How to use Japanese quince fruits. Drinks with quince

Quince is aromatic fruit, known since ancient times. In legends and myths there is a mention of a golden apple. It was not by chance that quince received this name; in appearance it resembles a large yellow apple and a little bit of a pear. IN fresh the fruit is hard, to be enjoyed, it is prepared various dishes. But the smell - a mixture of pineapple and roses - promotes mental relaxation.

The fruit grows in the Caucasus, Far East, on Asian territory. And in central Russia it is found only on store shelves. To have the opportunity to taste as often as possible Golden Apple and its aroma was fragrant on the table, you can prepare quince for the winter. There are many options for preparation, from freezing to jam.

The benefits and harms of quince

The most interesting thing is that the product has no significant contraindications. The only contraindication is individual intolerance.

As for useful qualities, they are huge variety. If you have a lack of vitamins or simply a loss of strength, feel free to include quince in your menu. Indicated for frequently ill children and adults.

Quince jam lowers body temperature. It has a beneficial effect on the gastric mucosa and is recommended for use in cases of poisoning and intoxication. Having a lot useful substances and rich aroma of the fruit are useful for men and women to improve sex life. The most important quality- the ability to cleanse the body of harmful elements that come from outside.

How to prepare quince for the winter

There are many ways to prepare quince for the winter. Let's look at the main ones.


If we consider all types of preparations, then freezing comes first. With this method, the products retain maximum benefits. The main thing is not to freeze it several times.

Proper defrosting should be gradual; you should not defrost, for example, in the microwave. Expiration date, at proper storage, reaches 12 months. It will just last until next season.

How to properly freeze quince for the winter

It is better to freeze the fruit in the form of chips. Subsequently, use it in the preparation of pies, desserts, and also add to salads and cereals.

What you need: quince itself, a grater (preferably a large one), bags for freezing.

  1. First of all, you need to prepare the fruits. The skin is covered with fluff, you need to get rid of it. Remove rotting areas and dents, if any. Cut the fruit into 4 parts and remove the core.
  2. Then grind everything into small chips.
  3. Pack into bags and freeze.

Advice. During cooking, do not delay the process so that the product does not have time to darken.


You can dry quince in the sun, in the oven and in special electric dryers. This type processing preserves almost as many vitamins as freezing. But use dried fruits It is better within six months, since over time the amount of vitamins decreases.

Proper storage is very important! Far away from sunlight, in a dry place. Make sure there are no harmful insects.

Drying rules: first prepare the fruit, cut into small pieces. It is recommended to boil in water for 1-2 minutes with the addition of citric acid. Place on a wire rack and dry in an electric dryer until completely dry.


Classic quince jam recipe

For 800 grams of quince you will need 500 grams of granulated sugar and 2 glasses of water.

  1. First of all, you need to prepare the fruits. How to do this is described above. When you trim off all the excess and cut the fruit into small slices, you will have approximately 500 grams of quince.
  2. Then you need to make sweet syrup. To do this, mix water with granulated sugar and bring to a boil.
  3. Pour the sweet syrup over the prepared slices and cover with a lid. Leave for a couple of hours.
  4. In the evening, boil the slices in syrup for 10 minutes, cover with a lid. Do not touch until morning.
  5. In the morning, boil again for 10 minutes and leave until evening.
  6. In the evening, boil for 10-25 minutes, depending on the softness of the fruit. When the slices become soft, put them into jars.


Compote from this healthy fruit very fragrant and goes away quickly. And boiled quince slices in compote are better digested. It’s easy to prepare quince compote for the winter. Increase the quantity at your discretion.

A simple recipe for quince compote

For 500 grams of quince you will need 150 grams of sugar, 1 sachet of citric acid (5g), 1.5 liters of water.

  1. Prepare the fruits, remove the moss. Without cutting off the peel, cut into thin slices.
  2. Place them in pre-prepared jars, then pour them into boiled water to the top, wait until it cools down. Pour the water into a saucepan, boil it and pour in the slices again.
  3. After the water has cooled a second time, pour it into the pan. Pour out all the sugar and citric acid. Cook the resulting syrup for 8-10 minutes.
  4. Pour syrup over our slices. Roll up the cans. The compote is ready.

