Fasting and its treatment of many diseases. Therapeutic fasting for medicinal purposes

Therapeutic fasting is one of the common methods of getting rid of many ailments. The beneficial effects of fasting on chronic diseases, kidney disease, gastrointestinal tract, musculoskeletal and respiratory systems. Fasting is often recommended for influenza, acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections. Methods of temporarily refusing food have a positive effect not only in the treatment of diseases, but also for preventive purposes.

Most diseases modern man- the work of his own hands, while taking care of his health should be priority everyone. Official medicine is not taking enough measures to promote healthy image life, it is aimed at treating already acquired diseases. To get sick less often, you need to follow preventive measures: lead a healthy lifestyle, adhere to the principles proper nutrition, be nervous and worry as little as possible, be active and exercise, harden yourself, use herbal medicine, homeopathy to strengthen the immune system, have knowledge about human body, be aware of health issues. So to speak, you need to become your own preventative doctor.

There is another excellent method of reducing morbidity - therapeutic fasting.

Fasting as a preventive and therapeutic method

Fasting as a preventive and healing method included in domestic and foreign clinical dietetics. For preventive fasting, we can recommend Paul Bragg’s personal system, to which he was faithful for many years. The system provides for weekly one-day fasting(24 or 36 hours) and fasting for 7 days 4 times a year, possible at the turn of the seasons. Additionally, once a year it is advisable to fast for 2-3 weeks.

Fasting will help you change negative eating patterns; you will master a number of cleansing and healing procedures. The fasting system for treating diseases is suitable for both retirees and working people. You can adjust it to your capabilities and create your own system. For example, you don't have to go hungry if you work; start abstaining from food on Friday or Saturday. Work with your dietitian on fasting treatments and stick to your schedule. You need to fast on it regularly, only then will a lasting effect appear, and you will really get sick less. Before starting fasting for preventive purposes, undergo a full medical examination.

The preventive effect of fasting is not short-lived. After a course of fasting, beneficial recovery processes in the body occur for up to 3 months, depending on the duration of fasting. On long time are activated protective forces, adaptability to adverse environmental influences increases, metabolism is normalized. Subsequent preventative fasting enhances these gains.

Fasting treatment for influenza, acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections

Treatment with fasting has long been used to get rid of colds (ARIs), acute respiratory viral infections, and influenza; For convenience, we will call them here acute respiratory tract infections. Nature itself suggests fasting for these diseases, depriving the sick of appetite (not in all cases, but in the majority).

Many classics of fasting considered acute infections of the upper respiratory tract to be a means of cleansing the body, a cleansing crisis. Modern experts refute this hypothesis. You can go hungry if you have acute respiratory infections or acute respiratory viral infections; you should refuse to eat if you have initial symptoms diseases. It is also necessary to observe bed rest, drink a lot: warm teas, which are usually used in such cases, rosehip infusion, water. Teas will result in incomplete therapeutic fasting, but for many people it is more pleasant to drink them than just heated water, and besides, they have a beneficial effect. therapeutic effect. Gargle, rinse your nose with saline or a product based on sea ​​water, do compresses and rubbing.

Treatment with fasting is carried out until the symptoms of the disease disappear, and this happens after 3-5 days, then a way out of fasting should be applied according to the standard method. It is better to stay at home for at least 7 days to avoid complications.

In case of an acute respiratory tract infection, you need to call a doctor so that he can make a correct diagnosis, because in addition to the listed diseases, under similar symptoms tonsillitis, measles, and infectious mononucleosis may be hidden. How can you determine which type of acute respiratory tract infection you have? The table “ Comparative characteristics acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, influenza."

Table “Comparative characteristics of acute respiratory infections, ARVI, influenza”:

Disease Symptoms Cause of the disease
ARI (cold) The temperature does not rise immediately and often does not exceed 38 °C. Catarrhal phenomena predominate: severe runny nose or nasal congestion, the throat is red and sore, a wet cough that appears immediately. Catarrhs ​​of the upper respiratory tract develop, then the lower ones. Intoxication is mild Hypothermia
ARVI Respiratory viruses
Flu Acute onset sudden jump temperatures up to 39°C above for 4 days. Severe intoxication, body aches, muscle pain, chills, sweating. Headache, dizziness. The cough is dry, painful, with pain in the chest, and does not occur in the first days. The runny nose is moderate and does not appear immediately. There is no sore throat in the first days Influenza virus

As can be seen from the table, the symptoms of acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections are similar. Depending on which part of the respiratory tract is affected, there are different types Acute respiratory infections: rhinitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, bronchitis, etc. Acute respiratory tract infections, especially influenza, if you try to endure them “on your feet,” can lead to serious complications: pneumonia, pyelonephritis, meningoencephalitis.

Treating influenza with fasting is more difficult: Most likely, you will need to take medications against fever, and it is not advisable to take them on an empty stomach. High fever It cannot be ignored; it requires medicinal intervention, because it can cause disturbances in the heart and brain, causing the death of a person. At temperatures up to 38.5 °C you can try folk remedies to reduce it: rubbing with water at room temperature with vinegar on the forehead, elbow and popliteal folds, calves, drinking plenty of fluids, tea with raspberries, viburnum, cranberries, linden, lemon, honey. If the temperature is above 39 °C, call an ambulance; you need an antipyretic injection. For such cases, I use analgin in ampoules; it can be supplemented with papaverine or diphenhydramine, but only a doctor can prescribe this, since there may be contraindications in your case.

It is necessary to correctly calculate the dose of medication depending on the patient’s body weight. I advise you at your next appointment with a therapist or family doctor discuss which fever-reducing drug is right for you.

Have you ever thought that our body is an incredibly perfect creation of nature? Harmonious work trillions of cells are ensured by self-regulation (homeostasis): constancy is maintained internal environment bodies, cells regularly self-renew, tissues are regenerated within certain limits. Thanks to the capabilities of self-regulation, the body independently, unnoticed by us, copes with the consequences of an unhealthy lifestyle and the aggressive impact of a problematic ecology.

But everything has its own margin and limit of strength. When stress becomes unbearably strong, toxins overwhelm the bodily essence, compensatory capabilities are exhausted, self-regulation ceases to be a lifesaver, gaps in health appear one after another, illness after illness overcomes. A man asks for help traditional medicine, hoping for the professionalism of doctors and miracle cures.

But the paramount thing in this deplorable situation is to urgently eliminate or reduce the influence of harmful factors, establish a healthy lifestyle, supplement orthodox treatment methods with alternative ones, of which one of the most effective is the method therapeutic fasting.

To be precise, fasting does not cure, it creates conditions in the body that are favorable for self-healing. Fasting has a complex effect: it heals all organs and systems of the body.

The impact of therapeutic fasting on chronic diseases

Fasting, like any other healing method, is most effective on initial stages diseases. Cure from chronic diseases is possible if you use two strategies.

Long-term fasting with preliminary “training” on shorter fasts, during which recovery begins, and subsequent maintenance, preventive fasting. More than one course may be needed. Long-term fasting from 14 to 30 days should be carried out only in specialized medical institutions.

Systematic short- and medium-term fasting according to a schedule developed by a specialist, maintaining a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition (mainly a vegetable-dairy diet) in between. This option is well suited for home fasting. It does not require special material costs. Achieving the desired result can take from 3-6 months to 2 years, depending on the neglect and severity of the disease and associated pathologies.

Schedule, type and method of fasting, their duration, additional procedures, the subsequent nutrition system is selected and developed for each patient individually by a nutritionist or doctor in a therapeutic fasting clinic. However, an experienced faster can do all this on his own.

Increases chances of recovery or stable remission the cleansing and immunostimulating effect of fasting, its ability to have a complex effect on the entire body, eliminating the causes of diseases. Remember that on successful result treatment also influences the psychological attitude on the body’s self-healing.

A modern person rarely has one chronic disease, mostly a whole “bouquet” of diverse ailments that have a cause-and-effect relationship with each other. Abstinence from food in medicinal purposes indicated for many diseases and combined pathologies. The more “sickness” a person has, the more medications he is prescribed, the more unpredictable the patient’s body’s reaction to them. Therapeutic fasting may be the treatment of choice for those with drug allergies, resistance or intolerance.

When recovering by fasting, it is necessary to monitor the course of the disease under the supervision of the attending physician, monitor the condition, and undergo the recommended tests and examinations.

The method of therapeutic fasting, used in complex therapy of diseases, allows you to reduce doses of medications and shorten the duration of treatment.

Fasting for heart disease

The heart works without respite, being exposed every day increased loads due to stress, unhealthy food, overeating, inactivity of a person. Treatment of the heart by fasting gives this, like no other method. the most important body much-needed rest, freeing him from work to ensure increased blood supply to the digestive organs for digestion and assimilation of food. After 5-7 days of therapeutic fasting it improves coronary circulation, angina attacks go away, the heart muscle is better supplied with fresh blood. After a week of fasting, after, he returns to normal arterial pressure. Recovers during fasting contractile function and the heart rate decreases. Positive changes are confirmed by an electrocardiogram.

During therapeutic fasting, the heart, like the brain, is most protected; it does not lose weight, and its tissues do not break down. During fasting, heart attacks and strokes do not occur. By the end of fasting in 7-10 days heartbeat and blood pressure are normalized. The effect will be lasting if you follow proper nutrition.

“Heart patients” need to coordinate therapeutic fasting with a cardiologist, in particular the issue of taking medications. If you have heart disease, you need to start fasting with short fasts, and gradually move on to fasting until a crisis or medium-term. Repeat them periodically. Only after your condition improves can you begin long-term fasting.

Fasting in the treatment of respiratory diseases

Respiratory diseases are now very common, the main reason for this is complex ecological situation, contaminated air, bad habits. Main function lungs - gas exchange between the atmosphere and blood, but they also have an excretory function. When the work of others is disrupted excretory organs, they are oversaturated with toxins, the lungs are also overloaded with metabolic products, and the likelihood of diseases increases.

Chronic diseases of the respiratory system are successfully cured by fasting, this is confirmed by the results of the medical practice of all fasting specialists. Abstinence from food treats chronic obstructive bronchitis, bronchial asthma, pulmonary sarcoidosis, i.e. those complex diseases in which official medicine V best case scenario could achieve unstable remission. Even with severe chronic lung diseases, fasting effectively heals them, cleansing the entire body of toxins, normalizing the functioning of all its systems.

For lung diseases, the most pronounced effect is exerted by long fasts lasting up to 21 days. But before you begin such a long fast, you need to do a comprehensive cleansing of the body. Then carry out several fasts one day at a time, after getting used to it - fasting until an acidotic crisis of 5-9 days. Next must go recovery period, and you can master medium-term fasting. Need to use additional methods: drainage massage, massage chest and general, breathing exercises, herbal medicine, physiotherapy as prescribed by a doctor. Consecutive implementation of all these types of fasting will take 6 or more months. As a result you will get significant improvement in the state of the respiratory system. For complete cure Chronic disease may require prolonged fasting.

Fasting treatment for intestinal diseases

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are highly treatable by fasting. Refusal of food provides rest to all organs digestive tract. No energy is wasted on moving food through the gastrointestinal tract, digesting, absorbing, or removing excess substances. The body directs efforts towards intensive restoration of the digestive organs. Peptic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum, colitis, gastritis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, biliary dyskinesia, irritable bowel syndrome are cured. The mucous membrane of the stomach, duodenum, small and large intestines is perfectly restored, scar formations resolve, unpleasant symptoms gastrointestinal diseases. Such amazing effect Other methods do not provide healing for the gastrointestinal tract.

The effectiveness of therapeutic fasting for the intestines was described by Prof. Yu. S. Nikolaev in the book “Fasting for Health”: “Among our patients there were about 100 patients suffering from intestinal diseases, peptic ulcer stomach or duodenum. In all our patients, before treatment, an x-ray examination showed a symptom of the so-called “niche,” i.e., the x-ray revealed a deepening of the gastric or duodenal mucosa due to the presence of an ulcer. X-ray examination after the end of treatment in all cases showed the disappearance of the “niche”, i.e., it indicated the practical recovery of the patient. Patients tolerated fasting treatment, as a rule, easily; stomach pain usually stopped on the 3-5th day of fasting. On the 15-20th day, all complaints associated with peptic ulcer disappeared. Positive results can be achieved even if the disease is long-standing.”

G. A. Voitovich wrote:

“... specialists from the Institute of Gastroenterology in Moscow discovered that in patients, as a result of 28 days of RDT, new cells with light protoplasm appear in the stomach, which, after completing the course of RDT, gradually transform over 20-30 days into additional cells. These cells secrete mucus, substances that protect the stomach from damage. After repeated courses of RDT, even gastroenterological patients’ stomachs become “tinned”, capable of digesting any food.”

During fasting, the liver is gently cleansed, its cells are restored, and the functioning of the gallbladder and pancreas is normalized.

The intestines of a fasting person are cleared of fecal stones, this is facilitated by enemas. Ideally, bowel cleansing should be done before fasting, and during fasting, enemas should be given only if necessary - there is no bowel movement for 3-4 days. Those who are fasting for the first time with uncleaned intestines need to do enemas during fasting so that deposits of fecal stones come out. It is believed that only when treated with fasting, the intestines are completely cleansed, pathogenic microflora die in it, and healthy ones develop, and to stimulate it after fasting, it is recommended to take both fermented milk products and preparations with beneficial lacto- and bifidobacteria.

Fasting for kidney disease

All fasting schools have accumulated positive experience in the treatment of kidney diseases and urinary tract. Clinical Application showed that tests return to normal after an acidotic crisis, and when traditional methods treatment this would require several weeks of treatment.

After switching to endogenous nutrition, protein, leukocytes, and erythrocytes leave the urine, there is less salt in it, the effect persists until the end of fasting and in the future if you follow the diet indicated for this group of diseases. Fasting during an exacerbation chronic pyelonephritis and with him acute form V short term relieves symptoms, eliminates urinary problems, pain syndrome, nausea, improves general state, the composition of urine is normalized. Urolithiasis is included in the list relative contraindications for fasting, but in agreement with the attending physician, treatment with fasting is possible. Followers of the method of therapeutic fasting note that during medium and long periods of fasting, sand and small stones are removed from the kidneys. Fasting is not recommended for large stones; there are special techniques for crushing and removing them.

Prevention of kidney disease - use sufficient quantity maximum clean water And healthy eating, avoiding hypothermia.

Therapeutic fasting for joint diseases

Fasting favors the prevention and treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system: osteochondrosis, arthritis, polyarthritis, heel spurs, and even such a complex disease as ankylosing spondylitis.

The condition of bones, ligaments, tendons, muscles - the internal frame of our body, can worsen due to a sedentary lifestyle, injuries, excessive loads, hypothermia, poor nutrition. As a result, there is a deterioration in blood supply and dystrophic changes in muscles, tendons, ligaments, limitation of joint mobility, inflammation, salt deposition.

After a short fast, pain decreases, after 7-10 days of abstaining from food, the functionality of almost the entire musculoskeletal system improves, the spine becomes more flexible, and numbness in the hands due to osteochondrosis disappears cervical spine, leg pain when lumbar osteochondrosis, joint mobility increases. Despite such encouraging results, with neglected serious illnesses spine, joints, with significant deformations, only long-term fasting or courses of medium-term fasting will give good results. One course of fasting for joint disease will bring remission, but for a lasting effect you need to carry out several courses of fasting, then practice fasting to prevent exacerbations.

You should not think that starvation treatment involves hysterical sobbing in front of a closed refrigerator and an unreasonable refusal of everything edible. This is a method that, with proper and correct use can help get rid of many diseases, without medications or surgeries. Today, medicine has already studied quite well the diseases for which fasting treatment is indicated, and therefore successfully applies this therapy in various areas.

What does this method provide?

* Fasting treatment is intended to rid the body of toxic compounds that accumulate in it, of toxins, as well as excess fat.

* It helps to do without expensive drugs. Everyone knows that the human body is unique system, which can self-repair and self-heal. It is only important to be able to help him with this and to have a good understanding of which diseases can be treated with hunger, and when the use of medications is necessary.

What happens during fasting?

Treatment with hunger is based on the fact that the body begins to undergo half-life of those products, tissues and deposits that it does not need, but which certainly accumulate there.

If you don’t know exactly which diseases can be treated with hunger therapy, and for which diseases, on the contrary, it is strictly prohibited, find the book by Professor Yu. S. Nikolaev, “Fasting for Health.” We will briefly present some excerpts from it.

* Therapeutic fasting allows you to get rid of autoimmune diseases pathological disorders, arthrosis and cardiovascular diseases. Doctors were even able to prove with several examples that this technique cures hypertension and ischemia.

* The most common use of the method of therapeutic fasting occurs in the fight against overweight in humans.

*Diseases associated with excess weight include metabolic syndrome and all the same heart diseases, impaired metabolism and improper functioning of the intestines.

* If diagnosed with a stomach ulcer, therapeutic fasting helps to improve well-being and restore the functioning of the stomach and pancreas. Women are indicated for treatment through fasting in cases of infertility, diseases of the reproductive system, inflammatory processes and uterine erosion.

* Fasting treatment has been learned to be used effectively for diseases that affect respiratory system. This includes bronchitis, bronchial asthma, and even tuberculosis.

* Fasting has a good effect on the condition of the skin, while the skin tone improves and disappears. inflammatory processes and disappear skin formations, having a different nature of origin.

* Fasting has a great effect on joints and the whole musculoskeletal system person. At the same time, muscle performance and tone are restored, and the spine is strengthened.

It is impossible to list all the diseases that are treated with fasting, especially since each case has its own subtleties and caveats. There is also no less a list of diseases for which therapeutic fasting is prohibited.

I will only say that these lists were developed by the author of the book in the 68th Moscow clinical hospital, where there is a department of fasting and dietary therapy.

It should be noted that when choosing a method of fasting, it is necessary to consult with experienced specialist, who can expertly examine you and take into account all the consequences of the chosen method for your health.

In addition, you should know that therapeutic fasting can only be prescribed by a doctor, and it is contraindicated for children under eighteen years of age.

You can abstain from food without a doctor's permission in the form of fasting day on water, tea or low-fat kefir, but no more than a day. Longer periods of hunger strike - from thirty hours are possible only in a hospital setting with round-the-clock medical supervision!

Modern medical experts are engaged in a constant debate with representatives alternative medicine– supporters starvation treatment. A complete refusal of food, even for a short period of time, can greatly change, and often not in better side, the work of all functional systems of the human body.

The other extreme, very popular in the last few decades, is complete failure from foods containing starch(bread, potatoes, rice, etc.), refined sugar, protein, phosphorus (meat, fish, eggs, baked and fried foods), alcohol. Followers of this type of nutrition encourage eating only foods of plant origin (vegetables, fruits, berries) and drinks made from them (freshly squeezed juices, compotes).

There are many pros and cons to both types of nutrition. Let us dwell in more detail on treatment with hunger or therapeutic fasting, which, fortunately, in reality bears little resemblance to the desire to starve out all the ailments in the body.

Therapeutic fasting able to cure many diseases or bring significant relief to the patient. Medicine and witchcraft (this is what it was customary to call alternative medicine for many centuries, based mainly on the experience of some representatives of the people who know how to use the sick) knows many examples of treatment by hunger, subsequently leading to complete or partial recovery.

Of course, first of all, such diseases of the gastrointestinal tract which are caused obese, severe physical labor, in a sedentary manner life. Such diseases include gastritis with low or normal acidity, stomach and duodenal ulcers(in the initial stages), cholecystitis, intestinal disorder.

There are known cases where people were cured by starvation. anemia, hypertension, angina pectoris and even colds.

The prospect of starvation frightens many people. This, believe me, normal reaction organism that lives in to a large extent due to the consumption of a certain amount of fats, proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins and mineral salts.

But the treatment by hunger is completely does not mean a complete abstinence from food and threatening in the near future complete exhaustion body. If you approach therapeutic fasting seriously (be sure to consult with your doctor), then serious consequences, and they are quite real, can be safely avoided.

Rules for therapeutic fasting

There are several essential starvation conditions:

  • Keep your body warm, that is, avoid hypothermia.
  • Avoid strong ones physical activity, which require significant energy expenditure.
  • Alternate any stress (from physical to mental) with rest, that is, follow a clear and strict regime day, compiled specifically for this period.
  • Drink at least 1.5 liters of liquid per day.

If these simple requirements are met, the forced “hunger strike” will really be treatment, not self-torture.

Symptoms that occur during fasting treatment

It is impossible not to mention those symptoms that frighten many people, forcing them to abandon the treatment they have begun with starvation.

Many patients consider the most “scary” and painful part of this whole procedure acute feeling of hunger. But everyone forgets that a person experiences this painful sensation only for the first 2-3 days, then appears feeling of lightness throughout the body, all senses are heightened, the person begins think faster.

The feeling of hunger may occur again on the 5-6th day of therapeutic fasting. But this feeling is now easier to overcome. Later comes the feeling of some food aversions at one glance or mention of her. This sensation gradually passes after the end of fasting, and the person returns to normal appetite.

The first days of fasting may be accompanied by some unpleasant sensations (bad taste in the mouth, coating on the tongue, bad breath, etc.), which disappear upon completion of treatment.

Maybe pulse quicken up to 120-140 beats per minute or, conversely, drop to 40. It also happens nausea, dizziness, weakness. All these unpleasant symptoms gradually disappear as soon as the body gets used to new form existence - short-term fasting. Of course, people who are emaciated and weakened by illness should not resort to prolonged fasting if they want to achieve favorable results. But for an old disease, sometimes there is no other cure other than a long “hunger strike.”

Transition from fasting to normal nutrition and the way of life should be gradual. Otherwise, not only will all your efforts be negated by one heavy lunch or dinner, but it will also cause irreparable harm to your body. Enter into your daily diet food (especially of protein origin) must be taken with extreme caution. It is better to start with very small portions of food, gradually increasing the amount eaten to regular sizes. Of course, if you were obese before fasting and could not control your appetite, we do not encourage you to return to your previous lifestyle. When we talk about a normal, usual amount of food, we meant the diet of a person leading a healthy lifestyle in all respects.

Now it's worth mentioning duration of healthy fasting. It depends on many factors, ranging from the age of the patient and ending with the severity of his disease. Let’s make a reservation right away, categorically Fasting is not recommended for teenagers, whose body is actively being rebuilt, and hunger can cause serious harm to a young growing body.

Starve prohibited for pregnant and lactating women, since they “nourish” not only their body, but also the baby. Prohibitions on therapeutic fasting also exist for some categories of patients (for example, duodenal ulcer requiring surgery, or serious endocrine disorders ), but these prohibitions come from the attending physician after a thorough examination.

Therapeutic fasting can last from 3-5 days to one and a half months. Short-term fasting Recommended for people engaged in heavy physical labor. Short-term “hunger strikes” are good because they can be repeated at intervals of 2 to 4 weeks, after achieving the required results. Many people tend to think that long-term fasting gives more noticeable results. This is not always true. As a rule, the body more severely affected by the disease requires a longer fast, but in suitable conditions, under the supervision of an experienced doctor and with the assistance of the fasting person himself.

The effect of therapeutic fasting

Therapeutic fasting has an effect on the body cleansing effect: all redox processes occur 2-3 times faster. From the body waste products are removed, the release from which was hampered by his overload with the endless digestion of more and more new food. Digestion requires a huge amount of energy, which means the load on the heart, liver, kidneys, skin and other organs increases.

Starvation relieves stress from all organs, as a result, they have to overcome less resistance in order to “pump” more blood to flush the body internally. Reduced load Helps the liver and heart recover and strengthen their function.

Preparation for therapeutic fasting for diseases of the digestive system

The question arises, how to start therapeutic fasting? If your consultations with a doctor and the results of the examination allow you to start fasting, then start by prepare your body for this method of treatment. Here the already well-known to you will come to the rescue again kefir.

If you are suffering gastrointestinal disease, then we recommend 3-5 day diet, the basis of which should be weak (one-day) or medium (two-day) kefir. We suggest using the following dietary menu.

  • First breakfast:
    • a glass of weak (medium) kefir.
  • Lunch:
    • a piece of cereal pudding or 2-3 pieces of savory cookies (can be replaced with white wheat breadcrumbs).
  • Dinner:
    • a glass of weak (medium) kefir;
    • cottage cheese or cabbage casserole (preferably unsweetened).
  • Afternoon snack:
    • 1/2 cup weak (medium) kefir (can be replaced with non-carbonated mineral water).
  • Dinner:
    • a glass of weak (medium) kefir;
    • a small amount of raw or scalded vegetables (but not in the form of salad).
  • Before bedtime, V as a last resort, you can drink 1/2 cup of weak (medium) kefir.

This diet will help empty the intestines a little and prepare the body for fasting, having previously provided significant amount necessary nutrients. In addition to kefir preparation, we recommend frequent exposure to fresh air, since the sun promotes the formation of certain types of nutrients on the skin (in particular vitamins D) and helps the body in the process of cleansing toxins (through the pores of the skin).

Only after completing preliminary preparation can you begin fasting - for the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases.

Preparation for therapeutic fasting for various diseases

In other cases, preparation for therapeutic fasting can be based on a fruit and vegetable (vegetarian) diet.

First breakfast:

  • a glass of freshly squeezed vegetable (carrot, pumpkin juice);
  • 2-3 pieces of savory cookies.


  • a glass of citrus fruit (orange, lemon, grapefruit juice);
  • soft-boiled egg;
  • a small sandwich with feta cheese or low-fat cheese.


  • a glass of vegetable "tea" (carrot or beetroot) or weak vegetable broth with croutons;
  • oatmeal cooked in water with a small amount of salt.

Afternoon snack:

  • 1-2 apples or pears (can be replaced with 200 g of strawberries, wild strawberries, raspberries or black currants).


  • a glass of purified (filtered) chlorinated or mineral water;
  • a small amount of vegetable or fruit salad dressed with olive oil.

After 2-3 days vegetarian diet can be treated by fasting anemia, diseases of the cardiovascular system, night illnesses, colds etc.

The essence of therapeutic fasting

Therapeutic fasting involves complete abstinence from food, but not from liquids, without which the body risks dehydration. The amount of fluid you drink per day during therapeutic fasting may vary from 1 to 2 l. A completely logical question arises: what can you drink? Some healers - representatives of alternative medicine offer drink lightly carbonated mineral water . Others insist on regular tap water, which has undergone additional purification through special filters, which are presented in a wide range by domestic and foreign industry. Followers of Slavic witchcraft recommend lactic acid products in limited quantities (primarily yogurt, kefir, fermented baked milk).

The choice of drinks suitable for therapeutic fasting depends on the disease with which the patient will have to measure his strength. If we're talking about O cholelithiasis, intestinal colic, gastritis, cholecystitis, then you can safely choose between mineral water(necessarily still or lightly carbonated) and kefir. If you are suffering chronic form lemon or grapefruit juice, alternating juices with slightly warmed mineral water. Total amount of water and juices at colds can reach 2 l to remove as much “painful moisture” from the body through the pores of the skin as possible.

For diseases of cardio-vascular system It is best to drink chlorinated water that has been passed through a special filter. water. Some cardiovascular diseases and kidney diseases are characterized swelling of the limbs. In such cases, it is recommended to drink filtered water mixed with honey(at the rate of 1 tsp per 200 ml of warm water).

As already mentioned, the timing of therapeutic fasting must be discussed with the attending physician and it is advisable to carry out therapeutic fasting under his direct supervision.

The dangers of self-medication with hunger

I would like to immediately warn you against self-medication by fasting. Despite its apparent simplicity, therapeutic fasting is quite dangerous procedure, since the consequences and the course of therapeutic fasting itself can be disastrous if you undertake it without consulting a doctor, without undergoing special examination, without finding out the diagnosis with the maximum degree of probability.

Nowadays you can purchase a wide variety of literature of a dubious “medical” nature, which offers treatment without the help and advice (consultation) of an experienced medical specialist, supposedly using the knowledge of ancient healers and shamans. You should not easily believe everything that modern pseudo-medical books write. It is better to rely on laboratory-tested achievements modern medicine, which, by the way, never disdained the advice and recipes that came down to us from our great-great-grandmothers.

For 2004, N, , for 2005, for 2006

THE LIST of diseases that can be successfully treated by long-term complete fasting is unusually extensive. I will list only the main ones.

Cardiovascular diseases: hypertension and hypotension, chronic coronary insufficiency, angina pectoris, ischemia, atherosclerosis, thrombophlebitis, vegetative-vascular dystonia, cardiac asthma, obliterating endarteritis, post-infarction and post-stroke conditions, anemia, varicose ulcers.

Metabolic disease: obesity, dystrophy, scurvy, dropsy, gout, jaundice, pyorrhea, urolithiasis disease, spurs.

Diseases digestive system: stomach and duodenal ulcers, colitis, gastritis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis, hemorrhoids, chronic constipation or diarrhea, dysentery.

Respiratory diseases: Acute respiratory infections, bronchitis, sinusitis, sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, catarrh of the upper respiratory tract, cold fever, pneumonia, bronchial asthma, emphysema, pulmonary sarcotidosis, tuberculosis (chronic form).

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system: arthritis, arthrosis, polyarthritis, osteoporosis, rheumatism, sciatica, radiculitis, gout, ankylosing spondylitis, spinal tuberculosis.

Skin diseases: diathesis, eczema, psoriasis, hay fever (hay fever), scaly lichen, neurodermatitis, burns.

Allergic diseases: food, flower and other allergies, drug and antibiotic poisoning, dermatitis, angioedema.

Diseases genitourinary system: nephritis, nephrosis, cystitis, metritis, uremia, syphilis, cervical erosion, fibroma, urolithiasis.

Endocrine diseases: diabetes, impotence, goiter, menopause, prostate adenoma, myxidema.

Diseases nervous system: insomnia, migraine, vegetative dystonia, neuritis, neuroses, vasospasm, multiple sclerosis, Raynaud's disease.

Mental illnesses: schizophrenia, diencephalic syndrome, manic-depressive psychosis, depression, epilepsy, cyclothemia.

Infectious diseases: sore throat, diphtheria, influenza, typhus, scrofula, smallpox.

Eye diseases: glaucoma, cataracts, conjunctivitis, keratitis, stye.

Many of these diseases disappear after the first course of correct treatment, others (for example, morbid obesity, ankylosing spondylitis, diabetes, spinal tuberculosis) require repeated courses of treatment, as well as advanced chronic diseases. Long-term consequences With this method of treatment, they depend entirely on the behavior of the patient: if a cured patient switches to a vegetable-milk diet, observing moderation in food, he, as a rule, avoids relapses. With a rich meat diet, as well as with the renewal bad habits(active smoking, excessive drinking), the disease may well return over time.

Hence it is obvious that there can be no talk of any self-medication with prolonged hunger. At least consultations and constant supervision of a doctor who is well acquainted with this method are required, and even better - a specialized hospital.

To be continued in the next issues "AiF. Long-Liver"

Can a cold be cured by fasting? What about leprosy or stomach ulcers? Scientists say it is possible. And as proof, they cite numerous examples of people being healed through complete fasting.

The names of these practicing scientists remain in the history of medicine: S. Graham, E. Hokkaru, G. Tanner. They proved that fasting can become a separate branch of the science of treatment methods. The famous American physician, MD M.O. Garten also considered hunger therapy a powerful tool in the fight against the most serious diseases.

In fact, the history of our civilization is full of examples of how often people used this tool and were healed thanks to hunger. Fasting as a way to combat illness was legalized in ancient Judea. Plutarch advised patients to “fast for a day or two” instead of taking medicine, and Avicenna used hunger to treat smallpox and syphilis.

What happens in the human body during fasting and what is its therapeutic effect based on?

Dr. Garten compares the human body to a well-oiled oxidation machine that constantly needs fuel in the form of food. Stop supplying it, and the machine will begin to burn the body’s internal resources, primarily unnecessary and diseased tissues and decay products. For decades they were deposited in the body, rotted, interfered with its normal functioning - and now, for lack of fuel, they went into the furnace.

Human disease, according to the scientist, is nothing more than nervous exhaustion and poisoning of the body with the products of its improper functioning. And the variety of diseases is explained by the fact that this poisoning penetrates into a variety of organs.

Being a severe shock to the body and mobilizing all its defenses, fasting helps our body cleanse itself of poisons. All this dirt, frightening the starving person, begins to burst out already in the first days of fasting - in the form of rashes, scabs on the skin, mucous feces, unpleasant raid on the tongue and foul breath. This is why daily enemas and regular fluid intake are so important during this period.

Why hasn't fasting become more widespread as a treatment?

Experts believe there are two reasons. The first in the psychology of the attending physician. He is more likely to choose the classical path of treatment than to offer the patient a little-studied radical one. Although there are hundreds of foreign clinics where patients are successfully treated with this radical method.

The second reason is in the psychology of the patient. A person has accustomed his body to food so much that, having missed several meals, he begins to be afraid of its reaction and refuses the procedure. And only an incurable diagnosis can prompt him to voluntary fast, but it is often too late.

Or maybe it would be better not to bring your body to the point of critical point? It is much more useful in all respects to keep it constantly clean, using such a powerful cleaning method as fasting.



2024 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs