaction in communication. The specifics of the employee's professional communication.

Professional communication of an internal affairs officer is a process of establishing and maintaining psychological contact, determined by law and official etiquette, which allows solving the tasks of maintaining public order and combating crime.

The main functions of communications are:

1.Smart function- associated with mutual perception and understanding of each other, assessment of mental states, manifestations of other individual characteristics of people.

2 .Information function- includes the transfer of various information, the exchange of thoughts and feelings in the process of communication.

    Mutual action function- organization of interaction, correction of the behavior of other persons.

Main factors,affecting the success of communications and establishing psychological contact in official activities are:

1. Employee identity(his sociability, ability to establish and maintain contact even under adverse circumstances).

2. Personality of people with whom police officers interact.

3.Terms of communication during which psychological contact and relationships are established with citizens and employees in solving professional problems.

7. The essence of interaction and influence in the process of communication.

Methods of influence:

    Infection is an unconscious, involuntary exposure of a person to a certain mental state.

    Imitation is the reproduction of the features and image of demonstrative behavior.

    Suggestion is a purposeful, not reasoned influence of one person on another.

    Persuasion is a purposeful reasoned influence of one person on others.

Psychological influence is an important component of the process of interpersonal interaction in law enforcement, which can occur without the expressed desire of the influencing subject and even in his absence (“his words sunk into my soul, although he does not even know about my existence”), It is arbitrary, volitional , as a rule, methodically prepared, often instrumentally equipped. Its results are expected and predicted.

Researchers distinguish types, orientation, forms, methods, techniques, principles of psychological influence. Kinds psychological impact:

By the nature of the impact they distinguish between simple (associated with the implementation of a detailed plan of sequential actions implemented in one communication session), including a conversation, questioning, interrogation, consultation, examination, etc., due to the achievement of only one or several tactical goals; and complex (consists of a number of simple ones, is a means or a way to achieve a strategic goal). For example, for an employee, this is a solution to a professional problem: persuading the need for cooperation, testifying, issuing evidence, etc.

By object psychological impact can be individually directed or group.

Psychological impact - deliberate and purposeful intervention in the processes of mental activity

According to the form of implementation psychological influence can be open (directly addressed to the consciousness, those affected have the opportunity to track the techniques used, understand their direction and the expected effect of the application), closed (techniques affecting the subconscious - indirect suggestion, "indirect interrogation", neuro-linguistic programming and etc.) and combined (combines both simple and complex).

By technical equipment they distinguish between simple impacts (subjective - impacts of a person, words, techniques used by an employee), and instrumental - impacts with the help of material objects and conditions (presenting material evidence), choosing a place (apartment, temple, scene, etc.).

By direction of impact can be individual or socio-psychological. The individual is aimed at a specific person, the social - at a group of people. For example, the work of the so-called "PR people", press secretaries of law enforcement agencies and their heads of officials is connected precisely with the provision of a socio-psychological impact on public opinion.

On the application of the law psychological influence can be lawful (permissible by law) and unlawful (illegal). In fact, this is the central problem in most discussions: what influence can be used in the process of inquiry, preliminary investigation; where are the legal and moral boundaries; Can the authorities in the person of their legal representatives, in the interests of state and public security, choose any methods of influencing a person?

The legislation regulates the forms of influence that are permissible in the production of operational-search and investigative actions, although the Criminal Code itself does not contain the terms “mental” or “psychological” influence. The concepts of "mental influence", "mental violence", "pressure on the psyche" and some others appear only in the Commentary to the Criminal Code.

Mental influence is lawful if it does not restrict the freedom of expression of the will of the person involved in the case. Everything that restricts the freedom of expression of the will of the suspect, the accused, the victim and the witness, "pulls" their testimony in the desired direction of the investigator's earlier attitudes, harms the disclosure of the truth and is illegal.

Lawful psychological impact - the formation of a conscious attitude of the interrogated to justice, installation on giving truthful testimony

Unlawful methods of obtaining evidence include such types of psychological influence as violence, threats, blackmail, deceit, unfounded promises, the use of religious prejudice, lack of culture of the interrogated, ignorance of their rights, etc. Along with this, there are moral and psychological limits to the means of influence. A mocking attitude, aggravation of severe mental conditions, mental sadism are unacceptable. The discovery of the facts of their use will unequivocally force the question of the criminal liability of the law enforcement officer himself. Thus, psychological coercion is considered by the legislation in two ways: on the one hand, it is connected with the exercise of lawful influence on those who obstruct justice, and on the other hand, on those who try to exercise it by illegal means.

The questions that we are just beginning to pose to ourselves already have a long history of discussions abroad. The beginning of their open discussion was laid by the famous book of John Marks "In search of a candidate from Manchuria", where for the first time on genuine archival material it was told about the CIA's experiments in controlling the human psyche and behavior, including hypnosis, drugs, psychoprogramming, etc. The result of these discussions was an increase in public control over the activities of special services.

Methods psychological impact: persuasion, coercion, suggestion, setting and varying mental tasks.

Allocate principles which determine the admissibility of using psychological influence in the criminal process: legality, scientificity, expediency. Principle legitimacy", psychological impact must comply with Russian legislation, international legal acts and documents regulating guarantees for the exercise of these rights. Principle scientific assumes that all applied methods, techniques and special psychological techniques for influencing a personality are scientifically substantiated and tested. Principle expediency indicates that exposure should not be excessive. On the one hand, it must be adequate to the physical and mental state of the person being exposed, on the other hand, to the tasks of a specific use.

Methods of psychological influence - specific techniques for managing the mental state of a communication partner

Methods of psychological influence can be divided into three groups:

1) techniques that help to recognize false testimony;

2) techniques for overcoming lies and obtaining truthful testimony;

3) methods of providing mnemonic assistance.

Within these groups, further classification is possible. So, the methods of mental influence on the opposing person in order to change his position and obtain truthful testimony can be divided into the following subgroups:

* techniques based on the use of individual psychological qualities of the individual;

* tricks based on trust;

* techniques for informing the interrogated about the presence of significant reliable

evidence information.

Thus, while interrogating K, who was suspected of murder, the investigator looked at the photographs, which were visible to K. only from the reverse side. The envelope from which the photographs were taken was lying on the table with the inscription “personally to the prosecutor”. Believing that these photographs incriminate him, K. confessed to the crime;

* techniques of increased emotional saturation associated with the presentation of unexpected information, causing acute emotional-volitional states.

So, the investigator found that the accused P. led an immoral lifestyle, cohabited simultaneously with several women, including K. Knowing that P.'s wife was jealous of her husband for this woman, the investigator used this circumstance. Before summoning P.’s wife (who previously denied her knowledge of her husband’s criminal activities) for a second interrogation, the investigator laid out on his desk the photographs of K. seized from P. On seeing them, P.’s wife immediately reported the facts of her husband’s crimes that she knew .

Did the investigator have the moral right to use such a technique? Did he divulge the intimate aspects of the life of the person under investigation? No, he didn't. K.'s photographs could have ended up on his desk for another reason. There was no extortion of testimony from P.'s wife. The procedural rights and legitimate interests of the individual were not violated

So, faced with stubborn denial, the investigator uses "hard" methods of mental influence, but these methods should not be associated with his prejudiced, rigid position. The investigator does not influence the content of the testimony, but the motivational sphere of the interrogated person (by explaining the advantages of a truthful confession, the legal significance of the evidence, the use of a special system for presenting it, etc.). In this case, the impact on the anticipatory (anticipatory) activity of a person who evades from giving truthful testimony is essential.

All techniques based on the effect of “blocking” the interrogated person’s possible evasions from giving truthful testimony are legitimate.

* in those cases when the interrogated person begins to hesitate in choosing a line of behavior, it is advisable to use the method of accumulating positive answers. The emerging stereotype of productive interaction can facilitate further communication.

Psychologically sound tactics are different electoral orientation- it should have the greatest impact on the mental state of the interrogated person and be neutral towards the innocent. Template techniques, primitive tricks are not only ineffective, but also show the tactical helplessness of the investigator.

So, in all spheres of people's life, especially where tactical interaction takes place - be it diplomacy or a game, military affairs or the investigation of crimes - there is inevitably a mental influence of one side on the other.

Topic 8. Psychological characteristics

Task 1. Diagnosis of emotional "burnout" of the personality (V. V. Boyko)

Instruction. If you are a professional in any area of ​​interaction with people, you will be interested to see to what extent you have developed psychological protection in the form of emotional "burnout".

Read the sentences and answer yes or no. Please note that if the wording of the questionnaire refers to partners, then the subjects of your professional activity are meant - patients, clients, consumers, customers, students and other people with whom you work daily.

