Features and timing of body recovery after childbirth. Repeated pregnancy

Many women claim that making love for the first time after giving birth felt like “the very first time.”

There are lucky women in the world who, even in the maternity hospital, dream about how they will have sex again. And, characteristically, they soon successfully realize their dream. But, alas, there are very few of them. Statistics say that about 50% of new mothers experience problems in sexual relationships within three months after giving birth, and in 18% these problems continue throughout the first year. How and when can they be solved?


You can start having sex no earlier than after 4-6 weeks after birth.

This requirement is primarily due to the fact that it is during this period that the uterus gradually returns to its previous, pre-pregnancy size, and the placenta attachment site heals (after all, after the placenta separated from the uterine wall during childbirth, a continuous wound remained in its place surface). If an infection gets into an unhealed wound during sexual intercourse, it can result in endometritis (inflammation of the uterus).

The vagina should also return to its previous state - after all, after childbirth it is stretched. Most often, by the sixth week after birth, it gradually decreases in size. In order to help him do this, gynecologists recommend performing Kegel exercises, which train the muscles of the perineum and vagina.

In the middle of the last century, gynecologist Arnold Kegel invented them for women who, after childbirth, had problems with involuntary urination. Subsequently, it turned out that these exercises also increase sexual tone, improve blood circulation and even allow you to control orgasm. In order to feel which muscles need to be trained, try to stop the flow of urine while urinating. The muscles with which you did this are the muscles of the perineum. Now your task is to learn how to tense and relax them as much as possible, first at a slow and then at a fast pace. This can be done at any time - while walking, watching TV, lying in bed, etc.

It would seem that if the birth occurred by caesarean section, then such problems should not arise, and sex can be had almost immediately after childbirth. Indeed, the vagina has not undergone any changes in this case, but the wound at the placenta insertion site should heal in the same way as after a natural birth. In addition, a scar remains on the uterus, which heals within the same 4-6 weeks (a suture on the skin of the abdomen can heal much earlier).

Can't or don't want to?

It happens that the doctor gives the go-ahead, but the woman still doesn’t want any sex. Do not rush to diagnose yourself with frigidity, but rather figure out why this happens. The reasons can be either quite obvious or lying deep in the subconscious.

By and large, dulling of sexual desire is a kind of natural given. After all, as long as the cub needs constant maternal care and care and cannot survive on its own, the mother does not yet need the next cub. Therefore, in the body of a woman who has recently given birth, the level of estrogen (the pleasure hormone) decreases, hence increased vaginal dryness, even with fairly high sexual arousal. If the birth was quite difficult, then subconsciously she wants to take revenge on her partner for the suffering she endured.

There are other reasons for not wanting sex, more conscious ones:

  • severe fatigue (often combined with resentment towards the husband, who does not help with the child or with the housework), it is most often expressed in the phrase: “I have no time for sex now!”;
  • a feeling of one’s own unattractiveness; indeed, after childbirth, a woman’s figure loses its girlish angularity, but many men find this very attractive;
  • postpartum depression - this type of depression, which occurs in approximately 10% of women, can significantly reduce libido.

And a young mother is simply scared to have sex. She may be afraid, for example, that:

  • it will hurt or that the wound has not yet fully healed. To cope with this fear, it would be good to see a doctor in advance - he will determine whether everything is fine with you after giving birth.
  • at the most crucial moment the child will wake up. Fear leads to tension, and a woman cannot relax. A good option is not to wait until the night, when you will literally collapse from fatigue, but ask your grandmother or nanny to walk with your child outside for an hour or two.
  • she will become pregnant again, and this is so inopportune now. Remember that contraception methods have not yet been canceled. All you have to do is choose the best method for yourself.


For some reason, there is a widespread belief among the general public that while a woman is breastfeeding or until her menstrual cycle has returned, it is impossible to get pregnant. This is wrong. Moreover, until the cycle has started or become regular, it is very easy to not notice a new pregnancy. Menstruation may begin as early as 28 days after birth, or may not occur during the entire lactation period, but this does not mean that you are insured against pregnancy. What remains?

Calendar method It definitely doesn’t suit you right now. Even in “peaceful” times, it is effective in only 50% of cases, and when menstruation is irregular, there is no hope for it at all.

About hormonal pills Doctors' opinions differ. Some argue that hormones entering milk are not harmless to the baby, others insist that modern hormonal contraceptives, skillfully selected specifically for you, will not affect the baby in any way. It’s up to you to decide, but under no circumstances try to “prescribe” yourself a hormonal drug - only a doctor should do this. In principle, this is a fairly reliable remedy - it is 97-99% effective.

There are several options for administering a hormonal drug:

  • the pills themselves (must be taken every day, and preferably at the same time);
  • injection, which is also called a “contraceptive injection”, its indications and contraindications are exactly the same as for tablets - only the form of application changes (valid for 8-12 weeks, depending on the type of drug);
  • contraceptive capsule: inserted under the skin of the shoulder (valid for 5 years, and the capsule can be removed at any time).

Intrauterine device It is 98% effective, but it can be used no earlier than 6 weeks after birth and provided that you do not have chronic gynecological diseases.

Barrier contraception(condoms, diaphragm, spermicides) are 85-97% effective. The combination of a diaphragm and spermicides is especially effective (spermicide is applied to the dome of the diaphragm before its insertion).

Like the first time

Many women claim that making love for the first time after giving birth felt like “the very first time.” This should be kept in mind by a spouse burning with passion. What is now required from him is maximum patience and tenderness in order to renew a love relationship. To begin with, he will have to share with his wife not only the bed, but also the cares of the house and the child.

To relieve muscle tension, massage is a good idea (especially with the use of essential oils). To begin with, it is better to choose a position in which you will control the depth and frequency of penetrations yourself - for example, the “rider” position. To reduce vaginal dryness, you can use special gels and lubricants from an intimate store. It is very important that you do not doubt your attractiveness to your partner. Believe me, the male gaze is much less demanding than the female one.

They say that it is the restoration of sexual relations that is the end of the postpartum period and the beginning of a new stage in family life. May it be happy for you!

Inessa Smyk, "Be Healthy" magazine

The inevitable lochia after childbirth is a wound discharge from the uterus. After pregnancy, the female body is restored, and the injured walls of the uterus heal. As a result, the organ begins to recover and becomes the same size as before pregnancy. Its upper surface heals, and the area where the vaginal wall attaches to the placenta tightens. Thus, the cause of lochia that appears after childbirth is:

  • restoration of the uterine cavity;
  • cleansing of membranes.

The uterus shrinks and throws out tissues it does not need, which have become toxic. The discharge is similar to menstrual discharge, but consists of different substances. These are fragments of the lining of the uterine cavity, ichor, remnants of the placenta, mucus from the cervical canal, and blood.

Lochia consult hygiene products
menstrual cycle resumption
Development Complex degree of consequences

Immediately after delivery, a large wound covers the entire surface of the uterus. Therefore, blood clots and blood may be released. There is no need to worry, because in this way the body cleanses itself and restores itself.

If the lochia differs from those that should be normal, this indicates postpartum complications. Yes, the first few days after birth a woman is in the hospital, so doctors monitor the duration of lochia. But then she is discharged home, so she will have to independently monitor the nature of the discharge.

Normally, postpartum lochia lasts 6-8 weeks. Permissible deviations are 5-9 weeks. Otherwise, you need to consult a doctor. You can look at photos of lochia to know what they look like after childbirth.

Duration of uterine recovery

We found out how long lochia lasts on average after a childbirth, but they come in several varieties. Their duration also depends on this.

They appear during the healing process of the inner surface of the uterus.

The active phase lasts about three weeks. During this time, several types of discharge are observed.

