Sleep counting. Stages of sleep stages: slow wave sleep

Phases of slow and REM sleep- What is this?
Today we’ll talk about such a concept as sleep phases and their features.

You may have already heard that if you interrupt your sleep at a certain point, you will feel rested, even though you slept less than the required eight hours.
Below we will tell you how to calculate sleep stages, but first you should learn more about them.

We will try to tell everything in a simple way! Sleep is a rather complex process and still remains a mystery to scientists. But it has been proven that during sleep the body experiences whole line processes that are observed in a certain order. This is how the phases of human sleep are formed.

“How many stages of sleep?” – particularly impatient readers will ask! As a rule, about 4 cycles occur during the night, each of which is divided into two phases: deep and REM sleep. Let's do a sleep calculation.

Sleep phases by time

The slow-wave sleep phase takes up about 75% of the total sleep time. It is quite easy to determine. At this time, a person sleeps “sweetly”: the body is relaxed, breathing is uniform. If you believe scientists, then interrupting such a dream is extremely undesirable, since it is in this case that they say that they “got off on the wrong foot.”

Deep sleep phase

    1. Nap

This is the stage when you go to bed and are just trying to fall asleep. As a rule, many people at this moment are dreaming, planning the next day, or digesting the past day.

    1. Deep sleep

It takes about half the time of this phase, but there are bursts of activity (the so-called active phase sleep).

    1. Transitional stage

It’s practically no different from the second, it’s just that the sleep becomes more sensitive.

    1. Deep sleep phase

REM sleep phase

The phrase “REM sleep” speaks for itself. This means that a person can sleep little, but still feel alert all day long. It is difficult to determine this moment visually, as well as to wake up a sleeping person. Researchers have proven that the brain is active during REM sleep. It should be noted that it is at this moment that memorable dreams occur that you will remember in the morning.

Calculation of sleep phases

That long time has finally come this moment, when we will tell you how to calculate the phases of sleep in order to sleep at a minimum and feel at the “maximum”. Let us immediately note that there are many such methods, but we will further discuss the two most popular ones.

  1. Alarm clock with sleep phases.

This device consists of a familiar alarm clock and a unique bracelet. It’s easy to guess that the bracelet “monitors” the necessary parameters of the body and, when it detects the necessary data that determines the REM sleep phase, turns on the alarm clock. The disadvantage of this method is the expensive price of the device; by the way, it is also not easy to find it on sale. This alarm clock costs about $300.

  1. Calculation by cycles.

Most a budget option and, in my opinion, not heavy. Remember that the phase of slow falling asleep takes about two hours, and the phase of rapid sleep passes in about 20 minutes. Therefore, before going to bed, count 3 or 4 such intervals and set the alarm clock at right time. We recommend choosing a dynamic melody, otherwise you may simply not hear it.

For example, if you go to bed at 23-00, then you should get up at 05-50 or 08-10. Just remember that this calculation will not always be accurate, because falling asleep is not always easy. In addition, if you had a hard day, then the body will be weakened, and this will affect its stay in the deep sleep phases.

You can also calculate your sleep time online using the website

Try and experiment with your sleep and don’t forget to share your experience in the comments!

It happens that we sleep for 7-8 hours, but we wake up tired, irritated, as if we had not slept. The reason is what time you go to bed and what time you wake up.

Time for a good night's sleep

Human sleep consists of cycles. Each cycle is an alternation of 2 phases: slow and fast sleep. Most people require 5 sleep cycles to full recovery. It's connected with genetic characteristics. For some people, 3-4 cycles are enough to feel full of energy.

After falling asleep, the slow-wave sleep phase begins, which lasts an hour and a half. Breathing evens out, the brain rests, the eyes do not move under the eyelids, the body is relaxed. In this phase, the body is restored, physical strength and energy are replenished.

Next comes the REM sleep phase, which lasts 10-20 minutes. The heart rate increases, body temperature and blood pressure rise, and the eyes move quickly under the eyelids. The brain becomes active and dreams occur.

During the night the phases alternate. By the morning, the REM sleep phase increases, and the slow sleep phase decreases. Therefore, we see pre-dawn dreams more clearly and can remember them. In 7.5-8 hours of sleep you have time to go through about 5 cycles and regain your strength.

For productive sleep, calculate the time of falling asleep and waking up for one and a half hours. Try to wake up after the end of REM sleep.

  1. Don't drink alcohol before bed. It helps you fall asleep, but shortens the REM sleep phase, which helps you “process” the day’s experiences and transfer the information received during the day into long-term memory.
  2. Do some light exercise before bed. A little exercise makes it easy to fall asleep. Exercises can be replaced physical labor or a walk outside.
  3. Eat foods with magnesium. This is spinach, seaweed, pumpkin seeds and cashews. A lack of magnesium causes sleep problems.
  4. Create favorable conditions For sleep. The temperature in the bedroom should not be higher than 18-20°C. The room should be dark and quiet. Turn off gadgets. Red or blue light from charger or TV lights interferes with proper sleep.
  5. Ensure continuity of REM sleep before waking up. Waking up in the middle of the cycle or after a long sleep phase contributes to poor brain function and a broken state in the morning.

What time should you go to bed?

The processes of cleansing, renewing and saturating the body with energy depend on the time of falling asleep. During sleep, from 20:00 to 02:00, melatonin is produced - the hormone of sleep and youth. Peak production is reached at 23:00 and lasts until 02:00. At this time you should be in a state of deep sleep. This will ensure you receive maximum dose melatonin.

You need to go to bed at 22:00. After just 2 weeks of regularly going to bed at this time, you will notice qualitative changes. The reaction speed will increase, thought processes will become precise, the amount of strength and energy will increase.

You need to get ready for bed from 20:00. Stop loud noisy games, dim the lighting, slow down children's activity. Children should go to bed at 21:00, then adults can take a walk, take a shower, finish their chores and go to bed at 22:00.

It is advisable to sleep 1.5 hours during the day. Operating efficiency after nap increases by 50-70%. Doctor somnologist Yuri Pogoretsky reports in an interview that more than 30 heads of leading companies allow their employees to sleep in the afternoon. More than 15 managers have already created sleeping rooms so that employees can sleep.

If you were unable to complete 5 sleep cycles at night, you can sleep 1 cycle during the day. At first it will be difficult to go to bed early, but after a week you will notice changes and will not want to return to your usual sleep pattern.

What time do you need to get up

The laws of physiology dictate to us the time of awakening so that the body can invigorate itself. A person does not have direct contact with the earth, like animals or birds, for example, so his body does not work in resonance. This leads to an imbalance in the functioning of all organs.

If you wake up at 5 am, your body resonates with the planet and builds normal work. After just 4 days of waking up early, you will begin to feel more energetic and alert. To train yourself to get up at the right time, learn to go to bed early.

The main reasons for waking up early

  1. Efficiency. You will spend less time sleeping. Active life will increase by several years. You will be able to calmly plan things, analyze events and tune in to the new day.
  2. Time for yourself. Waking up in the morning when everyone is asleep, you will have time for yourself. You can read a book, take a walk, or do something you love.
  3. Energy of nature. You'll get powerful charge energy. This is especially noticeable in the summer.
  4. Health. By properly organizing your sleep patterns, your sleep will improve. There will be time for morning exercises. Will improve emotional mood. You'll look better because you'll rest and recover overnight.
  5. No stress. You will become more aware of problem solving. Stress resistance will increase.
  6. A good relationship. In the evening, you will be able to spend more time communicating with your family, as you will have time to redo your homework.
  7. Organization. Your productivity will increase, you will make fewer mistakes and get through your daily tasks faster.

Hello, dear blog readers! I don’t know about you, but I have always been interested in the topic of sleep. I’ve heard a lot of all sorts of theories and guesses about him: and about slow sleep, and about fast, and about its various phases. But I’ve never “tested” this myself. I heard, and that's all. But we didn’t have enough brains to dig deeper, we just couldn’t get around to it :) (although the article about healthy sleep I already wrote before - that means I dug a little).

So today I decided to improve and fill this gap in knowledge. Well, as usual, everyone interesting information What I find on the Internet, I openly share with you.

Classification of stages

So, the first thing I came across was the simplest classification, known to us since school. According to it, the stages of sleep are divided into:

  • fast;
  • and slow.

Moreover, each stage has its own “substages”. So, fast sleep is divided into:

  • emotional;
  • unemotional.

A slow on the:

  • nap;
  • sleep spindles;
  • delta sleep;
  • deep delta sleep.

I don’t see the point in going deeper into each of these points - there is little interesting there (mainly the difference in activity brain waves and so on). Better take a look at this table of differences between the stages that I compiled for you:

Well, now let's determine what happens to us when we fall asleep and how all these stages alternate with each other. Now this is a little more interesting, isn't it?

Sequence of stages

1) After we got into bed and started to fall asleep, it activates first stage of sleep(or the drowsiness stage).

It lasts about 5-10 minutes, no more. As a rule, for this short period our brain does not have time to “calm down” and is still quite active: it solves the latest tasks, problems - in general, it works by inertia :)

2) Then follows second stage of slow-wave sleep.

There is a decrease in muscle activity, slowing of breathing and heart rate. The eyes remain motionless. At this stage there are a number of short moments at which the person is most easily awakened. This stage of sleep lasts about 20 minutes.

3) The third and fourth stages of sleep are very similar to each other and last about 30-45 minutes (the difference is only in the number of delta oscillations - that’s why they are called “delta” and “deep delta” dreams).

4) After this the person returns again into the 2nd stage of slow-wave sleep(described above), and after it goes into the first part of the fast* (very short - only about five minutes).

*Please note that REM sleep occurs only after passing through all 4 (or rather five: 4 forward, and one back :)) phases of slow sleep.

This entire sequence of four points described above is called cycle. The time of the first such cycle is about 90-100 minutes.

What do we do for the remaining 5-6 hours?

It’s simple: the rest of the time these phases are repeated under only one condition: the share of REM sleep increases by reducing the share of slow sleep (in the morning, the REM sleep stage can last an hour - as it is written on Wikipedia). With proper healthy rest, about five such cycles are observed.

Wow, well, it seems like I explained everything clearly :) Now that we know what is going on and why, let’s try to answer the question: “ When is the best time to wake up?».

So when is the best time to wake up?

So, I found several ways to determine the best time to rise.

1) Here is this resource. Based on algorithms known only to them, the calculator calculates the optimal time to wake up. All you need to do is enter the time you want to fall asleep and click “calculate”.

For example, if I fall asleep at 23:00 (as usually happens), it’s best for me to wake up at 6:00. Who knows, maybe this is true (since I woke up at 6:25 today and waking up was not the easiest - fortunately, I helped out cold and hot shower) :) Tomorrow I’ll try to get up at 6:00.

2) You can also use this table. I don’t know who its author is, but everything is presented very clearly and intelligibly - many thanks to him for that.

The phases of REM sleep are highlighted in green, and slow-wave sleep in red. And if you believe this scheme, then it is best to wake up at the very end of the first phase - moreover, REM sleep. This time is even marked with an alarm clock.

According to the time scale (x-axis), it is best to wake up seven hours after falling asleep. In principle, everything is the same: if you look at the screenshot above (point 1), then for me, falling asleep at 23:00, it is best to get up at 6:00 - the picture is the same here. That's it, tomorrow I get up exactly at 6:00! If I don’t forget, I’ll write to you about my successes :)

Did you know?

Well, we've sorted out the stages of sleep and determined the best time to wake up. What shall we do now? Oh, I have an idea! Let's find out how animals sleep!

Did you know, What:

  • cats sleep 16 hours a day;
  • giraffes, before falling asleep, kneel down and bend their heads around their legs;
  • dolphins and cetaceans have the ability to sleep unilaterally (this is when one hemisphere of the brain sleeps and the other is awake). Among marine inhabitants, this is explained by the need to surface to gain air during sleep.
  • Birds can sleep not only while standing, but even on the fly! (migrating birds have developed an interesting mechanism: every 15 minutes one individual flies into the very center of the flock and falls asleep, only slightly working its wings. It hovers in the air mainly due to the air flow of the flock. After a kind of rest, it returns, giving way to others) .

Agree that in our case everything is not so bad - when there is a soft bed, a blanket and a pillow under your head :)

Find out why this is so important

Every person knows from childhood that he must sleep at least eight hours. Only in this case can we guarantee ideal conditions to recuperate after a hard day and fully enjoy the next one. However, what should it be? healthy sleep? How much sleep do you need to get enough sleep and successfully recuperate during the night? Our online sleep calculator will help you find out this treasured figure, which is calculated on the average duration of sleep phases.

It is believed that sleeping less than seven to eight hours in most cases threatens feeling unwell. But scientists note that this is a stereotype, since the duration of a night's rest may be different for everyone. The primary task is to take into account the phases of sleep and carefully monitor them.

How does the sleep calculator work?

When a person falls asleep, he goes through several cycles of alternating slow and fast sleep phases. If you wake up during the slow phase, you will feel heavy, groggy and tired. It will be more difficult for you to wake up and get out of bed, which will not happen if you wake up at the end of " fast phase" This is why it is so important to wake up at the right time.

The online sleep calculator takes into account the duration of sleep cycles, which last on average 90 minutes. You need to indicate the time when you intend to go to bed, and we will give you the answer to the question of when is the best time to get up in the morning in order to feel fully rested. The calculator also takes into account the time it takes to fall asleep, so you don't need to add it to your wake-up schedule. We have already done it for you.

But why do you need to use any sleep calculators at all? To understand this, you need to understand what kind of process this is and why it is so important for our body.

Dream - what is it?

Sleep is special condition human consciousness, which includes several stages (phases). The stages naturally replace each other at night according to a certain pattern. This phenomenon is natural physiological process, allowing to guarantee good rest our brain. A sleeping person has a minimal reaction to the outside world, because he must recover before the next day of activity.

Average The length of a person's sleep depends on numerous factors, each of which has a special meaning:

  • age;
  • lifestyle features;
  • nutrition;
  • degree of fatigue;
  • external factors that persist during sleep (location, noise level, etc.).

With serious sleep disorders, which do not happen very often, the duration becomes specific. The minimum duration of rest is a few seconds, the maximum is several days.

Phases of sleep: types, description

To understand what a dream is, you need to understand the structure. Mandatory requirement taking into account the characteristics of each of its phases: slow and fast. This is the basis for all online sleep calculators, including ours.

The slow-wave sleep phase occurs immediately after we fall asleep. At this time, a person is only capable of dozing, but subsequently sleep becomes deep.

Exists four stages of slow-wave sleep:

  1. Nap. At this stage, the brain remains active due to inertia. Then activity decreases. A person falls into a deep sleep under the influence of fatigue. Despite the fact that we fall asleep deeper and deeper, the risk of periodically waking up still remains.
  2. The second stage allows the person to calm down. At the same time, consciousness turns off. At this time, a person has increased sensitivity to sounds and decreased muscle activity.
  3. The third phase of sleep resembles the second, but there is still a difference. It lies in the different intensity of brain work (many scientists combine the second and third phases into one).
  4. The fourth phase becomes the deepest, and a person can see calm, pleasant dreams.

