Which tar shampoo is the best. Tar series shampoos

Truly healing properties Tar has a beneficial effect on hair - a product obtained from birch bark through special processing. The product has been very popular since ancient times, not only because of its effectiveness, but also its accessibility. Tar-based shampoo gently cares for the health of your hair. Presented on the domestic market wide range similar products: Psorilom, Nevskaya Cosmetics, One Hundred Beauty Recipes, Tar 911 and many others, we will help you choose the best one for yourself.

Tar is unique in that it is absolutely safe natural component, has bactericidal, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. It aims to eliminate many problems.

  • Very effective in fighting dandruff
  • Excellently relieves irritation and itching of the scalp
  • Eliminates excess oiliness of hair, regulating the functioning of sebaceous glands
  • Makes curls strong and prevents hair loss
  • Is wonderful and safe means against lice

For the treatment of any disease (psoriasis, seborrhea), the shampoo is prescribed to be used for 1.5 months, the next course is possible only after 3 months.

Remember that you cannot constantly use tar shampoo, even in medicinal purposes, it must be combined with the usual one, otherwise it will harm the scalp and curls.

In what cases should you use shampoo with tar, and in what cases should you refrain?

It is effectively used against dandruff and psoriasis, and is also often prescribed as a remedy for lice. So, after just one use, there are much fewer lice. For more effective fight for lice, you need to lather sufficient quantity shampoo in your hands and apply to your hair, after 5 minutes comb the curls with a comb fine teeth. Moreover, as a rule, such an anti-lice shampoo is prescribed as an auxiliary action simultaneously with the treatment prescribed by the doctor. Moreover, harm from using such a lice remedy is excluded, unlike some other drugs.

Despite its excellent qualities and safety, this product also has some contraindications.

Owners of dry hair should refrain from using it, as tar shampoo dries out the skin and curls and can aggravate the problem.

May not be to everyone's taste Strong smell shampoo. Also, owners of light curls should remember that this shampoo can make them a little darker.

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The best tar shampoos

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the best tar shampoos, which have proven themselves well not only among consumers, but also among professionals.

Manufacturer of 911 Russian company"Twinx Tack." It has proven itself quite well and confidently among consumers. In addition to the main substance, 911 contains Coconut oil, which nourishes curls and gently cares for them, and glycerin.

Shampoo 911 effectively copes with dandruff and itching, thanks to its pronounced antiseptic effects applied and how antifungal drug, will also be very effective against lice.

The cost of shampoo 911 is on average 150 rubles per 150 ml. Moreover, according to numerous reviews, 911 is used quite sparingly, and harm from using such a shampoo is excluded.

This product is interesting because, unlike shampoo 911, Grandmother Agafya, One Hundred Beauty Recipes and others, it contains pine tar, the benefits of which are also unique. It is completely natural and does not contain any chemical components. Finnish tar shampoo contains plant extracts that have beneficial influence for health and appearance hair. This shampoo can be used every day; it gently cares for your curls. By regularly taking this product, you will eliminate dandruff, excess oiliness, dryness and brittle hair. A pleasant plus will be protection of hair from loss and against lice. The cost of Finnish shampoo is 300 rubles per 300 ml.

Granny Agafya's tar shampoo

The Russian company Grandmother Agafya's Recipes produces tar shampoo. Its effect is enhanced by the fact that it also contains climbazole, which effectively fights pathogenic fungi. Grandma Agafya's shampoo is used to eliminate dandruff. It perfectly exfoliates the upper stratum corneum, destroying fungi. The shampoo also contains vitamin PP, which takes care of the beauty and appearance of hair, and soap root. Ideally helps in the fight against excess oiliness in curls. The cost of shampoo for 300 ml is approximately 130 rubles.

Shampoo with tar Tana

In addition to the main ingredient, Tana shampoo also contains coconut oil, tetranil and lemon acid with glycerin. This allows you to gently care for the scalp and eliminate existing problems with loss of curls, itching and irritation. Tan's remedy is homeopathic and it has received positive reviews among consumers; the benefits of its use are undeniable.