Preparing juice

If you decide to pack the juice in a jar, boiling it in advance, you will lose most of the beneficial substances ( ascorbic acid, for example, is completely destroyed). It is best to freeze freshly squeezed juice in plastic cups so that in winter, after defrosting, you get the maximum benefit.

Quince juice can only be made from certain types, not all varieties are suitable. In addition, the quince must be fully ripe. The juice should not be drunk freshly squeezed right away, as over time the product will increase its beneficial qualities.

Multi-fruit juices work well, for example, with the addition of apples and carrots. Replace sugar natural honey. After you drink the juice, rinse your mouth with water because acids destroy tooth enamel.

Quince juice tastes like pear juice with the addition of honey. Quince, thanks to her useful qualities, you can safely include it in your wellness course. Quince juice was given to people affected by radiation in Japan. It has been proven that such juice therapy can cleanse the body of harmful elements. And if you plant a quince on your site, it will cleanse the environment.

Useful and delicious preparations from quince will delight you all winter. Bon appetit!

The aroma of quince cannot be confused with anything. I don’t know for what reason, but this fruit is the cheapest in our country. Perhaps the fact is that quince is difficult to eat fresh, but I personally chew it selflessly, I like its unusual tart taste and aroma so much. Since it is so affordable, it would be a sin not to stock up on this nutritionally valuable fruit for future use. As a rule, jam, jam, and candied fruits are made from quince. But I prefer drying - simple, reliable and without additional ingredients.


Ripe quince fruits.

Harvesting quinces for the winter: master class on drying fruits in a dryer

Quince fruits are densely covered with villi, which should be thoroughly washed under running water (fruits, like vegetables, are washed under running water cold water).

I don’t know how it is in your area, but here it is difficult to find a quince without worms. It is not grown on an industrial scale, where chemicals and other means of pest control are actively used. Among private gardeners, quince is actively attacked by worms; this factor probably also affects its price. Of course, you need to prepare whole fruits for the winter, not damaged by pests and diseases. But where can you get such a quince? We have to dry what is available. Therefore, damaged parts and passages made by worms are cut out of the fruit. By the way, quinces that have been bitten by these arrogant pests should be processed immediately after harvesting, because if drying is delayed, the fruits will quickly begin to rot and then all that remains is to throw them away.

The quince pulp is dense, and therefore you will need sharp knife and effort. If the fruits are damaged by pests, then cutting is obtained different shapes. Whole fruits are optionally cut into slices (0.3-0.5 mm wide). Some people do not cut out the seed pod, but cut the fruit into two parts, and then cut each part into slices along with the seeds.

Cut quince, like many other fruits, darkens in the open air. This fact does not bother me and I dry quince without processing. If you want to preserve the color, then the prepared quince slices are dipped in boiling water with lemon juice, you can even boil it for 2-3 minutes. The prepared quince is laid out on drying trays in one row, maintaining the distance between the slices.

If you can independently set the temperature in the dryer, the thermostat is fixed at 75 degrees.

Quince dries quickly; in a few hours the slices will be ready. During this period, it is recommended to rearrange the trays 2-3 times so that the slices dry at the same time. Dried quinces are left on trays until they cool.

Dry glass containers and zip-lock bags are suitable for storing dried quince, which are best stored in a cool place later so that the living creatures do not curl up while drying. Dried quince slices are well suited for making fruit drinks and pie fillings. If there is no lemon in the house in winter, then it is recommended to add a slice of quince to the tea instead; it will give the drink a wonderful aroma. If you haven’t bought an electric dryer yet, you can dry the quince in the oven. The fruits are also washed and cut into slices. It is unlikely that anyone would fumigate quince with sulfur at home, but you can put it in boiling water with lemon. In the oven, the quince is dried on baking sheets covered with special baking parchment. The temperature is set at 75 degrees. Drying is the easiest way to prepare quince for the winter. Bon appetit!

