A 1 year old child cries in his sleep. Why can a baby cry in his sleep without waking up, and what to do?

Breast baby may cry for various reasons: he is in pain, he is hungry or wet, he was surprised by something during the day, or he has increased intracranial pressure. Install more exact reason Your local doctor will help you with this behavior.

Sleepless nights after childbirth are familiar to almost every mother. Very often, a baby may cry in his sleep or immediately after waking up. This phenomenon can occur for various reasons. A mother should be attentive to her baby, and if the child’s crying at night occurs frequently, there is a reason to tell the doctor about it.

Why does a baby cry in his sleep?

No one can accurately answer the question of why a child cries in his sleep. Each case is individual, and the mother needs to take into account the most likely reasons for this behavior of the baby. Most common cause bad sleep a newborn baby has colic. In children of this age digestive system is not yet formed, so the child may experience pain and discomfort, especially in a dream. Another common and harmless reason why a baby cries in his sleep may be hunger. Perhaps the baby is hungry and asks for food. Or his mother's absence might have scared him. Don’t forget to check diapers and change nappies: sleeping in wet clothes is unpleasant and dangerous to your health.

If the hysterics continue long time and nothing helps, there is a reason to consult a doctor. The doctor will be able to identify the reason why the newborn cries in his sleep. At this age, formation continues nervous system, and babies are very sensitive to daily events. But if developmental pathologies are detected, the doctor will be able to prescribe the necessary treatment.

The child wakes up at night with hysterics

Parents need to remember that all children are different. Therefore, babies can wake up in different ways. Someone wakes up quietly and lies silently waiting for their mother. Other kids throw tantrums immediately after waking up. Parents often wonder: why does a child wake up and cry at night? If the crying looks like hysteria, although you have not noticed this before, there is a suspicion that the baby is in pain. Take the temperature and try to calm the baby down. If the baby falls asleep quickly and calmly after communicating with his mother, perhaps his hysteria occurred due to fright. Children in infancy They can be afraid of anything, even their own hands or feet. Sometimes babies wake up hysterical because strong feeling hunger. Then you need to feed him and put him down again. If a 6-month-old child cries a lot in his sleep, this may indicate the appearance of his first teeth. The process is unpleasant and sometimes lengthy. Over time, you will learn to determine the nature of your baby's crying and will be able to distinguish alarm signal from a normal feeling of hunger.

A child screams in his sleep without waking up

Sometimes situations occur when a newborn screams in his sleep and does not wake up. This may indicate colic and feeling unwell baby. Another reason why a newborn screams in his sleep may be excessive emotional load. If a child receives any shock during the day, good or bad, this may affect his sleep. IMPORTANT But we cannot exclude the possibility of increased intracranial pressure and other neurological disorders. If a baby often cries in his sleep without waking up, this is a reason to contact a neurologist as soon as possible. The doctor will conduct necessary examinations baby and prescribe medications.

What to do if a child cries in his sleep?

To calm a child who often wakes up and cries, it is necessary to find out the cause of this phenomenon. The baby should be comfortable in the crib. Check it out sleeping area, change the diaper, feed or give water. For severe colic, medications must be given. But they are not always effective, so you need to calm the baby and wait it out. difficult period. The same can be said about teething. At such moments, be affectionate with your baby. If your child cries at night for no reason, you should consult a doctor. In this case, the doctor will be able to determine the cause.

Every mother is familiar with baby crying at night, and often its cause is difficult to determine. We will try to tell you why a child cries in his sleep and what parents should do in different situations.

Newborn babies

Babies cry in their sleep when they feel the slightest discomfort: a wet diaper, cold or heat, tummy pain or hunger. So the crying of a baby cannot be ignored; you definitely need to approach the child.

