Medical program video.

Programs for clinics and medical centers

Cloud medical information system. Functionality includes online registration, reception and registration of patients, services, electronic medical records, staffing table doctors, analytics and reporting.

Platform for organizing the work of private medical and dental clinic. Allows you to effectively organize the work of the clinic: make appointments for patients, maintain electronic medical records, issue invoices, automatically generate contracts, receive summary statistics of work and much more.

Full-featured medical information system: management of a clinic, hospital, medical center and network of medical institutions + SaaS solution for website organization electronic registry and the clinic patient’s personal account.

Online system for automating administrative, economic, treatment and diagnostic processes in medical institutions. There are versions for medical centers, dentists, veterinary clinics. There is a stationary version

Just a convenient medical information system that allows you to maintain a patient database ( medical cards- examinations, tests, diagnoses...), create a schedule of appointments with doctors, send SMS/Email reminders to clients, keep records of income and expenses, materials in the warehouse, record employees and salaries, organize marketing campaigns, study analytics.

Cloud medical management system private clinic. Easy interface, flexible settings, convenient schedule of doctors, mobile version, integration with the site.

Medical information system. Suitable for both small private clinics with 2-3 workstations, and for large medical diagnostic centers from hundreds of jobs. There is a cloud version of MedWork Cloud

A system to support the work of a medical institution. Automates full cycle interaction with the patient when providing medical care in an outpatient clinic, hospital, or sanatorium. Maintaining an electronic medical history: medical appointments, laboratory diagnostics, research. Accounting Supplies and personalized accounting of medications

Cloud medical information system. Ensures the work of all doctors. Online access patients to doctors' schedules, records and medical history. Storage of archival documentation. Billing.

Convenient program for managing a clinic. Online scheduling, salary calculation, revenue monitoring, client base

Cloud automation system for a medical facility. Maintaining an electronic patient record. Control of doctors and patients. Patient's personal account on the website. Online registration appointment.

Powerful professional MIS at the price of systems entry level. WEB technologies combined with reliable means of protecting personal data make MGERM indispensable for automating network clinics.

The solution “1C-Rarus: Management of a Medical Organization” was developed with the methodological support of MIACRAMS and is intended for complex automation of large medical organizations of any form of ownership, with outpatient and inpatient units.

A software product for medical organizations that provides effective automation of business processes when providing services in outpatient settings: consultation with specialists, diagnostic services, medical examinations, medical commissions.

A program for automating and simplifying the work of multidisciplinary clinics, medical centers, beauty salons, veterinary clinics, etc. Created on the basis of the widely proven dental program Dental4Windows, with which it is fully compatible. Qualified technical support service, assistance in installing and configuring program functions.

Information system for clinics and diagnostic centers. Standardizes work with documents and integrates clients, personnel and equipment into one information system so that everything is transparent. Functionality includes online recording, Personal Area on the clinic website, maintaining an EHR, CRM, calculating employee motivation, analytics, telephony, warehouse, chat.

Program for private clinics. Allows you to control the workload and work schedule of doctors and offices, the consumption of medicines and materials, and automate fiscal, management, financial and accounting. International information transfer protocols are supported when integrated with medical and laboratory equipment, devices and external information systems, television panels, information kiosks and electronic queuing systems.

System "Med-Complit". Interview with general director Computer Components Company LLC by Oksana Matyushchenko

It is quite obvious that modern medicine lack of mobility and speed when working with patients. Tons of paperwork, endless queues, constant difficulties in hospitalizing patients from the regions - all this complicates life not only for patients, but also for the doctors themselves. XXI century - time information technologies. Using them in medicine, you can significantly simplify and speed up all processes medical care without exception. The Med-Complit medical information system, developed by OFT LLC (Bryansk) and represented in Lipetsk by Computer Components Company LLC, was created just for this.

Oksana Petrovna, tell us about the Med-Complit system as a whole. It is known that in Lipetsk there is a system of self-registration for doctor’s appointments, but this, apparently, is not quite right?
Why? This is exactly what it is, but self-recording is only a small part of all the capabilities of the Med-Complit system. I will list the most important components systems in layman's language. Electronic appointment with a doctor, where the patient can log into the appointment system through his personal account; there he selects the required doctor’s profile and immediately sees that in the next two days they will not be able to see him, but on the third day at such and such a time there is an opportunity. The same goes for hospitalization, especially if the patient is from the area. He can come, but there are no places, so it turns out that he rode in vain? It’s another matter when he opens the program, enters the appropriate request and immediately receives an answer on what day he can come and go to the hospital. Electronic

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the card with the tests is automatically sent to the hospital - you arrive, and the doctor already full picture your medical history. The doctor’s access to the patient’s tests occurs quickly, without waiting - when the piece of paper is brought, everything is simply displayed on the computer monitor. In addition, the system can contain data on all pharmacies - the program displays all medications and their prices. Agree, this is very convenient: the therapist logs into the system and immediately sees which pharmacy has the medicine the patient needs; this is especially true if the patient is a beneficiary. This specific examples. But in general, the development can be characterized as follows: “Med-Complit” is a medical information system that transfers all the diversity of relationships between the patient and the doctor, the doctor and his colleagues, the doctor, the patient and pharmacies into an electronic format. The system can be installed in one clinic or in several, in any district, city or village where there are medical facilities. The essence of the system is to simplify, accelerate and systematize the relationships of all medical organizations with the population and among themselves. The system takes into account the order of the President of the Russian Federation to the Ministry of Health and the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund on the possibilities of developing mechanisms for introducing forms of individual informing insured persons about the list and cost of medical services. The goals and objectives of this initiative are simple: to form among the population an objective idea of ​​the state’s costs of medical care, to stimulate medical organizations take a more disciplined approach to high-quality and reliable accounting of services - this opportunity for transparency and accounting is also implemented in Med-Complete.
However maximum effect will be achieved if the entire region works according to unified system“Electronic medicine”, which, in addition to “Med-Complit”, includes 11 more IS, 9 WEB applications and WSDL services, allowing you to automate the entire document flow of the medical organization from medical to financial and include all participants in the process, including TFOMS and SMO in on-line mode.

I know that the health department Bryansk region became interested in this idea and is trying to implement the system.
Absolutely true, only “trying to implement” is not a completely accurate definition. Most medical institutions in the Bryansk region use our system to solve everyday problems. The system operates at the regional level. In the Bryansk region, they were able to successfully modernize healthcare thanks to the close cooperation of the development company with healthcare authorities, the territorial compulsory health insurance fund and insurance companies. Thanks to the Med-Complit system, labor costs for input have been reduced medical information V medical institutions, as a result of which the number of refusals to pay for services provided has significantly decreased medical services. Using this software product, you can obtain objective data in real time and keep records of services provided and paid for. medical care.
Negotiations are currently underway with the Oryol health authorities. We are pleased with the interest and positive impressions from visits to medical institutions that use this system. The fact is that the system is reliable (can work for some time if the connection is lost), flexible (customizable to the needs and requirements of each medical institution and even each doctor), comprehensive (automates all types of medical document flow), very easy to use and, importantly, , favorable in terms of price. If the government declares that times are difficult and everyone needs to tighten their belts, please start with medicine.

I agree that the crisis poses new challenges for optimizing budgets in all industries. It’s clear with other areas - there is a response, but what about us?
As far as I know, we are introducing a similar system, but it is only being tested and does not include the full range of capabilities of the Med-Complit system; Refinement also requires additional funding, which can have a burdensome impact on the budget. “Med-Complit” is a ready-made and field-tested medical information system, and we are ready to put it into operation for a very symbolic amount. Yes, we are, of course, not altruists - for the maintenance of the program and for the support regulatory framework V current state you will have to pay, but it will cost the budget much less than the same systems cost now electronic recording: there is only one function, and it is not that cheap. Is there any point in such unnecessary spending? And our earnings are simple and transparent - the institution enters into a three-year contract with us for technical support and maintenance; The price includes training of people proper operation with the program. And one more thing: we strive to ensure that our region can boast of breakthroughs, new developments, technologies, and the Med-Complit system is that innovative product that opens up broad prospects for the region.

Oksana Petrovna, just recently at the territorial meeting of the FFOMS and the ITAR-TASS press conference in Moscow, as I heard, the system was approved almost at the level of the Ministry of Health. I'm right? Tell us about it.
Yes, our partners made presentations both here and there. The ministry noted the speed with which the system responds to healthcare needs - all the functionality required to issue a certificate of the cost of treatment was implemented in two weeks. As a result, Med-Complit was recognized the best system to inform patients about costs Compulsory medical insurance treatment. Separately, the presence of the ONLINE-Monitoring subsystem was noted, which allows interaction between the territorial fund, medical and insurance organizations in real time, which, in turn, made it possible to very significantly (tens of times) reduce the percentage of refusals of insurance companies to pay for medical care provided.

Medical program

Any medical institution needs medical records and medical control, because... it is an integral part of successful management of any institution. It is necessary to keep constant records of clients, records of doctors, records of operations, a system of doctors, patient management, medical records, and draw up appointment schedules. There must be registration of doctors and registration of patients. You should see the amount of medicines consumed and their remaining stock. Make long-term procurement planning necessary equipment and medical materials, as well as accrue wages hospital staff. Do you need quality hospital management? Our medical program will help you with all this! The program for medical institutions supports multiple users and, accordingly, has different access rights. Each login is password protected. Such a medical system allows you to track who exactly made any changes to the program. The head of the organization, the head physician, doctors of various profiles: dentist, therapist, etc., cashier, head of the research office, receptionist, accountant and nurses may have different access rights.

Our medical programs have a large number of functions that can fully automate the recording of sick leave and monitoring the diagnosis of your medical facility. institutions. The program for doctors leads electronic history diseases of patients, which records data on consultations, the results of any laboratory research, the diagnostic system is analyzed, etc. And patient records are maintained in a single patient database installed in the program. Each patient has his own card, which contains his personal and contact information. Program medical control has a main window that shows the record of all patients. After your appointment, you can print the visit form. You can view patient data for any specified period of time. Information on any patient can be easily found in a matter of seconds.

Among other things, the program for hospitals allows you to set up employee schedules, taking into account the shifts of each individual doctor and office. The program for doctors can also print the necessary receipts or reports, which will indicate the list of services provided to the patient.

Managing a medical center is very easy. The attending physician works with the patient's chart. The healthcare program already has a built-in ICD database and treatment protocols that can be customized to suit your country's regulations. The doctor, having agreed with the treatment protocol, prescribes appropriate treatment for the patient, and can also prescribe additionally prescribed medications and procedures to the database. Filling out electronic card patient, the doctor will immediately be able to see all his data, test results and various x-rays.

In addition, the sick leave program generates mandatory medical reporting. And for the manager there is the opportunity to receive various management reports.

If you still have doubts, you can download free medical programs in the demo version. And also, you can contact our specialists who will answer any questions you may have.

Our medical services program will automate the accounting of your institution, establish a unified database of your patients and medical management. Structures the work of employees and establishes management of the clinic!

After watching next video, you can quickly familiarize yourself with the capabilities of the USU program - the Universal Accounting System. If you do not see the video uploaded to YouTube, be sure to write to us, we will find another way to show the demo video!

In addition to the opinions of ordinary users about the USU program, we now present to your attention the opinions of experts. Anatoly Wasserman was born on December 9, 1952. An engineer by training, graduated from Odessa Institute of Technology refrigeration industry. After graduating from the institute, I got a job as a programmer, then as a system programmer. He first appeared on screen in 1989, taking part in the “What? Where? When?" and at the Brain Ring. In the television “Own Game” he won fifteen victories in a row over two years, from 2001 to 2002. and became the best player of the decade in 2004. According to the sports version of “My Game,” he became a five-time champion of Ukraine. Four-time champion of Moscow in the sports version of “Own Game”, bronze and silver medalist in 2017. Silver medalist of the “Connoisseur Games”, the World Games of Connoisseurs in 2010 in “Your Game”.

In addition to the opinions of ordinary users about the USU program, we now present to your attention the opinions of experts. Among them is the first master of the intellectual game "ChGK" Alexander Druz. He was awarded the Crystal Owl prize six times as the club's best player. Winner of the "Diamond Owl" - a prize for the best player. Received the title of champion of the television version of the Brain Ring. In the television program “Own Game” he won “Line Games”, “Super Cup”, won the “III Challenge Cup” with the team, and set an absolute record for performance in one game. Author and presenter mind games and educational programs on various television channels.

In addition to the opinions of ordinary users about the USU program, we now present to your attention the opinions of experts. Maxim Potashev - master of the game “What? Where? When?”, four times won the “Crystal Owl” prize, twice world champion, three times Russian champion, six-time Moscow champion, three-time winner of the Moscow Open Championship in the game “ChGK”. Based on the results of a general audience vote in 2000, he was recognized as the best player in all the years of existence of the elite club, created in 1975. 50 thousand viewers of the program voted for the candidacy of Maxim Potashev. The "Big Crystal Owl" and the main prize of the anniversary games - the "Diamond Star" of the master of the game - were awarded. Member of the board and since 2001 - vice-president of the International Association of Clubs. By profession - mathematician, marketer, business coach. He graduated from the Faculty of Management and Applied Mathematics, taught at the Department of General and Applied Economics at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology. In August 2010, he was appointed president of the All-Russian public organization"Federation of Sports Bridge of Russia." He heads a consulting company that helps various organizations solve problems related to sales, marketing, customer service and business process optimization.

In addition to the opinions of ordinary users about the USU program, we now present to your attention the opinions of experts. Sergey Karyakin. At the age of 12, he became the youngest grandmaster in world history, which was included in the Guinness Book of Records. Won the Candidates Tournament. Awarded the FIDE World Cup. World champion in rapid chess, world champion in blitz. Honored Master of Sports of Ukraine. Honored Master of Sports of Russia, Grandmaster of Russia. Received the Order of Merit, 3rd degree. Member of the Public Chamber Russian Federation in the sixth squad. Repeated winner of children's and youth world and European championships. Winner and medalist of many major tournaments. Champion of the XXXVI World Chess Olympiad as a member of the Ukrainian team, silver medalist of the Olympics as a member of the Russian team. He showed the best result on his board in the tournament and received the first individual prize (on board 4). Champion of Russia with best result on the 1st board. World champion in the Russian national team. Reached the semi-finals of the World Cup. Winner of a number of international tournaments.

Medical control program capabilities

The medical program has the following set of features:

  • The transaction accounting program supports simultaneous work of several users.
  • The program takes into account the confidentiality of information, so each user login is protected by a password.
  • Automation allows each employee to periodically change their password.
  • The automation program administrator can change the password of any employee.
  • Taking into account the needs of users, the program has differentiated access rights for employees of different specializations.
  • The Health Facility Control Program supports efforts to local network through various network protocols.
  • By controlling the activities of your organization, it is possible to work via the Internet, if there is a network of branches, or if the manager wants to view management reporting from home.
  • When working with automation, you will see that the program has an easy and intuitive interface; any user can work with it.
  • The program, taking into account the needs of different consumers, has a customizable design, including thematic ones.
  • In a program that controls activities medical center, you can select your favorite color scheme for displaying windows from the list of presets.
  • An automated business looks prestigious. Your company's logo can be displayed in the center of the main window to maintain a unified corporate style.
  • The program has a controlled and customizable interface, so the name of your organization will be displayed in the title of the main window.
  • A program that automates the company’s activities will print out any information taken into account with the logo and details of your company.
  • When accounting, the program supports working with several open windows, between which you can easily switch using tabs.
  • To simplify your work with organization control, in the program settings you can specify the name of your organization, contact information and details.
  • By automating your business in our program, you will see that the main menu of the program is implemented simply and clearly. It consists of only three points: modules, reference books and reports. Modules are needed for daily work, reference books - to customize the program to the specifics of your company, and with the help of reports you can analyze the results of work for any period of time.
  • When monitoring communication with patients, the program can congratulate patients on their birthday or any other holidays.
  • The medical facility management program supports mass E-mail and SMS distribution.
  • Working with medical management. institutions, with the help mass mailings You can notify customers about ongoing promotions or discounts.
  • You can also manage relationships with patients by sending SMS messages. SMS messages can be sent to mobile operators around the world.
  • When managing the activities of an organization, you can use the program to work with various equipment.
  • IN medical system A whole list of management reports has been created for the manager.
  • When managing the program, the software can be blocked if the user of the program wants to leave the workplace for a long time.
  • You will be able to fully control the search process, because... works in the program quick search according to the first letters, which makes it convenient and fast.
  • The program systematizes all information and searches can be performed using any column of the table.
  • You can work with files by uploading them from your computer to the database.
  • Working with the program in medical institution, data filtering can be supported.
  • The program easily automates your business, for example, you can easily display a list of required records by any criterion.
  • When deleting information from the system, a company employee will have to indicate the reason for the deletion.
  • The program manager can update any information himself or set automatic updating to always see the latest data. This is necessary when several users are working in the program at the same time.
  • The program that systematizes information accounting supports data import. For example, you can download a list of clients when starting to work with the accounting system.
  • By systematizing reporting, any analytical report can be printed.
  • USU software - Universal System Accounting also includes many other features!


2024 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs