Seasonal vaccinations: pros and cons. Should children be vaccinated: doctors' opinion

How do you feel about vaccinations? Has your child had any vaccinations?

I have a daughter born in 1992. Up to 7 months normal development, crawled. Everything is fine. Before vaccination. Six months later, I was diagnosed with cerebral palsy with prenatal development. WHAT THE FUCK. Now he doesn't even crawl. Screw this non-traditional medicine out of the woods. I hope I'm not late with my prejudices.

My position on vaccinations is this:

"Most vaccinations in most cases can be unreasonably dangerous and undesirable for the child, and there are serious reasons to refuse them."

That's it, no more but no less. I have not vaccinated my child and will not do so.

A person who refuses vaccinations is necessarily immediately labeled as a rabid sectarian, a madman who risks the lives of children; paranoid, believing in the conspiracy theory of evil doctors... You know, I'm incredibly tired about this. I'm tired of communicating with stupid and illiterate people, just don't be offended. I am a biologist by training, and we had a course in immunology; Plus, later I read a lot of books on immunology and special materials, and continue to read them to this day. Whatever one may say, I have at least some understanding of the issue, certainly at the level of basic concepts and special terminology. And I must tell you that immunology is one of the most interesting, and at the same time, most complex branches of biology. People with whom you sometimes have to enter into a discussion on vaccinations – in 99% of cases they “understand” the issue at the level of several postulates:

  1. Vaccinations are the only way to save children from terrible diseases; a vaccinated child is not afraid of diseases; an unvaccinated child will die from disease;
  2. An unvaccinated child is dangerous for vaccinated children; he should not be allowed into the group with vaccinated children; (trying to understand how this point fits with the previous one? Where is the logic here? Don’t try, it’s useless).
  3. All vaccinations are completely safe for children and do not pose the slightest threat to them;
  4. All doctors and pharmacists are completely competent, impeccably truthful, absolutely well-intentioned towards children;
  5. (as a conclusion from the previous ones): Anyone who refuses vaccinations is a) paranoid, according to paragraphs 3 and 4; b) an enemy to one’s own children, according to clause 1; c) the enemy and all the surrounding children too, according to paragraph 2 (this point is especially interesting, since it takes the question beyond the scope of “his personal matter”).

These postulates, like any dogmatic statements, are not subject to any doubt, do not need verification, and are not shaken by any facts and reasoning. Talking to such people about vaccinations is a completely pointless exercise. Therefore, if you have knowledge about vaccinations - within the framework of the above postulates - I ask you to close this material and do not read it further. It is intended for people who have not yet completely lost the ability to reason, logically, and unbiased thinking, and who are interested in finding out how things are in reality, in fact, and not defending their opinions, whether they are correct or not.

When the birth of a child loomed, I began to prepare very carefully for this on many issues, including the issue of vaccinations. Having sifted through and subjected to detailed analysis a lot of materials, both anti-vaccination, pro-vaccination, and neutral academic, I came to certain conclusions. Here they are:

  1. The question of the need and usefulness of vaccinations is very, very complex, requiring special consideration and analysis for each vaccination separately; for most vaccinations there are serious arguments against their being needed at all; UNIQUELY, this question does NOT look like “all vaccinations that are given are necessary and useful”;
  2. The question of the harmlessness and absence of threats from vaccinations is very, very complex, requiring special consideration and analysis for each vaccine separately; for most vaccinations there are serious arguments that speak of a real, non-illusory danger to the health of the vaccinated child; CLEARLY this question does NOT look like “all vaccinations that are given are completely safe for the child.”
  3. Official medicine insists on the unconditional necessity and complete safety of all vaccinations; at the same time, contradicting the information leading to the conclusions in paragraphs 1 and 2, it demonstrates the absence of any serious argumentation in favor of its statements; on the contrary, it clearly demonstrates the widespread use of psychological manipulation, pressure, intimidation, deliberate outright lies, and suppression of real facts.
  4. Similar behavior official medicine is not at all of the nature of a “conspiracy theory”, but is completely explainable from the standpoint of, firstly, total corruption medical workers and officials who created conditions of strong material interest in the results of vaccination and complete irresponsibility for any consequences of vaccination; secondly, the general degradation of the public institution of medicine, both from the scientific-practical and moral aspects, and the actual attitude of people and physicians to medical issues as religious issues - i.e. not requiring confirmation or proof. In general, issues of the current situation in medicine require separate consideration; Things are bad there globally, and not just in pediatrics.
  5. In order to reach the above conclusions, an impartial analysis is completely sufficient open information, including pro-vaccination and official; At the same time, it is not necessary to be a specialist in immunology; general education, general common sense and mastery of logic are sufficient. A more detailed analysis of the information, delving into highly specialized biological and immunological issues, usually shows that the argument in favor of abstaining from vaccinations is even more thorough and strong. In particular, the argumentation of the thesis that vaccination is a gross interference in immune system, although it may give resistance to a specific disease, but causes swipe for immunity in general.

(At this point, another small digression away from medicine to politics and psychology. People tend to believe that the authorities and, in general, any higher authorities initially treat them favorably, are, so to speak, good, care about the entire people as a whole. And ", despite minor reasons to be dissatisfied with the authorities, it is difficult for people even theoretically to accept the concept that the authorities can be hostile to the people. Purely psychologically it is easier to reject this concept, since it is very unpleasant. Sometimes you have to obey the authorities one way or another; but it’s one thing to obey your father family, albeit a very harsh one - you feel oppressed, but protected; it is another thing to obey a clear enemy: you feel like a slave who is in danger of death. Therefore, people often tend to reject without reasoning any statements that the authorities are doing certain things, deliberately hostile to the people and to you personally, although at present simple analysis actually shows that nothing else can explain what is happening.

In our countries, the authorities are essentially an occupation administration that acts not for the benefit of the people, but for the benefit of foreign occupiers. Their interests include, among other things, the systematic reduction of the population “peacefully.” The simplest powerful directions of influence visible to the naked eye in this vein are the stimulation of alcoholism, smoking, drug addiction, and informational influence aimed at reducing the birth rate. In addition to these large ones, there are dozens of smaller, bearing fruit, actions of the authorities against the people (destruction of education, public morality, family values, normal healthcare, etc.), but this is not the topic of this article. So, based on this, I consider it extremely important to have the correct psychological relationship in relation to any actions, any initiatives of the authorities. We do not and cannot know all their secret thoughts and desires. However, if we believe that the authorities are, in principle, benevolent towards the people, then we should trust all their initiatives. And if we believe that the authorities are, in principle, hostile to the people, then we should initially perceive all their initiatives with skepticism, treat them as hostile until the contrary is proven. As I already said, psychologically it is not easy. However, you also need some kind of responsibility towards your children. To consider that your psychological comfort is more important than their life and health is somehow not quite adult-like.

So, knowing and seeing how the authorities carelessly treat the health of the people and maliciously destroy it, I just can’t believe that the pressure they constantly put on vaccinations - expanding the list of vaccinations, increasing the number of people vaccinated, arises from nowhere bird flu vaccinations, swine cough, atypical diarrhea and other unknown Japanese crap - that all this pressure from the authorities is carried out in a fit of concern for the welfare of the people. And opposite assumptions come easily)

(finishing about vaccinations, I want to say that I deliberately did not touch upon the discussion of specific issues of argumentation against vaccinations. Because this has already been done before me, repeatedly, efficiently and in full; why do an abstract if you can read the primary sources.)

Victor Sergienko

Daily Baby understands the controversial and controversial issue: Are vaccinations fraught with evil or do they save our children from serious diseases? Radically opposing points of view are in the material.

From birth to life

The first vaccination against hepatitis B is given to a child 12 hours after birth. This is a voluntary matter, so the mother must sign consent for the baby to be vaccinated. In the first year of a baby’s life, dozens of vaccines are expected: against tuberculosis, hepatitis, measles, rubella and many other diseases.

Then, over the next many years, the person must undergo revaccination - booster vaccinations from some diseases.

Why are vaccinations given?

They allow the body to develop immunity to the disease, so that when it encounters it, it can overcome the virus and prevent the infection from taking over. Thanks to vaccinations, we have forgotten about such a terrible fatal disease, like smallpox, from which people died en masse centuries ago. Poliomyelitis, diphtheria - these serious illnesses were also defeated thanks to mass vaccination.

It would seem that there are continuous advantages, what kind of controversy can there be? But it's not that simple.

Unfortunately, vaccinations almost always have side effects. Often this is simply an increase in body temperature and weakness of the baby. It also happens that given vaccinations make children disabled or even lead to death.

Doctors note: to avoid complications, it is important to vaccinate only absolutely healthy child, who has no contraindications or allergies to vaccine components.

The quality of the vaccine is of no small importance, and here parents often have to blindly trust doctors. Many parents choose imported drugs, believing that they are of higher quality: purified and do not contain harmful impurities, which means they are easier to tolerate by children and do not cause allergic reactions.


Ekaterina Yuryeva, private pediatrician, mother of a daughter (St. Petersburg)

— Vaccinations, of course, need to be done. Modern mothers often have no idea about the diseases that vaccines protect against.

Diphtheria can, in addition to death, lead to heart defects and infertility. Tetanus causes terrible suffering. Measles, whooping cough, tuberculosis and hepatitis B are very common and are especially dangerous for young children. That is why the main vaccination is carried out in the first year of life.

Babies tolerate vaccinations more easily, and there is no point in postponing them for longer. late date, if there is no indication for this. Of course, one should be guided common sense. Before the first vaccinations, you must consult a neurologist and take a blood and urine test. Do not forget that vaccination is carried out only for a healthy child.

Anna Ganina, pediatrician, mother of three children (Kemerovo)

— Yes, vaccinations have unpleasant consequences: from mild ones, which I consider malaise, pain at the injection site, moodiness, to severe ones, even death. But I also know what the consequences can be from those diseases that we almost never see today, and all thanks to vaccination.

The number of serious adverse reactions to the vaccine is significantly less than the risk from severe forms infections that these vaccines protect against.

Now it seems to us: what is it, polio! Doctors are making up their minds. And look documentaries about the polio epidemic in the mid-20th century in the United States. Hundreds of paralyzed and dead. This is a reality that is less than a hundred years old.

Quality domestic vaccines hasn't changed much since their first release. They contain antigens that are needed for the development of immunity, preservatives for storage, and adsorbents so that small molecules of antigens are easier to find by the cells of our immune system.

There are vaccines that contain the entire listed set, for example, DPT, and there are those that do not contain all of these components. Nothing extra. Many people are afraid of mercury and formaldehyde, but the quantities in which they are present in some vaccines are so small that we receive the same substances from the air in exhaust gases or a portion of fish in much larger quantities per day.

Valentina Rubtsova, theater and film actress, mother of a six-year-old daughter (Moscow)

— I am certainly in favor of vaccinations. Before vaccinating my child, I consulted with people competent in this field and talked with leading immunologists in Moscow. In addition, I myself analyzed what was happening around us.

In my opinion, vaccinations are necessary. After all, the statistics of diseases in our country, alas, are disappointing. The epidemiological situation leaves much to be desired.

Of course, there is a certain risk associated with vaccinations, and we, as parents, were very worried about our daughter before each vaccine. Before some vaccinations, I simply cried from uncertainty: who knows how the child will react, what the consequences will be? But vaccination is necessary for the health of the child, to protect him from serious diseases, such as hepatitis and tuberculosis. I myself get the necessary vaccinations, because the data speaks for itself: the incidence of the disease is growing, and the vaccine can protect against a dangerous disease.

We carefully selected vaccines for our daughter. Mostly, of course, they staged foreign ones. They are purified, tested, recommended by respected doctors, and children tolerate imported vaccines much easier.

Yulia Plotnikova, psychologist, mother of four children (Kemerovo)

— I have not given and do not give any vaccinations to my three daughters. Due to inexperience, my first daughter was given DPT, which she later very much regretted. There were unpleasant consequences from the vaccine: the child developed a severe fever.

By the way, I myself had bad consequences from DTP in infancy: I ended up in the hospital with very high temperature, my hair fell out - in general, horror. After that, my mother refused to vaccinate me and my sister.

By own experience I can say that refusing vaccinations has had a positive impact on my children. They go to kindergarten calmly, do not get sick, have excellent immunity and good health. I attribute their strong immunity to the fact that they were breastfed for quite a long time.

I know how to support children's health through herbal medicine, good nutrition and psychology. I pay great attention to psychosomatics, so I understand perfectly why this or that problem with a child’s health arises. It is important to know that you can increase your baby’s immunity with the help of the psychological atmosphere in the family, love and mutual understanding.

Catherine, Instagram blogger, “fitness mom”, son 3 years old (St. Petersburg)

— I am for competent vaccination, if it is done when the child is not sick, he is not allergic to any of the components of the vaccine and there are no contraindications.

We gave our son all vaccinations immediately from birth, then according to the European scheme: we gave complex vaccines.

There are several reasons at once - we had no contraindications, I knew in advance that in the absence of vaccination during the “epidemic” such children could be denied enrollment in preschool educational institution and even school, travel to some countries is prohibited and other issues.

More and more parents are refusing routine vaccination of their children, citing a high percentage of complications. Are their fears exaggerated? Let's try to answer this question by assessing the pros and cons. We will also look at how children are vaccinated in Russia and what contraindications there are to this procedure.

Vaccination is the introduction into the body of a weakened pathogen of a particular disease in small quantities.

After this, the immune system produces antibodies that prevent infection. The method is effective against bacterial and viral infections.

Vaccinations carried out in accordance with the childhood vaccination schedule are a reliable means of preventing such dangerous diseases as:

  • Hepatitis B;
  • tetanus;
  • mumps;
  • whooping cough;
  • diphtheria.

The vaccine is administered subcutaneously, intramuscularly, intranasally (in the form of a spray) or orally (dropped onto the tongue). After vaccination, the disease does not occur. Although changes in condition may be observed for some time - an increase in temperature, discomfort at the injection site (if an injection was performed).

Most vaccinations can be given at the same time. Some of them have a complex effect and protect against 2-3 diseases at once. Immunity lasts for several years, after which revaccination is carried out.

Vaccinations for children: pros and cons

To decide whether to vaccinate your baby or not, you should weigh the pros and cons of vaccinating children. Many parents believe that it is more beneficial for the child to suffer certain diseases (,) early age.

In fact, because mass failure from vaccinations, outbreaks of infections that can lead to disability or death are becoming more common. But even relatively “safe” diseases have consequences.

Mumps, popularly known as “mumps,” sometimes leads to infertility in boys, and rubella suffered in childhood can cause arthritis.

Another argument given by parents against vaccination is that in newborns and children under five years of age, immunity is not fully formed, and the intervention of vaccinations can disrupt the mechanism of its formation laid down by nature. There is some truth in this statement.

The body's defenses consist of nonspecific and specific immunity. In a small child, the first of them is at the formation stage, which is responsible for the fight against opportunistic bacteria. It influences normal work intestines and children's exposure to colds.

The second type of immunity (specific), which guarantees a successful fight against infections, has already been formed by the time of birth. Vaccination becomes an activator of its work and does not in any way prevent the further strengthening of nonspecific protective forces body.

When faced with a dangerous infection, the child will be prepared for it.

Those who oppose vaccination argue that the vaccine contains dangerous substances - bacteria, viruses, preservatives. Indeed, these components are present in the composition.

But the bacteria and viruses in the vaccine are in an inactive or weakened state. They are enough to produce antibodies to a certain infection, but they are incapable of causing disease.

Preservatives deserve special attention. In the production of the vaccine, merthiolate is used ( organic compound mercury) and formaldehyde in very small doses.

It sounds scary, although we come across these substances every day and don’t even suspect it.

They are widely used in pharmaceuticals, as well as in manufacturing cosmetics And household chemicals(soaps, foams, shampoos). Once introduced into the body with a vaccine, these preservatives do not cause any significant harm, but there is still a risk of allergies.

It is important to remember that in addition to an anaphylactic reaction, the administration of a vaccine may cause “ trigger» for some neurological diseases.

Such cases are extremely rare and are the result of incorrect or untimely administration of the drug. Therefore, routine childhood vaccination, although necessary, is carried out only if the baby is absolutely healthy at the time of vaccination and this is confirmed by a pediatrician.

Vaccination schedule for children in Russia

Each country has its own vaccination calendar. It indicates the diseases against which the population should be vaccinated, as well as the timing of primary and repeated procedures.

In Russia, minor changes are made to the routine vaccination calendar for children every year, but the basic scheme, as close as possible to European standards, was established in 2003.

The current calendar of routine vaccinations of children in Russia

Name and purpose of vaccination Primary vaccination period Re-vaccination period Special Notes
Against hepatitis B Within 12 hours after birth At 1 and 6 months If the mother had hepatitis B at the time of birth, the child is vaccinated according to a different schedule, adding an additional vaccine
BCG (for tuberculosis) On days 3-7 of life Every 7 years A Mantoux test is performed annually to monitor the functioning of antibodies to tuberculosis
OPV (against polio) At 3 months At 4.5, 6, 18 and 20 months, 6 and 14 years Carried out simultaneously with DTP
(complex vaccine against diphtheria, whooping cough and tetanus) At 3 months At 4.5, 6 and 18 months, 6-7 and 14 years The vaccine may not contain a component against whooping cough and may be called ADS or ADS-M
For hemophilus influenzae infection At 3 months At 4.5 and 18 months
LCV (against measles) At 12 months At 6 years old
ZhPV (for mumps) At 12 months At 6 years old
Against rubella At 12 months At 6 and 14 years old

All vaccinations are administered in accordance with vaccination instructions for the listed age groups. The drugs used must be approved for use in Russia and have quality certificates.

The vaccination schedule can be adjusted depending on the needs and condition of the child. For children with congenital HIV infection, neurological disorders and other developmental pathologies, an individual vaccination schedule is drawn up.

Vaccinations for newborns and children up to one year old

The vaccination schedule in different medical institutions is slightly different, but there is no need to worry about this. The main thing is to have time to do everything mandatory vaccinations up to a year. The point of vaccinating newborns and infants is so that by the time the child begins to walk and actively communicate with peers, he will already have protection against infections.

To prevent such a dangerous disease as hepatitis B in babies under one year of age, vaccinations that do not contain merthiolate are recommended.

If the child still has not received the vaccine before 12 months and does not enter the zone increased risk for this disease, the 0-1-6 scheme is applied to it. This means that after the first, a month later, the second is performed, and after another six months, the third.

Many parents consider this vaccine unnecessary, because they do not use drugs and their children grow up in a prosperous family.

But hepatitis is an insidious disease that a baby can become infected with by picking up a used syringe or getting into a fight with an infected child. In addition, no one is immune from the need for an urgent blood transfusion.

Vaccination before kindergarten

In Russia, sending a child to kindergarten and school without a vaccination certificate is problematic. Therefore, it is advisable that by that time he already has basic vaccinations. It is worth worrying about additional vaccinations that are not included in the mandatory calendar.

TO dangerous diseases preventable diseases include hepatitis A (jaundice or Botkin's disease) and influenza, which spread easily in preschools.

After consulting with your pediatrician, you can add vaccination against chickenpox and pneumococcal infection to your individual calendar.

All vaccinations must be completed at least a couple of months before the child starts attending kindergarten. Otherwise, immunity will not have time to form, and the baby will often get sick. In addition, the risk of complications after vaccinations increases if the child is already in kindergarten.

Vaccination before school

Children's routine vaccinations before school are just as important as before they attend kindergarten. The child will interact with a large number of people every day. Encountering dangerous infections during this period is inevitable, and vaccinations are the best way to avoid serious consequences.

Of course, if you do not want to vaccinate your child, no one can force you. But then you need to be prepared for problems when entering school, since teachers and the management of the institution are afraid to take responsibility for unvaccinated children, which, in general, is understandable.

Another thing is medical contraindications to vaccination. They are not an obstacle to attending an educational institution.

Contraindications and refusal of vaccination

The question of the admissibility of vaccination of newborns and older children is always decided individually, after examining the child. There are few contraindications, but they exist.

Routine vaccination is not carried out if the child:

  1. There are severe neurological abnormalities.
  2. Was already there before allergic reaction for vaccination.
  3. The child is not feeling well, there are signs of a cold, or the child has recently had one (less than 2 weeks ago).
  4. Any chronic disease has worsened.

In case of the listed contraindications, the doctor may give a medical exemption from vaccinations for some time (3 months or more). After normalization of the condition, vaccination continues according to the adjusted schedule.

If you change your mind about getting vaccinated, in accordance with Russian legislation , you have the right to refuse them at writing. But you need to understand that by this action you take full responsibility for the life and health of the child.

Vaccinations against diphtheria, tuberculosis, measles, hepatitis B, as well as vaccination of children against other infectious diseases - reliable way protect babies from complications. The procedure is completely safe if you carefully consider contraindications and carry it out only in public clinics.

You should not rashly refuse vaccinations; it is better to discuss all the risks and the possibility of drawing up an individual vaccination schedule for your child with a pediatrician and immunologist.

Useful video about reactions to vaccinations and complications


As soon as a child is born, he receives the first vaccinations in his life. His immunity begins to work hard, even before it has had time to get stronger. Next comes a great many vaccinations. And it’s not surprising: after all, at every step the baby is waylaid dangerous infections in our large and colorful, but so “rich” pathogenic microorganisms world. How to protect him from serious illnesses, which can end fatally or lead to irreversible consequences and disability?

The solution is clear: there are vaccinations for this. But are they as safe as doctors and medical sources claim? Many parents do just this, which sometimes has a negative impact on the child’s health. How to protect your child from serious illnesses? Are we taking a risk, or vice versa, by vaccinating him? Let's figure it out together with experts in this field.

What is the purpose of vaccination and is it mandatory for everyone?

Immunity – defensive reaction the human body to the introduction of a pathogenic virus, bacterial or other infection. It can be congenital or acquired.

  1. Innate protection is transmitted from mother to fetus and is responsible for immunity to a specific type of pathogen.
  2. Acquired or adaptive, formed during life as a result past illness or after vaccination against it.

The mechanism of development of protective cells in humans can be expressed as follows: when a virus enters the body, it produces specific agents - antibodies, which multiply intensively and “fight” it. The antigen-antibody system turns on, and the pathogen (virus) acts as a foreign agent.

Once healed, a certain amount of these immune components are stored as “memory cells.” Thanks to them, the protective system stores information about the pathogen and, if necessary, turns it on again. defense mechanisms. As a result, the disease does not develop or passes easily, leaving no complications.

As a result, a person also develops immunity, only the antigens here are modified and weakened live cultures of viruses or cell-free products of their processing. Accordingly, vaccines are divided into “live” and “dead”.

If a killed virus is introduced, then the occurrence of pathology is completely excluded, there are only some side effects. In the case of a viable product, minor manifestations of the disease are allowed.

This is much better than the development of a full clinical picture of the pathology with severe complications.

The duration of formed immunity to various pathogens is not the same and varies from several months to tens of years. Some have lifelong immunity.

Previously, compulsory vaccinations were given to every child. Not that doctors gave for any reason.

Today you have the right to refuse to vaccinate your child. But then they take responsibility for the risk of occurrence dangerous illnesses after infection. They may have great difficulties registering an unvaccinated child in a kindergarten, camp or school.

What vaccinations do children need based on age?

A vaccination calendar has been introduced and is in effect in Russia, which contains a list of these procedures depending on the age of the child. There are vaccinations against diseases endemic in specific regions.

You may want to consider getting vaccinated against influenza, which usually occurs seasonally. Sometimes it takes on the character of an epidemic, after which preschool, school and other institutions are forced to close for quarantine.

Vaccination of a child is not mandatory and is done at will. It will save you from a lot of complications. You should take care of this in advance, since in the midst of an epidemic it will no longer help and will probably even harm. It is worth vaccinating 30 days before the expected outbreak of the disease.

Below is a list of vaccinations included in the National Calendar.

  1. On the first day of life it is placed.
  2. On the third - seventh day - BCG for tuberculosis.
  3. At the age of three months DTP and polio - the first vaccinations.
  4. At four to five months: second.
  5. Six months: third and DTP, hepatitis B.
  6. One year old: measles-rubella-mumps.
  7. One and a half years: 1st revaccination with polio and DTP vaccines.
  8. At 1 year 8 months: 2nd revaccination against polio.
  9. measles-mumps-rubella.
  10. 7 years: repeated from tetanus, diphtheria, mycobacterium tuberculosis.
  11. 13 years old: against rubella and hepatitis B.
  12. 14 years: repeated, tuberculosis, tetanus bacilli, polio.

Protection from disease and justified risk?

It's better to deal with the likely ones side effects vaccinations or (in the case of a “live” vaccine) mild disease? Will you soon forget about the injection or will you spend a long time treating a child who has not received the vaccine for an illness that has befallen him and then continue to suffer from its consequences? After all, immunization is the only thing the right way avoid being affected by pathogens such as tetanus or polio.

Some vaccines produce antibodies and keep them at high levels for three to five years. Then the strength of their action decreases. This happens, for example, with . But the whole point is that the disease itself is extremely dangerous for the first four years of life, when the defense system is still weak.

Emerging pathological processes They result in general intoxication, lead to rupture of blood vessels, and sometimes result in severe pneumonia. Conclusion: timely vaccination will save you from a fatal disease.

The following provisions indicate “for”:

  • antibodies formed in this way will help avoid dangerous diseases;
  • immunization of the population on a mass scale will prevent outbreaks of epidemics: tuberculosis, mumps, hepatitis B;
  • parents of a vaccinated child will not have any difficulties with registration at institutions;
  • vaccination is considered effective and safe, post-vaccination complications arise due to insufficient examination, untimely established diagnosis, colds during the vaccination period.

Important! If a child has suffered an acute respiratory disease, then procedures should begin no earlier than two weeks after recovery.

Try to carry out injections within the time limits established by the calendar, and do not miss the time for revaccinations. Getting your child vaccinated correctly and on time will be the key to effective protection he will be spared in the future negative effects.

Arguments against: illusion or reality?

More and more people are refusing vaccinations. There are reports on television and radio about the fatal results of this or that vaccine. True, this is isolated cases. Great importance have expiration dates for drugs, conditions for their transportation and storage, tightness of packaging, individual characteristics (color change, appearance of flakes), etc., which may not have been taken into account during the manipulation process.

Some fathers and mothers believe that their child already has innate immunoglobulins. Artificially administered drugs will destroy it. Yes, indeed, a child is born with initial protection received from the mother. Next, he receives immunoglobulins with mother's milk. But this is not enough to combat these diseases.

Opponents of vaccinations are inclined to believe that the administration of vaccines has a lot of negative effects: swelling and redness, skin rashes and itching, sometimes peeling, even suppuration. In severe cases, possible development anaphylactic shock. Such options are usually associated with underestimation of the patient’s allergic mood, incorrect administration of the injection, low-quality drug, and violation of the terms of use.

Attention! Irreparable harm to health that can be caused by not taking into account before the injection individual intolerance. To avoid such complications, you should carefully study allergic history and test for vaccine tolerance.

Parents refuse vaccination, citing the following reasons:

  • not all vaccines have proven effectiveness;
  • the newborn’s body is too weak;
  • infections at an early age are tolerated more easily than by adults (this is not always the case; measles and rubella leave behind severe side effects);
  • Some vaccines contain live pathogens that can cause disease;
  • absent individual approach to young patients;
  • inattention of medical staff.

The letter from the famous oncoimmunologist, deputy director of the Moscow Research Institute of Oncology, Vera Vladimirovna Gorodilova, is still being discussed on social networks. Although she passed away back in 1996, her opinions and conclusions about side effects are still troubling the scientific world.

According to her data, as a result of vaccination, an unbalanced overexpenditure of the body’s immune forces occurs, followed by a decrease. Thus, on the fifth to seventh day after birth, it can lead to a restructuring of protein compounds in the blood plasma. Protective function the baby is not able to cope with the colossal load. The result is loss of immune abilities.

How does this happen? Excessive accumulation of antibodies will lead to “overconsumption” of white blood cells and changes in the process of hematopoiesis. V.V. Gorodilova connected all these “restructurings” with the danger of oncopathologies and autoimmune processes.

Infectious disease doctor and teacher at NSU P. Gladky cast great doubt on these arguments, advocating a complete refusal of vaccinations. He cited facts that as a result of the introduction of vaccinations, the morbidity and mortality rate of the population sharply decreased. And all this happened not because the vaccines were safe in those days (they were unrefined), they showed their impeccable effectiveness. IN to a large extent the incidence decreased, and at the beginning of the twentieth century it was completely eliminated.

The author admits that in our time we should not carry out “universal” vaccinations; we should approach the issue individually. It is necessary to take into account the characteristics of each little citizen, the presence of concomitant diseases and contraindications in order to prevent complications.

He commented on his positive approach to paid vaccination clinics using vaccines that are more adapted to the characteristics of immunity. In conclusion, the author expressed the hope that supporters and opponents of vaccines will finally agree and come to a consensus.

Pediatrician E. O. Komarovsky, known to a wide audience for his programs about health problems with in-depth coverage of topics, convinces caring mothers of the high effectiveness of vaccinations.

According to him, any immunization that leaves behind, albeit minimally, the risk of getting sick. Another thing is that the child will endure the disease in a milder form and without complications.

Another factor that encourages relatives to refuse vaccination is a reaction from the child’s body in the form of skin rash, fever, and lethargy. Dr. Komarovsky draws attention to three main factors that are “guilty” in this process:

  • the condition of the baby himself, absence of signs of a cold, etc.;
  • type of vaccine, as well as its properties and quality;
  • actions of medical personnel.

The main thing, the pediatrician urges, is to adhere to the vaccination schedule. In order for the child to respond adequately to the injection, he advises:

  • During the day you should not drink allergenic products, sweets, and also try not to overfeed him.
  • Do not introduce complementary foods to infants on the eve of vaccination.
  • Do not feed one hour before vaccination and 60 minutes later.
  • Adhere to the optimal drinking regimen (one to one and a half liters per day, depending on age).
  • Avoid drafts and large crowds of people.

After some vaccinations, it is not recommended to take your child to kindergarten for several days. Try to prevent him from getting sick during this time. In conclusion, the specialist focuses on the features of care and education.

What can happen if you refuse vaccinations?

Parents' refusal to vaccinate can result in irreparable disaster. If mothers complain about the low level of antibodies in their child and therefore do not want to vaccinate him, then if he encounters a real infectious agent, the baby will even more so not cope with the disease!

As he grows up, a garden and a school await him, where there are many children. Among them may be carriers of infections. Such children will not get sick because they have been vaccinated. And for an unvaccinated child, an encounter with a pathogen can turn into a tragedy.

The transferred diseases often leave complications from the cardiovascular, nervous and other systems, sometimes ending in death.

If a child has not been vaccinated, there is a risk of contracting a dangerous disease. On the other hand, vaccines are also not always safe and sometimes leave consequences.

The law on immunoprophylaxis states: citizens have the right to receive the full, necessary for each of them, possible complications and consequences of failure. In other words, the doctor must provide complete and comprehensive information about immunoprophylaxis.

Science and medicine have come a long way in recent decades, but problems remain. New progressive vaccines are being created and improved. When approaching the question of whether to get vaccinated or not, it should be noted that parents are given the right to choose. If they refuse, they will only have to sign the documents offered to them.

There is no need to rush: they themselves need to properly understand this issue. The effect of vaccines on each individual child is sometimes unpredictable. It is impossible to fully predict all outcomes. Like all medicines, vaccines have their contraindications. Study them.

If you agree, they must strictly follow the rules of preparation for the injection and careful care after the manipulation.

In conclusion, one piece of advice: try to use only high quality vaccines. Many of their analogues, unfortunately, are sold in Russia for a fee at the expense of parents. But you must agree: the child’s health is most important. When making a choice, make the best decision. And having taken it, choose the highest quality vaccine that will undoubtedly help and not harm!

Concentration camp for humanity

In the second half of the last century, the World Health Organization stated that human vaccination is not a personal matter, but a public matter intended to develop collective immunity.

Many prominent scientists and virologists in Russia have a completely opposite opinion regarding this statement.

Quite a well-known doctor in Russia and the former Soviet Union Alexander Kotok , in his book "Ruthless Immunization" writes: “There is no evidence that vaccines have any effect on disease control.” positive result. Facts indicate that epidemics of tuberculosis, diphtheria, measles and whooping cough occurred as a result of improved sanitary and hygienic conditions, the elimination of disease contamination, chlorinated water, etc.” And the results of the tragic consequences of the use of vaccines are obvious - Doctor Kotok reports that in 1984 in the Orenburg Gas Industry Hospital, after vaccinations 8 newborns died . At an earlier stage in 1957 in Leningrad against live polio vaccine 27 babies died . In November 1996, a Perm schoolboy, after being vaccinated against tick-borne encephalitis, became severely disabled. After this vaccine, a complication was caused in 30 more people and after long legal proceedings, vaccination with this drug was prohibited. We can also add to all this the sensational report recently in the media about hospitalizations 120 people from the Volgograd boarding school for especially gifted children. As the newspaper “MK” wrote on November 1, 2005, this case was caused precisely by the use of vaccinations. All these facts were discovered completely by accident and no one really knows how many of them there are.

Professor-virologist G.P. Chervonskaya , a member of the Bioethics Committee of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the International Society for Human Rights, says the following about vaccinations: “The vaccine is a provocateur for any subsequent disease. Most practicing doctors do not listen at all to the opinions of virologists, as they receive direct instructions from above. This has already led to one serious story with thalidamide, a drug that prevents nausea in pregnant women. After its use, children began to be born without limbs! But, unfortunately, as you can see, this incident did not serve as a good lesson. I have a large number of documents and doctoral dissertations that directly indicate the harmful effects of the vaccines used. These studies were carried out specifically on the study of brain tissue and pieces of muscle from dead children. To put it bluntly, vaccines attack the human immune system. After receiving a range of vaccinations, the vaccinated person becomes susceptible to known diseases that he would never have contracted, in addition, he receives new diseases that have not yet been studied by science; pediatricians are required to know such things. In the journal “Pediatrics” for 1975, No. 1, Pavel Feliksovich Zdradovsky writes that the most serious complications and number of deaths are observed from the anti-rabies vaccine (against rabies) and the DTP vaccine. American legislation on immune prophylaxis writes - It is common knowledge that any vaccine is inevitably unsafe.

It is known that any live vaccine creates a state of chronic infection. According to the Russian vaccination calendar, a child must receive nine different vaccinations in the first year and a half! Moreover, he receives the first one, from hepatitis B, within 12 hours after birth, and the second BCG within the first 5 days. How can a child be healthy in the future if he is initially doomed to inferior and unhealthy development of his body? For example, if a child persistently and shrilly screams, then opening the neonatologist’s reference book, we immediately see that this is one of the manifestations of damage to the cells of the central nervous system (central nervous system) associated with the consequences of using the DTP vaccine. But the reactions of complications with damage to various organs - kidneys, joints, heart, gastrointestinal tract etc. Based on the results of the studies, I counted only from the hepatitis B vaccine 36 types of complications , therefore, I consider the vaccination carried out in maternity hospitals to be the crime of the century. Let's take the example of last year's illness of a child (1.9 months), who during this time underwent 7 operations for osteoarticular tuberculosis. The document clearly states “as a result of BCG vaccination” .

A large number of refrigerators are traveling all over Russia, and we do not know what kind of drugs they are loaded with. Many Western experts are surprised that here, as in other third world countries, experiments on children are very common.”

The majority of the population is over mature age They are also subject to forced vaccinations; they are convinced and forced to use them compulsorily. The doctor at the Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology V.D. Medvedev says directly that they are forced to get vaccinated against the flu, and practice has shown that it is those vaccinated who get sick and get sick quite seriously. Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Academy of Russian Academy of Education, Kolesov D.V. . told an anecdotal case when the only person who had not been vaccinated went to work alone among the employees of the entire department. This person was the assistant to the Minister of Health Boris Vasilievich Petrovsky . Professor Kolesov believes that the best vaccination is to come healthy person to a sick person in order to become infected and get sick in mild form, as the inhabitants of past generations have always done.

The opinion of Doctor of Biological Sciences, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences and RAMTN is also interesting Goryaeva P.P. . he says the following about this: "All artificial diseases, such as AIDS, typical pneumonia, bird flu, are created to undermine the economy of the state and there is no need to produce all these serums. Viruses are extremely simple and are like a genetic computer program - they are small balls stuck to the surface of the cell. They penetrate the cell and get inside the nucleus and program it so that it itself begins to produce viruses, then dies. Viruses have the ability to change (mutate) and in such cases the vaccine is no longer useful. For example, it can work for about a week and that’s it. In my opinion, we need to hit the (General Staff) genetic apparatus of the virus. We conducted a model experiment (research) using certain changes in DNA. I will explain using the example of an ordinary computer - for example, if you enter the wrong program into a component, it will not work. So, if you give the wrong program to a virus, it will crash and it won’t work either. But no one listens to us, and I regard everything that is happening around as the deliberate extermination of our future generation.”.

What is in these transparent-looking vials, the contents of which are so calmly introduced into the bodies of newborns? Laboratory researchers give a brief description of these substances;

Mercury organic salt - affects kidney cells and brain cells, leading to autism. Mercury salts are more dangerous than mercury itself. The main routes of inorganic mercury derivatives (mercury salts) entering the body are the lungs (atomization of mercury salts) and the gastrointestinal tract. In the second case, absorption is often the result of accidental or intentional ingestion of mercury salts. It is estimated that 2 to 10% of ingested mercury salts are absorbed in the intestine. Medical Encyclopedia- Chapter XVI. “ACUTE POISONING, EMERGENCY CARE AND TREATMENT” Section 10. “POISONING BY METALS AND THEIR SALTS” writes: Mercury and its compounds (sublimate, calomel, cinnabar, etc.). - Metallic mercury is slightly toxic when ingested. Lethal dose mercuric chloride when taken orally, 0.5 g, which is the most toxic of the inorganic mercury salts, of the organic ones - novorit, promeran, mercuzal. When poison enters the gastrointestinal tract, it has a cauterizing effect on tissue: sharp pains in the abdomen along the esophagus, vomiting, after a few hours loose stool with blood. Copper-red coloration of the mucous membrane of the mouth and pharynx. Swelling lymph nodes, metallic taste in the mouth, salivation, bleeding gums, later a dark border of sulfurous mercury on the gums and lips. From 2-3 days, symptoms of damage to the central nervous system appear - excitability, convulsions calf muscles, epileptiform seizures, confusion. Characteristic ulcerative colitis. During this period there are states of shock and collapse.

Formaldehyde (formalin) - (is a known carcinogen, a strong mutagen and allergen, a substance that causes cancer). Used in agriculture as a herbicide and fungicide. Penetration into the food tract causes symptoms of severe poisoning, severe abdominal pain, vomiting with blood, the appearance of protein in the blood and urine, and damages the kidneys.

Aluminum hydroxide - prolonged contact of aluminum salts with brain tissue leads to the inability to learn and dementia. Aluminum administered with vaccines penetrates the brain and remains there. Subcutaneous nodules and severe itching can last for years and turn the child into a chronic patient. Aluminum deposition and sensitization to it can cause systemic reactions, chronic myalgia associated multiple sclerosis. No one has ever studied the safety of introducing aluminum salts into vaccines!

Phenol - Highly toxic substance, obtained from coal tar. Can cause shock, weakness, convulsions, kidney damage, heart failure, and death. Phenol is a well-known protoplasmic poison; it is toxic to all cells of the body without exception; it suppresses phagocytosis and, accordingly, the primary immune response. Thus, vaccines do not strengthen, but weaken immunity, its most important cellular link. Phenol is also contained in Mantoux test preparations carried out in Russian schools. Studies on the safety of phenol in children have never been conducted.

Phenol is obtained by direct oxidation of benzene with nitrous oxide in an adiabatic reactor with a zeolite-containing catalyst . The main activities of the plant are calcination of petroleum coke and processing of liquid petroleum fractions. The company's products are exported to France, Germany, Norway, Italy and other countries and are widely used throughout the world in various production facilities of the chemical industry.

Today in America, many parents of autistic children (mental disorders and complications of the central nervous system) file claims against vaccine manufacturers DPT and Hepatitis B to court. American explorer doctor Harris Coulter wrote a book "The Truth About Vaccines" , which showed that the rapidly growing number of crimes committed against the individual, hyperactivity, learning disabilities due to problems with concentration, dyslexia, etc. may be associated with the so-called post-encephalitic syndrome (chronic low-grade inflammation of the brain) caused by vaccines and primarily queue against whooping cough.

Galina Petrovna Chervonskaya , professor-virologist with many years of experience, member of the committee at State Duma The RSFSR and all employees of the Center for the Protection of Motherhood “Cradle” under the Department of Social Ministry of the Ekaterinburg Diocese believe that there is a carefully prepared and carried out “campaign to intimidate the population” with epidemics of diphtheria, tuberculosis, influenza on the one hand, and on the other with prohibitive measures against kindergartens and schools A situation has been created that leaves no chance for parents. The opinion of the center’s workers is that we cannot allow only companies and incompetent vaccinators to corporately decide the fate of our children, since nowhere else in the world is this carried out BCG vaccination newborns. The activities carried out in Russia and Ukraine are an experiment because “they are assessing the effectiveness of combined immunization of newborns against hepatitis B and against tuberculosis against the background of mass immunization” (this does not exist anywhere else in the world, since there is no BCG vaccination for newborns!) The use of the vaccine puts an incredibly serious burden on the body of newborns! This experiment with “large-scale vaccination to identify pathological syndromes” in the largest state also poses a danger in that vaccination is carried out without informing parents about it! The danger is that " Pathological syndromes“can appear a year later, and after five years, and much later... There is evidence that the vaccine, after 15-20 years, can cause cirrhosis of the liver.

What components are included in ENGERIX (vaccine against hepatitis B)?

The basis of the drug is “modified” baker’s yeast, “widely used in the production of bread and beer.” The word “genetically” - modified - is clearly missing here, apparently due to the fact that this combination has already fairly frightened the population with the example of soybeans, potatoes, and corn imported from abroad. A genetically modified product combines the properties of its constituent ingredients, which, when applied, lead to unpredictable consequences that genetic engineers hid. All newborns undergoing vaccination must first undergo an immunological examination in order to identify immunodeficiency for a particular disease. This event is expensive and troublesome and can only be carried out in “elite” departmental institutions. In a regular maternity hospital, no one will do this. This means that newborns with immunodeficiencies, susceptible to tuberculosis, but not examined “in depth”, are doomed to numerous complications after vaccination with a live vaccine - BCG, for example, osteitis - disorders of the musculoskeletal system or generalization tuberculosis process- tuberculosis disease. Thus, we spread tuberculosis, starting from maternity hospitals, by vaccinating infants who are immunocompromised and susceptible to tuberculosis. Tuberculosis manifests itself in different shapes and at unequal time intervals - individuality plays one of the main roles here. Vaccination of children with glomerulonephritis is no less a crime. For a quarter of a century, domestic pediatricians have been observing... the development of glomerulonephritis (difficult to treat kidney inflammation of a complex nature) as a post-vaccination complication of DTP and its “weakened” modifications. They observed, noted the development of complications and subsequent disability of children for 25 years... and remained silent, without taking any drastic measures. In practice, in addition to the hepatitis B virus, the gene of the AIDS virus, as well as the gene of any cancer, can be added to a yeast cell. “What are we doing,” doctors from all regions write to us, “ better get vaccinated nothing to do would harm the child’s health. With unbridled vaccination, in the form it is now, we are conducting a large-scale experiment on the population of our country, without thinking at all that this has already led to an environmental disaster in HEALTH.”

Main complications of BCG:

  1. Keloid scars at the vaccination site;

  • Regional lymphadenitis, sometimes with suppuration;
  • Skin tuberculosis at the vaccination site;
  • Osteitis and osteomyelitis (bone inflammation);
  • Eye damage;
  • Generalized tuberculosis;
  • Cold abscess with deep injection of the vaccine.
  • Complications, unusual reactions and other pathological processes after immunization with DPT:

    I. Local reactions and complications:

    1. Infiltrate (over 2 cm in diameter);

  • Abscess (phlegmon);
  • II. Excessive strong general reactions with hyperthermia and intoxication.

    III. Reactions (complications) involving the central nervous system:

    1. Persistent shrill cry;

  • Encephalitic reaction: a. convulsive syndrome without hyperthermia; b. convulsive syndrome due to hyperthermia;
  • Encephalopathy (longer convulsive states, sometimes with focal symptoms).
  • Post-vaccination encephalitis.
  • IV. Reactions (complications) with damage to various organs (kidneys, joints, heart, gastrointestinal tract, etc.).

    V. Allergic reactions (complications):

    1. Local reactions (swelling and hyperemia of soft tissues);

  • Allergic rashes;
  • Allergic edema;
  • Asthmatic syndrome, croup syndrome;
  • Hemorrhagic syndrome;
  • Toxic-allergic condition;
  • Collapsed state;
  • Anaphylactic shock.

  • VI. Sudden death.

    VII. The combined course of the vaccination process and the associated acute intercurrent infection (interaction of two factors).

    VIII. Exacerbation or first manifestations of chronic diseases and revival of latent infection (provoking role of vaccination).

    "The most serious complications are damage to the central nervous system..."

    PERSISTENT HIGH SCREAM - a sign of damage to the central nervous system. Characterized by early manifestation neurological disorders, which are pathogenetically caused by neurotoxicosis, therefore in clinical picture dominate cerebral symptoms: lethargy, drowsiness, poor weight gain, respiratory disorders, tonic convulsions, etc. Disorder of the functions of the cranial nerves is manifested by transient strabismus, decreased muscle tone. But the first symptoms of a central nervous system disorder may be seizures.

    ENCEPHALOPATHY - a disease of the brain characterized by dystrophic changes. Encephalopathy is characterized by short-term memory loss, short-term or prolonged convulsions.

    ENCEPHALITIS - inflammation of the brain. “The basis of post-vaccination encephalitis is an allergic reaction, expressed in damage to the cerebral vessels with the formation of multiple infiltrates, hemorrhages, and the development of cerebral edema.” The first symptoms of the disease usually appear before the 12th day after vaccination, the process is localized mainly in the white matter of the brain and spinal cord. Post-vaccination encephalitis occurs more often in primary vaccinated children. The disease develops against the background of a sharp rise in temperature to 39-40°C, headache, vomiting, loss of consciousness, and convulsions. Clinical recovery may be accompanied by impaired coordination of movement, paresis and paralysis, which gradually regress. In the recent 60s, the effect of DTP on increasing susceptibility was proven child's body to flu and others respiratory diseases. Over the course of 2 months, the number of cases registered among vaccinated people doubled. large quantity diseases than among children who had not previously received vaccines. Clinical diagnosis - influenza, catarrh of the upper respiratory tract, respiratory infection, catarrhal tonsillitis. The results of observations gave reason to believe that after BCG vaccinations or DPT increases sensitivity not only to influenza, but also to other infections. The US medical community draws attention to the danger neurological lesions as a result of vaccinations against whooping cough and rubella and the use of a triple vaccine (against diphtheria, whooping cough and tetanus DTP). Although most doctors previously rejected this danger, experts now recognize it. There are more than 1000 in the medical literature clinical lesions due to vaccination against whooping cough. The whooping cough vaccine contains high level pertussis toxin and endotoxin. It contained endotoxin levels 672.5 times higher than the experimental vaccine that was administered to volunteers during the trial. The same applies to the triple vaccine - 141 cases of injury from this vaccine are known, including 12 - s fatal . The Committee on Bioethics of the Russian Academy of Sciences has a huge amount letters from parents whose children were in neurological clinics after preliminary threats, and then vaccination. Unfortunately, many more young parents, disarmed by the authoritative, commanding tone of health workers, accept this “help” unconditionally, as something absolutely necessary for their child, committing violence against their own children together with local and school vaccinators and other “health care”. Doctor HAS NO RIGHT TO ORDER! He must present in an understandable form all the arguments for and against vaccinations in specific situation and only then, together with the parents, make a decision regarding this medical intervention. For more voluminous and comprehensive information, see the link on the Internet.



    2023 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs