Gymnastics after childbirth to contract the uterus. What to do to contract the uterus after childbirth: simple recommendations

For many boys, playing war is a great pastime. But you won’t be able to do without the necessary accessories. Or rather, it will work, but the entertainment will be less exciting. What battle is complete without tanks? And it’s much more interesting if there are a lot of them. Then you can arrange a real battle. Of course, it’s easier to use purchased toys, which are not very cheap, but you can make them yourself and then paint them in any color. So, how to make tanks out of paper? The answer is below.

Paper tanks can be of any size, and it can be changed depending on the situation. How to make tanks out of paper will be described in detail in this article.

What do you need for work

Before you start creating real masterpieces for the game, you need to have on hand:

  1. Album sheet.
  2. Square (9x9 cm), cut out of paper.
  3. Adhesive tape.

How to make a paper tank easily

The album sheet is folded in half lengthwise, then placed in vertical position. At the next stage, you need to bend the upper right corner to the long side, and then unfold it. The remaining corners go through the same procedure.

So, a “marking” in the form of a cross appears below and above. The left and right sides of the cross are connected, and then they need to be pressed with the palm of your hand so that the edges form a triangle shape. A similar operation is performed for the opposite edge.

The result is triangles small size, they are located at the bottom and top of the craft. It is necessary to connect the sides of the triangle located on the left and right sides, and then press with your palm to obtain the already described geometric figure. The opposite edge is subjected to similar actions.

Several small triangles have appeared above and below, they turn to the left. The resulting element on the right is bent towards the central part of the craft, and then half of it is bent back. Thus, the tank has a caterpillar.

The opposite side is processed in the same way, on last stage you need to return the triangles to their original position.

On top of the large triangles you need to make two similar smaller shapes so that the result is a diamond-shaped piece.

The base of the tank is turned over, then you need to bend the upper edge back so that the folding line passes along the lower apex of the diamond.

Smaller triangles are folded in pairs, and then, holding them, you need to bend the bottom of the craft back, until the corner is located in the middle of the small triangles previously located on top. All folds must be ironed carefully.

The triangular parts located below are tucked under similar parts from above. This will allow you to secure the craft and form a tank turret.

The folds of paper located on the sides of the craft are straightened out; they are assigned the role of caterpillars.

At the last stage of the work, it is necessary to give the square of paper prepared in advance the shape of a tube and seal it on one side with adhesive tape. This will create a barrel for the toy. All that remains is to insert it into bottom part combat vehicle. That's it, the tank can be sent into battle! The given instructions will help you with the question of how to make a tank out of paper (origami).

What other models can be made?

How to make a T-34 tank out of paper? This is another wonderful tank model, which is known to everyone from military chronicles. The easiest way is to use existing parts for a paper toy. The elements for the tank need to be transferred to thick paper and carefully cut out each drawn detail.

Instructions to make your work easier

The instructions for the craft are as follows:

  1. All cut out elements have fold lines. One by one, you need to apply a ruler to each of them, lift the free edges and carefully iron them. A ruler is needed to ensure an even fold.
  2. At this stage, the model is glued together. First, the base of the toy is glued together, which will represent the body. It is recommended to use acrylic glue or PVA, which dries quickly.
  3. It is necessary to glue all minor parts.

The base of the gun is first fastened, and only then equipped additional elements. The finished part is glued onto the main body of the T-34 tank.

The production of caterpillars takes place in the following way. The first step is to work on the inner circles, and then attach the single track strip. The prepared parts must be secured on both sides of the body.

Small tricks

For creating various models tanks it is absolutely not necessary to use white sheets. You can use multi-colored paper for crafts. This approach will allow you to get brighter and more interesting toys. In addition, you can create several divisions belonging to different troops.

Also, don’t stop at just one model. You can come up with great amount a variety of tank options. These are both the simplest crafts and fighting vehicles from science fiction films, which will be able to delight all your friends, and at the same time terrify a possible enemy. As you can see from the article, making tanks out of paper is quite simple.

DIY paper craft “Tank”. Master Class

Master class on paper crafts “Tank”.

Levchenko Tatyana Vitalievna.
Description of work: the master class is designed for collaboration teachers and children from 7 years old, for kindergarten teachers, for parents of preparatory group students.
Photo 1.

Required materials and tools:
1. Cardboard in silver and black colors.
2. Colored paper black and red colors.
3. Cocktail straw Green colour.
4. Glue stick.
5. Ruler.
6. Simple pencil.
7. Scissors.
Photo 2.

Step by step process making work:
We take black cardboard and do it on the wrong side using a ruler and a simple pencil markings. We draw a line.
Photo 3.

Take scissors and cut the sheet in half exactly along the line.
Photo 4.

We got two identical sheets - we will need 1 such sheet for the craft. Set both sheets aside for now.
Photo 5.

Now you need to take a silver sheet and cut a strip 4.5 cm wide. Take a ruler and mark it, draw a line.
Photo 6.

We mark the size of the silver strip on the reverse side.
Using a scissor blade, we draw along the lines under the ruler so that we can bend our structure later.
Photo 7.

Dimensions: 1 cm: 4 cm; 1 cm; 5.5 cm; 2.5 cm; 4 cm: 1 cm
Turn the strip of cardboard right side up. This is what happened.
Photo 8.

Put the workpiece aside and take black paper. You need to cut two strips 1.5 cm wide along the entire length.
Photo 9.

We take scissors from the table and cut two strips of black paper.
Photo 10.

Now the paper strips need to be folded like an accordion in increments of 2 cm along the entire length.
Photo 11.

These are the blanks we got. We will use them to make tracks for the tank.
Photo 12.

We will glue the hull of the tank. We take a silver blank for the tank and apply 1 cm indentations and glue it to the base.
Photo 13.

Now we will cut the blanks for the tank tracks. Take a whole sheet of silver paper and mark two strips 2cm wide. We draw lines with a simple pencil.
Photo 14.

Cut both strips and glue their ends together.
Photo 15.

We flatten the strips so that they resemble the tracks of a tank.
We glue the strips with glue to the base on which the tank stands.
Photo 16.

We take strips of black paper, which we folded like an accordion, insert into the caterpillar and fix with glue at the beginning and at the end. You can also glue our “accordion” in the middle of the caterpillar at the bottom. Glue on both sides.
Photo 17.

Take a small piece of red paper and draw a five-pointed star on it with a pencil.
Photo 18.

Cut with scissors.
Photo 19.

Glue the star to the tank body.
Photo 20.

We make a hole in the body with scissors.
Photo 21.

Take a green cocktail tube and measure 7 cm.
Photo 22.

Cut with scissors.
Photo 23.

Take the tube and insert it into the hole.
Photo 24.

Here is our gift for daddy on February 23rd and it’s ready!
Photo 25.

Hello, dear readers! If you're about to give birth to a baby, you'll find it helpful to know what to do after giving birth to help you recover faster. Today we will talk about the features of the postpartum period, as well as what exercises to do to contract the uterus after childbirth.

Immediately after the birth of the baby and the delivery of the placenta, the postpartum period begins. Its duration varies from 40 to 60 days, that is, 6-8 weeks. During this entire period, the woman’s body recovers after childbirth and gains strength. At this time it is especially important to pay attention good sleep(relatives will help with the baby) and balanced diet You may need to take a multivitamin.

In the first weeks after childbirth, lochia emerges from the uterus - bleeding. The duration of the discharge is no more than 6 weeks; anything longer is a pathology requiring medical intervention. In the first 2 weeks, the discharge is heavy and bloody, as in the first days of menstruation, with clots. Further, the discharge becomes more mucous and less abundant. By the end of the sixth week there may be transparent discharge, sometimes with brown streaks.

It is very important to prevent stagnation of secretions, otherwise inflammatory process and infection. Stagnation occurs when the uterus contracts weakly or unevenly, folds form and blood clots cannot be released freely. Usually, the uterus contracts on its own without problems, but there are exceptions.

Restoring the body after childbirth is very important for a woman, because she has used up the strength and reserves of her body during pregnancy and childbirth. During the postpartum period, the body has increased hormonal background, which prevents a woman from becoming pregnant again at this time. It is easier for a stronger mother to care for her child and herself:

2. Contraction of the uterus after childbirth

After childbirth, the uterus begins to contract and gradually decreases in volume.

What influences its reduction:

  • Breastfeeding the baby on demand;
  • Exercises for muscles pelvic floor;
  • Decoctions of herbs for drinking (nettle, water pepper, field grass, birch leaves) – help cleanse the uterus from postpartum discharge, stop bleeding, heal birth injuries;
  • Mobility.

