Didn't get enough sleep at work. After waking up - a lot of light and rhythmic music

Late night, which flies by instantly, and now it’s morning. And few people feel fresh and full of energy at the moment of awakening. However, everything is possible. And in this case too. You just need to know about some secrets and follow some simple recommendations.

Compliance with the regime

This is probably the most difficult moment for everyone. But obligatory. So, how to wake up refreshed in the morning? It is important to follow the regime. It can be different for everyone, individual, but stable. And of course, sleep must be limited. You don’t need to stay in bliss for half the day, but you shouldn’t limit yourself to a couple of hours of sleep. You can go to bed at midnight and get up at 7:00. By following this particular regimen, you will be able to accustom your body to getting up and falling asleep regularly. In other words, a kind of habit will develop. And the person will feel how easy it is for him to wake up, even without an alarm clock.

You also need to know that minimal amount sleep should be 6 hours. And it is better not to fall asleep later than midnight during active daytime activities. Otherwise, there is a high probability of feeling overwhelmed the next morning.

Simple but effective methods

Talking about how to wake up in the morning refreshed, one cannot fail to note three more good recommendations, the implementation of which does not require much effort.

So, the first point is to set the correct melody for the alarm clock. Dull, melodic motives are absolutely not suitable. Many people say that it is supposedly more convenient to wake up to such things - slowly, gradually. But actually it is not. Firstly, such melodies can only cause gloomy morning mood and remind you that the person still has to work all day. Secondly, you can simply sleep through everything while listening to them. But an energetic melody or a favorite announcer from an FM station, which the radio alarm clock will automatically “turn on” at the appointed time, can charge you with a good mood.

As soon as you open your eyes, you should drink a glass of water. You can put it next to your bed before going to bed, in advance. Everyone knows that water tones and awakens digestion. And of course, it won’t be superfluous cold and hot shower. The final awakening will occur immediately after the procedure is completed.

Advance preparation

It’s amazing how pressing the question of how to wake up in the morning cheerful and in a good mood is. This worries many people. But it's actually simple. It is enough to prepare for tomorrow in advance.

You need to plan everything. Write every task on paper. It’s better to keep a separate notebook for such plans. And if there is any problem that worries you, it should also be included there, described in detail. Maybe in the process of presentation the thought of its solution will come to mind. But at least you can get rid of annoying thoughts. And to make it even easier to fall asleep, you can open the window in ventilation mode. It is easier for an oxygenated body to wake up. And a person, opening his eyes in the morning, will remember that he has everything already planned out and thought out. And he will only have to have breakfast and go to carry out his planned tasks.


So, in principle, it is clear what you need to do after getting out of bed to improve your condition. But is it possible to take any action while still in bed? Definitely. How to wake up refreshed in the morning? It is enough to give yourself a light self-massage of your hands. Lying in bed, you need to stretch your joints. In movements that are more like trying to pull a narrow glove on your hand.

Then you need to pay attention back sides brushes Rubbing is the best way. Using a similar method, you need to stretch the part from the wrist to the elbow. But there is no need to directly affect the joint.

AND final stage- massaging each finger separately. They need to be kneaded, starting from the very tip to the base. The fact is that a lot of reflex points are concentrated on the hands, which, during their stimulation, send signals to the brain. This process is hidden from human eyes, but it mainly affects awakening.

Psychological attitude

He is the one who will help you feel refreshed in the morning. How do most people usually go to bed? With thoughts that tomorrow you need to go to work again, endure your boss, subordinates, make a report, fill out papers. And that's wrong. Even if this is actually the case.

It is very important to go to bed with pleasant thoughts. Or better yet, in anticipation of something good. And it could be anything. And it would be nice not to invent this moment, but to arrange it. For example, buy yourself a piece of your favorite cake for breakfast in the evening and wake up with the thought of a delicious meal. Or plan the evening of the next day, promising yourself to have a movie show with pizza and your loved one/boyfriend/girlfriend. This way the day will fly by faster. In general, you can come up with something. In this case, fantasy is limited only by the breadth of interests.

Calculation by time

Here’s another point about how to wake up refreshed in the morning, and it lies in planning your precious minutes. Many people schedule almost every second - for breakfast, coffee, washing, making the bed, in order to stay within strictly defined limits. If only I could sleep a little longer. But it's not right. How to wake up refreshed in the morning? You need to escape the hustle and bustle and feel free. It’s better to get up 15-20 minutes earlier, but don’t rush anywhere. Morning preparation for a new day should be measured. Without looking at the clock, in order to get everything done and not be late. And then getting up will no longer be associated with stress.

