Potassium salt is a tasty source of health and longevity. Harm, benefits of salt and its types

Salt - NaCl- this is the most important food product part of all body fluids, involved in maintaining acid-base balance and water-salt metabolism a, forming hydrochloric acid gastric juice. Sodium and chloride ions are essential for life, so to say that salt is “white poison” would be unwise. Table salt is completely excluded from the diet only in the case of edema, kidney disease, and lipid metabolism disorders.

Table salt consumption rate for an adult man it is 5-6 grams per day, the volume is slightly more than half a teaspoon. For older people, 2 grams is enough. The problem is that the average person consumes 10 or even 20 times more salt than they need. Everyone should know that everything raw foods food, ready-made meals contain salt, especially a lot of salt in semi-finished and ready-made meals. Therefore, the problem of limiting salt in the diet is important.

The other side of the coin is that some chemical elements in our body are sorely lacking; in case of their deficiency, the latter are often added to salt. Thus, residents of almost all regions of Russia experience a deficiency natural iodine, That's why industrially make iodized salt, adding a few thousandths of a percent potassium iodide to table salt. Eating iodized salt prevents the development of goiter thyroid gland and improves immunity. Sometimes fluoride is added to salt, which is important for teeth.

How can you reduce the harm caused by excessive salt consumption?

Researchers have developed special dietary salt mixtures that contain a very small proportion of table salt and include potassium or calcium salts such as potassium formate or calcium formate. At arterial hypertension, atherosclerosis, kidney disease, obesity, in middle and old age a salt-free diet is recommended, and these savory mixtures can be used. The results of numerous studies have shown that blood pressure decreases significantly after limiting salt intake, after which dose reduction is possible antihypertensive drugs. The effect of a persistent reduction in blood pressure is quite persistent, so a salt-free diet should be recommended in complex treatment hypertension. Older people are more likely to suffer from hypertension and are more sensitive to salt, so as you age, you should avoid salty foods. Giving up salt opens up many new, natural flavors in food!

About salt substitutes

Some people cannot quickly give up salt; in these cases, it is permissible to use salt substitutes that do not contain sodium ions, instead of which the substitutes contain potassium, calcium, magnesium salts of inorganic and organic acids. Table salt has preservative properties; salt substitutes do not have such properties, so it is useless to try to ferment cabbage or pickled cucumbers with them. A Russian person is unlikely to give up sauerkraut and pickled cucumbers, but many other vegetables, fruits, and berries do not have to be pickled; for example, they can be frozen, dried...

Domestic industry produces different kinds"safe salts" with low content sodium Salt substitutes that are allowedfor use in food production in Russia are listed in the table

Designation of “salt substitute additive”

Chemical name of salt

sodium formate

calcium formate, potassium formate

potassium lactate

calcium lactate

ammonium lactate

magnesium lactate

sodium tartrate

potassium tartrate

magnesium citrate

potassium chloride

ammonium chloride

potassium sulfates

glutamic acid

monocalcium glutamate

Magnesium glutamate

potassium sodium tartrate

calcium tartrate

monosodium glutamate 1-substituted

1-substituted ammonium glutamate

Some salt substitutes are harmful, and in large doses They are even toxic, so before using them, it is advisable to consult a doctor (they may be especially harmful in your particular situation). Such a dangerous salt substitute for the body is 1-substituted monosodium glutamate. What is known for sure is that it is even addictive, not to mention others unwanted effects. It is best to try to get used to the natural taste of food and simply reduce the use of table salt several times, and instead add more aromatic herbs, spices, red pepper, and lemon juice to your dishes.

Salt comes in different tastes, sizes, shapes, colors and degrees of salinity. It all really depends on where she comes from. It is impossible to cover all the many types of salt, but the editor of the “Food” section of The Village, Anna Maslovskaya, decided to look into the issue and classify the main ones.


Sea salt is extracted from sun-concentrated brine that forms in areas where salt water floods. It is scraped off, dried, and sometimes recrystallized. Another way to obtain sea salt is by freezing. Not evaporation of water, but room sea ​​water in the cold.

Sad salt is obtained in a similar way to sea salt: by evaporating water from underground salt springs or by evaporating water in salt marshes. In these places, salt water stagnates on the surface of the earth, but does not come from the sea, but from other sources.

Rock salt, also known as mineral salt, is mined in mines. It is formed due to the flow of saline sources or, for example, in the place of dried up seas. Until recently, along with boiled sea ​​salt, mineral was the most popular in the world.

Salt, depending on the method of its extraction, is then either ground or sifted. Thus, they divide it by caliber: from small to large.

Fine table salt

She's the same table salt. As a rule, it is of stone or cage origin. The second option is considered the cleanest. It is obtained by repeated recrystallization of brine and, apart from salt, contains little in itself - white table salt has a purity of at least 97%. While stone can contain a significant amount of impurities that affect the taste. When sifting it, you can find microscopic pieces of clay and stones. In Russia, the largest places for producing table salt are Lake Baskunchak in the Astrakhan region and Lake Elton in the Volgograd region.

Table salt has the purest salty taste, this is both its advantage and disadvantage. The main advantage is that it allows you to accurately dose the amount during preparation. The downside is that its taste is flat and one-dimensional. Table salt is one of the cheapest types of salt, along with mineral salt.

Kosher salt

A special case of ordinary table salt. It differs in that the size of its granules is larger than that of ordinary salt, and the shape of the crystals is different. Not cubes, but granules, flat or pyramidal in shape, obtained thanks to special process evaporation. The shape makes it easier to feel the amount of salt with your fingers, which is why in America, where it is produced in large quantities, it has become an industry standard in professional kitchens. The taste is almost no different from ordinary table salt, but there is a nuance: it is never iodized.

Salt is called kosher because it is used for koshering meat, that is, rubbing the carcass to remove residual blood.

Rock salt

Iranian blue salt

Table edible rock salt, grind No. 1

This is a large family, most often the name of which refers to white table salt mined in a mine. For example, salt extracted from the Artyomovskoye deposit in Ukraine, the supply of which to Russia is now limited due to sanctions. As a rule, it is white, but sometimes has a slightly gray or yellowish tint. Salts with brighter impurities often acquire their own names. For example, black Himalayan salt, which will be discussed below. Rock salt is also used for technical purposes - for example, to salt a swimming pool or sprinkle a road.

Sea salt

Marine iodized salt from the Adriatic Sea

Hawaiian Sea Salt Black Lava

There are many types of it due to its origin. Since all seas have different chemical profiles, this is reflected in the taste and composition of the salt. Sometimes this salt is recrystallized to obtain pure table salt. Its value lies in the variety of tastes and the presence of additional impurities that enrich the taste.

Fleur de sel

Fleur de sel from Lake Reux

Swedish salt flakes

Flaked salt is highly valued by both chefs and ordinary consumers. Depending on its origin, it differs in shape, appearance, humidity and degree of salinity. Its traditional name is fleur de sel. As a rule, this is sea salt, the crystals of which grow on the edges of the salt baths, in the process of slow evaporation of water they become overgrown with beautiful growths, which, as a rule, are collected by hand at a certain stage of growth. That is, from the same source you can get both coarse salt and salt flakes.

Salt is mined in the form of flakes in different places in the world, but there are three most famous deposits: salt from the French island of Reux, Maldon salt from the south-east of England and salt mined from a large deposit in Portugal.

Maldon is a very famous fleur de sel salt, mined in the Maldon area of ​​Essex in south-east England since the late 19th century. It is correct to say “Maldon”, although “Maldon” has already taken root in Russia. Moldon salt - separately standing view salt, which differs from fleur de sel in that its crystals are larger, up to a centimeter. It is also slightly saltier than the classic fleur de sel. Being sea salt and having a shape in the form of flat crystals, it is delicate, creating pleasant sensations, exploding on the tongue with salty sparkles. This makes Moldon salt universal remedy for finishing dishes.

Black Himalayan salt

Pink Himalayan salt

Coarsely ground mineral salt, the color of which is due to the presence of impurities potassium chloride and iron oxide. In total, salt contains about 5% of all kinds of impurities. It is used in hand mills to finish dishes, that is, not only for salting the dish, but also for decoration.

Pink Himalayan salt is mined in large blocks, which are then cut out, in the Punjab region, mainly in the troughs of the Himalayas, in Pakistan and India. Salt blocks are even used for interior work.

Pink Hawaiian salt

Sedimentary sea salt that was first collected in Hawaii. Now its main production takes place in California. The bright pink-brown color of medium-sized salt crystals is given by clay inclusions. Expensive product, slightly iron taste. According to some reports, it is considered especially useful. But what you can’t argue with is that it’s beautiful, which makes it ideal for serving dishes.

Interesting fact

In foreign literature, the term “pink salt” means special product based on salt with the addition of sodium nitrite, used for the production of meat products.

Flavored salts

Black Thursday salt

There are many types of aromatic salts, and all of them are invented and made by man. Such salt can be of any origin, the main thing in it is the combination of two functions: salting a dish with its flavoring. To do this, additives are placed in the salt or the necessary manipulations are performed on the salt itself, for example, smoking. Additives can be anything: flowers, spices, herbs, berries and even wine.

Thursday salt stands apart on this list because it is the result of rather complex manipulations. Initially, this salt was ritual (like pink Hawaiian salt), but now it is more often used because of its unusual taste. This salt is prepared as follows: table salt is mixed in equal proportions with kvass grounds or rye bread, soaked in water; they put it in the oven (sometimes burying it in ashes), oven, or heat it in a frying pan. Afterwards, the monolithic piece is split and pounded in a mortar.

Interesting fact

Charcoal salt is used in many culinary traditions, such as in Japan and Korea. Just like the Thursday one, it is made by human hands. A similar example from Korea is bamboo salt: mOrsk salt is literally baked in bamboo.

Do you know that World organization does health care recommend consuming at least 3.5 g every day? To do this, you need to eat potassium-rich foods such as dried apricots (200-300g), bananas (5-6 pieces) or 600g of greens every day.

Do we get the right amount of POTASSIUM every day?

Even if we take into account that potassium is contained in potatoes, we do not eat them every day in an amount that can provide us with the norm of potassium, especially since almost all the potassium leaves with the water that we drain during the cooking process.
Many people mistakenly believe that by eating fresh greens over the summer, they provide their body with essential microelements for the whole year. The fact is that potassium does not accumulate in the body (!!!), and therefore must be supplied to it with food every day.

As doctors have proven, if you consume less than 3.5 g of potassium per day, you increase the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases by 20-30%. They say that if you high blood pressure, you can normalize it by increasing your potassium intake and decreasing your sodium intake.

Ukraine today ranks first in the number of deaths both from cardiovascular diseases and in the number of deaths from excess salt consumption. We don't get enough potassium and eat too much regular salt (sodium chloride).

Valuable Finnish experience

During the Finnish experimental population health project “North Karelia”, which was carried out for 30 years, an important pattern was found. Reducing regular salt intake by 30% and increasing potassium intake reduced mortality from cardiovascular diseases by 7 times and increased life expectancy by 13 years. It was after the success of the North Karelia project that Finland began to turn from the most endangered country in the world into a country with the healthiest population.

Since the 70s in Finland, and later in all developed countries of Europe, healthy table salt has appeared, consisting of a mixture of natural potassium and sodium salts. Such mixtures taste qualities- do not differ from ordinary salt, but for the healthy functioning of the body they are balanced in the correct proportion.

And we have?

There is a similar domestically produced salt on the Ukrainian market - SOLENA. It is a valuable source of POTASSIUM - like Finnish salt, it contains 30% POTASSIUM salt, a natural mineral vital for the body.

Also in the SOLENA series of salts there are salts enriched with MAGNESIUM, SELENIUM, CHROME AND ZINC, intended for those who control blood sugar levels.

In all advanced countries of the world, salt mixtures with POTASSIUM are offered in stores. For example, in Poland such mixtures are offered from 4 different manufacturers.

It’s everyone’s job to take care of their health, especially in our difficult economic times.

Replacing regular salt in your diet with salt mixtures with POTASSIUM and microelements will help improve your health.
Be healthy, live long and happily!

The fact that salt is evil for the body was first discussed in the 70s of the last century. Despite the fact that not a single prepared dish is complete without this wonderful spice, scientists have come to the conclusion that it is the increased consumption sodium chloride(NaCl) causes hypertension and increases the risk of cardiovascular disease by 10 times! But how can you live without salt if food without it seems bland and completely tasteless?

However, not everything is so simple. Research conducted by scientists in the 21st century suggests a completely opposite effect of salt on human health. So latest research Scientists from Albert Einstein College in New York show that people who eat a low sodium chloride diet for more than five years are 37% more likely to die from cardiovascular disease! Moreover, after studying the dietary habits of more than 7,000 Europeans for 13 years, Dutch scientists concluded that a person who consumes less than 2.4 g of NaCl per day is much more likely to die from stroke, heart attack and other cardiovascular diseases. than a person who consumes salt normally.

But why are the studies so contradictory and how can we figure out whether our body needs salt or not?

In fact, a crystalline mineral called sodium chlorine (table salt) is simply necessary for our body to normal life. Sodium (Na) and chlorine (Cl) are two important chemical element, which perform important functions by transfer nerve impulses brain. That is why it is simply unreasonable to refuse salt! Another thing is that not every salt benefits the body.

Harm of table salt

It turns out that the most harmful salt, with which all troubles are connected of cardio-vascular system, is the well-known table salt! This is a refined product in which, after the purification process, only sodium and chlorine remain, but are completely absent necessary for the body electrolytes and trace elements. Such a product not only does not bring benefits, but becomes alien to the body. Moreover, the body perceives white salt like poison, trying to get rid of it as quickly as possible. It is the regular consumption of table salt that provokes:

  • increased blood pressure;
  • development of gout, arthritis and cellulite;
  • the appearance of stones in the kidneys and bladder.

But is there an alternative to this most common spice in the world? Of course there is! There are several varieties of salt in the world, which in their own way chemical composition much more beneficial for our body and they should be used to replace our favorite white salt.

How can you replace table salt?

1. Sea salt

When it comes to an alternative to white table salt, the first thing that comes to mind is. However, it’s worth warning right away that this is not at all the product that you and I purchase in stores for special occasions. cosmetic procedures. This “sea salt” is, in fact, nothing more than a commercial ploy, because it is obtained by evaporating sea water, as a result of which all the salt crystals evaporate useful material. This product is practically no different from the familiar table salt.

Real sea salt, which is dried in natural conditions, under the scorching rays of the sun, it looks like slightly grayish, large and slightly damp crystals. But the main charm of this salt lies in its composition. It is so unique that scientists still cannot develop its analogue. There is iodine and potassium, magnesium and iron, zinc and selenium, as well as many other equally valuable elements that are designed to support heart function, promote the process of hematopoiesis and protect against the appearance of endocrine diseases. This salt can not only be added to food, but also used to combat diseases of bones and organs. respiratory system, with poisoning and fungal skin infections.

However, when using sea salt, it is worth keeping in mind that due to severe pollution of the world's oceans, this product may contain particles heavy metals, like lead, which is extremely hazardous to health. Therefore, choose only a natural product, for example, Epsom salt “Maldon Salt” or French “Celtic sea salt”.

2. Himalayan pink salt

Only the deaf have never heard of the miraculous Himalayan salt. This unique gift nature has become incredibly popular in our country, and there is a reasonable explanation for this. Pink salt appeared millions of years ago at the foot of the Himalayas, where there once was an ocean. Deposits of sea salt, mixed with magma emerging to the surface, led to the emergence of a truly unique product, enriched big amount microelements. Modern scientists talk about 84 valuable substances, present in pink salt! Can it be compared with table salt, which contains only 2 microelements? is a generous source of potassium and magnesium, copper and calcium, iodine, as well as iron, which gives the crystals a pleasant pink color.

We can talk endlessly about the benefits of Himalayan salt. It removes waste and toxins from the body, restores water-salt metabolism, improves lymph and blood circulation, promotes rejuvenation of the body, eliminates joint pain, improves brain function and balances psychological condition. This salt is a real godsend for humans, because it helps cure more than 100 diseases! Moreover, she has pleasant taste, although many may be confused by the smell emanating from pink salt " rotten eggs» appearing due to great content sulfur. However, during cooking the smell quickly disappears.

The disadvantage of Himalayan salt is that it high price, which is explained by the need to extract pink crystals by hand from the deep salt caves of Pakistan.

3. Black salt

Underneath this strange name refers to Indian volcanic salt “Kala Namak”. This rock salt has earned incredible popularity among local population and has been mentioned more than once in Ayurveda as a treatment various diseases. Large black salt crystals are very similar in composition to Himalayan salt, because they can also boast of content large quantity minerals and a similar sulfur smell. In addition, Indian salt contains less sodium and chlorine than table salt, which is why its taste is less salty. By the way, this salt is very popular among vegetarians and vegans. According to some gourmets, adding black salt to prepared dishes can imitate the taste chicken egg. Although, to be fair, let’s say that adding black salt to food will give the dish a persistent smell of rotten eggs, which not everyone will like.

Stopping at beneficial properties black volcanic salt needs to be particularly emphasized in its ability to fight constipation, eliminate heartburn, bloating and other stomach disorders, improve blood circulation and maintain normal blood pressure levels. In this regard, Indian black salt is the complete opposite of white table salt.

You can buy black Indian salt in large supermarkets, in healthy food departments, or order this useful product through the Internet. It is true that the decisive factor here is the price, which for some people may seem extremely high.

4. Red Hawaiian salt

This is another one unique product from the distant Hawaiian coast. Hawaiian red salt is sea salt mixed with red pollen from volcanic clay, which gives it its characteristic reddish hue. This combination of sea crystals with elements of volcanic rock made it possible to obtain an incredibly useful product for our body, which, in addition to large amounts of iodine and iron, which help cope with thyroid pathologies and anemia, contains magnesium and selenium, sulfur, zinc and potassium. Thanks to valuable composition It is recommended to use this salt to maintain the water-salt balance in the body, to strengthen the immune system, cleanse the body of toxins, and also to treat diseases of the biliary tract, liver and kidneys.

In supermarkets in our country you can find red Hawaiian salt of the Alaea Hawaiian Sea Salt brand, which has a mild and unusual sweetish taste. And although in most cases this salt is used for decorative purposes, it is successfully used as a seasoning for meat and fish dishes, various soups, grills and roasts. In addition, you can safely season vegetable salads with this product.

5. Persian blue salt

This is a rare type of salt, which differs from its “brothers” in its noble bluish color. Essentially, it is natural rock salt, with high content minerals, which is manually mined in salt caves Iran. The taste of blue salt is delicate and pleasant, and it also has an exquisite aroma. The peculiarity of blue salt is that its taste does not appear immediately, but is revealed gradually. Initially, you feel a subtle taste of salt, which gradually becomes more intense, and then you feel a soft aftertaste. Thanks to this feature, this gift of nature is used to prepare the most gourmet dishes in the best restaurants in the world. For example, Persian blue salt is used to prepare marbled meat, truffles, foie gras, and various seafood. However, having purchased such a product, you can use it to prepare any food.

Needless to say, extracted from the salt layers of the ancient sea, blue salt has incredible health benefits. In this sense, it can easily compete with pink Himalayan or black rock salt from India. And if the price doesn’t bother you, be sure to replace table salt with this Persian gift of nature.

In addition, we will only say that no matter how useful salt is, abusing it is fraught with harm to your own body. This is especially worth remembering fat people, those who suffer from hypertension or have heart disease. It is important to understand that salt human body receives from food products, for example, with cheese and herbs, bread and corn flakes, tuna and sauerkraut. The amount of salt you use in cooking should not exceed 2.4 g per day, which is equal to one teaspoon. This is the optimal level of sodium chloride consumption that will not cause harm to health. Eat healthy!

Mass passion for programs healthy eating And increased attention to your own health, of course, makes you happy. Nevertheless, it brings with it the emergence of many misconceptions and myths, as well as the emergence of new components to replace the usual ones. One of them is potassium chloride in the composition of salt, which has been actively used in combination with sodium chloride. The additive can be found in many products, including salt. This substance is used in salt with a reduced amount of sodium to avoid water retention in the body, lowering blood pressure. As a part of salt, it generally has a positive effect on health.

Potassium chloride in Food Industry It is used as a gelling agent, as an additive for obtaining salt with a reduced sodium content, and in medicine - as a drug to strengthen the heart muscle. There are no carcinogenic properties. Completely safe.

Potassium chloride in salt: effects on health

In the composition of salt, manufacturers only partially replace sodium chloride with potassium chloride. For example, among the products of TM Salute di Mare there is one in which the substitution is 30%. Even such a reduction in the amount of sodium can have a beneficial effect on human health. First of all, this is good news for those who are bothered by high arterial pressure and swelling. Also, salt with a reduced amount of sodium is a godsend for people who decide to limit its consumption and stick to a diet.

Interesting fact! Potassium chloride is used in the prevention of arrhythmia in patients with acute heart attack myocardium.

The human body needs potassium and sodium salts daily. They are the ones responsible for regulation. water balance, strengthening cell walls and reducing heart rate.

Benefit or harm?

If you take a trip through online forums, you can learn a lot of new things. Particularly impressive is the amount of categorical stupidity about the harm that potassium chloride causes to the body. If you consult with specialists, they will tell you - use according to the manufacturer’s instructions and there will only be benefits for the heart.

The amount of salt intake must be constantly monitored. Qualified nutritionists and doctors recommend not adding additional salt to dishes, as this leads to excess daily value this product.

Speaking specifically about potassium chloride, this is one of the safest additives in the food industry. Especially any negative impact Salt can be avoided simply by controlling the amount of it in your dishes. This supplement is approved and recognized as safe throughout the world. In addition, researchers have long established that the use of potassium chloride can normalize acid-base balance. It also has a positive effect on nervous system human, helping to improve the conduction of nerve impulses and heart function.

What to choose?

Doctors generally advise reducing salt consumption, but without it, dishes generally become bland and there is little pleasure from eating such food. Sea salt with reduced sodium content TM Salute di Mare can help you! First of all, it is affordable, safe and beneficial for your heart muscle. The salty taste remained unchanged, and 30% of the sodium salts were replaced with potassium. This way you use salt to your advantage, prevent the onset of hypertension and do not change your taste preferences!

What to choose is up to the consumer. The main thing to remember is that in daily diet According to WHO recommendations, there should be no more than 5 g of salt. This is the amount that is considered sufficient. Although no more is needed, this is quite enough to make the dish tasty, emphasizing the characteristics of each of the ingredients.

The choice based on a complete understanding of the composition cannot be wrong. Especially if you choose among the products of TM Salute di Mare, because each of them is 100% natural. If you want dietary salt and strengthen your heart function, then opt for reduced sodium sea salt! If it's simple enough for you natural product, extracted naturally, with minimal processing and a complex of sea minerals - then the choice is only in packaging that is convenient for you!

Salt for your health with natural sea salt TM Salute di Mare and be healthy!



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