Quince has been known to mankind for centuries; this fruit was grown by the ancient Greeks and Romans.

In Hellas, this fruit was considered a symbol of love; it is the one that appears in the famous myth of the Golden Apple of Discord, and Avicenna highly valued its properties in the treatment of diseases of the stomach and liver.

In Russia, unfortunately, few people know about the beneficial properties of quince and, accordingly, few people include it in their diet. Meanwhile, this fruit deserves to be known.

The Quince tree is quite widespread throughout the world. This plant can be found in South America, in the Mediterranean, in Australia and Oceania, in Asia and the Caucasus.

In our country, fruit trees are grown in the southern regions. In other regions of Russia, it is more difficult to grow quince, since it is a fairly heat-loving plant. Although in Lately New varieties have begun to appear that are more resistant to difficult weather conditions.

As for the varieties of the plant, the most common varieties are common quince, Japanese and Chinese. By taste qualities And chemical composition they are almost the same, the only difference is the shape of the leaves and the number of flowers. The common quince has entire leaves, and the flowers are located one at a time on the branches.

The Japanese species is distinguished by serrated leaves and has several red flowers in inflorescences. Due to the fact that the latter species looks attractive during flowering and this period lasts for several months, it is often used to decorate garden plots.

Chinese quince differs from Japanese only in the color of the flowers. In this species they are pale pink. The remaining characteristics of such a tree are exactly the same.

Beneficial properties and effects of the fruit on the body

Quince - amazing creature nature, containing in its composition great amount vitamins and microelements that our body needs.

First of all, the fruit is rich in vitamin C - 100 g of pulp contains 20% of what we need to get per day.

Quince also contains the following elements (per 100 grams of fruit):

  • B vitamins - from 0.02 mg to 3 mg - are necessary for normal metabolism, healthy nervous and circulatory systems, maintenance vitality body and for quick recovery after operations and injuries;
  • vitamin PP - 0.2 mg - takes Active participation in protein synthesis, regulates cholesterol levels, affects the condition of blood vessels, neutralizes toxins;
  • beta-carotene - 400 mcg - protects the body from radiation and chemical pollution, increases protection against stress, strengthens the immune system, accelerates skin recovery after burns and injuries, and is responsible for eye health;
  • boron - 174.4 mcg (this is 249% daily norm) - affects work endocrine glands, strengthens the skeleton and enamel, promotes the absorption of vitamin D, calcium, fluorine and magnesium, participates in the formation of new cells;
  • vanadium - 20 mcg - affects the immune system, the functioning of the nervous and circulatory systems, strengthens bones and tooth enamel, serves as a prevention of cancer;
  • cobalt - about 3 mcg - necessary for normal exchange substances for cell renewal, affects the skeleton and blood vessels, lowers cholesterol levels and prevents the formation of atherosclerotic plaques;
  • rubidium - from 44 to 63 mcg - has antihistamine, anti-inflammatory and calming properties, strengthens the immune system, affects hematopoiesis and strengthens blood vessels;
  • iron - up to 3 mg - is responsible for the delivery of oxygen to the brain, necessary for the formation of hormones thyroid gland, supports protective forces body, affects the condition of the skin.

In addition to the substances described above, quince contains iodine, chromium, silicon, copper, calcium, sulfur, selenium, nickel, molybdenum, amino acids, organic acids, glucose, fructose, starch, fiber, tannins and many other useful elements.

At the same time, the fruit has a low calorie content - no more than 50 kcal per 100 g, which is an important point for those who are watching their figure.

Such a rich composition makes the quince almost small natural pharmacy. If you constantly include the golden fruit in your diet, you can get rid of some diseases or prevent their occurrence.

Quince has the following beneficial properties:

  • Increases immunity;
  • Fights inflammatory processes;
  • Reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke;
  • Slows down the aging of the body;
  • Prevents the occurrence of cancer;
  • Has antiviral and expectorant properties;
  • Improves digestion;
  • Reduces swelling;
  • Increases blood clotting;
  • An excellent choleretic agent;
  • Alleviates the condition of toxicosis;
  • Helps with poisoning;
  • Positively affects nervous system, fights insomnia, increases the body's resistance to stress;
  • Improves the condition of blood vessels.

This concerns the effect on the body from the inside. But beneficial features quinces are quite suitable for treatment skin diseases, burns, wounds, anal fissures and others external manifestations ill health. The golden fruit is also successfully used in cosmetology, allowing you to quickly get rid of existing problems and prevent their occurrence.

Contraindications and harm of the Golden Apple

Despite all the beneficial properties of quince, there are some restrictions and contraindications in its use.

It is necessary to know about them so as not to harm your health while trying to cure one disease.

Thus, fruit should not be included in the diet of those who have:

  • chronic constipation;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • pleurisy;
  • enterocolitis;
  • Those for whom the voice is important should eat quince with caution, since the fruit can affect the ligaments.

Also, one should not exclude the possibility allergic reaction on the fetus and banal individual intolerance.

Quince recipes and options

The golden apple is rarely consumed fresh due to its sour taste and astringent property. Alternatively, you can eat it with honey, squeeze the juice, or put a piece in tea.

But more often a variety of dishes are prepared from quince:

  • compote,
  • jam,
  • marmalade,
  • syrup,
  • baked in the oven.

Such dishes are not only very tasty and aromatic, but also healthy, since quince has amazing property- all vitamins and minerals are preserved even after heat treatment. Even in this form, the fruit can serve as an excellent preventive measure or even a cure.

If the main goal is to get rid of any disease, then you can prepare medicine from quince. Fortunately, there are a great many recipes for all occasions.

  • For fever and cough. Cut the quince into pieces, put it in a thermos and pour boiling water over it. After two hours, the medicine is ready, you need to drink it with honey.
  • For indigestion. You will need 200 g of quince. Cut into pieces, put it in a thermos, fill it with water and leave for an hour. The resulting infusion should be drunk every hour until the discomfort passes.
  • In ancient times, healers considered the golden apple an excellent remedy from infertility. To do this, you need to drink a tablespoon of freshly squeezed juice every day.
  • At uterine bleeding should dried fruits(tablespoon) pour half a glass hot water and leave for an hour. The resulting product must be taken one spoon before meals.
  • A remedy for anemia. Pour water over the quince and boil until the fruit becomes soft. Strain the mixture and continue to cook until the mixture thickens.

Application in cosmetology

The fruit can also be used to solve cosmetic defects. To do this, simply grate the quince and leave this pulp on your face for about 15 minutes. For greater effect, you can add various cosmetic oils, cream, curdled milk and other products that are well known for their caring effect.

Quince seeds

In addition to the fruit itself, seeds can also be used for treatment. But this must be done carefully, as they can be toxic. Therefore, if there are damaged seeds in the quince, you should throw them away and use only completely intact ones.

An infusion of quince seeds can be used to treat coughs, diarrhea, stomatitis, bleeding, as a lotion for eye inflammation, burns, ulcers, etc. To obtain healing agent Pour a spoonful of raw material into a glass of hot water and leave for half an hour or an hour. Then strain and the liquid can be used for treatment.

Benefits of leaves

You can also use leaves if you can get them. They contain almost the same substances as the fruits themselves and, accordingly, they can be used to get rid of many ailments; the benefits from them are the same as from the fruit. But their ability to alleviate bronchitis is especially appreciated. For getting healing liquid All you need is water and the leaves themselves.

Here are several options for preparing the drug:

  • Pour 100 g of leaves with a liter of boiling water, leave for an hour; the resulting liquid can be drunk 3 - 4 spoons 3 times a day, or you can make compresses, wipe your face, rinse your hair;
  • Pour 10 leaves into a glass of water, boil in a water bath for 10 - 15 minutes, cool, strain and take the same as in the first option - this remedy perfectly helps with diabetes;
  • You can also prepare a tincture for the treatment of hypertension - mix half a glass of herbal raw materials and vodka, leave in a dark place for 10 days, take 20 drops twice a day.

The use of quince in cooking and the rich content of useful substances in it is presented in this video.

How to choose the most delicious quince and preserve it at home?

The golden apple appears in our markets at the end of September - beginning of October. When going shopping, you should know what to look for in order to purchase a really good quince.

You should choose large fruits that are evenly colored yellow and with a pleasant aroma.

If there are green spots on the skin, this means that the fruit is unripe. And dark spots indicate that the quince has begun to deteriorate.

There should also be no scratches or cracks that indicate the fruit has fallen - these will spoil very quickly. Therefore, it is worth carefully considering each fruit so as not to be disappointed later.

At home, the quince should be washed thoroughly, removing the fluff from the skin. Next, the fruit needs to be dried and can be sent for storage. A refrigerator is suitable for this purpose, where the fruits can be stored in plastic bag up to two months. Or, if possible, wrap each quince in paper, put it in a box and place it in a cool, dark place.


Alternatively, you can try freezing the golden apple. This way it can be stored much longer, retaining all its properties, but at the same time getting rid of the astringent taste, since tannin low temperatures is destroyed.

Just cut it into small slices, put it in a bag or container and store it in the freezer.

It is better to freeze in small portions, so that later you do not have to defrost and freeze again - this way all the properties will be lost.

What if you dry the quince?

Another simple way to prepare quince for future use is to dry it. To do this, it is cut into slices and sent either under Sun rays, or in the oven. You can also purchase a special electric dryer - it will make the work much easier. It is best to store dried quince in glass jars In the dark.

Dried quince

If you want to cook something tasty, you can try wilting quince. This is a somewhat labor-intensive process, but the result is wonderful, and the vitamins are preserved almost completely. The quince needs to be washed, dried and cut into slices, removing the seeds.

Next, the workpiece is covered with sugar (for 1 kg of fruit - 250 g of sand) and left for 16 hours at a temperature of + 20ºС. Then the liquid is drained and the first procedure is repeated again. After the designated 16 hours, the liquid is drained again, and the slices are filled with hot syrup (350 - 400 g of sugar and 350 ml of water) and sent to the oven, preheated to 90ºC for 20 minutes.

Afterwards, the syrup is drained, and the fruit is sent to the oven at 80 degrees for another half hour. Then two more times for 40 minutes at a temperature of 65-70ºC and the slices are left in the sieve for 6-8 hours. Then it is kept for another week fresh air, and after all these manipulations, the dried quince is ready. It should be stored in the refrigerator in a tightly closed container.

Quince is one of those fruits that must be present in our diet. Its taste may not be to everyone's liking, but the right approach you can make it out of it healthy treat, which will protect the body from many diseases. Therefore, if the opportunity arises to purchase this fruit, it is worth doing.


autoclave recipes! Make jokes recipes in an autoclave? Come here!

autoclave for canning

Autoclaves for home canning You can find it in our Fermash online store. Our managers will help you choose autoclave whatever you ask! Here you will find both gas and electric (universal) models, with a capacity of 5 to 28 liter cans.

On our website we collect everything possible autoclave recipes! Make jokes recipes in an autoclave? Come here!

At the beginning of the 19th century, the first canned goods, separated by thermal processing, appeared in sealed containers. However, thermal processing is now abandoned by the most common method of preparing canned food. Sterilization is one of the main technologies of these stages. Sterilization of canned food and thermal processing of the product, which will ensure death bacteria by eliminating microbiological food at temperatures in a moderate climate (15-30 ° C), and sometimes at higher temperatures. It guarantees the safety of canned food for food (according to microbiological indicators). x). Basically, canned food is sterilized at a temperature of 120 ° C, at least above 100 ° C. Sterilization is intended for the preservation of canned products, which means the preservation of food value, organoleptic properties, and costliness. koristovuyuchi autoclave for canning If you change the hour for preparing canned food, you are guaranteed to lose all bacteria. It is recommended to use sterilization and packaging of all types of canned food in glass containers of various sizes from 0.2 to 3.0 liters in squeezable or sealed jars.

