How to lie down to. What is the power of going to bed early? What keeps us from going to bed

In an interesting way, people began to switch to a nocturnal lifestyle. And this does not mean, as it once did, noisy parties. It just doesn't work out early. The reasons for this are different for each person, but the result is the same: you need to go to work in the morning, and 3-5 hours of sleep is not enough for normal condition. And so on day after day. It's time to get rid of this habit and normalize your How to go to bed early - actual question and the topic of our article.

Reasons for going to bed late

There are plenty of reasons to sit for another hour or two after 10 p.m. Often these are unfinished tasks that need to be done today. In this case, the root of the problem of untimely falling asleep is the irrational distribution of time during which everything planned must be done. Or we just took too much on ourselves on this particular day or in general.

Another reason, the most relevant today, is the television and Internet that are addicting us. Their active users do not seem to need to solve such a problem as starting to go to bed earlier. An endless series of information, often useless, does not allow you to tear yourself away from the screen/monitor. It has been noticed that the Internet is much more “powerful” in this regard.

Having a computer and access to the World Wide Web, many have already forgotten how to go to bed early. Night setting in a most interesting way Conducive to Internet surfing. Hours of precious night time pass when you need to recover for next day. And it's true serious problem. You need to solve it urgently for the benefit of your health. Let's talk about how to go to bed early.

Let's start solving the problem

To begin to build our own comfortable sleep schedule that corresponds to biorhythms, we determine how many hours we need for it. The recommended 8 hours remains relevant for most of the adult population; for some, 7 hours is enough. Less is a critical duration of sleep, which negatively affects a person’s health.

Now we decide what hours of the day are most convenient for you to go to bed. Naturally, nap does not count, as it can negatively affect biorhythms. When determining “your” hours for sleep, we are guided by the start and end of the working day, the things that need to be done before or after it, the time you need for leisure.

After determining the timing, the most difficult thing remains: to force and train yourself to go to bed exactly at the appointed time.

Learning to go to bed earlier

Now let's move on to simple ones practical advice how to go to bed early. When the “X” hour comes, which you have determined to be necessary, you need to go to bed, even if there is no such desire. The brain, disturbed by the worries of the day, has no time for sleep. But if we stay quiet dark room, let's throw our heads back and close our eyes, we are starting to feel sleepy. The body remembers its needs, let's not contradict it.

We will prepare in advance everything you need for a peaceful sleep. We wash, clean, prepare the bed. It’s worth considering this earlier (if there are children in the family). Our goal is to remove obstacles that will prevent you from falling asleep at the right time.

Let's deal with the Internet and TV. It is worth stopping your work or leisure in their company an hour before bedtime. This will allow us to throw off the web of gigabytes of information that drags us down. It is ideal to limit our use of technology altogether, and then very soon we will remember how to go to bed early and feel cheerful.

Experts advise limiting your consumption of caffeine-containing drinks a few hours before bedtime. In addition, if you drink liquid no later than two hours before bedtime, this will help avoid swelling in the morning.

Experts also recommend psychological method normalization of sleep patterns. Simple rituals will help us. This could be listening to your favorite music, lighting an aroma lamp, hygiene procedures- anything we can do every day. Thus, we will perceive this action as a signal - “it’s time to sleep.” Simple, but effective.

Why should you go to bed early?

And our conversation on the topic of sleep would be incomplete if we did not remember why we need to go to bed earlier.

The assurances of doctors and scientists about the benefits of falling asleep early are based on data on natural human biorhythms.

Over the course of a day, the body experiences periods of ups and downs. It is physiologically justified to go to bed early (10-11 pm), because at this time there is a physiological decline. But after 11 at night it will be difficult to fall asleep, because the recession period ends. This applies to all people equally, because our bodies are structured and work in the same way.

In addition, doctors will upset owls: this type of biorhythm in the time of falling asleep and waking up is not typical for people in general (from a health point of view).


In the whirlwind of events, we forget how to enjoy the simple and useful thing- healthy sleep. Many people have simply forgotten how to go to bed early, although there are no barriers to this.

No matter how important the reasons for staying up late may seem, ask yourself: “Is it worth it?” And sleep soundly and healthy!

In our article we examined one of the “diseases” of our time - falling asleep late. We hope you learned useful information for yourself and become one step closer to a healthy regime.

Material from the blog of American writer and lawyer Gretchen Rubin, The Happiness Project.

Gretchen Rubin

Not long ago I published a note on my video blog “I can’t go to bed on time.” Some readers rightly noted that I talked a lot about how important it is to go to bed at certain time, but didn’t say a word about how difficult it is to force yourself to turn off the light when it’s time to go to bed.

This is very important question. Since I started a project called “My Happiness”, I am more and more convinced that sleep is simply necessary in order to feel happy and energetic.

If you want to get more sleep but find it difficult to turn off the lights, try these tips:

1. First of all: decide for yourself when you need to go to bed.

Most adults need 7-9 hours of sleep daily. Accordingly, think about when you should get up and do some simple calculations. Even if you don't manage to go to bed on time every day, the very thought of “oh, it's midnight, I should have gone to bed two hours ago” will help you go to bed faster.

2. Don't wait until you're sleepy to think, "Isn't it time to go to bed?"

You will always find something to keep yourself busy, even if it’s already time for you to sleep. If you are absolutely sure that you have no sleep in either eye, despite the fact that it is one in the morning, give yourself a little test: sit in a dark room and tilt your head back. And sit like that for five minutes. So how do you feel now? Still don't want to sleep? That's how it works. least an hour before going to bed.

It’s also better to abstain from TV, but personally, I’m much more addicted to the Internet, and I artificially stay awake much longer. I used to look at my emails once again before going to bed so that I could get up in the morning and “go straight into action,” but I quickly realized that after that it was much more difficult for me to fall asleep.

4.Don't drink any caffeinated drinks a few hours before bed.

5. Remind yourself often how great it is to wake up before the alarm clock, avoiding an unpleasant abrupt transition from sleep to reality.

Now, when you are still surfing the Internet at half past twelve at night, ask yourself the question: “Is it worth it?”

Recently I was speaking to a group of medical students, and one of them objected to me: “But if I go to bed at eleven, I won’t have time to watch TV before bed.” I asked: “Is it really possible that they show something so interesting on TV that it outweighs the pleasure of getting a good night’s sleep?” (I don’t know what he chose as a result).

6.Start getting ready for bed well in advance.

At some point I realized that I often don’t go to bed because I’m too tired to take pictures. contact lenses, brush your teeth and change clothes. Then I began to prepare in advance. Nice bonus: If I've already brushed my teeth, it's easier not to go to the kitchen to have a snack.

And the last thing...

7. Create a bedtime ritual for yourself and follow it every day.

Someone brews themselves a cup herbal tea, someone reads in bed, someone puts things in order before going to bed. By doing the same thing every night, you signal to yourself that it's time to get ready for bed.

When I was little I heard folk wisdom"dream leads to sleep." This principle works with my children, and it works with me. I sleep much better when I'm sleepy and rested than when I'm overtired.

How does it happen for you? Maybe you have yours effective methods putting yourself to bed on time?

Translation by Olga Antonova

Do you often think that you are not self-organized and cannot learn to get up on time in the morning and go to bed in the evening? This thought may occur to many people, but not everyone changes the situation. Some people are hampered by urgent matters, others are lazy or afraid of new things. Today we will talk about how to change your sleep schedule and at the same time enjoy the joys of life.

How to go to bed on time?

1. Determine your sleep norm.

Many experts say that eight hours is enough for any person to sleep. However, each of us has an individual organism: a certain metabolism, performance, tension threshold, and so on. Four hours of sleep may be enough for one person, while even eleven hours may not be enough for another. How do you know how much sleep you need?

Go to bed not too late. Don't set an alarm and ask that no one wake you up - you must wake up on your own. After this, be sure to write down how long your sleep lasted. Such experiment spend for several days. Similar results will be the norm for sleep. Remember that it is important to conduct such a study only on days when you are healthy and do not experience physical and emotional stress.

If necessary, you can change the period of falling asleep, while taking into account norm sleep. For example, you should wake up at 7 o'clock in the morning, and usually you get up at 8 o'clock, then you need to go to bed an hour earlier.

Constant training will allow you to train your body to wake up at right time without experiencing sleep deprivation.

2. Create a bedtime ritual.

Train yourself to do the same things before bed actions. For example, pack your things for the next day, take a bath, drink some milk, put your little ones to bed, read a book, and then go to bed.

Thanks to this mechanism, it works reflex"action-reaction". In addition, gradual preparation for sleep leads the body to relaxation. The body puts off everything for the next day in order to have a good rest and gain strength.

3. Don't go to bed if you are very tired.

The body needs time to tune in on night rest. If you go to bed without some preparation, it is likely that you will toss and turn and wake up groggy in the morning. Try to rest before going to bed. This will help you fall asleep faster and have a good night's sleep.

4. A few hours before bedtime, stop watching TV and the computer.

Flashing pictures in a forced way return us to vigor, forcing our brain concentrate and analyze new information. If you want to do something, take a shower, listen to slow music, think about your plans for the next day.

5. Control your diet.

Under no circumstances should you eat 2-3 hours before bedtime. You should also eat too much, as your body will spend the whole night digesting food rather than rest.

6. Avoid alcoholic drinks.

It is well known that sleep includes phases of slow and REM sleep. Alcohol affect the body in such a way that it is deprived fast phase, during which a person can restore the expended strength and energy. This means that in the morning you will not feel refreshed and well-rested.

How to train yourself to get up on time in the morning?

It is very important to create a pleasant atmosphere for rise. Thanks to this, you will wake up with a smile on your face.

1. Stress-free alarm clock.

As is known, alarm often becomes a source of stress. Sudden, loud sounds alarm clocks provoke irritation, dissatisfaction, and sometimes aggression. This can be avoided. Just set your alarm to calm music with fun and invigorating rhythms. The ideal tunes will be those that are associated with something pleasant in your life. Many people easily wake up to cheerful children's songs.

In addition, the alarm clock will stop annoying you if you can learn to get up without its help. The alarm clock should only act as safety net.

2. Pleasant things to do.

When we wake up, things that need to be done during the day immediately begin to appear in our heads. When we remember difficult and rather unpleasant things, we immediately want to hide under the covers and not get out of bed. For this reason, you only need to think about pleasant tasks for the day and what benefits they will bring. And for the fact that you do everything right and resolve all the issues, promise yourself a small surprise in the form of going to the cinema, a delicious cake or buying a new thing.

My dad often repeated “he who gets up early, God gives to him”... probably out of a spirit of contradiction or some other... speech, I do everything in my life exactly the opposite.

A couple of years ago, a friend introduced me to the theory that in order to lose weight, you need to go to bed early. I don't know how true this is. But this article interested me, everything is explained clearly, understandably and quite logically, it’s interesting to read, I recommend it!

At every second of time, certain processes occur in our body, and their occurrence depends on the phase of the Sun’s movement. This whole system works with great precision. And we cannot change anything in this activity of the Sun and time, because a person’s daily routine is strictly regulated.

At midnight the sun is at its lowest position, so at this time we should be in a state of maximum rest. That's why, best time for sleep - from 21.00 to 3:00, although you can sleep from 22 to 4 in the morning, as well as from 20 to 2 at night.”

What is the power of going to bed early?

The mind and mind rest most actively from 9 pm to 11 pm. Therefore, if you do not fall asleep at least at 10 o’clock in the evening, then your mental and intellectual functions will suffer.

Those who regularly go to bed later than 23.00 gradually fall mental capacity. The decrease in intellectual strength does not occur immediately, so a person cannot draw a parallel between sleep and mental exhaustion.

Perhaps you already notice in yourself following signs fatigue of the mind and mind, such as: decreased concentration or excessive mental tension, increased bad habits, decreased willpower and increased needs for sex, food, sleep and conflict.

If a person does not sleep from 11 to 1 am, then his prana activity will suffer ( vitality), circulating in the body. The consequence of a disorder in the functioning of prana is disorders of the nervous and muscular systems. Symptoms of decreased vitality are weakness, pessimism, lethargy, decreased appetite, heaviness in the body, mental and physical weakness.

If a person does not sleep from 1 am to 3 am, then his emotional strength suffers from this. As a result, there appear excessive irritability, aggressiveness, antagonism.

If human activity takes place in a strong nervous tension, then according to the Vedas he should sleep 7 hours and get up at 4-5 am or even sleep 8 hours and get up at 5-6 am.

But in all cases, going to bed after 10 pm is harmful to both mental and physical health.

What does non-compliance with these rules lead to, in addition to the disorders already mentioned?

If a person continues to ignore correct mode day, he will gradually begin to experience a state of depression, and its development will occur unnoticed. After 1-3 years, depression accumulates, and we feel that the colors of life are dimming, and it seems that everything around is becoming gloomy. This is a sign that the brain is not resting and it mental functions are depleted.

Many people dream of going to bed early, but few succeed. Very often, those who stay late come up with excuses for themselves. What prevents you from going to bed on time and how to deal with it?

Every new day brings worries and problems that need to be solved. The desire to redo everything on the list for the day instills anxiety, and remorse makes you forget about rest. In such a situation, it is important to pause and prioritize tasks according to their urgency. Surprisingly, as a rule, it turns out that some things can be postponed until tomorrow, and some things can be abandoned altogether.

Often those who are used to going to bed late consider themselves “night owls,” referring to the well-known theory of dividing people into “night owls” and “larks.” If a person is a night owl by nature, but is forced to be a morning person, he should try to balance these two opposites, for example, going to bed no later than 11 pm.

People who are prone to strong emotions tend to mentally return to the events of the past day and unresolved problems before going to bed. As a result, anxiety appears and insomnia occurs. Psychologists advise for healthy sleep learn to think neutrally, not allowing negative images to linger in your head. Read a book before bed, but never watch TV.

Try to gradually train your body to go to bed earlier. If you usually go to bed after 12 at night, then from today you go to bed at 23.30, the difference is not big and you will most likely fall asleep without any problems. When falling asleep at 23.30 becomes the norm, move the time to fall asleep to 23.00, etc.

Remember that the most healthy sleep from 22 to 24.00. At this time 1 hour sleep is coming for 2. That is having slept from 22.00 until midnight you will sleep for a full 4 hours, and for full recovery You will need another 4 hours of strength. already from 4 in the morning you can, in principle, get up and do what you would do in the evening, but at the same time you will feel completely rested. At first it will be very unusual to get up so early, but over time you will notice that it is better for your body. True, few are ready to go to bed kids time at 21.00-21.30 to sleep already at 22.00. Go to bed at least no later than 22.00 and your body will thank you.

In addition, by learning to go to bed early and get up early, you will never be late for work, you will always be on time. good mood and well-being, you will have time to do more, you will be able to watch sunrises, run in the morning and enjoy the silence. Sounds tempting? Then develop this good habit early to bed!



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