  1. Intestinal colic. Newborn babies often experience tummy pain. At the same time, they tense their legs, jerk them, and the babies pass gas. For such a case, you can purchase special drops or make do dill water and tea with the addition of fennel. And be sure to stroke the baby’s tummy clockwise - mother’s affection always helps ().
  2. Lack of mother nearby. Usually newborn babies fall asleep either in their mother's arms or next to her. When a child stops feeling his mother's presence, he begins to cry in his sleep. In this situation, just take the baby into your arms until he falls asleep again. Or you can teach your baby to fall asleep on his own. To do this, be patient for 3 days (this is the period that allows you to retrain the baby). When your baby wakes up and starts crying, just be patient and let him fall asleep on his own. Although this method causes a lot of controversy. An article about
  3. Teeth. At 4-5 months, any mother encounters the problem of teething. So, promptly purchase pain relief gel from the pharmacy and smear your baby’s gums before bed. Both your doctor and your pharmacist will help you choose the right gel. Article about the period
  4. Hunger. Immediately after birth, babies should establish a feeding schedule. If you feed your baby according to his demand, then gradually he will get used to sleeping at night for about 5 hours and not waking up. But if you have made the decision to feed your baby on a “schedule,” then be prepared for nighttime crying and feeding demands.
  5. Hot or cold room. Another reason why a child may cry in his sleep is a hot, stuffy or, conversely, cold room. Ventilate your baby’s room more often and maintain its temperature at 20-22 degrees.

A child cries in his sleep:

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me too, and I’ll also write about it))) But there’s nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too...

Children after one year

The question is why do children cry in their sleep? aged one year and older , deeper. Children after two years begin to have nightmares. The reason may be not only various experiences, but also banal overeating, disruption of the daily routine, or too active pastime before going to bed.

  1. Nightmares can be caused by eating a heavy or heavy dinner. Let your baby's last meal be 2 hours before bedtime, but not later. Food should be light. A daily routine will help you avoid sleep problems. If a child goes to bed at the same time, then his body does not have to experience stress and the likelihood of nightmares is minimal. With rare exceptions (trips, guests), the time when the baby goes to bed should not deviate by more than an hour.
  2. To set your child up for rest, come up with a traditional bedtime activity. This could be reading a book or an evening walk. The main thing is that the activity is calm and the child associates it with getting ready for bed. Active games before bed lead to overstimulation. Not only does it become difficult for the child to fall asleep, but his psyche may react too aggressively to such fun.
  3. One common reason why babies may cry in their sleep is computer games and watching TV. Nightmares can be caused not only by games and films with elements of violence, but also by harmless cartoons. Therefore, reduce your child's exposure to computers and TV, especially before bed.
  4. Emotional turmoil may haunt your baby. This could be a conflict with peers, arguing in the family, anxiety before a test, fear during the day, resentment. If you notice that something is bothering your baby, then try to cheer him up before going to bed. Tell the baby sweet words, support him.
  5. Nightmares can be caused by a fear of the dark. If your baby is afraid to sleep without light, then let him fall asleep with a night light. This will help the child feel protected and avoid unnecessary fears before bed.

Many babies may cry in their sleep, and most often there is no serious cause for concern. Try to protect your child from negative emotions, support your baby, don’t be afraid to show your care and love. Be friends with your baby, watch him and sleep peacefully!

Sometimes parents are surprised to note that their newborn baby can cry even in his sleep. Without waking up, babies whine and scream, shudder, wake up and fall asleep again. Fearing the worst, parents begin to look for an answer to the question of such behavior in medical reference books and ask for the opinion of children's doctors. However, there is no reason to worry. We will talk about why a child cries in his sleep in this article.

Causes of night crying

Spontaneous crying of babies during sleep is called physiological night crying. It rarely indicates illness. Typically, this behavior of a child is associated with an abundance of new impressions received during the day. Newborns and infants do not know how to express their emotions in any other way; they cannot tell, complain, or ask for help. The only means of communication available to them is loud crying.

Nervous system and motor functions The baby is not yet sufficiently developed. Any change in impulses passing through a complex system of nerve plexuses can cause crying. Night screaming in a dream most often has precisely these reasons - the peculiarities of the baby’s nervous organization. There is nothing dangerous, scary or alarming about this.

As the baby grows, his nervous system will become stronger and his perception will develop. He will learn to express his emotions - with a smile, facial expressions, gestures, and then words. The attacks of sudden night crying will stop. Another one probable cause physiological crying in sleep - transition from rapid sleep to slow sleep. Even in adults, such a transition can be accompanied by the appearance of vivid dreams and involuntary awakening, let alone infants!

Yes, they also have dreams, and, according to children’s doctors, babies dream dreams while still in the mother’s womb. A baby’s sleep can become anxious and restless after the day’s experiences.

If there were a lot of guests in the house, if the child was given a lot of attention, if he was tired before bed, then with a high degree of probability his sleep will be very restless.

Psychologists point to another possible reason night roar in a dream - on psychological need child in protection. Over the nine months spent in the mother’s womb, the baby got used to feeling protected and surrounded by his mother. After being born this feeling reliable protection things have shaken somewhat, because mom is no longer always around, and sometimes you have to call her loudly.

Short-term night crying, sobbing can be a kind of “check” of parents - whether they are in place or nearby. If the mother runs to hear the squeak, the baby can calmly continue to fall asleep. That is why it is most convenient to place the crib in the adult bedroom in the first months. Sometimes it is enough to stroke the baby’s back while he sleeps, and he calms down and calmly falls asleep again.

Normal physiological night crying is not long, heart-rending, loud, or persistent. It is more spontaneous in nature and does not repeat itself at the same time. In use sedatives and he does not need examination. If a child wakes up and begins to demand or cry sharply in his sleep, then it is worth considering other reasons for this behavior.

When does a child need help?

A baby can whine and scream in his sleep not only because age characteristics nervous system, but also for a number of others external and internal reasons who definitely need parental intervention.


Newborns and infants up to about 6 months experience physiological need in night feeding, or even more than one. Therefore, waking up and insistently demanding food is quite normal until of a certain age. This kind of crying is persistent.

A child who wakes up from hunger will not calm down and will not fall asleep again until he gets what he needs. The solution is simple - feed him and put him to bed again.


An uncomfortable bed, tight swaddling, irritating clothes - all these are reasons for waking up at night and demanding changes in circumstances. In this case, the awakening will be unsharp, gradual. First, the baby will begin to whine in his sleep, push, and “fidget.” Gradually the crying will become more persistent.

The baby will not calm down on its own. It is necessary to check whether the seams of his clothes are rubbing, whether his hands are numb in the diaper that was wrapped tightly, whether there are protrusions, holes, or uncomfortable folds on the mattress.

The issue of swaddling is a matter of family choice. But clothes must be seamless and made from natural fabrics that do not irritate the skin. Ideally, a child should sleep on a hard mattress without a pillow.

Unsuitable temperature and humidity

A gradual and smooth awakening with a transition from a sleepy whimper to a loud cry may indicate that the child is hot or cold. It’s easy to check - if the back of the baby’s head is sweaty, it means the parents have overdid it in heating the room; if the hands and nose are cold, it means the little one is cold.

In order for the baby to sleep comfortably, a certain temperature should be maintained - no higher than 20-21 degrees Celsius and a certain air humidity - 50-70%. 20 degrees on a room thermometer may seem too cool for adults. Children have different thermoregulation; they feel very comfortable at this temperature.

And too dry air leads to drying out of the mucous membranes of the respiratory organs, as a result of which it not only becomes more difficult for the baby to breathe, but also increases the risk of respiratory diseases.

Wet diaper

The key to a good night's sleep is a good, high-quality diaper that will “withstand” at least 8 hours. However, the excretory abilities of babies are different, and the baby can go to the toilet when absolutely necessary.

Waking up and crying with a wet or dirty diaper usually happens no more than once a night. Make sure that the diaper is not only dry, but also comfortable, does not pinch the sides and folds of the skin, does not hang loose and does not rub the baby’s skin.


Crying when feeling pain is difficult to confuse with anything else. Pain in children is associated with screaming at the reflex level. At acute pain The baby begins to scream heart-rendingly and sharply, immediately wakes up, and is difficult to calm him down. This happens, for example, with otitis media, with intestinal colic.

If the pain is aching or dull in nature, the child generally sleeps poorly, wakes up almost every hour, cries pitifully, protractedly, sometimes monotonously, sometimes without waking up completely. This happens when the first teeth erupt, with increased intracranial pressure, which causes headaches.

How to improve your child's sleep?

Physiological night crying usually disappears on its own when infant grows up to 4 months. The nervous system of five-month-old babies is already more stable, although severe fatigue can cause sleep disturbances in them too.

To improve the sleep of a baby from 1 month and older, you should remember that The daily routine for a baby is very important. During the day, the baby should spend enough time on fresh air. All new impressions, games and acquaintances should be shifted to the first half of the day. In the evening, the child should not communicate with big amount strangers. Dimmed light, quiet voices, and a restorative massage before swimming will be beneficial.

If the baby does not sleep well, parents can try bathing in cool water according to the method of Dr. Evgeniy Komarovsky.

Don't overfeed your baby because this is also a common reason be good sleep at night. In the penultimate evening feeding, it is better so that the child does not eat his fill, but in the last, which completes all evening procedures, you need to feed the child enough, but not excessively. In a ventilated room with humidified air, a clean and fed child will sleep much more soundly.

Another reason why a baby may have trouble sleeping at night is excess nap. A newborn normally sleeps up to 20 hours a day. It is necessary to create a regime in such a way that night sleep it took at least 12-13 hours. The rest of the time can be divided fractionally into daytime rest. If you cannot establish a routine, you should not let your child sleep during the day. Usually 2-3 days of such decisive and tough behavior from adults is enough for the regime to fall into place and the baby to start sleeping at night.

Other causes of night crying are also quite easily eliminated - a hungry baby needs to be fed, a damp baby needs to be changed. The most difficult thing to help a baby with is a painful cry at night, since it is difficult to understand what exactly is hurting him. A small cheat sheet will help parents with this:

  • The child screams and constantly pushes, draws in his legs, has a swollen and hard stomach - it's about colic. You can put a warm diaper ironed on your tummy and make light massage around the navel clockwise, give dill water or any drug based on simethicone - “Espumizan” or “Bobotik”. Typically, colic is a physiological “trouble” that goes away on its own when the child is 3-4 months old.

  • A child sobs in his sleep, and then wakes up and screams sharply, “gets into trouble” - the reason may lie in inflammation of the middle ear. Otitis media happens to infants often. This is easy to check - by pressing on the tragus (the protruding cartilage at the very entrance to the auricle) the pain intensifies, and the child begins to cry even more. If there is no pus, blood or other fluid coming out of the ear, you can drip Otipax or Otinum, wait until morning and call a doctor.

If there is discharge, nothing should be dripped; you should not wait until the morning and call an ambulance.

  • The child whines in his sleep, worries, but does not wake up, and if he wakes up, he does not stop crying. Perhaps the reason for this behavior lies in teething. You should check the baby’s gums with a clean finger; if there are bumps that are painful to the touch, then you should use one of dental gels, approved by age - “Kalgel”, “Metrogil Denta”. They will alleviate the child’s condition somewhat, and he will be able to fall asleep.

  • Sluggish crying in a dream, similar to whining, which continues for a long time and is repeated several times a night, should alert parents. If at the same time the child’s “fontanel” looks swollen and tense, it is quite possible that we're talking aboutabout increased intracranial pressure. You definitely need to show your child to a doctor.

  • The child falls asleep well, but often starts in his sleep, cries in episodes 5-7 times a night, and wakes himself up. The reason for this behavior may lie in psychological discomfort. This is usually observed in families where there is a lot of rowing, quarreling, shouting, and conflict. Kids feel everything, they just can’t say anything yet, besides, they get mother's milk cortisone is a stress hormone if the mother is very nervous and worried. Cortisone excites nervous activity. Parents will be able to notice certain nervous manifestations in their baby not only at night, but also after sleep. These are flinching, fearfulness, restlessness and moodiness. There is only one way out - stop making mom nervous.

And some more useful tips:

  • Night crying attacks always have a reason. But if a newborn usually cries only due to physiological needs - hunger, thirst, cold, then a two-month-old baby is already emotionally developed enough to cry in the middle of the night about bad dream, a frightening feeling of loneliness, defenselessness. Parents should approach each specific case taking into account the individuality and age of the child.
  • The true motives for whining and screaming in the dark will not immediately become clear to parents. During the first weeks, the baby gets used to the new environment, to the world around him, and his parents get used to the baby and get to know him. Gradually, by the nature of the crying, by the duration, intonation of the cry and other signals understandable only to mom and dad, they unmistakably guess what exactly the baby needs at one time or another. You just need to be patient.

  • Physiological night crying is a short-lived phenomenon. If it drags on for six months, it is worth showing the child to a pediatrician and neurologist. It is possible that there are other reasons that prevent your baby from sleeping well at night, and they may require medication.
  • Quite often, prolonged night crying and whims in babies are a consequence pedagogical mistakes of parents. If at first they taught the child to fall asleep in their arms, they rocked them, and then they began to try to make the baby fall asleep on his own. It is worth preparing for the fact that the baby will protest quite violently and behave badly and restlessly at night. But if parents show calm persistence, they will be able to overcome such difficulties.

Lyudmila Sergeevna Sokolova

Reading time: 5 minutes


Article last updated: 09/18/2018

Sleeps like a baby. Familiar to us all catchphrase, which means – strong, sweet, full. But any mother knows that almost no baby sleeps like that. Newborns suffer from colic, babies are cutting teeth, and they are overwhelmed by a stream of new knowledge and impressions. And we are not talking about restful sleep, both for the baby and for the mother.

If children cry often, grandmothers say “they’ll outgrow it.” Of course, the child will grow up and a number of problems will go away, but is it worth waiting until a problem with unknown consequences ceases to be obvious? It’s probably better to figure it out in a timely manner and help the child adapt. Why do 4 month old babies cry?

When does a baby cry?

The question is exactly when does a 4 month old baby cry? And how does he cry, and how much? Does he sleep with his mother or in his own bed?

For example, babies may cry or laugh during REM sleep. This is absolutely normal. After 3 months, babies begin to dream, some of which can cause crying. This is physiological crying - quite normal phenomenon. It will pass with time.

Moreover, babies do not yet know how to laugh like adults, and they make sounds that a sleepy mother does not associate with laughter; it may even seem that the child is sobbing and is feeling unwell. But that's not true.

The main reasons for crying before bed, during sleep and during the awakening process are:

  • increased excitability of the nervous system;
  • overwork;
  • nervous disorders;
  • onset of the disease;
  • overheated, dry air, stuffiness;
  • hunger and thirst;
  • discomfort (uncomfortable crib, tight or rough clothing, wet diaper);
  • teething;
  • weather anomalies ( magnetic storms, change in atmospheric pressure);
  • bad feeling.

Night crying associated with the state of the nervous system

If your child cries before bed, or wakes up screaming and cannot calm down, his nervous system may be overloaded. He is overtired during waking hours, and does not rest during sleep. In this situation, the little man needs help. If your child goes to bed crying and fighting, the night's sleep will be interrupted and restless. This is truly a problem that needs to be addressed. For example, rational physical and mental stress(at this age, games with new objects are emotional, intellectual, and physical labor, For little man quite heavy). As well as the formation of sleep and wakefulness patterns.

The reason for constant crying before bed and during sleep may be neurological problems. Neurosonography (if it was not performed in the maternity hospital) and an experienced neurologist will help clarify this.

The baby’s nervous system can be designed in such a way that his inhibition processes prevail over his inhibition processes (your choleric person is growing). This means that “it starts with half a turn,” and when intense load“goes into overdrive” because it’s difficult for him to stop and “cool down”, that’s how he’s designed. He needs help by carefully observing his behavior, and at the first signs of fatigue, calm him down and try to get some sleep. After 3 months, all children become more intensely interested in the world around them and fight sleepiness with all their might, but excitable children special category. These will try especially zealously.

Four-month-old babies acutely feel the absence of their mother; they do not wake up immediately after she leaves, but in the rapid phase of sleep, when they begin to toss and turn, they react more sharply to stimuli. That's when they feel that they are left alone, and they can cry in their sleep and even wake up. You can rock the baby and try to put him down again, you can be with him during the rapid phase of his sleep, or teach the baby to sleep independently.

There is still debate about the latter among experienced pediatricians and those involved in scientific work. Some are for independent sleep child, some consider it necessary co-sleeping mother and her child.

Crying caused by physical factors, external and internal

The set of reasons why a child under one year old may cry does not depend on his life span. This applies to reasons related to environmental conditions:

  • temperature;
  • humidity;
  • dustiness;
  • noise and light stimuli.

Internal reasons cause increased nervousness in children no less often than fever or loud sounds, For example:

  • hunger and thirst;
  • teething;
  • discomfort from wet diapers or tight and rough clothing;
  • meteorological factors.

If a child is hot, stuffy, and his crib is located near a radiator, he will not get proper rest. Experts recommend that even in winter, when putting your child to bed, leave the window open until the temperature drops. environment up to -15-18 o C. It is necessary to ventilate the room well before the baby goes to bed; an exception may be the situation when the child has seasonal hay fever. In this case, the room will have to be cooled, refreshed and humidified using devices for maintaining the microclimate in the room (split systems).

The feeling of hunger quite often wakes up children under one year old in the middle of the night. At first they whine in their sleep; if you give them milk or water, this calms them down; if they don’t get what they want, they wake up crying. If the baby is not getting enough calories daytime, at night he will demand food more than once. This will disrupt sleep for both the baby and the mother. Therefore, it is better to feed him in sufficient quantity during the daytime. If the child is on breastfeeding and feed on demand, mothers should think about the quality of their milk. And take a closer look at how the baby eats. Some babies do not breastfeed completely, receive only thin, superficial milk and therefore look constantly hungry.

teeth, more precisely the process their eruption goes unnoticed by few. This is usually quite painful for the baby and very exhausting for his mother. Sometimes teeth erupt in pairs, and there are times when they are in no hurry to appear, and then 4 teeth appear at a time. This is very painful for the child. Discomfort in the mouth, especially in evening time leads to the fact that the little man tries to chew everything that comes to hand, is capricious, has trouble falling asleep, and cries before bed. He also sleeps restlessly, crying in his sleep and upon awakening.

As sad as it is to admit, today many modern children are weather sensitive. They respond to solar activity, to changes in environmental parameters during windy weather, or when moving from sunny day to cloudy. They feel especially bad during sudden changes in conditions and heavy rain (snowfall, hail). Most often, babies suffer from this addiction after caesarean section, difficult births, suffered intrauterine infections. This is especially true for a child with increased intracranial pressure. Such children may suddenly develop a headache attack, which will cause them to cry before going to bed or during the night's rest. It is not yet possible to find out what is wrong with the baby, and it is difficult to predict the development of this condition. Most often, parents who have recognized the presence of such a problem in their son or daughter can only understand after the fact why their child behaved so excitedly and capriciously. In this case, you cannot do without consulting a neurologist.

What to do if a child cries?

Try to find out the cause and eliminate it. If a child cries constantly, there is obviously no reason, he definitely needs a specialist (neurologist, psychologist, pediatrician).

Over time, parents learn to recognize the reason for crying. When children are unhappy and scream, trying to squeeze out a tear to show their disagreement, when they are hungry, or they are in pain, or when they are just very tired.

To reduce the number of your baby’s complaints (before bedtime or immediately after it), you need to prepare a crib in which he will sleep, preferably with an orthopedic mattress. Or a place on your bed, comfortable and warm. Create a comfortable environment for your baby to sleep: ventilate and clean the room. Don't wrap him up too much. Change the diaper and make sure he is fed. If teeth are being cut, the child may be capricious for a long time before bedtime and sleep restlessly. In such a situation, it is better to consult a pediatrician and select suitable drops or gel to relieve swelling and inflammation of the gums.

Sometimes parents cannot find a reason, understand why their child is crying so bitterly, and it seems to them that there is no reason at all. Perhaps the baby is simply very excitable, and easily moves from wild joy to irrepressible crying. This little one is recommended for long, quiet walks followed by active ones. physical actions. It is especially good to put 4-month-old babies to sleep outside. They often fall asleep sweetly, but not for long, for 40-50 minutes. Although some lucky women manage to “persuad” them to sleep longer.

Loud music and television broadcasts are unacceptable in the presence of such children. Even a conversation in a raised voice between parents can cause overload of the nervous system and sleep disturbance. Irritating and stimulating factors must be strictly standardized and the baby must be accustomed to them gradually, then he will be less whiny. Even funny Games, squeezing by dad, whom the baby rarely sees and is very happy to communicate, needs to be dosed. Excitement and delight can very quickly develop into overexcitement and roaring.

It doesn't matter whether your son or daughter is excited, why he (she) cries, and whether it happens before bed or after waking up, there are several rules that are best to follow:

  • if the baby is crying, you need to eliminate the cause as quickly as possible or distract from the problem (sing a song, make a face);
  • if the baby cries, you cannot ignore it;
  • It is necessary to remain calm in the presence of a child; the nervousness of adults is transmitted to their child very quickly.

Some mothers and fathers, adherents of strict education, believe that it is not worth responding to a child’s crying for pedagogical purposes, otherwise the child will grow up spoiled and capricious. You always need to react; how to do it is another matter. You shouldn’t feel excessively sorry for the baby, even if it hurts. You can pat him on the head, kiss him and try to switch the child to something interesting as quickly as possible. In children, the pain goes away faster than in adults. If parents ignore children's complaints expressed in crying, children objectively cry less. “What’s the point of calling you or complaining if you don’t come anyway.” Such children grow up, if not withdrawn, then with an acute distrust of the world and people.

If a child is “weak to tears,” try to establish contact with him, talk and play more often; if, despite all efforts, nothing works out, consult a specialist: a psychologist (he will help establish contact with the child) or a neurologist (he, if he deems it necessary , will prescribe a mild sedative).

A child cries in his sleep

If your beloved child whines in his sleep, there is no need to rush to pick him up and rock him. Perhaps it's just fast phase sleep. If the crying becomes more persistent, but the baby does not wake up, you can put your hand on his tummy, or gently turn the baby onto his side, hug him, gently stroking his back, talk to him in a quiet voice, suggesting that his mother is nearby and there is no danger. Perhaps he simply lacks his mother’s warmth, and skin-to-skin contact will correct the situation. If this doesn't help, then your baby is probably hungry, thirsty, or has a wet diaper.

If the nighttime whims began at the same time when the parents decided to teach their growing child to sleep on his own, this is probably the reason. In this case, the baby may cry before bedtime and at night. Children do not perceive change well, and changing beds is rarely easy for them. If after 3-4 nights the situation has not changed, he needs to be returned to his parents' bed and tried again a little later. Pre-putting him to sleep in his crib during the daytime. First, shifting it after falling asleep, and then initially placing the baby in the playpen.

A newborn is a whole heap of worries and worries, along with happiness and love. Small child takes up all the time of his mother, who spins around him like a squirrel in a wheel. But then the long-awaited night comes, when everyone is supposed to rest, and parents just fall on the bed in the happy anticipation of sleep. However, as soon as you doze off a little, the baby’s crying wakes everyone up and this repeats several times during the night.

Tired parents ask a reasonable question why their baby cries in his sleep. Which bothers him so much that he arches, kicks his legs and throws tantrums. Some babies are even capable of making their mothers faint when they cry and do not wake up. At such moments, it is not clear how to help the baby and what to protect him from.

Let's try to figure out the reasons for intermittent and restless nights, accompanied by twitching and crying.

Reasons for crying while sleeping

If an infant cries in a dream, then this is a clear sign of discomfort caused by some reason. Month-old babies are not able to invent fears or illnesses, and their nightly tears are not a whim at all, but a reaction to irritants that do not allow him to sleep peacefully. A newborn baby cannot voice his problems and the only thing he can do is cry.

Reasons for crying at night

External reasons for crying

The child cries at night because he is uncomfortable. Such sensations can be caused by a variety of reasons:

  1. the room temperature is high or low,
  2. too stuffy
  3. low humidity, which causes the baby’s nasal and oral mucous membranes to dry out,
  4. he was sweating
  5. uncomfortable creases in clothes or bedding are pressing on him.

Any of these reasons can be a real tragedy for children, causing them to scream and kick, jerking their legs. Small children are not able to roll over or correct the discomfort in any other way, so they cry at night.


One of the most important factors satiety is essential for the formation of sound and restful sleep. Often a baby cries in his sleep without waking up, because for him the feeling of his stomach being sucked from hunger is comparable to pain, and he begins to bend over, trying to ease the pain. This is the easiest problem to fix. It is also important not to overfeed your baby at night, because this is also fraught with anxiety and restlessness.


Fatigue can have various unexpected effects. For example, a tired child cannot sleep. It would seem that I should fall asleep instantly and sleep very soundly, but that was not the case. Or, on the contrary, the baby quickly falls asleep, but then either wakes up and cries, or begins to cry in his sleep. All these are the roots of one problem - fatigue - muscle tissue overworked and whining, not allowing the baby to sleep peacefully.

Having noticed the pattern of fatigue and poor sleep, you should protect your child from overwork. All the fun, as well as gymnastics, massages and game training good in moderation.

Excess of emotions and too much information load

This is also fatigue, but this time mental and emotional. The child’s body begins to fall asleep, and at this time the brain works hard. Nerve endings tense to the limit, the whole body seems to be charged with energy. This condition is not conducive to restful and long sleep. Being in this phase, the child can experience all the daytime adventures again, but in a distorted dream form.
Parents should not overdo it in the development of the child and his communication with others.

Scary dreams

It is difficult to say what a child dreams about, but the fact that he dreams is indisputable. And these dreams, like those of adults, are different, sometimes cheerful and kind, and sometimes evil and frightening. If a child cries in his sleep, you should carefully bring him out of sleep and interrupt the frightening dream. Further continuation of sleep may be complicated by the child's fear and reluctance to sleep alone without his mother.

If such dreams frighten him regularly, then he should think about what impressions during the day lead him to the strongest night fears. In this case, Dr. Komarovsky advises paying attention to the psychological situation within the family.

Pain and illness

When a child cries a lot in his sleep, you should pay attention to his well-being. Perhaps the reasons lie precisely in this. Colic, teething, runny nose, fever - all this can bring a child to tears.

Why does a baby cry? He may be suffering from terrible colic. Until 4 months, the baby’s intestines and stomach do not fully perform their functions, so gases do not come out and cause incredible suffering to infants. In the fight against colic, all means are good. Mom should be careful about her diet and not consume gas-forming foods. The baby should be positioned correctly to the breast so that he does not take in a lot of air through his mouth. After feeding, the baby needs to be held in a column in order to help him burp excess food and get rid of gas. A warm cloth on the tummy and laying the baby out on the tummy for a short time helps a lot. If all else fails, you can resort to special potions.

Nervous breakdown

If the baby often cries in his sleep, kicks, or becomes very irritable while awake, then this may be a sign of a nervous system disease. Here on help will come only a neurologist.

Creating conditions for restful sleep

If the baby cries in his sleep, then you should create the most comfortable conditions for a restful sleep - ventilate the room, keep it optimal temperature and humidity.

Dr. Komarovsky advises to turn special attention to create and maintain optimal mode day, which with its constancy will tune the child to certain biological rhythms.

Proper evening rituals also relax your baby and give him a feeling of peace and tranquility. This includes baths, massage, and lullabies.
Leave a dim night light for your child, because they might just be scared.



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