Spontaneous contraction of the uterus at first is a painful process, because the entire inner surface the uterus resembles a continuous wound. Even if breastfeeding brings pain in the lower abdomen, you should not refuse it, because this way the uterus will return to normal faster.

The size of the uterus during pregnancy increases every month, and on the day after childbirth it reaches its maximum size and weight. The uterus weighs about 1 kg at this time, and in size resembles a large empty sac, which is adjacent to abdominal cavity. The muscles and ligaments are stretched, so the uterus has decreased tone. The fundus of the uterus is located somewhere at a distance of 4 cm above the navel.

As soon as the baby puts his mother’s breast in his mouth for the first time, the contraction reaction of the uterine muscles will begin. Every day it will decrease in size until it returns to its original shape and size that it had before pregnancy. The uterus, reduced to its original size, weighs about 60 g, and its bottom is located in the pubic area:

While the woman is still in the maternity hospital, she moves little and lies more. In this position, the uterus will not actively contract, so doctors recommend that women who have had a natural birth lie more on their stomachs. This position will help the lochia come out easier. During the entire postpartum period, women are contraindicated in physical activity, so as not to disrupt recovery processes in the abdominal muscles.

To those who had C-section, you can’t strain your stomach at all, so as not to break the seam. After an incision in the perineum during childbirth, you need to be careful with any movements that cause discomfort in the area of ​​the sutures; it is forbidden to even sit in the first 2 weeks after birth.

How then to perform exercises to contract the muscles of the uterus if physical activity is prohibited at first? The fact is that exercises for contracting the uterus are in no way connected with the concept of physical education that we have.

Dear mommies, remember that you should not perform exercises that involve the abdominal muscles, and all other exercises should be very smooth and easy. At the slightest discomfort in the abdomen, even slight pain, stop the exercises and rest, try again later.

Many mothers try to run to the gym almost from the maternity hospital in order to quickly get into the long-awaited shape. This absolutely cannot be done, since the load on the abdominal muscles immediately after childbirth will lead to them stretching and nothing but plastic surgery will remove the belly.

But this does not mean that you cannot move and get up during the first 2 months after giving birth. Early activity for mom, on the contrary, is very useful.

If you move a lot (without overexertion), walking, this helps:

  • Contraction of the uterine muscles and speedy recovery uterus;
  • Establishing digestive system(there will be no constipation);
  • Restoring the tone of all muscles of the body;
  • Improve your mood.

Loads should be minimal and gentle. From the first days after childbirth, you need to perform exercises to contract the muscles of the uterus; this is easy and not dangerous. There is no need to pump up your abs in the first days; lying down exercises are enough. After the end of the postpartum period, you can begin exercises with a fitball and swimming:

4. A set of exercises to restore the muscles of the uterus after childbirth

What exercises can you do to engage the muscles of the uterus without touching the abdominal muscles?

These are exercises from a lying position on your back or side. You may find some of the exercises a little difficult in the first few days. If there is the slightest discomfort or pain, refuse certain type exercises and move on to others.

  1. Breathing exercises. Lie on your back on a flat surface. Legs can be slightly bent. Fulfill breathing exercises, first inflating the stomach and relaxing it, then move on to inflating the chest - breathing through the diaphragm and relaxing it. Do alternately in a complex of 5 techniques. Inhale slowly through the nose, exhale slowly through the mouth.
  2. Kegel exercises. This exercise can be done with or without kegel balls. The point is to learn to control the muscles of the vagina and anus. Sit or lie down comfortably, then, concentrating, try to squeeze your vaginal muscles for a few seconds, as if you were holding back urination. Then relax. Do the same with the anus muscles - squeeze for a few seconds and relax. Then do it alternately. Over time, you will learn to do this easily and simply. This exercise not only stimulates contraction of the uterus, but also restores the muscles of the vagina, bringing it to its prenatal shape. Do 10-15 times in several approaches per day:
  3. Preparing to pump the press. You can’t pump up your abs yet, but you can prepare for it. Lie on your back, legs straight. As you inhale, rise up and lean on your arms bent at the elbows, with your palms at waist level. As you exhale, lie down in the starting position. It turns out like a semi-press. Do it 5 times.
  4. Socks. Exercise to prevent thrombosis. Lie on your back, legs straight. Pull your socks towards you, sometimes together, sometimes alternately. Perform 15 times with each leg.
  5. Light twist. This is an exercise for the transverse muscles. Lie on your back, raise your head to your chest, shoulders on the floor. Pull your socks towards you while stretching right hand to the left sock, then with your left hand to the right sock. The main thing is that your shoulders do not come off the floor, otherwise there will be a load on the abs. Perform 3 times in each direction.
  6. On the side. Lie on your right side. Right leg straight, and the left one (the one on top) is half-bent. Pull up left leg on yourself while inhaling, pressing it to your stomach. As you exhale, extend your leg. Roll over to the other side and repeat with the other leg. Perform 2-3 times.
  7. Exercises for the pelvic floor muscles. Lie on your back, bend your legs at the knees. Raise your pelvis and draw in your stomach as you inhale. Stay in this position for 3-5 seconds. At the exit, lower yourself to the floor. Perform 3-5 times:

You can watch more about Kegel exercises in this video:

Do these exercises in combination every day for 2 months and you will feel the results. Be healthy and visit our website. See you later!

During pregnancy, a woman's body undergoes major changes necessary for bearing and giving birth to a baby. After childbirth, the body begins to return to normal condition, the time of restoration of all body functions is called the postpartum period. The recovery period takes up to 8 weeks and is individualized in each case.

For full recovery good influence will have special gymnastics to strengthen muscles abdominal wall, accelerating postpartum uterine contractions and general strengthening exercises necessary for the body to fully return to normal.

When can you do exercise after childbirth, benefits and contraindications

Exercises for contracting the uterus after childbirth are gentle and lack the stress that is familiar to every person. Changes occurring in the body should be taken into account postpartum period and do not try to actively engage in sports, even if this was your job before pregnancy. You can start classes as early as the second day after the baby is born.

In the first postpartum period, use breathing exercises, relaxation with variable tension of individual muscle groups: abdomen, perineum, legs, back, but without active movements. This helps improve blood circulation in the body, improve contractility uterus and restoration of intestinal motility.

There are no contraindications for such exercises; even after surgical delivery and suturing, doctors recommend performing a small complex in several cycles during the day.

Painful sensations during this period are normal and are not contraindications to exercise. Physical exercise help increase the tone of the uterus, which allows it to cleanse itself and return to its normal position. Retention of postpartum formations in the uterine cavity contributes to the development of inflammation of the muscles of the reproductive organ.

The organism, rebuilt for the growing fetus, slowly returns to the initial state. At this time, urinary retention and constipation are possible; exercise can help avoid this. Toning the muscles of the pelvis and perineum prevents prolapse and prolapse of the uterus. In addition to the general strengthening effect on physical health normalization occurs psychological state new mother.

Starting to strengthen the abdominal muscles earlier will help prevent sagging of the abdomen. If after exercise, instead of a surge of energy, you are haunted by weakness, pain or dizziness, you should reduce the load on your body, which is not strong after childbirth.

At serious illnesses of cardio-vascular system or acute rise body temperature classes are not allowed.

Should be avoided in case of acute infectious processes, conditions caused by massive blood loss, significant ruptures of the perineum.

Exercises to do on your own

It is preferable to practice in a well-ventilated area, dressed in comfortable, loose-fitting clothes and perform the complexes daily until full recovery organism, and not from case to case. If there is no special room for training, you can perform the complex while lying on the bed in the ward.

Exercises in the early postpartum period are aimed at more fast reduction and cleansing the uterus, and not for losing weight or returning to its former slimness and attractiveness.

You cannot perform serious and strength exercises until complete recovery (about 4 months).

For the first 2 weeks after childbirth, the described exercises are sufficient, with the addition of tension in the abdominal and vaginal muscles on the 3-4th day from the start of exercise. Further at feeling good can be expanded to full-fledged gymnastics, consisting of special exercises, but only after consultation with an obstetrician-gynecologist.

Gymnastics after childbirth at home

If labor is resolved naturally and by the time of discharge, all stitches have been removed, the complex can be performed from the first days, if there are stitches, we do not strain the stomach. We start the complex from a position lying on your back, arms extended, palms pressed to the floor.

This set of exercises will be enough until the body is completely restored and the uterus returns to normal sizes. If you feel strong pain or discomfort from the exercise, you should give up for a couple of days, then try to introduce it into the complex.

