Elevated pancreatin. Types of medication, commercial names of analogues, release forms

Pancreatin is the basic basis for all enzyme preparations prescribed for chronic pancreatitis for replacement purposes. Sometimes bile components are added to them, sometimes enzymes that help break down fiber, sometimes drugs that reduce flatulence. However, pancreatin is lipase, amylase and protease, without which complete digestion of essential nutrients is impossible.

When did you start using pancreatin?

Digestive enzymes were discovered in the mid-19th century. Pancreatin began to be used as a medicine in the 60s of the last century, in the form of a powder that was made from the pancreas of pigs. It was a yellowish-gray substance with a sharp, specific odor. However, studies have shown that the activity of pancreatin is highly dependent on contact with the acidic contents of the stomach - enzymes are simply destroyed by exposure to acid. That's why pharmaceutical companies began to look for ways to protect the active ingredients by enclosing them in a special shell, which will dissolve once the tablet has passed the stomach. Research to ensure maximum effectiveness of pancreatin, depending on the method of its delivery to the duodenum, is ongoing today.

How does pancreatin work?

The drug contains lipase, which breaks down fats, amylase - starch, and protease - proteins. Pancreatin activity is calculated by lipase, since it is the most vulnerable enzyme that does not have a safety net in saliva and intestines. Since all enzymes are protein molecules in their structure, they are, to one degree or another, subject to proteolytic hydrolysis, in other words, they are destroyed under the influence of other enzymes that break down protein.

However, the deficiency of pancreatic protease is compensated to some extent intestinal enzymes, and pancreatic amylase - salivary amylase and small intestine. Lipase has virtually no compensatory capabilities in other parts of the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, the lipolytic activity of pancreatin is taken as the calculation basis of the drug.

35-45 minutes after administration, the peak activity of ingested pancreatin is observed. By this time, it is released in the alkaline environment of the duodenum. This is why it must be taken with or immediately after food.

What doses of pancreatin are considered sufficient?

The daily human need for lipase is 400,000 FIP units. This is the dose prescribed for absolute pancreatic insufficiency, which is not so common. Considering that 1 tablet contains 8000 units of FIP, a selection is made, starting with 1-2 tablets for each meal, increasing the dose if necessary. Average daily dosage pancreatin - from 6 to 18 tablets.

The remaining enzymes contained in the drug are selected in accordance with the proportions in which they are produced by a healthy pancreas.

Indications for use of pancreatin

  • Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency (chronic pancreatitis without exacerbation).
  • Chronic diseases digestive organs of an inflammatory-dystrophic nature, in which disturbances in the digestion of food are observed.
  • Errors in nutrition in healthy people (for example, fatty foods).
  • Preparation for ultrasound and x-ray examination abdominal organs.


For people who have problems with the digestive tract, there are many medicines. To increase the secretion of gastrointestinal enzymes during food digestion, the drug Pancreatin is used, which helps the pancreas function better. The drug is considered effective not only during meals, but also often helps eliminate symptoms various intoxications. How to take Pancreatin correctly in case of poisoning, and what are the contraindications?

Pancreatin belongs to the enzyme preparations, with its help occurs better digestion food. The enzyme present in the medicine is similar in composition to the substance produced by the pancreas. The enzyme promotes better breakdown of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, so the drug is recommended for use during heavy feasts, in case of bloating, constipation or diarrhea, during poisoning, when severe heartburn(see), to get rid of excess weight.

What does the drug consist of?

Main active substance The medication is pancreatin, consisting of several enzymes (lipase, amylase and protease). The composition of the drug includes the following: auxiliary components, such as lactose, sucrose and hemicellulose, as well as starch and gelatin. Pancreatin is available in tablet form Pink colour, which are easy to swallow. The medication should be stored in a dry, dark place; it should not be used after the expiration date.

The drug is released through pharmacy chain without a doctor's prescription, however required dosage The drug should only be prescribed by a doctor. Pancreatin is taken in the following doses:

  1. Small children from 6 to 9 years of age are prescribed 1 tablet per day.
  2. Adolescents over 10 years of age are recommended to take no more than 2 tablets with meals.
  3. Adults should take 2–4 tablets up to 6 times a day.