  1. Red. It takes about 3-4 days after the baby is born. They cause discomfort to a woman because they are very abundant. The color of the discharge is bright scarlet, since the remains of non-viable tissue contain a large number of erythrocytes - red blood cells. Clots of brown blood may also be released. The discharge should end on day 4. In this case, a woman changes one pad per hour. If you have to change it more often, you need to call your doctor. After childbirth, the gynecologist usually advises the woman about how long the lochia lasts, so it is not difficult for the expectant mother to navigate.
  2. Serous. Lasts from 4 to 10 days and is not as abundant as red ones. The color of the discharge is pinkish-brown or brown, since a large number of leukocytes are present in the discharged substances. Usually, red clots no longer appear, and only bloody-serous discharge is observed.
  3. White. They do not cause discomfort to the woman and last for 20 days. Normally, the discharge should be without bloody clots or a strong odor. They are yellowish or whitish in color, almost transparent, of a smearing nature.

If after giving birth you know how long it will take for the lochia to come out, you will immediately understand when you need to contact a specialist for help. The volume of discharge begins to decrease over time, and already at week 3 it does not cause discomfort, therefore it is almost unnoticeable and very small in volume. Usually, by the 6th week, glassy mucus with bloody patches is released from the cervix, at which point the body completes its restoration. At the same time, the duration of the discharge does not depend on whether it is your first pregnancy or your second.

In case of complications, you should consult a doctor

When to see a doctor

If you know exactly when the lochia discharge should end after childbirth, it will be easier to track possible violations. You need to make an appointment with a doctor in the following cases.

  1. The discharge lasts too long or its amount has become quite large. Such bleeding is possible due to the fact that parts of the placenta remain in the uterus, so it cannot contract normally. In this case, the woman will have to remove the remaining placenta in the hospital. The procedure is painless due to intravenous anesthesia.
  2. The bleeding has stopped, although you know exactly how many days after the last birth the lochia should go. Stopping discharge indicates a possible accumulation of lochia in the uterine cavity. If they are not removed, there is a risk of developing endometritis.

Endometritis develops if, after childbirth, lochia is excreted with pus and has an unpleasant, pungent odor. A woman notices a deterioration in her health:

  • lower abdomen hurts;
  • the temperature rises.

In this case, you need to urgently call a specialist or call an ambulance. Sometimes a cheesy discharge appears from the vagina. This may indicate the appearance of candidiasis. If left untreated, there is a risk of developing a severe infection.

It doesn’t matter how long lochia lasts after the first or second birth. If severe bleeding occurs, you should immediately call an ambulance. In this case, the woman is indicated for hospitalization.

Only careful attention to your health, monitoring of discharge and timely response to its changes will help to avoid serious complications. It is better to play it safe and consult a doctor once again than to subsequently be treated for unpleasant sores.

Do not ignore the rules of hygiene, which are especially important for the successful completion of the postpartum period.

If there is a relapse

Sometimes it happens that after childbirth the lochia first ends and then starts again. If, after 2 months, scarlet discharge from the vagina is observed, the cause may be:

  • restoration of the menstrual cycle;
  • rupture of sutures after severe emotional or physical stress.

When you know how long lochia can last after a previous birth, but suddenly they return after 2-3 months, you need to look at their character. Sometimes the remnants of the placenta or endometrium are released in this way. If the discharge is dark in color with clots, but without pus and a sharp putrid odor, everything should end without complications.

In addition, when the discharge goes away and then comes again, there is a risk of developing an inflammatory process in the uterus. Only a doctor can help you here. He will conduct an examination and find out the cause of the incident. You may be experiencing a new menstrual cycle. But in the worst case scenario, medical intervention will be required.

Carrying a child and its birth is an important stage in the life of every woman. However, for a young mother’s body, the process of pregnancy and childbirth is a rather difficult, stressful period, after which it is difficult for a woman to return to her original shape.

Changes concern not only external characteristics (figure, breast shape), but also the functioning of internal organs and systems, primarily cardiovascular, reproductive, endocrine. Every young mother is concerned with questions: how to recover as quickly and fully as possible? How long does it take for the body to recover?

Recovery time

Since ancient times, it was believed that the body of a woman in labor needs about 40 days to return to normal (this is what is connected with the belief that a woman who has undergone childbirth should not enter church for 40 days after the baby is born). In each specific case, the time of postpartum rehabilitation is purely individual; how long the recovery will last depends on various factors, such as:

Where to start rehabilitation?

In the first days and weeks after the baby is born, a woman feels tired and depressed. This is due to hormonal changes, fatigue after a difficult birth process and caring for a newborn child, and negative changes in figure. Against this background, many young mothers experience such a common phenomenon as postpartum depression. This condition is considered normal, because a qualitatively new stage has begun in a woman’s life, the transition to which is accompanied by severe stress. At this time, it is important to take all necessary measures to alleviate your condition.

First of all, it is important to realize that the birth of a child is a great joy, the most significant event in the life of any woman, and some difficulties that will arise from time to time will not be able to overshadow the joy of motherhood. In addition, a woman needs the support of family and friends, but if postpartum depression manifests itself intensely, you can seek advice from a psychologist.

It is important to understand that the process of recovery after childbirth is not immediate; it requires a lot of time and patience. First of all, you need:

Restoration of the cardiovascular system

During the process of bearing a child, the cardiovascular system undergoes significant changes. In particular, the volume of blood circulating in the body of the expectant mother increases. The normal volume is restored some time after the baby is born, however, this process does not occur immediately.

In addition, childbirth accompanied by heavy blood loss (especially if the birth of a child occurs through cesarean section) leads to an increase in blood clotting. This in turn increases the risk of blood clots, especially in the small blood vessels of the legs. Therefore, in the first time after childbirth, it is advisable for a woman to wear compression stockings.

Restoration of the reproductive system organs

Pregnancy and childbirth have a significant impact on the condition of the uterus, its cervix, and vagina. The menstrual cycle is disturbed.


Recovery of the uterus occurs after 6-8 weeks. All this time, the woman experiences specific bloody discharge - lochia. This is fine. In the first 2-3 days after birth, lochia resembles heavy menstruation. Over time, the discharge becomes less intense, its color (discharge becomes lighter) and consistency changes (mucous discharge and blood clots appear). Important! If the birth took place using a cesarean section, the period of uterine recovery and the duration of postpartum bleeding increases.

The recovery process is accompanied by contractions of the uterus, during which the woman may experience intense pain. This is also a normal condition. The uterus, contracting, returns to its normal state, its size and volume are restored. If immediately after birth the organ weighed about 1 kg, then after 1.5-2 months its weight is 60-80 g, the original pear-shaped shape returns (after the baby was born, the shape of the uterus was spherical). Contractions of the uterus are caused by the release of the hormone oxytocin into the blood, the production of which increases when the baby is applied to the breast. That is why during breastfeeding the process of restoration of the uterus occurs more intensively.

Many women experience a significant decrease in uterine tone after childbirth. This phenomenon can lead to very unfavorable consequences, such as uterine bleeding, stagnation of lochia with the subsequent development of the inflammatory process, and endometritis. The development of complications is accompanied by a change in the nature of postpartum discharge, its color, volume, and smell.


This area of ​​the reproductive system takes the longest to recover. And even after the expiration of the rehabilitation period, the cervix will no longer return to its original shape (therefore, during a gynecological examination, the doctor can easily determine whether a woman has given birth or not). This is typical only for natural childbirth. So, if before pregnancy the opening of the cervix was round, after childbirth it acquires a slit-like shape. The cervix itself becomes like a cylinder (before childbirth, it had a conical shape). The duration of the rehabilitation period of the cervix is ​​about 4 months, in the presence of complications during childbirth, this process can be extended.


After pregnancy and childbirth, the tone of the vaginal muscles decreases (over time it increases, but will never be the same). How quickly will I recover after childbirth? To do this, it is recommended to regularly do Kegel exercises, which will not only bring muscle tissue to a normal state, but will also help avoid such unpleasant manifestations of hypotonicity, such as urinary incontinence, which is observed in many women in labor.

In addition, a woman experiences vaginal dryness, which occurs as a result of increased secretion of prolactin (breastfeeding hormone, against the background of a decrease in the level of sex hormones - estrogen and progesterone). Over time, hormonal levels return to normal. This finally happens when breastfeeding ends.

Menstrual cycle

A signal that the process of postpartum rehabilitation is completed is the normalization of the menstrual cycle. Usually the cycle is restored after 7-8 months However, the appearance of normal periods may occur later. How long the cycle normalization process will last depends on the presence or absence of some unfavorable factors, such as:

  1. general weakness of the body;
  2. pathological course of pregnancy and childbirth;
  3. the presence of diseases in a chronic form;
  4. poor nutrition;
  5. physical and emotional fatigue;
  6. age (the older the woman in labor, the longer the period required for her body to recover).

Figure restoration

During the entire pregnancy, a woman gains approximately 10-12 kg of weight, which includes the weight of the fetus, amniotic fluid and membranes, and the weight of the increased blood volume. Almost all of this weight goes away after the baby is born. However, changes in diet and decreased physical activity of a pregnant woman lead to visible changes in her figure.

For a faster recovery, a woman is recommended to:

Childbirth is a serious test for a woman and no matter how well it proceeds, the body requires a lot of time to fully recover. It’s not for nothing that obstetricians-gynecologists strongly recommend against thinking about a new pregnancy in the near future: there should be some time between births. at least 2 years, and in case of delivery by cesarean section - at least 3 years.

Internal organs

The greatest load during pregnancy, of course, fell on the internal organs, which for a long time worked intensively for two.

  • The cardiovascular system functions under high load due to the formation of uteroplacental blood flow and an increase in the volume of circulating blood.
  • Urinary system during pregnancy, it removes metabolic products not only from the mother, but also from the child.
  • Changes are taking place in respiratory system, because the need for oxygen increases significantly.
  • Other body systems are also undergoing global changes.


Recovery after childbirth consists, first of all, in complete involution of the uterus. This hollow organ undergoes the greatest changes during pregnancy: the uterus grows with the child and increases almost 500 times. After childbirth, it is a huge bleeding wound, damaged in the area where the placenta is attached and filled with blood clots.

information In the first 3 days after the birth of the child, the uterine cavity should already be cleared of blood, after 3-5 days its inner layer will heal, but its complete restoration can be discussed no earlier than in one and a half to two months.

Immediately after birth, discharge from the organ begins to flow, called lochia: at first it is bloody, then becomes lighter and more liquid, and finally stops approximately 6 weeks after birth. At the same time, the uterus begins to contract intensively, which may be accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen, and returns to its former size and weight. Contractions of the internal and external uterine pharynx also occur: immediately after birth, the diameter of the opening is 10-12 cm, but by the end of the third day the canal will be passable for only one finger.


During the second stage of labor, there is a significant load on the vagina: it is greatly stretched, its walls become thinner and partially lose sensitivity.

In most cases, the vagina recovers fairly quickly and returns to its normal prenatal size within 6-8 weeks. However, there are cases that this requires much more time, effort, physical exercise, and in some cases, the help of plastic surgeons. Such situations can occur with significant injuries and ruptures during childbirth.

Other organs

As mentioned above, during the period of bearing a child, all systems and organs worked in an intensive mode, moreover, many of them were displaced by the pregnant uterus. For this reason, after childbirth, it takes time for them to function in the usual prenatal mode.

Global changes occur in the endocrine system: hormone levels change significantly, and quite sharply. This situation is often accompanied by a deterioration in the woman’s well-being, both physical and moral.

For example, 3-4 days after the birth of a child, the level of prolactin, necessary for the production of breast milk, begins to increase sharply. This may entail:

  • drop in mood;
  • the appearance of irritability;
  • apathy;
  • tearfulness.

Menstrual cycle

Restoring the body after childbirth also, of course, involves normalizing the menstrual cycle. The onset of menstruation primarily depends on whether the woman is breastfeeding her baby.

Timing of the onset of menstruation after childbirth

These periods are average; the onset of menstruation for each woman can occur individually.

Once your periods begin after childbirth, they may be irregular and noticeably different from your pre-pregnancy menstrual cycle. Its complete recovery should occur no later than 2-3 months; otherwise, the woman should contact an obstetrician-gynecologist.

Figure and weight

Probably every woman dreams of restoring her body as quickly as possible after childbirth, and first of all this concerns a slim figure.

Don't expect the weight you gain during pregnancy to disappear overnight. For its complete recovery it takes about 9 months, i.e. approximately the period during which he was recruited.

In no case should you go on a strict diet immediately after giving birth, especially for nursing mothers, because the child should receive the maximum amount of nutrients. A woman's diet should be balanced, containing only healthy foods. To correct your weight, it is better to start leading an active lifestyle and devote more time to physical activity.

Normally, weight loss should not exceed 1 kg per month.

Active workouts

The birth is over and mom is in a hurry to start restoring her former beautiful figure. Of course, sport is a useful occupation, but its unreasonably early start after childbirth can only harm. In no case is it recommended to start training earlier than 6 weeks after the birth of the child, especially for abdominal exercises and any activity with heavy physical exertion. After surgical delivery by cesarean section, these periods can be significantly increased depending on the course of the postoperative period and the condition of the scar.

In addition, intense sports are contraindicated for nursing mothers, because... Strong physical activity can lead to a drop in prolactin levels, and, accordingly, the cessation of breastfeeding. During this period, a woman can only do light gymnastics and simple fitness.

Recovery after childbirth refers to the process of involution. This is the reverse development of organs and related systems that experienced enormous changes during the period of gestation. The changes most affected the pelvic organ systems, cardiovascular, hormonal, and mammary glands. Involution of the body after childbirth takes a relatively short period of time, not counting the endocrine system and breasts, which are restored with the cessation of lactation.

Cardiovascular and respiratory system

The respiratory system is restored immediately after childbirth, since the uterus, which displaces the diaphragm, no longer interferes with the lungs to breathe deeply. Shortness of breath goes away, the load on the heart decreases. The cardiovascular system has undergone great changes during pregnancy - the increased volume of blood can make itself felt for some time after childbirth with edema. The volume of circulating blood returns to pre-pregnancy levels gradually.

In the first days after childbirth, due to natural physiological bleeding from the birth canal in the absence of pathologies of the circulatory system, blood clotting ability is enhanced, especially in women after cesarean section. Due to increased thrombus formation after surgery, it is recommended to wear compression stockings on the first day when bed rest is indicated.

Restoration of the uterus, vagina, menstrual cycle

Recovery of the uterus after childbirth takes 6–8 weeks. The whole process is accompanied by postpartum discharge - lochia. For the first 2-3 days they resemble heavy periods, then the intensity of the bleeding subsides and after a week during natural childbirth the discharge becomes lighter and contains admixtures of mucus and blood clots. With a caesarean section, bleeding and the recovery period of the uterus last longer.

The process of uterine involution is accompanied by painful contractions. Thus, its volume and size decrease. Immediately after birth, the uterus weighs about 1 kilogram and resembles a ball. By the end of the recovery period, it returns to a slightly larger weight and size than that of a nulliparous woman - 60–80 grams, and acquires the usual “non-pregnant” pear-shaped shape.

The hormone oxytocin accelerates the recovery period of the uterus. It is naturally released into the bloodstream every time the baby is applied to the breast, so when feeding in the first days after birth, painful contractions of the uterus are felt.

The more often a woman breastfeeds, the faster the uterus contracts.

When the tone of the uterus is weakened, the recovery process is unsatisfactory and there is a threat of complications such as uterine bleeding, stagnation of lochia, leading to inflammatory diseases of the genital organs, which in advanced cases can spread throughout the entire abdominal cavity. The most common postpartum complication is endometritis, inflammation of the uterine mucosa. Lochia is an indicator of such complications - its volume, appearance, smell and duration of discharge.

Acne during pregnancy: causes and treatment

Restoration of the menstrual cycle after childbirth in the absence of breastfeeding occurs in 1.5–2 months, with mixed feeding up to six months, with full breastfeeding the time frame varies from 6 months to 1.5–2 years. These values ​​are averaged and may vary depending on the individual characteristics of the woman’s body.

Repeated pregnancy can occur immediately with the establishment of the menstrual cycle. Moreover, menstrual bleeding is not necessarily a signal of the body’s readiness to conceive. Ovulation, the process of releasing an egg ready for fertilization from the ovary, occurs approximately 2 weeks before menstruation, and pregnancy can take a woman by surprise.

The cervix and vagina undergo significant changes during natural childbirth. You can force your vagina to regain its original shape with Kegel exercises.

In addition to the beneficial effects on the female reproductive system, these exercises solve the problem of urinary incontinence after childbirth.

With the restoration of the tone of the muscles of the perineum and vagina, it will approach the size of a nulliparous woman, but will no longer be the same.

During the restoration of the reproductive system, the production of female sex hormones - estrogen and progesterone - is reduced, which leads to natural vaginal dryness. The same thing happens during breastfeeding - the biological rhythm of the reproductive system is controlled by the “feeding” hormone prolactin, suppressing sex hormones, and vaginal dryness in a nursing mother can be observed for quite a long time - six months, and sometimes a year.

Involution of the cervix occurs the slowest. It ends on average by 4 months after birth. During vaginal birth, the shape of the external os is not restored, and the gynecologist, upon examination, can easily identify the woman who has given birth - the opening of the cervix takes on a slit-like shape, in contrast to the round shape of a nulliparous woman. The cervix itself takes on the appearance of a cylinder, but before childbirth it looked like an inverted cone.

ARVI during pregnancy - rules of conduct and treatment

Rehabilitation and recovery after caesarean section

Recovery after childbirth with surgical delivery is slower. Rehabilitation after a cesarean section includes early physical activity - the first attempts to get up and walk should be made 6-12 hours after the operation. In the first days after birth, oxytocin injections are used to stimulate uterine contractions. For the same purpose, it is important to organize and support breastfeeding; it is useful to lie on your stomach.

After intervention in the abdominal cavity, intestinal functions are disrupted, temporary paralysis occurs and motor functions are weakened, which leads to constipation. The adhesive process starts in the abdominal cavity, which can subsequently significantly affect both the condition of the organs and systems of the pelvic cavity and health in general.

The risk of postpartum complications after cesarean section due to decreased uterine tone is slightly higher than with natural childbirth. Walking, moderate physical activity, and breastfeeding on demand and not on a schedule are the prevention of the conditions described above and contribute to the normal course of the postpartum recovery period.

As for the duration of uterine involution after cesarean section, it lasts about 8 weeks and is often accompanied by a longer period of heavy bleeding. Sutures are removed 5–7 days after surgery.

Digestion and stool normalization occurs within 6–7 weeks after childbirth, so during this period it is better to avoid eating hard-to-digest foods.

Recovery of the abdominal muscles is delayed due to the presence of scars and pain, and abdominal exercises can be started only after pain and discomfort do not make themselves felt. On average, this takes about six months after surgery.

Otherwise, recovery after childbirth by cesarean section is no different from that of women who gave birth naturally.

The main reasons for the development of an umbilical hernia in women after childbirth

Breast and endocrine system

The shape of the breast after childbirth and especially long-term breastfeeding will no longer be the same. The process of reverse development of the mammary glands begins with the end of lactation. This happens gradually with a decrease in the number of times the baby is put to the breast - the level of prolactin in the body decreases, milk production decreases.

The glandular tissue of the breast, in which milk was produced, degrades and is replaced by fatty tissue, which reduces the elasticity of the breast. The milk ducts close and approximately 6 weeks after the last latching of the baby, the breast takes its final shape.

With a decrease in prolactin levels, the secretion of estrogen and progesterone increases, and the hormonal balance returns to the pre-pregnancy norm within 1–2 months. When a woman notices that there is practically no milk in her breasts, she needs to stop feeding completely. Rare episodic feedings for the sake of a child who has already grown up and does not need breast milk provoke sharp jumps in prolactin, which complicates the restructuring of the body.

If a woman has not yet menstruated, then with a complete cessation of breastfeeding, the cycle should be restored within a month.

The absence of menstrual bleeding for 2 months is a reason to consult an endocrinologist.

In addition to internal systems and organs, a woman’s appearance also changes during pregnancy. Problems of excess weight, loose skin, stretch marks, hyperpigmentation are not beautiful and can upset anyone. If we add psycho-emotional instability, then a not very cheerful picture emerges. Recovery in this sense may take longer than physiological recovery. But all these are little things, and even though you won’t become exactly like in your previous life, you can get closer to the ideal. Health to mother and baby!



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