And also, having opened your eyes, you cannot give up slack with a reservation, a la “five more minutes.” In this case, the body will again fall into deep dream. And then awakening will be even more difficult. It’s better to lie in bed for these five minutes and think about the future day, remember your plan outlined in the notorious notebook, dream about a good evening to come. And after that, stand up with lightness in your body and a smile on your face.

If the dream was short

Most often, the question of how to wake up cheerfully in the morning is asked by people who devote little time to night rest and restoration of the body. Well, many of the above methods are universal and are also suitable in this case. But even here there are some peculiarities.

First, you need to eat well. The car does not drive when there is no fuel in the fuel tank. The same goes for human body. Fresh citruses activate brain activity, sweet coffee with cream invigorates, and the main high-calorie dish will give you a feeling of fullness.

By the way, about the great tonic drink. Coffee not only wakes you up, but also has a positive impact on the brain due to the caffeine it contains.

And before eating, light exercise will not hurt. A few squats, active body turns, push-ups - and a person will feel a clear surge of strength. After all, these simple loads are enough for the central nervous system to activate. And it is advisable to do all this when open windows and bright natural light.


There is one more piece of advice regarding how to wake up refreshed in the morning if you sleep little. And it is this: you need to motivate yourself. Self-hypnosis is very in an effective way. You can try to convince yourself that only those people who have nothing to do sleep for a long time. Or, for example, calculate how many hours you will have to lose per year if you allocate night rest too much time. For example, if you sleep not 8, but 7 hours a day, you will save as much as 372 hours per year! And this is 15.5 days per year. This time can be allocated to something useful or interesting. Dedicate him to learning a language, for example, or taking a class in gym. In general, you can fantasize, but the most important thing is to come to such an awareness. And after this, the question of how to get up cheerful in the morning will cease to be relevant. In any case, he will worry less.


And a couple more points are worth noting when talking about how to wake up refreshed in the morning. There is one cunning way in which you can “trick” your brain. The fact is that caffeine begins to act after 30-40 minutes. This can be confirmed by every person who drinks this drink. Therefore, it is better to set the alarm early, for those same 30-40 minutes, open your eyes and drink a cup of espresso, brewed in advance, in the evening. Then put your head back on the pillow and fall asleep safely. After half an hour, the caffeine will take effect, the newly set alarm clock will sound, and the person will get up with amazing lightness in the body and clear head. This is, in principle, how to wake up cheerfully in the morning. How emergency measure might fit. But you should not abuse this. Still, it is better to follow the regime and use the methods previously given as examples.


Full sleep we need to carry out daily activities, and lack of sleep threatens us with diabetes, cardiovascular disease, obesity and depression.

Doctors advise sleeping from 7 to 9 hours a day, but with a busy work schedule, often about strong and healthy sleep you can only dream. What to do if you haven’t gotten enough sleep and still have a whole day of work ahead? Here are some tips on how to stay active and alert.

1. Fuel up with food

Just like a car, we need fuel in order to work. Healthy and nutritious breakfast, lunch and dinner will supply the body sufficient quantity nutrients and will keep you awake. For example, an apple that contains only 10 grams of sugar, which we burn over a long time, increases energy levels. You can also include other fruits, grains and proteins in your diet that contain amino acids and make you more energetic.

But what you shouldn’t eat is a hearty lunch, rich in proteins, fats and starches. This takes a lot of energy from us to digest.

2. Go for a run

Experts recommend going for a morning run, as it helps release endorphins, natural painkillers. It also makes us more energetic and strengthens the heart. Generally physical exercise are good remedy to improve your mood. However, intense exercise with low energy levels can make you even more lethargic, so it's worth limiting your exercise.

3. Drink coffee

Caffeine, present in coffee, tea, chocolate, some drinks and medications, affects metabolism by stimulating the central nervous system. This increases our alertness and activity level.

However, consumption is too large quantity caffeine may cause withdrawal symptoms such as jitteriness and dizziness. Also remember that our body absorbs caffeine as quickly as it eliminates it. After 8-20 hours, 75 percent of the caffeine has already left your body.

4. More light

Light receptors in the eyes keep us awake and help us fall asleep when it gets dark. We are biologically programmed to wake up when the sun rises. However, our body is not yet so good at distinguishing between natural and artificial light. Keeping the room lit helps us stay alert.

5. Take a break

If you find yourself doing monotonous work for a while and you start to feel sleepy, take a break and do something completely different. The brain needs novelty. Taking a break and then returning to your day at hand can help you look at things with fresh eyes.

6. Be in constant motion

If you start to feel sleepy, get up and start moving. The only time cavemen did not move was when they went to bed. When you sit at the computer for hours, at one point you will begin to feel drowsy. So get up and remind yourself that sleep is still a long way off.

7. Restorative sleep

You can't get back to working condition? It is best to set aside 20-30 minutes for a short nap during lunch. If you sleep for less than 30 minutes, you will remain in the first two stages of sleep, which improves cognitive function and makes you more rested.

However, it is best to set an alarm clock so as not to oversleep longer than expected, since after a lunchtime nap, which lasts more than half an hour, a state of lethargy begins to arise, intelligence decreases, and you have an increasing desire to sleep further.

Hello! Today in this article you will learn how and what to do if you don’t get enough sleep what ways and methods exist to solve this problem. By applying the tips below, you will be able to get a good night's sleep faster. a short time and no longer have such problems.

I can’t sleep, what should I do?

What to do if you don't get enough sleep?

First of all, you need to understand the reasons why this happens. Typically, people feel sleepy during the day because they haven't slept enough, or they've gotten enough sleep but the quality of sleep has been poor. Drowsiness also manifests itself in the case of psychological avoidance of responsibility. Very rarely, a person cannot get enough sleep due to a developing serious illness. In this case, it is necessary to consult a specialist and identify the disease. But, more often than not, it’s still broken and sleepy state- this is lack of sleep.

So here are some reasons why you can't get some sleep :

One of the most common reasons is blues, boredom, depression, i.e. The reason lies in the psychological state of the person. In a dream, problems disappear, they are not there, there is nothing to worry about. That is why, when there is a problem, a person on an unconscious level wants to sleep. Without solving the problem immediately, it appears constant feeling drowsiness. What to do if you don’t get enough sleep in such a situation?

Solve the problem of. You can solve it either independently or with the help of others. If the problem concerns psychological state, then you can contact psychologist . If the problem is not solved, then drowsiness is unlikely to go away on its own.

Drowsiness may be side effect many medicines. If you can't get some sleep and constantly feel sleepy and tired, then carefully read the instructions for the medications you are using. If this is the reason, then you need to find an alternative to the medications you are taking, if possible. Find out: .

“I can’t get enough sleep, I always want to sleep” – these are the complaints that people turn to doctors when their condition is worsening thyroid gland. Her condition may worsen with age or from poor nutrition. Good functioning of the thyroid gland depends hormonal levels in the human body, including the level of hormones that are responsible for vigor and activity. In this case, a person cannot overcome his drowsiness, no matter how hard he tries. In this case, you only need to put the thyroid gland in order.

Brain injury can also cause drowsiness. It happens that a person hits his head and forgets about the incident. And then he notices that can't sleep and constantly wants to sleep. In this case, you need to consult a doctor so that the treatment is carried out under the strict supervision of a specialist.

Drowsiness can also be a symptom of certain diseases, such as kidney disease, liver disease, or infection. If something is wrong with the body, it always lets you know about it, so causeless drowsiness should not be ignored.

If we're talking about not about diseases, but still about improper or insufficient sleep, then you need to take care of the quality of sleep.

Some tips on what to do if you don't get enough sleep :

The bed should only be for sleeping. You need to stay awake on the couch or at the table. This is necessary in order to create initiative - the bed is a dream.

Insomnia torments those who think a lot, and accordingly, thoughts arise in those who do not sleep. To prevent something like this from happening vicious circle. You need to relax a few minutes before bed and try not to think about anything.

Before going to bed, try not to eat anything for at least two hours. Otherwise, the body will be busy digesting food and not setting up for productive sleep.

Not only a comfortable bed contributes to good sleep, but also cool room. Low temperatures calm and have a beneficial effect on good sleep.

Sleepneeded in full darkness and silence. There should be nothing blinking, sparkling, burning, playing or talking in the room. Complete silence and darkness are the key falling asleep quickly And good night.

If for a long time can't sleep, then get up and walk around a little. Drink a glass of cool water, and you can go to bed after 20-30 minutes. During this time, try not to occupy yourself with things that would strain your brain and provoke a rapid flow of thoughts.

Go to bed on time, sleep at least 8 hours a day at night, follow the above tips and then you will forget about not getting enough sleep.

psycho- olog. ru

After sleepless night I don’t feel like going for a run or going to the gym. But that's exactly what needs to be done. From physical activity heart rate increases. After this, serotonin is released, a neurotransmitter that provides good mood. You will feel more energetic and your work will be easier.