Before you start taking pancreatin, you need to undergo an examination and determine the amount of enzyme secreted by the pancreas, since the dose of the drug is prescribed individually in each case.

For what diseases is Pancreatin used?

The medication is indicated for use for a more comfortable process of digesting food in various cases:

  • inflammatory processes of the intestines, if the synthesis of enzymes produced by the glands of the organ mucosa is disrupted;
  • chronic pancreatitis (with a lack of pancreatic enzymes);
  • undergone resection: surgical removal some parts of the stomach;
  • cystic fibrosis - insufficiency of the exocrine glands (considered a congenital pathology);
  • consuming too much (animal products);
  • before conducting an examination of the (instrumental) digestive organs, such as preparation for ultrasound or radiography.

Many girls who are keen on diets take Pancreatin to quickly digest the food they eat. Doing this without prior consultation with your doctor is extremely dangerous. Despite the fact that the enzyme product is sold through pharmacies without a doctor's prescription, it is a medicine that helps cope with diseases digestive tract. Only a specialist prescribes an individual dose of pancreatin for each individual case.

In case of poisoning

The medicine can be used for food poisoning when the cause of intoxication was the consumption of poor-quality food. You can determine that a person has been poisoned by any product by the following signs:

  • pain in the stomach, abdomen;
  • severe diarrhea;
  • bloating;
  • attacks of nausea and the urge to vomit;
  • , dizziness;
  • double vision;
  • increase in temperature;
  • trembling of limbs;
  • general weakness.

In case of intoxication with alcoholic beverages

A person who abuses alcohol runs the risk of acquiring a disease such as alcoholic pancreatitis(cm. ). Ethanol causes irreparable damage to the pancreas, for this reason the organ ceases to function properly and secrete enzymes for the digestion process. The pancreas is especially affected by simultaneous use strong drinks and heavy fatty foods.

Many drinkers believe that Pancreatin can minimize the harm from alcohol, but this is not true. The medicine is indicated for pancreatic enzyme deficiency. If taken together with alcohol, the consequences for the organ can be unpredictable.

Alcohol poisoning often occurs severe vomiting resulting in dehydration, nutrients(vitamins, microelements) are poorly absorbed by the body. Taking Pancreatin for alcohol poisoning will relieve gagging and help the pancreas quickly cope with harmful toxins.

Possible harm from the drug

You need to take the drug carefully; it is better to first agree on the dosage of Pancreatin with your doctor. Despite the fact that Pancreatin is beneficial in many cases, sometimes it can cause harm to the human body. At incorrect reception medicine the following complications are possible:

  • allergic rhinitis;
  • the occurrence of edema;
  • poor absorption of vitamins and iron;
  • irritation of the oral mucosa;
  • nausea;
  • constipation;
  • skin rashes.

In case of an overdose of Pancreatin, a change in the composition of the blood occurs and the water-salt balance of the body is disrupted. Exceeding the recommended dose of the drug may lead to serious consequences for human health. Symptoms of an overdose of Pancreatin are hyperurecemia (the level of uric acid in the blood increases), hyperuricosuria (formation of sand and kidney stones), and urticaria. In children, exceeding the dosage of Pancreatin leads to constipation.

Who should not take Pancreatin?

Not everyone can use this medicine, so before using it you should consult your doctor and determine possible contraindications, such as:

  • intestinal obstruction;
  • the presence of acute pancreatitis or exacerbation of chronic;
  • liver failure;
  • obstructive (mechanical) jaundice;
  • hepatitis;
  • childhood up to 3 years;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • Availability allergic reactions on the components of the drug.

While pregnant, a woman can take an enzyme supplement, but only after consulting a doctor. The instructions for use of the drug do not indicate the effect of Pancreatin on the fetus, but only a specialist should prescribe the medicine and the exact dosage. Self-administration enzyme agent is prohibited.


Pancreatin – effective drug, helping to improve digestion and alleviate some diseases of the digestive tract. Pancreatin cannot be considered a panacea for all diseases, despite the fact that it is sold in the public domain, it is a medicine. It should be used only after a doctor’s permission and strictly according to the indicated dosage.

It includes active ingredient Pancreatin. Additional substances are: sodium chloride, magnesium stearate, microcrystalline cellulose, colloidal silicon dioxide, titanium dioxide, talc, croscarmellose sodium, iodragit L 30 D 55 or iodragit L 100.

The release form of the drug is represented by tablets convex on both sides, with a pale pink glazed coating.

pharmachologic effect The purpose of the medication is to perform auxiliary functions during the digestion of food. It regulates the deficiency of pancreatic enzymes and carries out lipotic, proteolytic, and amylolytic effects. The drug also stimulates the breakdown of fats, proteins and carbohydrates. Thanks to this, their instant absorption is ensured. Pancreatin improves digestive functions, the work of the gastrointestinal tract.

The enzymes present in this medication: proteases, alpha-amylase, lipase, help break down starch into maltose, fats into fatty acids and monoglycerides, proteins into free amino acids.

The pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics of the drug have not been studied.

Who is the drug indicated for?

Indications for use of Pancreatin are divided into direct and other. Direct ones include the presence of the patient insufficient quantity enzymes produced by the pancreas. Usually this condition is a consequence of the presence of diseases such as cystic fibrosis or chronic form inflammation of the internal secretion organ.

Other indications include:

  • Chronic type of disease of the gastrointestinal tract, their recovery after resection;
  • Difficulty digesting food;
  • Radiation exposure;
  • Poor nutrition;
  • Difficulty chewing, resulting from damage to the organs of the facial area;
  • Prolonged forced immobility;
  • Physical inactivity;

Preparatory measures before x-ray or ultrasound of the abdominal organs.

There are contraindications to taking this medication. It should not be taken by patients who:

Analogs of this medicine that contain bile, for example, Enzistal, are prohibited from being taken by people with hepatitis or those suffering from diseases of the biliary tract.

Is it possible that negative manifestations while using this medicine?

As statistics show, side effects, with regular use of this drug occur in only 1% of all cases. It can be:

  • Skin allergic reactions;
  • Pain in the pancreas area;
  • Diarrhea, nausea and vomiting.

The emergence of the listed side effects It is precisely because of taking Pancreatin that it has not been proven. Experts say that, most likely, the presence of such manifestations is caused by insufficiency of the secretory gland.

How to take the drug?

Instructions for use of Pancreatin answer this question in detail. It says that the tablets are taken orally with food. They do not need to be chewed or crushed. You need to take the medicine with water, tea or juice. The daily dose should be divided into 2 – 3 meals.

An overdose of this drug may trigger the development of conditions that will lead to an increase in the concentration of uric acid in the blood or urine. Its interaction with antacid drugs containing calcium carbonate or magnesium hydroxide reduces the effectiveness of its action.

How to buy and store the drug?

The terms of sale of this medicine are simple. When purchasing it, you do not need a prescription. He is in free sale, you can buy it at any pharmacy. Storage conditions must be strictly observed. The Pancreatin package should be kept in a dry place, reliably protected from direct rays and from children. The storage temperature of the medicine should not be more than + 20 degrees.

Important! When purchasing and before use, be sure to pay attention to the expiration date of the drug. It is printed on the packaging and is valid for 2 years.

Cautions for using the drug

Special instructions for using the drug are in the instructions for it. They are intended for doctors. Thus, the annotation for this medication states that it should not be prescribed to patients with exacerbations of chronic pancreatitis. If the patient is diagnosed with cystic fibrosis, the dose of the drug should be adjusted downward. This will help avoid the occurrence of strictures in the intestines. The dosage is also reduced after the patient undergoes gastric surgery. It is noted that this drug can be used as aid when losing weight.

Prescribing medication for young patients

Pancreatin for children is prescribed only after careful dosage adjustment. Children under 1.5 years of age are allowed to consume no more than 50,000 units of the drug per day. In older children, 100,000 units is the highest daily dosage. Exceeding the permitted dose in children can lead to discomfort in the perianal area and constipation.