The REM sleep phase has a corresponding duration. At this time, the brain becomes active, and the eyes can “dart.” During this stage, a person may wake up and feel active.

The four stages of non-REM sleep and REM sleep constitute one cycle. There can be four to six cycles per night. The online sleep calculator shows all six time periods that correspond to the end of the fast phase, when waking up is most beneficial for the body.

Why do you need to get enough sleep?

Sleep deprivation is the lack or complete absence of satisfaction of the need for sleep. This phenomenon may be due to serious violations sleep, conscious choice or coercion. Depriving a person of such rest is a difficult test that no one can cope with. Within a few days, there is a complete loss of clarity of thinking, after which you can only think about how to fall asleep. There is a serious risk of falling through borderline state, which is characterized by confused consciousness. It is not surprising that lack of sleep is a sophisticated torture that is actively used in various types interrogations.

In most cases lack of sleep leads to the following consequences:

  • muscle pain;
  • decreased visual acuity;
  • depression;
  • constant drowsiness;
  • weakened immune system;
  • dizziness;
  • fainting;
  • headache;
  • hallucinations;
  • irritability;
  • memory impairment;
  • nausea;
  • tremor of the limbs;
  • increased activity;
  • slow reaction;
  • almost constant yawning.

Symptoms are determined by the characteristics of the body, so each person reacts differently to sleep problems.

Research conducted in medical center University of Chicago, established Negative influence lack or lack of sleep on the ability to absorb glucose. For this reason, many people are faced with diabetes, which is not so easy to treat. Another undesirable manifestation– suppression of secretion growth hormone. With its deficiency, excess calories lead to active dialing excess weight, and in children and adolescents - to growth retardation.

How much sleep does an adult need?

Scientists note that the duration of sleep is determined by the body individually. For this reason, eight hours a day may even be too much for some. For some, four to five hours are enough for proper rest. Many are inclined to think that everything is individual and there are no boundaries. So how much sleep does an adult need?

On average it takes six to eight hours a day in order to get enough sleep. In most cases, the body is set up for eight hours of sleep. However, you should not rely on statistics, because each organism has its own characteristics. History leads vivid examples, When famous people did not fit into standard schedules:

  • Napoleon slept five hours a night;
  • Einstein - 12 hours;
  • Leonardo da Vinci - 15-minute sleep every 4 hours (1.5 hours in total).

Only you can decide how much sleep you need: eight hours, less or more. If you turn increased attention on your well-being and experiment, then you can understand what length of night's rest will be optimal for you. To get started, try using our online calculator sleep. Stick to the regime that he calculates for several days, and you will definitely notice changes for the better: you will stop wanting to sleep during the day, it will become easier to wake up in the morning, and you will have more energy.

How much sleep should women and men sleep?

Women need a lot of sleep. A man can sleep six to seven hours, a woman about eight hours. Lack of sleep is, first of all, dangerous for the fair sex, because they must always look 100% and be healthy, since the condition of future children depends on them.

How much sleep does a child need?

In children, as in adults, the duration of sleep is individual. Sleep duration indicators for children depend on their age:

  • Children 2–4 years old should sleep about 16 hours;
  • 4–5 years – 13 hours;
  • 6–7 years – 12 hours;
  • teenagers - up to nine hours.

In each case, sleep for a person becomes the basis of his good condition health, so you need to take care of proper rest in order to always feel cheerful and healthy. Use our sleep calculator to know what time you need to get up in the morning to feel energized!

Sleep phases by hour

We won't bring scientific definition this term, but we will try to tell everything in a simple way! Sleep is a rather complex process and still remains a mystery to scientists. But it has been proven that during sleep a number of processes occur in the body, which are observed in a certain order. This is how the phases of human sleep are formed.

“How many stages of sleep?” – particularly impatient readers will ask! As a rule, about 4 cycles occur per night, each of which is divided into two phases: fast and slow sleep. Let's do a sleep calculation.

Sleep phases: timing

The slow-wave sleep phase takes up about 75% of the total sleep time. It is quite easy to determine. At this time, a person sleeps “sweetly”: the body is relaxed, breathing is uniform. If you believe scientists, then interrupting such a dream is extremely undesirable, since it is in this case that they say that they “got off on the wrong foot.”

Stages of sleep stages: slow wave sleep

    1. Nap

This is the stage when you go to bed and are just trying to fall asleep. As a rule, many people at this moment are dreaming, planning the next day, or digesting the past day.

    1. Deep sleep

It takes about half the time of this phase, but there are bursts of activity (the so-called active phase of sleep).

    1. Transitional stage

It’s practically no different from the second, it’s just that the sleep becomes more sensitive.

    1. Phases of deep sleep

Stages of sleep stages: REM

The phrase “REM sleep” speaks for itself. This means that a person can sleep little, but still feel alert all day long. It is difficult to determine this moment visually, as well as to wake up a sleeping person. Researchers have proven that the brain is active during REM sleep. It should be noted that it is at this moment that memorable dreams occur that you will remember in the morning.

Have trouble sleeping? they will help you essential oils for sleep.
Also, don’t forget about vitamins, especially in winter!

Calculation of sleep phases

Finally, the long-awaited moment has come when we will tell you how to calculate the phases of sleep in order to sleep at a minimum and feel at the “maximum”. Let us immediately note that there are many such methods, but we will further discuss the two most popular ones.

  1. Alarm clock with sleep phases.

This device consists of a familiar alarm clock and a unique bracelet. It’s easy to guess that the bracelet “monitors” the necessary parameters of the body and, when it detects the necessary data that determines the REM sleep phase, turns on the alarm clock. The disadvantage of this method is the expensive price of the device; by the way, it is also not easy to find it on sale. This alarm clock costs about $300.

  1. Calculation by cycles.

The most budget option and, in my opinion, not heavy. Remember that the phase of slow falling asleep takes about two hours, and the phase of rapid sleep passes in about 20 minutes. Therefore, before going to bed, count 3 or 4 such intervals and set the alarm clock at the right time. We recommend choosing a dynamic melody, otherwise you may simply not hear it.

For example, if you go to bed at 23-00, then you should get up at 05-50 or 08-10. Just remember that this calculation will not always be accurate, because falling asleep is not always easy. In addition, if you had a hard day, then the body will be weakened, and this will affect its stay in the deep sleep phases.

You can also calculate your sleep time online using the website

Try and experiment with your sleep and don’t forget to share your experience in the comments!

Everyone knows that it is impossible to live without sleep. Of course, you can stay awake for 3-4 days in a row, but then you usually have to sleep all day long)). By the way, the world record for the number of hours a person spends without sleep is 264 hours, which is equal to 11 days (wikipedia).

It is believed that time necessary for a person for sleep is purely individual: for some, 4-5 hours are enough, and for others, at least 10 are needed. However, one thing is clearly known: there are so-called sleep cycles that must be taken into account. You've probably noticed that sometimes you get a great night's sleep and feel refreshed after 2-3 hours of sleep, and sometimes, despite the fact that you went to bed early, you feel completely exhausted in the morning)).

Sleep calculatoronline service, which will help you determine the correct time to go to bed and when to get up, taking into account your sleep cycles. It is in Russian and very easy to learn.

This sleep phase calculator has two operating modes:
— You set the time at which you need to wake up, and the calculator calculates the best time for you Go to bed
— You indicate the time you are going to go to bed, and the sleep calculator shows everything possible options wake up time so that you get a good night's sleep and feel great the next day.

Let's say I want to wake up at 6.15. Then it’s better to go to bed at this time:

Friends, I would like to emphasize once again that the work of this calculator is based on taking into account the influence of sleep cycles (phases), which must be taken into account if you want to get a good night's sleep. Simply put: if you wake up in the middle of a cycle, you will feel tired and sluggish, and if you wake up between cycles, you will feel like a cucumber)).

I wish you to always feel cheerful and rested! Moreover, now with the help of a sleep calculator (by the way, its full name is SleepyTime Bedtime Calculator) it will be much easier for you to do this: you don’t have to guess what time you go to bed in order to get enough sleep :)

Were you able to achieve the desired result using this service? Leave your comments and ask questions.

Problem: you need to wake up at 6 am, but at the same time you need to do an amount of work equal to n, which tends to infinity. Question: when is it better to go to bed so as not to be exhausted in the morning and not sleep on the go the whole next day?

In Ayurveda perfect time for sleep, during which the body is fully restored, the period from 10 pm to 12 am is considered. That is, in order to be fresh and alert in the morning, you need to fall asleep before 10 pm. But what if such luxury is not possible at the moment? You just need to calculate it on a special calculator 😉

There is such a magical calculator, which will help you calculate the time when you can go to bed if you are faced with the task of waking up at a certain time and at the same time being at least in a relatively alert state.

For example, I need to wake up at 6 am. So it's better to go to bed at 9:00 pm, 10:30 pm, 12:00 pm or 1:30 am. But you need to keep in mind that you don’t just have to go to bed at this time. In order to wake up normally in the morning, by this moment you must already fall asleep.

The average adult takes 15 minutes to fall asleep, so you can at least roughly schedule your bedtime so you can fall asleep by a certain time.

This alarm clock calculates the time based on the length of a person's sleep cycles and the intervals between them. A standard cycle lasts about 90 minutes. If you wake up in the middle of your cycle, you will feel sleepy, angry, and irritable. If you wake up just between cycles, you will feel completely rested and alert.

You can also calculate the time to get up if you know exactly when you go to bed. For example, it is usually believed that it is no longer possible to go to bed after 4 o’clock during the day, since then you will feel exhausted and sleepy all evening. In fact, everything is possible, but only with the mind. For example, if you are feeling tired after work, and there is still a party ahead, you can go to bed at 18:20 and wake up at 19:50.

People have always been interested in the nature of sleep, because a person gives to a given physiological state a third of your life. This is a cyclical phenomenon. During 7-8 hours of rest, 4-5 cycles pass, including two phases of sleep: fast and slow, each of which can be calculated. How long does each stage last, and what value does it bring to the human body, let's try to figure it out.

What are sleep phases

For many centuries, researchers have been studying the physiology of sleep. In the last century, scientists were able to record bioelectrical oscillations that occur in the cerebral cortex during sleep. They learned that this is a cyclical process that has different phases, replacing each other. An electroencephalogram is taken using special sensors attached to a person’s head. When the subject is sleeping, the devices first record slow oscillations, which subsequently become frequent, then slow down again: there is a change in the phases of the dream: fast and slow.

Fast phase

Sleep cycles follow one after another. During the night's rest, the fast phase follows the slow phase. At this time, heart rate and body temperature increase, the eyeballs move sharply and quickly, and breathing becomes frequent. The brain works very actively, so a person sees a lot of dreams. REM sleep activates everyone's work internal organs, relaxes muscles. If a person is woken up, he will be able to tell the dream in detail, because during this period the brain processes the information received during the day, and an exchange occurs between the subconscious and consciousness.

Slow phase

Fluctuations in the slow rhythm electroencephalogram are divided into 3 stages:

  1. Nap. Breathing and other reactions slow down, consciousness floats away, different images appear, but the person still reacts to the surrounding reality. At this stage, solutions to problems often come, insights and ideas appear.
  2. Shallow sleep. There is a blackout of consciousness. Heart rate and body temperature decrease. During this period, the dreamer is easy to wake up.
  3. Deep dream. At this stage, it is difficult to wake a person. The body actively produces growth hormone, regulates the functioning of internal organs, and tissue regeneration occurs. At this stage, a person may experience nightmares.

Sequence of sleep phases

In a healthy adult, the stages of dreaming always occur in the same sequence: 1 slow phase (drowsiness), then 2, 3 and 4, then reverse order, 4, 3 and 2, and then REM sleep. Together they form one cycle, repeating 4-5 times in one night. The duration of the two dream stages may vary. In the first cycle, the deep sleep phase is very short, and last stage it may not exist at all. The sequence and duration of stages can be influenced by the emotional factor.

Deep dream

Unlike REM sleep, the deep phase has a longer duration. It is also called orthodox or slow wave. Scientists suggest that this condition is responsible for restoring energy expenditure and strengthening the body's defense functions. Research has shown that the onset of the slow wave phase divides the brain into active and passive areas.

In the absence of dreams, the areas responsible for conscious actions, perception, and thinking are switched off. Although during the deep phase heartbeat and brain activity decrease, catabolism slows down, but memory replays already learned actions, as evidenced by external signs:

  • twitching of limbs;
  • special breathing order;
  • playing different sounds.


Every person individual norm delta sleep (deep phase). Some people need 4 hours of rest, while others need 10 to feel normal. In an adult, the deep phase takes up 75 to 80% of all sleep time. With the onset of old age, this duration decreases. The less delta sleep, the faster the body aging. To increase its duration, you must:

  • create a more effective wake/rest schedule;
  • before a night's rest, give the body a couple of hours physical activity;
  • do not drink coffee, alcohol, energy drinks, do not smoke or overeat shortly before the end of wakefulness;
  • sleep in a ventilated room in the absence of light and extraneous sounds.


The structure of sleep in the deep phase is heterogeneous and consists of four non-rem phases:

  1. The first episode involves remembering and understanding the difficulties that occurred during the day. At the stage of drowsiness, the brain seeks solutions to problems that arose during wakefulness.
  2. The second phase is also called “sleep spindles.” Muscle movements, breathing and heart rate slow down. Brain activity gradually fades, but there may be brief moments special hearing acuity.
  3. Delta sleep, in which a change occurs superficial stage to very deep. Lasts only 10-15 minutes.
  4. Strong deep delta sleep. It is considered the most significant because throughout the entire period the brain reconstructs its ability to work. The fourth phase is distinguished by the fact that it is very difficult to wake up a sleeping person.

REM sleep

REM (rapid eye movement) - phase or sleep differs from English rem hard work cerebral hemispheres. The biggest difference is the rapid rotation eyeballs. Other characteristics of the fast phase:

  • continuous movement of organs visual system;
  • vivid dreams are brightly colored and filled with movement;
  • independent awakening is favorable, gives wellness, energy;
  • Body temperature rises due to vigorous metabolism and strong blood flow.


After falling asleep, a person spends most of the time in the slow phase, and REM sleep lasts from 5 to 10 minutes. In the morning the ratio of stages changes. The periods of deep breathing become longer, and deep periods become shorter, after which the person wakes up. The fast stage is much more important, so if you interrupt it artificially, then this will adversely affect emotional state. The person will be drowsy throughout the day.


REM sleep, also called paradoxical sleep, is the fifth stage of dreaming. Although the person is completely immobile due to complete absence muscle activity, the state resembles wakefulness. The eyeballs under closed eyelids periodically make rapid movements. From stage 4 of slow-wave sleep, a person returns to the second, after which the REM phase begins, which ends the cycle.

The value of sleep by hour - table

It is impossible to say exactly how much sleep a person needs. This indicator depends on individual characteristics, age, sleep disturbance and daily routine. A baby may need 10 hours to restore the body, and a schoolchild – 7. Average duration sleep, according to experts, varies from 8 to 10 hours. When a person correctly alternates between fast and slow-wave sleep, even in a short period every cell in the body is restored. Optimal time for rest is the period until midnight. Let's look at sleep efficiency by hour in the table:

Beginning of sleep

The value of rest

Best time to wake up

If you look at the table of dream values, you can see that less benefit time for relaxation is from 4 to 6 am. This period is the best for awakening. At this time, the sun rises, the body is filled with energy, the mind is as clean and clear as possible. If you constantly wake up with the dawn, then fatigue and illness will not be a problem, and you can do much more in a day than after waking up late.

