Amino acids of salmon fish. Benefits of salmon for human health and contraindications

Salmon is a fish that has gained popularity due to the presence of omega-3 fatty acids in its composition. Recent studies have shown that salmon contains few bioactive peptides that control inflammatory processes in the digestive tract.

A serving of salmon contains (% of daily allowance):

  • 153 kcal;
  • Vitamin B12 - 236%;
  • Vitamin D - 128%;
  • Vitamin B3 - 56%;
  • Omega-3 - 55%;
  • Protein - 53%;
  • Vitamin B6 - 38%;
  • Biotin - 15%.

Salmon is perfect food for those who care about health.

Useful properties of salmon will appear with regular use of fish. Salmon is best digested with vegetables. Salad of red fish and vegetables is more effective than antidepressants, which are sold in pharmacies.

Omega 3 fatty acid remove inflammation and help recover from illness. With regular use of salmon, the brain functions better.

Omega-3 acids slow down the aging of the body by restoring the chromosomes in the cells. Women over 35 are advised to eat salmon 3 times a week to prevent wrinkles.

Prevention cardiovascular diseases

Eating fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids reduces the risk of heart and vascular problems. Salmon prevents the development of arrhythmia, stroke and high pressure. This effect of fish on humans is explained by the actions of amino acids. They lower the level of "bad" cholesterol in the blood and prevent scarring of the walls of veins and arteries.

Improving mood and strengthening the nervous system

Omega-3 fatty acids reduce the risk of brain diseases and depression. In adolescents, with moderate consumption of salmon, the transitional age passes more easily. Older people have a reduced risk of cognitive impairment.

School and university students who eat salmon weekly show top scores performance than those who do not eat fish at all.

Joint protection

In ongoing studies, calcitonin, which is an important female hormone. It regulates the balance of collagen and minerals in bones and tissues. Calcitonin, along with Omega-3 acids, has unique anti-inflammatory properties that benefit joints.

Beauty maintenance

Beneficial fatty acids support hair, skin and nails healthy condition. This effect of fish on the body is explained by the action of selenium. This antioxidant is sold in a pharmacy, but it is obtained from salmon meat.

With age, the amount of collagen in the human body decreases and wrinkles appear on the skin. In this case, salmon caviar helps. It activates the process of collagen production, and vitamins and minerals contained in salmon caviar stimulate metabolism.

Salmon caviar is also useful for hair. Vitamins and minerals that are part of the caviar make the hair thicker and give it shine.

Salmon is of great harm to the body. It contains toxic substances.

If you are allergic to the salmon family, fish should be excluded from the diet.

Salmon contains purines, which make gout worse. With an exacerbation of the disease, completely abandon the use of fish so that the harm of salmon does not harm health.

Don't eat raw salmon. In sushi and other dishes where the fish is not exposed heat treatment, there are larvae of helminths. To avoid unpleasant consequences and help get rid of worms.

A lot has been said about the benefits of fish. And with all the variety of systems proper nutrition there are products in invaluable benefit which experts are almost unanimous. These products include fish, and more specifically, fish from the salmon family.

By increasing the share of fish in our diet, we can avoid many health problems, extend our lives by improving its quality. What is so valuable contained in this miracle fish?

Salmon is also called "red fish", belonging to the salmon family. This family also includes trout, pink salmon, chum salmon, salmon, sockeye salmon, etc. During three years From the moment they are born, salmon live in fresh waters Therefore, this fish is called freshwater. Our tables are mostly served with fish supplied from Canada and Scandinavian countries.

In length, some types of salmon reach 150 cm, and the weight of the fish ranges from 5 to 30 kg.

Useful and harmful properties of salmon

Salmon is a source of quality protein. The quality of the protein contained in salmon roe also plays a role important role: caviar contains about 30% of high-value proteins, which is rare for animal proteins and 10-13% of easily digestible fats.

In addition, it is impossible not to name other useful properties salmon caviar: it is rich in lecithin, vitamins A, E, D and group B, phosphorus, iron and others minerals And organic compounds. And, as you know, all these elements are necessary for the normal development of the body, skin cells, normalization blood pressure and an increase in hemoglobin.

In addition to useful fatty acids and protein, salmon meat contains vitamins and elements: potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, chlorine, iron, zinc, chromium, fluorine, molybdenum, nickel, vitamins B1, B2, C, E, PP and A.

caviar fat salmon fish contains more iodine than the meat itself. Caviar fat contains a large amount of "good" cholesterol: from 1.5 to 14%, lecithin: from 1.0 to 43%, as well as vitamins A, B, D and C. Red caviar does not contain carbohydrates and harmful fats.

Fish oil protects the arteries, helps to "thinn the blood" (an action similar to that of aspirin), thereby preventing the formation of blood clots.

Only 100g of salmon contains half the daily value of vitamins B12 and PP. Great content in fish and vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, E and D, folic acid, phosphorus, calcium, potassium, iodine and selenium. But most of all, this fish is valued for its high content of omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids.

That is why regular consumption of fish has a beneficial effect on all body systems: nervous, circulatory, digestive, immune. And this product also contains substances that help reduce the level of fats in the blood and reduce the formation of plaques in the brain, which means that fish lovers are not afraid of memory impairment and degradation of the optic nerves.

What are the harmful properties of salmon?

If a fish was born in a free environment, then it contains much less harmful substances than fish raised in captivity. Farmed salmon can contain many dangerous chemical compounds such as arsenic, mercury, dioxins, etc. - Substances that have a toxic effect on the body.

Health Benefits of Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Why is this fish so useful? Salmon, whose beneficial properties are in the content of omega-3 fatty acids, is recommended to improve brain activity and vision. Moreover, 100 g of salmon contains more of these fats than a person receives for several days. The recommended dose of omega-3 for an adult is 4 grams per day (based on a 2,000 calorie intake).

In addition to omega-3 fatty acids, salmon has an almost ideal concentration of omega-6 fatty acids.

Eating fish containing omega-3 fatty acids reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases: stroke, heart attack, hypertension, arrhythmia, etc.

Eating fish rich in fatty acids can reduce the risk of arthrosis and arthritis. In addition, the high content of omega-3 will help the elderly in the fight against cognitive impairment and depression. And some of the scientists even claim that these acids increase the level of IQ.

Ophthalmologists advise eating fish to reduce the risk of degeneration yellow spot (chronic problem eyes, which can lead to blindness). To do this, you need to eat 3-5 servings per week (1 serving - 80g).

Omega-3 fatty acids may help reduce the occurrence of certain types of cancer: colorectal cancer prostate and breast cancer, leukemia, multiple myeloma and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma.

Omega-3 helps to produce in our body substances that are of great importance in ensuring normal operation brain. Unsaturated fatty acids help reduce blood clotting, regulate blood pressure levels, and with regular use, they reduce the risk of heart attacks, strokes, thrombosis and other cardiovascular diseases by almost half.

People who eat fish regularly are less anxious, more emotionally stable, and less prone to depression.

One more property of Omega-3 should be noted - it improves the condition of the skin, helps to resist harmful ultraviolet radiation. Fish also has enough healthy protein, which is easily digestible and rich in amino acids that enhance the detoxification function of the liver and prevent fatty degeneration of its cells. A healthy liver gives a healthy appearance.

Thus, the use of salmon gives longevity and health, regardless of age: for men, women, nursing mothers, and children.

How to choose and store salmon

Salmon is very respected by housewives all over the world. They say that there is nothing tastier than the taste of wild salmon, but, unfortunately, farm-raised fish ends up on our table, as it is more affordable. Wild salmon is available from February to August, when farmed salmon is available all year round.

It is always worth choosing the thickest part of the carcass - it is the softest compared to the tail. Fresh fish has a pink-orange color, it is not slippery to the touch and has almost no smell.

You can store salmon wrapped in the refrigerator, but it is better to use immediately. If fresh fish cut into steaks or fillets, it is worth checking whether it has been previously frozen: the flesh should be soft and firm, without stains and water.

Salmon belongs to the ocean fish of the salmon family. Its weight can reach fifty kilograms. In the 19th century, mankind began to breed salmon in artificial conditions. And this fact is not at all surprising, since salmon is a valuable delicacy. Dishes from this fish will decorate any festive table. Salmon, pink salmon and chum salmon are red fish. Their meat has a delicate taste and a pleasant pink hue. And salmon caviar is a well-known delicacy that has a beneficial effect on human health.

Benefits and calories of salmon

Like any other fish, in addition to calories, salmon contains a lot of phosphorus. This element necessary for the formation of strong teeth, bones, to maintain strength, energy production. Phosphorus, together with other substances, takes part in the most important physiological processes in the human body. In addition to calories, salmon contains magnesium, calcium, potassium, and sodium. Potassium helps our muscles withstand stress. It's all about salmon necessary product to form an elastic muscle tissue and strong skeleton.

Vitamins in salmon meat also play an important role. B vitamins are leading in quantity. They are responsible for normal functioning brain, for the health of the nervous system. And this is essential in modern conditions life. In addition, B vitamins normalize the immune system, participate in the formation of cells, and help the production of hormones. The composition of the fish contains almost all the vitamins of this group. And this is important, since individually these substances lose a share of their effectiveness. In addition to calories, salmon contains vitamin A, which is extremely important for a developing body.

Of course, the most important benefit of salmon is the content of omega-3 acids. These polyunsaturated fatty acids cannot be produced by the body on their own, so it is important to take them with food. Omega-3 acids have a number of important properties:

  • these acids are essential for the heart. They stimulate its work, regulate the production of blood cells, protect against the risk of cardiovascular diseases;
  • omega 3 contribute normal development nervous system, as well as stimulate the activity of the eyes and brain;
  • paired with vitamin D, acids act as an antidepressant that does not harm the body, unlike chemical drugs.

Salmon is preferable to other fish due to its very high concentration omega 3. One serving of fish contains 1.9 g of acids. Salmon also contains minimal amount harmful trans fats that cause cholesterol buildup.

It should also be noted the high calorie content of salmon. How many calories are in salmon? The calorie content of salmon is 269 kcal. That's quite a lot if you look at diet food. In this regard, it can be eaten no more than 150 g per day.

Salmon is also a great helper in the fight against aging. Thanks to the beneficial substances included in it, the use of this fish stops biological processes aging. Studies show that omega-3s prevent the shortening of the end zones of chromosomes, thereby slowing down aging.

Calorie content of salmon, its use and harm

As mentioned above, due to the high calorie content of salmon, it should be approached carefully. What can not be said about other fish of the salmon family. This is keta, a real dietary product. The calorie content of chum salmon is 127 kcal per 100 g. If you also take into account the high content of proteins, you can understand that after eating a little chum salmon, you will become full. In doing so, you will receive great amount nutrients. And the fats in chum are easily digested, while not causing damage to the body. Due to the low calorie content of chum salmon and its low fat content, it is ideal for diets. The calorie content of chum salmon for a couple is even less than fresh. Therefore, we recommend this dish to you. But it is better to refuse smoking and pickles. The calorie content of salted chum salmon is 184 kcal, and the calorie content of smoked chum salmon is 385 kcal.

But let's get back to salmon, our main topic of conversation. Because of high probability mercury content, salmon is not recommended for consumption during breastfeeding and pregnancy. This may be dangerous for the child. But during menopause or PMS, salmon will not interfere with women at all. Men who want to prolong their birth should also include salmon in the menu. It is best to use it steamed. How many calories are in steamed salmon? The calorie content of steamed salmon is 187 kcal. You can also treat yourself to grilled fish. The calorie content of grilled salmon is 199 kcal.

How many calories are in salmon in meals? It is worth remembering that the calorie content of salmon with the addition of a tablespoon of oil increases by 60 kcal. If you like to use a pre-cook fish marinade that contains sauce, sugar and wine, then remember that all this also increases the calorie content of salmon.

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I remember in the 5th season of the American show “Masterchef” with Gordon Ramsay, one of the most spectacular tasks was related to the correct cutting and preparation of a 6-kilogram king salmon from the clear waters of Alaska. The show did not forget to add that each such fish costs about $ 450. Even transferring into rubles is scary. And how in that series they described the look and flavor of salmon dishes! And not so long ago, a series of programs about healthy food was broadcast on the Science 2.0 TV channel. One of the most useful fish it is considered ... as you might guess, salmon. So why is there so much talk about him?

If you start looking for information about salmon fish, the first thing you will find is the mention omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids . The words "acid" and "fat" often carry a negative connotation in our minds, yet omega-3 PUFAs are often referred to as "essential" fatty acids. This name was given by researchers who discovered their role in normal growth children. Why else are they needed? Firstly, they lower cholesterol levels, secondly, they affect the skin and kidney function, thirdly, they accelerate the healing of injured or infected tissues, and also positive effect observed when they are used during diseases such as atherosclerosis, diabetes, arthritis. Scientists from the University of Massachusetts have concluded that eating foods with omega-3 PUFAs can significantly reduce the harm caused to the body by polluted air. Agree, this is especially valuable when you live in Chelyabinsk.

The second and important plus of salmon - vitamin D or the sun vitamin (that's what they call it). The absorption of magnesium and calcium, which are required for the formation and strengthening of teeth and bones, is impossible without its participation. According to studies, vitamin D slows down the growth of cancer cells and is effective tool in the treatment and prevention of leukemia, cancer of the breast, ovaries, prostate, brain. Plus, it improves immunity and coordinates the production of insulin by the pancreas (that is, it affects the level of glucose in the blood), maintains the normal functioning of nerves and muscles.
And do not forget that proteins or amino acids - important substances our cells, tissues, enzymes and hormones. Salmon proteins (as, indeed, the proteins of any other fish) are easily digested human body. Salmon is also rich in minerals, for example, selenium (necessary element for tissue, hair and nail growth).

In addition, salmon contains phosphorus And potassium which have a beneficial effect on muscles and bones. And the last. This fish slows down the aging process.

And now about the unpleasant ... 100 grams of salmon contains 269 kcal, so it is better to consume no more than 150 grams of the product per day. It is because of such a high calorie content that salmon should be treated very carefully. Otherwise, all useful properties will immediately turn into harmful ones.

Yes, salmon, so tasty and satisfying, has them too. For example, it contains mercury , which is why pregnant and lactating women should wait a little with the use of fish. By the way, the level of mercury in both farmed fish and wild fish is approximately the same.

Remember the $450 a fish? It was a wild salmon that lives in clear waters. In stores of countries and regions far from the oceans, farmed fish is often imported. And breeders sometimes “cheat”: they tint feed or salmon already cut into fillets, because of which the color becomes more saturated and noble. Recognizing such a “make-up” is not difficult: just blot the meat with a clean white napkin. Paint will always leave a mark that affects not in the best way on palatability, and there is no benefit from it. But the concentration of harmful substances can be exceeded 10 times compared to wild salmon.

In Europe, there have even been cases where salmon were farmed in areas with high content heavy metals, such as cadmium And lead . And they settle in the fatty layer of the fish. By the way, although the feed makes the fish fatter, it does not contribute to the formation of omega-3 PUFAs. In addition, the feed often includes antibiotics, soy and GMOs (whose harm, it should be noted, has not been officially confirmed by anyone). The use of such salmon can cause changes in the brain of an adult, according to Harvard scientists.

This raises the most important question: what to do?

Ideally, before buying, ask for a certificate in the store, which will indicate where the salmon came from. If from a farm, then open the Internet and read about it. Please note: if the farm has open ocean near the shore, the fish probably fed on human waste. But they will do so... best case 5% of buyers. There are other "beacons" that you can navigate.

Salmon color: it should not be too gray (this means that the fish was “sitting” on antibiotics) or too red (dyes are clearly involved here). You will probably buy salmon in ice cream: please note that in this state it cannot be stored for more than two weeks. And the eyes of the fish must be clean and whole. If they are cloudy and as if depressed, then, most likely, she has lost her freshness. Gently press your finger on the salmon meat (necessarily through polyethylene or in sterile gloves). Did the dimple heal quickly? The fish is of good quality.

If clearly visible white streaks are visible on the cut of the fillet, then most likely such a fish was bred on a farm. And know that wild salmon always goes on sale from February to August, while fish from farms is available all year round.

But the good news is that most canned salmon is made from wild-caught salmon from the ocean.

And there is also universal advice: any product should be used carefully and ... in moderation.

- This is an ocean fish that is born in the fresh waters of rivers and rushes to the sea. The survivors become large predators. Their weight can reach 50 kg. Everyone knows tragic fate these fish. Obeying an ancient instinct, they return to the rivers and rush upstream to lay their eggs and die of impotence.

At the same time, salmon are completely different. More precisely, under the guise of salmon, several different types fish - trout, salmon, chum salmon, pink salmon, taimen and some others. The meat of this fish has a delicate taste and a beautiful pink color with an orange tint. The most popular species are trout, pink salmon and salmon. In stores, the carcasses of these fish can be found frozen, smoked, salted and pickled. Many dishes are prepared with them. This fish is especially popular among lovers of Japanese cuisine. The melt-in-your-mouth salmon goes well with rice and has become a common ingredient in sushi. Also, this meat can often be found on holiday tables as part of snacks or sliced.

But salmon is famous not only for its taste. Hidden in his flesh huge reserves useful substances needed by our body.

salmon composition

So let's see what nutrients are rich in salmon. Salmon meat is excellent dietary product. It has a lot of protein, little fat and no carbohydrates at all. Of the vitamins, it is especially rich in niacin (vitamin B3, PP). This substance provides beneficial effect absolutely on the whole body - the circulatory, nervous and digestive systems. It also improves metabolism and hormonal balance. Salmon is rich in vitamins B5, B6, B2, B1 and many others. Potassium and phosphorus lead among macronutrients. These substances are known to be necessary for the functioning of the cardiovascular system, the development of muscle tissue and the normal functioning of the brain. It also contains calcium, magnesium and sodium. A lot of salmon meat and trace elements. It is especially rich in iron and zinc, it also contains manganese, copper and selenium.

Useful properties of salmon

Tender salmon meat is perfectly digested, saturating the body with protein. Therefore, it is considered a good dietary product. Salmon meat can be eaten by both children and the elderly, as well as people in the recovery period after a serious illness.

Salmon is especially valuable because it contains fatty acids, which is now being talked about so much. In particular, salmon is rich in docosahexanoic acid, which helps the development and proper functioning of the brain, as well as improving memory. This substance is not synthesized in the human body, and not all foods contain it in enough. If you want to help your brain in its hard work, eat salmon fish more often.

Salmon meat is a real source of beauty. Vitamins B6 and B 12 help strengthen bone tissue, hair and nails, make the skin more elastic and beautiful. A large amount of potassium in fish strengthens the bones and blood vessels of a person. Therefore, it is especially useful for children during their growth period, when the body constantly requires a large number"building materials" for growth and development.

For adults, it will help to make the vessels strong and clean. Studies show that regular consumption of salmon meat strengthens the walls of blood vessels and slightly thins the blood. It is also known that salmon meat tends to improve the absorption of sugars and fats by the body. Therefore, regular consumption of this fish reduces the risk of developing diabetes. Salmon has a beneficial effect on nervous system providing a relaxing and soothing effect.

Harm to salmon

Salmon has a lot useful properties and has no contraindications. However, it is not recommended to eat this fish for pregnant women and mothers during breastfeeding. Some types of fish may contain small amounts of mercury. She usually does not provide any negative impact on the human body. But even such a dose can harm an embryo or a newborn.

Also, do not eat salmon for people suffering from chronic diseases digestive system and obesity. In these cases, it is better to consult a doctor.

salmon calories

Salmon is a fairly high-calorie fish. But it is worth considering that about two-thirds of the calories come from proteins, the rest from fats. An average salmon fish fillet contains approximately 219 kcal per 100 grams. Certainly, energy value fish also depends on the method of its preparation. The least calories will be in salmon, steamed or fried on a grill or open fire. Increases the calorie content of vegetable oil and marinades, which contain wine and sugar.

Salmon in cooking

You can cook a lot of dishes from salmon - it is fried, marinated, steamed, added to pies, soups, snacks and much more are cooked with it.

Salmon baked in creamy lemon sauce

To prepare this dish, you will need 600-700 g of salmon fillet, 2 tablespoons of capers, half a glass of sour cream, a quarter cup of lemon juice, 1 teaspoon of seasoning from grated lemon peel and pepper, 1 tablespoon of olive oil, 1 clove of garlic, lemon, herbs .

Heat the olive oil in a small frying pan, then add the pre-minced garlic clove to it. After a minute, reduce the gas to a minimum and add the lemon juice, zest and pepper seasoning, and capers. Stir all the ingredients for 5 minutes, then add sour cream and wait another 5 minutes. At this time, you need to preheat the oven to 180 degrees and put a baking sheet there, smeared with olive oil. Put the fillet on it and spread it with sauce. Some of the sauce should remain in the pan. The salmon will be ready in 20 minutes. Pour the rest of the sauce over the fillet, put the sprigs of greens and lemon circles and serve.

Rolls with salmon

This gourmet dish will fit any table. You can cook it for picnics, and as snacks. It is not only tasty, but also very satisfying.

To prepare rolls, you will need 4 pieces of fillet weighing approximately 150 grams, 4 large cabbage leaves, 3 red onions , 1-2 tablespoons vegetable oil, 1 clove of garlic, cilantro, half a red sweet pepper, a piece of ginger root, 1 lemon and 1 hot red pepper.

Cabbage leaves should be dipped in hot water for a few minutes. They should be soft but elastic. Then take a deep plate, grate the lemon zest into it and squeeze out the juice, add chopped garlic. Pieces of fish should be grated with seasonings - salt, garlic, pepper, sprinkle with zest and pour over lemon juice. Onions should be cut into slices, and peppers - into strips. Grate the ginger root. All vegetables and seasonings should be divided into 4 parts. Spread onion, pepper, cilantro and ginger evenly on each sheet, top with a piece of salmon. Carefully wrap the sheet and tie with twine. Rolls need to be baked in the oven for half an hour.



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