Use of the medicine by pregnant and lactating women

During pregnancy and lactation, the use of the drug has not been studied enough. Its use during this period should only be when the threat to the woman’s life outweighs the possible risk to the child.

Purpose of pancreatin - Foundation stone drug treatment pancreatitis, wearing chronic nature. The drug is a complex of natural enzymes from the pancreas of pigs, large cattle. Presented manual - updated version official instructions on application, a type of explanatory note designed to focus attention on a number of features of purpose, use

Administration of the drug adequately corrects exocrine pancreatic insufficiency, disorders of cavity digestion not associated with infections, reliably relieves (eliminates) pain syndrome. An increase in the concentration of proteolytic enzymes in the lumen of the duodenum and proximal parts of the small intestine creates conditions for functional rest of the gland, a decrease in secretory tension, and a decrease in pressure inside the ducts.

The action of pancreatin is aimed at replenishing the insufficient secretion of enzymes by the pancreas. Pancreatin contains three enzymes specific to fats, proteins and carbohydrates: lipase ensures the decomposition of fats into glycerol and fatty acid, amylase breaks down starch into simple saccharides, protease breaks down proteins into amino acids. Thanks to this, the three organic components of food are fully absorbed. The special coating of the tablets ensures unhindered passage of the acidic environment of the stomach. Normalizes the processes of food digestion in duodenum, small intestine.

Composition and release form

Pancreatin is available in the form of film-coated tablets, dragee capsules with film-coated, microgranular forms. Intended for internal use.

The tablets have a biconvex shape and a slight specific odor. The active ingredient is pancreatin.

The tablet contains 250, 125 or 100 mg of active substance, depending on the release form. Blister packs contain 20 or 60 tablets of 250 mg, 50 tablets of 125 mg, 60 tablets of 100 mg. The active substance weighing 250 mg contains 8,000 IU of lipase, 5800 IU of amylase, 380 IU of protease.

The daily requirement of an adult for lipase is 15,000 – 20,000 IU (action units) per 1 kg of body weight. The indicator for lipase was chosen due to its predominance in the composition of the drug. The choice of dosage depends on dosage form and quantitative characteristics of enzyme deficiency.

The most effective form is in the form of microcapsules. Microscopic capsules, without reacting with gastric juice, are evenly and quickly mixed with food masses, maintaining the required concentration of active ingredients.

Possible presence in the composition of the drug additional components in the form of bile and its derivatives, rice fungus extract, hemicellulase.

If there is no therapeutic effect, the daily dose may be increased. Dietary recommendations from your attending physician are required.

Indications for use

Indications for use are:

  • manifestations of dyspepsia caused by abuse of high-calorie foods;
  • diarrhea, flatulence;
  • trophological deficiency (nutrient deficiency);
  • characteristic “girdling” pain;
  • fat loss with feces up to 15 g per day;
  • weakening of secretory functions in bedridden patients and as a result of radiation therapy;
  • preparation for a comprehensive examination of the intestines.

Mode of application

Pancreatin is taken according to indications from 2 to 6 times a day, combined with main meals, without chewing or crushing the tablets. The medicine should be taken with a sufficient (at least 100 ml) amount of neutral liquid. Daily dose divided by the number of meals.


Hypersensitivity to pork, galactose intolerance, lactase deficiency, acute pancreatitis, children under 3 years of age make prescribing the drug impossible.

Advice! Before prescribing the drug, the patient must exclude giardiasis, celiac disease, and gastrinoma.

Contraindications may be associated with the allergenic properties of additionally included components (hemicellulase, rice fungus extract, bile components).

Side effects

Taking medication according to indications, under the supervision of a doctor, allows you to exclude possible unwanted effects. IN in rare cases there may be a feeling of heaviness in epigastric region, mild nausea. It should be noted that these symptoms fit into big picture diseases. With long-term use, regular monitoring of the blood picture is carried out.


The drug contains no components that can cause poisoning. If allergic reactions occur, immediate discontinuation and treatment appropriate to the symptoms are necessary.

