« Bear disease" V official medicine called irritable bowel syndrome. This is a psychosomatic intestinal disorder in which neuro-emotional stress provokes the appearance of a sharp, uncontrollable urge to defecate with the release of liquefied stool. The syndrome got its name because of its resemblance to the characteristic behavior of a frightened bear. When a sleeping animal is raised from its den during a winter hunt, it develops acute diarrhea during a stampede.

Symptoms of "bear disease"

Irritable bowel syndrome is characterized by the presence of stress-related intestinal disorder for a total duration of approximately 10–12 weeks throughout the year. “Bear disease” is manifested by acute diarrhea with an urgent urge to evacuate and flatulence. In this case, the release of liquid or pasty stool mixed with mucus occurs at least 3 times a day. Bowel movements are preceded by pain and discomfort in the abdomen, which disappear after defecation.

Causes of Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Psycho-emotional stress. Internal conflicts, change usual way of life, unresolved problems and fears form internal tension, which affects the functioning of the whole organism.

Taking laxatives and abuse of enemas. Such actions lead to regular overstimulation of baro- and chemoreceptors intestinal wall. Gradually, there is a significant decrease in their sensitivity to natural internal stimuli.

Intestinal dysbiosis. Some conditions contribute to the maintenance of an already existing disease. Against the background of repeated episodes of diarrhea, intestinal dysbiosis forms. This leads to metabolic disorders bile acids and changes the intestinal digestion of carbohydrates. As a result of such disorders, motor skills change digestive system. Breeding pathogenic bacteria release toxins that irritate the intestinal wall.

Ignoring the urge to defecate. One of the main psychophysiological aspects is ignoring the urge to defecate. This leads to suppression, and then complete loss normal reflex. The reasons for the phenomenon are varied: business trips, morning rush, poor toilet, travel, shyness (which is especially typical for children's groups), etc.

Character and rhythm of nutrition. The disease is caused by physical inactivity, excess of refined foods and lack of dietary fiber in the diet, sedentary work, leading to stagnation in the pelvic organs.

Why do students often suffer from bear disease?

The manifestation of “bear disease” is closely related to the presence stressful situations or negative emotions. Test and examination weeks at universities create a pronounced nervous tension. Increased mental load often supplemented by lack of sleep and changes in daily routine. In such a situation there arises acute reaction the body to stress, the development of neurotic and psychosomatic conditions is possible. All this is reflected in the functioning of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, affects the functioning of the glands internal secretion, may cause the appearance various symptoms and including “bear disease”.

How can you cope with the “bear disease”

When treating, it is necessary to influence both the symptoms of the “bear disease” and causal factors. It is important to change the nature of your response to stress, which will require contacting a psychotherapist.

Psychotherapy. Application of various therapeutic techniques will allow the patient to understand the mechanism of disease development, overcome internal conflicts, learn to accept failure without guilt and self-deprecation. This will reduce anxiety and help you find alternative ways to solve the problem. Often, the doctor additionally prescribes drugs with sedative, antidepressant and adaptogenic effects.

Normalization of nutrition. “Bear disease” usually does not require special strict diets. A balanced menu will help improve digestion and achieve regular bowel movements. It is advisable to limit the consumption of foods that stimulate intestinal motility and increase gas formation. These include legumes, whole milk, cabbage, apples. It is also recommended to exclude smoked meats, fried and highly seasoned foods, and fast food.

It is important that food is balanced and satisfies the body's basic needs. nutrients and microelements. Therefore, mono-diets and other methods of nutrition that are shocking to the body are undesirable. You need to eat several times a day. Don't rush, get distracted, or eat in a nervous environment. This disrupts the digestion process and reduces control over the amount of food consumed.

Application of IMODIUM®. Complex drug treatment"bear disease" includes the use of drugs with various clinical effects. One of these remedies for diarrhea is the drug IMODIUM®, which reduces the severity of the main symptoms of intestinal dysfunction. Maximum effect is achieved 4–6 hours after its administration. But after an hour, the release of fluid into the intestinal lumen is reduced, the absorption of water and electrolytes is optimized, and intestinal motility is normalized. From the body active substance Loperamide is excreted in the bile and has a half-life of 9–14 hours.

Adults are usually recommended to take 2 tablets at the beginning of treatment. After every repeat episode loose stool You should take 1 more tablet, but no more than 8 tablets per day. This scheme allows you to get rid of diarrhea and pain within the first day of therapy.

Bear disease treatment. What is bear disease

That is, an unbearable desire to cleanse the intestines, which arises against the background of stress. Excitement before an important meeting, trip or exam can trigger the urge to defecate.

What is bear disease in humans?

Doctors believe that stress and nervous tension can affect the human body. As they say: “All diseases come from nerves.” Some people's eyes twitch, some have heart pain, and some are attacked by "bear disease." In order to get rid of this disease, you need to start by eliminating the root cause. Recovery normal operation nervous system - that's what will definitely help.

What is bear disease in humans? Any psychiatrist or neurologist can answer this question. Doctors recommend mastering relaxation techniques in stressful situations. If a person begins to calm himself down, his obsessive-compulsive disorder which is provoked by the urge to defecate. You need to not only learn to distract yourself from what worries you, but also try to make your life more varied and interesting, then there will be no room for fears and their consequences. Cinema, exhibitions, museums, some exciting courses, trips can load the mind to the maximum, leaving no room for obsessive states.

The medicine can be prepared from cinnamon, slippery elm powder, red pepper and goldenseal. You need one teaspoon of each component, mix and take ¼ teaspoon with a drink. big amount water.

How to deal with bear disease folk remedies? You can take a collection of sandy immortelle flowers, St. John's wort, sage and one rhubarb root. Pour boiling water over the mixture and simmer over low heat for ten minutes, then cool, strain and take 1/3 cup three times a day.

Immortelle anchors well. To prepare the decoction you will need only two tablespoons of dry crushed immortelle, which needs to be poured with a glass of boiling water.

A decoction of pomegranate peels and green tea helps many people stop diarrhea. walnut, but this is more suitable for those who are in trouble at sea.

The article describes medications that help fight diarrhea: Humana Electrolyte, Linex, Lopedium (Imodium), Enterol, Smecta. The first part of the article describes the causes of diarrhea, and the second part presents short description medicines.

Summer is approaching - the holiday season. But, unfortunately, it is precisely at this time that we are ambushed all sorts of troubles. One of them is indigestion or diarrhea, which we often encounter while traveling.

This disease can be caused by several reasons. Traveling to different cities and countries, we eat foods that are unusual for us and drink water with a slightly different composition than at home. But the digestive system of most people does not immediately adapt to new food and water, so at first it tries to remove unusual components from the body as quickly as possible. In some cases, the body gets an intestinal infection caused by insufficient heat treatment exotic local cuisine products. As a result, we suffer from diarrhea, despite the fact that in this case it is natural defensive reaction body to unusual food, or caused by its desire to get rid of intestinal infection.

The second reason is emotional stress, which is caused by worries and anxieties associated with travel, changes in climate and time zones, changes in diet, etc. Stress affects the functioning of the autonomic nervous system, namely, it controls intestinal motility. It is no coincidence that panic diarrhea of ​​nervous origin is called a “bear” disease, because bears react to severe fright in a similar way.

Not only can diarrhea cause us to find ourselves in an unpleasant and sticky situation, but this disease is accompanied by dehydration, which greatly exhausts the body.

Agree, it’s very disappointing to lose time allotted for rest because of this unpleasant disease, because it can be spent on an exciting excursion, swimming in the warm sea or romantic dinner. Therefore, to avoid problems associated with malfunction intestines, you need to stock up on the necessary medications in advance.

Here is a list of some anti-diarrhea medications.

Humana Electrolyte

Hypoosmolar drug against diarrhea of ​​any origin. Effectively fights dehydration, quickly restoring it in the body required amount water and electrolytes. Contains maltodextrin, glucose, sodium chloride, sodium citrate, potassium citrate, natural banana flavor, acesulfame potassium sweetener, which does not cause caries. Recommended for adults and children from 3 years of age. Suitable for people with diabetes. Possesses pleasant taste. Available in the form of a soluble powder, packaged in individual sachets weighing 6.25 g.

It is used for dysbiosis and all its manifestations: diarrhea, constipation, flatulence, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, regurgitation infants. Also suitable for the treatment of dysbiosis caused by the use of antibiotics and chemotherapeutic agents. Available in the form of capsules containing powder. More detailed information about Linux is presented in a separate article

Lopedium (Imodium)

Imodium (similar to Lopedium) is effective drug against diarrhea caused emotional stress, changes in food composition or diet, intake medicines, except for antibiotics, as well as those associated with climate change. Available in the form of capsules and tablets containing loperamide. The drug increases the density of feces, inhibits intestinal motility, and increases the tone of the rectal sphincters. Recommended for adults and children over 12 years of age. Children over 2 years of age can be given this medicine only under medical supervision. It is not recommended to take Imodium in cases of diarrhea infectious origin, because instead of helping the body get rid of harmful toxins caused by intestinal infections, we seem to “lock up” the intestines. Imodium is adequate in cases of neurogenic diarrhea, or in case of irritable bowel syndrome caused by the use of irritating unusual foods or exacerbation chronic diseases digestive organs occurring with diarrheal syndrome (gastritis, pancreatitis, chronic enteritis, etc.).


The drug is intended for the treatment of dysbiosis, recurrent colitis caused by Clostridium difficile, as well as diarrhea and colitis caused by taking antibiotics. Recommended for adults and children from 1 year. Available in the form of capsules or powder, packaged in individual sachets.

Large package contains 30 sachets of antidiarrheal agent

Smecta is one of the most versatile and highly effective non-chemical and safe remedies for diarrhea of ​​almost any origin. The drug is made from imported raw materials - natural white shell rock, mined only in Sardinia. In finely dispersed form, the smallest dust, it is packed in small bags. It is a fine powder in dilute warm water form envelops the walls of the gastrointestinal tract, thereby relieving their inflammation, and begins to effectively adsorb (absorb) toxins of intestinal infection, reduces the vital activity of intestinal microbes and enteroviruses. The effectiveness of the adsorbing properties of the product is superior to that of the well-known Activated carbon by an order of magnitude.

For symptoms of diarrhea, carefully pour the contents of one or two smecta sachets into half a glass warm water, then stir thoroughly with a teaspoon and drink. Positive effect comes in two hours. For acute diarrhea, the drug can be taken every two to three hours. Smecta is safe means, because it is not chemical and it does not harm the body. The versatility of the drug allows it to be used for almost all diseases associated with diarrhea. Smecta comes in vanilla and orange flavors, which children especially like.

You've probably noticed how you suddenly need to run before an important task. And not just anywhere, but to the toilet. Yes Yes. This very “bear meat” happened. And you can’t explain to anyone what you have. Considered indecent. So know this: you are not alone. For your fellow neighbors, this is most likely exactly what is happening.

Experts answer questions from MedPulse readers about how to deal with their stomach in sticky situations. Science Center Coloproctology RAMS.

Bear disease. and root causes

-From a young age, I have been susceptible to the “bear” disease. All you have to do is get nervous, She’s right there. What to do?

This is not a disease. A phenomenon called bear disease is associated with nervous system. Some people experience heart pain when they are stressed. Others react with violent peristalsis. You can regulate this in this way: do not eat apples and vegetables, give up milk and kefir, if you expect some exciting moments. Have some tea and cookies. And the nerves need to be treated. All intestinal diseases are caused by nerves. Another reason is that violent stomach reactions are possible after taking large doses antibiotics, perhaps the intestinal microflora is very depressed, it is quite possible that dysbacteriosis has appeared.

Give your stomach a rest too!

I have to work a lot and intensively. I love to eat. But I don’t want to get fat either. What do you need to eat in order to feel not a full stomach all the time, but a surge of strength?

This question should be referred to nutritionists. You need to eat in accordance with what is customary in our population. And even better, as is customary in the family. Under no circumstances should you shy away from one diet to another. From dry eating to raw food eating, and then to separate diet. Take food three to four times a day. And remember the saying: eat breakfast yourself, share lunch with a friend, and give dinner to your enemy. Why? When we eat everything in the morning, the food passes through gastrointestinal tract in approximately 8 hours. Not fast. Now imagine: you ate at night. And when the whole body is resting, the intestines are forced to work. Every time everything is at rest, it is impossible even to speed up the heart, this eternal pump. And the intestine is not a pump, but a whole factory.

Fighting your gut is like fighting the Moon around the Earth.

Many things are transplanted: the heart, kidneys, liver, pancreas... But the colon cannot be transplanted. She dies too quickly. There is a certain reserve in each organ. So if we eat fatty foods and pour vodka over it all, the pancreas will not be able to withstand it - pancreatitis. The same picture occurs in the colon: we force it to work at night, but in the morning we cannot go. Violated biological rhythm. And fighting it is the same as fighting the Moon’s revolution around the Earth.

Did you want it like in the USA?

“We seem to live better and better, we don’t starve, we eat decently, but colon diseases are on the rise. Even in small children. Where is the logic?

— For the normal well-being of the colon, the composition of the diet is very important. In this world we are doomed to a miserable existence. Natural products There was practically no milk left, no meat, not even bread. It’s good that at least they started writing in “milk”, which doesn’t go sour for 30 days,” milk product". Natural milk cannot help but turn sour within a month. And so in everything, no matter what you try. There was an expression that was ironic: the American way of life. We wanted this way of life. This way of life led, to a large extent, to this , that the United States firmly ranks first in the world for colon diseases. And this way of life is spreading throughout the world. It’s called globalization. And it’s not just that it’s no longer interesting to travel abroad. Everyone eats the same Swedish food everywhere. table. This globalization is also evident in food. We are increasingly switching to industrial food. However, there is one hint: now it is becoming fashionable. fresh food, without GMOs, without preservatives, some retail chains offer so-called “farm products”, etc. They are, of course, more expensive. But still, at least some tendency towards “freshness” has emerged.

All diseases come from nerves! That's for sure!

— What kind of “irritable bowel syndrome” is this?

- Previously, this disease was called colitis. Now by international classification- syndrome. A stressful situation leads to or diarrhea. A person begins to focus his attention too much on the intestines. And in this case, what needs to be treated is the nerves.

Question to a psychologist

I developed a similar reflex relatively recently. Two years ago I was traveling by bus to another city. And I started having stomach problems. I suffered for the entire 12 hours. Since then, I haven’t been able to feel adequately during long trips or in unfamiliar places where I don’t know where the toilets are.... A year ago I began to forget about this and felt much better... But then changes happened in my family ..I always worried when my father came home drunk...If he was late, I would start to shake in advance, as if in convulsions, and I would get a grip in my lower abdomen...I wanted to go to the toilet. And now I am suffering with these problems again. Riding the subway is generally a problem for me. If the train stops in a tunnel, I begin to be afraid and everything happens to me that happened while waiting for a drunk dad. Now I live only with my mother. But I just can’t get rid of these problems. I am 15 years old and I don’t want to feel so bad at every exciting moment. I cannot go to a psychologist for personal reasons (I mean face to face). Help me please, I want a calm, normal life.
P.S. I read a lot of information. Before going out, I drink valerian and don’t eat fruits, vegetables, dairy products... But it can drive you crazy. Help as much as you can.

Hello Milana.

It's very good that you asked for help. Your situation is indeed not simple, but also not unique in the sense that many people are suffering today somatic diseases closely related to psychological characteristics. The impact of stress that we all experience is especially great in modern world. In a word, I would like to support you.

What would I suggest in this situation?

Secondly, it is necessary to exclude diseases of the intestines or other organs involved in digestion; it is necessary to treat the root cause. In this regard, it’s true, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to see a doctor and consult with him. If everything is in order, then working with a psychologist will take an important and primary place here. It is meetings and work that will take some time. You write that you cannot work with a psychologist face to face, try to meet on Skype, work a little - the situation may change.

And it’s also very good that you so clearly understand the time when the difficulty appeared and associate it with your relationship with your father; you will need to talk about this with a psychologist.

More to the point in simple words, a stressful or traumatic situation has occurred in your life (relationship with dad). Sometimes this happens, and it is due to protective forces psyche, which can jealously protect from pain and suffering. "conflict resolution at the unconscious level"

And it turns out that at the level of feelings you are not experiencing any particular disorder... but colon takes over this function. Or it may be that stress or a traumatic situation experienced a long time ago “played up” in connection with similar circumstances.

You definitely need to work with this problem with a psychologist and not let it go further.

Konopy Natalya Ivanovna, psychologist, Moscow

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Milana, hello. I suppose that trying to overcome the disease in your case on your own requires a lot of effort, analyzing yourself, trying to understand, but it is possible that the disease will not completely disappear. What reasons prevent you from taking care of yourself? Not being able to pay for therapy? This can also be solved; you can always find a psychologist who will take you to therapy on a preferential basis. Or are there other reasons? All your experiences are very strongly entrenched in the body, you correctly understand many of the connections, but it is still important to relive them and work through them in a safe psychotherapeutic space. Take care of yourself. Write to us and we’ll figure out how to help you.

WITH Best wishes, psychologist Nadezhda Zharinova, Moscow

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Hello Milana! Similar conditions develop against the background increased anxiety. Cognitive behavioral psychotherapy is very effective in this case. It is possible to work via Skype. It is difficult to cope with the problem on your own. Usually, the measures taken to alleviate the condition lead to the persistence of the problem in the long term. Don’t delay, explain to your mom that you need help and contact a specialist. All the best!

Timonina Natalya Pavlovna, psychologist Yalta

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