Questionnaire Answer
Yes Not
1. Organizational shortcomings at work constantly make you nervous, worried, tense.
2. Today I am satisfied with my profession no less than at the beginning of my career.
3. I made a mistake in choosing a profession or profile of activity (I am in the wrong place).
4. I am worried that I have become worse at work (less productive, better quality, slower).
5. The warmth of interaction with partners very much depends on my mood - good or bad.
6. The well-being of partners does not depend on me as a professional.
7. When I come home from work, for some time (2-3 hours) I want to be alone so that no one communicates with me.
8. When I feel tired or tense, I try to solve my partner's problems as soon as possible (curtail the interaction).
9. It seems to me that emotionally I cannot give partners what professional duty requires.
10. My work dulls emotions.
11. I'm frankly tired of the human problems that I have to deal with at work.
12. It happens that I fall asleep (sleep) badly because of the experiences associated with work.
13. Interacting with partners requires a lot of stress from me.
14. Working with people brings less and less satisfaction.
15. I would change jobs if given the opportunity.
16. I am often frustrated that I cannot properly provide professional support, service, help to my partner.
17. I always manage to prevent the influence of a bad mood on business contacts.
18. It makes me very sad if something goes wrong in a relationship with a business partner.
19. I get so tired at work that at home I try to communicate as little as possible.
20. Due to lack of time, fatigue or stress, I often pay less attention to my partner than I should.
21. Sometimes the most ordinary situations of communication at work cause irritation.
22. I calmly accept the justified claims of partners.
23. Communication with partners prompted me to avoid people.
24. When I remember some work colleagues or partners, my mood deteriorates.
25. Conflicts or disagreements with colleagues take a lot of energy and emotions.
26. It is increasingly difficult for me to establish or maintain contacts with business partners.
27. The situation at work seems to me very difficult, complicated.
28. I often have anxious expectations related to work: something must happen, how not to make a mistake, whether I can do everything right, whether they will be laid off, etc. .
29. If a partner is unpleasant to me, I try to limit the time of communication with him or pay less attention to him.
30. In communication at work, I adhere to the principle: "Do not do good to people, you will not get evil."
31. I willingly tell my family about my work.
32. There are days when my emotional state has a bad effect on the results of my work (I do less, quality decreases, conflicts happen).
33. Sometimes I feel that I need to show emotional responsiveness to my partner, but I can’t.
34. I am very worried about my work.
35. You give attention and care to your work partners more than you receive gratitude from them.
36. When I think about work, I usually feel uneasy: I start to prick in the heart area, my blood pressure rises, and a headache appears.
37. I have a good (quite satisfactory) relationship with my immediate supervisor.
38. I often rejoice when I see that my work benefits people.
39. Recently (or as always) I have been haunted by failures at work.
40. Some aspects (facts) of my work cause deep disappointment, plunge into despondency.
41. There are days when contacts with partners are worse than usual.
42. I divide business partners (subjects of activity) into "good" and "bad".
43. Tiredness from work leads to the fact that I try to reduce communication with friends and acquaintances.
44. I usually show interest in the personality of the partner besides what concerns the case.
45. Usually I come to work rested, with fresh energy, in a good mood.
46. ​​I sometimes find myself working with partners automatically, without a soul.
47. At work, there are such unpleasant people that you involuntarily wish them something bad.
48. After communicating with unpleasant partners, I sometimes have a deterioration in physical or mental well-being.
49. At work, I experience constant physical or psychological overload.
50. Success at work inspires me.
51. The situation at work in which I found myself seems hopeless (almost hopeless).
52. I lost my peace because of work.
53. During the last year there was a complaint (there were complaints) addressed to me by a partner (s).
54. I manage to save my nerves due to the fact that I don’t take much of what happens with my partners to heart.
55. I often bring home negative emotions from work.
56. I often work through force.
57. Before, I was more responsive and attentive to partners than now.
58. In working with people, I am guided by the principle: "Do not waste your nerves, take care of your health."
59. Sometimes I go to work with a heavy feeling: I’m tired of everything, I wouldn’t see or hear anyone.
60. After a busy day at work, I feel unwell.
61. The group of partners I work with is very difficult.
62. Sometimes it seems to me that the results of my work are not worth the effort that I spend.
63. If I had luck with my job, I would be happier.
64. I am desperate because I have serious problems at work.
65. Sometimes I treat my partners the way I would not like to be treated.
66. I condemn partners who count on special indulgence, attention.
67. Most often, after a working day, I don’t have the strength to do household chores.
68. Usually I rush time: I wish the working day would end soon.
69. Conditions, requests, needs of partners usually concern me sincerely.
70. Working with people, I usually put up a screen that protects from other people's suffering and negative emotions.
71. Working with people (partners) disappointed me a lot.
72. To restore my strength, I often take medicine.
73. As a rule, my working day is calm and easy.
74. My requirements for the work performed are higher than what I achieve due to circumstances.
75. My career has been successful.
76. I am very nervous about everything related to work.
77. I would not like to see and hear some of my regular partners.
78. I approve of colleagues who devote themselves entirely to people (partners), forgetting about their own interests.
79. My fatigue at work usually has little effect (no effect) on communication with family and friends.
80. If an opportunity is given, I pay less attention to my partner, but in such a way that he does not notice it.
81. I am often let down by nerves in dealing with people at work.
82. To everything (almost everything) that happens at work, I have lost interest, a lively feeling.
83. Working with people had a bad effect on me as a professional - it made me angry, made me nervous, dulled my emotions.
84. Working with people clearly undermines my health.

Processing and interpretation of results

Each answer option is preliminarily assessed by competent judges with one or another number of points (indicated in the key next to the number of the judgment in brackets). This is done because the features included in a symptom have different meanings in determining its severity. The maximum score (10 points) was given by the judges to the sign that is most indicative of the symptom.

In accordance with the key, the following calculations are carried out:

1) the sum of points is determined separately for each of the 12 symptoms of "burnout",

2) the sum of symptom scores is calculated for each of the three phases of the formation of "burnout",

3) the final indicator of the emotional "burnout" syndrome is found - the sum of the indicators of all 12 symptoms.


1. Experience of traumatic circumstances:

1(2), +13(3), +25(2), -37(3), +49(10), +61,(5), -73(5)

Your score ____________

2. Dissatisfaction with oneself:

2(3), +14(2), +26(2), -38(10), -50(5), +62(5), +74(5),

Your score ____________

3. "Haunting the cage":

3(10), +15(5), +27(2), +39(2), +51(5), +63(1), -75(5)

Your score ____________

4. Anxiety and depression:

4(2), +16(3), +28(5), +40(5), +52(10), +64(2}, +76(3)

Your score ____________


5(5); -17(3), +29(10), +41(2), +53{2), +65(3), +77(5)

Your score ____________

2. Emotional and moral disorientation: +6(10), -18(3), +30(3), +42(5), +54(2), +66(2), -78(5)

Your score ____________

3. Expanding the scope of saving emotions:

7(2}, +19(10), -31(2), +43(5), +55(3), +67(3), -79{5)

Your score ____________

4. Reduction of professional duties: +8(5), +20(5), +32(2), -44(2), +5b(3), +68(3), +80(10)

Your score ____________


1. Emotional deficit:

9(3), +21(2), +33(5), -45(5), +57(3), -69(10), +81(2)

Your score ____________

2. Emotional detachment:

10(2), +22(3), -34(2), +46(3), +58(5),+70(5), +82(10)

Your score ____________

3. Personal detachment (depersonalization); +11(5),+23(3),+35(3),+47(5), +5E(5),+72(2),+83(10)

Your score ____________

4. Psychosomatic and psychovegetative disorders: +12(3), +24(2), +36(5), +48(3), +60(2), +72(10), +84(5)

Your score ____________

The proposed method gives a detailed picture of the emotional "burnout" syndrome. First of all, you need to pay attention to the individual symptoms. The severity of each symptom ranges from 0 to 30 points:

9 or less points - not a developed symptom,

10-15 points - developing symptom,

16 and more - established.

Symptoms with indicators of 20 or more points are dominant in the phase or in the entire syndrome of emotional "burnout".

The technique allows you to see the leading symptoms of "burnout" It is essential to note which phase of the formation of stress dominating symptoms belong to and in which phase they are the largest number.

The next step in interpreting the results of the survey is understanding the indicators of the phases of stress development - tension, resistance and exhaustion. In each of them, the assessment is possible in the range from 0 to 120 points. However, the comparison of the scores obtained for the phases is invalid, because it does not indicate their relative role or contribution to the syndrome. The fact is that the phenomena measured in them are significantly different - the reaction to external and internal factors, methods of psychological protection, the state of the nervous system. By quantitative indicators, it is legitimate to judge only how much each phase has formed, which phase has formed to a greater or lesser extent:

36 points or less - the phase has not formed;

37-60 points - phase in the formation stage;

61 or more points - formed phase.

Using the semantic content and quantitative indicators calculated for different phases of the formation of the "burnout" syndrome, it is possible to give a fairly voluminous description of the personality and, no less important, outline individual measures for prevention and psychocorrection. Based on the information received, answer the following questions:

What symptoms dominate;

What prevailing and dominant symptoms accompany exhaustion;

Whether exhaustion (if it is revealed) is explained by the factors of professional activity that are included in the symptoms of "burnout", or by subjective factors;

What symptom (what symptoms) aggravates the emotional state of the person most of all;

In what directions it is necessary to influence the production environment in order to reduce nervous tension;

What signs and aspects of the behavior of the personality itself are subject to correction so that emotional "burnout" does not harm her, her professional activities and partners.


Task 2. Being in practice in the internal affairs bodies, pay attention to the appearance and clothes of the investigators, their mannerisms, facial expressions, gestures and postures; the first phrases that create an attractive image of an employee. Describe the most attractive image for you, using the specified criteria, placing it on the very left side of the sheet. Does this, in your opinion, affect the effectiveness of the functional duties performed and the solution of operational tasks? If yes, then in the middle part of the sheet, list the signs of the employee's image that reduce the effectiveness of investigative actions. In the remaining right part, describe how you imagine your external image of an employee. Compare these descriptions and draw a conclusion for yourself as an employee. At the same time, keep in mind that the nature of the image and self-presentation lies in the fact that they are built on a person’s genetic ability to imitate, act (play), and enjoy communication. If an employee sets a conscious goal for himself - the formation of a positive image, then thanks to his willful efforts he can achieve this goal. To be charming and attractive, continuous work on oneself is necessary, despite the defeats, which should be endured with dignity. To do this, you need to try to understand yourself, identifying your strengths and weaknesses. For self-presentation, it is also important to remember your achievements and potential abilities and capabilities, to strengthen self-confidence.

Task 3. When drawing up protocols, some traffic police inspectors, as a rule, silently take notes, do not respond to citizens' explanations, it is difficult to understand what they want from their faces, and thereby cause indignation towards themselves, acting on the principle "the inspector is always right." Their behavior provokes the possible writing of complaints.

Ø Using the professiogram of an employee of the internal affairs bodies, prove that the work of such employees is ineffective.


Ø What type of activity in the professiogram of such employees requires serious revision and improvement?


Ø Based on the “Administrative regulations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the execution of the state function of monitoring and supervising the compliance of road users with requirements in the field of road safety” and psychological knowledge, develop recommendations for this type of traffic police inspectors aimed at improving the efficiency of this type of activity.


Task completed ______________________________________________________

Teacher's notes _______________________________________________


Summary table of results

Indicators Techniques
1.DDO E.A. Klimov 2. Questionnaire "How I study the interlocutor" 3. Determining the level of leadership potential 4. Revealing the degree of suggestibility 5. Evaluation of ways to react. in the conflict of K.N.Thomas 6.Determination of the level of readiness for risk 7. Determination of destructive attitudes in relationships (V. V. Boyko) 8. Questionnaire "What kind of detective are you?" 9.Diagnostics of emotions. "burnout" (V. V. Boyko)
1. Professional group
2. Average score
3. Level of leadership potential
4. Degree of suggestibility
5. Dominant style
6. Level of willingness to risk
7. Dominant attitudes
8. Level
9. Dominant symptoms

Often, consciously striving to achieve the goal, we are unconsciously not ready to achieve it., Evaluate your readiness to achieve the goal according to the following components (answering the questions asked):

Based on the data obtained from the results of the diagnosis of your characteristics, write a short commitment to achieve the goal in ____ months.

I undertake to ____________________________________________________________


Example: according to the results of test No. 3, a low level of development of leadership qualities was determined. In this regard, I set myself the goal of raising the level of my leadership qualities, which will be expressed in concrete actions: determination, the ability to involve others in a common cause, take control in solving collective problems, etc.

The easiest way to achieve a goal is to break it down into mini-goals and implement them in stages. To do this, make a self-improvement plan according to the proposed table:

See: Stolyarenko A.M. Introductory review to the section "Psychological technologies in law enforcement" // Encyclopedia of Legal Psychology / Ed. ed. prof. A.M. Stolyarenko. - M .: UNITI-DANA, Law and Law, 2003. S. 285.

Psychology of personnel management: A manual for specialists working with personnel / Pod. ed. A.V. Batarsheva, A.O. Lukyanov. 2nd ed., rev. M., 2007. S. 426.

See: Aminov I.I. Legal psychology: textbook. allowance for university students. – M.: NITI-DANA, 2007. S. 52.

From Information on accidents in the region from January 1 to January 10, 2010 // (Website of the UGIBDD of the Oryol region).

See: D.A. Sorokotyagina, I.N. Workshop on legal psychology. - Rostov n / D: Phoenix, 2007. P. 96.

See: Kertes I. Tactics and psychological foundations of interrogation / Pod obshch. ed. prof. A.L. Vinberg. - M., 1965. S. 146.

Psychological aspects of the activity of an employee of the internal affairs bodies (OVD)




The state sets certain goals and objectives for law enforcement agencies aimed at eliminating crime in the country. In general, legal activity is a work that requires great effort, patience, conscientiousness, knowledge and high responsibility, based on the strictest observance of the law. "There are a number of features that distinguish this professional activity from other professions:

an extraordinary variety of tasks to be solved in the legal space;

full determinism of activity by norms of the legislation;

legal regulation of the communicative side of activity;

high emotional intensity of labor associated with the need to suppress negative emotions;

creative aspect of work.

In our work, the main psychological aspects of the activities of an employee of the internal affairs bodies will be considered.

Psychological features of actions and activities

Ideas about the structure of activity, although they do not completely exhaust the theory of activity, form its basis. Later, and especially in subsequent lectures, you will get acquainted with the application of the theory of activity to solving fundamental psychological problems, such as the subject of psychology, the origin and development of the psyche in phylo- and ontogenesis, the origin of human consciousness, the nature of personality, etc.

Human activity has a complex hierarchical structure. It consists of several "layers", or levels. Let's name these levels, moving from top to bottom. This is, firstly, the level of special activities (or special activities); then the level of actions, the next - the level of operations, and finally, the lowest - the level of psychophysiological functions.

By definition, an action is a process directed towards the realization of a goal.

Thus, the definition of action includes one more concept that needs to be defined - the goal. What is a goal? This is an image of the desired result, i.e. the result to be achieved in the course of the action.

It is worth noting right away that here we mean the conscious image of the result: the latter is held in consciousness all the time while the action is being carried out, so talking about a "conscious goal" does not make much sense: the goal is always conscious.

Describing the concept of "action", can highlight the following four points.

The first point: the action includes as a necessary component an act of consciousness (as discussed above) in the form of setting and maintaining a goal. But the given act of consciousness is not closed in itself, as the psychology of consciousness actually asserted, but is "revealed" in action.

The second point: action is at the same time an act of behavior. Consequently, the theory of activity also retains the achievements of behaviorism, making the external activity of animals and humans the object of study. However, unlike behaviorism, it considers external movements as an inseparable unity with consciousness. After all, movement without a goal is rather a failed behavior than its true essence.

The third, very important point: through the concept of action, the theory of activity affirms the principle of activity, opposing it to the principle of reactivity. The principle of activity and the principle of reactivity differ in where, according to each of them, the starting point of the analysis of activity should be placed: in the external environment or inside the organism (subject).

So, through the concept of action, which presupposes an active principle in the subject (in the form of a goal), the psychological theory of activity affirms the principle of activity.

And finally, the fourth: the concept of action "brings" human activity into the objective and social world. The point is that the "represented result" (goal) of an action can be anything, and not only and not even so much biological, as, for example, getting food, avoiding danger, etc. This may be the production of some material product, the establishment of social contact, the acquisition of knowledge, etc.

Thus, the concept of action makes it possible to approach human life with scientific analysis precisely from the side of its human specificity. Such a possibility could in no way be provided by the concept of a reaction, especially an innate reaction, from which J. Watson proceeded. Man, through the prism of Watson's system, acted primarily as a biological being.

It can be said that psychophysiological functions constitute the organic foundation of the processes of activity. Without reliance on them, it would be impossible not only to carry out actions and operations, but also to set the tasks themselves.

The psychological structure of law enforcement

Based on the legislatively defined tasks of the activities of law enforcement agencies, the following varieties can be distinguished: preventive; operational-search; activity on inquiry and investigation of crimes; activities to protect public order and security; security activities; legal proceedings; penitentiary activities.

Drawing up a psychogram of a district police inspector by analyzing expert assessments showed that for their successful professional actions it is necessary to have the following psychological qualities:

· professional observation;

· balance, self-control in conflicts;

· the ability to win over people, inspire their confidence;

· subtle observation of the spiritual life of a person;

· the ability to defend one's point of view;

· the ability to recreate an image according to a verbal description;

· the ability to draw conclusions from conflicting information;

· memory for the appearance and behavior of a person;

· the ability to quickly establish contacts with new people.

The performance by an operational employee of his official duties requires the following psychological qualities and skills:

In the psychogram of an interrogator and investigator, several groups of personal qualities are often distinguished that determine the success of work in the detection and investigation of crimes. These include:

motivational and value features (developed legal awareness; honesty; courage; adherence to principles; conscientiousness; diligence, discipline; developed achievement motivation; pronounced self-actualization motivation, etc.);

-cognitive qualities (high level of intelligence; flexibility of thought processes; creative thinking; observation; ability to predict; developed intuition; good memory; developed voluntary attention, etc.);

communicative qualities (the ability to establish psychological contact; possession of a communicative technique of behavior; the presence of organizational qualities, etc.);

other personal characteristics (sustainable and adequate self-esteem; autonomy and independence; responsibility; self-respect, etc.).

The following personal qualities are important for employees of the patrol service: the presence of certain life and professional experience; interest in a person, his experiences, the ability to empathize; self-confidence, perseverance, ability to counter violators of law and order; good sports training; confident possession of service firearms; observation; the ability to assimilate new knowledge, learning; active personal position; achievement motivation; efficiency in decision-making; exactingness; aggression control, etc.

Security activity is the main one for employees of the non-departmental protection of the police, some other departments of law enforcement agencies, and private security services. Its main goal is to protect the material values ​​of state and private property. The content of security activities is to carefully monitor protected objects and suppress unlawful encroachments on protected property. Special conditions for security activities are often isolation during service, being in a closed room and the presence of stressful tension in connection with the expectation of a criminal attack on a protected object.

The following qualities are considered essential for the successful performance of official duties by security guards:

· observation and attention (sustainability of attention; distribution of attention; a good amount of attention; the ability to see subtle changes in the protected object, etc.);

· emotional and volitional qualities (emotional stability; self-control; perseverance in overcoming difficulties; high activity; responsibility; self-criticism, etc.);

· intellectual qualities (the ability to choose the optimal solution from several options; the ability to make a decision with a lack of information; the ability to determine the amount of information needed to make a decision, etc.);

· communicative qualities (the ability to find a form of communication that is appropriate depending on the situation; the ability to act in concert with other employees, etc.);

· quality of memory (good memory for the appearance and behavior of a person; excellent motor, motor memory; the ability to retain a large amount of information in memory for a long time; good visual memory for the situation of a protected object, etc.);

· motor qualities (quick action under time pressure; quick reaction to an unexpected auditory impression, etc.).

The results of any type of activity of law enforcement officials depend on its qualitative characteristics: normativity, organization, preparedness, mastery and efficiency.

Professional competence of employees of internal affairs bodies

Until now, there is a wide variety of opinions regarding the types and forms of competence. In various fields of social sciences, it is customary to talk about managerial, civil, professional, social and other types of competence, which indicates a growing interest in this phenomenon. In the psychological and pedagogical literature, among the considered types of competence, a prominent place is given to social and professional, because it is the presence of these competencies that is a necessary component of the professionalism of an internal affairs officer.

Social and professional competencies are the most important constituent element of the successful professional activity of the future police officer. The foundations of their formation are laid directly during the period of study at the university of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, which includes a set of professional, individual psychological, socio-psychological characteristics that contribute to the formation of knowledge, skills, attitudes, personal qualities in cadets, allowing them to successfully carry out their professional activity. Consequently, social competence implies the awareness of the individual about social reality, the patterns of the flow of social processes; readiness of the individual for dialogue, decision-making in accordance with the requirements of a particular society and the specifics of the subculture. Professional competence is interpreted in the scientific and pedagogical literature as an integrative characteristic of a person, a set of professional and individual psychological qualities and properties that ensure the successful functioning of a specialist in society and the effective implementation of professional activities.

Professionally and socially competent can be considered a specialist who: is committed to the officer's profession, is motivated to perform military service and is satisfied with it; actively masters the norms and standards of the profession, achieves mastery in it, strives for professional and personal growth; consciously develops his individuality by means of the profession; uses methods of professional and interpersonal communication acceptable in a democratic society; successfully solves the tasks of training and educating the contingent entrusted to him, prepares devoted defenders of the Motherland for society, possesses the psychological and personal qualities necessary for these purposes.

The preparation of a professionally and socially competent personality of a police officer is impossible without the formation of a spiritual and moral culture. This personal education, which is based on a solid value-semantic foundation, is a professionally significant characteristic of law enforcement officers, since law enforcement is associated with professional and moral risk, which implies threats, blackmail, provocations, involvement in illegal connections organized by criminal elements, which can lead to violation of the law, ethical standards, decrease in efficiency or termination of professional activity.

An employee of the law enforcement system objectively and necessarily must be trained and educated in a professional and moral sense, both at the level of consciousness and at the level of behavior. Otherwise, he loses the legal and moral right to engage in law enforcement activities. Of course, any profession imposes certain legal and moral obligations on a person. However, there are activities in our society for which it is not enough to master a certain system of knowledge and skills. You also need a moral right to engage in this type of activity. That is the work of an employee of the internal affairs bodies.

Profession of a police officer

Profession - policeman

A police officer is a person authorized to maintain public order, to protect the peace, health and property of all law-abiding members of society. Naturally, a representative of this profession is also obliged to protect the health and property of offenders, but on the contrary, their peace disappears at the sight of the uniform of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. In addition to pagons, a policeman can also be distinguished by special labor tools - a rubber truncheon and a pistol. Such professional tools are due to the fact that their craft is special and requires the use of force when there is no other way out.

People with such a profession can only be found in the expanses of the former USSR, since in the rest of the world they are called police officers. Of course, as soon as any formed community of people appeared, there were those in it who forced them to comply with the rules and order. But the policemen appeared instead of the tsarist police and gendarmerie in the territory subject to the revolutionary command in the spring of 1917. And the very name "militia", meaning armed people's militia, was introduced to create an apparent closeness to the common man. The official date of the formation of police units is November 10, 1917, when the NKVD decree "On the workers' militia" was issued. Initially, these were simply volunteer detachments of workers and peasants, but about a year later a state police service was formed. …

The order rests mainly on the fear of punishment. If it were not for the representatives of this special profession, then our society would fall into uncontrolled anarchy within a few days. But thanks to the methods that some policemen use, as well as the characteristics of the personnel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, today the attitude towards the police is different for different people.

The first thing they will ask if they want to get a job in the police is whether he served in the armed forces. By the nature of the duties performed, a policeman must have a sports uniform, have hand-to-hand combat techniques and a heightened sense of justice. An experienced law enforcement officer can identify in a crowd of people exactly the person who threw a stone into a shop window.

What is good about the profession of a policeman is career growth - up to the rank of general. Law enforcement officers have the pleasure of enjoying many social guarantees in the form of free medical care, vacation vouchers, etc. But do not forget that employees of the internal affairs bodies risk their lives every day, chasing criminal elements, and in return they receive a contemptuous attitude from the majority of the population due to corruption in the ranks of the police leadership.

In fact, an ordinary policeman just needs to be taught his powers and duties - the rest can be trained during the service itself. Professional militiamen are trained in the cadet corps of justice and militia schools. Those law enforcement officers who wish to receive the rank of lieutenant and above must graduate from the University of Internal Affairs.

Dominant activities

ensuring public order;

identification of the reasons contributing to the commission of crimes;

clarification of the conditions that favored the commission of crimes;

taking measures to eliminate the factors affecting the growth of crime in the service area;

protection of the rights and legitimate interests of citizens of enterprises, institutions and organizations from criminal encroachments or illegal actions;

organization of legal propaganda and carrying out activities to prevent offenses;

creating conditions and conducting educational and training programs with offenders;

record keeping (taking testimonies of witnesses, suspects, etc.);

interaction with the citizens of their site to solve professional problems;

regular progress reports to senior officials;

assistance to citizens in need of legal protection;

participation in the search for evidence at the scene of an incident or crime.

Qualities that ensure the success of professional activities


the ability to quickly organize oneself and others to do the job;

very high level of development of the will;

selectivity of attention;

the ability to quickly switch attention to another object;

the ability to focus attention on the necessary object for the right amount of time (sustainability of attention);

the ability to convince people;

development of logical thinking;

the ability to correctly express their thoughts;

the ability to listen to people;

speed of reaction;

good development of figurative, verbal-logical memory;

the ability to make quick decisions depending on the situation. Personal qualities, interests, inclinations:

decency, morality;


good intuition, ability to understand people;


ability to predict situations;


initiative, energy; exactingness to oneself and to people;

psychological professiogram police officer

erudition; the ability to quickly navigate the environment;

good physical and mental endurance;

emotional stability, endurance.

Areas of application of professional knowledge

ATS (department of internal affairs);

RUVD (district department of internal affairs);

GUVD (city department of internal affairs).


Professional legal activity is complex and multifaceted, however, to one degree or another, the following aspects can be distinguished in it: search (cognitive) - the collection of initial information for solving professional problems; communicative - communication with people to solve professional problems; certification transformation of the received information into the forms specially provided for by law (protocols, resolutions, etc.); organizational - organization of own work and joint work with other officials, law enforcement agencies; reconstructive (constructive) - processing of all information and decision-making based on the norms of legislation; social - the implementation of preventive, corrective measures in a certain area.

In each of the above parties, the corresponding personal qualities of a specialist are realized, ensuring the success of professional activity. Therefore, the main task of the psychology of legal work is to identify rational relationships between the personality of a lawyer and the requirements of the above listed aspects of professional activity.

List of used literature

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