Attention! Long-term use a drug without a doctor's prescription for the purpose of losing weight is additional load for the immune system.

The adequacy of the prescribed dose is checked by the appearance of uric acid in the blood (hyperuremia) and urine (hyperuricosuria).

special instructions

The use of pancreatin during pregnancy and breastfeeding has not yet been well studied. Its use during pregnancy is justified when possible risks for the unborn child are small compared to potential benefits For expectant mother. Taking the drug when breastfeeding sometimes causes constipation in the child. It is preferable to use minimal therapeutic doses.

In the presence of cystic fibrosis, the drug should be used with caution to minimize the risk of intestinal obstruction. The prescribed dose should take into account the patient's nutritional status.

Interaction with other drugs

Taking the medicine simultaneously with drugs containing iron reduces the absorption of the latter. Means for reducing the acidity of gastric juice containing alcohol and tannin compounds inhibit the action of enzymes.

Storage period and conditions

The drug can be stored for no more than 3 years in a place protected from the sun at a temperature not exceeding 25ºC. After this period, the enzymatic activity of the active substances decreases.


Pancreatin is sold at a price of 40 rubles. and above for 60 tablets of 250 mg. Low price along with pronounced therapeutic effect is the reason for its popularity. Among the drugs pharmacological group Pancreatin is the undisputed leader in availability.

Price similar drugs higher and varies significantly from region to region.

Comparative characteristics of multienzyme drugs with similar effects

Drug name Lipase content in action units Presence of other components
Panzinorm forte 10000, 20000
Micrasim 10000, 25000
Mezim forte 3500,10000
Festal 6000 Bile, hemicellulase
Enzistal 6000 Bile, hemicellulase

The table shows the indicators of lipase, which is the main active ingredient. The presence of hemicellulase facilitates the absorption of fiber plant origin in conditions of pathology of the biliary tract.

Features of the use of pancreatin for children

Pancreatin is prescribed to children from the age of three. Dosage active substances in 1 tablet of the drug intended for children, selected in accordance with physiological needs and significantly lower dosages for adults. The set of active enzymes of the drug and their ratio are similar to those indicated for adults. The treatment tactics are generally the same.

A common problem in children and adults is disruption of the gastrointestinal tract due to unsatisfactory secretion of enzymes. To eliminate unpleasant symptoms, doctors have developed many drugs. Among them, Pancreatin is considered the most effective, which helps the pancreas work.

Action of Pancreatin

The drug contains a pancreatic enzyme that breaks down food.Action of Pancreatinaimed at producing pancreatic juice. The medicine contains such digestive enzymes, such as lipase, proteases (chymotrypsin, trypsin) and alpha-amylase, which hydrolyzes starch into dextrins and monosaccharides. Proteases break down proteins into free amino acids and polypeptides. Lipase breaks down fat into fatty acids and glycerol.

Pancreatin - what does it help with? The components that make up it stimulate the production of enzymes not only in the pancreas, but also in the small intestine, liver, and stomach. As excipients Pancreatin has:

  • sodium chloride;
  • carmozine;
  • microcrystalline cellulose;
  • aerosil;
  • magnesium stearate;
  • titanium dioxide;
  • macrogol;
  • colicoate;
  • polyvinylpyrrolidone.

Pancreatin - indications

Today, most adults know what Pancreatin is needed for. The medicine helps to replace the missing gastric juices when too much fat enters the human body with food. However, these problems arise not only because improper diet, but also during pregnancy or during sedentary life.Application of Pancreatinshown when following states:

  • bloating;
  • preparation for examination of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • insufficiency of pancreatic functions (with pancreatitis, cystic fibrosis and other diseases);
  • chronic inflammation liver, stomach, gall bladder, intestines;
  • after irradiation or resection of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • to improve the digestion of foods in case of dietary errors.

Pancreatin - instructions for use

The dosage of this drug is prescribed by the doctor in each case individually.Pancreatin instructionscontains detailed information about recommended doses for various diseases. Before taking pills, you need laboratory research, indicating the level of enzymes in the duodenum. If the doctor special instructions did not give, then taking tablets (capsules) can be done according to following diagram:

  • Adolescents 10-14 years old are prescribed medicine 2 tablets. simultaneously during meals;
  • Children 6-9 years old are recommended 1 tablet/day;
  • The dose for adults consists of 2-4 pcs. from 3 to 6 times/day.

For heartburn

What else does Pancreatin help with? The medicine can be used for heartburn. A burning sensation in the chest area, accompanied by belching, flatulence, nausea, sour or bitter taste occurs due to various reasons. It can be bad habits, which cause weakening of the gastric sphincter tone or indigestion due to the composition of the food taken and much more.Pancreatin for heartburnnot only helps to remove the symptoms of an unpleasant condition, but also restores the activity of the gastrointestinal tract. Duration of treatment: 3-4 days.

For gastritis

When the gastric mucosa becomes inflamed, its structure is disrupted, which leads to dysfunction of the organ.Pancreatin for gastritiswill help to quickly overcome the exacerbation of the disease, and if the pathology is chronic stage, then the medicine will stimulate and replenish missing gastric enzymes. By taking the drug, a person helps process food entering the stomach. The course of treatment depends on the stage of the disease, and lasts from several days to several months (at least two for complex pathologies).

For diarrhea

Diarrhea is always accompanied by loose stools three or more times a day. The main symptoms of diarrhea are loose stool And frequent bowel movements. Diarrhea can occur due to the development of many diseases, ranging from bowel cancer, Addison's disease ordiffuse pneumosclerosis, ending with infection of the common coli. Before taking enzyme tablets, you should understand the cause of diarrhea. If it is associated with exacerbations gastrointestinal pathologies, then you can take the medicine according to general scheme until the unpleasant symptom disappears.

In case of poisoning

Intoxication of the body occurs for many reasons: ingestion of poor-quality food, after administration of medications, after inhalation toxic substances, after an insect bite and others. Characteristic manifestations poisoning – nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, increased body temperature.Pancreatin for poisoningaccepted if it occurred due to the intake of low-quality products. In other cases, other treatment is prescribed.

For pancreatitis

The action of enzyme preparations is not aimed at eliminating pain during exacerbations of the gastrointestinal tract, but at unloading the pancreas. For inflammation of this body(pancreatitis) a person experiences symptoms of intoxication, severe pain in the stomach and mushy stool. The pancreas cannot cope with digesting food.Pancreatin for pancreatitishelps prevent severe complications. However, there are forms of the disease in which you cannot take enzyme preparations, and there are those in which they are prescribed for life. In order not to aggravate the situation, self-medication is not allowed.

When overeating

Healthy people after long holiday feasts they know why they drink Pancreatin. Enzyme preparations help cope with the digestion of fatty, heavy foods and avoid such unpleasant consequences like overload internal organs, disturbance of intestinal microflora, problems with blood pressure and erection, premature wear of joints, development of varicose veins.Pancreatin for overeatingTake 1-2 tablets at a time immediately after the feast, washed down with water. It should be remembered that alcohol completely neutralizes the effect of the drug.


When using the drug strictly according to medical indications, side effects are observed in only 1% of patients. In some cases, this may be diarrhea, nausea, or stomach discomfort. When excessive high doses or long-term use Hyperuricosuria may develop or blood plasma levels may increase uric acid. Concerningcontraindications of Pancreatin, then the list here is small: hypersensitivity to components and acute pancreatitis. During pregnancy and lactation, the doctor decides on the prescription of the drug.

Price for Pancreatin

In pharmacies the drug is cheap - about 40 rubles for 60 pieces.Price for Pancreatinit’s about the same online, so there’s no point in purchasing it online. There are several analogues that are more expensive in cost, but identical in effect. They are easy to find, order from a catalog and buy in online stores. These include:

  • Digestal;
  • Creon;
  • Mezim-forte;
  • Micrasim;
  • Panzinorm;
  • Penzital;
  • Festal;
  • Enzistal;
  • Hermital.


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