Palming for the eyes is a powerful boost to vision. How to do eye palming correctly

Palming is the main exercise for relieving tension in the eye muscles and restoring vision. Proper palming involves physical and mental relaxation. Do not do this exercise if you are hungry, tired or in a state of psycho-emotional agitation. First, rest, satisfy your hunger, eliminate unnecessary thoughts, turn on pleasant meditative music and calm down.

How to do palming

Make sure that nothing disturbs you, turn off your mobile phone and do not turn on the timer (alarm clock) to control the time. It is useful to turn on meditative music.
Before performing the exercise, you need to warm your palms by rubbing them together or holding them in hot water.

Palming can be done lying down or sitting; in a standing position, the body will not be able to relax.
Fold your hands into a boat and place them over your eyes so that your fingers cross on your forehead. Place your palms so that light does not penetrate and at the same time, so that your palms do not interfere with your eyes opening and closing freely. The centers of the palms are in front of the eyes, the fingers cross over the bridge of the nose.

Remember: There should be no tension in your hands! Position your palms correctly so that light does not pass under them. Close your eyes and check for tension in your eyelids and eyebrows.

When doing palming while sitting, place your elbows on the table and rest your head lightly on your palms; Don't arch your neck or slouch. It is desirable that the back is straight and the head is in line with it. If the table is too low, place something else under your elbows (books or a pillow).
If you do it lying on your back, place a pillow under your elbows; You can do palming and lying on your stomach.

There are two more original poses.
Fetal position: sit on your knees, lower your head to the floor, resting your forehead on your crossed palms.
Sitting with knees raised: see fig.

While palming, try to breathe slowly and deeply (do not exceed the limits of comfort).

Remember the main thing: There should be no physical discomfort. When it appears, stop the exercise and eliminate the causes of discomfort.

Palming problem– relax tense eyes. An accurate indicator of achieved relaxation is seeing a black field while palming.
People with normal vision with their eyes closed and in the absence of light see only blackness. With impaired vision, when the eyes and brain are tense, a person “sees” the illusion of light.

To achieve the right result, do not try to “work” with your eyes. Don't try to see the black field. You will see this blackness when you enter a state of complete peace and tranquility, and your eyes are completely relaxed. (For better relaxation, remember something pleasant.
It is not always possible to catch mistakes when performing an exercise, to understand how tension appears and how to eliminate it.

Experiment, don't be afraid of mistakes. Try to “work” with your eyes, but keep track of what is happening. This will make it easier for you to understand what is preventing you from relaxing. “Experience is the son of mistakes!”

If you cannot see blackness, try to remember black objects. Take any black object and look at it from a distance where it can be seen best. Close your eyes and remember him. When he is remembered, the entire background turns black. If not, then the whole process must be repeated after some time. Or change the object.
Another way. Imagine a black ball and expand it to cover your entire field of vision. When this happens, imagine an even blacker ball against this background and expand it; and so on until it’s completely black (or as far as you can).
You can close your eyes tightly and relax your eyelids several times; It is easy (not to the full amplitude) to rotate and move the eyes in different directions.

It is a mistake to try to concentrate. Concentration, as a sustained focus of attention at one point, is an effort. Relaxation cannot be achieved through effort.
The process of concentration is a continuous distraction of thought and its return again to the object of attention.
The state of attention is intermittent. It's just that the object of attention is the center where it returns.

It happens that a person still cannot see the black field before his eyes. Then it is better to try some more “mechanical” relaxation exercises such as large turns, solarization or blinking.

Exit from palming.

Close your eyes and relax your eyelids several times. Remove your palms from your closed eyes. Relaxedly nod your head: to the sides (“no-no”), up and down (“yes-yes”) and tilting left and right (“ay-yay-yay”). It’s easy to rub your eyes, open them, blink quickly and look around you.

Palming for the eyes can be done not only as part of a set of exercises to restore vision, but also separately when the eyes are tired, after working at the computer, and in other cases.

When we were kids, my brother and I had a game console. And if we sat for too long, staring at the TV with joysticks in our hands, the adults always reprimanded us that we needed to take a break, otherwise we would ruin our eyes. Sometimes we were obedient, but more often we showed off and did not want to leave our favorite game. Well, gymnastics for the eyes was even less relevant for us then.

Much water has passed under the bridge since then. Those children have grown up and are now adults - that's us. Consoles replaced computers, and one of my games and hobbies became . Working with texts every day can't help but strain your eyes. Especially if this work is constantly done at the computer.

It’s been a little over a year since I started my blog on the Internet. Since then, I spend time at the computer almost every day, passing tons of text information through my eyes. And only now, after 14 months of my work, I realized (better late than never) that I could ruin my eyesight if I didn’t do anything.

I went to the ophthalmologist. The woman doctor examined me and, as always, asked me to read the third line from the bottom, closing both eyes in turn. To my regret, nothing worked out for me. I could see more or less with two eyes, but neither the left nor the right eye could cope alone. The letters were slightly blurred - the eyes could not clearly focus.

Then the doctor, realizing what was going on, walked up to the stand with a pointer and began poking it at the larger letters. I coped with them normally, with the exception of the 4th line from the bottom (I had to guess). Next, the doctor put a special device on my nose for selecting glasses for vision and began inserting glasses there, first for the left eye, and then for the right. To be honest, with the pieces of glass I saw much more clearly. After that, she recorded the following numbers in my medical record: 0.7/0.8. Disappointing result.

It turned out that my vision was not perfect. In just 1 year I managed to plant it decently. And it’s all because of spending a long time at the computer. The doctor automatically handed me a booklet with the rules and advised me to do eye exercises every 40-50 minutes, looking away from the computer. She said that it is not too late to return the previous tone of the eyes.

Phew! All is not lost yet! I will try! I immediately started searching for more information on the Internet and found exactly what I needed.

Before starting gymnastics, I learned how the eyes generally work and what happens to them when a person tries to see distant objects or, for example, read a book.

How do our eyes see?

I was interested to know this thing. Each of my eyes has 6 muscles that are responsible for its movements. All these muscles play a critical role in turning the eye in one direction or another, as well as in its ability to see well far and near. Due to these muscles, the eye can take the shape of a ball (this way it sees very well in the distance) or stretch forward, taking the shape of a cucumber (this way it can see clearly up close). Our eyes work on the same principle as a camera lens.

Vision can deteriorate from all sorts of physical or mental stress, from which gymnastics, which I want to talk about, perfectly helps to get rid of. I say this not by hearsay. I do it myself regularly.

This is what happens when I work at the computer. My eyes, due to the work of the eye muscles, are pulled forward to see the image on the monitor. I noted for myself that if I do not take any preventive actions, such as gymnastics for my eyes, then soon their muscles will forget how to relax and I will earn excellent myopia vision. The question is, why the hell do I need this?

I don’t want to put prescription glasses on my nose at all. Moreover, glasses reduce vision even more. Many people mistakenly believe that this is not the case. Some of them even tear their shirts off their chests, proving that glasses do not harm eye health. But this is a separate topic, which I will talk about in another article.

Gymnastics for the eyes: palming + 8 exercises

The gymnastics that I offer to everyone who does not want to ruin their eyes is suitable not only for the prevention of eye diseases, but also for the complete restoration of vision. At least, that’s what experts say, who restore people’s vision using the Shichko-Bates method.

I have already experienced all these exercises myself, and other than “wow, this is cool! there are no words! I couldn’t say anything more. 3 days after I started doing this exercise, my eyes stopped hurting and I no longer felt sand in them. And after a week, my vision improved noticeably. In short, I highly, highly recommend this gymnastics to everyone who cares about their vision.

Palming to relax your eyes

The first exercise is called palming (English palm - palm). Starting gymnastics with this exercise, I relax my eyes and give them rest. First, you need to rub your palms together to warm them up. I put the fingers of both hands together and make a small hole in the center of each palm. Such that my eye fits into it. Then I place the fingers of one hand on the fingers of the other at a right angle. To make it clearer, see my photo

Then you need to “put” this structure of palms on your eyes, like glasses. I place my crossed fingers on the center of my forehead, and the centers of my palms on my eyes so that no light passes through my fingers. It should be dark for your eyes. It’s as dark as you know who and you know where. Eyes closed and looking into the darkness...

This way I warm my eyes with the warmth of my palms. I highly recommend that while palming you think about pleasant moments from your life, about something bright and good. This greatly relaxes our psyche. And in order for all sorts of light reflections to stop looming before your eyes in the dark (this happens), you just need to imagine something large and black in front of you (a curtain, for example).

When I first started doing eye exercises and did this exercise, I won’t lie, I was simply blown away by the effect I got. It was as if my eyes weren’t straining at all. This is really impressive. Try it yourself and share your impressions in the comments.

8 gymnastic exercises for the eye muscles

Be careful here. Experts warn that these exercises are contraindicated people

  • who have undergone eye surgery and less than six months have passed since then - you need to wait until it heals;
  • whose retina is detached, as further detachment can be provoked.

There were no operations on my eyes, pah-pah-pah, over the shoulder, and everything was fine with the retina, pah-pah. And thank God! So I can do gymnastics with these exercises

No sudden movements should be made, as the training will be of little use. Go...

  1. At first, I blink my eyelids quickly, quickly and easily, without squinting my eyes at all, in order to relax my eyes. Then I look up and down. So 20 times. It goes out 10 times in each direction.
  2. Again I blink, blink, blink my eyelids... I do the second exercise. The meaning is the same, but now I turn my eyes left and right 20 times.
  3. I blink-blink-blink... Now I perform diagonal movements with my eyes, first up to the right, and then, slowly, down to the left. Again 20 times. I blink, blink, blink... The same thing, only now I direct my eyes up left and down right, 20 times.
  4. I blink, blink, blink... I draw a rectangle around each eye. I look up left, up right, down right, down left until I draw 10 rectangles. I blink, blink, blink... Now I draw rectangles in the opposite direction. Also 10 pieces. By the way, I draw out each side of the rectangles very carefully.
  5. Blink-blink-blink... In this eye gymnastic exercise, I imagine a clock face right in front of my eyes and turn both eyes clockwise, starting from the top. To make this exercise easier, I imagine numbers on an imaginary dial and go through each one in turn. I perform 10 turns. I blink, blink, blink... I do the same thing, only counterclockwise (by the way, read the article about). I also perform 10 turns with my eyes.
  6. I blink, blink, blink... Then, from left to right, I draw a snake with my eyes, directing my eyes first up, and then down, up, down... I don’t stop until my eyes reach the extreme right position. I blink, blink, blink... I draw exactly the same snake, only from right to left. This is one of my favorite exercises in this gymnastics for the eyes.
  7. I blink, blink, blink... I move both eyes to my nose - 10 times.
  8. I blink, blink, blink... I close my eyes with all my might and open them wide - 10 times in a row. Blink-blink-blink...

All! It feels like the eyes have been reborn again!

Experts recommend performing such exercises whenever you feel tired in your eyes. But at least three times a day. Personally, I enjoy all this! Of course! I bet this is the kind of relief every overworked eye dreams of! That's why I do gymnastics after every 40 minutes of time spent at the computer.

And in order not to miss eye exercises, I even installed a special program on my computer, which reminds me every 40 minutes that it’s time to exercise my eyes. Someday I will write a separate article about this super reminder program and review it.

Personally, all this eye gymnastics helps me a lot. There was a time when I even thought about purchasing special glasses for working on a PC, but now I’m giving up on this idea, since now I have a set of powerful eye exercises at my disposal. My friends recommended them to me, and now I recommend them to you.

How are your eyes feeling? Did you also have the feeling as if sand had been poured into them? Do you have good eyesight?

In the article, we learned that the main cause of impaired visual function of the eye is tension in the extraocular muscles.

The palming exercise is the most valuable and effective for relaxing the eyes. This term was coined by W. Bates (from the English Palm - palm) - palming.

To briefly describe it, it is to close your eyes for a few minutes, place your palms on top of them, giving your eyes rest.

The capabilities of our palms have not been fully studied, but they definitely have some kind of healing ability. Remember how, when we experience pain, our hands simply reach out to the place of pain. Zhdanov calls palming - eye biophoresis. Moreover, it is ideally tuned specifically for your eyes, and, most importantly, always at hand!

Remembering the healing capabilities of palming, we do it at every opportunity. This will help keep your eyes alert and your head calm. In the morning and evening, definitely, during the day - the more often, the better. Even if you don’t have time to sit for a long time, do short-term palming for 10-30 seconds. When working on a computer or watching TV, every 30 minutes we take a break for palming and exercises for the cervical spine.

Palming technique

First, warm up your palms by rubbing them. We place the fingers of the palms on top of each other so that they intersect at the base of the little fingers. We cup our palms and place them on our face like glasses.

In this case, our fingers will be on the forehead, and the middle of each palm will be opposite the eye. We do not put pressure on the eyes and nose; the eyes should open and close freely under the palms, and breathing should be free. Not even a ray of light should penetrate through the fingers; we remove all the cracks between the fingers. The palms are as relaxed as possible.

The position in which you palm is important. The ideal position is sitting with your elbows on the table. You can also do it while lying down, placing pillows under your elbows so that your arms are not suspended. The head does not throw back or bend, but is in line with the spine. A slight deflection is possible only in the lumbar region, along with the entire body.

Someone may dismiss all these recommendations, but in vain! Since it is incorrect or tense posture when performing palming may impair blood supply to the brain and eyes, which will reduce the effect of an excellent exercise to zero. It’s better to study it thoroughly once, so as not to return to it in the future and get the maximum effect. For greater relaxation, you can watch the flame of a candle, turn on music for relaxation, and remember pleasant moments.

The goal of palming is to achieve maximum relaxation of the eye muscles.

Under the palming. An indicator that relaxation has been achieved will be complete darkness in front of your closed eyes, without sparks or spots of light. Better relaxation will be helped by focusing on the sensations coming from the palms - pleasant heaviness, warmth, as well as the perception of soft, soothing energy that emanates from the palms and washes the eye area. You can remember pleasant, soul-warming moments from life.

We have already firmly learned that mental and physical stress worsens our vision. And the goal of all methods of improving vision without glasses and operations is to achieve a state of peace and relaxation of the psyche as a whole, and the eyes themselves.

Under palming you can do a wonderful exercise “Ethereal Eyes” Cover your eyes with your palms. Imagine that in front of you in space are two etheric eyes that can move absolutely freely in any direction. And we mentally lift them up, lower them down, diagonally, spread them apart... We form etheric eyes of a round shape and they see perfectly into the distance, and now we stretch them forward like a cucumber, and they see everything clearly up close...

We fill our eyes with sunshine, life, and colors. Look how elastic the eye muscles are, clean and mobile. We rinse our eyes with clean cool water and connect them with our real eyes! When we mentally reproduce certain movements, the brain sends corresponding impulses to the muscles, and they experience the same loads as during real action.

And while training virtual eyes, changes will occur with the real muscles of our eyes, the muscles will begin to gain strength and gain mobility!

Restoring vision without glasses – isn’t this the “blue dream” of every person? It would seem that this is a utopia, but, fortunately, it is reality. To improve visual function and train sore eyes, William Bates developed a unique technique - the “palming” exercise.

Despite the fact that many of his contemporaries, ophthalmologists, criticized this method, reviews from the majority of patients who completed the full course of therapy are positive. Let's take a closer look at how to do eye palming correctly and how effective this exercise is.

Briefly about the exercise

William Bates has persistently argued for many years that decreased visual acuity is directly related to tension in the eye muscles. He argued that only their relaxation would help restore refraction, which, in turn, would help improve visual function without wearing glasses.

The palming exercise is based precisely on the principle of relaxation of the eye muscles.

Therefore, if you do it persistently and regularly, you can achieve simply amazing results from your exercises.

The feasibility of carrying out the exercise

The second name of the technique is biophoresis, since throughout the entire procedure the eyes are exposed exclusively to the warmth of the palms. No extraneous factors take part in this process.

When is palming necessary? This exercise is great for people who have previously encountered:

  • myopia;
  • squint;
  • retinal detachment (as part of complex restorative exercise therapy for the eyes);
  • astigmatism;
  • optic nerve atrophy;
  • cataracts;
  • glaucoma.

Palming is an excellent prevention of re-development of the above pathologies. It should also be done for people who already have prerequisites or are prone to these diseases.

Preparation and technique

How to do eye palming? First of all, you should prepare for the lesson. The exercise involves relaxing not only the eye muscles, but also psychological relaxation. To achieve this, you need to:

  • turn off your mobile phone or put it into silent mode;
  • protect yourself from any noise or other extraneous sounds;
  • have a light snack (the palming exercise for the eyes should never be done on an empty stomach - this will prevent you from concentrating on doing it);
  • have a good rest after hard physical or mental labor;
  • get rid of all disturbing thoughts and experiences - you must achieve complete peace of mind and tranquility;
  • turn on relaxing, meditative music.

Now let's move on directly to the question of how to do palming correctly to improve the functioning of the eyes.

Palming technique

The palming exercise should be done in a sitting or lying position. Choose a comfortable position and get comfortable. Be sure to warm your palms before starting class. Don’t forget: you should do the palming exercise for the eyes in a state of complete relaxation! There should be no tension in your hands or eyes!

How to do palming exercise for eyes? Fold your palms so that they form a “boat”. Place them over your eyes, with your fingers intertwined on your forehead.

It is important that not the slightest ray of light penetrates through the “boat”, but at the same time, the hands should not interfere with the eyes blinking.

You should clearly see the centers of your palms.

You need to do the palming exercise while sitting as follows. Place your elbows on a table or other solid base, and place your head on your palms. You cannot bend your neck or slouch - you only need to sit straight, in a “string” position. Place a “boat” from your hands to your eyes so that your nose fits between your crossed little fingers and can breathe freely.

While performing the palming exercise, your eyes should be kept open. But you should not try to peer closely into the darkness with them - they, like the whole body, should be relaxed. Your gaze should be directed into the distance.

When performing palming, think only about the good. Make pleasant, bright plans for the future, remember the happiest moments when you were calm and nothing bothered you.

During the first palming sessions, a gray or whitish veil may appear before the eyes. Glare and sparkles may appear. But over time, as your eyes get used to it, you will see only complete darkness.

After finishing palming, make several rotational movements with your eyes. Imagine that there is a black canvas in front of you, and mentally draw an abstract design on it with green “burning” ink. Close your eyes tightly (but don’t strain them!), and then relax your eyes. Without opening them, remove your palms from them, sit for a few seconds, after which you can slowly open your eyelashes. For a short period of time, just look into the distance so as not to injure your visual organs with a sharp transition from complete darkness to light.

Palming duration

How long should palming be done? This is a fairly simple exercise, but you need to get used to it gradually. To begin with, it will be enough to perform it for 15 seconds, then, day by day, this time must be increased by 5-10 seconds. You can do such workouts both daily and every other day.. But its effectiveness depends on the frequency of the exercise, so let such exercises become a habit.

The modern rhythm of life, computers, information technologies lead to decreased vision. Palming for the eyes, how to do it will be described below, is a new technique based on special exercises that relax the muscles and psyche. It is perfect for people who experience daily eye strain.

How to help your eyes: what is palming

The terminology “palming” was introduced by ophthalmologist William Bates. His technique for improving vision is based on relaxing the eyes and the whole body. The therapeutic effect is achieved using the palms. This is where the name palm comes from, translated from English as palm. His hypothesis states: tension is the cause of abnormal refraction, relaxation normalizes the functions of the organ.

The principle of action of therapeutic exercises:

  • Exposure to warmth and energy of the hands;
  • Isolation of eyes from light;
  • Complete relaxation.

For best results, it is recommended to focus on mental vision visualization. You need to imagine pleasant landscapes in front of you. This action causes a physical reaction of the eye in a gentle manner, and visions occur clearly, without refractive distortions. At the same time, imagination is further developed. If you are nearsighted, you look at distant pictures; if you are farsighted, you look at details that are close up.

An alternative to relaxing your eyes is sleep. However, it is rarely possible to completely relieve tension.

Dreams can be emotional and can cause anxiety, fear, and overexcitement. In this case, the eyeballs move chaotically, and therefore the tension is partially relieved.

Who is recommended for palming eye gymnastics?

Absolute indications for doing gymnastics:

  • Myopia and farsightedness;
  • Strabismus;
  • Incipient cataract;
  • Decreased vision;
  • Early stage glaucoma.

When performed correctly and systematically, the technique brings significant results.

Despite all the positive aspects, gymnastics cannot be performed after eye surgery unless more than 6 months have passed. Contraindications include retinal detachment, destruction of the lens and other serious pathologies.

Palming is used by people who do not want to correct their vision with lenses and surgery. Exercises should be done 3-5 times a day. You can do this while watching TV, while a commercial is on, at work, if you have 3-5 minutes free. The number of approaches can be unlimited, the main thing is to devote a few minutes of time to your eyes. Over time, the procedure will become a daily habit, bringing relief to the eyes and restoring visual acuity.

Technique: exercises to relax the eyes

To perform the exercise efficiently, you need to take the most comfortable position. It is better to sit on a chair with your elbows resting on the table. The head should be in line with the spinal column. It is not allowed to tilt it back in order to improve blood circulation. For complete relaxation, it is recommended to place a soft towel or blanket under your elbows. It is necessary to prepare for the most comfortable position so that discomfort does not distract from gymnastics.

Order of exercises:

  1. Remove glasses and contact lenses.
  2. Take a comfortable position.
  3. Close your eyelids.
  4. Warm your palms by rubbing them together.
  5. Place your hands in your palm, pressing your fingers tightly.
  6. Cover your eyes with your palms so that they are in the middle, and your fingers cross on your forehead. In this case, the location of the nose is under the little fingers.
  7. The palms should not put pressure on the eyeballs.
  8. Hands completely isolate your eyes from light.

Glare and flashes on a black background seen at the beginning of the exercise indicate eye strain. You need to completely relax and not focus on bright spots. You can imagine a black square, or mentally paint over the spots with black paint. An indicator of relaxation is complete blackness, without flashes or sparkles.

You need to concentrate on your palms and feel the warmth emanating from them. Not everyone charges correctly the first time. You can turn on relaxing music that provides relaxation.

The more a person withdraws into himself and relaxes, the darker the background becomes before his tired eyes.

Final exercises: palming for the eyes

After experiencing a black screen, you need to exit the exercise correctly and slowly. This will promote the best result and allow the body to return to working condition.


  1. Leaving your palms on your face, you need to close your eyes tightly several times, followed by relaxation of your eyelids. This procedure will help activate blood flow to the nerve endings.
  2. With your eyes closed, remove your palms from your face.
  3. Make several rotational movements with your head.
  4. Lightly rub your eyes with your fists.
  5. Blink quickly.
  6. Open your eyelids.

All exercises are aimed at increasing blood circulation, which helps saturate tissues with oxygen and the flow of active substances. The duration of recovery is determined independently, according to how the body feels.

If the tasks are not completed completely, or not quite correctly, the effect lasts for several minutes. Seeing absolutely black is possible with good eyesight and a calm psyche. Dr. Bates assures that these moments also have a beneficial effect on vision.

Palming for the eyes, how to do it (video)

Numerous reviews say that eye gymnastics is excellent for the prevention of ophthalmic diseases. Its long-term use corrects vision deviations and helps improve it.



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