Urine test and blood test: how to take it correctly, results. General rules for preparing for urine tests

Sooner or later, everyone has to undergo one or another test. But not everyone knows how to pass general analysis blood correctly, and pre-prepare for laboratory research. After all, failure to comply with certain rules before taking the test can lead to an inaccurate or completely incorrect conclusion. You will have to take the study again.

General blood test is the most frequent analysis, which is recommended to be taken every time you visit the clinic for various diseases, for preventive purposes, as well as when hiring, during planning commissions, when registering during pregnancy, and people with chronic diseases for continuous condition monitoring. But what does a general blood test give, what information does it contain, let’s look at the main indicators.

Rules and preparation for taking a general blood test

For getting reliable result, before going for a general blood test, preparation is extremely important.

General requirements when donating blood:

  • Stop taking it 2 weeks before the test. medicines, especially antibiotics (unless you are examining the concentration of the drug in the blood);
  • In a few days, give up fried, fatty and alcoholic products, this may affect the level of leukocytes;
  • Do not smoke 60 minutes before the test;
  • For half an hour, do not perform physical and psychological stress, and exclude thermal procedures (do not steam in the bathroom or sauna).
  • A general blood test must be taken on an empty stomach (that is, at least 8 hours have passed since the last meal), there are exceptions when it is allowed to drink unsweetened tea and eat an apple an hour before the test. You can also drink water before donating blood.
  • It is not recommended to take the test after physiotherapy and reflexology, radiography, rectal examination and ultrasound.
  • When to take a general blood test? Perfect time in the interval from 7-00 am to 12-00, as some indicators may fluctuate during the day.
  • When donating blood for sugar (glucose), it is not advisable to chew chewing gum and brush your teeth. Tea and coffee in the morning (even without sugar) are contraindicated.

Many people being examined are interested in the question: why is it necessary to donate blood on an empty stomach? This is because if you eat before taking the test, the result can be significantly distorted. What happens if you donate blood on an empty stomach? The point is that suction nutrients may affect the concentration of proteins and fats in the blood, as well as other enzymes and compounds, in addition, it may change hormonal levels and blood viscosity.

If a general blood test is prescribed, the patient’s preparation must be previously announced by the attending physician; this is important during diagnosis.

Where do you get a general blood test?

How a general blood test is taken is of interest to many, especially those who are very indecisive. For this study capillary blood, which is taken from a finger, is sufficient. The nurse pierces the ring finger with a special needle (scarifier), then the blood is collected in a special tube and sent for further examination. The procedure usually does not last more than a minute, but painful sensations practically absent. Now, with the development of medicine, in many clinics, a general blood test is taken from a vein, since it is believed that the result may be slightly distorted due to compression (spasm) of the capillaries during an injection with a scarifier, in addition, some elements may settle on the walls of the tube where the blood from the finger collects. But this does not mean that you will encounter unnecessary pain and unpleasant sensations. Modern technologies allow you to take blood from a vein using a vacuum using the Vacutainer system. Blood is pumped into a disposable tube.

How to give children a general blood test?

Babies have to donate blood for tests from birth, in the maternity hospital, in addition to infants and children under 3 years old, blood is taken before each vaccination in order to track the state of his health. Then you will have to go through regular admissions committees. kindergarten, to obtain a trip to a camp or sanatorium and in many other circumstances. Your task is to properly prepare your child for blood donation so that the doctor does not receive false readings.

In babies, blood is often taken from a finger. But often mothers wonder if a general blood test is prescribed, can they eat? It's important to pass morning blood baby on an empty stomach, and at least a few hours before, exclude the intake of any food, including breast milk(at least 2-3 hours).

While waiting for your turn, try to keep your child occupied and distracted from the upcoming procedure. Play a quiet word game or read a book. If a child screams loudly during blood donation, the main role of the laboratory assistant or honey. nurses quickly take blood so that the result is as true as possible.

A general blood test is informative and truthful when all preparation rules are followed. By complying with the requirements, you will not mislead or doubt the doctor.

Many men over 40–50 years old have at least once had to deal with a blood test that determines the content of a special specific antigen in prostate gland. By its quantity, you can determine barely noticeable diseases, for example, prostate ischemia, tumor, adenoma, cystosis, abscess.

Since PSA is exposed various changes under the influence of many factors not related to diseases, before diagnosis it is necessary to to a large extent change your usual daily routine. And for this you need to know how many days before the procedure you should prepare for taking a blood test for PSA, how to take a hematological test correctly, whether it is carried out on an empty stomach or not laboratory test. Each of the answers to the questions posed is contained in this article.

Carrying out blood diagnostics

The PSA test involves donating 5–9 ml venous blood, which is usually taken from ulnar vein. The procedure is prescribed for the first half of the day, this is due to the fact that the amount of protein depends on the time of day. After application pressure bandage or a tourniquet on the patient’s forearm, you will need to vigorously squeeze and unclench your hand until the vessel appears.

The nurse will clean the future puncture site alcohol solution and insert a thin needle into it. When it is directed against the blood flow, the process of collecting it will begin. On last stage A sterile cotton swab is applied to the wound, the needle is removed, and the tourniquet is removed. Violation of the integrity of the vessel can lead to the formation of long-healing hematomas of a purplish-violet color. To avoid a painful reaction, you need to press a cotton pad against the damaged area of ​​the epidermis until the bleeding stops completely.

During the procedure, it is necessary to pay attention to the laboratory assistant’s observance of asepsis - he must have disposable gloves and a clean gown

Deadlines for issuing results

Laboratory testing of prostatic blood protein lasts about a week on average. If the specialists do not have an excessive workload, results can be obtained 2-4 days after the procedure. It is believed that the form with the identified antigen parameters is valid for no more than a month. If during this time the patient received one or another injury groin area, the diagnosis should be done again.

In order to correctly donate blood for prostate PSA, it is necessary to adhere to a considerable number of aspects, which, for simplicity, are combined into separate logical blocks.

Balanced diet

The most important rule Before taking a blood test for PSA, review your usual diet. 2–4 days before the study, you need to stop preparing fried, over-salted, smoked, spicy and canned foods, sauces, nutritional supplements. Eating fast food is also prohibited, as is drinking energy drinks, coffee, milk, strong black tea, store-bought juice and soda.

Normal dietary food involves a variety of diet by introducing the most useful products into it:

Dishes can be steamed, baked and boiled. The PSA blood test is taken on an empty stomach, i.e. for 7-10 hours the patient does not need to drink or eat for a reliable result.


Preparation for donating blood for PSA involves stopping consumption 9–12 days before the procedure. pharmaceuticals. The following categories are prohibited:

  • Tablet contraceptives.
  • Ascorbic acid as part of any vitamin complex.
  • Biologically active additives.
  • Hormones.
  • Transdermal drugs designed to increase testosterone levels.
  • Means to enhance erection.

If the medications used include vital ones, their further use should be agreed only with the attending physician.

Physical exercise

It is worthwhile to fully prepare for donating blood for PSA, so physical activity, associated with a load on the external genitalia and pelvic part, should be absent. 5 days before the visit medical center you need to exclude swimming, choreography, horse riding, jogging, exercise, fitness, cycling or motorcycle riding, football, etc.

Care should be taken to maintain psychological balance and create a measured daily routine, giving preference to your favorite type of leisure

Sexual activity

For 2–3 days before donating biomaterial, you must avoid intimate relationships. This aspect is one of the key among others - failure to comply with it can have a significant impact on the PSA level in a man’s blood.

Bad habits

Drinking any alcoholic beverages should be avoided at least 5 days before hematological PSA diagnosis. Even wine is not an exception. If willpower does not allow you to abstain from smoking for at least 20–24 hours, you can reduce this time period to 2–4 hours.

Surgical intervention

The quantitative content of PSA changes artificially after undergoing surgery or research related to intra-body examination. Experts recommend not donating blood for antigens for several weeks after cystoscopy, catheterization, biopsy, as well as ultrasound of the genital organs, when a special sensor is inserted into the rectum or urethra.

A general blood test is one of the most informative methods diagnosing the patient. He has a large number of indicators. They must be considered together. This test alone cannot diagnose all clinical picture one disease or another. In such situations, it is necessary to use other methods of examination: examinations, history taking and repeated blood tests. A person may prepare incorrectly for donating blood, or a mistake may be made directly in the laboratory.

A general blood test involves taking a capillary sample from the fingertip. A general analysis is taken in the morning on an empty stomach. Evening preparation includes giving up fatty foods. It is not advisable to take the test if you are tired, overworked, or in a depressed mood. The decoding may be incorrect and the indicators may be false. If these symptoms occur, the need for a blood test should be discussed with your doctor. Reception in the evening is unnecessary fatty foods can lead to false promotion indicator such as leukocytes.

Decoding of the formed elements of a general blood test is carried out by trained laboratory assistants and a doctor. Exists mandatory requirement which should be followed when donating blood: the scarifier used to puncture the fingertip must be disposable and sterilized. This analysis can be done in both public and private laboratories. How much does the analysis cost? Analysis is free at government institutions, and paid in private ones (the cost varies significantly).

Blood test: interpretation of results

The blood test is interpreted by a doctor who can detect:

Deciphering a blood test includes analysis of the following elements:

  • red blood cells;
  • leukocytes;
  • hemoglobin;
  • erythrocyte sedimentation rate;
  • platelets;
  • leukoformula;
  • lymphocytes.

Hemoglobin is a respiratory element that enters the blood in the form of red cells (erythrocytes). The hemoglobin level in the prepared material sample depends on gender:

  • in women - 115-145 g/l;
  • in men -132-164 g/l.

In children, hemoglobin changes depending on age.

Determination of hemoglobin in the blood is mandatory. If its indicators are underestimated, this may indicate anemia in the patient. Causes of anemia can be:

  • bleeding;
  • lack of vitamin B 12;
  • lack of folic acid;
  • lack of iron.

An increase in the amount of hemoglobin may indicate the appearance of cancer and other conditions.

What does the white blood cell count indicate?

Leukocytes - cellular elements responsible for the body's immunity. The general analysis should contain the following norms of leukocytes: from 4-9 thousand in 1 μl. The leukoformula is the ratio between other forms of leukocytes, namely:

  • basophils - 0.1%;
  • eosinophils - 0.5-5%;
  • band neutrophils - 1-6%;
  • segmented neutrophils - 47-72%;
  • lymphocytes - 19-38%;
  • monocytes - 2-11%.

A general analysis showing elevated leukocyte counts indicates:

  • inflammatory process;
  • infection with bacteria or viruses;
  • poisoning;
  • blood loss due to traumatic injury;
  • renal colic;
  • allergic reaction;
  • liver related disease;
  • about long-term drug therapy.

A low white blood cell count may indicate:

  • chronic infectious process;
  • liver cirrhosis;
  • activation of inflammatory processes in the liver.

ESR and platelets

Erythrocyte sedimentation rate is quite important indicator. ESR norm- up to 15 mm/h. If ESR level exceeds the number of 30-40 mm per hour, this may indicate the occurrence of an inflammatory focus in the body, poisoning or significant loss of blood. The ESR norm in children varies by age and corresponds to the following indicators:

  • newborns have an ESR of 1 mm/h;
  • in children under 30 days of age, ESR is 2-6 mm/h;
  • children from 6 months to 1 year have an ESR of 4-14 mm/h;
  • in children under 10 years of age, ESR is 4-12 mm/h.

Platelets are cell fragments that have irregular shape and being blood platelets. Platelets help stop bleeding and try to protect the body from blood loss. Not only the endocrine system is responsible for the coagulation process, but also nervous system. During the day, the value of platelets may change. This is especially noticeable in pregnant women and women during menstruation. After significant overexertion, the platelet count increases. The norm of platelets is 180-320x109 cells/l.

Thrombocytosis is observed:

  • after injury;
  • for malignant neoplasms;
  • with thrombocythemia;
  • for suffocation;
  • during surgery.

A low level of platelets in the blood is called thrombocytopenia. This phenomenon usually occurs when:

  • blood cancer;
  • poisoning;
  • infectious processes in the body;
  • use of aspirin, painkillers, antibacterial agents, sulfonamides.

Red blood cells and reticulocytes

Red blood cells are blood cells that do not have a nucleus and carry hemoglobin. Red blood cells are formed in spinal cord. The norm of red blood cells in males is 4-5 million in 1 μl of blood, in females the norm of blood cells is 3.7-4.7 million.

An increase in the level of red blood cells in the blood occurs when the following diseases and the patient's conditions:

  • polycythemia;
  • toxicosis;
  • vomiting and diarrhea;
  • dehydration of the body;
  • heart disease.

A decrease in the number of red blood cells is observed when:

  • decreased bone marrow functioning;
  • blood cancer;
  • multiple myeloma;
  • lack of vitamin B 12;
  • hemolytic anemia;
  • iron deficiency;
  • bleeding.

Reticulocytes are young forms of red blood cells. The norm of reticulocytes in a general blood test is 0.2-12%. An increase in the content of reticulocytes is observed with:

  • anemia;
  • malaria;
  • polycythemia.

A general analysis that does not have reticulocytes should be alarming. This is an unfavorable sign for people with anemia. The absence or decrease of reticulocytes indicates inhibition of spinal cord functions.

Lymphocytes: what are they?

Lymphocytes are a subtype of leukocytes found in the lymphatic fluid. They protect the body from exposure to pathogenic bacteria. An increase in the number of lymphocytes is called lymphocytosis. Lymphocytosis is observed with following states in the patient:

  • lymphocytic leukemia;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • tuberculosis;
  • whooping cough;
  • radiation sickness;
  • increased thyroid function;
  • splenectomy;
  • addiction.

A blood test may also show a low number of lymphocytes. Lymphopenia is observed in such human diseases as:

  • leukemia, myeloma and other diseases of the circulatory system;
  • defects in the development of the lymphatic system;
  • use of hormonal drugs;
  • tuberculosis;
  • AIDS.

The blood test is deciphered by a doctor in the presence of the patient.

The doctor must explain the analysis: the norm or deviation of the shaped elements is observed in the patient. In some situations, analysis can be deciphered using a special apparatus. A general blood test must be taken, observing all the features of the preparation process. If a person passed this analysis in a private laboratory on your own initiative and if deviations in the norms of shaped elements are detected, you must urgently seek advice from your doctor (usually a therapist).


  1. For most studies, it is recommended to donate blood in the morning, between 8 and 11 a.m., on an empty stomach (at least 8 hours must pass between the last meal and blood collection, you can drink water as usual), on the eve of the test light dinner with limiting intake of fatty foods. For tests for infections and emergency studies, it is acceptable to donate blood 4-6 hours after the last meal.
  2. On the eve of the study (within 24 hours), exclude alcohol, intense physical exercise, reception medicines(in consultation with your doctor), avoid smoking on the day before the test.
  3. When monitoring laboratory parameters over time, it is recommended to conduct repeated tests under the same conditions - in the same laboratory, donate blood at the same time of day, etc.
  4. Blood for research must be donated before starting to take medications or no earlier than 10–14 days after their discontinuation. To assess the control of the effectiveness of treatment with any drugs, a study should be conducted 7-14 days after the last dose of the drug.
  5. If on the day of a blood test for hormones an ultrasound scan is to be performed, then AT FIRST Blood is donated and then an ultrasound is performed.



  1. On the eve of the study, it is recommended to obtain a sterile urine container from the Clinic office, or purchase it at a pharmacy.
  2. 10-12 hours before the test it is not recommended to consume: alcohol, spicy and salty food, and food products that change the color of urine (beets, carrots).
  3. If possible, avoid taking diuretics.
  4. After cystoscopy, a urine test can be prescribed no earlier than 5-7 days later.
  5. Women are not recommended to take a urine test during menstruation.
  6. The patient collects urine independently (with the exception of children and seriously ill patients).
  7. Before taking the test, perform a thorough toileting of the external genitalia:
  • in women, use a cotton swab moistened with warm soapy water to clean the external genitalia (treating the labia by moving the swab in front and downwards); Dry with a clean cloth.
  • in men - toileting of the external opening is carried out urethra warm water with soap, then washed with warm water and dried with a clean cloth.

General urine analysis

For general analysis, use the first morning portion of urine (the previous urination should be no later than 2 am).
Toilet the external genitalia.
For men, pull back completely when urinating. skin fold and release the external opening of the urethra. For women, spread the labia.
Pour the first few milliliters of urine into the toilet. Collect the entire portion of morning urine in a dry, clean container while urinating freely.
Pour 40-50 milliliters of the total volume of urine into a special container and close the lid tightly. You cannot take urine from a vessel or potty. The collected urine should be immediately delivered to the laboratory. Urine can be stored in the refrigerator (at +2° +4° C), but not more than 1.5 hours.



Feces should be obtained without the use of enemas or laxatives.
Collect 1-2 teaspoons of feces in a special container.
Deliver to the laboratory within 3 hours after collection.

Biochemical analysis of stool

Take 2-4 g (1 teaspoon) of feces into a separate container and deliver it to the laboratory within 3 hours. Be sure to indicate the type of stool (diarrhea, constipation, normal, stool with laxatives).

Examination of feces for occult blood

Three days before the test, it is necessary to exclude meat, liver, blood sausage and all foods containing iron (apples, bell pepper, spinach, white beans, green onions, cucumbers).
Collect 1-2 teaspoons of feces in a special container. Deliver to the laboratory within 3 hours after collection.

Scraping for enterobiasis

On the eve of the study, it is recommended to obtain a special tube with a probe for collecting biomaterial from the Clinic office.
For this study, a scraping is taken from the perianal folds (around anus) by the patient himself. In the morning (without getting out of bed), before hygiene procedures and toilet, move the probe in a circular motion around the anus. Place the probe in a special tube. Deliver to the laboratory within 2 hours after collection.


Clinical sputum analysis

It is recommended to collect sputum for general clinical examination in the morning and on an empty stomach during a coughing attack in a special container.
With the aim of mechanical removal food debris and desquamated epithelium are sanitized before coughing oral cavity– brush your teeth, rinse your mouth and throat boiled water. If sputum is poorly separated, take expectorants and warm drinks the day before.

Sputum culture

Follow the preparation rules for collecting sputum for culture. Collect sputum in a sterile container and deliver to the laboratory within 1 hour.



The sperm is collected in a special sterile container. It is prohibited to use a condom to collect sperm (substances used in the production of condoms affect sperm motility).
Before the study it is necessary sexual abstinence from 3 to 7 days (optimally 4-5 days after the last ejaculation). During this period, you must not take alcohol, take medications, visit a bathhouse or sauna, or be exposed to UHF exposure, hypothermia. When repeating the study, it is advisable to adhere, if possible, to the same periods of abstinence for a correct assessment of the results obtained over time. In the morning after sleep, you need to urinate and thoroughly clean the external opening of the urethra with warm water and soap.
Collect biomaterial by masturbation, without touching the walls of the container. For research, collect the entire volume of isolated sperm.

Sperm culture (with determination of sensitivity to antibiotics)

Sperm for analysis is collected before a course of antibiotics or 2-3 weeks after it.


Biochemical analysis of saliva

3 hours before collecting saliva, it is forbidden to brush your teeth, rinse your mouth, eat food, or chew gum. If the patient is taking pharmaceuticals to treat the oral cavity, he must inform the attending physician.
Collect 2-3 ml of saliva in a special container. Deliver the saliva sample to the laboratory within 3-4 hours from the moment of collection.


10 days before taking the biomaterial, you must stop taking medications and treatment procedures.
Donate blood on an empty stomach.
Urine (medium portion) is collected in the morning after sleep.
Delivery to the laboratory is carried out on the same day within 2-3 hours.
Smear for women: material is not taken during menstruation.
Smear for men: before the test, refrain from urinating for 2-3 hours.


Mineral Metabolism Analysis

Hair: Cut hair at the root from several “points” of the head - occipital part, temporal, parietal, frontal (colored hair must be analyzed no earlier than two weeks after coloring).
Nails: For examination, cut off nails from all fingers (10 nails in total).
Nails should not be varnished. The nails are placed in a clean plastic container.

Examination of nail plates for fungi: Suspicious areas of the nail (from 1-2 nail plates) are cut off and placed in a clean plastic container or test tube.

When visiting a medical institution for preventive or medical examination when finding employment, entering preschool or educational institution When registering pregnant women and if they feel unwell, a general blood test (CBC) is always prescribed. For getting accurate results necessary proper preparation for a general blood test.

Preparing the patient for a general blood test

The doctor needs to prepare the patient as correctly as possible for a general blood test in order to obtain true results. The memo “How to prepare for the UAC” serves this purpose. It contains the following items:

  • Dinner should be the night before no later than 20.00.
  • Eliminate fatty, fried foods, as well as any alcoholic drinks 3 days before the study.
  • Do not smoke in the morning on this day.
  • Eliminate any stress the day before and on the day of delivery.
  • Do not take antibiotics or other medications 2 weeks before the indicated date.
  • Can't hand over clinical analysis blood immediately after massage, acupuncture, X-ray or any instrumental intervention, ultrasound and physiotherapeutic procedures.
  • When testing for sugar, do not brush your teeth or use chewing gum.
  • You must come for a general blood test in the morning on an empty stomach. You cannot drink coffee, tea, because... any food intake entails an increase in the level of leukocytes, thus distorting true picture. You can only drink water.

As you can see, preparing the patient for this procedure is not so difficult, but at the same time very important.

This blood test, as the most sensitive indicator, allows you to detect malfunctions internal organs and systems. As well as the state of the body as a whole. That is why it is so important to properly prepare for taking the UAC and comply with all these conditions as accurately as possible.

Blood sampling technique

The best time to take the test is in the morning from 7.00-11.00. The patient is already ready to take the test. At this time, the body, as a rule, has not yet endured physical and psycho-emotional stress. In adults, blood is taken from ring finger, the pad of which is pre-kneaded to improve blood flow. A special needle is used to make a puncture and draw into a test tube and capillary. Or a portion of blood from a vein is tested, taken using disposable tubes, so-called Vacutainers.

A blood test for infants, children aged 1 year and older, is also taken from a finger. In a newborn baby - from the heel.

The blood donation procedure is somewhat unpleasant, but painless. Before this, the child needs to be calmed down, distracted by reading a book or watching interesting pictures.

For what purpose is OAC prescribed?

Intended for:

  1. prevention - once every six months or a year. Helps to suspect the disease at an early stage.
  2. With diagnostic purpose– to detect diseases of the heart, lungs, kidneys, liver and other organs, as well as infections.
  3. detection of blood diseases - various types of anemia. Depending on the picture of the UAC, the specialist can judge whether there are indications for further more in-depth examination. For example, sternal puncture - when a fence is taken from the sternum.
  4. control of hemoglobin and platelet levels in pregnant women.

Advantages of UAC

  • High information content.
  • Painless.
  • General availability – carried out in any clinic and hospital.
  • Speed ​​of implementation and results.
  • There is no complicated preparation for the test.
  • Low price.

The study provides a qualitative and quantitative description of the formed elements of blood: red blood cells, leukocytes, platelets, lymphocytes and their ratio to plasma, the liquid part of the blood. IN mandatory The level of hemoglobin and ESR - erythrocyte sedimentation rate - are checked. A standard detailed analysis contains all of the above elements.

Brief description of shaped elements

erythrocytes are red blood cells biconvex shape. The color is determined by the presence of Hb - hemoglobin. The life period is 4 months from the moment of formation to the moment of decay. It follows from this that their composition is constantly being updated. Contents of young forms in healthy body should not exceed 1%. In an adult they are formed in red bone marrow flat bones - ribs, skull and spine, and in children in the sternum. The main function of red blood cells is transport - delivery of nutrients and transfer of oxygen to organs and tissues and carbon dioxide from them to the lungs.

HEMOGLOBIN - found in red blood cells and is a compound of protein and iron (Fe). It is responsible for the delivery of oxygen, and a decrease in its level leads to hypoxia of the body.

LEUCOCYTES – large white blood cells various types: granular, non-granular, basophils, eosinophils, neutrophils. Their main function is to protect the body from pathogenic microbes and viruses, preventing the development of infection. Neutrophils– they absorb infiltrators, digest them and destroy themselves. Eosinophils– sensitive to allergies and tumor development. Basophils– recognize allergens and destroy them.

PLATELETS - responsible for blood clotting. They are formed in the bone marrow, and destruction occurs in the liver and spleen. During breakdown, amino acids, fatty proteins, calcium and others are released. useful material, from which new platelets are formed. The role of platelets is:

  1. Prevents bleeding due to its special structure. They form a fibrin network on which they settle shaped elements blood and thrombus formation occurs.
  2. Restoring the integrity of blood vessels when they are damaged.
  3. Nutrition of the walls of blood vessels.

ESR – erythrocyte sedimentation rate. Normal indicators in men – 2-12 mm/hour, in women – 4-15 mm/hour. Promotion its meaning indicates the beginning or presence inflammatory process, severe intoxication or tumor. Normally, it may increase in women during menstrual cycle. Demotion indicates sharp drop immunity against the background increased indicators leukocytes - leukocytosis, and also happens when taking certain drugs, for example non-steroidal anti-inflammatory or hormonal drugs.

From all of the above, it is now clear why doctors attach such importance to the OAC and why it is so important to properly prepare for this test.

Be always healthy!



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