Laparoscopic sterilization of cats and dogs. Why does a surgeon need experience in laparoscopy?

The specialists of the Belanta clinic carry out sterilization of dogs and cats using the most humane and least traumatic method - endoscopic.

Endoscopic sterilization- a completely new word in surgery, in which all necessary manipulations are abdominal cavity The surgeon performs the animal through tiny holes 3-5 mm long!

The operation is performed under general anesthesia and lasts about 30 minutes.

You can make an appointment for laparoscopic sterilization by calling:

8 495 150-55-58

IMPORTANT! At the Belanta clinic:

  • Sterilization of cats through a side incision is no longer used in our clinic.
  • Sterilization is carried out through small incisions.
  • Laparoscopic sterilization is carried out not through several small punctures, but only through 2.
  • In our clinic, after surgery, a drip is required for more easy exit from anesthesia.
  • During the operation, monitoring of the animal's condition (pulse oximetry, cardiac monitor) is used.
  • Operations are performed under the guidance of an anesthesiologist-resuscitator. This allows you to reduce operational risks to a minimum!

ATTENTION: in domestic animals that do not participate in mating on an ongoing basis, with age, the risks of breast tumors greatly increase and inflammatory processes in the uterus, which threatens the life of the animal and requires emergency surgical intervention. As a rule, an animal with such pathologies arrives already weakened, which increases the risks of anesthesia.

Planned sterilization is carried out on clinically healthy animals and the rehabilitation process is much easier!

Endoscopic sterilization of dogs and cats has a number of undeniable advantages over traditional surgery:

  1. There is no risk of developing postoperative inflammation and complications since there is no direct contact of the surgeon’s gloves with the surgical field.
  2. A unique endoscopic technique makes it possible to study the organs and tissues of an animal in detail on a special monitor, thanks to which any concomitant pathologies can be identified.
  3. The tiny incisions cause virtually no pain.
  4. Post-operative scars (there are practically none) do NOT require special treatment.

This is why endoscopic sterilization is indispensable for most dogs. large breeds, for service and chain dogs - there is no need for special bandages and collars, removal of sutures, or any special conditions content.

Additional information

Several methods are used to sterilize cats:

1. Classic- made through an incision in the skin (up to 3 cm) along the central (white) line of the abdomen, through which the uterus is removed. A ligature based on absorbable materials is applied to all vessels. It is also possible to use a coagulator. The uterus and ovaries are removed, after which the incision is stitched with removable or permanent sutures.

2. Through the side incision- the difference from the classic one is the choice of the location of the incision - in this case it is located on the side. It is less traumatic because a blunt method of tissue separation is used.

3. Through a super small incision- the operation is performed using a surgical hook. Incision of the skin and peritoneum is carried out similarly classical method, but the size of the incision does not reach 1 cm. Using a hook, the ligament is hooked, after which the ovary is removed out. It is possible to remove the ovary with some part of the ligament or the entire uterus.

4. Laparoscopic method. The use of endoscopic technology allows the complete removal of the uterus and ovaries through several small punctures. The operation is quite complex in technology and requires a highly qualified surgeon and special expensive medical equipment.

Optimal age for sterilization

Most veterinarians believe that early neutering is beneficial for your cat. The recommended age is 5 to 8 months, when the first signs of puberty begin to appear.

How to prepare a cat for sterilization

  • The animal should not be fed 12 hours before the scheduled surgery.
  • On the day of the procedure, the cat should not even be given water.

Such requirements are due possible manifestation side effect in the form of vomiting from those used for anesthesia narcotic drugs. In case of aspiration of vomit, it often develops serious condition- aspiration pneumonia.

How to care for a cat after surgery

  1. After sterilization, the cat will need a soft, warm place that will not be penetrated. sun rays irritating eyes after anesthesia.
  2. The animal should not be disturbed for 24 hours after surgery.
  3. Since a cat’s eyes do not close during anesthesia, to prevent the cornea from drying out, it is necessary to instill artificial tears (a special solution for contact lenses). A simple saline solution will also work.
  4. If there are stitches, they should be checked daily. They must be completely clean and dry.
  5. The seams are processed antiseptic solution. Additional use of wound healing ointments is possible.
  6. If intradermal suturing was used, it is enough to wipe them with a chlorhexidine solution (0.05%).

Dog sterilization

The essence of the procedure

The duration of the operation is 60-90 minutes. The choice of sterilization method is determined by the sex of the animal.

In male dogs, the testes are removed using one of the recommended methods.

Operating on bitches is much more difficult, since it becomes necessary to abdominal surgery with access to the abdominal cavity. Only the ovaries or the ovaries and the uterus are removed (ovariohysterectomy). The second method is considered more optimal, since a preserved uterus can later cause the development of pyometra. The duration of ovariohysterectomy is up to 60 minutes.

When is the best time to do it?

Sterilization of males before reaching 6 months is not recommended, since the procedure can cause growth and development delays.

As for females, it is optimal to sterilize them at 4-5 months of age, before their first heat. This will reduce the likelihood of tumors by 200 times.

Before surgery

  • Follow a 12-hour fasting diet.
  • 4 hours before the start of the operation, do not give the animal water.
  • To empty the stomach and intestines of contents one day before surgery, give the dog Vaseline oil as a laxative.
  • If fleas are found, eliminate them

After surgery

  • Place the dog on a flat surface.
  • After recovering from anesthesia, moisten your pet's tongue and nose with water.
  • Limit the amount of liquid.
  • Choose soft food (minced meat, pate).
  • Treat seams with antiseptics to prevent them from getting wet.
  • Place a blanket or protective collar on your dog to prevent damage to wounds.
  • Carry out antibiotic therapy prescribed by your doctor.

One cat can produce up to two hundred kittens in its lifetime. It is unlikely that the owners will be happy about this. To prevent reproductive capacity can be given to a cat hormonal drugs, but they greatly harm her health. Doctors recommend surgery. One of the safest options islaparoscopy - sterilization of catsusing a laparoscope.

A laparoscope is a tube with a lens and a video camera unit, the image of which is displayed on the screen. Thanks to this tool laparoscopic sterilization of cats carried out under the full visual supervision of a veterinarian. A small incision is made in the abdominal cavity, where the surgical instrument and laparoscope are inserted. The organs that will be removed are then removed from this hole.

Advantages cat laparoscopy:

  • minimal tissue trauma;
  • increased level of sterility;
  • no maintenance required;
  • The operation can be performed on young cats from six months;
  • good visualization during the procedure;
  • minimal pain due to the absence of a large incision;
  • short rehabilitation period.

Preparing for surgery

An operation like cat laparoscopy requires minimal preoperative preparation:

  • deworming and flea treatment;
  • nail trimming;
  • the pet must be vaccinated at least three weeks before surgery;
  • a full medical examination must be carried out;
  • examination for anesthesia tolerance.

Laparoscopy of cats. Price

Unlike traditional methods sterilization, on cat laparoscopy price higher, but it is completely justified. Exact amount difficult to name, the price depends on the following factors:

  • complexity of the operation;
  • cat's age, health status;
  • time spent on the procedure;
  • materials spent on sutures and dressings, medications, anesthesia.

Laparoscopy of cats in Moscow home visit is possible. If you are unable to visit veterinary clinic, you can call us and call a veterinarian at home. The doctor will advise you on all issues and will do everything necessary tests and, in the absence of contraindications, will perform the operation at home.

Laparoscopic sterilization of cats is becoming increasingly important in our country, and this is quite justified. As for the advantages compared to conventional, so this:

Minimal trauma, since during laparoscopic sterilization of cats a minimal incision is made necessary to insert the endoscope and working instruments.

Small seam size. As a rule, when sterilizing a cat laparoscopically The surgeon makes incisions with a diameter of about 1.5 cm, so one or two stitches are required to apply a suture. Also often, with the laparoscopic method of sterilizing cats, cosmetic sutures are applied, in which there is no need to subsequently remove them.

No complex required postoperative treatments. Due to the minimal incision surgical wound Heals very quickly, and the duration of treatment is reduced to 3-4 days.

Minor postoperative pain. It is also associated with minimal damage to the skin and pain medications are either not prescribed or are used for a short period of time.

