Average platelet volume. Everything is within normal limits

In order to have an idea of ​​the concentration of platelets in the blood, a special laboratory method its definitions are . Thanks to the results obtained, it is possible to determine how many platelets are produced, what part of them is subject to adhesia, and how quickly the process of their gluing occurs (indicates). As a result, the data obtained can be used in the diagnosis of various diseases. circulatory system, including hematopoietic dysfunction (oncological diseases of the bone marrow). What is the average platelet volume of healthy person, as well as what the increase in the number of these blood cells indicates, we will analyze further.

Platelets are the smallest but extremely important blood particles.

They do not have a core, but this does not prevent them from fully performing their functions. Their main task is to regulate blood viscosity and density. This function is achieved due to the ability of platelets to stick together, forming a dense microstructure. This important feature allows you to quickly eliminate bleeding in the presence of microtraumas, preventing life-threatening blood loss.

The life expectancy and distribution of platelets is short - only 10 days. Their synthesis occurs in the bone marrow, and the concentration in the blood is determined in a special analysis - MPV. There are certain standards by which platelet concentration is determined. The average platelet volume in a healthy person is 7-11 femtoliters. This indicator is formed from calculations of the number of new and old cells, which are easy to identify externally: young cells are larger in volume and mobile, while aging cells are small in size and inactive. Indicators below or above the norm are considered deviations.

The MPV test is carried out using blood from a finger, which is smeared thin layer onto a glass slide and placed under a microscope. The peculiarity of the analysis is that it needs to be performed only in the first 1.5-2 hours after blood sampling, after which the width of the indicators and final result may not be accurate.

Deviations from the norm indicate the presence diseases or pathologies.

If Bone marrow produces more platelets over a certain period of time than their number has time to die off - the blood becomes too viscous, provoking the formation of blood clots. If there is insufficient platelet synthesis, the risk of bleeding increases significantly (the blood clotting process is disrupted).

  1. The average platelet volume in men and women over 18 years of age is 150-350x109/l.
  2. The average platelet volume in a newborn baby is 100-400x109/l.
  3. Average platelet volume in childhood– 150-380x109/l.
  4. The average platelet volume in women during pregnancy is 150-38-x109/l.
Deviations are any non-compliance with the specified and generally accepted standards of indicators.

The deviations themselves may have pathological character(if deviations are more than 10-25 units), or may be caused by any side processes. However, the danger lies not only in sharp decline platelet count, which threatens heavy bleeding, but also an uncontrolled increase in the number of blood cells, resulting in thrombosis and excessive viscousness.

Increased platelet volume: what does this mean, and what are the reasons for this?

If the patient's mean platelet volume is elevated as a result of the MPV test, this means that there is a risk of developing thrombocytosis.

In this case, the blood becomes more viscous, which leads to a slowdown in blood flow, as well as to the formation of blood clots. If no measures are taken in time and treatment is not prescribed that could regulate the synthesis of platelets by the bone marrow, the consequences are the most dire: myocardial infarction, stroke, thromboembolism.

When average volume platelets are increased, it is important to determine which microparticles provoke the imbalance - young or old. If the number of new young platelets exceeds this, this indicates possible internal bleeding or significant blood loss (during surgery, for example). When the count of old platelets goes off scale, this is a sure sign oncological diseases, in which such an imbalance is the first indicator suggesting the presence of health problems that are asymptomatic.

A blood test for MPV can help identify problems with blood clotting and determine the average platelet volume. What indicators are included in the reference values ​​and what does their increase and decrease indicate?

What is MPV

MPV (mean platelet volume) is the average platelet volume, which is important for making a diagnosis. By their nature, platelets are small blood cells without an internal nucleus that take part in the process of blood clotting and ensure integrity blood vessels. MPV allows you to determine the maturity of the plates and the content of biologically active substances in them.

To conduct the study, blood is used from a vein or finger, which is taken in the morning on an empty stomach. As a result of hematological tests, a histogram is drawn. If the graph is shifted to the left, this indicates a predominance of old cells; if to the right, immature plates occupy a predominant number. As platelets age, their number and volume decrease significantly.