The cost of Tana shampoo is about 150 rubles.

Nevskaya cosmetics Degtyarny

Nevskaya Cosmetics produces quite a lot of hair care products. So this company produces shampoo that not only has beneficial properties, but has also proven itself to be excellent. The shampoo contains tar, coconut emulsifier, salt and a number of chemical elements(lauryl sulfate), in this regard, owners of dry curls should use it with caution, as it has a drying effect. Shampoo from Nevskaya Cosmetics copes well with itching and inflammation skin, effective against dandruff and hair loss. Also this an indispensable tool at excessive fat content strands.

The cost of such a product is about 70 rubles.

Shampoo Psoril

The Alkoy Pharm company produces a whole line of Psolirom, specially designed to eliminate many scalp problems. So, these Psoril products perfectly remove itching and redness. The composition of tar shampoo Psoril, in addition to the main component, includes extracts medicinal herbs(celandine, St. John's wort, string), which have a beneficial effect on irritated scalp and hair. By regularly taking Psoril shampoo, you can easily get rid of dandruff, flaking and psoriasis.

Numerous consumers who have tried Psoril shampoo note it positive influence on the health of curls in general, as well as on effectiveness against dandruff and hair loss. The benefits of using such a remedy will not take long to appear; literally within 3 weeks after using Psoril, you will feel the result.

The cost of Psoril shampoo is about 350 rubles.

Shampoo with tar Belita-Vitex

Belarusian cosmetics are in great demand among Russian customers, this is due, first of all, to affordable prices, a wide range, as well as natural composition some funds. Thus, the Belita-Vitex company produces Birch-Tar Shampoo, which allows you to effectively fight dandruff and prevent its occurrence. A nice bonus It will be that Belita-Vitex shampoo has a positive effect on the growth of curls and stops their excessive loss.

The cost of such a product is 130 rubles.

One hundred beauty recipes

Nevskaya Cosmetics constantly pleases its fans with new products. So, this brand has a whole line of One Hundred Beauty Recipes for hair care. Cosmetics and hair care products are in great demand among Russian consumers. Rave reviews has tar shampoo One hundred beauty recipes. In addition to the main active ingredient, the shampoo also contains mint oil, oak bark tincture and lemon juice. A similar composition of the product One Hundred Beauty Recipes is effective against dandruff and itching of the scalp, and also has a generally strengthening effect on curls. The cost of shampoo One Hundred Beauty Recipes is about 70 rubles.


Another Russian brand that pleases its consumers not only with a low price, but also with a very high-quality product is Mirrolla. Shampoos from Mirroll are very popular among customers, and, in particular, Burdock, Onion and Tar.

First of all, this shampoo from the Mirrolla company positions itself as a remedy for dandruff, thanks to its ingredients composition in the ointment. The product also contains extracts of burdock, nettle and vitamins. He gently removes different kinds inflammation and itching, perfect even for people prone to allergies. By regularly taking Mirolla shampoo, within a few weeks you will feel its beneficial effects, your curls will become softer and more manageable, and will acquire a mesmerizing shine. Also a pleasant plus is that Mirrolla shampoo normalizes oily hair. Tar can be purchased at a relatively low price, for only 120 rubles.

Making tar shampoo at home

If you like to create hair care products yourself at home, then creating such a shampoo will not be difficult for you.

To do this you will need a soap base, if you don’t have one it will work fine. baby soap without any additives. Grind it and place the resulting shavings on water bath. As soon as the shavings have melted, add the same amount of tar; it can easily be purchased at any pharmacy chain. Let the mixture cool slightly and add 2 tablespoons of dry red wine. The resulting mixture must be left for 2 days in a dark place.

If you decide to try to get rid of dandruff, skin inflammation, itching or lice using tar shampoo Mirrolla, 911, Psorilom, Grandma Agafya or One Hundred Beauty Recipes, it is important to remember that these products are not applied to the head in pure form, and are pre-diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio. For those with hair prone to dryness, we strongly recommend using a conditioner or mask after this shampoo to moisturize your hair.

The shampoo in question is made from a special material – tar. This is where it got its name from. Tar is obtained from the processed in a special way birch bark. It's vintage effective remedy for the treatment of scalp and hair.
The main disadvantage of this shampoo is that it Not nice smell. But this remedy is very effective and efficient.

What is it used for and what beneficial properties does it have?

In the ointment great amount useful properties. After all, in the substance under discussion everything is preserved beneficial features tree bark. It contains phenols, esters and various valuable organic acids.

This shampoo:

  • Regulates production sebum, reduces its amount, which means your hair will get dirty less and less often;
  • Stimulates hair growth as it increases blood flow to the hair follicles;
  • Kills germs and allows you to cope with various diseases scalp.

Thanks to listed properties the remedy under discussion is capable of coping with the most different problems. For example, such as psoriasis and seborrhea. At regular use shampoo makes it easy and painless and... Often, experts also prescribe it as a remedy for hair loss.

IN healing purposes it is prescribed in courses of 5-7 weeks depending on the type and complexity of the problem. Between treatments it is necessary to take a break of 2-3 months.

It is best if the shampoo is prescribed by a specialist - a trichologist or dermatologist. He might become additional means for the treatment of seborrhea and dandruff, or as a main one, if the problem is not too advanced.

It is very important to remember that tar shampoo must be alternated with regular shampoo. Otherwise, the condition of your hair will only worsen.

Apply the product directly to the scalp after thoroughly lathering it in your palms. If after using it your hair remains sticky, you can rinse it with water acidified with vinegar.

Which tar shampoo is better?

Among all the variety of modern tar products, it can be difficult to choose the highest quality and most effective. To make this easier, you should first study reviews about the most popular ones. They will help you decide on the right shampoo.

911 "Tar"

Remedy for Russian manufacturer"Twinx Tack." The average cost of such shampoo is only 150 rubles, so most buyers can afford it.

In addition to tar, the composition also includes glycerin and coconut oil. Recommended for scalp fungus, flaking, psoriasis, seborrhea and other problems. Helps cope with all of the above unpleasant phenomena and also relieves itching. The miniature bottle contains 150 milliliters. Since the shampoo foams well, it lasts for a long time.

Agafya's first aid kit

Inexpensive shampoo from a Russian manufacturer. Available in a 300 ml plastic bottle. The cost of such a bottle is about 130 rubles.

Climbazole, which is part of the product, prevents pathogenic fungi from growing and developing, so you can get rid of dandruff very quickly.

The shampoo has a strong unpleasant odor, but it quickly disappears from the hair, so others will not notice it. It will be possible to completely eliminate the problem by going through full course treatment. The product has no contraindications, except individual intolerance tar.

Psoril for psoriasis, seborrhea and oily dandruff

Shampoo in the mid-price category. The cost of a bottle is about 350 rubles. It contains 200 milliliters. In order to foam the product, you will need to make an effort. But at the same time it is very effective and efficient in combating oily dandruff. Great for those with oily hair.

In addition to tar, it also contains citric acid and extracts of plants such as celandine, St. John's wort and string.

During the washing process, the product removes dead cells from the surface of the scalp, as well as excess sebum. As a result, it allows you to fight skin diseases and also accelerate hair growth.

Finnish Tervapuun Tuoksu from Foxtel OY

This shampoo from Finland contains pine tar. It has a strong unpleasant aroma, but you should try to ignore it this moment, because the product is very effective.

The shampoo is quite runny and doesn't lather well. In order to get foam, you will have to make a lot of effort. The foamed product should be applied to the scalp.

Helps fight hair loss. After the first use, the number of hairs lost is noticeably reduced. In addition, it copes well with dandruff and flaking of the scalp.

Birch-tar shampoo Belita-Vitex

Inexpensive product from a popular Belarusian manufacturer. Designed for problematic hair. It is recommended to use it in case of dandruff, as well as excessive hair loss.

Its additional property is the ability to accelerate hair growth. Therefore, it will be useful to purchase such a shampoo for anyone who wants to have long, beautiful curls.

Some girls use it to wash off oil masks from hair In this case, you won't have to add them egg yolk and other ingredients. The mask is already easy to wash off.

Today, natural household chemicals and cosmetics. One hair care product that deserves your attention is tar shampoo. The benefits and harms of this time-tested remedy are discussed in many sources, but the most relevant and helpful information collected in this post. Read the description medicinal qualities, features of use, composition, possible harm and a review of the best shampoos based on natural tar. These hair cleansers often have low price, you can save money with their help.

Shampoo with tar

Beneficial features

Tar shampoo protects against dandruff, psoriasis, reduces hair loss and accelerates hair growth



Tar shampoos are indicated for the problem of dandruff, and they also help to significantly improve the situation with other similar problems - all types of seborrhea, psoriasis, capricious and itchy scalp. Thanks to a course of hair washing with a good tar shampoo, the head is carefully cleansed of profuse dandruff, the number of microscopic harmful fungi is reduced, unbearable itching disappears, and irritated areas of the skin are quickly restored.


The basis of tar shampoos is natural tar. This healing substance is extracted from different plants- birch, juniper, pine. It doesn’t matter at all what origin the tar comes from. He always has therapeutic effect, with its help you can significantly improve the condition of the scalp and hair with psoriasis. Constant use of aromatic shampoos gives good results - burning sensation decreases, skin stops peeling, inflammation calms down, itching is out of the question. Tar, acting with other beneficial components of detergents, helps to quickly cure psoriasis.

Lice and nits

Hair loss

If hair falls out, wash your hair with tar shampoo and soap. Among others beneficial effects, detergents protect hair from depletion and to some extent reduce hair loss due to positive influence on the skin and roots. The best option- this is to apply A complex approach. That is, it is recommended not to rely only on tar shampoos, but to be treated with vitamins and other medications, make strengthening masks, use rinses, and possibly undergo procedures to protect against complete hair loss. At severe loss consult a doctor.

Hair Growth

If you clearly have slow hair growth, then you should look for the cause in diseases, poor nutrition or scalp problems. Last option occurs more often than others. Because of poor condition scalp not only stops hair growth, but also destroys its structure. With dandruff, seborrhea and psoriasis, hair always grows slower than healthy people. Washing your hair with tar shampoos is one of the ways to care for poorly growing and falling hair.


In tar shampoos, the base is tar, so they almost always have a specific smell. Among the components there may be other ingredients that are beneficial for the scalp and hair. These include burdock extract (burdock extract). Also, caring manufacturers add trouble-free active ingredient- allantoin. This substance is intended to quickly soothe irritated skin, rapid recovery, lasting hydration. Sodium laureth sulfate promotes rich foam. There are also additives for conditioning and easy combing.


It should be noted that tar affects each person differently. Some people only benefit, while others notice side effects. Negative phenomena, as a rule, arise in case of non-compliance with contraindications. Shampoos based on natural tar are contraindicated in chronic diseases urinary system, hypersensitivity to at least one of the components, lactation, a large number of inflamed areas on the scalp, during pregnancy.

tar shampoo - natural remedy for hair care

The best tar shampoos

Shampoo 911

The popular 911 shampoo harmlessly exfoliates upper layer skin from dead cells, increasing the supply of oxygen. The detergent has a strong antiseborrheic effect. It is also worth noting that the shampoo acts precisely on the cause of dandruff - it inhibits vital activity harmful fungi, causing dandruff. 911 is useful for peeling, seborrhea, fungal diseases, psoriasis. Contains coconut oil and glycerin. Price - from 100 rubles, volume - 150 ml.

Shampoo Tana

Included medicated shampoo Tana is not only Birch tar, but also another useful component- tetranil-U. This detergent is suitable for those who want to gently care for their hair, want to get rid of dandruff and get rid of dermatitis and psoriasis. Tana fights hair loss just as well expensive funds, removes dandruff and protects against recurrence of flaking. Detergent improves water-salt balance, cleanses, moisturizes well, prevents hair loss, adds shine and volume. Price - from 150 rubles, volume - 300 ml.

Shampoo Grandmother Agafya

The famous shampoo from Grandmother Agafya can be used all year round. The detergent creates an environment on the head that is unfavorable for the development of all types of seborrhea. It is an effective antifungal and antiseptic drug. Grandma's shampoo makes me sebaceous glands work in a new way, it works well on the hair. With this tar shampoo, tissues are renewed in a timely manner and receive more active blood flow. It contains an effective substance against seborrhea and fungus - 1% climbazole. Vitamin PP and soap root are also added. Price - 210 rubles, volume - 300 ml.

Shampoo One Hundred Beauty Recipes

If dandruff problem bothers you severe itching heads. One Hundred Beauty Recipes - a good and affordable shampoo that kills dandruff and improves the functioning of the sebaceous glands. In addition to birch tar, the composition contains mint oil, lemon juice, oak infusion. An antiseptic effect is achieved; after several applications, minor skin lesions heal. The shampoo can even cope with big amount dandruff, strengthens hair. If you wash your hair with this product for a long time, the elasticity and smoothness of the hair will increase, shine will be added, and dryness will disappear. Price - from 150 rubles, volume - 250 ml.

Finnish tar shampoo

The Finnish shampoo Foxtel OY Tervapuun Tuoksu contains phenols - substances against microbes and inflammatory processes. Organic acids contribute to more active and fast work remaining ingredients. Esters - minimize pain and irritation. Allantoin - local anesthetic, an astringent component, reduces irritation. The shampoo is effective against dandruff, seborrhea, excess sebum, treats lice bites, and promotes increased blood supply to the hair roots. Price - 160 rubles, volume - 500 ml, it's very cheap.

Shampoo Libriderm

A good tar-based shampoo, Libriderm, is intended for home care of oily hair, which soon becomes normal, and then stunningly beautiful and healthy. Also recommended for use on all other hair types. The skin is effectively cleansed of dandruff and removed excess fat, regeneration is accelerated, hair loss is significantly reduced. Contains a healing substance - D-panthenol. The detergent has an easy-to-clean gel structure. Price - from 460 to 590 rubles, volume - 250 ml.

Shampoo Friederm

The shade of Friederm Tar shampoo is light brown, there are no dyes, the consistency is liquid, it contains natural tar. Hair detergent eliminates excess oiliness. The effect is long lasting, hair is shiny and soft to the touch. The damaged structure of each hair is gradually restored, and the itching goes away. The manufacturer recommends washing your hair in courses. Friderm has a hypoallergenic composition. The only contraindications are hypersensitivity of the components. Price - 660 rubles, volume - 150 ml.

Shampoo Mirrolla

The use of Mirrolla Tar shampoo is welcome on any hair type. These are high-quality organic cosmetics. A cleanser with a liquid texture has a therapeutic effect and improves the condition of the scalp after just a few uses. The shampoo perfectly disinfects, does not provoke allergies, reduces inflammation, and relieves itching. When you wash your hair, the stratum corneum of the skin is exfoliated, making your hair smooth and beautiful. The shampoo has a pleasant and natural chocolate aroma. The scalp is cleared of dandruff and the symptoms of seborrheic dermatitis go away.