Always exercise after feeding your baby and going to the toilet. In addition to the set of exercises, normal walking and sleeping in the stomach position will contribute to contraction of the uterus. Don't stay in bed for a long time; start leading an active life as early as possible.

Oriental dancing should be noted for its pronounced postpartum effectiveness. Their specificity is aimed at rapid recovery reproductive function, contributes to preparation female body To repeat childbirth without significant damage to health.

Exercises after episiotomy and cesarean section

When incising the perineum in natural childbirth Exercises to contract the uterus are prohibited. Forbidden long time sit, especially on a hard seat. Before getting out of bed, it is recommended to tighten the muscles of the buttocks.

After healing and removal of sutures, you can begin simple exercises on a gymnastic ball. In this case it will be simply sitting and rocking up and down. The only exercises in the early postpartum period will be the Kegel complex.

After operative delivery While the stitches are healing, you don’t have to remember about full-fledged gymnastics, but you can do some exercises. This will contribute to more rapid recovery body.

It is mandatory to wear postpartum bandage to maintain muscle tone and prevent seam divergence.

You can start doing the exercises after a week, but only after receiving the doctor’s consent. Exercises are performed in comfortable position lying or sitting:

  • flexion, extension of the feet;
  • rotational movements of the feet;
  • tension and relaxation of the buttocks;
  • from a position lying on your back, without lifting your legs from the floor, bend and straighten your knees;

A full set of exercises for training the abs, back, leg muscles or any other muscle groups can only be performed after the body has fully recovered from surgical intervention and with the consent of the doctor treating you.

Kegel exercises

This special complex exercises aimed at strengthening the pelvic floor muscles. Suitable not only for women after childbirth, but also for people suffering from weakening of these muscles. These could be aging problems or prolapse of the pelvic organs when lifting heavy objects. It is recommended for all women over 45 years of age. Arnold Kegel recommended performing this complex in the following cases:

The set of exercises consists of tensing and relaxing the pelvic floor muscles at varying intensities.

  1. You should tense the muscles of the pelvic floor (as if you are interrupting urination) and relax as you exhale.
  2. Tighten and relax the muscles involved in sexual intercourse as quickly as you can.

During pregnancy, a woman’s body changes, and after childbirth, its recovery takes from a couple of months to several years, and some features remain for life. The most important change that is noticeable to everyone around is a large, rounded belly. expectant mother. The skin, muscles and uterus are stretched to make the baby more comfortable inside. The birth of a child is a great stress for the mother’s body. An important component general recovery is normal contraction uterus after childbirth.

Unfortunately, this period does not always pass without complications. In the first two months after birth medical supervision necessary to evaluate the contraction process and stimulate it in case of complications.

After the birth of a child, the uterus is enlarged and stretched. It is purified, and at the same time observed bloody issues – . Top part The uterus is located just below the navel, the main one is in the abdominal cavity. Due to stretching and decreased tissue tone, it remains mobile.

After childbirth, while the uterus contracts, blood and lymph vessels are compressed. They partially dry out and gradually go away. Increased due to fetal growth muscle decreases in size, and some cells die and are resorbed.

The inner layer of the uterus after the birth of a child is one large bleeding wound. Most of the damage is in the area of ​​attachment; there are many vessels in which blood clots gradually form. The entire internal surface consists of blood clots and remnants of the fetal membrane. Painful sensations arise due to contraction of the uterus - a natural and normal process.

When the postpartum period passes without complications, the uterine cavity is sterile for 3-4 days after the birth of the child. Cleansing occurs through phagocytosis, a process during which white blood cells engulf and dissolve bacteria. Proteolytic enzymes formed from the breakdown products of blood cells also play an important role.

How long does it take?

Many new mothers often have concerns about how long the uterus contracts after childbirth. If there are no complications, it will take about 6 weeks. During this period, the weight of the uterus decreases from 1000 to 60 grams, the most intense changes occur in the first 6-10 days.

The uterus recovers more slowly in the cervical area. The process of its reduction lasts throughout the entire postpartum period. The diameter of the internal uterine os after the baby is delivered is 10-12 cm, which allows you to manually remove parts of the placenta. Within 24 hours it is significantly reduced, becoming passable for 2 fingers, and after 3 days for 1. After three weeks, it closes completely.

How long the uterus will contract after childbirth depends on the characteristics of pregnancy and childbirth. On average, the process lasts 1.5-2 months, but can be completed in 4 or 10 weeks. Such terms are a variant of the norm.

Reasons for non-contraction of the uterus

The timing of uterine contractions after childbirth may increase for several reasons:

  • pregnancy and (, etc.);
  • characteristics of a woman's body, accompanying illnesses;
  • (incision of the uterine cavity).

All these factors are taken into account when a doctor monitors the recovery process. Yes, when multiple pregnancy The normal duration of uterine recovery is extended by several weeks. In such situations, medication support may be prescribed.

In some cases, the uterus does not contract at all. Such a complication is possible with uterine bending, inflammation in the pelvic organs, fibroids, benign neoplasms, serious injuries birth canal and disorders of the blood coagulation system.

What to do if the uterus contracts poorly?

What to do to make the uterus contract after childbirth? Immediately after delivery, women place a heating pad with ice on their stomach. Reducing the temperature constricts blood vessels, helps reduce bleeding and speeds up uterine contractions.

Over the next few days, while the young mother is in the maternity hospital, the doctor checks daily how the recovery process is going. If upon examination it is discovered that the fundus of the uterus descends slowly and remains soft, then a conclusion is made about a reduced ability to contract. According to the doctor's decision, they can be administered special drugs, which stimulate this process (Oxytocin, prostaglandins), and also carried out a course of massage through the abdominal wall.

Many maternity hospitals pay Special attention establishment: when a baby suckles, a woman’s body releases hormones that help shrink the uterus.

Discharge from the maternity hospital is made after the doctor is convinced that the process of uterine contraction is proceeding normally. In the next 1.5-2 months you will need to regularly visit a gynecologist at outpatient. If during the examination it is revealed that the pharynx is blocked blood clots, or there are lochia or part of the placenta left in the uterine cavity, will be prescribed.

What should be normal?

You can determine whether the uterus contracts poorly after childbirth or normally by looking at several symptoms.

If recovery period passes without complications, then the woman experiences:

  • some tenderness in the mammary glands;
  • in the lower abdomen - discomfort;
  • bloody, and after a while yellowish vaginal discharge;
  • pain in the perineum;
  • diarrhea for 1-4 days after the baby is born.

The uterus contracts most intensively in the first 10 days after birth, it is during this period that symptoms are pronounced. At the end of 6 weeks they almost completely disappear.

Most often, discomfort in postpartum period tolerable, but some women have a reduced sensitivity threshold, and they need medication assistance. To reduce the pain accompanying uterine contractions, you can take No-shpa, Ibuprofen, Naproxen, and use Diclofenac suppositories.

What to do to make the uterus contract faster?

It will be useful for every woman to know how to speed up uterine contractions after childbirth.

  1. Breastfeed your baby. When nipples are irritated during this period, hormones are produced, including prolactin, which promotes uterine contraction. The earlier feeding starts, the better.
  2. Don't go to bed rest and move as much as possible: walk, exercise homework, care for the baby. However, if the birth was complicated, then the possibility physical activity need to discuss with your doctor.
  3. Sleep on your stomach, especially during the day.
  4. Take care of genital hygiene: wash yourself several times a day (and at first after each visit to the toilet), treat wounds.
  5. Devastate bladder at the first urge, even if it brings discomfort. The more often, the faster the uterus will contract.
  6. Gymnastics after childbirth to contract the uterus is based on contraction of the abdominal muscles, perineum, vagina, as well as movements of the diaphragm using breathing.

There are cases when all these methods do not help, since the uterus is prevented from contracting by lochia or the remains of the placenta after childbirth; only a cleansing procedure can help. It is carried out under general anesthesia using a special tool that looks like a spoon with a hole. You should not be afraid of these manipulations; without them, the development of inflammation of the uterus and nearby organs is inevitable.

Contraction of the uterus after childbirth is the basis for the restoration of the entire body. This process should occur independently, within 1.5-2 months. But in case of complications accompanying pregnancy and childbirth, as well as in the weakened health of the woman, the uterus for a long time remains stretched and enlarged. In these cases it is necessary health care. You can speed up recovery by adjusting breast-feeding, observing the rules of hygiene and doing all possible physical activity, including special gymnastics.

Useful video about what happens to a woman after childbirth



2024 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs