Social benefits for disabled people of group 2. How to draw up a medical and social examination report

The physiological capabilities that nature has given us allow us to active image life, engage in upbringing, education, family, work, participate in social and political life. But besides those who are physically healthy, there are also those whose opportunities are partially or completely limited. How should they deal with this situation? How can they grow and develop not only physically, but also professionally? Are disabled people able to start a full-fledged family? All this is possible, but constant help is required, and such help is required to a greater extent not only from family and friends, but also from the state, which is capable of adapting a person to society even with very serious health problems.

Disabled people are persons who have a physiological defect or deviation in their health status that prevents them from:

  • independently and without outside help satisfy your own physiological
  • needs;
  • move;
  • navigate in space;
  • communicate and connect with others;
  • control your behavior;
  • study and work.

It is these parameters, according to Russian legislation, that make it possible to establish a person’s disability. Official document regulating the assignment of disability is Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated December 23, 2009 N 1013n. According to this legislative norm, the conditions for awarding disability are the following circumstances:

  1. a disorder caused by disease, injury, or birth defect;
  2. limit on normal life;
  3. need for social support.

If these circumstances are identified with the participation of doctors, the applicant is given a referral to undergo medical and social examination. When examining a citizen during a medical examination, the following indicators appear:

  • health status;
  • degree of dysfunction;
  • state of alternative body capabilities;
  • procedures performed to restore the affected areas of the body.

The following diseases may serve as grounds for assignment of disability:

  1. diseases internal organs(coronary insufficiency, heart disease, chronic
  2. lung diseases with acute respiratory failure, liver cirrhosis, diabetes mellitus, etc.);
  3. neuropsychiatric diseases (infection in the central nervous system, paralysis, dementia,
  4. damage to the head and spinal cord, violation cerebral circulation, epilepsy, bilateral deafness, etc.);
  5. surgical diseases and anatomical defects (defect and deformation of the upper and lower limbs, foreign body in the heart muscle, irreparable fistulas, jaw defects and upper sky, deformation chest etc.);
  6. diseases of the ear, nose and throat (lack of larynx);
  7. eye damage (total blindness and significant irreversible damage to the eyeball).

Thus, according to the law, a person who has been confirmed by a medical commission through an examination is recognized as disabled.

Governmental support

Support for group 2 disabled people is guaranteed by Federal Law No. 181-FZ of November 24, 1995. In accordance with it, these persons are provided with following forms support:

  • monthly cash payments;
  • free travel on public transport;
  • benefits for medications and means;
  • benefits for services in sanatorium-resort conditions;
  • benefits for training.

What exactly does this support mean? The first form of support is payment Money in the form of a pension in the amount of 4,232 rubles for persons who became disabled after turning 18 years old. Children with disabilities of group 2 have the right to count on social benefits in the amount of 8,647 rubles. But this is only a pension, and in addition to it there is also a monthly cash payment (MCB), the amount of which is 2,132 rubles for all disabled people of group 2, including children.

The second form of state support is to provide the opportunity to use public transport free of charge within the boundaries of the administrative entity at the official place of residence. In addition, discounts are provided for the purchase of air, water and rail tickets both within the country and when leaving it with the help of domestic carriers. This means that persons who have received group 2 disabilities will be able to move more freely in transport, which in turn will increase their adaptability to the modern situation in society and feel like full-fledged members of society.

Benefits for medication services are provided for persons with disability group 2 who experience health difficulties and require constant consumption of medications and/or the use of auxiliary devices. The guarantee for this provision is enshrined in the form of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 30, 1994 N 890, which provides for the free provision of necessary medications with a prescription from a doctor. The most common example of the implementation of this measure is the provision of insulin to people with diabetes, without which they simply cannot live.

In addition to medication provision, disabled people of group 2 have the right to count on free trips to holiday homes, resorts and sanatoriums. This may be part of measures to maintain the vitality of the disabled person and his social and physical activity. To obtain a voucher, you need a corresponding doctor’s opinion, which provides for the appointment of treatment in the appropriate profile.

In terms of education, the state is also ready to support its citizens. In this regard, disabled people of group 2 are given privileges when entering an educational institution. In particular, it is enough for a disabled person to successfully pass the exam, and he, bypassing the official competition, will be enrolled in the student ranks. But some educational institutions also provide for unconditional admission of such applicants.

Thus, each of the measures to support disabled people of group 2 is aimed at replenishing lost opportunities in terms of education, work, recreation and movement. This is necessary for maximum adaptation of people with disabilities.

Assignment of disability

In order for a person to receive the official status of a disabled person, it is necessary to undergo a procedure for confirming the psychophysical dysfunction of the body. The entire process of conducting a medical examination is regulated by the “Rules for recognizing a person as a disabled person”, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 20, 2006 N 95 (as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 30, 2009 N 1121), which defines official terms recognition of disability:

  • health impairment with persistent impairment of basic body functions;
  • limited ability to live;
  • the need for systematic social support.

According to the law, the presence of one of the designated signs is not a significant circumstance for recognition of disability. The person applying for this status, must not only undergo a medical and social examination, but also meet the criteria of the order of the Ministry of Health and social development Russian Federation dated December 23, 2009 N 1013n.

To conduct a medical examination, a person applying for the status of a disabled person must receive a referral to a medical institution in which this person is provided with treatment and preventive care.

In addition, the pension fund or social security department, which has the right to apply for an examination and recognition of disability, can protect the interests of this person. If a medical institution refuses to issue a referral to a medical commission, the applicant has the right to independently apply to this commission to schedule an examination.

The examination is carried out on the basis of a written application with an attachment as a set of medical documents confirming primary signs disability:

  1. health impairment;
  2. social and living opportunities;
  3. educational and professional abilities.

In accordance with the procedure for conducting the examination, the examination is carried out in person or in absentia. What does this actually mean? The first form involves conducting an examination in a hospital medical institution, Where this person undergoing treatment or at home. And the second form provides for the adoption of a decision on the assignment of disability and the corresponding group without conducting a medical examination, if the primary signs presented in the documents indicate indisputable facts of severe psychophysical incapacity.

When conducting an examination, specialists from the commission are obliged to explain to the applicant the full amount of information about the upcoming procedure, as well as familiarize them with the rights and obligations provided for by law. The decision to recognize disability is made only after medical examination members of the medical commission by simple voting.

Decision announced to the applicant in the presence of all members of the medical commission. Moreover, if the decision was positive, then the commission also determines the validity period of the decision and sets a date for re-examination of the disabled person. The procedure for establishing the deadline for re-passing the commission or the indefiniteness of the decision is regulated by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 04/07/2008 N 247.

Permanent disability is assigned in the following cases:

  1. if after two years after initial examination and assignment of disability, existing defects and dysfunctions of the body are irreversible;
  2. if, after four years after the initial examination and assignment of disability, the existing defects and dysfunctions of the body have not become reversible after treatment and preventive measures;
  3. Without positive results treatment of an existing defect or dysfunction of the body before undergoing a medical examination.

In case of recognition of disability, the following documents are issued:

  1. certificate of assignment of a disability group;
  2. temporary certificate of incapacity for work with a special mark;
  3. individual rehabilitation program.

Receiving benefits

Receiving benefits is possible only after a positive decision medical commission and obtaining relevant documents. After successfully passing the examination, the interested person must contact the local social protection authorities, i.e. regional branch of pension funds and social protection services. When applying to the Pension Fund, a disabled person must submit the following documents:

  • (copy upon request of the institution);
  • application in the prescribed form;
  • a certificate from the medical commission confirming the assignment of disability (copy at the request of the institution);
  • SNILS;
  • Certificate of income (provided by the employer or tax service).

In addition, the law provides special cases when there are other incapacitated or incapacitated persons in the care of the person who has received a disability. In this situation, you will need to provide an additional package of documents:

  1. Documents confirming the disability of family members (disability, birth certificate);
  2. Documents confirming responsibility for the fulfillment of dependents (court decision or social security service);
  3. Passport or extract from the passport office on the official registration of dependent persons.

All payments are made exclusively from the Pension Fund, so the interested person must apply for financial assistance there.
To receive benefits for using public transport, it is enough to present a disability certificate during the trip or visit the point of issue of social travel documents. The method of implementing this benefit depends solely on the specifics of the implementation of federal and local (regional) legislation.

To clarify how to exercise your rights, you must contact the social protection service at your place of residence. Benefits for drug treatment provide for the simplest implementation procedure legal rights. It is enough for a disabled person to see a doctor and present a certificate of disability. In this case, a specialist from a medical institution will write a prescription with which the disabled person will be able to obtain the necessary medicine at the pharmacy. A similar situation exists with sanatorium and resort services.

But in this situation, it is necessary to obtain the appropriate doctor’s referral to issue a voucher and then apply to the social security service with an application.

As for education benefits, the benefit is provided automatically when submitting documents for enrollment. In this case, the disabled person must support the set of documents with a copy of the disabled person’s certificate or a certificate of receipt of disability, if this certificate has not yet been received.

Thus, current situation allows us to conclude that one of the most vulnerable social groups receives considerable assistance from the state, which is expressed not only in material assistance, but also in the provision of specific in-kind assistance in the form of concessions when obtaining education, employment or medical care. But over time, the list of support measures may grow, since the needs of disabled people are growing as well as the demands of physically able-bodied Russian citizens.

Social guarantees and benefits for people with disabilities in the Russian Federation:

Group 2 disability - list of diseases, the presence of which is necessary to recognize a citizen as disabled, is determined for each category by acts of the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Labor of Russia - can be issued by persons whose health status meets certain criteria set out in the law. Read more about this below.

List of diseases of 2nd disability group. Can a disabled person of group 2 work?

Disability criteria

Disability of the 2nd group in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Labor "On classifications and criteria..." dated December 17, 2015 No. 1024n can be diagnosed if a person has impaired body functions moderate degree expressiveness.

Among these disorders are:

  1. Limitation of the ability to move, that is, the ability to move in space without anyone’s help, maintaining balance, as well as to independently use public transport. A moderate degree of this disorder indicates the need for partial assistance to the person moving.
  2. Limitation of the ability to orientate means that without outside help, a disabled person of group 2 cannot maintain an adequate perception of the environment, determine the time and place of his location.
  3. Limitation of the ability to communicate implies that when establishing contacts with other people, receiving or transmitting information, a disabled person will require partial assistance from other persons.
  4. Limited learning ability means that a person recognized as a disabled person of the 2nd group can remember, assimilate and reproduce knowledge, master practical skills and abilities only when studying in specialized institutions. It is possible to complete training at home, and assistive technology may be used.
  5. Limitation of the ability to work means that a disabled person can participate in work only in the presence of specially created conditions where the use of any technical means is possible. Such people are able to work if other people constantly provide them with help.

Working disability group 2. Only disabled people of the 1st group are considered unable to carry out labor activity, which, however, does not deprive them of the right to employment if they have the qualities required to occupy the position.

Diseases leading to disability

Among the diseases that suffer from persons recognized as disabled people of the 2nd group, the following can be noted:

  • Mental dysfunction.
  • Violation of speech functions that arose as a result of stuttering, impaired voice formation.
  • Sensory disorders, for example, blurred vision, tactile sensitivity.
  • Damage to respiratory and circulatory functions.
  • Disorders caused by physical deformities, for example, deformation of the head, violation of the size of body parts.

Working disability group 2. Conditions for recognition of disability

A disability of a certain group can be awarded to a citizen only if:

  • He has a disorder of body functions that is caused by disease, injury or defects.
  • There are restrictions on his normal functioning.
  • There is a need to take measures to social protection and rehabilitation (habilitation) of a person.

General procedure for recognizing a person as a group 2 disabled person

A person wishing to obtain the status of a disabled person must undergo a medical and social examination. Before visiting a medical institution for examination, the candidate must collect a package of documents established by law, namely:

A referral for examination received from the attending physician, which must contain detailed information:

  • About the state of health of a citizen.
  • The degree of impairment of body functions.
  • The state of the compensatory capabilities of his body.
  • Previously carried out rehabilitation measures aimed at restoring the affected organs and systems of the body.

Citizens can also receive a referral from a pension authority or social security authority. Referrals are issued only to persons who have medical documents, confirming the presence of health disorders.

If employees medical institutions, pension authority and social protection authority refused to issue a referral to a citizen, then he can independently contact the bureau that produces medical examination. Specialists will examine the applicant and determine whether he has any disabilities.

  • Application for examination, which the candidate fills out independently. It is possible to fill out the application by the citizen’s legal representative.
  • A passport that will need to be presented in the original, as well as a copy of it.
  • A work record book or a copy thereof is presented if the person has ever carried out labor activities.
  • Certificate of income of a citizen.
  • Outpatient card of the patient.
  • Characteristics filled out by the citizen’s employer or the head of the educational institution where he was trained.
  • Who work injury or occupational disease is necessary if the cause of the applicant’s illness was a disorder resulting from work activity.

In some cases, the list of documents changes. The exact list can be found by checking the Administrative Regulations, approved. by order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated January 29, 2014 No. 59n.

Activities of the medical commission for conducting examinations

The office that conducts the ITU must be located at the citizen’s place of residence. It is possible to conduct the examination at the applicant’s home.

The examination is carried out by examining the applicant, analyzing the documentation submitted by him, studying social and living conditions life of a person, getting to know him psychological characteristics and labor opportunities.

During the ITU process, a corresponding protocol is maintained. The standard form of the protocol is enshrined in the order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated December 29, 2015 No. 1171n.

  • Dates for submitting an application for passing the ITU.
  • Dates of the examination.
  • The time of examination of a candidate for obtaining the status of a disabled person.
  • Dates of the decision.
  • Information about the person in need of examination, that is, his:
    • FULL NAME.
    • Date of Birth.
    • Citizenship.
    • Attitude towards military service.
    • Residence address.
    • Place of registration.
    • Contact details.
    • Passport details.
  • Data on the procedure for conducting the examination, that is, information:
    • On the grounds for conducting the examination.
    • The place where the citizen is examined.
    • Information about re-execution ITU.
    • Objectives of the examination.
    • Information about the results of the examination.
    • Duration of disability.

The head of the expert bureau, as well as all specialists who took part in the examination, indicate their full names and sign in the protocol. The document is stamped by the bureau that conducted the examination of the citizen.

Medical and social examination report

The decision to recognize a person as disabled is made based on the opinion of the majority of specialists who participated in the examination. The decision made is brought to the attention of the citizen who has undergone the examination.

Based on the results of the examination, a report is drawn up. In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia “On approval...” dated April 13, 2015 No. 228n, this document contains the following information:

  • Information about the candidate for disability.
  • Solution federal institution medical and social examination, which records:
    • Type and degree of health disorders.
    • Conclusion about the types and degrees of disability.
    • An approved disability group or a record of refusal to recognize a person as disabled.
    • Cause of disability.
    • Date of the next examination of the citizen.
    • Degree of loss of professional ability to work, etc.

Recognition of disability: is re-examination necessary or not?

The degree of disability directly affects the determination of the disability group. Disability of the 2nd group is established for 1 year. After this, the person is required to undergo a second examination (re-examination) aimed at determining his state of health.

Refusal to recognize disability

An appeal against a refusal to approve disability is possible within 1 month. In this case, the citizen who underwent the examination, or his legal representative, must draw up an application and submit it to the bureau that carried out the examination.

Based on the application, a new ITU will be appointed. Based on the results of the examination, the main bureau can make a decision on assigning the status of a disabled person.

If the main bureau refuses to approve disability, the citizen has the right to contact the Federal Bureau within 1 month from the date of the decision on refusal. The Federal Bureau will order a re-examination.

The decisions of all bodies carrying out examinations of citizens can be appealed in court.

Group 2 disability. Social assistance (pension and other benefits)

The Law “On Social Protection of Disabled Persons in the Russian Federation” dated November 24, 1995 No. 181-FZ guarantees disabled people of the 2nd group to receive monthly cash payments. Also, disabled people are entitled to a social pension. Every year payments are subject to indexation.

EDV is paid from funds Pension Fund RF. In order to receive funds, people with disabilities must contact the territorial office government agency at the place of residence with a number of title documents.

Disability group 2. Privileges


Disabled people of the 2nd group who have the appropriate certificate can count on free travel to individual regions countries. There is no charge for disabled people at all or certain types urban public transport. A person will be able to use transport services free of charge within the administrative district of his place of residence.

Disabled people are also given discounts when purchasing train tickets. Benefits are provided for persons registered as disabled who wish to use air and river transport.

Benefits for medicines

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On State Support...” dated July 30, 1994 No. 890 guarantees non-working disabled people of the 2nd group benefits when purchasing medications in accordance with a doctor’s prescription. Range of products medical purposes may be provided free of charge.

Benefits for spa treatment

Disabled people have the right to free vouchers to holiday homes, resorts and sanatoriums. The issuance of vouchers is carried out by social protection authorities. The basis for providing a trip to Spa treatment is a conclusion issued by specialists of the medical institution where the citizen is observed.

Benefits for training

Disabled people have privileges when entering educational institutions. They are given the opportunity to be enrolled without competition. A citizen with a 2nd disability group will only be required to successfully pass the entrance exams.

Thus, candidates for disability of the 2nd group must remember the procedure for passing the ITU, based on the results of which disability is established. Persons who have received the status of disabled people can count on a number of payments and numerous social benefits.

A citizen whose health status meets certain criteria has the right to be assigned the status of a disabled person. To do this, you need to undergo a medical and social examination.

This social status allows you to claim rehabilitation measures, receive established by law benefits and payments.

Second disability group

Group II disability is characterized by the inability to fully independently satisfy basic needs.

A person needs the help of other people and social protection.

The main aspects of the interaction of a disabled person with society are regulated by Federal Law No. 181-FZ “On the social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation.”

The commission that recognizes disability is called a medical and social examination (MSE).

Disability criteria (list of diseases)

There is an opinion that a disability group is assigned according to a certain list of specific diseases.

In fact, this status is assigned if the dysfunction of the body meets one or more of the following theses:

  • The inability to provide basic independent household and hygienic services was noted. For example, a person has difficulty preparing food without outside help or using assistive technology;
  • Traffic is unclear and difficulties arise when using public transport. For example, traveling on a bus becomes impossible if it is not equipped with a ramp or without partial assistance from others;
  • There is a problem with orientation in space and time. Can get lost without outside help;
  • There are difficulties in communicating with others. Without the help of other persons or special equipment, problems arise with the reception and transmission of information;
  • Reduced ability adequate behavior , requires adjustment from the outside;
  • Implementation educational activities only possible when used auxiliary equipment at home or in specialized educational institutions;
  • Labor activity is available only upon creation special conditions or with the ongoing assistance of others.

The second disability group is working (comparison with group 1)

Disability group II is not considered a reason to stop working if the employee wants to continue working.

For group I this rule does not apply.

However, the employer should carefully study the individual rehabilitation program (IRP) of a disabled employee.

According to Article 23 of Law No. 181-FZ creates special conditions for the realization of the right of a disabled person to work. These conditions, according to the same law, cannot be worse than those of other employees of the organization.

There are times when it is not necessary to create a special environment for an employee. For example, a citizen works in accounting, the work is sedentary. In the IPR it is forbidden to perform work while standing. This means that changes in the employee’s activities will not be required.

Shorter work week and extended vacation

Law No. 181-FZ states that employees with disabilities must fulfill their duties no more than 35 hours per week.

At the same time, wages remain the same as for a 40-hour work week.

Overtime work without the consent of the employee is prohibited, even if it is permitted for health reasons.

The leave of such employees has been supplemented for 2 days - they rest for 30 calendar days .

At the same time, it is worth knowing that the vacation is extended regardless of whether the employee has been disabled for the entire year or not. There are cases where, due to an error by the HR department, extended leave is not granted.

If such an error is discovered, it is necessary to return the missing days to the disabled employee or pay monetary compensation. Otherwise, the organization may have problems with the labor inspectorate.

Besides, an employee with a disability may qualify for 60 days of unpaid leave.

Article 128 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation will not allow the employer to refuse this requirement to a disabled employee. The timing of such leave is determined by mutual agreement of the parties.

What documents to require

When applying for a job, the status of a disabled person is confirmed by:

  • Certificate of medical and social examination, which confirms the disability group and the degree of labor limitation.

However, the employee himself decides whether to inform him about his special situation or not, because these certificates are not on the list mandatory documents for hiring, which are approved by Article 65 part 1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Diseases leading to disability

There are several groups of diseases that lead to disability:

  • musculoskeletal apparatus;
  • blood circulation;
  • digestive and respiratory systems;
  • exchange processes;
  • vision, hearing and sense of smell;
  • mental state

It is worth noting once again that the Law does not provide a list of diseases that unambiguously establishes the status of a disabled person. To qualify for rehabilitation, you must meet the disability criteria discussed above.

The second disability group is working. Conditions for recognition of disability

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 20, 2006 No. 95 regulates following conditions To recognize a citizen as disabled:

  • a citizen has received an illness or injury and in connection with this has persistent disorders of comfortable life support functions;
  • a person is completely or partially unable to exercise self-service;
  • citizen needs rehabilitation and guarantees of social security.

The final conclusion is always made by a medical and social examination.

Activities of the medical commission for conducting examinations

A patient can be referred for medical examination by the attending physician, employees of the Pension Fund or the social security authority.

If for some reason these services refuse a citizen to receive a referral, then it is permissible to independently contact the bureau of medical and social examination.

To do this, you need to collect all personal documents and medical reports confirming the disease and submit them to the ITU registry. The day on which the examination will take place is also appointed.

If the applicant cannot come to the office due to illness, the examination can take place at home.

To do this, you need to obtain confirmation of your health status from a medical institution.

The commission includes employees from various fields, including doctors, psychologists, and social workers.

They conduct an examination of the applicant, analyze the documentation received from him, and comprehensively study living conditions, social status and other aspects of life.

Based on all the data received, a decision is made.

The entire examination process is recorded.

The decision to grant a citizen the status of a disabled person or to refuse to grant him such status is made based on the opinion of the majority of specialists.

Contents of the medical specialists' protocol

The form of the protocol is regulated by Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated October 17, 2012 No. 322n and includes:

  • Date and time information conducting ITU;
  • Section 1. General information about the identity of the applicant;
  • Section 2. Data on the procedure for carrying out MSA;
  • Section 3. Information about social and living conditions;
  • Section 4. Information about the applicant's education;
  • Section 5. Professional data of the citizen and working conditions;
  • Section 6. Clinical and functional data: complaints, anamnesis, results of examination by specialists, conclusion of consultants, diagnosis;
  • Section 7. Commission decision: conclusion on the types of disabilities, disability group, cause of disability, date of the next examination. Conclusion on the need for constant care from other persons, special notes from specialists.

Medical and social examination report

Based on the results of the medical examination, a report is drawn up that contains the following information:

  • Fact of establishment disability;
  • Assigned group;
  • Reason for receipt status;
  • Degree of restriction labor;
  • Next date examinations.

Recognition of disability

If the MES assigns the status of a disabled person to a citizen, then he is issued the following documents:

  • Group information disability;
  • Individual program rehabilitation.

The certificate of incapacity for work indicates the decision of the examination.

An extract is drawn up from the inspection report. Bureau employees are required to send this extract to the pension fund within three days to calculate a disability pension.

Duration of disability group II - 1 year . After this time has expired, the citizen is required to undergo the examination again.
If a citizen is recognized as disabled, the date of disability determination is the day when the application for MSA was received by the bureau.

Refusal to recognize disability

If the commission refuses to assign a disabled person status to a citizen, this is communicated orally. At the request of the applicant, a certificate in any form is issued.

A note about the decision of the MES is made on the sick leave.

If a citizen does not agree with the decision of the MES commission, he has the right to appeal it to a higher bureau. The result of the examination of the district bureau can be challenged in the main bureau of the MES.

If this decision does not satisfy the applicant, it is worth contacting the Federal Bureau. The decision of the main authority of the ITU can only be challenged in court.

Second disability group. Payments

Financial support for a disabled person consists of:

  • Pensions;
  • A monthly cash payment (MCV), which includes the cost of the social package, if the citizen refused to use it.

The refusal to use benefits is written once; annual confirmation is not required. If a disabled person, after some time, again expresses a desire to use benefits, then it is enough just to write a new application about this.

Amounts of payments in 2015, taking into account annual indexation for disabled people of group II:

  • Social pension– 4769.09 rubles per month.
    EDV– 2240.70 rubles per month, which includes 881.63 rubles, if the disabled person does not use a set of social services.

In addition to these payments, there is a federal social supplement for people with disabilities whose total income is less than the subsistence level.

Second disability group. Privileges

For disabled people of any group, a package of assistance is provided in the form of a set of social services.

This list includes:

  • Providing medications. If a disabled person does not work, he receives medicines free of charge with a prescription from the attending physician; workers buy medicines, paying half the price.
  • Obtaining a voucher for sanatorium treatment if there are medical indications. It is free for non-working disabled people, with a 50% discount for working people.
  • Discounts on public transport, including free travel to and from treatment and free travel on commuter trains.
  • Those who need prosthetic limbs receive them free of charge. Special shoes prescribed by the orthopedist have different levels complexity and, depending on this, can be obtained for free, at a discount or for full payment.
  • Besides, Group II disabled people have the right to free dentures.

Housing benefits

All disabled people can receive housing, the footage of which should not be less than 18 square meters. meters per person and can exceed this norm by no more than 36 square meters. meters per person. To receive this benefit you need to stand in line. When providing housing, the IPR of a disabled person will be taken into account.

Housing and communal services benefits

A 50% reduction is provided when paying for housing rented from the state or municipality. Payment benefits utilities can be obtained without taking into account the fact of ownership.

Please note that this is only valid for the disabled person's share. For example, when two people live together, one of whom is recognized as a person with disabilities, You need to pay the water meter - 500 rubles.

This amount is divided between two citizens, and for 250 rubles, which fall to the share of a disabled person, a discount is provided - 125 rubles.

If the house does not have central heating, the beneficiary is entitled to privileges for purchasing fuel within the tariffs.

Benefits for education

Group II disabled people have the right to enter institutes, colleges and any other municipal institutions without participating in a competition. All disabled people are paid a stipend.

Benefit for paying for a radio point

Disabled people of group II are not charged for radio points.

Tax benefits

Personal income tax

The tax deduction, that is, the amount that reduces the amount of income, for disabled people of group II is 3,000 rubles per month. For example, if a disabled person’s salary is 10,000 rubles, only 7,000 are taxed.

Transport tax.

For disabled people who independently purchased a vehicle with a power of no more than 150 horsepower (hp), the tax rate per hp is is reduced by half.

In some regions (for example, in the Moscow region, Krasnoyarsk region, Nizhny Novgorod, Sverdlovsk, Saratov, Samara regions and a number of others), disabled people of group II are exempt from paying this tax.

Also, transport specially equipped for a disabled person and a car received through SOBES are not subject to taxes if it has no more than 100 horsepower.

Land tax

If a disabled person who owns a plot of land was assigned an indefinite group II status before January 1, 2004, then 10,000 rubles from the amount that he is obliged to pay is not taxed.

For example, the cadastral value of land is 1,000,000 rubles. Only 990,000 will be taxed. The rate is 0.3%. This means that you need to pay 2970 rubles to the budget, instead of 3000 rubles.

Property tax for individuals

Group II disabled people do not pay.


Disability group II allows a citizen to continue working if special working conditions are created for him. At the same time, the right to use benefits and payments is retained.

For a citizen to be officially recognized based on the results medical and social examination(ITU) for a disabled person of group 2, in the manner prescribed in, he must be diagnosed with impairments of certain body functions to a moderate degree. As a result, the citizen is forced to limit his ability to move, navigate in space, communicate, learn and work.

Diseases that may result in a patient being assigned disability group 2 include:

  • Mental disorders and disorders.
  • Disorders of voice and speech formation.
  • Deterioration or complete absence vision, tactile sensitivity.
  • Circulatory and respiratory disorders.
  • Various deformities of body parts.

In order for a patient of a medical institution to be referred for medical examination, his attending physician prepares a conclusion, which must indicate:

  • What is your current health status?
  • What body functions are impaired and to what extent.
  • What is the state of the body’s compensatory capabilities?
  • What rehabilitation measures have already been carried out in order to restore the identified health problems.

Direction to passing the ITU can issue, in addition to medical institutions, social security authorities and the Pension Fund of Russia, but in each case it is necessary to have a medical report on the nature and causes of the disease. A positive ITU conclusion must be confirmed annually. A list of diseases has also been approved, the official diagnosis of which gives the right to assignment indefinitely.

Pensions for disabled people of group 2

Help for disabled people of group 2, as well as group 2 disabled people since childhood are provided by the state in the form monthly payment 3 different types pensions:

Amount of pensions for disabled people of group 2 in 2019

The amount of payments is regularly indexed and increased. The date of the procedure and the amount of the increase vary depending on the type of pension paid.

The amount of the monthly fixed payment to the disability insurance pension increased by 7.05% from January 1, 2019. At the same time, the cost of one pension point increased:

  • basic part of pension – 5334.19 rubles.
  • For each dependent - RUB 1,777.27.
  • Cost of pension point – RUR 87.24.

Social pension 2 groups in 2018 grew in April by 4.1%. Its size is fixed and is:

  • For disabled people - 5240.65 rub.
  • Disabled people from childhood - 10481,34 rub.

State pensions are also increasing from April 1 at the time of growth of the calculation indicator, which is the social pension. Its value is equal 5240.65 rubles.

Social benefits for disabled people of group 2

Besides pension provision and, the state provides assistance to disabled people of group 2 in the form of provision. The list includes:

  1. The right to free or discounted travel with a single travel ticket (cost 200 rubles) on any type of municipal transport (except for taxis), as well as suburban transport. From October 1 to May 15, disabled people of group 2 can get a 50% discount on trips on intercity public transport lines, and for the rest of the year one free round trip to the place of treatment.
  2. Education is provided without competition, and all disabled students of group 2 receive a scholarship.
  3. Exemption from property tax.
  4. Exemption from payment of transport tax on a car with a capacity of up to 100 hp, granted to a disabled person by the social protection authority.
  5. When calculating the land tax rate, the price of the plot (according to the cadastre) is reduced by 10 thousand rubles.
  6. Tax deduction 3000 rub. monthly for disabled people of group 2, participants of the Second World War, 500 rubles. monthly for disabled people of group 2 and disabled children.
  7. 50% discount on notary assistance;
  8. Exemption from payment of state duty when filing a claim in court for an amount less than 1 million rubles.
  9. Assistance in obtaining legal assistance.
  10. Assistance in ensuring adequate care for a disabled person.

Housing benefits for disabled people of group 2

At your place of official residence legally(confirmed by registration), disabled people of group 2 enjoy housing benefits:

  1. Disabled people and families with disabled children of group 2 enjoy a 50% discount on rent, regardless of who owns the occupied premises. The same applies to contributions for major repairs. Even if a disabled person is not the owner of the premises, but lives in it legally and receives receipts in his name, he is entitled to a discount.
  2. Providing assistance in obtaining a site for housing construction as a priority.
  3. Subsidy for the purchase of housing.

When queuing up for housing, a group 2 disabled person has priority; all measures must be taken to meet his needs, but the procedure for placement and receipt is determined in each case individually within the framework of local legislation.

Medical care for disabled people of group 2

Working disabled people of the 2nd group every year, upon application to the social security authority, draw up 50% discount to purchase a voucher for a sanatorium-resort treatment recommended by the attending physician, as well as to pay for a trip by any type of public transport (but not a taxi) to the place of treatment and back. Non-working disabled people of group 2 are provided with vouchers and travel free of charge annually.

Working and unemployed disabled people of group 2 receive medicines with a doctor's prescription at the pharmacy with a 50% discount. All for non-working persons necessary medications are available in pharmacies free of charge.

Prosthetics and dental prosthetics medical indications provided for free.

Benefits for disabled people of group 2

Group 2 disabled people receive benefits - monthly cash payment(EDV). Local payments are established and carried out by branches of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation based on applications from citizens, supported by the appropriate package of documents.

Group 2 disabled people (including disabled children) are paid monthly from 02/01/2019 - RUB 2,678.31 Also, disabled people of group 2 can refuse the approved list of social benefits and receive compensation in material form(NSU). In 2019 - 1121.42 rubles. Indexation from February 1, 2019 will be 4.3%. The list of benefits includes:

  • Providing medicines and drugs according to doctor’s prescriptions in the amount of 863, 75 rub.
  • Voucher for medical reasons for sanatorium-resort treatment - 133.62 rubles.
  • Payment for tickets to and from the place of treatment - 124.05 rubles.

When, due to a Group 2 disability acquired and confirmed by the ITU, an employee can no longer perform his job duties, the employer dismisses him in accordance with the wording “due to the inability to perform his job duties.”

The employer is obliged to pay not only wages and vacation pay, but also a benefit in the amount of the employee’s two-week average earnings, calculated based on the average daily earnings for 12 months at a given enterprise and multiplied by 14 days.


The state represented by social protection authorities, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, as well as other bodies executive power provides support to disabled people of group 2 by:

  • Providing social benefits.
  • Financial assistance in the form of pensions and benefits.
  • Providing assistance in providing medications, housing, and preferential transportation.
  • And a whole series of other measures.

Assistance is provided on the basis of acquisition social status disabled person of group 2, and can also be targeted. Group 2 disabled person who finds himself in difficult situation, always has the right to apply for humanitarian assistance on an individual basis to local social protection authorities.

The most popular questions and answers to them on social support for disabled people of group 2

Question: Does a group 2 disabled person have the right to be provided with free car, and what documentation is required for this?

Answer: Those disabled people of group 2 who stood in line to receive a free car from the social security authorities before 01/01/2005 actually had such a right. However, from January 1, 2005, cars were excluded from the official list of technical means for the rehabilitation of disabled people. Now, instead, a monthly cash payment is due in accordance with

About the status of a disabled person

Today, disability in group 2 is not the most stringent criterion for assessing health.

Although there are many limitations of the general condition.

To support a disabled person, compensation payments are provided at the state level. TO What benefits does a group 2 disabled person have?

A person with limited capabilities is considered a disabled person. The cause may be a hereditary or acquired disease, as well as injury received while performing work tasks. The disease lasts for a long time. Based on the injuries received or restrictions on normal life activities, a disability group is established.

The second group is assigned based on the following indicators:

  1. There is no possibility of self-service. That is, without the help of outsiders, technical devices, it is impossible to perform simple actions.
  2. It is possible to move only with the help of other people.
  3. It is impossible to perceive the outside world without other devices.
  4. If communication is carried out with the involvement of third parties.
  5. Constantly have to use medicines.
  6. If you need to work, you need to use additional technical devices.

Scroll pathological abnormalities, according to which group 2 is determined:

  1. Significant deterioration in visual or hearing function.
  2. Disease of the circulatory or respiratory system.
  3. Deviations in mental indicators.
  4. Speech disturbances, confusion.
  5. Serious disruptions throughout the body.

Despite these violations, disabled people of group 2 can take Active participation in public life.

They can, without the help of other persons:

  • do simple work;
  • learn new things;
  • talk with interlocutors;
  • take a walk on your own.

Benefits and compensation payments to disabled people

All of the above is complemented by the provision of technical means that perform functions that cannot be performed by a disabled person himself. Realization in many professional areas is also possible, but with the help of other people.

All disabled people are entitled to benefits and compensation payments from the state aimed at ensuring normal life activities, taking into account rehabilitation.

Group 2 is established after a meeting of a special commission consisting of medical workers. But the assignment of disability is not limited to this, since it is then necessary to contact the Pension Fund for assignment.

In addition to the basic payments provided for regulations state, there may be additional compensation from local authorities, but the latter is established for each region based on budgetary capabilities.

Assignment of disabled status

To register a disability, you must contact your attending physician, who, in turn, will issue referrals for tests and a medical examination by other specialists.

The following documents must be submitted for the main direction:

  1. Application for medical examination.
  2. Original identification documents.
  3. Copies of documents indicating a general illness.

But due to an accident at work, other documentation may be necessary, that is, investigation materials issued by the organization.

  1. Papers related to the acquisition of the group are transferred at the place of residence for medical and social examination.
  2. To review the documents, a commission consisting of several representatives is created. Based on the results of the papers provided, the issue of the degree of loss of normal life functions is decided. A protocol is drawn up.
  3. The need to assign a group is determined by voting and an act is drawn up, signed by all members of the commission.
  4. If a person is recognized as disabled, he is issued a certificate within three working days. He is also informed about the rehabilitation program aimed at maintaining his health.
  5. The disabled person must apply with the issued certificate to receive pension payments from the Pension Fund. The fund will issue a pensioner certificate.

The status of a disabled person can be used from the very moment of receipt of the certificate, and from the same time the person is accrued all benefits and compensations.

Compensation for disabled people

Our state is humane and therefore at Duma meetings it is considered various ways support for people with disabilities. It is important to have an idea of ​​the benefits of this category of people.

Free services in all areas, discounts or monetary compensation exist and are expressed in the following: for services, purchase of medicines, fees for resorts and much more.

Preferential conditions for paying utility bills

People with disabilities have special privileges when paying for housing and communal services. The discount is expressed in monetary terms, that is, payments for electricity, gas use, water supply and sewerage, as well as garbage collection and heating are reduced by half of the accrued amount.

If there is no central heating system in the residential premises, then a person with disabled status has the right to apply to have a boiler installed. This service is paid, but specifically for this case, half the cost is reduced.

It includes:

  • free distribution of medicines;
  • treatment in a sanatorium or dispensary according to indications of general condition;
  • payment for travel to medical institutions.

These are calculated and have their own price, but the decision remains with the person himself, namely, whether he will use them or whether he wishes to receive the amounts. Before October 1 of the current year and annually, it is necessary to make this decision and write an application to the Pension Fund.

If the request was submitted earlier than the deadline, then it is considered valid, but the disabled person also has the opportunity to change his mind and refuse this service. Moreover, you can write an application to refuse some services, or you can refuse completely.

Provision of medicines

A group 2 disabled person can receive medications prescribed by a specialist without payment. Working disabled people are given a 50% discount on medicines, equipment and other devices.

For half the price you can get:

  • all drugs according to the List established by the state or local authorities;
  • equipment or products necessary to maintain life functions according to the list;
  • medications for the treatment of tuberculosis pathology.

It’s easy to find out information about everything from your doctor.

Spa treatment

To issue a referral for treatment, you must complete the following:

  1. For a disabled person who has not refused such treatment, the local doctor and the commission provide the choice of a hospital and issue a referral.
  2. The indications for what purpose a person with disabilities is sent for treatment are determined. Contraindications are not left without due attention. Based on the information studied, a conclusion is made about the presence or progression of pathologies and a referral is issued.
  3. The disabled person is given a certificate confirming the need to undergo sanatorium treatment. It is valid for six months. During this period, a person with disabilities has the right to submit an application about the need or inability to pass of this treatment to the social insurance fund.
  4. Upon receipt of a certificate and application from a disabled person, a social organization is obliged to inform the disabled person within 10 calendar days about the specific date of arrival and the provision of a voucher.
  5. The voucher will be delivered no later than 3 weeks before the start of arrival. With this document, the disabled person must again contact the local doctor to verify the data.
  6. Registration is also required health resort card, which is also prepared by the attending physician.
  7. To undergo treatment, a person with disabilities must provide a voucher and a sanatorium-resort card to the sanatorium.

The full course of treatment is a full 18 days, and for a disabled minor - 21 days.

What benefits are there for rehabilitation?

Disabled people of group 2 have the right to enjoy benefits when purchasing the following medical supplies necessary for their rehabilitation:

  • specialized devices for improving hearing;
  • strollers for moving;
  • orthopedic shoes;
  • installation of dentures;
  • other means.

It can also be issued free of charge or with a 50% discount orthopedic shoes. It depends on the complexity of manufacturing. For free teeth the manufacture of crowns or dentures from high-cost materials, such as metal-ceramics or porcelain, is not taken into account.

Tax benefits

The process of obtaining disability

Disabled people of group 2 are provided with preferential tax treatment:

  1. When purchasing housing, 13% of the total cost is paid, but the established limit for this amount is no more than 2 million rubles.
  2. If the employer purchased a voucher to a sanatorium, then it is not subject to tax.
  3. If technical devices necessary for the rehabilitation of people with disabilities are purchased, then payment tax deductions not expected.
  4. Cash compensation received from a direct employer in the amount of 4,000 rubles is not subject to taxation.
  5. Payments for the purchase of medicines are also not taxed.
  6. Persons with disabilities do not pay property taxes established for citizens.
  7. If they have land, people with disabilities pay tax at a 50% discount, but it is mandatory that the land belongs to the disabled person himself.
  8. If a disabled person has a vehicle with a power not exceeding 150 horsepower, then he pays only half the amount.
  9. If it is necessary to visit a notary, the latter's services are 50% for a disabled person.
  10. If a citizen with disabilities goes to court for general issues or property, then he does not need to pay state duty. But at the same time, the amount of estimated damage should not be less than 1 million rubles.

Having all the knowledge about paying taxes, you can significantly save your family budget.

Working with disability group 2

For disabled people of group 2, there are some restrictions on work duties, these include:

But all of the listed parameters, which are unacceptable for employment of a disabled person of group 2, are determined based on the certification of workplaces and, of course, the condition of the patient himself. The conclusion is made by an occupational pathologist.

What social benefits are due?

Today, in addition to a pension, a disabled person of group 2 is also entitled to other social compensation, namely:

  • one-time, established in accordance with Article 28.1 Federal Law 181;
  • social supplement intended for those who have an income below the subsistence level.

If a person with disabilities does not have seniority, then he receives only a minimum pension payment, and if he has length of service, a special calculation is carried out in accordance with regulations.

About the nuances and features

The same payments are established for all disabled people. They do not depend in any way on financial status, length of service, age category and much more. But still, for working people there are special guarantees from the state:

  1. The working week should not exceed a total of more than 35 hours. Every employer must establish this.
  2. Only with the written consent of the person with disabilities can he be involved in overtime work, work on days off and for business trips.
  3. Do not forget that the number of vacation days for disabled people without pay can be about 60 days; the main vacation must also be added to this amount.

If you have the opportunity and desire to engage in individual entrepreneurship, then this is welcome. This category of citizens can open their own business, and the tax amount will be preferential.

Video about social guarantees and benefits for people with disabilities in the Russian Federation:

Jan 29, 2018 Help manual

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