Instructions for use of tar shampoo

How to use tar shampoo correctly, read below:

  • wet your hair;
  • Apply shampoo to palms, rub lightly;
  • generously lubricate the entire length of the hair, massage the scalp, lather the shampoo;
  • leave the mask on for 3 minutes;
  • rinse your hair thoroughly with running water;
  • with increased oiliness, significant density, and an abundance of dandruff - rinse your hair twice to get best effect(the first time light wash, the second time hold on the hair);
  • Shampoo should not be allowed to come into contact with the mucous membranes of the eyes (if this happens, you should immediately rinse your eyes with water).

Try using tar shampoo to combat one or several of the problems discussed at once. Optimal frequency washing hair - 2-3 times a week, the course lasts 5-7 weeks.

In most cases, the effect of shampoo is pronounced, it cleanses and heals. Harm is possible only if used incorrectly despite contraindications, so it is important to read the manufacturer’s recommendations before use.

In cosmetology for the treatment and health of hair widespread received tar shampoos. Their unique and balanced the composition makes hair thick, silky, with a pleasant, natural shine.

For hair loss, this is the No. 1 remedy that, without any side effects, will restore the beauty and natural thickness of your hair.

There are several types of tar shampoos that occupy a leading position among funds in the fight against hair loss.

Tar shampoo for hair loss 911

It helps to get rid against dandruff and seborrhea, removes flaking and itching of the skin, helps suppress inflammatory processes in the scalp and fungus that causes flaking.

Its use will help prevent hair loss and normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands. It helps cope with various dermatological problems.

Itching disappears immediately after one use, and dandruff after 2-3 times. Hair stops falling out after several times of use.

From grandmother Agafya

Due to the antimicrobial component climbazole in the composition of the drug, the shampoo Effectively fights dandruff and heals the scalp.

It perfectly cleanses hair due to high-quality foam, improves blood circulation, and has a positive effect on the sebaceous glands. It is very important that he has no tar smell.

Him herbal aroma, due to which the hair acquires a pleasant smell. The shampoo is suitable for the prevention and treatment of dandruff, significantly reduces hair loss.

Belita - Vitex

An excellent product for those who have problematic hair. He effectively eliminates hair loss and promotes them rapid growth.

All you need to do is take the course application of the product, to see positive results in a short period of time. Hair becomes thick, vibrant, with a pleasant shine.

The shampoo is suitable for those who have greasy hair who cannot get rid of dandruff and seborrhea.


The composition of the drug includes: herbal ingredients, How celandine, St. John's wort, string, citric acid.

These components promote rapid hair growth and prevent hair loss, treat oily seborrhea and psoriasis.

Finnish Tervapuun Tuoksu from Foxtel OY

main feature of this product is a quick and effective way to stop hair loss. The shampoo contains various active dietary supplements, which improve blood circulation and eliminate dandruff.

Due to them it happens strengthening hair follicles and normalization of the sebaceous glands. The curls are easy to comb and do not require the use of balms or rinses.


Using the product will help eliminate dandruff and itching, normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, will prevent hair loss. After using the product, the hair becomes strong and acquires a pleasant shine.

The main disadvantage of all tar shampoos is the smell of tar.. But medicinal properties And positive result in the fight against hair loss it compensates for this deficiency.

IMPORTANT: Before using shampoos, you must read the instructions. Many of them are not suitable for very dry hair.

Composition of funds

The main component of shampoos is birch tar. He has a number of advantages, due to which it has a beneficial effect on curls and scalp. These include:

This is due to the fact that Tar contains many organic acids, phenols and essential oils . These compounds dissolve fats, improve blood supply to the scalp, stimulate hair growth and relieve many dermatological problems.

For example, allatoin, which is contained in tar, moisturizes the skin, promotes the regeneration of young cells, stimulates growth hair follicles. It eliminates irritation and accelerates the healing of damaged skin areas.

Burdock extract, which is contained in almost all tar shampoos, has positive impact on the work of the sebaceous glands, and also strengthens the hair shafts and promotes accelerated growth. This is an excellent remedy for hair loss.

In addition, most shampoos contain such natural ingredients, like thyme, golden mustache, essential oils of mint, sage and chamomile, sophora and lemongrass. All these components have a beneficial effect on hair and scalp.

Rules of application

Tar shampoo for hair loss foams quite hard. Therefore, before applying it to your hair, you need to pour it into a container or into your palm and lather it well. Only after this is it applied to the strands.

It is necessary to rub in the composition massage movements first into the scalp and roots, and then along the entire length of the curls. The result will be more effective if you do not wash it off for 1 minute.

For hair loss, you need to use a product no more than 2 times a week. If the strands are oily, you can do it 3 times. If for preventive purposes - once a month.

IMPORTANT: To eliminate the unpleasant odor, it is recommended to rinse your hair with a decoction of herbs or use a nourishing balm.


The effect of using the drug will be visible after 3-5 times of use.. Dandruff disappears or decreases after just one dose.

In 2 weeks after using tar shampoo, the curls become healthy and their loss stops. If your hair falls out profusely, you will need to use the product for at least a month.

The choice of drug depends on the structure of the hair and the problems for which it is used. The Tar 911 is considered to be the best. It is he who most effectively copes with hair loss in the shortest possible time.

But other products that contain birch tar also receive positive ratings from buyers and users of this type of product.


The only contraindication to the use of tar shampoo is dry strands. Therefore, women with very dry hair are not recommended to use this product.

Useful video

What does a trichologist say about anti-hair loss shampoos and vitamins - does it work? Find out from the video:

Many have heard about tar soap or shampoo. But not everyone decided to buy this cosmetic product, considering it to smell unpleasant. But despite this, the popularity of this product is only increasing. You can buy it today not only in a pharmacy, but also in a cosmetic store, where the buyer is offered wide choose shampoo brands. In order to understand whether this remedy is effective, it is worth familiarizing yourself with its properties, as well as the advantages and disadvantages described below.

How tar shampoo works

The use of this remedy for different dermatological problems justified, because tar shampoo has a special valuable properties, which effectively influence the causative agent of the disease.

This effectiveness of the product is associated with the composition, which includes phenol. This component has antifungal and disinfectant properties. In addition to phenol, it contains a number of other trace elements that trigger regenerative process skin, and, most importantly, eliminates itching.


Having anti-inflammatory and disinfecting properties, tar and products made from it remove redness on the skin and also soothe itchy skin. For this reason, in the last century, this remedy was actively used in the treatment of psoriasis, dermatitis, and a number of other diseases. In addition, using tar shampoo they fight lice. Even one use of the product gives the desired effect.

Shampoo composition

Despite the presence of a large number of components in the industrial version, the analogue with tar is fundamentally different from them. The first and most important component of shampoo is tar. According to its variety, it can be either birch, juniper or pine. The color of tar is black, the consistency is oily. The only drawback of this component is its smell; it is quite specific, so many people do not like it.

In addition, herbal extracts are added to the shampoo, which have a positive effect on hair health. These are aloe, burdock, celandine and others. All this is supplemented with methylparaben, Lamesoft and sodium chloride. The composition may undergo changes, depending on the brand of shampoo and its purpose.

How to use

For correct use shampoo, there are some recommendations to consider:

  1. In order to achieve positive effect After washing with this product, you should carefully massage the scalp to loosen the scales.
  2. If the smell of tar bothers you, you can eliminate it by using a conditioning balm. In the absence of one, you can replace it lemon juice, which should be added to water and then rinsed with it. This will not only muffle the tar smell, but also soften the hair and eliminate oily shine.
  3. Use regularly this product not worth it, because it can lead to side effects. It is recommended to use in turn with the usual one.

Pros of tar shampoo

Trichologists and other specialists in the field of studying hair and scalp problems appreciate this product for its following positive properties:

  • Tar shampoo prevents hair loss.
  • Using this product, the hair follicle is strengthened.
  • Tar destroys dandruff.
  • Tar-based shampoo effectively combats the problem of oily hair.
  • This shampoo eliminates any rashes on the scalp.
  • The shampoo stimulates the opening of pores.
  • With the help of tar, regeneration of the skin occurs many times faster.
  • Increased blood circulation is stimulated.


Despite the advantages of tar, it also has reverse side, which hides some disadvantages. The first and main disadvantage of shampoo with tar is the property associated with drying out the hair and scalp. The problem is that this product is most suitable for those with oily hair.

Experts consider the second disadvantage of tar shampoo to be its ability to somewhat darken blonde hair. Therefore, it should be used with special caution by owners of blonde hair. It is also worth remembering one more drawback - the smell of the product.

Constantly washing with this shampoo alone can lead to hair becoming dull and unruly, which is also a disadvantage.

How to choose the right shampoo

Before buying a product, women spend comparative analysis compositions of tar shampoos. From different manufacturers Shampoos may vary in composition, and their cost and effectiveness also change.

The ingredients of the shampoo are always printed on the box or bottle, so studying it is quite simple. It is worth paying attention that the composition must be exclusively natural. This is important because the presence additional components can have a very ambiguous effect on hair health. You need to choose a shampoo whose composition is similar to the above.

Rating of the best tar shampoos

IN this list includes those options that have detailed description composition:

Shampoo 911
Its main task is to fight dandruff. Use this tar and for psoriasis. The cosmetic product has quite a large number of positive feedback, so it is in first place in the ranking. The only one negative point, as in other products with the presence of tar, is its smell. Therefore, you will have to come to terms with it. Over time, many people even begin to like this smell.

The cost of the product does not exceed 120 rubles per bottle, which holds 150 milliliters of liquid.

This product is considered a highly effective product that takes care of the beauty of hair and the health of the scalp. With this shampoo you can easily get rid of severe hair loss. Also, these cosmetic products eliminate dandruff.

Another advantage of this brand is that it brings the water-salt balance to normal condition, and, as practice shows, within a short time. This product costs 120 rubles per bottle containing 300 milliliters.

Nevskaya cosmetics
This brand is the most popular. They know about it throughout Russia. Valuable birch tar, which is one of the components of the shampoo, helps eliminate skin itching and also relieve inflammation. Moreover, absolutely natural product contains a conditioning component that helps to comb hair easily, as well as soften it and add volume.

Neva brand shampoo is distinguished by its increased foaming and slightly brownish tint. The cost of this product varies from 60-80 rubles per 250 milliliters of liquid.

In addition to all the main components, the shampoo contains the so-called salicylic acid. This remedy is used to combat dry seborrhea, dermatitis and oily dandruff.

Special shampoo of the Psorilom brand is available not only in liquid form, but also in the form of cream, tablets and granules. Several advantages this option make this shampoo an order of magnitude higher than the listed options. The price for a bottle of shampoo will cost the buyer 1,200 rubles.

Shampoos of this brand are softer. They are gentle on hair and give maximum healing effect. This is facilitated by the presence unique recipe, and the presence of natural components that are exclusively beneficial for the skin.

In addition to the listed advantages, this option has a chocolate smell, instead of a tar one. This shampoo costs 600 rubles per bottle of 150 milliliters.

Finnish tar shampoo
This option, like all of the above, contains exclusively natural, harmless components. This shampoo can cure the scalp from many diseases. The price of such a bottle will cost 210 rubles for half a liter of shampoo.

Tar shampoo for washing hair: do it yourself

Few people know, but you can make tar shampoo at home. Only in the end you will get not a standard liquid shampoo, but a solid shampoo. To create this cosmetic product for hair care at home, you need to purchase birch tar, baby soap or household and red wine.

First you need to grate a bar of soap on a fine grater. And after that, tar can be poured into the resulting mass. For one piece, no more than two tablespoons are enough. You will also have to add a little red wine here. Place the mixture in a mold or wrap it in cellophane and shape it. After a few days the soap can be used as a solid shampoo.

Video: tar hair shampoo



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