If you don't have time for a morning workout, move more throughout the day. Set a reminder on your phone and do 20 jumps or squats every hour. Even after these you will feel more energetic.

2. Don't focus on lack of sleep

Thinking about a bad night will make you even more tired. Go about your business and don’t think about how little sleep you got. Otherwise you will have all day Bad mood. And this will further reduce productivity.

When you start discussing your lack of sleep with a colleague or mentally with yourself, stop. Do deep breath and switch to something that needs your attention.

3. Limit yourself to three tasks per day.

It’s unlikely that you’ll be able to get everything done efficiently when you don’t get enough sleep. Choose the three most important tasks, which cannot be postponed. Do them in the first half of the day, while the effect of the morning workout or coffee is still there. In this state, the first two hours after waking up are usually the most productive.

Don't put off important things until the second half of the day. The afternoon will not allow you to complete them well.

4. Eat a healthy breakfast

When you don't get enough sleep, you're tempted to eat something sweet. It seems to lift your spirits and energize you. Yes, a chocolate bar or a donut will cheer you up. But a drop in blood sugar levels, and with it a loss of strength, will not keep you waiting. You are already not working at full capacity. Don't undermine your productivity further.

For breakfast you need a combination of proteins and carbohydrates. For example, eat eggs and toast. Lack of sleep has an effect similar to hypoglycemia ( reduced level blood glucose). In this case, you need to maintain a constant sugar level. Eat for this.

5. Drink cold water

Drinking water is generally good for you, and cold water will help you cheer up. This is a slight shock to the body. Training and cold water will charge you with energy. You will release endorphins and feel alive.

6. Work outside if possible.

Surely you have heard that it is useful to be on fresh air. This rule also works with ordinary fatigue from lack of sleep. So get outside more often.

Under the influence sunlight The body produces vitamin D. With its deficiency, problems with sleep may occur. After lack of sleep you need to restart your internal clock, and vitamin D will help with this.

7. Don't overdo it with caffeine

Don't rely on caffeine as your only source of energy. If you drink too much coffee or tea, your concentration will, on the contrary, worsen. You will be nervous and unable to concentrate. So know when to stop.

neurologist, top blogger of LiveJournal

Up to 45% of people on Earth suffer from insomnia. If you sleep 8 hours, recommended by somnologists, but still feel that you are not getting enough sleep, and morning fatigue is your frequent companion, try to get rid of non-obvious reasons bad sleep. Sometimes this is enough to improve the quality of your night's rest and feel much better during the day.

Reason #1: Overeating or hunger

The rule “Do not eat after six in the evening” has long been recognized by nutritionists as outdated: universal laws there is simply no information about how many hours before bedtime to abstain from eating.

Somnologists will advise not to eat 3 hours before bedtime, but also not to go to bed hungry. Supporters of daily 16-hour fasting and fans of the theory of autophagy (it consists in the fact that a hungry body “eats” its diseased cells and thereby reduces the risk of cancer and other ailments) will confidently say that it is enough to limit yourself to lunch and give dinner to the enemy, who has no plans to become a centenarian. Patients with gastroesophageal reflux and pregnant women will confidently tell you that there is nothing worse than a heavy dinner at night, because heartburn and bad dream due to evening excesses guaranteed.

Only by experience can you determine how to go to bed more comfortably: should you drink a glass of milk before bed, refrain from eating at night? evening time or have a hearty dinner with the program “ Good night, kids."

Reason #2: Taking certain medications

Not only caffeine can disrupt normal sleep. There are many other medications that will provide you with insomnia.

These are the antipsychotic sulpiride, tranquilizers mezapam and tofisopam, corticosteroid hormones, nootropics, antidepressants with psychostimulating effects and even some types of antibiotics. The tranquilizer alprazolam can cause frightening dreams. Phenobarbital, which is found in the well-known “heart medicine” Corvalol, acts similarly. Therefore, it is so important to follow the time of taking medications indicated in the instructions and not take medications that have not been recommended by your doctor.

Reason number 3: exercise before bed

For some people, going to the gym in the evening ends with a surge of energy after a workout and... sleepless night. This is due to the activation of the sympathetic nervous system– this structure regulates many processes in the body. When sympathetic system“working at full capacity”, the body perceives this as a signal to wake up and save itself: either attack or run, but certainly not relax under a warm blanket.

If you are worried about morning sleepiness, and in the evening you just can’t fall asleep on time, try moving your workout to the morning. In the early hours, unfortunately, flexibility is much worse than in the evening, which is why many people do not like to go to the gym in the morning. However, this disadvantage is compensated by the fact that physical exercise at dawn helps you wake up even more reliably than the usual half-liter cup of coffee.

Reason #4: “light noise”

These are any light sources in the evening that confuse your pineal gland: it perceives nerve impulses from the retina of the eye and is sensitive to the change of day and night. When little light enters the eyes, the production of melatonin, a natural sleep aid, begins to increase. The light of a flashlight that penetrates through loosely drawn curtains, the flickering screen of a smartphone or eBook with backlight - all this can reduce the production of melatonin and provide restless sleep with frequent awakenings.

Try closing the curtains more tightly, turning off the night light, and don’t read from your phone two hours before bed. These simple rules will help make your sleep deeper and more refreshing.

Reason #5: Anxiety and depressive disorders

Unfortunately, anxiety and depression are conditions familiar to more than half of the people who live in major cities. And they are not diagnosed often enough: many suffer for years from obsessive, restless thoughts in the stillness of the night, which prevent them from falling asleep, others cry into their pillows, experiencing an incomprehensible melancholy... Disturbances in the functioning of the neurotransmitter system of the brain cause anxiety, depression, and sometimes both at once. Deficiency of serotonin, dopamine, deficiency gamma-aminobutyric acid, melatonin - all this leads to sleep disturbances, worsening mood, increased anxiety and loss of motivation.

This is why insomnia is a reason to see a doctor. Taking sleeping pills is not always a solution to the problem. Sometimes, in order to normalize sleep, it is necessary to overcome anxiety, melancholy, and apathy. For this purpose, the doctor may prescribe antidepressants or other medications, as well as psychotherapy.

Reason #6: Chronic diseases you don't know about

Thyroid dysfunction diabetes, “silent” stroke – these are a few causes of insomnia that people are often unaware of. Problems with nasal breathing also worsen night sleep. Therefore, visiting a doctor for a wide variety of reasons unexpectedly helps to get rid of insomnia.

Another common cause of morning fatigue and Bad quality sleep - apnea syndrome in a dream. These are respiratory arrests that are caused by structural features respiratory system, overweight And hereditary characteristics. If left untreated, apnea not only poisons the life of the patient’s relatives, because he snores loudly and disrupts the sleep of his family, and at the same time all the neighbors in the area. These short-term pauses in breathing cause changes in the brain, disrupt its functioning, break the sleep structure, and impair memory function. And the saddest thing is that sleep apnea increases the risk of strokes. That's why night snoring– this is a reason to contact an ENT doctor and a neurologist-somnologist.

Reason #7: Heat and low humidity

These are two “enemies” of good sleep, which for some reason have haunted Russian people since childhood. Good grandmothers protect the child from any draft, and therefore airing the room is considered a great sin in caring for the baby.

Maximum warmth, sometimes even unbearable heat, on the contrary, is encouraged in every possible way: the Tashkent branch begins for the baby, as a rule, in the maternity hospital ward, and continues in kindergarten, well, then thermoregulation finally forms and a person gets used to living in stuffy conditions

True, his sleep is still often disturbed.

Therefore, one of the golden rules of good sleep is to ventilate the room. Using a humidifier is another bonus that improves the condition of mucous membranes and has a positive effect on nasal breathing, which means providing oxygen to the sleeping brain. This is especially true during the cold season, when central heating and space heaters make the air very dry.

Reason #8: Deficiency of magnesium, vitamin D or other micronutrients

A sufficient amount of vitamin D ensures the production of melatonin. Anyone get tested for vitamin D middle lane, V best case scenario will be revealed bottom line norms, unless the subject is already taking vitamin D as prescribed by a doctor. That is why it makes sense to take care of using a prophylactic dose - often this helps to unexpectedly solve problems that a person is accustomed to considering unsolvable, for example frequent colds, disturbing dream or hair loss.

For vegetarians and vegans, additional intake of vitamin B12 is relevant, because, contrary to the assurances of sweet-voiced marketers, plant foods is contained in a form that is practically inaccessible to assimilation.

To fanatical supporters healthy image life with intensive training or for smokers, taking magnesium sometimes helps improve sleep. Diabetics often have a deficiency of this macronutrient.

Before ordering this or that drug, you should consult your doctor. Even the most “harmless” pills have contraindications and can seriously harm your health without a doctor’s prescription.

Shakespeare said that sleep is “the tastiest dish in earthly feasts.” Sometimes it is enough to slightly adjust your lifestyle to make your night's rest complete and filling with strength. And if this fails, consult a doctor: perhaps a specialist will help you regain this “gourmet pleasure”.



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