Norm and diagnostic value

MPV is measured in femtoliters and the reference value is 7.5-10 fl. In children, the normal limits are slightly lower and equal to 8.9 fl, and with age highest limit increases to 11 fl.

Average platelet counts are extremely important because the test reflects quality characteristics. Young cells have quite big size, increased activity and contain maximum amount biologically active substances. They regulate the process of blood clotting and form blood clots to close the lumen in the vessel. A blood test for MPV can identify the risk of bleeding and determine a number of pathological changes in organism.

High MPV

An increased content of the average platelet count indicates large quantities immature forms in the blood. As a rule, indicators go beyond normal limits in the presence of physiological conditions associated with blood loss: menstrual flow, surgical intervention, multiple injuries And internal bleeding. Reasons increase MPV can be various diseases: thyrotoxicosis, diabetes mellitus, thrombocytopenia, atherosclerosis, enlarged spleen, alcoholism, etc.


A decrease in the MPV level below the acceptable reference value may indicate a number of physiological processes and diseases. Most often, such results are detected in liver cirrhosis, iron deficiency anemia, most cancers (leukemia, sarcoma or lymphoma), hypo- or hyperthyroidism, myocardial infarction and kidney diseases (amyloidosis or glomerulonephritis). Less commonly, this indicator is detected when there is presence in the body inflammatory processes or in case of development of autoimmune diseases.

Reduced MPV levels can be diagnosed during pregnancy. If this result is accompanied by a decrease in total platelet levels, this may become a threat premature birth or miscarriage.

A blood test for MPV can identify a number of diseases and pathological changes in the human body. It also provides grounds for other diagnostic procedures.

Not so long ago, diagnostic laboratories for collecting samples examined a limited number of platelet parameters, in particular, they determined the level of platelets. But over the past decades, several significant medical discoveries have occurred that have made it possible to study the platelet germ in the blood much deeper and more comprehensively. In the printouts of analyzes produced by the machines, there appeared new indicator, which is unusual even for doctors, and even more so incomprehensible to patients. This is the level of average platelet volume, which is in one of three states - it can be normal, low or high. What is this indicator, and what effect does its departure from the norm have on the body?

Equipment level laboratory diagnostics makes it possible to study blood cells in such depth that the slightest changes in platelet parameters are noted. Detection of coagulation pathologies is carried out using hematological analyzers, which calculate platelet cell volume numbers. The number or volume of platelet cells has great importance, its excess is dangerous not only for health, but also for life.

Functions of platelet cells

In the human body, platelets are responsible for the functions performed by the circulatory system. They give the blood plasma the necessary consistency (fluidity) or make it viscous. The ability to form clots of varying consistency in places where the vessels are damaged is a natural regeneration procedure.

Important! The “life” of platelets is calculated in days – from 8 to 12 days they are active and perform their function. Their average size depends on age - in young cells the volume is increased, towards the end of activity they decrease in size. Young cells are immature.

The performance of platelet functions directly depends on their age. So, if there are a lot of young, immature platelet cells in the body, this may indicate certain problems.

The average platelet volume is calculated based on the results of a blood smear. Usually the analysis is taken from the capillary ( ring finger hands). This is enough to calculate the exact composition and size of blood components.

If necessary, a repeated control sampling from a finger or from a vein may follow. In children deoxygenated blood taken in an amount of 2 ml, in adults – 5 ml.

Important! Blood is taken in the morning and on an empty stomach; in addition, the day before it is forbidden to consume salty and spicy dishes, smoking, alcohol and, if possible, any medications.

Difference between volume and level

These two characteristics demonstrate different states. If the level is elevated, then based on the results of the analysis, a conclusion can be made about thrombocytosis. An increase in the number of cells per unit of blood plasma is noted, but their quality indicators are not analyzed. The average volume does not show quantitative parameters, but it determines their type.

As already noted, the usefulness of platelet cells can be concluded from their size. Mature molecules are smaller in size, and there are fewer of them per certain amount of plasma material. Immature platelets are characterized by increased sizes and, in the same certain amount of blood, occupy a much larger volume.

Important! An excess of the average volume indicates that the composition of the plasma is dominated by underdeveloped cellular forms. The larger the volume, the more defective cells in the blood that cannot fully perform their immediate functions.

As a rule, there is a correlation between the number of cellular connections and the figure for their average volume. It is indicated in the form of an inverse proportion, the smaller the volume, the higher the level, and vice versa. But sometimes this rule is broken.

  1. In the presence of a myeloproliferative process, both indicators are exceeded in direct proportion.
  2. In case of blood loss of any nature, both indicators are exceeded, but not to a critical level.
  3. Bone marrow aplasia is a directly proportional decrease in both indicators.

What does MPV mean?

The indicator is “encrypted” in these Latin letters. This is an abbreviation for Mean Platelet Volume, which literally translates as “average platelet volume.” It measures the platelet level of activity, the content of highly active components, the tendency of cellular structures to adhesion and their ability to change. The average platelet volume in an adult is in the range of 150-380x109/l.

By the way. Throughout life, platelets in humans first have a high volume, and then gradually decrease its value. This is a natural process.

Table. Normalized MPV index values ​​by age

In the decoding of a blood test, the indicator can be indicated in units of femtoliters (fl). The standards in this case will average 7-11 units.

Important! According to the ratio, the norm for full-fledged “working” cells is about 90% of the total composition of plasma. Newly formed immature ones should be no more than 0.8%. Old, reduced-volume cells make up about 5.8% of the plasma.

Women have a slightly reduced volume rate compared to men. This occurs due to monthly menstruation, during which platelet volume increases and the number decreases.

In men general level normally higher, and representatives of the stronger half are more likely to suffer from thrombocytosis (a critically excess platelet volume). Women are more likely to suffer from thrombocytopenia - low blood volume.

What does an MPV look like?

The result obtained on the hematology analyzer is displayed in the form of a histogram. On it, data is distributed in the form of thrombocytometric curves. If predominantly young (bulk) cells are present, the entire histogram is shifted to the right. If the cells are mature and occupy a smaller volume, the histogram is shifted to the left.

A strong displacement of any kind serves as a symptom of hidden diseases occurring in the patient’s body; they relate to diseases of the circulatory system, and can become indicators of multiple pathological conditions.

Detection of pathologies using this analysis makes it possible to correctly diagnose the disease, track the dynamics of the pathology process and prescribe effective therapeutic measures.

What is the danger of increased volume

What is dangerous about the increase in volume demonstrated by the thrombocytometric curve? The presence of immature cellular structures in most increases the likelihood of blood clots.

For the patient this can result in:

  • state of heart attack;
  • the onset of thromboembolism;
  • sudden stroke.

Important! In Group subject to change In the direction of increasing the average platelet volume indicator are patients with arterial hypertension and diabetics.

As an alarm signal, in which it is necessary to take medical measures and reduce the dynamics of the detected pathological process, an excess platelet volume appears in the following cases.

  1. Thrombocytopenia is a process of accelerated destruction of platelet cells.
  2. Diabetes.
  3. Cellular dystrophy.
  4. Splenectomy.
  5. Myeloid leukemia.
  6. Erythremia.
  7. Macrocytic platelet dystrophy.
  8. May-Hegglin genetic anomaly.
  9. Pathological abuse of alcohol and smoking.
  10. On early pregnancy, an increase in MPV causes miscarriage.

There are, however, situations in which the volumetric distribution of platelets remains within normal values ​​or shows a slight excess, which is not a pathology. This is mainly evidence of various physiological abnormalities.

In all of the above cases, the body produces an increased release of platelets from bone marrow cells in order to compensate and stop blood loss. At the same time, among mature, full-fledged cells, immature ones are also formed, in quantities bordering on exceeding the norm.

Important! Increased rate volume in a critical relation to the norm will lead to platelet sticking. As a result, vascular blood clots will form and thrombocytosis may be diagnosed.

Thrombocytosis can be classified as a non-critical category when the volume norm is exceeded by 10-20%. At a critical level, the norm is doubled, and this almost certainly provokes blood clots.