Preparing for laparoscopic sterilization of a cat

Laparoscopic sterilization of a cat is considered one of the safest, but preparation surgical field, compliance with the rules of asepsis and antisepsis must also be observed.

Laparoscopic castration of a cat is performed in hospital surgical rooms, where there is special equipment - laparoscopes. The equipment, as well as the skin of the animal, is subject to mandatory disinfection, since failure to comply with this rule leads to infection of the abdominal cavity.

Stage I of laparoscopic sterilization of cats– a special Veress needle, which has a stylet for protection internal organs from injuries, the first puncture is made abdominal wall. Then a hose from an insufflator is connected to the cannula of the Veress needle, through which carbon dioxide is pumped into the cavity.

Stage II of laparoscopic sterilization of cats– a laparoscope videoscope with a lighting element is inserted through the stylet and a visual examination of the abdominal cavity is performed. In the absence of hidden pathology, the animal is allowed into the cat.

III stage of laparoscopic sterilization of cats- two more punctures are made, but smaller in diameter, into which trocars are also inserted and the working instruments of the laparoscope are inserted - a clamp and a coagulator.

IV stage of laparoscopic sterilization of cats– under the control of a videoscope, the uterine horn and ovary are found with a clamp, fixed, then the arteries, veins and ligaments are burned with a coagulator. The same is done with the opposite ovary and uterine horn. After this, the removed uterus and ovaries are removed through a trocar in the abdominal cavity.

V stage of laparoscopic sterilization of cats– stitches are placed on the skin, preferably cosmetic.

Post-operative cat care

Within about a week, the cat needs to be cared for at home. You can read how to do this in our article: “Care for a cat after sterilization.”

Laparoscopy requires a special high-tech instrument.

Sterilization of cats

A laparoscope is both a “scalpel” and video monitoring. The device is equipped with a trocar - a special needle, a manipulator and an internal video surveillance system. All manipulations are performed through two small punctures.

Laparoscopy can be used to sterilize females. Sometimes laparoscopic intervention is also required for males: if the testes have not descended into the scrotum.


Actually, you need to prepare your cat not for surgery, but for anesthesia. A few days before sterilization, it is necessary to undergo a medical examination: examination and consultation with a cardiologist, first of all, since anesthesia can provoke serious cardiac pathologies.

The type of anesthesia and drugs for it are selected in advance, taking into account individual characteristics, health and age.

The cat does not need to be fed before laparoscopy. The last feeding should be no less than 8 hours before the start of the operation. The animal should not drink for a couple of hours before anesthesia is administered.

Operation stages

Postoperative period

After laparoscopy, cats do not require serious care.

After surgery

Difficulties can arise only in the first hours: since cats recover from anesthesia after sterilization quite quickly, they try to move actively, but for a long time will be disoriented. Therefore, you need to choose a safe place for animals: always on the floor and away from objects that can be hit or jumped on. Main danger the fact is that in a state after anesthesia, the cat does not notice the height of the bed, and her foggy consciousness does not allow her to group correctly when falling. But, despite the anesthesia that has not yet passed, cats often try to jump on high furniture in order to get into a secluded place - and coordination is not yet balanced. It is best not to let the animal out of sight for the first day after surgery.

Possible complications

It should also be remembered that after anesthesia, animals do not control urination: a waterproof absorbent diaper will be required for the bed.

At first, you need to make sure that the cat’s head does not fall back - this is dangerous because of the possibility of...

Wounds after laparoscopy do not require serious care. All care comes down to periodic treatment of wounds with antiseptics - sprays have proven themselves best. If the trocar was of a large diameter and sutures were nevertheless applied, then they should be removed after a week; if an intradermal suture was not used, these will dissolve on their own. But even if significant wound care is not required during the week, it is still necessary to inspect them periodically. And at the slightest suspicion of a complication (redness, discharge, bleeding), consult a doctor.

Sometimes your doctor may prescribe a preventative course of antibiotics. But such treatment is rarely required, since during laparoscopy there is no contact between the surgeon’s hands and the animal’s skin and sterility is practically not compromised.

Cat behavior after sterilization

You should not expect any obvious changes in the behavior and psychology of the animal. Usually, the animals become a little more affectionate and calmer, the old instincts are preserved, especially the hunting one. Even at first, sexual instincts may spontaneously manifest (if at least one ovary was left) - but this is temporary. Females with pronounced leadership tendencies may begin to mark their territory, but this also passes quickly. In males, the territorial instinct remains, but will be weakly expressed. A sterilized animal is more people-oriented.

The main danger after surgery is some hormonal changes, which result in increased appetite. Sterility itself is not a predisposition to obesity. But if you don’t follow the diet and diet, the animal can become fat. This should not be allowed, since obesity can often end tragically for cats.

Puberty in cats occurs at the age of 7-9 months. This means that the time has come when your pet’s body is ready to reproduce. And for those who do not plan to breed and adopt kittens, the time has come to think about methods to prevent reproduction.

Today is the most in an effective way is sterilization, it is safe for cats and solves a number of problems associated with hormonal changes, affecting the character of the pet. Sterilization of cats laparoscopic method– a cavityless operation, the most gentle.

What is sterilization

The sterilization procedure itself is surgical method removal of reproductive organs. It is carried out using the cavity method and laparoscopically., that is, through small incisions. The second is considered preferable, since postoperative recovery period goes much faster and easier.

Types of cat sterilization:

  • spaying. After such an operation, the cat stops estrus;
  • removal of the uterus and ovaries. It is believed that this laparoscopic operation is the most optimal with medical point. It not only solves the issue of ridding Murka from pregnancy, but also has a positive effect on her health. Now you don’t have to worry about the occurrence of various inflammatory processes in the reproductive organs. Since both the uterus and ovaries have been removed, the cat is not at risk of such diseases.

Neutered cats live ordinary life, like their unsterilized relatives.

Optimal age for laparoscopic sterilization

There are so many doctors, so many opinions. This also applies to the issue of laparoscopic sterilization of cats. Some claim that such an operation can be done at any age and it is better to let the pet give birth at least once. Others, on the contrary, are categorical on this issue and insist that the owners must make a decision when the kitten reaches six months of age. That is puberty It had not yet arrived and the cat did not experience the instinctive needs for motherhood.

In any case, it is better to consult a veterinarian and make a joint decision.

Preparation for laparoscopic surgery

No special preparation is required for laparoscopic sterilization. Preparing a cat for sterilization comes down to several points:

  • at least three weeks must pass after the last vaccination
  • It is better to take tests in advance, if you decide to perform the operation on a middle-aged cat, this will help avoid problems with recovery from anesthesia; an examination by a veterinarian is mandatory. The cat must be healthy at the time of laparoscopic surgery.
  • if your pet is allowed to walk outside, you need to carry out a procedure to clean it of worms and fleas,
  • because cat paws with sharp claws they can scratch postoperative wounds; it is better to trim the claws.

Upon consultation veterinarian is obliged to warn the owner of the murka about when it is possible to feed it, and then exclude both food and water for certain time before sterilization. This is approximately 12-18 hours. If the deadline is not met, the cat may vomit after the operation, and this is not advisable for fresh stitches.

Laparoscopic procedure

The surgical method of laparoscopy is a closed method of sterilizing cats, allowing surgery through small punctures.

It is carried out with the obligatory use general anesthesia. Since the time passes quite quickly, that’s why anesthesia is given minimum quantity. Huge the advantage is minimal intervention in the body(unlike abdominal, when a large incision is made on the stomach), hence fast recovery and no complications.

Laparoscopic sterilization, both partial and complete, is carried out by special surgical instruments to remove the ovaries and uterus using a small video camera. They are entered into abdominal area through incisions approximately 1 cm in size. The image from the camera is enlarged and sent to the monitor, this allows the surgeon to perform the operation by manipulating the inserted instruments.

Positive aspects of laparoscopic sterilization

I would like to note the obvious advantages of this method of sterilizing pets:

  • suitable for cats of any age, from a six-month-old kitten to a mature murka, the only limitation can be health status,
  • since there is a large incision on the abdomen, this helps to avoid various infectious diseases that may bother you postoperative period, therefore the course of antibiotics for prophylaxis is more gentle,
  • sutures are made with surgical threads, which dissolve over time without leaving a mark, their processing is reduced to only one or two times,
  • and, what is very important, laparoscopic surgery causes a minimum of problems for the cat, painful sensations, and the return to normal life occurs very quickly.

Cat behavior after laparoscopic sterilization

After laparoscopy, a cat’s behavior and lifestyle practically do not change. Unlike abdominal surgery, the recovery period takes little time and passes without any restrictions.

Since laparoscopic surgery uses general anesthesia, then sleepy and lethargic behavior will be natural, which lasts for several hours and usually goes away by the end of the day.

Owners should be more careful immediately after the operation. The effect of anesthesia may cause the cat to wake up several times and try to get up. Naturally, weakness leads to some disorientation in space, and this can threaten the pet with injuries due to falls or blows. Take care of her, try to calm her down, caress her and put her in her favorite place to rest. Soon the effect of the anesthesia will completely wear off and she won’t even remember the unpleasant moments.

After laparoscopy, the cat should not receive food or drink for approximately 10-12 hours. The veterinarian will warn you about this. Follow his advice strictly, and your pet will soon recover and enjoy life again.

How to care for a cat after laparoscopic surgery

As a rule, after undergoing laparoscopic sterilization, the animal recovers very quickly. Some clinics offer to leave the pet under observation for some time, most are sent home after surgery, given several important advice. If you were offered the first option, then you should not refuse, this means that the doctor has grounds for this. Let the cat stay under medical supervision and, if something happens, she will be provided with qualified assistance.

The operation of laparoscopic sterilization is much more complicated than castration of cats. Therefore, you should not neglect your doctor’s advice. Any surgery, although not as complex as cavitary, requires no less attention from the owner and veterinarian.

As already noted, after undergoing anesthesia used for a laparoscopic procedure, the pet may sleep for several hours and be lethargic.

This condition is absolutely normal. By the evening she will feel better, she will have an appetite and a playful mood. And by morning next day nothing should bother her. If lethargy persists after 24 hours, it is necessary to urgently show the cat to a doctor.

Although your pet usually recovers quickly from laparoscopic surgery, it takes some time for the wounds to heal. In order not to damage the integrity of the seams, you need to follow a number of rules:

  • avoid too active games with the cat for several days,
  • do not allow her to lick stitches, wounds, or under any circumstances scratch them; if necessary, apply a bandage.

Review your pet's diet, for which you can consult a doctor. Neutered cats can gain weight quickly, leading to obesity and health problems. If you prefer to feed your cat natural food, reduce portions, watch calories. There are foods specially designed for such cats. They are optimally balanced and ideal for pets who have undergone sterilization.

Is there an alternative to laparoscopic sterilization?

Veterinarians and breeders of tussocks are unanimous on this issue that there is no alternative to laparoscopic sterilization. It is very difficult to watch a pet suffer several times a year. This is not only a psychological test for the entire family where the animal is kept. It’s not easy for the cat herself.

Giving special tablets and neither do the drops best option. Any medicine clearly affects the functioning of internal organs. Who would want to shorten the life of their pet?

How to reduce unwanted consequences after surgery to zero

Any operation carries a certain risk. Therefore, laparoscopic sterilization of a cat requires careful attention to the issue of choosing a clinic and a doctor. Here are some tips that owners who decide to sterilize their cats should focus on:

  • The laparoscopic sterilization procedure is not cheap, but there is no need to save money. Pay attention to the conditions under which the operation is proposed, specify what instruments will be used,
  • check how qualified the doctor is in the matter of sterilization. Read reviews both about the clinic itself and the operating doctor to know all the pros and cons of performing the procedure in this particular clinic. Collect for yourself a certain rating of veterinary hospitals and don’t be too lazy to take your pet to the other end of the city, if it turns out better there,
  • Do not under any circumstances agree to undergo laparoscopic surgery at home. Such an intervention requires sterile conditions and materials, high-quality implementation, anesthesia and observation,
  • Be sure to consult with your doctor about preparing your cat for laparoscopic surgery and strictly follow all recommendations. The well-being of the pet will depend on this.

Pros and cons of sterilization

Laparoscopic sterilization of cats has no disadvantages; complications almost never occur after it.



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