What phase is best to wake up in?

The physiology of sleep is such that all stages of rest are important to a person. It is advisable that 4-5 passes during the night full cycle 1.5-2 hours. The best time to get up varies from person to person. For example, it is better for owls to wake up between 8 and 10 am, and larks get up at 5-6 am. As for the dream stage, everything is ambiguous here too. From the point of view of the structure and classification of phases, the best time to wake up is those couple of minutes that occur at the end of one cycle and the beginning of another.

How to wake up during REM sleep

As the cycles repeat and the duration of the slow phase increases to 70% of the night's rest, it is desirable to catch the end of the REM stage to awaken. It is difficult to calculate this time, but to make your life easier, it is advisable to find the motivation to get up early in the morning. To do this, you need to learn, immediately after waking up, not to lie idle in bed, but to spend breathing exercises. It will saturate the brain with oxygen, activate metabolism, and give a charge of positive energy for the whole day.

How to calculate sleep phases

Self-calculation is difficult. You can find circadian rhythm calculators on the Internet, but this method also has a drawback. This innovation is based on average indicators and does not take into account individual characteristics body. Most reliable method calculation - contact specialized centers and laboratories, where doctors, by connecting devices to the head, will determine accurate data on signals and brain oscillations.

You can independently calculate the stages of a person’s sleep something like this. The duration (average) of the slow stage is 120 minutes, and the fast stage is 20 minutes. From the moment you go to bed, count 3-4 such periods and set the alarm clock so that the time you get up falls within a given period of time. If you go to bed at the beginning of the night, for example at 22:00, then safely plan to wake up between 04:40 and 05:00. If this is too early for you, then next stage for proper ascent will be in the time interval from 07:00 to 07:20.


What do we know about sleep? Firstly, the fact that almost a third of his life a person is in the power of dreams. Secondly, if you ignore this, biological, side of existence, serious problems can begin. And thirdly, the “dream world” is not as simple as it seems: it is a cyclical structure consisting of phases. Having studied the theoretical algorithms of the process, a person is able to become a full-fledged master of the sphere of his own dreams.

Somnology is the science of sleep, which has long determined its structure. Average healthy holiday consists of five phase cycles. Each takes approximately one and a half hours. During this time, dynamic changes between the slow and fast phases occur. Each stage has its own specifics and functions.

Cyclical nature of sleep

Biphasic night rest of a person obeys circadian rhythms. These are the body’s basic settings, triggered depending on the time of day and lighting level.

It is important to know! Length daylight hours- the main “landmark” for sleep cycles. Beginning with early morning, changes occur in the concentration of photodependent proteins in the biosystem.

Phases of sleep: their signs, composition and meaning

The physiological state of rest is composed of two phases: slow and fast. A typical cycle lasts about two hours. Three quarters of the time is spent in the orthodox mode. Only 1/4 of the part is allocated for the paradoxical period.


The fast-wave stage is “responsible” for processing daytime information. During this period, events are filtered and interaction with the human subconscious occurs. This feature is provided for by nature for a reason - it helps adapt to variable conditions reality.

Interrupting the REM sleep phase is harmful because it leads to the development mental pathologies. As the cycles change, the duration of the paradoxical phase increases. The onset is accompanied by external signs:

  • low muscle tone;
  • active movements of the eyeballs under closed eyelids;
  • slight arrhythmia of breathing and pulse.

During the paradoxical phase, the most vivid, memorable dreams occur.


Researchers claim that it is during the slow period that recovery occurs physical strength, rehabilitation and regulation of basic biological systems body. The Orthodox period is conventionally divided into four stages of human sleep. Each of them has special characteristics, different depths and awakening thresholds.

Let's look at them in more detail:

  • Stage I – drowsiness. The beginning is celebrated minimum indicators alpha rhythms responsible for wakefulness. The line between oblivion and reality blurs, and the first images of dreams appear.
  • II – I stage - superficial. Blackout is interspersed with high auditory sensitivity (the person is easily awakened).
  • The third interval of the slow phase is characterized by an increased depth of dreams.
  • IV - delta sleep: low sensory activity, awakening is difficult.

The duration of the slow stage is approximately one and a half hours, then the transition to the paradoxical phase occurs.

Alternation of stages

Let's consider the usual process of two-phase human rest:

Changes in stages can be compared to a musical “mix”, where the orthodox stage is the main theme, and the fast stage has periodic rhythmic “interruptions”.

Normal duration of sleep stages

All phases without exception are characterized by a distortion of time space. It happens that you doze off for a short time, and wake up four hours later. And vice versa, I reviewed a lot of dreams, but only twenty minutes passed. In infants, the paradoxical lobe is much larger than in adults. With age, the duration of the fast stage decreases catastrophically.

In children

If in an adult the share of the fast phase is only one quarter, then in infants everything is exactly the opposite. The paradoxical stage in the first days of life accounts for an overwhelming amount of time. As the infant grows, the duration and ratio of stages change:

  • Newborn one week old sleeps in a sleep pattern in which the phases occupy exactly half of the total time.
  • In a child aged 3 to 5 months, the fast phase takes on a slight advantage.
  • By three to five years, the fast-wave fraction increases significantly and exceeds the slow stage.

In adults

Research results have shown that for adults it has great importance delta sleep. A sleep-deprived person is characterized not only by lethargy, but also by a noticeable deterioration in memory. There are ways to prolong the deep stage:

  • make the body work physically;
  • master therapeutic fasting.

The delta phase is prolonged in this disease thyroid gland like thyrotoxicosis. In older people, this interval gradually decreases.

As we age, the remaining structure of the stages gradually changes. The averages (over time) are shown in the following table:

Age indicatorDormancy period (minutes)Deep sleep phaseParadoxical stageTotal rest time (hours)
20 years16 20% 22% 7,5
40 17 15% 21% 7
60 18 10% 20% 6,2
70 18,5 9% 19% 6
80 19 7,5% 17% 5,8

It is important to know! Conclusion: the older a person is, the more difficult it is for him to fall asleep. And by the age of eighty, the time of the delta phase and the fast stage is significantly shortened in people. This phenomenon is called “senile insomnia.”

Shaping dreams

During REM sleep, our brain shows cartoons. A person can view 4-5 stories per night. Everyone dreams, even animals. Walruses and seals, however, do not count, since their hemispheres sleep alternately. It's usually the last dream that sticks in my memory. Where do intricate night visions come from?

At all times, people have tried to interpret dreams in different ways. At first, priests and shamans had this privilege. By explaining ornate plots as they pleased, the spiritual leaders of the tribes could manipulate the consciousness and actions of those around them. Then psychology began to decipher the dreams. Jung, Freud developed eigenvalues characters based on suppressed libido.

Therefore, if you look into such a dream book for an explanation of why you dreamed about zucchini, you may burn with shame.

Many famous scientists made their discoveries thanks to night dreams. There is nothing paranormal about this mechanism. Human dreams are an intricacy of daily events, mental experiences, different sensations and obsessive thoughts.

In the distant past, Hippocrates used nocturnal “adventures” to determine the diagnosis, because he believed that dreams were closely related to physical condition. Today there are various techniques lucid dreaming. Having mastered them, a person himself builds night scenes with the goal of positive impact on well-being during the waking period.

Awakening in different stages

To get enough sleep, you need to get up after the fast phase of the fifth cycle. If you wake up a person during the slow phase, he will become drowsy throughout the day. Waking someone up in the “height” of paradoxical sleep is not recommended at all - it is fraught bad consequences for good health. How to determine best moment for awakening? This problem can be solved; there are several ways to calculate the most the right time for the morning rise.

Calculating sleep phases

To accurately calculate the stages of sleep, a special technique is needed that can detect wave impulses of brain activity. Electroencephalography (EEG) is an examination method in which the slightest changes in deep structures are read gray matter. As a result qualitative analysis the state of the cortex and subcortex, the brain's reaction to external stimuli is studied.

You can independently calculate the best time to wake up using a calculator, using the duration of one cycle (90 minutes) as a basis. The paradoxical period of an adult is the last quarter of a “turn.” The end of the fifth “approach” - this will be best time for lifting. Calculation example: 90X5 = 450 min. (7.5 hours) Time – 22:00. Add the duration (7.5) - and voila! Set the alarm for 5.5 hours (You can add half an hour for the build-up).

A regular fitness bracelet allows you to determine the maximum convenient time for awakening.

It is important to know! The tracker will select the right moment for the body to make getting up in the morning easy and pleasant. And all thanks to the built-in heart rate monitor and accelerometer. The first device monitors heart rhythms, the second controls the slightest movements of the body.

The most valuable time for relaxation

On the Internet, a table of the value of sleep is very popular. It reflects the diagram: the first column is the “lights out” time, the second is the corresponding degree of benefit. We present to your attention this interesting theory:

Sleep start timeRest value for 1 hour
7-8 pm= 7 o'clock
8-9 = 6
9-10 = 5
10-11 = 4
11-12 = 3
12-1 am= 2
1-2 = 1
2-3 = 30 min.
3-4 = 15
4-5 = 7
5-6 = 1

The information is quite controversial, received a large number of negative reviews. People are interested in the basis on which such data was generated? Few people can boast of moving “to the side” at 19.00.

One of the comments expressed a more sensible opinion about the value of sleep. Its meaning is that the healthiest, most complete rest is the one that occurs regularly, with a constant time schedule for falling asleep and waking up. Practitioners advise sleeping with this simple method for at least a week.


Evolution has given humanity a lot of knowledge. People can control their own dreams and regulate their rest time. But if you don't care normal sleep, then he will respond in kind. Save on natural needs it is forbidden. When in his youth a person walks all night and looks good in the morning, he is sure that this will always be the case. Unfortunately, over time, such a superpower disappears, and physiology increasingly demands respect. There are individuals who do not take it into account; as a result, nature responds with the manifestation of various “sores”.



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