What is hysteria in psychology: signs. What to do after a tantrum? Hysterical type of man

When a baby yells, screams, throws objects or breaks into sobs, no one is surprised. But this condition can also occur in an adult. What to do in this case?

Hysterical in myself

Four simple steps will help you better manage this condition:

  • First, admit out loud to yourself and those around you that you are starting to become hysterical, that this state is sometimes typical for you and you cannot control it.
  • Second - if possible, get rid of strangers and give yourself half an hour to roar, scream, scold out loud and mentally the culprit of your breakdown. Leave things, tear paper, beat a pillow - any method of releasing emotions is suitable. Do not feel remorse for your behavior - half an hour will be enough for you to cool down a little, provided that you do not hold back.
  • The third step is recuperation. Those who have had hysterics know that they practically devastate and leave you without strength. Therefore, after a breakdown, do something nice for yourself - drink tea and cake, take a shower, or just sleep, if you have the desire and opportunity.
  • Fourth step - try cool head Still figure out what caused your hysteria. Talk about this with your loved ones, explain your condition again so that next time they are prepared for such a turn of events.

How to help someone else?

If you have become an involuntary witness to such a state in another person, close or not, evaluate your ability to help and support. If you don't feel strong enough, it's better not to interfere.

And if you are ready, then stock up on self-control. Remember that a person cannot control himself now, and such a reaction is normal. It means that the shock was too strong or that internal tension had accumulated, and something served as a trigger.

Don’t ask to calm down, not to attach importance to your experiences, or to tell you what happened. Just be there, pat him on the back if possible, bring him water. Your task is to let the person express their emotions without feeling shame for it, and just be there, creating a feeling of safety. When you notice that your emotions have subsided and crying no longer brings relief, help you wash, give you something sweet to eat or drink, and put you to bed.

This condition occurs more often in women, but men are not immune. If you have witnessed a breakdown in your husband, brother or just an acquaintance, then all of the above remains in force, just repeat that this normal reaction, costs several times more often. After all, men, for the most part, are very ashamed of such breakdowns.

Human nature is multifaceted. Some emotions and character traits are usually attributed to women. However, not everything is so simple. Just because women often express something does not mean that men cannot express it. Hysteria is considered both a painful condition and an everyday whim. You should consider its symptoms, causes and methods of treatment.

Hysteria comes in different forms: psychological and everyday. In the first case we're talking about about a disease that relates to psychoneurological disorders with the manifestation of a whole complex of symptoms:

  1. Tears.
  2. Headache.
  3. Laughter.
  4. Spasms.
  5. Screams.
  6. Deafness and blindness.
  7. Cramps.
  8. Sobs.
  9. Confusion of consciousness.

About 8% of the population suffers from hysteria. The most severe form of this disease is hysterical psychopathy. The most important symptom of this disease is hysterical attack when a person screams, cries profusely, arches, etc. It should be noted that this type behavior is not acted out. Usually the first attacks appear in childhood. If parents notice certain signs of hysteria, then they should contact a child psychoneurologist.

If we are talking about everyday hysteria, then everything is much simpler. We are talking about a character trait or even about a staged performance that is intended specifically for a specific person. Specialists from the psychological help website even give clear advice to people at whom the hysteria is being played out - ignore it, don’t pay attention.

As they say, the performance lasts only as long as the audience participates in it and reacts to it. If there are no spectators, then the performance will stop. Especially this advice important in relationships between children and adults, where children should be weaned from hysterical behavior, as well as between lovers, where one partner tries to manipulate the other through hysterics.

What is hysteria?

In the old days, hysteria was attributed only female. It was also called “rabies of the uterus” and “hysterical neurosis.” Today, psychologists note hysterical attacks in men as well. What is hysteria, which is common to both sexes? Hysteria is mental disorder, which is accompanied by vegetative, motor, functional and affective disorders in human behavior.

Hysteria arises on the basis of self-hypnosis and is aimed at attracting attention to oneself.

Today, hysteria is considered a disease that is inherent in both women (who were previously attributed this condition as one of the types of behavior) and men. It should be distinguished painful condition from everyday behavior hysteria. In the first case, we are talking about a disease that cannot be cured without the help of a specialist. In the second, all you need is the help of a psychologist and drastic, decisive actions on the part of those at whom the hysteria is directed.

How does household hysteria manifest itself? A hysterical person easily succumbs to disappointment and imagines himself omnipotent. Unconsciously, he is sure that the world was created for him and people should fulfill his every whim. Such a person, being domineering, demanding and selfish, exaggerates everything, making mountains out of molehills. He does not tolerate objections, so he uses all sorts of tricks: he constantly cries, sobs, puts on theatrical performances, hoping for compassion, or pushes people away by insulting them, showing emotional or physical aggression. In essence, he behaves like an ill-mannered and capricious child who is trying to get what he wants at any cost.

There are several types of hysteria, which even lead to the appearance real symptoms fictitious diseases. Thus, in medicine, “hysterical pregnancy” is known - an enlargement of the abdomen in the absence of a fetus. There are also “hysterical paralysis” and “hysterical blindness”. All this is mentioned only to demonstrate what such a disorder can lead to. It is interesting to consider how this hinders fulfillment in love if one of the partners behaves irrationally or childishly.

According to experts in this field, the real reason Hysteria is the fear of incest, that is, a woman’s fear of having sexual relations with her father or, in the case of a man, with her mother. All this is connected with the Oedipus complex and fear of castration. On the one hand there is attraction, on the other there is repulsion due to the fact that the partner in some way reminds him of the parent of the opposite sex. Such complexes also provoke theatricality and effects, with which, for example, a woman unconsciously tries to attract the attention of her father and gives vent to her emotional outbursts only when she has a suitable audience.

The law is this: without an audience there is no hysteria, the show is never performed alone.

The hysterical person is by no means frigid or impotent, but, on the contrary, passionate, but restrains his sexuality because he associates sexual intercourse with the danger of incest and suppresses himself until he explodes, giving vent to sexual tension through emotions. If this is repeated often, it leads to the formation of more or less stable patterns of behavior.

Hysteria is something like an emotional orgasm. IN love relationships it is usually associated with jealousy and awakens rough, lustful impulses. A jealous, hysterical person resorts to the most terrible insults, humiliating his partner, and arouses in himself a hidden, gross sexual arousal.

What are the causes of hysteria?

Psychologists attribute various internal and external factors. In many ways, everything depends on the emotional component of a person and his personal qualities. Suggestibility plays a significant role, which affects the course of thoughts of a hysterical person and his emotional state.

Hysteria is attributed to a consequence of the complex development in which a person finds himself, or to nervous overstrain, which often arises from the need to restrain one’s own emotions. Let us remember that a person is taught not to show his emotions, not to show negative feelings, to restrain himself. Society itself develops hysteria in a person, because emotionally weak people unable to hold back for long. Repressed emotions sooner or later break out, which makes a person behave inappropriately.

Factors contributing to the development of hysteria include:

  • Physical overexertion.
  • Unfavorable family situation.
  • Dissatisfaction with life or professional sphere.
  • Excessive use of tranquilizers or sleeping pills.
  • Injuries.
  • Alcohol abuse.
  • Narcissism.
  • Schizoid psychopathy.
  • Excitable psychopathy.

The main reasons for the appearance large quantity Psychologists call hysterical people:

  1. Mental immaturity. Today, people are becoming increasingly younger not only in body (the desire for eternal youth), but also in the soul (preservation of infantility). Modern man grows increasingly suggestible, impressionable, dependent, excitable, selfish and emotionally unstable. All this is the result of a special upbringing, as well as the goals that modern successful people should achieve.
  2. Stressful situations. Various conflicts, difficulties, life problems and just stressful situations occur in humans every day. Depending on the strength of the psyche and emotional sphere, a person either calmly passes through them, or breaks down and becomes hysterical.

What are the signs and symptoms of hysteria?

Hysteria is usually recognized by the following signs and symptoms:

  • Screams.
  • Paralysis.
  • Tears.
  • Deafness.
  • Cramps.
  • Laughter.
  • Blindness.
  • Increased sexual activity.
  • Confusion of consciousness.

However, scientists have long begun to divide hysteria into different kinds disorders: somatoform disorders, hysterical personality disorder, conversion (dissociative) disorders, anxious hysteria.

Today, hysteria is attributed to hysterical personality disorder, which manifests itself in:

  1. Superficial judgments.
  2. Desire to attract attention.
  3. Self-hypnosis.
  4. Tendency to fantasize.
  5. Suggestibility.
  6. Variability of mood.
  7. Theatrical behavior.

The conversion form of hysteria manifests itself in:

  • Tremor.
  • Paralysis.
  • Blindness.
  • Deafness.
  • Seizures.

The dissociative form of hysteria manifests itself in:

  • Narrowing field of view.
  • Selective amnesia.

Hysteria is diagnosed by doctors if at least three signs are present:

  1. Labile and superficial emotionality.
  2. Self-dramatism, exaggeration of the situation.
  3. Inappropriate seductiveness.
  4. Preoccupation with external attractiveness.
  5. Suggestibility and susceptibility to the influence of others.
  6. Excitement, desire to be recognized and to be the center of attention.
  7. Tendency to be touchy.
  8. Egocentrism.
  9. Pretense.
  10. The desire to manipulate others to satisfy personal desires.
  11. Shallow and superficial emotions.
  12. Provocative behavior.
  13. Variability of speech.

How to treat hysteria?

Hysteria must be treated, especially if the condition is already an integral part of the person. First of all, one should differentiate hysterical from epileptic seizure. How to do it? Observe. A hysterical attack is accompanied by a person falling to the floor so as not to harm himself. The movements are chaotic, there is no requirement to give any drug.

During a hysterical attack, a person has no foamy discharge from mouth, spontaneous defecation and urination, tongue biting. After an attack of hysteria, a person does not fall asleep, and may even return to the activities that he was engaged in before. All this distinguishes hysteria from epilepsy.

At the moment of a seizure, first aid should be provided to the hysterical person:

  1. Calm down.
  2. Remove unauthorized persons.
  3. Move the patient to a quiet place.
  4. Do not pay attention to the patient, but still see him.
  5. Give ammonia to smell.
  6. Do not hold the patient's arms, head or shoulders.

The treatment of hysteria should be handled by a psychiatrist, who will first assess the situation and then decide on treatment. Support is important close circle who must behave patiently and calmly.

The psychiatrist prescribes:

  • General strengthening procedures.
  • Psychotropic medications.
  • Autogenic training.
  • Suggestion.
  • Methods of persuasion.
  • Sham placebo injections in children.

Bottom line

Hysteria is a consequence of instability of the psyche and emotions, as well as severe emotional stress. It can be both everyday, that is, feigned, and real, that is, painful. Depending on a person’s desire to get rid of his hysterical state, one or another treatment is prescribed, where the help of loved ones is important.

A hysterical attack is one of the severe forms manifestations of signs of a personality disorder. Quite often, hysterical attacks are called hysteria, although there are several important differences between these concepts. Hysteria is a spontaneous emotional outburst that has no connection with mental illness. Unlike hysteria, a hysterical attack is one of the manifestations serious pathologies human psyche. Both concepts have a close relationship, which we will discuss in this article. Let's figure out how hysteria manifests itself and what are the reasons for the formation of emotional outbursts.

Hysteria – attack of excitement (emotional, motor, speech)

Hysteria in psychology is an uncontrollable outburst of emotions endowed with a spontaneous character. However, before we examine this concept, let's focus on hysterical seizures. Hysterical attacks are one of the characteristic features personality disorders. Such seizures have a certain resemblance to an epileptic crisis. Experts identify several specific factors due to which it is possible to track the difference between hysterical and epileptic seizures.

First of all, it should be noted that during a hysterical attack the patient may fall to the ground. Unlike epileptics, people with hysterical disorder Rarely are injured due to falls. The differences between hysteria and epilepsy are that during an attack the patient’s behavior is dominated by demonstrative action.

Hysterical convulsions have nothing in common with epileptic ones. The duration of seizures, their rhythm and amplitude differ significantly. Hysterical attacks are characterized by manifestations of a “hysterical arc” - a lying position of the body, where the fulcrum is on the legs and forearms. During an attack, the patient may close his eyes and resist attempts to open his eyelids. This suggests that the person remains conscious throughout the crisis.

The main difference between a hysterical attack and epilepsy is that at the end of it the patient is conscious and does not fall asleep.

According to experts, hysterical fits are a form of protest that people use when they are unable to satisfy their own needs. For such people, such actions are one of the ways to attract public attention to their own problems. Based on this statement, we can say that a hysterical attack is a kind of provocation.

It is important to understand that such attacks are one of the manifestations of a personality disorder and problems associated with impaired perception of the surrounding world. Unlike hysterical attacks, hysteria itself is not a symptom of pathology.

If we talk about hysteria in general, then hysterical manifestations can be divided into several conditional groups:

  1. People with personality disorders who need psychiatric help.
  2. Persons with hysterical accentualization - despite the “mask” of success and easy adaptation in society, individuals like this need psychotherapeutic help.
  3. People who, under the influence of certain stimuli, exhibit a hysterical reaction.

Only after familiarizing yourself with all the manifestations of hysteria can you understand the meaning of this word. Based on the above, we can say that hysteria is a mental reaction to certain life circumstances, which are accompanied by various difficulties in overcoming them. Similar style of response to action external stimuli common to all people.

Hysterics are emotional outbursts that are unpleasant for others

Causes of hysterical attacks

To begin with, you should note that further we will consider hysterical attacks in people with a healthy psyche. In medicine, the term “nervous breakdown” is used to refer to this type of hysterical attack. The psyche of each person has a certain energy reserve, the depletion of which increases susceptibility to the influence of stress factors. Stress is the primary cause of nervous breakdowns.

Hysteria is one of the types of mental reactions to unfavorable conditions for human life.

In most cases, such a reaction is formed against the background of depletion of mental resources. Loss of control over your behavior leads to an inability to cope with your feelings, which can lead to chronic disorders.

Symptoms of hysteria appear under the influence of the following factors:

  1. Long-term nervous tension caused by irregular work schedule.
  2. Long-term insomnia associated with impaired sleep quality.
  3. Personal crisis, nurtured on the basis of various life difficulties.
  4. Loss of a loved one.
  5. A crisis caused by the inability to satisfy one's own minimal needs.
  6. Monotonous lifestyle.

The above factors are the most common causes of a hysterical reaction. It is quite difficult to say about the depletion of the body’s mental resources based only on a person’s behavior. Absence good rest, common problems with sleep and headache attacks (taking into account the absence somatic diseases), a feeling of nausea and loss of appetite are the main signs of exhaustion of the body.

The human psyche is designed in such a way that each individual has the ability to adapt to different circumstances. Such reactions to stressors can be divided into two categories:

  1. Mechanism of attack– neutralization of factors that act as causes of stress.
  2. Avoidance mechanism– attempts to maintain a certain distance from unpleasant objects.

In addition to adaptive mental reactions, there are other forms of their manifestation. Such mental reactions include stupor (non-adaptive form) and hysterical reaction. It is important to understand that hysterical attacks in people do not have a relationship with the “habit” of avoiding or eliminating stress.

Returning to the difference between a hysterical reaction to stimuli and personality disorders that have a hysterical form, it should be said that hysterical attacks (as a manifestation of pathology) are more typical for women and children. In the case of men, nervous breakdowns are more often observed.

Hysteria occurs to release tension

Clinical picture

As mentioned earlier, the signs of hysteria have two forms of manifestation: attacking and avoiding type of mental reaction. The avoidant form of hysteria is a classic example of a stereotype of a mental reaction, which is more typical for the fair sex. Attack form of manifestation nervous breakdown, is more typical for men.

The male form of hysteria is accompanied by the release of accumulated negativity, which results in attacks of aggression. A man who has lost his temper can direct his anger towards his close circle, friends and work colleagues. According to statistics, hysterical attacks in men are most often associated with work difficulties. This data is confirmed by popular videos depicting “office crazy people.” The development of male hysteria proceeds according to a certain scenario. In most cases, attacks of aggression are preceded by rudeness towards loved ones, a desire for isolation and decreased concentration.

Let's move on to the question, what is hysteria in women? Female hysteria develops according to the classic scenario. Such attacks are accompanied by crying, screaming and attempts to distance themselves from traumatic factors. It's important to note that female hysteria has long course, since it is based on the prolonged accumulation of negative energy. There are many signs indicating that a woman has reached her “boiling point.” Increased irritability, increasing nervousness and excessive attention to detail are peculiar signs of exhaustion. It is very easy to notice such changes in behavior, which makes it possible to prevent a crisis and normalize psycho-emotional balance.

Please note that they can throw you out of emotional balance. various factors, which in in good condition people pay little attention. Systematic alcohol abuse can increase susceptibility to nervous breakdowns.

Causes of children's hysteria

A tantrum in infants is a way of expressing feelings of despair or anger. The child's psyche has its own unique features. Thus, similar mental reactions are a way to “let off steam” in situations where the baby cannot get what he wants.

According to experts, the causes of children's tantrums are associated with the inability to curb their own feelings. Due to lack of development speech apparatus, children under the age of three cannot fully tell their parents about their own experiences, emotions and desires. As children grow older and develop cognitive skills, they stop using this tool to attract parental attention.

The cause of hysteria can be a contradiction between the desire for something and the inability to satisfy it.

Psychologists divide all types of children's tantrums into two separate groups . The first group consists of hysterical manifestations child's character. The cause of this type of nervous breakdown is an urgent need emotional release. When a child experiences various difficulties in achieving what he wants, internal emotional stress may cause a hysterical attack. An example would be a situation in which a child with high threshold sensitivity is forced to endure the pestering of other children.

Also, according to psychologists, psychomotor agitation, the need for physical relaxation, problems associated with loss of appetite and sleep disturbances can cause hysterical attacks. In order to prevent the development of such attacks, you should try to avoid the influence irritating factors and pay as much attention as possible to the baby’s condition.

The second group of hysterical manifestations includes hysterical attacks aimed at obtaining certain results. The manipulative form of hysteria is one of the ways for a child to control his own parents. Such attacks can be triggered by denial of the child’s wishes. It is important for parents of children prone to manipulative hysteria to learn to resist the child’s actions. The “respite” technique, which involves removing the child from the object of desire, allows you to speed up the course of the attack.

Prevention of nervous breakdowns

It is important to understand that a person is not always able to cope with his feelings and curb emotional outbursts. If you feel that you are one step away from boiling point, you should seek qualified advice as soon as possible. psychological help. It is quite easy to pass the point of no return, but preventing the development of a crisis is much easier. According to experts, just a few sessions of psychotherapy are enough to resolve internal conflicts and find a way out of difficult life situations. Long-term treatment with the use of medications is necessary only when nervous breakdown join depressive disorder and other psychosomatic diseases.

Most people feel empty and confused after an emotional outburst.

To compensate for exhaustion nervous system, attention should be paid to relaxation sessions and sensory reproduction. These trainings are based on acquiring skills to manage your own mental state. Neuromuscular relaxation allows you to explore various emotional states using bodily sensations. By learning such methods of consciousness control, a person gains the opportunity to control his own emotional state. Sensory reproduction is a relaxation method that is aimed at finding internal energy and replenishing mental resources to withstand stress.

Hysteria is one of extreme forms manifestations of fatigue syndrome and stress. This condition is not a disease, which indicates that there is no need for drug treatment.

They are ready to do anything to attract attention. They dress and behave provocatively, speak in a special, theatrical tone, and puzzle those around them with a sharp change in behavior - from incredible complacency to unbearable coldness. Few people realize that under the spectacular appearance of hysterical personalities there is often a rather pitiful image of themselves. That is why they are forced to draw confidence from the admiring gaze of others.

The emotional mood of these people is constantly changing, and it is difficult to determine whether they behave this way on purpose in order to further interest and surprise, or, like children, they quickly move from laughter to tears. Moreover, the hysterics themselves are not able to realize their own feelings and sensations. It seems to them that they are natural, although in reality they are afraid that others will not like them. At the first acquaintance, hysterical personalities can captivate and charm, but their demonstrative behavior, rapid mood changes, constant thirst attention, excessive emotions after some time become boring to those around them, and they leave. Which makes the hysterical person put even more effort into charming and seducing, and he behaves even more demonstratively and unnaturally.

Distinctive features

Constantly strives to attract the attention of others and suffers if he fails. Actively seeks the love and affection of others. + Moves quickly from one emotion to another; often expresses his feelings in a theatrical manner.+ Speaks in an affective manner; likes to describe his impressions, omitting specific facts and details.+ Tends to idealize or, conversely, unfounded criticism of others.

Familiar features?

The need to be liked changeable mood, some exaltation... aren't these typically feminine qualities? For centuries, literature has taught us that women seduce men solely out of coquetry. That they are treacherous, always playing tricks, deceiving in order to better use it for their own benefit. male strength... The ancient Greeks believed that such pure female manifestations caused by rapid processes occurring in their body. By the way, the word “hysteria” comes from the Greek husteros - womb.

However, the term hysterical personality"disappeared from the American Psychiatric Association classification in 1980. It was found that behavior and personality disorders those who were called hysterics had nothing to do with the uterus. Identical symptoms also occur in men: on average, for every two hysterical women there is one hysterical man. Of course, in some ways they behave differently from women, but they also crave attention and recognition. In addition, the term "hysterical" became negative, and in spoken language the word "hysterical" sounds like an insult. For such people, they chose another term - the artistic personality type, which comes from the Latin histrio - actor, comedian. For the reason that almost everyone who was called hysterical is characterized by a manner of expressing their emotions in a dramatic, theatrical form.

* L. Francois, A. Christophe “Is he a schizophrenic?!.. How to communicate with difficult people"(Generation, 2007).

Benefit or harm?

Behavior rules

What do we have to do

Be prepared for exaggeration and theatricality. The behavior of a hysteric is not whims, but a norm that is entirely consistent with his character. Therefore, it is pointless to get irritated and repeat to yourself: when will he stop this circus? This is not a circus, but a way to behave, to give yourself more confidence, to suppress too difficult experiences in the bud. Try to recognize that his artistry is as natural a phenomenon as, for example, myopia or baldness. Will you be annoyed? poor eyesight or the bald head of your loved one or friend?

Give him the stage from time to time, but impose certain restrictions. The more you reject the tantrumer, the more he will try to regain attention. Be patient, but also set the rules of the game.

Show interest whenever he behaves normally. Sometimes, confident in your attention, the artistic personality temporarily switches from theatrical behavior to normal behavior. Don't miss these precious minutes. React by approving this course of action.

Be always ready to move from hero status to nonentity status and vice versa.

What not to do

Laugh at them. They often seem funny and easily make you want to make fun of them. This applies, for example, to two year old child, who begins to "exhibit" when adults pay too much attention to his little sister. They also laugh at hysterical men because they often seem like frivolous opponents. (Not like paranoids - they laugh at them much less often.) The more you laugh, the more you push him to use all the means available to him necessary to attract attention, even to the point of hysteria, going into illness, attempting suicide.

Take seriously their attempts to seduce you - sometimes there is nothing behind them. They are ready to do anything to attract attention to themselves, and often try to introduce a touch of sexuality into any relationship, even professional ones. In response, you can begin to behave accordingly. At the risk of instantly receiving a rebuff, accompanied by surprise and even indignation!

Allow yourself to be touched. The emotionality, fragility and even infantilism of an artistic personality can make you want to protect it from the entire world around you. But for her you are only an audience. And the public, which is easy to win, quickly loses interest.

Three caveats

If this is your boss, try to remain yourself, even if he asks you to do the opposite.

If this is your employee, maintain a distance that will allow him to idealize you.

If this is your life partner, appreciate the excitement and variety that he brings to your existence. After all, this is why you connected your life with him.

Hysteria (or hysterical neurosis) is one of the forms of general neurosis. At the same time, the variety of symptoms is simply amazing - and seizures, and loss of hearing and vision, sensory disturbances and movement disorders, And whole line others. At the same time, the patient strives to demonstrate his hysteria to others, to make it clear how bad he is, so to speak, “working for the public.”

Charcot, the founder of the French school, called hysteria “the great malingerer.” He noticed that hysterical neurosis is capable of simulating (copying) many organic diseases nervous system. So, is such a person sick, or is he simply trying to manipulate others?

Causes of the disease

As a rule, hysterical neurosis (hysteria) does occur in people of a certain type (both men and women). They are characterized by egocentrism, demonstrative behavior, mood swings, and high emotional excitability. But the most important thing is that these people have very high suggestibility and self-hypnosis. That is why, even if the disease began with the goal of manipulating others, then, as a result, the patient really feels a whole range of painful symptoms. Over time, this reaction is consolidated at the level of the nervous system.

So, like any neurosis, hysterical neurosis is a disease that must be treated.

Female hysteria occurs much more often than male hysteria, since the psyche of women in general is more emotionally labile and unstable.

The cause of hysteria is considered to be the occurrence of psychotraumatic situations in a person’s life, both long-term and situational.


So, hysterical neurosis (hysteria) can have a wide variety of symptoms:

  • Speech disorders. These include loss of the ability to speak (mutism), hysterical aphonia (the sonority of the voice decreases), stuttering, and “chanting by syllables” (hysterical chanting). At the same time, the patient’s cough remains loud.
  • Visual and hearing impairments. Blindness may occur in one or both eyes, and narrowing of the visual field. Hysterical deafness occurs quite often, usually in one ear.
  • Sensory disturbances. This includes hysterical pain, anesthesia, hyperesthesia, hypoesthesia. That is, the patient may not feel any part of the body at all, or, on the contrary, experience excessive sensitivity. Headache usually felt locally, on a small area of ​​the head.
  • Motor disorders. Usually manifested by paralysis (paresis) of muscles, usually of the limbs, contractures, the patient cannot perform complex movements. A psychogenic inability to stand and walk may occur.
  • Disorders internal organs. There may be a feeling of a “lump in the throat”, inability to swallow, loss of appetite, psychogenic vomiting or belching, yawning, heart pain, changes in heartbeat, etc.
  • Mental disorders are manifested in symptoms characteristic of this psychotype (a constant desire to be the center of attention, egocentrism, whims, a tendency to dramatize, theatricality and infantile behavior).

Course of the attack

Most often, the attack begins with hysterical paroxysms. They develop as a result of the occurrence of a mentally traumatic situation for the patient (conflict at work, quarrel in the family). Also, hysteria can arise against the background of excessive guardianship and concern of others in relation to the patient’s health (remember that such patients are very suspicious and prone to self-hypnosis; this is more common in women).

The first signs of an attack arise as a reaction to emotional unrest, and are expressed by pain in the heart, a feeling of lack of air, “a lump in the throat.” The patient falls and has convulsions. The face may turn red or pale, the patient may tear his clothes, scream, cry and laugh at the same time. The patient remembers the attack, that is, consciousness is preserved, at least partially.

Hysteria, the symptoms of which appear as a reaction precisely to traumatic external circumstances, never manifests itself as seizures during sleep. The patient’s actions look “theatrical,” demonstrative. A person may scratch himself, throw various objects, etc.

Hysterical neurosis in children

Hysteria or hysterical neurosis in children, as a rule, arises as a result of disharmonious upbringing in the family. In this case, the characteristics of the child’s nervous system (his psychotype), of course, matter. Although it is possible to be completely susceptible to this disease healthy child, who has no mental problems.

On the one hand, a prerequisite may be a type of disharmonious upbringing in which there is absolutely no system of prohibitions and restrictions for the child in the family (this is more often typical for older women and grandmothers). In this case, the child becomes hysterically demanding, insists on satisfying any of his whims, and in case of refusal, a hysterical attack occurs. In another case, a child’s tantrum can serve as a way to attract the attention of adults (if adults do not normally pay enough attention to the child’s needs).

Also to hysterical attacks can also lead to this type of disharmonious upbringing, when there are too many prohibitions and restrictions, and the child is completely deprived of the opportunity independent choice in any matter. In this case, the child is not able to “meet” the too high bar set by the parents, and also experiences severe stress.

Treatment of hysteria in children is carried out on an outpatient basis, using psychotherapy methods, and, in case of emergency, tranquilizers. Of course, parallel work between the psychologist and parents is necessary, aimed at developing a more harmonious educational model.

Treatment methods

The difficulty of treating this disease is due to the fact that it is very difficult for the patient to refuse demonstrative manifestations of the disease “in front of the viewer.”

When working with a patient, a psychotherapist strives to identify a traumatic factor and then helps the patient eliminate it (through persuasion or suggestion). It is important to ensure the earliest possible relief hysterical symptoms, while they have not yet had time to firmly gain a foothold in the psyche. This is doubly important for women – these symptoms become established in them quite quickly. A specialist can use hypnotherapy, drug psychotherapy, and mediated psychotherapy.

In parallel with psychotherapy, restorative treatment is carried out. For increased excitability, bromine or valerian preparations are prescribed, and sometimes tranquilizers. For persistent insomnia, sleeping pills can be used. Treatment of hysteria can also be very effective with the use of occupational therapy.

It is important for family members of such a patient to remember that under no circumstances should the patient’s attention be focused on the symptoms of the disease.



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