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Why you shouldn’t use IVs
Recently I received a letter. A real paper letter, the likes of which I have not received for quite some time. A letter from a reader of my books from a distant Siberian city. I thought that to a 75-year-old woman who took the time to write down her thoughts by hand on paper, I should answer in detail and just as carefully. This is how the correspondence turned out:
"Hello, dear Anton Vladimirovich.
Pensioner S.I. is writing to you. I am 75 years old, but I want, I really want to live. The thirst for life gets stronger with age. That's why I bought 4 of your books and am waiting for the release of the fifth. After carefully reading all your books and Alexander Myasnikov’s book “Rust,” I was confused. Everything that my cardiologists and neurologists treat me with is crossed out by you. In the second book, you and Dr. A.L. Myasnikov, whose programs I always watch, deny treating older people with IVs. “There is no point, no benefit in such treatment.” You, Anton Vladimirovich, and Alexander Leonidovich consider the drugs useless: Actovegin, Cerebrolysin, Mexidol, Mildronate, Cavinton. Our doctors have been prescribing these drugs to me for many years. Now what should you take and drip? What alternative can you suggest? After reading your books, I refused day hospital and IVs!!! I sit and think about how to treat myself. The cardiologist suggested carrying out a course of treatment with preductal in the spring and autumn. How do you think? A.L. Myasnikov writes that, it turns out, all over the world, except Russia, Corvalol and Valocordin are not sold in pharmacies. What should we take now if our heart suddenly hurts??? I can't imagine.
I really hope for an answer."

Dear S.I.,
treatment idea cardiovascular diseases courses of injections and drips dates back to the middle of the last century, when there were slightly different ideas about human physiology and pharmacology. Many years have passed since then. Science has advanced very much, many new groups of drugs have appeared. However, during the time of the “Iron Curtain” and the division of science into Soviet and bourgeois, the inhabitants of the USSR were actually cut off from the achievements of world science in general and pharmacology in particular. Doctors who trained in the middle of the last century continued to treat their patients using the “old-fashioned methods” and, what’s worse, to train the next generation of students and young doctors. In the 90s of the 20th century, the “Iron Curtain” collapsed, all the achievements of world science became available to Russian specialists, it would seem that it’s time to catch up and bring medical practice in accordance with the best world approaches, but, no, the vast majority of doctors continued to persistently copy the traditions and mistakes of the “scientific schools” of half a century ago.
Let's figure out what is wrong with using IVs and injections in the treatment of heart and vascular diseases. Let's start with the fact that the notorious dropper is just a way to quickly deliver a drug into the blood. Intravenous drip administration drugs can be used only in cases where it is necessary to deliver as quickly as possible high doses drug into the body (for example, antibiotics for pneumonia, drugs to dissolve a blood clot for myocardial infarction, chemotherapy for oncological diseases). In all other cases, doctors try to follow the path of delivering the drug into the body as gently as possible - in the form of tablets and capsules. This treatment allows you to avoid many complications - you are probably familiar with “bumps” and bruises at the injection site. I assure you, this is far from the worst thing that happens from IVs and injections.
In addition, taking medications in tablets allows you to maintain the concentration of the drug in the blood at almost the same level throughout the day, which is very important for the treatment of diseases such as hypertension, diabetes etc. Are you concerned about the possible side effects of the pills on the stomach and liver? I assure you that most drugs are quite safe in this regard; Smoking and alcohol damage the stomach and liver much more, but for some reason no one thinks about it.
Let's figure it out, is there any point at all in those drugs that you and our other patients are offered to drip and inject?
Antispasmodics (magnesia). The idea of ​​using antispasmodics for hypertension again goes back to the ideas about vasospasm of the early to mid-last century. We now understand that the mechanisms of development of hypertension are much more complex. Moreover, the older a person gets, the stiffer the arteries become and the more less space the “spasm” mechanism in the development of any vascular diseases.
Actovegin, Cerebrolysin, Cortexin. These are protein extracts from the brain and other tissues of livestock (cows and pigs). Numerous studies have proven that they do not add intelligence to a person, but they can cause serious complications(for example, Actovegin is prohibited in most countries due to the threat of the spread of so-called “mad cow disease”).
Cavinton, tanakan. In most countries, these drugs are either registered as food (biologically active) additives or are completely prohibited. We know well that Cavinton (a preparation of Vinca minor or coffin grass) can provoke rhythm disturbances. Tanakan (Gignco biloba) also has not been shown in studies to improve memory and other brain functions.
Mexidol, mildronate, preductal. These drugs, according to the manufacturers, are created to improve metabolic processes in the tissues of the heart and brain. However, the studies conducted do not give reason for optimism. Besides, the heart is not a bed of tomatoes. It does not need to be fed or manured. For the treatment of ischemia and heart failure there is great amount really working drugs.
Unfortunately, many patients perceive the cardiovascular system as water pipes that need to be cleaned from time to time by pouring special cleaning agents into them. I’ll disappoint you, the body is much more complex; atherosclerotic plaque cannot be dissolved or significantly reduced. The main task is to prevent the plaque from growing further and to prevent a blood clot from forming in this place (statins and aspirin do an excellent job with this task). In cases where the plaque severely disrupts the blood supply to an organ (heart or brain), surgical treatment is resorted to.
Why do IVs still help some? The answer is very simple. This is partly the placebo effect - a conscientious belief in the healing wall of hospital walls and an unknown liquid in a transparent bubble, partly this is the effect of the pills that are still prescribed in the hospital. However, each patient considers the effect of the tablets to be insignificant, and attributes the entire success of treatment to the droppers. If, after discharge from the hospital, the patient stops taking the pills, then, of course, the improvement achieved in the hospital will soon disappear.
Why do doctors continue to prescribe “vascular drips”? There are three possible answers to this.
1. They believe in them themselves. This is the saddest option. Unfortunately, such “specialists” are unsuitable for professional work. It is impossible to treat in the 21st century, guided by conscientious misconceptions half a century ago.
2. Doctors know that IVs are useless, but they follow the lead of patients, fearing complaints and conflicts. Unfortunately, existing system is such that if a patient complains that “he is not being treated as he should be, but is only being stuffed with pills,” then no one will look into it - the doctor will be punished. Therefore, the doctor believes that it is “easier to give in” than to explain to the patient why there is no need to drip anything. This is the most common reason.
3. “If we don’t do IVs, then our hospital will be closed, and we will be kicked out onto the street, because... Patients can take the pills at home.” This is the rationale I heard a couple of weeks ago from doctors in one of the cities of Russia. This is the saddest thing. Not only do doctors themselves perfectly understand the uselessness of IVs, but they still prescribe them in order to somehow justify the very existence of the hospital.
And one more important consideration. One of the common causes of fatal complications in older people is nosocomial infections. It has long been accepted in the world that the shorter the duration of stay in a hospital bed, the lower the mortality rate. Consequently, unjustified hospitalizations for unnecessary IVs are also a factor in the addition of in-hospital complications.
“So what do you suggest INSTEAD of IVs, doctor?” - asks every first patient to whom I once again retell all these arguments?
1. Move. Movement is life. Every person, regardless of the severity of their condition, must move. Even in patients with severe heart failure, movement has been proven to prolong life. Walking, walks, skiing, swimming - it all depends on your initial physical form.
2. Work. As soon as a person stops working and declares himself “retired,” the brain begins to die. Don't think I'm not talking about promotion retirement age. In this case, “work” does not mean “go to work and pay taxes until you are 100 years old.” In this case, by work I mean any activity related to mental load, albeit as part of a hobby. Any doctor knows very well that the brain of an 85-year-old scientist works much better than that of a 40-year-old loafer.
3. Don't watch TV. TV makes people stupid and turns them into “vegetables.” Read, write, draw, embroider, just don’t watch TV. Every hour spent in front of the TV irreversibly kills nerve cells.
4. Do not smoke or allow anyone to smoke in your presence.
5. Eat less meat products and more fish.
6. Monitor your blood pressure and, if it exceeds 140/90 mmHg. Art., always take the medications prescribed by your doctor. medications. Blood pressure pills must be taken throughout your entire life, without breaks, days off or weekends.
7. Monitor your cholesterol levels, discuss with your doctor the need to take statins - drugs that slow down the development of atherosclerosis.
8. Monitor your blood glucose levels. Increase in sugar >5.6 mmol/l – already warning sign. Unfortunately, diabetes often creeps up without symptoms.
9. Discuss with your doctor the need to take medications that prevent the development of thrombosis - aspirin or anticoagulants. In some cases they are necessary.
P.S. There is nothing “hearty” in Corvalol and Valocordin, except for the root “cor” (cor – in Latin – heart). The basis of these drugs is phenobarbital - an old toxic drug that disrupts memory, sleep, coordination of movements and has a dozen other unpleasant side effects. To say what to take when your “heart hurts,” you must first figure out why it hurts. More than 90% of pain in chest have nothing to do with the heart.
Yours sincerely,
Dr. Anton Rodionov

When a person gets sick with the flu or ARVI, he often experiences an increase in body temperature. Everyone has long known that such a phenomenon is the body’s way to survive, in this way the body reacts to the introduction of viruses and tries to fight them. However, each of us, feeling a high fever, chills and other “delights” of the disease, gets scared, runs to the doctors for help or opens his first aid kit to get a handful of antipyretic tablets. But in vain!

A high temperature up to a certain point in an adult is not at all a dangerous phenomenon. On the contrary, an increase in temperature is evidence of the functioning of the immune system. Therefore, you should not immediately try to “bring down” the temperature. But how can you determine in which cases to wait patiently, and in which to sound the alarm and help your body. Let's talk about this in more detail.

A very unpleasant thing. Moreover, a person whose temperature has reached 39 degrees experiences real agony and suffers greatly. There is no need to bring down the temperature, but if it has risen above 38.5 degrees, then it is already necessary to bring it down - it begins heavy load on the heart.

What to do when an adult has a high fever? First of all, you need the right drinking regime- the patient needs fluid, as much fluid as possible. He must drink, even through force, even in small portions, but drink as much as possible more water, fruit drinks, juices, herbal infusions. Indeed, as the temperature rises, rapid dehydration occurs, which leads to an even greater rise in temperature.

When hot tea with honey and raspberries does not help, and the high temperature continues to stubbornly remain at a critical level, it is necessary to use antipyretic drugs. The well-known aspirin, paracetamol, antigrippin based on them, as well as Tera-Flu, Tamiflu and similar medications will have to be taken.

Many at high temperature use various traditional methods, such as vodka or vinegar. It helps some, it doesn't help others. Typically, the temperature drops by 1/10 of a degree. After a while it may rise again.

Some daredevils use an extreme method - they stand in ice water and stand like this for exactly 1 minute, after which they rub their feet dry and red, put on warm woolen socks and go to bed. According to reviews, the temperature drops quickly. But this method “works” for those who are not afraid. If in doubt, it is better not to use it.

Another proven and effective, albeit unpleasant way- enema with medicinal substance. For an enema, you need to grind the antipyretic medicine into powder and mix with warm water. boiled water. This enema works very effectively and well and reduces the temperature for a long time.

If the temperature persists for a long time, you should call ambulance or contact for any medical assistance. Perhaps such a patient needs a serious examination and a course of antibiotics. In especially severe cases, when medications do not help, the patient should be taken to the hospital and the so-called. “system” - putting the patient under a drip.

“We’ll put in an IV!”

Almost everyone who was treated in a hospital, at least once, was on a drip. However, not everyone knows in what cases an IV is placed and what it is. We asked an experienced woman to tell us about this nurse from Kolomna near Moscow to N. Uvarov.

For some reason, many patients and their relatives have the opinion that IVs are given, firstly, only to very seriously ill patients, and secondly, if they are not given, it means that the treatment is poor. In fact, this procedure is prescribed for certain indications. To make it clearer, let’s first figure out what it is modern disposable dropper. There is nothing unusual about it.

Externally, it is a plastic tube with a liquid reservoir in the middle and two needles at the ends. One needle is inserted into a bottle with liquid medicine, the other is injected into a vein. The reservoir, that is, the dropper itself, is equipped with a pipette, from which liquid drops dropwise into the end of the tube directed towards the vein. Through the tube, the doctor or nurse can see how fast the medicine is moving. It is important. The speed at which drops fall is changed using a device that applies pressure from the outside top part tubes.

When setting up a dropper, a certain level of liquid must be created in the lower part of the reservoir so that bottom part tube, and no air got into the vein through it.

And another needle is inserted into the bottle - a long one, through which air enters. Otherwise, the medicine will not go into the tube. For its movement it is also necessary that the reservoir is raised above the vein into which the solution is injected. Therefore, the dropper is hung on a stand.

And since the medicine from the dropper passes into the body slowly, evenly and over a long period of time, the dropper is usually prescribed in cases where it is required that the drugs be in the blood in a constant concentration, but not too high so that there is no side effects, and not too small - there will be no effect. This happens with heart attacks, strokes, exacerbations bronchial asthma and many others serious illnesses. In addition, many drugs in the body quickly break down or are eliminated, and their presence is required constantly.

They also use a drip in cases where it is necessary to provide emergency assistance , because the drug administered by drip acts faster. And the doctor sees the effect of the medicine and can decide whether the dose is sufficient, whether it needs to be increased or discontinued.

Droppers are also necessary when a lot of fluid needs to be introduced into the body.- for example, in case of water-salt imbalance, acid-base balance, for certain dysfunctions of the liver, kidneys and heart, to restore blood microcirculation or if the patient is temporarily prohibited from eating, for example after surgery on the stomach or intestines. Often there is a need to quickly replenish the body with fluid. This happens with significant losses - vomiting, diarrhea, bleeding, large burns, as well as severe intoxication caused by infectious or purulent-inflammatory diseases, poisoning, etc.

In addition, there are drugs that can only be used by drip, while others can only be used as a stream, that is, they are injected into a vein with a syringe. Many medications are available in the form of tablets and capsules, but this does not mean that they are ineffective. Moreover, there are contraindications for the use of IVs. For example, they cannot be placed in case of heart failure, a tendency to edema, thrombophlebitis (inflammation of the veins), and some skin diseases and in other cases. Therefore, if doctors do not prescribe you an IV, this does not mean that they do not want to treat you well. And if they prescribe it, then this is not at all a reason to consider that you have extreme serious condition, and panic because of it. Doctors simply do what they find necessary in each specific case.

Bronchitis is inflammatory disease bronchial tree which is accompanied by symptoms of intoxication (fever, headache, nausea), cough with sputum and in rare cases- shortness of breath.

The most early sign The manifestation of the disease is increased body temperature, since this is a peculiar reaction of the body to the action of a viral or bacterial infection, which provoked the occurrence of bronchitis.

Different types of infections provoke an increase in body temperature in different ways. At viral infection in the first hours of infection, the temperature rises to 40.0 - 40.5 0 C and is an independent manifestation of the disease in the first day. With a bacterial infection, the temperature rises slightly (up to 38.0 0 C) and is accompanied by cough, sputum or shortness of breath.

Fever in a child’s body occurs due to the effect of pyrogens (substances that can cause fever) on the brain.

In response to foreign agents entering the body, the immune system begins to actively produce antibodies to infectious agents and direct them to bloodstream. Antibodies, combining with microbial cells, form an antigen-antibody complex, which triggers a number of inflammatory mechanisms. The body begins to actively produce substances that then participate in inflammatory reaction– interleukins, leukotrienes, kinins, and are pyrogens.

Pyrogens, entering the blood, are sent to the brain and affect one of its parts - the hypothalamus, which houses the body's thermoregulation center. This mechanism is aimed at a rapid increase in body temperature, since the presence in the blood large quantity pyrogens indicates that the body is in a state of hypothermia (low temperature). This perverted reaction to pyrogens causes an increase in body temperature along with the development of fever.

There is no need to reduce hyperthermia to 38.0 0 C, since this temperature reaction allows you to stimulate immune system child and contributes to the death of pathological microorganisms that cause bronchitis. Also, in conditions of elevated body temperature, antibacterial drugs that are prescribed to treat the disease begin to act more actively and the therapeutic effect occurs faster and is more pronounced.

Hyperthermia, which has risen above 38.0 0 C and is growing, is called malignant; it not only does not help the child’s body fight infection, but also significantly depletes it.

Manifestation of fever during illness

Temperature during bronchitis in children is the earliest sign of the disease.

Symptoms of fever:

  • general weakness;
  • lack of appetite;
  • nausea;
  • muscle pain;
  • body aches;
  • weight loss (typical for newborns and children in the first year of life);
  • headache;
  • impairment of memory and attention.

With significantly elevated temperature Hallucinations, loss of consciousness, convulsions and uncontrollable vomiting may occur. This temperature reaction of the body is treated in intensive care conditions.

With a viral infection, the child's fever lasts about 3 days, and then drops to normal or lower values. If complications develop, which often happens with a viral infection, after 5–7 days the temperature may rise again and last up to a week.

With a bacterial infection, the child’s fever lasts 5–7 days. If from the first day of illness it is prescribed antibacterial drug wide range action, then the temperature drops after 3 days and no longer rises. Complications are usually bacterial infection does not give.

Treatment methods for fever in children

  1. Drink plenty of fluids. As a result of hyperthermia, the body is disrupted normal level electrolytes in the blood, which leads to dehydration. Dehydration, in turn, stimulates a further increase in temperature. Also drinking plenty of fluids quickly eliminates symptoms of intoxication due to the removal of waste products of pathological microorganisms from the body.

In case of low-grade fever (up to 38.0 0 C), the child can be offered non-hot tea, juices, compotes, a decoction of rose hips, chamomile, viburnum or ordinary boiled water.

At febrile temperature(above 38 0 C), which lasts 3–4 days, drip administration of adapted solutions is necessary:

  • saline solution 0.9%, 200.0 per day;
  • Ringer-Locke solution 200.0 - 400.0 per day;
  • reosorbilact 200.0 per day (this drug is a sorbent and additionally cleanses the child’s blood of toxins);
  • 5% glucose solution, 200.0 per day.

How many IVs should I use for fever?

Droppers with these drugs help normalize body temperature, remove symptoms of intoxication and normalize the water-electrolyte balance of the blood.

  1. Taking antipyretic drugs.

Paracetamol – has a pronounced antipyretic and analgesic effect. Therapeutic effect begins to appear within 10 - 15 minutes after ingestion and after 2 - 3 minutes when used rectal suppositories. Minus this drug The effect is short-lived and after 3-4 hours the temperature begins to rise again.

The drug is prescribed to newborn children and children under 2 years of age in drops that can be added to breast milk or adapted milk formulas, water, juices and tea. After 2 years, paracetamol is prescribed in syrup or chewable tablets.

Paracetamol suppositories can be used at any age, since this form release of the drug has different dosages active substance.

How long can paracetamol be used?

Preparations containing paracetamol can be used 3-4 times a day for a week.

Ibuprofen is a drug that has a pronounced anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and analgesic effect. The therapeutic effect after oral administration is observed after 30–50 minutes, which excludes the possibility of using the drug for an emergency reduction in body temperature. The advantage is the duration of action, which extends to 8 – 12 hours. The drug is available in drops, syrup, suppositories and tablets.

How long can I use ibuprofen?

Regardless of the temperature numbers, the medicine is prescribed 2 times a day for 5 days.

  1. Ambulance facilities.

Rubbing. At temperatures above 40.0 0 C, in order to quickly reduce the fever and allow the administered medications to work, it is recommended to undress the child and wipe the body with liquid. You can use regular boiled cool water, diluted in half with vinegar or vodka. These components stimulate the evaporation of moisture on the surface of the skin and thereby reduce body temperature inside the body.

How many rubdowns can be done per day?

Wiping is not a treatment for a symptom, but a method of quickly providing relief for a few minutes (10 - 20). After wiping or during it, it is advisable to administer an antipyretic medicine to the child.

Intravenous or intramuscular injections

To reduce body temperature, analgin with papaverine is usually used in a 1:1 ratio; for older children, diphenhydramine is used along with these drugs.

How many times a day can you take injections for fever?

It is better to fight the temperature with rubdowns, special drugs or introduction drip solutions. Medicines(analgin, diphenhydramine, papaverine) have a very negative effect on the growing body and their administration is necessary only in emergency cases.

The information in the article is presented for informational purposes. If your child develops hyperthermia due to bronchitis, contact your local pediatrician; if an uncontrollable fever develops during the illness, you must call an emergency medical team.

Video: What to do at high temperatures? School of Health

13.01.2012, 00:57

Good day!
I'll tell you in order.

1. On the night of January 7–8, the child (3.5 years old, height 94, weight 14 kg, girl, I’ll tell you in detail...) had a temperature of 38.5. at 22.00. A Tsefekon candle was placed. (On the 7th we went to another city for a walk, she was dressed well, the journey took 1 hour, she didn’t sweat, she drank, ate, played.) An hour after the candle, the temperature was 35.8

2. At 2 am the temperature rose to 39.3. They called an ambulance and injected me with analgin and diphenhydramine. The temperature subsided within an hour

The local doctor was called. who prescribed Hexoral and Sumamed.
At 16.00 the temperature is 39.
I decide to go to the hospital. I went to the infectious diseases department and (scold me... but there was no way out) they put on an ascorbic acid drip, saline solution, 4 ml Cephabol, and something else.
It is not possible to go to the hospital, since my eldest son was hit by a car in December, and because of this, my grandmother was admitted to the hospital with a stroke.

Upon arrival from the hospital, I looked in my throat, it was completely white purulent plaque! I call the pediatrician on her cell phone, she says that she won’t take any smears and that I shouldn’t bother.

4. So on January 8 and 9, 2 IVs were placed.
5. On 10,11,12 the nurse gave 3 ml Cephabol injections at home. 1 time per day intramuscularly. The hospital told me to do it for 5 days.

6. Today. at 23.00 i.e. 10 hours after last injection AB, temperature 38.7. Cefekon suppository + 5 ml Nurofen + call an ambulance.
The ambulance has arrived. There is no wheezing, the throat is clear. They told me to install Viferon...
The temperature dropped to 37 after 1 hour

7. QUESTION, What could it be? On December 29, I myself had a sore throat, I took azithromycin 500 mg for 3 days. And on January 10, I again discovered several follicles in my throat with a cheesy coating, without fever. I cleaned off this deposit with disposable cotton swabs and smeared each one with brilliant green. Because I think (I understand that self-medication is terrible, terrible, but there is no way to really go anywhere) that this is already a fungal sore throat.

What's wrong with my daughter? How to proceed?

13.01.2012, 01:29

Temperature 36.2. Now with my daughter. How to proceed, and if it works out tomorrow, what tests should I take? General analysis blood?

13.01.2012, 19:24

Do you want examination, diagnosis and treatment via the Internet? We don't know how.
The doctors examined the child - you didn’t even provide a diagnosis.

13.01.2012, 19:57

13.01.2012, 20:07

The tests are ordered by a doctor, not an online consultant. ARVI and tonsillitis are different diseases.
ARVI does not require the listed treatment or additional research.
Sore throat - may require some medications, or maybe not.
UAC may be required, but may be unnecessary. Other studies may be prescribed by your attending physician.

13.01.2012, 20:46

We cannot examine your child online. And no one will guess about a sore throat or ARVI. From your description it is not clear whether there was a period normal temperature.

I cleaned off this deposit with disposable cotton swabs and smeared each one with brilliant green.
This is absolutely shocking:ai:

How to proceed, and if it works out tomorrow, what tests should I take?

And what could cause an increase in temperature after a course of antibiotics?

13.01.2012, 21:55

Temperature 36.2. Now with my daughter. How to proceed, and if it works out tomorrow, what tests should I take? General blood test? be glad that there is no temperature. If there is no temperature tomorrow, relax and enjoy life and communication with healthy child and don't take any tests

13.01.2012, 21:57

From your description it is not clear whether there was a period of normal temperature.

Yes, from the moment of the first dropper, that is, from January 8 in the evening, the temperature no longer rose and was rather low at 35.9 until yesterday evening

The treatment is depressing. Where do such strange combinations come from: cefekon (in what dosage?) + nurofen?

Cefekon in a dosage of 1 suppository 250 mg, Nurofen 5 ml syringe, - Emergency advice for fever. And the second advice from the ambulance was to give 1/4 analgin + 1/4 paracetamol tablets at a temperature

Why they called an ambulance and why they gave me IVs and injected me with antibiotics is also unclear.
She called an ambulance because her temperature was rising and it was impossible to bring it down with antipyretics = suppositories, Nurofen. Droppers to prevent dehydration, antibiotic = sore throat

This is absolutely shocking
Um, that’s what my therapist told me to do when I had a similar sore throat a year ago. According to her, until all plaque is removed there will be fever and complications

The only advice is an in-person examination by a sane doctor.
this is more difficult, as I said, I saw the emergency doctor yesterday and explained that there was no wheezing and my throat was already clear.

Another infection or a complication of a previous one cannot be understood online.
Nor can our pediatrician understand in real time.

I don’t want to blame or scold anyone, but our doctor immediately prescribes us an antibiotic, arbidol, oscillococcinum and the like for any illness.

13.01.2012, 22:05

be glad that there is no fever. If there is no fever tomorrow, relax and enjoy life and communication with a healthy child and do not take any tests

Do you think?...I basically found a laboratory tomorrow to take a blood test for a fee, if you decipher it, I will be glad.

And in addition. I am restless for one reason, 5 years ago my eldest son fell ill (he was 3 years old), the temperature lasted for 4 days, but was well relieved with Nurofen. Again, the pediatrician prescribed Augmentin and Arbidol and Nurofen as antipyretics. There was a red throat. On the 4th day, my child turned blue and green, thanks to the infectious disease doctors, they pumped him out of intoxication (as I was told, most likely Nurofen and Augmentin syrup gave this effect + dehydration). That's why I'm very afraid of temperature...



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