Protein beneficial properties. Egg white and yolk: benefits and harms


There is no fat in the egg white, but the yolk contains more proteins. Are both parts of the egg equally healthy?

Do you love chicken eggs? You may have already wondered what is the more useful part of the egg, white or yolk.

Nutrition experts say that eating chicken eggs in principle very useful. However, the albumen and yolk contain various specific components (as stated in the study), which we will talk about in our today's article.

Chicken eggs are a rich source nutrients, so including them in your diet is definitely worth it. And there's no need to worry about " huge amount» cholesterol. Eggs are dominated by unsaturated fatty acids, and they are not at all harmful to the cardiovascular system.

Would you like to know more about beneficial properties eggs? What is more useful white or yellow To? Then read on!


What do you like better, white or yolk? Many people believe that it is better to separate one part from another. Allegedly, this way they can take better care of their cholesterol levels. There is an opinion that protein is the most useful part eggs.

Let's see what are its advantages:

  • Egg white does not contain fat. It is low in calories, which makes it dietary and healthy product. Risk arises when we prepare scrambled eggs After all, the oil that we use for frying contains fat that is dangerous to our health.
  • Protein is rich in B vitamins.
  • Proteins contain fewer calories than yolks.
  • They tend to be very well suited to anti-aging diets. overweight. Many people only eat egg whites for breakfast because they contain protein, vitamins, and are quite nutritious. We, in turn, do not recommend that you limit your breakfast to protein alone. It will be better if you supplement it with other products: oatmeal, fruit cocktail, etc.
  • Egg whites are also used in for cosmetic purposes : this is great natural remedy to improve elasticity for the skin. Protein softens the skin and reduces irritation.
  • Finally, egg whites contain special type peptides, which help lower blood pressure.


  • The yolk contains more protein than the white!
  • The yolk is also rich in fats. In one egg contains about 4 g of fat, of which only 1.5 g is saturated (that is, unhealthy). Other fats - unsaturated and, accordingly, healthy. The cholesterol level in the yolk is very low. So it is harmless to healthy people. If you have elevated level cholesterol in the blood, it is worth slightly limiting the consumption of egg yolks. But do not exclude them from your diet completely, as they are a rich source of healthy proteins.
  • Egg yolk contains vitamins and minerals: iron, phosphorus, potassium and magnesium. The following vitamins can be mentioned: vitamin A, E, D, B9 ( folic acid), B12, B6, B2 and B1. Don't forget that this is one of the few foods rich in vitamin D.
  • Another fact about yolk that we shouldn't ignore: it contains a substance called choline. Do you know why it is useful? This element supports the health of our brain, improves memory and fights degenerative diseases, like Alzheimer's disease, for example.
  • Yolk rich in lecithin. This element combines with cholesterol and prevents its complete absorption by the body. Lecithin is important element for the functioning of the bone marrow, brain, liver, hearts and nervous system.
  • Many people eat raw yolk pure form or as part of various cocktails, thinking that this way all its useful proteins are better preserved. But this is a mistake. Eating raw yolk can cause diseases such as salmonellosis. We strongly recommend that you always eat the yolk (and chicken eggs) only in cooked form. This way you can avoid unnecessary problems.

So what Is the white or the yolk healthier in an egg? It turns out that both! The protein contains no fat, and the yolk, although it contains a small amount of saturated fat, is very rich in proteins.

Eat whole eggs. Being part of balanced diet, they will help you take care of your health. And besides, they are very tasty!


Huopalahti, R., López-Fandiño, R., Anton, M., Schade, R., Recio, I., & Ramos, M. (2007). Bioactive egg compounds. Bioactive Egg Compounds.

Jacob, J. P., Miles, R. D., & Mather, F. B. (2011). egg quality. IFAS Extension PS24.

Nimalaratne, C., & Wu, J. (2015). Hen egg as an antioxidant food commodity: A review. Nutrients.

Mine, Y. (2002). Recent advances in egg protein functionality in the food system. Worlds Poultry Science Journal.


A chicken egg can be called perhaps one of the most nutritious foods. However, many people prefer to avoid eating them, citing the fact that they contain too much fat and cholesterol. But in order to draw such conclusions, it is necessary to thoroughly study this food product.

Egg white, which takes up more than half (about 67 percent) total mass eggs, along with egg yolk, are an integral part of a chicken egg. In its raw form it is a transparent viscous liquid, which after heat treatment acquires White color. calories egg white much lower nutritional value yolk, but it contains a lot of protein. The beneficial properties of egg whites are used in many areas of human life, but special role he plays specifically in cooking.

The first thing that comes to mind when mentioning egg whites is, undoubtedly, airy meringue and sponge dough. By the way, in order to achieve excellent results when whipping egg whites, you need to know a few secrets. They can be easily whipped into a strong foam if the chicken eggs are thoroughly cooled beforehand and a pinch of salt is added during the process.

In Russian folk cuisine, chicken eggs, in particular egg whites, have relatively recently begun to be used in soups (as in the cuisine of Transcaucasia). But preparing a variety of main courses based on this healthy product, combining it with fish and vegetables, has become almost a tradition. Along with French and English chefs, our masters learned to use egg whites in soufflés, jelly and drinks.

Egg white calories

The calorie content of egg white is 44.4 kcal.

The nutritional value in 100 grams:

  • Protein: 11.1 g (~44 kcal)
  • Fat:0 g (~0 kcal)
  • Carbohydrates: 0 g (~0 kcal)

Energy ratio (b|w|y): 100%|0%|0%

Useful properties of egg white

The benefits of egg white are undeniable, as it is a rich source of niacin, which is essential for full-fledged work brain and stimulation of its activity. Also in this useful product and vitamin H, which ensures better blood clotting. And choline helps improve memory and has the ability to remove poisons and toxic substances from the liver.

Egg whites contain a lot of B vitamins, which have a beneficial effect on human health, in particular, they prevent the development of birth defects in newborns. At the same time, the benefits of egg white are expressed in their anti-cholesterol properties, in which this product is superior even to soy cheese. It has been scientifically proven that regular use chicken protein helps strengthen the heart and blood vessels, and thanks to recent studies, it was found that the protein contained in the protein raises the level good cholesterol.

By the way, as for the prevailing opinion about the dangers of eggs due to... high content cholesterol and fats: they are completely absent in the egg white, and although they are present in the yolk, they do not carry anything dangerous if used correctly.

Composition of egg white

Probably from the course school subjects Remember that an egg is 85% water, 12% protein, and 1% carbohydrate and fat. In addition, useful enzymes, B vitamins, and glucose can be found in eggs. But us, the people leading active image of life, and those who constantly need “doping” for the body, of course, protein is most of all interested. And, here, if you are interested in such egg whites, you can find out a lot of interesting information. So, for example, it turns out that 54% of egg protein is ovalbumin, which was isolated back in the 19th century and to this day it is actively used in both the food and pharmaceutical industries. Also, this protein contains conalbumin, or as it is also called ovotransferrin, a protein that has special antibacterial properties. natural properties. There is also lysozyme - in an amount of 3.5% - it is used as a bacteriolytic enzyme and onomucin - 3% of the composition of egg white, which is a multicomponent complex compound.

Harm and contraindications

However, our article would be incomplete if we did not remember the dangers of egg white and its negative impact on human body. Such egg whites contain cholesterol in excess, and when you eat 1 egg a week, there is nothing wrong with this, but if you eat a lot of eggs (for example, some bodybuilders can eat 2 dozen eggs in a day), then in this case cholesterol comes in into the body in alarming doses. In order to at least somehow get rid of it, and at the same time not give up eating eggs, you can consume only egg whites, while throwing away the yolks themselves. And, although this option of eating eggs may seem very wasteful to some, it is better to spend money on buying eggs than to spend money on treatment. Therefore, remember, you can eat up to 20 egg whites a day if you want, but the number of eggs you eat along with the yolk should not exceed 3 pieces.

How to eat egg whites

However, do not rush to simply fry and boil eggs, add them to salads and think that by doing so you are increasing the amount of egg white consumption and thereby setting yourself on the path to slimness, beauty and health. Unfortunately, it's not that simple. Even if you just drink raw eggs, although in this case the composition of the egg white will be simply ideal, this is not the safest option, since the risk of contracting salmonellosis in this case is quite high. Even if the seller of such eggs assures you that his product has been tested and is absolutely safe for your health. Such a rash step of yours could cost you your health. Therefore, it is still better to refuse egg whites in their pure form without heat treatment - it is too dangerous. However, if the desire to try raw eggs and natural egg whites is your lifelong dream, you can use a special air fryer. If you heat it to a temperature of 280 degrees above zero Celsius, and put an egg on such a well-heated convection oven - in those few seconds that you hold the egg on the convection oven, it will not be able to bake, but at the same time the infection that may be on eggshells, will still be destroyed by high temperature.

How to make your own egg whites

If the air fryer option does not suit you for some reason, you can boil the eggs - the simplest and best way, which, if you are worried, will not cause the destruction of the egg white you and I need, will preserve the nutritional value of the egg and will not contribute to the loss taste qualities. By the way, such a boiled egg is easily and quickly absorbed by the body. And, salmonella, which we are wary of, will die in boiling water within a few minutes.

An alternative to boiling egg whites is to fry them. Although, this method is not the best and not the most beneficial for your health. Under influence high temperatures In a frying pan, the egg white denatures - in other words, its beneficial structure for you and me is disrupted, its benefits and nutritional value are lost. In addition, if you do not fry eggs in a dry frying pan, then in addition to eggs you also eat fried oil, which is full of carcinogens that are so destructive to our stomach, liver and entire body.

As for dishes with the addition of eggs - salads, deviled eggs– even here, not everything is as useful as it seems at first glance. Final food composition eggs as a result of adding such an egg to a salad changes significantly, and mayonnaise and hot spices do not make it healthier.

Egg whites in sports nutrition

It was egg white that attracted the attention of the sports industry, as well as producers of biologically active additives. Therefore, do not be surprised if in nutrition plans for athletes and in stores sports nutrition you will come across jars of egg whites. True, do not rush to immediately stock up on an arsenal of such egg protein dietary supplements. The fact is that the taste of this synthesized product is very, very specific (this protein is bitter). But if you add flavorings to it, then the benefits of such egg white will become less. In addition, such “store-bought” egg white... foams a lot, and preparing it is not very convenient - you need to have the skill to make such a protein shake instant cooking did not escape from your glass. Yes, and the cost of such a dietary supplement is not very affordable, for example, milk protein(milk protein) is cheaper and its taste is more pleasant, therefore, athletes consume it more willingly than egg white.

Today we learned a lot interesting facts about egg whites, and even managed to choose an option for preparing such egg whites that is safe for health and optimal for preserving nutritional value. And, even if you are not an athlete or bodybuilder, such protein can be useful for you, remember this and organize “egg” meals for yourself. protein days. Your body will only thank you for this.

Face mask: egg white for skin, benefits and application

Egg whites can help those who constantly struggle with blackheads on the nose, chin and forehead. All you need is one egg white and a paper towel.

Whisk 1 egg white into a foam, apply some of the white to your face and neck. Take a paper towel or napkin and place it on your face, making holes for your eyes and mouth. Apply another layer of protein on top of the napkin. Let the white dry.

The dried napkin, slowly, remove from the bottom up. All black dots and dead skin layer will remain on it.

The main thing is not to pull the paper hard and sharply; if you feel pain, lightly wet your fingers in water and rub the paper stuck to your skin with them.

Egg white mask for oily skin

Beat well 1 egg white, add 1 tsp lemon juice. Mix. Apply a layer of the mixture on your face, wait 10 minutes and apply another layer. Keep the mask on your face for 5 minutes and wash off warm water. This mask tightens pores, smoothes wrinkles and whitens the skin. Egg whites for dark circles under the eyes

Egg white makes the skin softer and more elastic. It also contains a lot of vitamin B 12, riboflavin, which improves blood circulation. All this helps eliminate dark circles under the eyes.

Beat 1 egg white well and apply with a brush. dark circles. Leave on the skin for approximately 15 minutes to allow the protein to dry, and then rinse well with water. You can also add a few drops of witch hazel tincture or oil (Witch Hazel hydrolate) to the protein, which also works well on the skin around the eyes.

Egg white for wrinkles

Protein can also help in the fight against wrinkles, due to its composition and ability to make the skin elastic. For this you need 1 protein, 1 teaspoon olive oil, 1 teaspoon of yellow clay. Mix all ingredients well and apply to the skin of the face and neck. After the mask is applied, you need to lie down quietly for 20-30 minutes. Rinse off the mask with slightly warm water, then apply a moisturizer or nutritious cream on the skin of the face and neck.

Egg white suits our body better than any other protein that should be taken for effective training. It is perfectly digestible and consists almost entirely of albumin (or ovoalbumin, 10%) and water (90%). In terms of absolute values, one egg, including the yolk, contains about 6-7 grams of albumin, and the yolk also contains ovoglobulin, coalbumin, ovomucoid, ovomucin, lysocin and avidin.

A chicken egg can weigh from 35 grams (category 3) to 75 grams ( highest category), it contains only 4 grams of fat (monounsaturated and polyunsaturated (Omega-3) fatty acids), carbohydrates – 0.5 grams, lecithin – 150 mg. The rest of the weight in a small amount is various vitamins(including A, E, K, D and B12) and minerals (calcium, zinc and iron), water.

The composition also contains riboflavin, folic acid and cholesterol, which is the main component in the synthesis of testosterone and does not increase general level cholesterol in the blood. The energy value of an average egg is 157 kcal per 100 grams, and the indicator biological value equal to one (the complete set of all essential amino acids).

Do you eat the whole thing or just the whites?

Very often on the Internet you can find recommendations to throw away the yolks or eat them in minimum quantity. The fact is that fats (even healthy Omega-3s) enhance the oxidation process and “waste” the body’s oxygen. Too many of these fats do not benefit the body, but the harm can be mitigated very simply - just consume natural antioxidants - beans, blueberries, cranberries and other berries, prunes, apples. Not only will they prevent oxidation, but they will also add more vitamins, metals and other substances to the diet.

Eating raw eggs is not recommended because they slow down the release of the enzyme trypsin. – it affects the speed of digestion. Chicken eggs must be exposed heat treatment, not less than 70°C (at this temperature the trypsin inhibitor is destroyed). Cooking also kills harmful bacteria, which can get through or from the shell, and, of course, protect against salmonellosis, a common poultry disease.

You should not eat raw eggs

There is no need to be afraid of cholesterol in a chicken egg, especially for athletes who do not have any health problems associated with it. It will only strengthen the body’s cells and become a building material for new ones. This is especially true for a growing body and when muscle mass increases, when new fibers grow - in fact, this is what happens in bodybuilding, so cholesterol is simply necessary here.

The only option when you can give up yolks is during a time of weight loss or during the “drying” period - then you should consume a couple of pieces a week so as not to deprive the body useful substances. In all other cases, eggs can be safely consumed whole; they will not cause any harm.

How to eat chicken eggs?

Cook them - perfect way. Hard-boiled or soft-boiled, in a bag, poached or Benedict, scrambled eggs, added to salads and any other dishes. You can also fry if you do not limit yourself in the use of oil. It is better not to overheat eggs, do not overcook them, do not keep them in boiling water for a long time - excessive heat treatment destroys important amino acids, and the dish becomes simply useless. Remember that a liquid yolk is digested very quickly, while a hard-boiled one takes up to three hours to digest.

Thus, soft-boiled, poached and Benedict are the most healthy recipes for eating eggs. Everything you need from them penetrates the body in a maximum of 1.5 hours, remember this when preparing for training. At the same time, more than 99% of all biologically useful substances are absorbed.

Possible harms of eating eggs

It is impossible to get an overdose of egg whites. The maximum that can happen is that the excess will not be absorbed, especially if there was no significant load that day. If there is no allergy to the yolk or high cholesterol, then up to 8 eggs (with yolk) per day will not harm a healthy fitness or bodybuilding enthusiast. More yolks - more fat, decide for yourself how much you need and how much fatty acids the body will be able to “neutralize” and turn to the light side of your Power.

An obvious harm that does not need to be explained is excess oil during frying. Give up scrambled eggs and never think about this problem again. Some fundamental Scientific research Scientists from the USA and Greece have proven that yolks are the most harmful to the body. The list of consequences of their excessive use includes the following: scary words, such as adenoma, cancer of the prostate and other organs, platelets on carotid artery, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases.

However, all the risks of developing dangerous and even fatal diseases observed exclusively in subjects who consumed excessive amounts egg yolk, already having problems with excess weight, prediabetes and diabetes, high cholesterol. Healthy people have absolutely nothing to fear.

Egg powder and eggs in sports nutrition

Sports nutrition, or protein “from a can”, is produced both from whey protein (more common case), and from egg. Of course, the powder is carefully cleaned of excess substances and the yolk is not used in the production. It is absorbed quite slowly and evenly, competing with the eggs themselves in terms of usefulness. This diet is more suitable for those who strive to gain exclusively muscle mass without fear of getting better.

The easiest way is to buy eggs in large trays for a week, this way you can significantly save on a source of protein and not have to think about additional ones. Experiment with recipes, spices and vegetables, then you won’t get tired of chicken eggs and will give you everything for muscle growth.

Many people underestimate egg white, its role in the human diet and regularity of use. People who want to create certain body proportions, just people leading an active lifestyle and especially professional athletes, know very well the benefits of egg white. And in this article, we will look at beneficial features egg white and let's figure out why it is so valued.

Useful properties of egg white

Chicken egg is a product with low content calories. The bulk of the calories are contained in the yolk. Organic compounds only fifteen percent protein. The rest is water. Protein contains everything necessary for the human body, amino acids and microelements.

Beneficial features:

Protein helps normalize the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, reducing cholesterol levels;

Protein contains a lot of protein;

Low calorie protein;

Amino acids contained in protein improve the functioning of brain cells;

Protein contains vitamins B and D. By the way, protein is second after fish oil product according to vitamin D content.

The influence of protein on brain cells is invaluable. Egg white proteins help the body produce the hormone orexin. This hormone allows the body to feel energetic. Egg whites block the action of carbohydrates, which block the production of orexin. These carbohydrates enter the body with sugar, chocolate and cakes.

Egg white is also an excellent natural energy drink. It speeds up the burning of excess calories. For full manifestation beneficial properties of egg white, it should be taken boiled.

No less useful is the external use of egg white.

It is indispensable for caring for oily skin. Egg white The skin of the face is dried and sebaceous metabolism is regulated. For face care, a mask is made from whipped protein. It is applied to the face, dries for five minutes. Repeated three times. It turns out to be a triple mask. Wash it off after fifteen minutes. Many beauty salons use this simple, natural mask for face.

Also egg white very used for hair restoration. In this case, the protein is mixed with yogurt and applied to the hair for twenty minutes. After that, the hair becomes silky, with an improved structure.


Completely ordinary and affordable product- egg white. Using it in Everyday life, you can refuse expensive medicines and cosmetic products.

Eat right and good luck with your workouts!

Egg white - powerful immunostimulant, which has pronounced bactericidal properties. It is a colorless, odorless, viscous liquid that has adhesive properties. When whipped, it acquires a dense foam-like consistency. It turns white during heat treatment. The product improves brain function, participates in hematopoietic processes, and prevents the formation of cataracts.

In terms of nutritional value, one egg replaces 50 g of meat and 200 ml. Protein has greatest degree digestibility among animal products (98%).

Beneficial features

The main advantage of egg white is the absence of fat in its composition. This is absolutely dietary product, approved for use during weight loss.


What's the best way to cook egg whites? Cook. This method of heat treatment preserves its nutritional value and beneficial properties. Just 1-2 minutes of cooking is enough to destroy the dangerous salmonella bacillus. Frying protein is not recommended because it disrupts the structure of the product (the denaturation process starts), resulting in a decrease in the energy value of the product. Besides, this method heat treatment leads to the entry of oil into the body, which carries carcinogens that are dangerous to digestive system and liver.

Interestingly, egg white begins to “set” at a temperature of +60 degrees, and hardens at +65 degrees. At the same time, the yolk acquires a dense consistency at +65 degrees, and at +73 degrees it becomes completely hard.

What does egg white consist of? From fats (0.3%), carbohydrates (0.7%), proteins (13%), water (85%), vitamins, enzymes. It contains all the important amino acids for the construction of protein in the human body. In addition, it contains lysozyme, a compound that neutralizes harmful microorganisms, including rotten ones.

How long can you store boiled egg? No more than one week. However, to avoid loss of beneficial properties, the product is recommended to be consumed within 3 days after preparation. Raw eggs Store in the refrigerator at +4 degrees for up to 5 weeks.


Egg white is a source of easily digestible protein, from which, according to Darwin's theory, the first cellular structures arose 3.8 billion years ago. Protein play important role in the human body. Thanks to them, metabolism, respiration and digestion processes are carried out. Protein consists of bones, nails, hair, muscles, tendons, cartilage, and skin. Protein deficiency in the body leads to weakening of the skeleton, thinning of the mucous membranes, deterioration protective barrier, susceptibility to various infections, rapid aging. Egg white has bacterial activity and strengthens cardiovascular system, increases the level of “good” cholesterol. Used externally for treatment skin problems, damaged joints, strengthening nails, hair, giving firmness and elasticity to the dermis.



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