Meal schedule for Lent. Fish baked in foil

  1. Cold chicken eggs Divide into whites and yolks. Place the container with the whites in the refrigerator.
  2. Into the first whisking glass egg yolks add granulated sugar and vanilla (you can use vanilla sugar).

  3. Beat the yolks at low speed until the mass has significantly increased in volume and lightened in color. Approximate time beating the yolks – 2 minutes.

  4. Pour the cooled protein into a second glass (or another deep container). Beat the egg whites at low speed at first, gradually increasing the speed. Beat to “hard peaks” - the protein mass is fluffy, shiny and holds its shape. The approximate time for working with proteins is 2 minutes.

  5. The photo clearly shows that when beating with a mixer, the volume of the yolks increased by 2 times, the whites by 3-4 times.

  6. Place the beaten yolks into a bowl. Add sour cream, pour in olive oil or sunflower oil. Gently stir with a spatula in one direction.

  7. Add sifted flour. Thoroughly but gently mix the wet and dry parts until smooth.

  8. The end result is a dough like this: thick and creamy in consistency.

  9. Add the whipped whites to the dough in small portions, mixing in the air clouds in a circular motion from top to bottom.

  10. The dough is ready! It turned out very airy, tender and aromatic.

  11. Turn on the multi-baker. Wait until the green indicator lights up until it is fully heated. Open the gadget, lubricate the corrugated surfaces minimum quantity vegetable oil with a brush. Place two tablespoons of dough on each waffle. The dough can be leveled with a spoon, or it can be left in a heap. Cover with lid and lock.

  12. Advice: Feel free to use any electric waffle iron with the ability to bake thick waffles.

  13. Bake the products according to the instructions for about 3 minutes. Baking time depends on the appliance model. IN as a last resort, readiness can be checked visually by lifting the lid.

  14. Fold the slightly cooled waffles into a mound and sprinkle with powdered sugar.

  15. Before serving, add a spoonful of your favorite raspberry or strawberry jam. The sweet syrup will not spread, but will linger in the deep waffle honeycomb. Beautiful and very tasty!

The history of waffles goes back more than a thousand years. Viennese waffles appeared about 120 years ago and differ from ordinary ones in that the base of the waffles is not crispy, but resembles a soft sponge cake. The popularity of the dessert is due to its ease of preparation. Housewives prepare fluffy Viennese waffles in an electric waffle iron and serve them with sauces made from chocolate, berries, condensed milk or nuts.

Tender Viennese waffles are prepared for dessert, breakfast or snack. Viennese waffle dough is often used to make cake layers. There are many options for making Viennese waffles, but the basis is 4 dough recipes.

At children's parties, crispy waffles with ice cream or yogurt are very popular.

Classic recipe for Viennese waffles

To prepare fluffy, soft waffles, it is important to strictly follow the proportions and cooking sequence. This delicate dessert can be prepared for breakfast with any sauce.

Waffles cook very quickly. It will take 30 minutes to prepare 8 servings.


  • 100 gr. butter;
  • 250 gr. wheat flour;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 150 ml milk;
  • 2 tbsp. l. granulated sugar or powder;
  • 0.5 tsp. soda, quenched with vinegar or lemon juice.


  1. Melt butter in a steam bath. Add powdered sugar or sugar and beat until smooth and grain-free.
  2. Add the eggs to the butter and beat again until smooth.
  3. Pour in warm milk and add 200 gr. flour. Stir and add more flour if necessary.
  4. Add slaked soda to the dough and mix.
  5. Knead the dough until smooth and free of lumps and grains. The consistency should be similar to lightly whipped cream dripping from a spoon.
  6. Heat up an electric waffle iron and add 2 tablespoons per serving. Bake the waffles for 3-5 minutes until golden brown, making sure the waffles do not burn. Serve waffles with any sauce, fruit, ice cream or yogurt.

A simple recipe for fluffy Viennese waffles with sour cream will appeal to lovers of delicate desserts. A popular way to prepare waffles, you can use them as a base for cakes or pastries.


  • 250 gr. butter;
  • 300 gr. fat sour cream;
  • 1 cup of sugar;
  • 2 tbsp. l. starch;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 0.5 tsp. soda;
  • 1 cup flour;
  • a pinch of salt.


  1. Beat eggs with sugar until fluffy.
  2. Soften the butter and fold into the beaten eggs.
  3. Add sour cream and mix the dough thoroughly.
  4. Add flour and starch to the dough. Stir the dough until smooth. Make sure there are no lumps.
  5. Pour the dough into an electric waffle iron and bake for 5 minutes. Serve waffles with sour cream, whipped cream or ice cream.

This is a recipe for dietary Viennese waffles for lovers proper nutrition. A simple dessert recipe without eggs can be prepared at home during fasting and dieting. Suitable for people with lactose intolerance if using soy milk.

8 servings of waffles take 30 minutes to prepare.


  • 1 cup rye or oat flour;
  • 2 tbsp. l. olive oil;
  • 1 glass of soy milk;
  • 1 pinch of salt;
  • 1 tsp. baking powder;
  • a pinch of cinnamon and vanilla, if desired, for flavor;
  • stevia.


  1. Mix milk and olive oil in a container.
  2. Separately, mix flour, salt, baking powder, cinnamon and vanilla. Add stevia and stir ingredients.
  3. Combine the ingredients, stirring gently with a whisk.
  4. The dough should have the consistency of rich sour cream. If the dough structure is too dense, add a little warm water.
  5. Place the dough in a baking dish and bake for 4-5 minutes. Serve diet waffles with low-calorie fruit, such as sliced ​​kiwi.

Tender Viennese waffles with cottage cheese

Curd waffles turn out surprisingly tender. Dessert suitable for children's party, or for breakfast. Viennese waffles with cottage cheese are prepared quickly and are suitable for whipping up a dessert.

It will take 25-30 minutes to prepare 8 servings.


  • 3 tbsp. l. flour;
  • 250 gr. cottage cheese;
  • 2 large eggs;
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 1 tsp. baking powder;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • vegetable oil for baking;
  • vanilla to taste.


  1. Mash the cottage cheese with a fork.
  2. Mix cottage cheese with vanilla, salt, sugar and eggs.
  3. Add flour and baking powder to the curd mixture. Knead the dough until smooth.
  4. Grease the waffle iron vegetable oil.
  5. Place and distribute the batter evenly in the waffle iron.
  6. Bake waffles for 6-8 minutes until golden brown. Serve with chocolate sauce, fruit or nut butter.

This fast is comparable in duration to Lent, which occurs before Easter. However, during the Nativity Fast, fish and seafood are allowed on the menu, allowing for variety. daily diet, which is very good for health. So, let's look in detail at the daily nutrition calendar for the laity for the Nativity Fast 2018-2019.

  • When to start
  • Nutrition calendar by day
  • Useful tips

When to start

At the end of each year there is the Nativity Fast, as well as strict fast before Easter, it lasts for a day. In Orthodox rules it is also called the Fourth Day. According to the modern style, it begins on November 28 and ends on January 6, 2018.

Fact! The Nativity Fast ends on January 6th, and the holiday is celebrated at night from the sixth to the seventh. On this day, special decorations in churches most often include decorated Christmas trees or decorated pine branches.

Nutrition calendar by day

November 28 Wednesday – products without heat treatment;
November 29 Thursday – hot food without oil and fish;
November 30 Friday - food without thermal preparation;
December 1 Saturday – hot food without oil and fish allowed;
December 2 Sunday – hot dishes without oil and fish;
Monday, December 3 – hot dishes without oil and fish
December 4, Tuesday – hot dishes without oil and fish
December 5, Wednesday – food without thermal preparation;
December 6 Thursday – hot dishes without vegetables. oils and fish;
December 7 Friday – products without heat treatment;
December 8, Saturday – hot dishes without oil and fish;
December 9 Sunday – hot dishes, food without vegetables. oils and fish;
December 10, Monday – food without heat treatment;
December 11, Tuesday – hot dishes without vegetables. oils and fish;
December 12, Wednesday – food without thermal preparation;
December 13 Thursday – hot food without vegetables. oils and fish;
December 14 Friday – food without thermal preparation;
December 15 Saturday – hot food without oil and fish;
December 16 Sunday – hot dishes without vegetables. oils and fish;
December 17, Monday – food without thermal preparation;
December 18, Tuesday - hot dishes without oil and fish;
December 19, Wednesday – food without thermal preparation;
December 20 Thursday – hot dishes with vegetable oil;
December 21 Friday – food without thermal preparation;
December 22, Saturday – hot dishes without vegetable oil and fish;
December 23 Sunday – hot dishes without oil and fish;
December 24, Monday – hot dishes without vegetables. oils;
December 25, Tuesday – cooked dishes without oil;
December 26, Wednesday – products without heat treatment;
December 27 Thursday – cooked dishes with vegetable oil;
December 28 Friday – fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, honey;
December 29 Saturday – cooked dishes without oil and fish;
December 30 Sunday – cooked dishes without vegetable oil and fish;
December 31st Monday – hot dishes without vegetables. oils;
January 1, Tuesday – cooked meals, food without plants. oils;
Wednesday, January 2 – food without thermal preparation;
January 3 Thursday – cooked dishes without plants. oils;
January 4, Friday – products without heat treatment;
January 5 Saturday – hot dishes without vegetable oil and fish;
January 6 Christmas Eve – food without thermal preparation; During the Nativity Fast 2018 - 2019, according to the nutrition calendar for laity and monastics, after the appearance of the first star, you can eat festive dishes.

Important! In addition to following the Lenten menu, it is necessary, if possible, to refuse noisy companies, does not quarrel, does not offend loved ones and relatives, makes peace with warring people, and asks for forgiveness from those who were offended. By the end of Lent, it is important to find peace in your soul.

General rules of nutrition during the Nativity Fast

According to the charter of the church, on all days of the Nativity Fast it is forbidden to eat dishes and products for the preparation of which meat, eggs, and milk are used. You should also avoid ayran, kefir, sour cream, and yogurt. On days when cooking is allowed, soups are prepared at vegetable broth, porridge with water, salads from boiled vegetables, compotes and jelly. Sometimes fasting is allowed and not lean products. This applies to children, pregnant or breastfeeding women, and those who have various diseases. In these cases, you need to turn to your spiritual father or simply approach the priest in church.

To diversify the Lenten menu, products can be baked in the oven or on the grill, in which case even ordinary potatoes baked with dill or onions acquire a special taste;
During fasting, experts recommend drinking more plain food between meals. clean water;
do not overuse lean store-bought products such “ lean mayonnaise» contains protein powder of unknown origin, and the cookies contain a large amount palm oil;
if you are often hungry during fasting, try using more high-calorie foods: mushrooms, beans in pods, lentils, beans, flax seeds (for making porridge), and you can drink tea with halva.

Lent 2017 is the most important and oldest fast in Christianity. This is a difficult journey to the Resurrection of Christ, which the Orthodox laity must go through in strictness and restrictions. IN church calendar The period of Lent (from February 27 to April 15) is considered the most touching, instructive, kind and bright. The only darkening fact is a strict diet according to all the rules lean nutrition and abstinence from noisy worldly amusements. But having a daily and weekly diet calendar in your arsenal, it’s not difficult to adhere to the rules. During Lent 2017, food is quite meager and monotonous, so you can’t do without imagination, ingenuity and a table with tips. Lent 2017 - meals for Orthodox Christians by week

In the name of saving human souls, Christ spent 40 days in the desert in prayer and preparation for the great mission. Deprived of all food and strictly refusing the devil's temptations, the Son of God passed the test and safely returned to public service. Unfortunately, the Jewish high priests did not approve of the new religion and condemned Jesus to death as a false prophet. The next 7 calendar days after the execution were named Holy Week, and Great Day (Easter, Resurrection of Christ) turned into a bright ceremony in the name of the Savior, revered to this day.

Great Lent is a broad cycle that includes Lent and the seven days of Holy Week. Its main goal is to fill it with virtue and completely eradicate the negative manifestations of the human soul. Strict fasting includes not only proper nutrition for Orthodox Christians for weeks, but also unquestioning observance of all sacred commandments, refusal of entertainment and long, sincere prayers to the Almighty. In addition to food restrictions, spiritual abstinence should also be followed:

  • Refusal love pleasures And married couples, and unmarried people;
  • Ban on smoking, alcohol and narcotic substances;
  • Active Limit social life, entertainment, holiday celebrations, attending public events, trips and manifestations of laziness;
  • Complete control of emotions, abstinence from envy, aggression, anger, greed;
  • Strict observance of nutritional rules for Orthodox Christians by week and by day of Lent 2017.

Basic nutritional rules for the laity during Lent 2017

The rules of nutrition during Lent for the laity are contained in the liturgical charter - typikon. Orthodox clergy recommend adhering to the following recommendations:

  • First and last week it is worth observing the strictest fast with the minimum acceptable diet;
  • Any products of animal origin are strictly prohibited (meat, butter, milk, eggs, cottage cheese);
  • A fasting diet should consist of one meal per day. Saturday and Sunday are exceptions. On weekends you can eat twice: at lunch and in the evening;
  • On Monday, Wednesday and Friday, only cold food without vegetable oil is allowed. On Tuesday and Thursday - hot food without oil;
  • On Saturday and Sunday you can serve Lenten dishes with vegetable oil and grape wine;
  • On the last Friday of Lent ( Good Friday) eating is prohibited. If possible, you should also refuse to eat on Saturday the day before the Resurrection of Christ;
  • If the Annunciation Holy Mother of God falls not on Holy Week, it is allowed to eat lean fish.

Meals during Lent 2017 by day

Of course, a competent and reasonable approach to choosing nutrition during Lent 2017 contributes not only to the absence of hunger strikes, but also to a more or less varied diet. So, during the fasting period the following products are allowed:

  • Cereal bread and black bread;
  • Mushrooms different preparations(salted, pickled, boiled, baked without oil);
  • Cereals: rice, buckwheat, oatmeal, barley, wheat, corn;
  • Beans, peas, lentils;
  • Seasonal vegetables;
  • Fruit and berry jams, pickles and pickled vegetables;
  • Honey, nuts, dried fruits;
  • Seasonal fruits;
  • Fresh fish 2 times throughout Lent (on the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary and on Palm Sunday).

Depending on the week of fasting and the day of the week, foods should be raw (cold) or cooked (hot). For example, on Monday exclusively raw vegetables, bread, jam, etc., and on Tuesday - boiled potatoes with stewed cabbage no oil.

Nutrition during Lent 2017 for Orthodox laity for every day: how to choose foods for the diet

There are many interesting Lenten dishes suitable for proper nutrition during Lent 2017. But many of them need correct selection quality ingredients. Lenten food is not too rich in flavors, so it is better to select foods for the diet wisely and alternate regularly.

  • Vegetables. From the very beginning of fasting, it is allowed to eat any vegetables, including potatoes, carrots, beets, cabbage, eggplants, zucchini, onions, celery, tomatoes, cucumbers, bell peppers. Don't forget about winter salads and greens. By using herbs it's easier to make lean food more pronounced taste;
  • Cereals. As you know, porridge is an ideal source of protein. Diversify your lean diet peas and beans. Combined with vegetable stew and pickles, porridge will serve as an excellent lunch during Lent;
  • Fish and mushrooms. If fish is allowed in the diet only twice, then mushrooms can be eaten almost every day. They can replace meat and fill the body valuable vitamins and minerals;
  • Fruits. All types of fruits, seasonal and exotic, are allowed in Lenten menu. These include apples, pears, plums, citrus fruits, berries, grapes, etc. You can prepare sweet salads from fruits, cook compotes, squeeze fresh juice;
  • Sweets. Honey, sugar, and oatmeal cookies are acceptable as lean desserts. Sugared fruits, lollipops, kazinaki, dark chocolate. Some ingredients can be combined with each other, making your diet more varied. For example, chocolate covered berries, a salad of dried fruits, nuts and honey dressing, etc.;
  • Beverages. You can’t do without Lent delicious drinks. Tea, coffee, jelly, uzvar, pure cocoa or drinks on soy milk. On weekends, you can serve grape wine with dinner.

Lent 2017: nutrition calendar for every day

With the beginning of Lent, the way of life and thinking should change dramatically. It’s worth moderating your habits, putting aside revealing outfits and bright cosmetics, and postponing trips and entertainment events to a more appropriate period. the main objective 47 fast days– this is not only a modest diet, but also peace and peace of mind. You shouldn’t give in to the surrounding negativity, and it’s better to perceive difficulties and troubles as tests.

A high-quality nutrition calendar for every day greatly facilitates the process of fasting. It displays in detail everything that is acceptable and unacceptable for an Orthodox lay person. Following it, it is easy to create a diet and choose the appropriate lean food for each day.

We, in turn, offer you a diet for one week, depicting the rules of nutrition according to all canons:

  • First day (Monday) – you should abstain even from lean food;
  • Second day (Tuesday) – black bread, water, kvass;
  • Third day (Wednesday) – dry eating (fruits, vegetables, pickles, jams, bread);
  • The fourth day (Thursday) – continuation of dry food;
  • Fifth day (Friday) – fruits, vegetables, bread, non-alcoholic drinks, lean vegetables canned without oil;
  • Sixth day (Saturday) – Friday meals + grape juice+ a little vegetable oil;
  • Seventh day (Sunday) - lean boiled food with vegetable oil and grape wine;

Thousands of people began to perceive the beginning of Lent as a fashionable modern trend. After all, during this period you can lose a fair amount of weight and save money by adhering to a lean diet day by day. But for the true believers Orthodox laity- this is quiet peace, long prayer and inner contemplation, cleansing, deliverance from sins. During Lent, meals by day and by week certainly play out important role. But it is much more important, following a strict calendar and strict rules, to remain a balanced, kind and positive person.

The Nativity Fast 2017-2018 (see the article for the daily nutrition calendar) is dedicated to preparing for the celebration of the birth of Christ on January 7th.

Nowadays everything large quantity people turn to God. It is not at all necessary to strictly follow the church rules in order to feel His presence in your soul. Feel like an Orthodox part of a big Christendom- means to feel involved in a great culture, to realize the connection of times.

We all strive for peace. At the very basis of Christianity lies a feeling of love, for the sake of which the Great Teacher did not spare himself and was crucified in the name of the human race.

One of the most revered fasts in Orthodoxy was canonized in ancient times, described by John Chrysostom in the Old Testament.

In those old times the fast lasted only seven days, but since 1166 the Church of Constantinople made changes regarding its duration. Since then, the fast lasts 40 days and takes place annually at the same time, it begins on November 28 and ends on January 6.

A wide variety of foods that can be eaten during the Advent Fast

As all Orthodox Christians know, the Nativity Fast also has another name - the Fast of Philip. The fact is that the day of remembrance of this saint, one of the twelve disciples of Christ, falls exactly on November 27, i.e. just before the beginning of the Nativity Fast.

Since ancient times, church ministers have been concerned with ensuring that people correctly place life priorities and did not replace turning to God with other worldly joys. This is the main meaning of the established fast.

The imperfections of human nature plunge him into base passions and the fall that are destructive for himself.

During the Nativity Fast 2017-2018 you need to devote more time to prayers

Orthodoxy teaches that the soul should only have good feelings towards one’s neighbor, such as love, forgiveness and compassion. You cannot create idols and fetishes for yourself; there is only God, with whom nothing in this life can compare.

The Nativity Fast 2017 - 2018 (and the daily nutrition calendar) was established by the church in order to realize the power of the approaching event, the Nativity of Christ. It is for this that you need to prepare yourself, cleanse both body and soul from filth and sinful thoughts.

The concept of sin was introduced into the Orthodox good and peace-loving religion not at all in order to punish a person for anything, but only in order to save him from imminent death. After all, excessive consumption of food, anger, envy, hatred, adultery, recognized by the church not just as a sin, but as a mortal sin, destroy a person. We are well aware of the numerous diseases associated with this and base feelings that lead to premature death.

Modern man, unlike ancient people, is aware harmful influence the above sins and still often cannot cope with them. Orthodoxy comes to his aid, calling him to come to his senses, look inside himself, cleanse himself and become truly happy and a free man, who knows no vices.

General rules of nutrition on fasting days

As you know, the Nativity Fast in 2017-2018 is not as strict as Great Lent; in addition, the church makes concessions for the laity and sets completely different nutritional standards compared to church ones.

If you look at dietary restrictions in general outline, then this will be a refusal of animal products: meat, milk, eggs, etc.

If you decide not to strictly adhere to the nutritional standards established by the church for the Nativity Fast, you must ask permission from your confessor, giving him good reasons.

The clergy try not to burden too much modern man, with its many problems, excessive strictness in compliance food standards. On the contrary, for beginners or weakened people, concessions are readily given.

When observing the Nativity Fast and following the nutritional calendar, you need to be careful. A sudden transition to a low-calorie diet for 40 days can seriously harm the body.

If a person feels unwell while fasting, then his desire to observe the Nativity Fast 2017-2018, with an established daily nutrition calendar, will be in vain. With such a development of events, a person, especially a beginner, may waver in faith, so the church tries to support such people by giving them relief.

It should be noted that the most stringent restrictions are imposed on the days of fasting on Wednesday and Friday. For the Orthodox, these are special days, the day of betrayal and the day of the crucifixion of Christ, therefore, even outside of fasting on these days, more modest things are prescribed. eating behavior and cancellation of entertainment events.

To make it easier for you to maintain dietary restrictions during the Nativity Fast without harming your health, you need to follow some tips:

  • at the beginning of fasting, some relaxation is necessary, which later, when the body gets used to such a diet, can be removed, and you will continue to fast general norms for the laity;
  • given the unusual reduction in caloric intake for such a long time for the body, it is necessary to slightly increase the amount of food at one time;
  • You can increase not the amount of food, but the frequency of food intake, for example, every two hours;
  • Have regular snacks with fruits and vegetable salads;
  • drink more clean, unboiled water, without replacing it with juices and compotes.

During the Nativity Fast 2017-2018 (with its daily nutrition calendar) you should not try to outwit the Lord himself and use animal product substitutes that the industry offers in large quantities. Avoid consuming milk, meats made from soy, as well as mayonnaise and other “lean” foods that can harm your health.

The most correct way would be to eat simple traditional foods, for example:

  • legumes (lentils, peas, beans), especially since these products are the supplier vegetable protein, similar in composition to meat;
  • vegetables, especially eggplants, in addition, all types of cabbage and other vegetables;
  • mushrooms, but not pickled, but fresh or dried;
  • fruits and dried fruits;
  • cereals should definitely be consumed daily;
  • fish and other seafood;
  • vegetable oil;
  • homemade bread.

Meals according to fasting days

As already mentioned, the Nativity fast is not strict, and it is quite possible to endure it, and even receive health benefits.

The general requirements for creating a menu for each day are as follows:

  • from November 28 to December 19. During this period of fasting, on Mondays you can eat hot food, but without adding oil - this can be porridge and soups. On Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays - hot food, during the day you can add fish or seafood. Wednesday, Friday – dry food;
  • from December 20 to January 1. On Monday, Tuesday, Thursday - hot food without oil. The previously allowed intake of fish on Tuesday and Thursday is canceled, but on these days you can eat hot food with butter. Wednesday, Friday – dry food. Saturday, Sunday – hot food without oil, fish or seafood;
  • January 2 to January 5. The strictest period of the Nativity Fast 2017 - 2018, you should adhere to the daily nutrition calendar. So, Monday, Wednesday and Friday are dry food. On Tuesday and Thursday, hot food without oil is allowed. On Saturday and Sunday - hot food without oil.

As for Christmas Eve, January 6, you will have to abstain from eating for the whole day and only after the appearance of the first star is it possible to taste kutia or sochivo, this is a dish of boiled rice or wheat with the addition of honey and dried fruits.

Separately, you should pay attention to what you eat on dry eating days.

Dry eating means eating food that does not require cooking over fire, which does not mean refusing to drink liquids, as many people think.

On dry eating days, you can eat vegetable salads without oil, fruits, dried fruits, honey, nuts, bran, and flat cakes instead of bread.

Meals according to calendar days of fasting

For the convenience of familiarizing yourself with what can be consumed on each specific day of the Nativity Fast, we will describe the nutrition in more detail:

  • November 28, Tuesday – in addition to hot food without oil, you can eat fish;
  • November 29 Wednesday – dry eating;
  • November 30 Thursday - hot food without oil and fish;
  • December 1st Friday – dry eating;
  • December 2 Saturday – hot food without oil and fish allowed;
  • December 3 Sunday – hot food without oil and fish;
  • December 4, Monday, the feast day of the Entry of the Mother of God into the temple - hot food without oil and fish;
  • December 5, Tuesday – hot food without oil and fish;
  • December 6 Wednesday – dry eating;
  • December 7 Thursday – hot food without oil and fish;
  • December 8 Friday – dry eating;
  • December 9 Saturday – hot food without oil and fish;
  • December 10 Sunday – hot food without oil and fish;
  • December 11 Monday – dry eating;
  • December 12, Tuesday – hot food without oil and fish;
  • December 13 Wednesday – dry eating;
  • December 14 Thursday – hot food without oil and fish;
  • December 15 Friday – dry eating;
  • December 16 Saturday – hot food without oil and fish;
  • December 17 Sunday – hot food without oil and fish;
  • December 18 Monday – dry eating;
  • December 19, Tuesday, the memorial day of St. Nicholas - for the Nativity Fast 2017 - 2018 according to the nutrition calendar by day, hot food without oil and fish are allowed;
  • December 20 Wednesday – dry eating;
  • December 21 Thursday – hot food with butter;
  • December 22 Friday – dry eating;
  • December 23 Saturday – hot food without mala and fish;
  • December 24 Sunday – hot food without oil and fish;
  • December 25, Monday – hot food without oil;
  • December 26, Tuesday – hot food without oil;
  • December 27 Wednesday – dry eating;
  • December 28 Thursday – hot food with butter;
  • December 29 Friday – dry eating;
  • December 30 Saturday – hot food without oil and fish;
  • December 31 Sunday – hot food without oil and fish;
  • January 1, Monday – hot food without oil;
  • January 2 Tuesday – hot food without oil;
  • January 3 Wednesday – dry eating;
  • January 4 Thursday – hot food without oil;
  • January 5 Friday – dry eating;
  • January 6 Christmas Eve – dry eating. For the Nativity Fast 2017 - 2018, according to the daily food calendar, kutya is allowed in the evening, after the appearance of the first star.

If you are not too closely connected with the church, but are a believer and want to join the Nativity fast, then you can only adhere to the meal schedule described above.

The main thing is not to forget to pray intensely these days, and not allow yourself to fall into a sinful state.

Prayers during the Nativity Fast are the main activity for believers

Sample menu for fasting days

During the Nativity Fast, it is necessary Special attention pay attention to variety and balance in your diet. From this important internal work depends not only on successful fasting, but also on maintaining your health.

Chowder and salad are the main dishes of the menu for the Nativity Fast

On days when hot food is allowed (butter is added only on allowed days), you can create the following menu:

  • breakfast. Dried fruits, porridge from any cereal crops with the addition of a small amount of jam or honey, a handful of nuts, tea;
  • dinner. Salad from any vegetables, legume soup with vegetables, bread, compote;
  • afternoon tea Any fruit, bread, water;
  • dinner. Boiled vegetables (potatoes, pumpkin, turnips, carrots, parsnips, beets), tea.

Recipes for some Lenten dishes

Some beginners don't even realize how lean dishes made from... simple products for the Nativity Fast 2017-2018, can be tasty and also incredibly healthy.

Flaxseed flour bread:


  • flaxseed flour – 200 g;
  • semolina – 100 g;
  • salt, sugar - to taste;
  • water.


Mix the dry ingredients with salt and sugar, add water and knead into a loose dough, let stand for half an hour. After the dough has rested, we form a flat cake 3–4 cm thick and place it on a very hot frying pan, without adding oil. Immediately reduce the heat to low and close the lid, after 7 minutes turn the cake over flaxseed flour to the other side, and keep covered over low heat for another five minutes.

We cover the finished flatbread so that the crust becomes limp; we use it during the Nativity Fast 2017-2018, according to the daily nutrition calendar, as bread, and also as a tasty and healthy pastry not only on fasting days.


  • lentils – 150 g;
  • onion – 1 head;
  • carrots – 1 pc.;
  • champignons – 200 g;
  • greenery;
  • olive oil for serving;
  • salt;
  • garlic for serving.

On days when oil is not allowed and you strictly adhere to the church's dietary guidelines for fasting days, this ingredient can be omitted.


Place the lentils in a container and add two liters of water, close the lid and put on fire. While the water is boiling, prepare the vegetables, peel and finely chop them, add to the boiling water.

When the water boils again, add salt, reduce heat and cook until the lentils are soft, about 20 minutes. Place into serving bowls, add chopped herbs, finely grated garlic, and olive oil to each.


The ingredients for this delicacy on fasting days can be varied to create your own recipe, using our recipe as an idea.

To get the most delicious and healthy dessert mix sesame seeds crushed in a coffee grinder, cereals, thoroughly washed and finely chopped dried apricots, honey.

From the resulting mass we make bars or one large bar and feast on it, raising our spirits and recharging ourselves with energy for the continuation of the Nativity Fast 2017-2018, with its daily nutrition calendar.



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