1. Seat the jars filled with food tightly.
2. Place balls in the autoclave - jar on jar, until Golovin. Place a wooden lattice at the bottom.
3. Fill with water, making sure to cover the jars with a ball no less than 2 cm.
4. Close the lid of the autoclave and tighten the bolts.
5. Using a car pump, pump the autoclave up to 1 atm and visually (with additional water) or by ear check the tightness of the seal. The pressure is required to save the cans, since they leak when heated difference in the pressure in the autoclave itself and in the middle of the cans .
6. Heat the water in the autoclave to 110 ° C (the pressure will increase). When the temperature rises to 110 ° C, wait an hour and soak the jars for 50-70 minutes. Be sure to do this so that the temperature does not exceed 120 ° C. This processing mode achieves both the death of pathogenic organisms and the savory taste of canned food.
7. Remove from heat (simmer) and leave to cool (you can also use cold water) to a temperature of no more than 30 ° C.
8. The cob giblets will be squeezed in an autoclave. Open the autoclave, pour water through the hose and remove the jars.

It is necessary to add that the pressure gauge of the autoclave will show pressure at a temperature of 110 ° C - 2.5-3.5 atm, and at a temperature of 120 ° C - 4-4.5 atm. Then, keep pressure on the heating temperature of the autoclave and the volume of air between the lid and the jars.

Sterilization modes for canned food

A fruit that is aromatic, yellow-skinned, round or pear-shaped is called quince. When fresh, it tastes hard and sour. The main thing that is valued in this fruit is high content it contains monosaccharides such as fructose and glucose, vitamin C and B, organic acids, potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, essential oils and many others biologically active substances, which are very beneficial for our body. To medicinal and preventive properties Quinces are associated with the fight against cough, bronchitis, sore throat, the common cold, sclerosis and even hypertension. Consumption of this fruit in dried form effectively strengthens immune system human body, treats eye diseases, serious illnesses gastrointestinal tract. And what is not surprising, healing properties possess not only the quince fruits themselves, but also their leaves, from which many medications, which have antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects.

From the above, based on the growing period of this fruit, which is only summer, it is advisable to dry these fruits for the winter, until the next harvest. Immediately before at home it is necessary to carry out preliminary preparation to this process. To do this, you need to sort the quince fruits by quality, size, and be sure to thoroughly rinse them under running water to remove dirt and dust. Then each fruit needs to be cut into slices or circles, the approximate thickness of which will be about five millimeters. The fruit skin and seed chamber should not be removed. To obtain quality raw materials, drying quince at home should be carried out after pre-treatment with sulfur dioxide, for which sulfur is burned in a special metal tank where the fruits have already been placed. But, before treating with sulfur, the quince must be blanched for several minutes, taking into account its dense pulp consistency. This process will speed up the drying itself. After which the resulting raw material must be dried in the sun, possibly in the oven or in an oven at a temperature of 65-85 ° C, but at the same time, the fruit slices are poured onto sieves, trays, spread in an even layer on baking sheets, grates or on a sunny area. Better dry quince at natural conditions drying.

This contains about 10.85% sugars (glucose, fructose and sucrose), about 0.66% tannins, nitrogenous substances, 4.7% protopectins, as well as wine, apple, citric acids, mineral salts and much more. Having achieved high-quality raw materials through the drying process, you need to store them correctly so as not to spoil them appearance and internal contents listed above. The main problem The fruit may not be completely dried. It is required that the water content in dried quince does not exceed a certain limit, otherwise the dried fruit may begin to rot and deteriorate. Comply with all storage conditions. Be sure to place the dried fruits in pre-washed dry jars with tight-fitting lids and put them in a dark, dry place. Your kitchen cabinet is perfect for this. Also, keep an eye on the product so that food moths or their larvae do not appear, as they can ruin your product. And if this suddenly happens, take the dried quince and place it in a microwave or oven, preheated to a temperature of 75 degrees, and hold the dried fruit there for about three minutes. Then remove the quince from the hot baking sheet, cool and put it back into the jars. It is advisable to use the resulting dried fruits until the next harvest, since quince, when stored for a long time, tends to lose all its beneficial components.



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