Hippocrates good health knowledge of the constitution food. Food should be medicine and medicine should be food

Your mother was right when she said that beauty comes from within. Although she probably meant about the soul and heart. In fact outer beauty starts with food selection.

“Food should be medicine, and medicine should be food,” said the “father of medicine” Hippocrates in the 5th century BC. This statement overturns our usual perception of our nutrition.

At correct selection diet, you can maintain your beauty, or even increase it. Then the question arises, is there a list of foods that you need to eat to become beautiful? Yes, these are the same healing products.

Everyone, of course, knows that fruits and vegetables have a beneficial effect on our body. Even as children, we were told that children eat vegetables and you will be healthy. However, few people know that these same fruits and vegetables are full of antioxidants that have a beneficial effect on our skin, fight against dry skin and wrinkles and many other diseases that they prevent and also slow down the aging process.

And who loves green vegetables, such as broccoli and spinach? There are only a few of them; most people pass by the green ones of our friends. Why friends? Yes, because they contain vitamin A, known as beta-carotene, which works as a “rejuvenator” - protects the skin, promotes effective regeneration cells, which gives our skin elasticity. Vitamin A can also be found in carrots.
Vitamin C, everyone has heard of it, of course. Did you know that human body unable to produce vitamin C. Therefore, people with vitamin C deficiency are at great risk of becoming a victim dangerous viruses. Collagen, which exists thanks to this vitamin, makes our skin soft and smooth. Be sure to include citrus fruits (oranges, tangerines, lemons, limes, grapefruits, etc.) in your diet.

Other fruits, particularly berries, also contain anti-aging properties. Some scientists who are working to fight cancer believe that berries may play a key role in this. The healthiest of these berries are blackberries, blueberries, raspberries and strawberries.
Vitamin E protects cell membrane, the destruction of which leads to skin cancer and other serious illnesses. It is found in wheat germ, sunflower seeds, almonds, fish and liver, greens, avocados, including many citrus fruits.

Over the past decades, people have been particularly concerned about their beauty, but they did not even know that soy slows down aging and has a beneficial effect on cell growth. Consume linseed oil and soy drinks.

Herbal teas, instead of coffee, taking pride of place in your diet, can work wonders with many chronic diseases. Make it a habit to drink natural, non-aggressive herbal teas.

Have you ever wondered what is better to use? healthy foods What are the different creams? Yes, definitely healthly food makes us beautiful and healthy. Now think about how much beauty and health we would have if we combined the use of healthy food and applying the same flawless and natural various creams?

Good health!



    Gymnastics, physical exercise, walking should firmly become part of the everyday life of everyone who wants to maintain efficiency, health, and a full and joyful life.




    The doctor treats diseases, but nature heals.






    Often best medicine- is to do without it.



    The mind is the best healer.


    It is impossible to help someone who does not want to change their life.


Doctor-philosopher: no big difference between wisdom and medicine.

Gymnastics, physical exercise, and walking should become firmly established in the everyday life of everyone who wants to maintain efficiency, health, and a full and joyful life.

The effects of dietary supplements are long-lasting, while the effects of medications are transient.

People's actions, like their illnesses, rarely stem from one cause. Every single action has many roots.

For an emergency illness, emergency remedies.

The human soul develops until death.

If a seriously ill person does not experience suffering, then he is mentally ill.

Life is short, the path of art is long, opportunity is fleeting, experience is deceptive, judgment is difficult. Therefore, not only the doctor himself must use everything that is necessary, but also the patient, those around him, and all external circumstances must contribute to the doctor in his activities.

Healing is a matter of time, but sometimes it is also a matter of opportunity.

Just as clothiers clean cloth, knocking out dust from it, so gymnastics cleanses the body.

The doctor treats diseases, but nature heals.

Medicine is truly the noblest of all arts.

A powerful spirit saves a weakened body.

A man becomes angry in two cases: when he is hungry and when he is humiliated, and a woman only in one case - when she does not have love.

Our nutrients should be a remedy, and our medicinal products must be food substances.

Do no harm (to the patient).

Neither satiety, nor hunger, nor anything else is good if it exceeds the measure of nature.

Idleness and idleness seek out depravity and drag it along with it.

Idleness and idleness entail depravity and ill health, on the contrary, the aspiration of the mind towards something brings with it vigor, eternally aimed at strengthening life.

The opposite is cured by the opposite.

Drunkenness of fathers and mothers is the cause of weakness and sickness in children.

Hippocratic Oath

I swear by Apollo the physician, Asclepius, Hygieia and Panacea and all the gods and goddesses, taking them as witnesses, to honestly fulfill, according to my strength and my understanding, the following oath and written obligation: to consider the one who taught me the art of medicine on an equal basis with my parents, to share with him with your income and, if necessary, help him in his needs; consider his offspring as their brothers, and this art, if they want to study it, teach them free of charge and without any contract; communicate instructions, oral lessons and everything else in the teaching to your sons, the sons of your teacher and students bound by an obligation and oath according to the medical law, but to no one else.

I direct the treatment of the sick to their benefit in accordance with my strength and my understanding, refraining from causing any harm or injustice. I will not give anyone what they ask from me lethal means and I will not show the way for such a plan; in the same way, I will not give any woman an abortion pessary. I will conduct my life and my art purely and immaculately. I will under no circumstances perform sections on those suffering stone disease, leaving it to the people doing the business. Whatever house I enter, I will enter there for the benefit of the sick, being far from anything intentional, unrighteous and harmful, especially from love affairs with women and men, free and slaves.

Whatever during treatment - and also without treatment - I see or hear about human life that should never be disclosed, I will keep silent about it, considering such things a secret. May I, who inviolably fulfill my oath, be given happiness in life and in art and glory among all people for all eternity; but to those who transgress and give a false oath, may the opposite be true.


“Our nutrients must be medicines, and our medicines must be foods.” Hippocrates It is so customary that by the word “diet” we, first of all, mean proper nutrition. A healthy image life is nothing more than proper organization nutrition, uniform physical exercise, rest, in a word, everything that supports and strengthens the body.

One of the most important laws, which stated that good health unthinkable without proper nutrition, was known 24 centuries ago. The ancient Greeks, when asking the question: “What is your diet?”, were only interested in what a person eats, since the word “diet” itself means "lifestyle", "regime".

Our body is like a complex mechanism in which one link is closely connected to another. And it, like any mechanism, needs a certain amount of energy and physical activity. Without proper care, the body will experience disruptions that will certainly lead to diseases.

Eating well is an important part of good health. If our diet contains all the substances necessary for life: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, mineral salts etc., it will work properly. Lack or excess of even the most insignificant food components may lead to certain diseases.

But it often happens that due to some circumstances (for example, resetting excess weight), we “go on a diet” without assuming that our efforts may result in harm rather than benefit for our body. By committing unnecessary violent actions, we often simply abuse the body without realizing it. Meanwhile, the diet will only be beneficial if it is not a burden.

Naturally, our body, like everyone else extremely complex mechanism, needs timely cleaning, and sometimes “repairing” of any of its components (in our case, these are the organs of the body). And our conversation today begins new topicthe topic of proper nutrition. We will talk not only about various cleanses, but also consider a number of diets aimed at the smooth functioning of our organs.

After all, what is food? This is, first of all, what we consume, including in our daily diet. One of the most important properties food is its ability to give pleasure. And achieving this is not so difficult. Prepare gourmet dishes, which will also be tasty and healthy, can be made from any product. You just have to want it!

Proper nutrition is always good. But a healthy lifestyle consists of more than just our food. It is simply unthinkable without physical activity, which, unfortunately, most of our people are deprived of modern society. And about the fact that “movement is the storehouse of life”, said the ancient Greek historian Plutarch. Our whole life is connected with movement, even if we ourselves do not move in space, there is a constant movement of atoms, molecules, cells and liquids in our bodies.

“Gymnastics, physical exercise, and walking should become firmly established in the daily life of everyone who wants to maintain efficiency, health, and a full and joyful life.” Each of us knows this truth. Meanwhile, these words belong to the great Hippocrates. No, even the most advanced medicine will be able to help us if we do not move.

But we should not forget that there must be balance in all areas of our lives. Overeating leads to obesity, undereating leads to exhaustion of the body, and both “give” us a whole bunch of different things. Immobility or, conversely, excessive loads also do not promote good physical health.

The most important condition for maintaining health is the correct, harmonious alternation of work and rest, wakefulness and sleep, and, of course, a properly balanced diet.

Our body, as an integral part of nature, must respect specific mode, which has developed on Earth over many millions of years. By violating this centuries-old routine, we deal a blow to our health, which certainly leads to the development of certain diseases.

Let's listen to the words ancient Greek philosopher Democritus, and we will try to observe moderation in everything, for “if you go too far, the most pleasant things will become the most unpleasant things”.

When I decided to write an article about diets, I intended to talk about some of its types, and nothing more. Now I understand that it’s best for us to start from the very beginning. Together we will return to the roots, and then we will talk about what concerns us.

We have had many conversations about proper nutrition, but this topic is so vast that we will return to it more than once. After all, food is, first of all, pleasure: after eating, the brain produces endorphins- special substances that give the body a feeling of peace and cause good mood. And so that the pursuit does not cause harm to the body, the diet is to protect health.

It will not be superfluous to repeat that proper nutrition requires certain knowledge. After all, when choosing products, we should value not only them taste qualities, but also take them into account energy value, chemical composition, diversity and environmental safety. The time and duration of meals, as well as the intervals between them, also have great importance in power mode. Only a reasonable diet provides good absorption food and normal metabolism, and, consequently, coordinated work gastrointestinal tract, without interruptions and overloads. As a result, we will feel good.

From the history of food intake

For centuries, all peoples of the world have had a special relationship with food. Most of the rituals and rules common among different nations, which have developed over thousands of years, lead to a healthy, orderly diet without hustle and bustle, and protect digestion from neglect.

In Russian peasant families, the dining table itself was considered a sacred object. In the old days they said that in a hut the table is like the throne in a church, therefore, one had to behave at the table as decently as in the temple of God.

Remember the examples from literary works, from films and plays that clearly showed us the meal of a Russian family: the head of the family is at the head of the table, everyone sits decorously in their places and waits for blessings for the meal.

You couldn't put anything on the table. Climbing onto it was considered blasphemy, and allowing a child, much less a cat or chicken, on the table was a violation of the foundations.

The stern northerners were sure that the table was an open palm, and knocking on the table or hitting it with your fist was considered a great sin.

In Rus' it was not allowed to scold food. In the code of laws and regulations "Domostroya" it was said that the dignity of food depends not only on the skill of the one who prepared it, but also on the behavior of all participants in the feast: “If they eat in reverence, if they have proper conversations, then the food and drink will be sweet, but if they scold the dishes, then the food will become garbage.”. That is why they thanked God, not the hostess, for a delicious meal.

By folk beliefs any meal takes place in the presence of evil and good spirits. At first people are protected good spirits. If the diners swear and behave badly, then the good spirits become upset and leave the table. This is what the evil spirits need, which immediately make their way to the table. Oh, and these pranksters play tricks on people: they throw all sorts of nasty things into their food.

It was also explained by the presence at the table of all kinds of evil spirits, which, together with an ill-mannered person, participate in the meal. The eater only thinks that it is he who is emptying the plates, but in reality it is the same demons who are doing their tricks.

Well-mannered people, who had a respectful attitude toward prepared dishes, the meal itself, and respect for their companions, received pleasure and benefit from food.

A similar attitude towards food and eating can be traced among many other peoples. Some modern people It wouldn’t hurt to familiarize yourself with these simple rules.

For food to fulfill its main function, not only to bring pleasure to the taste, but also to serve as “fuel” for our body, protecting it from various ailments, you need to try to do words of wisdom ancient Greek philosopher Socrates "Eat to live, not live to eat" your guiding star. Then we won’t have to leaf through books and magazines, or ask friends in search of diets for losing weight or getting rid of diseases.

To be continued…

Hippocrates was right when he said: “You must eat to live, not live to eat.” Thanks to him World organization on health protection recommended that all inhabitants of the planet follow 12 principles of proper nutrition.

12 principles of proper nutrition from Hippocrates

1. It is advisable to replace animal products with plant products. This will bring variety to your diet.

2. Adhere to the principle: not a single meal should take place without vegetables and fruits. For balanced diet You must consume at least 400 g of fresh and clean vegetables per day.

3. Add to list essential products should include:

— grain crops;

- pasta;

- rice and potatoes;

4. It is advisable to keep your weight at a certain level. This requires frequent physical activity and a balanced diet.

5. In order not to cross the “fat bar”, which is 30% of the total calorie intake, include fish in your menu, olive oil and soft margarine.

Note: If you are interested in what nylon is, then.

6. It is better to replace fatty meat vegetable fat(beans, legumes and poultry) or lean meat.

7. For stable bowel function, consume dairy products. They are not only rich in vitamins, microelements and natural enzymes, but also enhance protective functions body.

These include:

- whey;

- yogurt;

8. Eliminate from your diet: refined sugar, sugary drinks and other sweets. They impair digestion, increase cholesterol and retain water in the body.

9. Only useful iodized salt and not always. Therefore, you should not consume more than 5 g of salt per day. Its content in other products is more than enough.

10. Pay attention to drinking alcoholic beverages. Thanks to them, you will earn a whole list of kidney problems. But even worse, you will lose your manhood.

11. Answers to questions from housewives.

— How to reduce the amount of fat in meat products?

Use heat treatment. Boil, bake or microwave.

— Why can’t you reheat food?

It is possible, but not recommended. With this approach, it disappears great amount nutrients, and harmful toxins appear. After a short period of time, you will feel pain in the intestines and liver. And they could be a sign acute diseases and cancer.

Do not overcook or overcook food. It is most important. Cook and simmer vegetables for 5 - 10 minutes. The exception is potatoes and beets.

12. Infants up to six months should be fed exclusively. mother's milk. Only then will your child be strong and healthy.

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A.S. Pushkin

Not having dinner is a sacred law for those who value light sleep most of all.

Don't put off until dinner what you can eat at lunch.


I eat to live, not live to eat.

The best seasoning for food is hunger.

Honore de Balzac

Great people have always been abstinent in food.

Benjamin Franklin

If you want to extend your life, shorten your meals.

Since people learned to cook food, they eat twice as much as nature requires.


No one should exceed the limit in food or nutrition.


Excess food interferes with the subtlety of the mind.

Abul Faraj

Moderation is an ally of nature and a guardian of health. So when you drink, when you eat, when you move, and even when you love, practice moderation.

Food that the body does not digest is eaten by the person who ate it. Therefore, eat in moderation.

Eating in abundance harms the body just as abundance of water harms crops.

It is better to not eat enough from time to time than to constantly overeat.

Ludwig Feuerbach

Everyone eats what he eats.

Marcus Tulius Cicero

We need to eat and drink so much that our strength is restored and not suppressed.

A. P. Chekhov

Having risen from the table hungry, you have eaten. If you get up after eating, you have overeaten. If you get up after overeating, you are poisoned.


I am surprised at the one who allowed distorted forms of dead bodies on his table and demanded for his daily nutrition what so recently were creatures gifted with movement, understanding and voice.

Addison Joseph

When I see tables covered with so many dishes, it seems to me that gout, dropsy, fever and many other diseases are hiding behind each of them, as if in ambush.

Bernard Show

Animals are my friends, but I don't eat my friends.

All the doctors who tormented me, claiming that I could not live without meat, have already died.

It is monstrous to eat the scorched corpses of animals - after all, this is cannibalism without the most delicious dish.

Why are you holding me accountable just because I choose to eat modestly? You should have done this sooner if I had grown fat on the burnt corpses of animals.

Mahatma Gandhi

I am convinced that if we strive for spiritual self-improvement, we must stop killing our lesser brothers to satisfy our physical needs.

Leonardo Da Vinci

It is true that man is the king of animals. In his cruelty he surpasses them. We live off the death of others. We're just a walking cemetery. WITH early childhood I gave up eating meat. The time will come when man will view the killing of animals in the same way as he now views the killing of humans.

Lev Tolstoy

Those who feed on the corpses of killed animals get the worst from them.

From killing an animal to killing a person is one step.


Neither satiety, nor hunger, nor anything else is good if you exceed the measure of nature.

F. La Rochefoucauld



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