With thrombocytosis, platelet levels can reach about 500,000 per cubic meter. mm

As a result of the surveys, not only the volume is revealed, but, thanks to the histogram, it is possible to track the specific increase in particles.

With an increase in the volume of newly synthesized cells, the likelihood of hidden internal bleeding is high.

When the volume of mature cells increases above the critical level, there are prerequisites to assume the presence of oncological processes.

If the number of degenerative cells is increased, this indicates malfunction hematopoietic system generally.

The causes of thrombocytosis are:

  • developing or developed oncology;
  • exacerbation chronic processes in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • operational states;
  • blood diseases;
  • adverse reactions to taking certain medications.

What to do if volume increases

It costs nothing to do anything on your own, just like interpreting the results of an MPV analysis.

  1. Firstly, a once recorded excess of volume does not mean anything.
  2. Secondly, this may be caused physiological reasons, and the indicator is able to return to normal on its own, without medical intervention, after the source of blood loss disappears, for example.
  3. Thirdly, it is necessary to simultaneously evaluate other parameters of the patient’s blood being tested.
  4. Fourthly, additional/repeated studies are being carried out.
  5. And only fifthly, after confirming all the data, the doctor can prescribe the required medication correction.

As traditional medicines most often prescribed anticoagulants. This group of drugs can prevent the formation of blood clots and dissolve existing blood clots.

Second group - thrombolytics. The action is aimed at liquefying blood clots; they can deal with the clot within 45 minutes, destroying it.

Also in parallel with the means for internal use and injections, treatment is carried out externally, with ointments, baths, products alternative medicine. Successful group combination various drugs allows you to effectively combat thrombocytosis at various stages.

“Hepatothrombin” contains the substances allantoin and heparin, which provides it with analgesic and thrombolytic properties

A significant deviation from the norm in platelet volume is dangerous for both children and adults, and especially pregnant women. Therefore, it is advisable to conduct a blood test annually to identify deviations, both upward and downward. Thus, it is possible to identify at the very beginning and prevent, or stop over time and cure many hidden diseases, including serious ones associated with the function of bone marrow hematopoiesis.

Video - Clinical Evaluation of Laboratory Tests

Platelets are the smallest blood elements formed in the bone marrow and are oval or round plates. In fact, these are nuclear-free fragments of the cytoplasm of megakaryocytes - giant bone marrow cells.

Platelets are involved in the process of blood clotting, vascular nutrition and tissue regeneration. They are able to stick to each other and attach to the wall of the vessel at the site where its integrity is violated. This way it is formed blood clot, which stops bleeding from a damaged vessel. If the number and average volume of platelets are reduced, they cannot cope with their work, bleeding becomes intense and does not stop for a long time.

Mean platelet volume (MPV) and platelet level are determined by general analysis blood. When diagnosing, only a significant decrease in the number of platelets in the blood is taken into account - below 100 thousand / μl. This condition is medically called thrombocytopenia. It causes prolonged nosebleeds, heavy menstruation, hemorrhages under the skin and in internal organs, bleeding gums, capillary fragility and bleeding disorders.

Daily fluctuations in platelet levels within 10% are considered physiological norm. In women during menstruation, their number decreases by 20-30%.

The average volume of platelets depends on their age; as the elements age, this parameter decreases. From size blood platelets their activity and the content of active substances in the granules depend.

Quantity and average volume standards

The platelet rate in an adult is the same for any age. The lower norm is 150 thousand/µl, the upper norm is 400 thousand/µl.

Mean volume (MPV) is measured in femtoliters. In a healthy person, this figure is 7.5-11 fm.


Why are the number and average volume of blood platelets lower than normal? The causes of low platelets are varied. Thrombocytopenia can be a symptom of a disease, an independent form, or a consequence of the use of certain drugs or exposure to chemicals.

A decrease in platelet levels has the following reasons:

  1. Irregularities at work thyroid gland. This can be either a decrease in its function - hypothyroidism, or an increase in hormone production - thyrotoxicosis.
  2. Autoimmune diseases: scleroderma, SLE (systemic lupus erythematosus).
  3. Infectious diseases viral nature: chickenpox, measles, influenza, rubella.
  4. Hereditary thrombocytopenia. For some genetic diseases platelets are reduced, their formation is impaired or destruction occurs. These are Fanconi syndrome, May-Hegglin anomaly, neonatal rubella, Bernard-Soulier syndrome, Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome.
  5. Malignant diseases. Tumors and metastases in the bone marrow, leukemia.
  6. Diseases accompanied increased activity spleen, where platelets are destroyed naturally. For example, cirrhosis of the liver.
  7. Ionizing radiation.
  8. Aplastic and megaloblastic anemia.
  9. Uremia is intoxication that occurs during chronic renal failure.
  10. Some medications, after taking which there is a decrease in the number of platelets: analgin, biseptol, aspirin, vinblastine, sulfadimethoxine, chloramphenicol, chlorothiazide, phenylbutazone, rifadin and others.
  11. Pregnancy and menstruation are natural causes.
  12. Hemodialysis.
  13. Thrombocytopenic purpura.
  14. Poisoning with alcohol or heavy metals.
  15. Leukemia.

With low platelets there is a tendency to bleeding and hematoma formation, poor healing wound

During pregnancy

A decrease in platelet count is considered normal during pregnancy, but only if these fluctuations are minor. Acceptable indicator during this period - 10-20% lower general norm for adults.

If platelets are significantly reduced during pregnancy, then this is pathological condition. In this case, the woman may complain about poor wound healing, bleeding, and bruising even from weak blows. The reasons why platelets may be low during pregnancy are as follows:

  • unbalanced diet;
  • viral infection;
  • preeclampsia;
  • nephropathy of pregnancy;
  • impaired blood clotting;
  • systemic lupus erythematosus;
  • folate deficiency;
  • antiphospholipid syndrome;
  • allergies;
  • taking medications;
  • obstetric hemorrhage.

Low platelets during pregnancy are fraught with early gestosis, threat of miscarriage, premature birth, heavy bleeding during childbirth. Women with frequent relapses chronic thrombocytopenia, planning pregnancy is undesirable.


If the test shows that your platelet level is below normal, you should undergo testing to find out the reason and decide how to increase your level. Treatment depends on the cause of this condition and is aimed primarily at eliminating it.

If low level platelet count is caused by taking medications, they are canceled. If severe bleeding occurs, platelet and plasma transfusions are performed. With significant blood loss and the development of severe anemia, transfusions of red blood cells and plasma may be required. To increase platelet production and suppress autoimmune reactions, immunoglobulin and corticosteroids are prescribed.

If there is no desired result when conservative treatment thrombocytopenic purpura, heavy repeated bleeding, hemorrhages in important organs splenectomy may be indicated - an operation to remove the spleen, the effectiveness of which is high (about 80%).

For thrombocytopenia, for the purpose of and, a course may be prescribed medicines based natural ingredients. These include products such as Derinat, Sodecor, and Etamzilat.

If your platelet count is low, doctors recommend eating right. It is necessary to avoid alcoholic drinks, hot and spicy foods. Should be included in the menu more products, rich in vitamins A, C and promoting better blood clotting. This is the liver fish fat, chokeberry, bell pepper, celery, green apples, parsley, rose hips, carrots, peanuts, Pine nuts, almonds, grape and lingonberry leaves, Birch juice.

Video about the functions of platelets and the reasons for the decrease in their number in the blood:


People prone to thrombocytopenia should be observed by a hematologist and follow his recommendations. This pathological condition is dangerous because it can lead to heavy bleeding Therefore, it is necessary to avoid injuries and cuts. It is important to refuse alcoholic drinks and smoking, as well as prolonged exposure to the sun. You should not take medications that thin your blood.

Increasingly, in blood tests you can see an indicator that many people do not understand - MPV. The abbreviation stands for average platelet volume level. Along with the absolute platelet count, the average volume characterizes the blood clotting function.

Platelets: blood indicators

Platelets, being the smallest elements of blood (cell size is 2-4 microns), are responsible for full-time job circulatory system. These cells determine the viscosity of the blood and the ability to restore the integrity of blood vessels by forming a blood clot at the site of damage.

The physiological indicator of the absolute number of platelet cells varies within the range of 180-400x109/l. During the day the amount blood cells may vary by 10%. A significant decrease in this indicator in 80% of cases characterizes various bleeding: from nasal to more serious in internal organs. The norm in women can decrease by 20-50% during menstrual bleeding.

The average size characterizes the maturity of blood cells. A normal volume is considered to be 7-10 fl (femoliter). A platelet lives 8-12 days. Immature young cells have an increased volume, while “old” ones, on the contrary, decrease in size.

Blood test: MPV determination

5 ml of blood (1-2 ml is taken from children) is taken from a vein. The analysis is performed cytometrically fluorescent method. In this case, hematological analyzers produce a histogram - a curve showing the number of platelets different sizes. Young, mature and end-of-life cells carry different functional load, their saturation differs biologically active substances. The predominance of immature platelets shifts the histogram to the left. A shift to the right is characterized by a predominant content of old cells. Similar changes can be observed when normal indicator absolute platelet count, which means a violation of either the process of cell formation in the bone marrow or their maturation.

Reasons for deviations

A large number of young platelet cells increases blood clotting and is fraught with the formation of blood clots. The average platelet volume is increased in the following pathological conditions:

  • posthemorrhagic anemia (compensating for blood loss, the bone marrow intensively produces young cells);
  • thrombocytopenic purpura;
  • hyperthyroidism;
  • thalassemia (hereditary disease);
  • splenectomy (removal of the spleen);
  • May-Hegglin anomaly (rare);
  • Bernard-Soulier thrombocytodystrophy;
  • diabetes.

The average platelet volume below normal (the predominance of old cells) characterizes a decrease in blood clotting ability, the possibility of extensive bleeding and non-healing of wounds. Thrombocytopenia (decrease in the total number of platelets) and an underestimated absolute volume of these cells is a sign of the following pathologies:

  • splenomegaly (enlarged spleen);
  • aplastic, megaloblastic anemia;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • oncopathology (leukemia, sarcoma, lymphoma, carcinoma, lymphogranulomatosis) and concomitant radiation and cytostatic treatment;
  • Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome (hereditary pathology);
  • myelodysplastic syndrome.

Important: A low platelet count can be detected during pregnancy. Thrombocytopenia is usually mild, but the risk of miscarriage and premature birth increases threefold.

Thrombocytopenia and the accompanying decrease in absolute cell volume may have a drug etiology. Reception the following drugs inhibits platelet synthesis:

  1. analgin;
  2. acetylsaldicylic acid (aspirin);
  3. vincristine;
  4. biseptol and sulfonamides;
  5. chloramphenicol;
  6. vinblastine;
  7. rheopirin.

Symptoms, treatment

An increased average platelet volume in the blood significantly increases the chance thrombus formation, leading to severe conditions up to a heart attack, stroke or thromboembolism. This is especially dangerous for patients suffering from hypertension and diabetes mellitus. At high level volume, drugs are prescribed that can reduce blood viscosity.

A low rate is fraught breakthrough bleeding, stopping which very often causes difficulties. Treatment of thrombocytopenia involves the use of medications that increase blood viscosity: intravenous sodium ethamsylate, calcium chloride etc., oral iron supplements and vitamin complexes, externally hemostatic sponge. For severe thrombocytopenia and heavy ongoing bleeding, platelet transfusions and donor plasma. However, if there are antiplatelet antibodies in the blood, this measure will lead to increased bleeding.

Precautionary measures

A small deviation in mean platelet cell volume, possibly caused by a common cold, does not require treatment. However, caution should be exercised when choosing antiviral and antibacterial agents. medications so as not to cause further decline. Monitoring the total number of platelets and their absolute volume is necessary to confirm the effectiveness of the prescribed treatment for the underlying disease and for preventive purposes (preventing the development of thromboembolism, extensive bleeding). An analysis to determine the level of average cell volume must be periodically repeated for patients with diabetes mellitus, hypertension, and thyroid pathology.



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