How to overcome fear and self-doubt - practical advice. Dealing with the fear of driving

Here are a few simple recommendations that will help you get out of the vicious circle of fear and overcome the habit of being afraid. You will learn about what the fear of fear is from the article "Fear of Fear: Phobophobia".

1. Trust that you can control your fear.

It is important to understand that you are scaring yourself. This means you can control your fear. You can both strengthen it and stop scaring yourself. This can be learned. And the habit of being afraid of fear can be replaced by the habit of enjoying risk.

2. Pass a medical examination

This item is for those who are afraid of the consequences of their fear. If you are concerned about your health or sanity, go medical examination. There will be less cause for alarm when you make sure that everything is in order with your body. To do this, you need to go through a therapist, cardiologist, endocrinologist, neuropathologist and psychiatrist. If you are diagnosed with panic disorder, cardioneurosis, then there is no threat to health and psyche. These are just names for the frequent manifestations of fear and horror. You are not sick with anything but your fear. If you are diagnosed vegetovascular dystonia, then you need to deal with its causes. In most cases, vegetovascular dystonia is also not associated with a threat to life. And it has a psychological basis.

3. Find the cause of the fear

It is easier to overcome the fear of fear if you understand the reason for your fear. Then you can fight not with yourself - with your emotions or with your body. And for the real reason.

Think about why you were scared last time. And why did your body behave the way it did. Perhaps you already have one assumption - the reason is that you are not healthy. Then come up with and write down other explanations. Maybe you drank too much coffee? Or tired and not getting enough sleep. Or your boss upset you. Or mom ate her brain the day before. Write down as many guesses as you can. Estimate the probability of each. The next time you get scared, do the same. Look for "harmless" but highly plausible explanations for your fear. And in the future, strive to eliminate all factors that can trigger fear.

4. Choose a relaxed lifestyle

The modern urban dweller rushes at a frantic pace. He is stewing in a cauldron of endless work and stress. Perhaps bouts of fear are a signal from the body that it needs a break, please take care of yourself. So the body tells you to slow down the pace of life. In order to reduce the likelihood of an attack of fear, it is necessary to reduce stress. Strive to reduce stress in your life. And more pleasure, relaxation and pleasant activities.

5. Focus on the outside

Researchers have shown that people who are very sensitive to what is happening in their body are more likely to experience bouts of inexplicable horror. They easily notice the beating of the heart, perceive the slightest changes in breathing. Easily feel fluctuations blood pressure. This is what increases the likelihood of an attack of fear. Therefore, strive to focus your attention on external events, on the people around you and on the tasks ahead of you.

6. Be in your present

Fear grows because of your imagination. If you are transported into the future: you begin to imagine horrible consequences talking to your boss, flying or traveling, you increase the fear. Focus your attention on the present, on the tasks ahead of you, or on other people.

"And - God save you - do not read Soviet newspapers before dinner," said Professor Preobrazhensky in " dog heart". Avoid reading and watching reports of murders, accidents, and illnesses. Don't watch horror or thrillers. Do not give such food to your imagination. And it will stop painting terrible pictures for you.

7. Live your fear

Experiencing fear, moving through it, moving in spite of it is a very valuable experience that will allow you to cope with fears in the future. The brave is not the one who is not afraid, but the one who is afraid, but does it. Living fear forms the habit of coping with strong fear. Know what's nasty bodily sensations causes adrenaline. If you do not throw wood into the fire of fear, then the action of adrenaline lasts about two minutes. And active physical actions help burn it.

8. Learn Breathing or Relaxation Techniques

The ability to relax will help to cope with the fear of fear. You need to master relaxation techniques and breathing techniques at a time when you are calm. And train until the relaxation skill becomes automatic. Only then will these techniques help you at the moment when the horror comes.

The easiest way to calm down is to master diaphragmatic breathing. To do this, you need to breathe not with your chest, but with your stomach. Detailed instructions you will find in the article Belly Breathing: Diaphragmatic Breathing. It helps a lot to relax if you make the exhalation much longer than the inhalation. This is how sleeping people breathe. You will find instructions for this method of breathing in the article "Breathing Methods for Complete Relaxation". Another way to breathe to help manage panic is to breathe the winner. You will master it by watching a fragment of the program "About the most important thing".

9. Take risks

Avoiding fearful situations helps to avoid fear. But it serves you a disservice. The more you avoid, the greater the fear. The stronger the fear of fear. And the more situations start to scare. It won't take long to become a recluse. By taking risks, you increase the number of situations in which you are calm. This is how you expand your comfort zone.

10. Take a course of psychotherapy with a psychologist or psychotherapist

You can fight the fear of fear alone. But it is easier to do this with the support of a psychologist or psychotherapist. With the help of a specialist, you will get rid of the fear of fear much faster.

Word phobia With Greek translates as fear, panic. By definition, a phobia is a very exaggerated intense fear that is caused by some situation or object. Everyone knows that even just thinking about a phobia or fear can be frightening to the point that they cause panic or completely paralyze. When a person is faced with the object of a phobia or a terrible situation, then there is strong feeling fear and desire to run away. Therefore, everyone who has a phobia tries to avoid contact with it, that is, to avoid the object of the phobia or the situation associated with a strong sense of fear.

Therefore, the constant need to avoid the object or situation of the phobia limits the freedom of choice and action, and can also affect family members and loved ones. For example, if you are very afraid of flying in an airplane, and avoid it. This limits your ability to travel, while covering long distances in a short time. Or if you are afraid of blood and avoid everything that can be associated with it, then how to pass medical diagnostics and get tested? People who have a phobia often face the fact that the people around them do not understand them, and in children's team or school may even tease or joke about it.

The most common phobias that cause people panic fear:

Fear of insects, small animals, fear of heights, fear public transport, fear of storms and other elements, fear of enclosed spaces and tunnels, fear of crowds and large crowds of people, fear of water. Children often have: fear of the dark, fear of thunder and lightning, fear of injections.

A person who faces his phobia is afraid that he may die or go crazy from his own fear and completely lose control of himself.

Why and how do phobias and fears arise?

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About fear, about aggression, about action Of course, in order to somehow cope with fear, firstly, you need to admit that it exists. Then there is a chance that fear will be overcome.

The phobia usually occurs in the result of a certain experience or situation when a person experienced a very strong fear that paralyzed him and left an indelible mark on his memory. For example, the fear of driving a car may appear as a result of an experienced car accident or accident.

Some phobias are related to inborn fears. That is, when a person is born, he has innate fears that are useful to protect against security and ensure the survival of the child. Newborns have fears that help them grow up in safety, such as fear of heights to protect the baby from falling.

Inborn fears are Key words: fear of darkness, heights, fear of strangers, fear of loneliness, fear of blood, fear of thunder, fear of small animals and insects. However, if the development of the child is normal and traumatic situations did not contribute to the consolidation of children's fears, then with age, children "outgrow" and innate fears disappear.

However, genetics and sensitivity to fears can also influence the formation of a phobia. Some people experience fear more and longer than others because of their sensitivity. And sometimes it happens that people, experiencing a strong sense of disgust for spiders, are confused with a strong fear, and then the phobia can be associated with a feeling of disgust, and not fear.

If the phobia does not affect the quality of life, then this is not considered a problem. However, depending on changing life circumstances, a phobia can develop into a problem.

Overcoming fears and phobias can improve the quality of our lives, relationships with the people around you will become better, and you will become more self-confident, you will be able to do things that were previously impossible due to a phobia.

Many of us have phobias and fears. And most people are able to overcome their fears on their own, but some cannot do without the help of a psychologist. One session with a psychologist will be enough for someone, and someone may need long-term psychotherapy, while it is important to remember that the time and speed of overcoming a phobia is individual for everyone. However, you can try to overcome a phobia or fear on your own, and only then seek help from a psychologist, if necessary.

What is important to know if you want to overcome a phobia or fear on your own? First of all, it is important to know what a phobia is, how did it arise for you, what stimulates your phobia and what should you do to overcome your phobia?

So what stimulates phobia and fears?

All human fears are useful to ensure the protection and security of life. However, the level of threat and danger in a phobia usually does not correspond to the real one and is greatly exaggerated.

Worrying thoughts and ineffective behaviors are known to increase anxiety and fear.

If you overestimate the level of danger of your phobia, think that something bad is bound to happen, and underestimate your ability to cope with your fear, then this increases anxious thoughts, and you fall into vicious circle fear of the object of the phobia.

Due to anxious thoughts there is a feeling of anxiety, which is accompanied by such bodily symptoms as: tension, shortness of breath, accelerated heartbeat, sweating, weakness and a feeling of unreality. When a person feels intense anxiety, then the bad premonitions, supported by bodily symptoms, lead to believe that something very bad can happen and, as a rule, the person is even more scared. Thus, part of the phobia is that the person is afraid of these bodily symptoms that accompany the feeling of fear and anxiety. The constant feeling and expectation of danger, even where there is none, increase anxiety and fear of the phobia. And avoiding the object of fear leads to "defensive" behavior, which for a short time helps not to collide with the object of fear, but then leads to its amplification, since it feeds it.

As a result of the intensification of the phobia, the person loses self-confidence, because he cannot do what others can do calmly without undue stress.

Main stages self-overcoming phobias and intense fear

  1. 1st stage this is the awareness of one's own phobia and the definition of the object of fear, when and how the phobia began
  2. 2nd stage analysis of avoidance and defensive behavior, anxious thoughts and bodily symptoms.
  3. 3rd stage meeting with your phobia, that is, to look your fear in the "eyes" and check the disturbing forebodings and learn how to behave appropriately when meeting with the object of the phobia. You need to start with an easy experiment and gradually complicate it. Make up your plan of experimental actions.
  4. 4th Stage awareness of the real danger and risk, the realization that the danger is exaggerated and you can survive the feeling of fear

How to understand that you have successfully coped with your own phobia is to make sure that you no longer avoid the object of the phobia and fear, and perhaps even your phobia and contact with it has become part of your life.

The key to overcoming a phobia is behavior that aims to challenge your fears. Thus, it is not your fear that will control you, but you will control your fear. It is impossible to completely get rid of fear, you can negotiate with fear by looking it in the face. At the same time, your self-confidence, in your abilities will increase and you will be able to do what you previously could not do.

I wish you to easily overcome your fears!

The future is unknown, and the unknown is usually scary. So is it worth peering into this muddy distance? Wouldn't it be better to focus your energy on the present? Live only today, and leave the problems of the future in the future. To do this, constantly ask yourself: “What can I do to solve the problem today?”

2. Use the Big Number Technique to Eliminate Irrational Fears

Most human fears are irrational in nature. As soon as there is an explosion in the subway, people have a phobia to use this transport. Undoubtedly, every tragedy is terrible, but it does not change the degree of safety of underground transport. On the contrary, after a disaster, specialists try to make sure that this does not happen again. Try to come to terms with such consequences. Before you get excited about something, ask yourself: What is the statistical probability that this event will happen?

3. Accept the result

Bad things happen and will happen, unfortunately. Let's say you're afraid of being expelled from university. Just sit quietly at the table and write what will happen if this happens. You will be left without a diploma, wasted years studies, money spent on education, etc. Now imagine that this happened. But after all, you received certain knowledge during your studies, perhaps you worked part-time somewhere. Try to get a job, and after a while, resume your studies at the correspondence department. You will already be working, so after graduating from the university you will not need to deal with employment.

Bad things happen and no one is immune from it. Therefore, learn to put up with the worst outcome of your problem, and then calmly look for a solution to the problem.

4. Will it matter in 5-10 years?

Try to ask yourself this as often as possible. Yes, today this problem seems huge, but imagine how you look at it from the future. Most likely, it will become much smaller. Many problems lose their significance over time, so learn to weed out small problems in order to solve truly important problems.

5. Analyze your experiences

Many of them will not pass the test even with one of the above methods. Fear can ruin your life, so it deserves to be dealt with. And when you defeat him, you will be surprised how beautiful life is!

Each person at least once had to speak in public - some have a professional duty associated with this, for example, teachers, politicians, artists, managers, lawyers. Now there is even a separate specialty - the speaker.

According to psychologists, stage fright is so developed that it is felt by about 95% of the total population. Fear of public speaking is one of the most common fears that causes a lot of inconvenience and also worsens a person's condition. Consider how to overcome the fear of speaking, and what treatment modern medicine offers.

Description of the phobia

The fear of public speaking is called medical term glossophobia, and in some cases it really should be treated. This fear of public speaking was familiar to many outstanding people. Faina Ranevskaya, musician Glenn Gould, singer Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau were afraid of the stage among celebrities.

For many, the fear of speaking in front of an audience becomes a serious stress blow, in which the absence of any treatment and correct therapy leads to the development of a complete mental disorder and social phobia.

Under the influence of fear, a person develops the so-called protective behavior. Such behavior helps to get rid of stress only at first, and if the problem is not solved in the future, a person cannot cope with fear and protective behavior becomes his normal daily pattern.

Such behavior begins to interfere with personal and career growth, forms mental problems and distorted perception of reality.

This is why performance anxiety must be recognized on early stages, do not be afraid to resort to the help of a specialist who will determine in each individual case how not to be afraid to speak.

Typical and atypical fear

Consider how a phobia manifests itself, since it is impossible to overcome the fear of public speaking without an accurate identification of the pathology. In addition to glossophobia, there is another name - peyraphobia. It is worth distinguishing from it the ordinary excitement that a person experiences before speaking to an audience, and a pathological fear of public speaking.

The reaction is quite adequate when a person is worried before oral entrance exam, performance with a musical number. In the circle of acquaintances, such people easily cope with fear and calmly demonstrate their talents.

Psychologists say that a little anxiety in front of the public has its advantages. Before the upcoming performance, a person concentrates attention, becomes more collected and energetic, as a result, the course of any public performances is kept under control and goes well.

A person who suffers from stage fright experiences true fear both before and after the performance, in addition, he is afraid even after the end of the performance, he cannot cope with fear, even if he performed well.

Such a fear remains both in front of an unfamiliar and in front of a familiar audience; it cannot be overcome, regardless of the number of listeners and the degree of acquaintance with them.


Phobia can be caused various reasons but almost always causes the same symptoms. Before the performance, only after seeing future listeners, a person instantly feels a strong emotional tension.

  • Activates the cerebral cortex, glands internal secretion, sympathetic system, resulting in work internal organs changes in this way - muscles tighten, facial expressions and gestures change, speech changes are also observed that are difficult to cope with - a change in the timbre of the voice, the speed of speech.
  • The autonomic system is responsible excessive sweating, frequent heartbeat, jumps in blood pressure, headache and squeezing sensations in the chest.
  • When people are terribly afraid of a performance, there is a dry mouth, trembling and confusion of the voice, a complete loss of the ability to speak articulately, in addition, even involuntary urination.
  • Sometimes, with high nervous excitability, a person can even faint, and before that, feel nausea, weakness, dizziness, his skin becomes pale, covered with perspiration.

The strength of the symptoms and the complex of symptoms is individual, depending on the characteristics of the person and his character, state of the body and mood.

Reasons for the development of a phobia

The main reasons for the development of this phobia are both genetic predisposition and social factors.

  • There is a genetic tendency to certain varieties of fear, for example, to social phobia, or innate increased anxiety. A person is constantly trying to meet certain standards, afraid of being misunderstood and rejected, unfairly assessed, isolated from society. Among the characteristics that are inherited, note the temperament, the level of anxiety and emotional perception. Parents and children can be very similar in this, having the same fears.

  • The most serious underlying causes phobias become social conditions. The development of phobias is facilitated by excessively strict upbringing, intimidation and threats in childhood by parents, excessive susceptibility to the opinions of others.
  • A negative assessment of one's abilities and capabilities, a negative experience in childhood, which was subjected to bright criticism, a distortion stressful situation and its exaggeration.
  • Pathology can develop due to low self-esteem, lack of self-confidence in front of listeners, bad preparation to performance and lack of knowledge. For many, a phobia develops precisely for the reason that there was very little experience in performing.
  • On the other hand, glossophobia often occurs against the backdrop of a constant striving for perfection, and often accompanies perfectionists and people who value social evaluation.

Coping Methods

How to get rid of stage fright, and what treatment is indicated for such a pathology? Specialized assistance necessary only when the fear becomes panicky and neurotic, going beyond all limits. In other cases, overcoming the fear of public speaking is possible with the help of auto-training.

The main ways to overcome stage fright are, first of all, in the awareness of this problem, and then in the analysis of the reasons that led to the development of pathology. Then solutions are developed and tested in practice.

Removing the uncertainty factor

To overcome the fear of public speaking, you should get rid of the uncertainty factor of the audience sitting in front of you. Analyze the purpose of their meeting, what they expect from what they heard, and what kind of reaction you would like to get from the audience. Analysis of the situation allows you to avoid the unknown and stop being afraid of the unknown reaction of people.


Nervous excitement increases when a person concentrates on negative traits public. Among such traits, skeptical smiles, disapproving gestures, inattention, and whispering during a speech are usually noted.

You can change your own state by mentally endowing people with positive qualities, paying attention not to negative, but to positive features- Approving gestures, interested and attentive looks.

Another good way to eliminate the illusion that everyone in the room is against you is to focus on a positive result work done.

Speech planning

One of top tips about how to overcome stage fright and how to cope with nervousness, is a thorough preparation for the performance. Confidence in your own preparation and the sufficiency of information allows you to relax a little and tune in to a quality performance.

For example, when preparing a report, one should first of all analyze and study the source data obtained from various authoritative sources. Then create a unique text and write down the main theses of your report, make a speech plan- what to say and when. Choose strong arguments in your favor and do not lose sight of them throughout the report, anticipate possible questions and prepare answers to them.

Ways to overcome fear lie in a thorough rehearsal - to stop stuttering and stammering during a speech, rehearse the report in front of a mirror, or read it to your loved ones. Since it is impossible to stop being afraid without a certain experience, a rehearsal in front of your closest ones will be a good workout.

Recognition of imperfection

Before you fight your fears, accept the fact that the importance of other people can be greatly exaggerated. Do not give too much importance to criticism, skepticism and sarcasm, realize that everyone has the right to make a mistake. Also remember that even well-wishers can wishful thinking, because not a single opinion around can be the ultimate truth.

Learn techniques that increase self-esteem and self-esteem, feel your own value and the uniqueness of your personality. You will also have to accept the fact that other individuals are just as unique and have the right to make mistakes in exactly the same way as you.

Get ready for a positive outcome

You can effectively overcome fear if you focus on the process of achieving the goal, and not on the result. Fix your actions in the present, as if looking at yourself from the side without exaggeration and understatement. Imagine positive sides your stay on stage - this will allow you to defeat fear and get rid of it faster each time in the future.

Pathology treatment may include physical activity, the study of technology correct breathing, training the work of the left hemisphere of the brain, for example, working with mathematical calculations or other exact science. One of pleasant ways the fight is humming your favorite tune, meditation, body posture training, to achieve more open and restrained postures.

In itself, fear in adults - normal reaction human psyche on the danger factor, he often plays protective role. Sometimes the reflexes embedded in the psyche can save the life of both the person himself and the people around him.

However, fear is one of the symptoms of anxiety-depressive and panic disorder, different phobias. These nosologies are pathological reactions to causal factors and can significantly affect the quality of human life. When fears are stable, a person limits his life because of them, refuses many opportunities.

Neurotic fear, which is tied in time, to a situation or an object, takes the form of a phobia. It can constantly make a person feel symptoms of fear, or it can be expressed in the form of seizures. Regardless of this, the phobia significantly worsens normal mode life of a person, affects working relationships, understanding in the family.

The world of a person with fear is significantly narrowed and limited. The layman himself puts limits, forbidding himself anything. For example, the fear of going out (agoraphobia), riding in an elevator (claustrophobia), being at height (acrophobia), and other phobias significantly limit people's abilities.

not tied to specific situation fear is constant feeling anxiety. Man is in anticipation of imminent danger all the time. Naturally, in this situation, it’s not worth talking about the quality of life, since life is completely dominated by disturbing sensations.

The main causes of fear in adults

IN modern world the multifactorial theory of the origin of fears is considered. This means that several reasons can together cause the formation of a particular phobia. The occurrence of such disorders only because of one reason is not excluded, but this happens much less frequently.

Causes of fear in adults can be as follows:

  • organic pathology. different kind injuries, infections and damage to the brain, which led to a change in its structure and visible on tomographic images, can cause the formation of a phobia in a person.
  • genetic factor. Fears are, of course, hereditary. This has been repeatedly proven by researchers in the field. If characteristic neuroses of fear were observed in the family, it means that the younger generation has a tendency to develop phobias, both in childhood and in adulthood.
  • Powerful stress factor. A single situation that had a significant impact on a person can provoke the formation of fear. Prolonged stress, which was accompanied by fear, can also lead to the formation of a persistent disorder.
Patterns of the formation of fear or phobia differ depending on the course mental illness which explains this process. If we consider the neurophysiological model, it should be pointed out that the cause of the development of fear is the excitation of certain neuronal centers in the brain. Then the reticular formation is activated, which transmits information to the cerebral cortex by fibers.

Any motivation of the body in turn is satisfied by the cerebral cortex. Fear can block this order. It becomes the only experience of a person, completely embracing consciousness. In such cases, a stupor is described, or vice versa, a panic reaction.

The stress response itself can cause fluctuations in hormones in the blood. The release of catecholamines provokes a somatic reaction to stress in the form of fear. Immediately upon recall or the presence of a stress factor, the hypothalamus releases the hormone corticotropin into the blood. It promotes the activation of the adrenal glands, the release of norepinephrine and adrenaline. These hormones can constrict blood vessels, increase blood pressure, and cause tremors in the limbs.

Signs of developing fears and phobias

The mental and physical components of the fear syndrome in adults together give a fairly detailed picture. Whatever a person is afraid of, these signs are similar to each other. The most similar are physical manifestations, they cannot be controlled, and they arise regardless of the desire of a person.

physical or somatic signs fear:

  1. cardiopalmus;
  2. lump in throat or dryness;
  3. constant restlessness;
  4. skin covered with cold sweat;
  5. shiver;
  6. frequent urge to urinate;
  7. diarrhea.
These signs may appear partially or completely, depending on the human body and the characteristics of its response to stress factors.

Mental manifestations of fear are varied and can take various forms. Depending on whether the fear is real or neurotic (no apparent reason), symptoms are observed either in a specific situation or constantly.

In the first case, a person experiences unpleasant somatic manifestations and psychological stress, a feeling that something bad is approaching almost immediately after a collision with an influencing factor or even when remembering it. For example, the fear of public speaking manifests itself both when remembering that they are going to go on stage, and immediately before going out.

In the second case, the neurotic fear is not tied to any place or situation, but that does not make it any easier. Such people experience a constant sense of danger, live in anxiety and expect the inevitable. The famous psychiatrist Sigmund Freud called this condition "anxiety neurosis."

Fear can also manifest itself in a variety of short-term reactions. Most often this panic syndrome that develops in seconds. For some time, a person accepts the irreversibility of what is happening and the inevitable fatal outcome. The loss of self-control and the feeling of helplessness are replaced by the mobilization of internal resources and an accelerated motor reaction. A person tries to protect himself from the situation that has arisen as soon as possible, if it exists.

The second variant of the short-term fear reaction is an affective stupor. This is an emotional dulling of all the possibilities of a person to move or take any action due to an emotional shake-up. This feeling manifests itself cotton feet and the inability to move.

Varieties of fears and phobias in adults

Depending on the occurrence and nature of the threat presented, three types of fears are distinguished:
  • existential fear. The fear of a person lies in his inner experiences, reflecting the world. Depending on how he perceives reality, certain fears will be formed. Existential phobias include the fear of death, the inevitability of time, and other similar phobias.
  • social fear. It is associated with the reflection and reaction of society to the person himself. If he is afraid of being rejected, ruining his reputation, then he is disposed to the formation of social fear. To the most prime examples social phobias include stage fright, ereutophobia, scoptophobia.
  • biological fear. This type is based on the fear of physical injury or threat to human life. This includes all categories of fear of illness (hypochondriac phobias), those phobias that involve pain, suffering or somatic damage. Examples of this group are cardiophobia and carcinophobia.
In each individual case, fear is considered individually, taking into account the characterological characteristics of the individual, genetic factors and conditions external environment. That is why one phobia can manifest itself in different ways in different people.

Some of the most common phobias that develop in adulthood should be considered in more detail:

  1. Fear of open spaces (agoraphobia). This is a fairly common phobia, the principle of which lies in the pathological fear of open spaces and places where there are large cluster people. It's kind of defense mechanism which allows the patient to isolate himself from possible negative consequences contact with the public. Manifestations in the case of staying in an open space are most often limited to a panic attack.
  2. Fear of closed spaces (claustrophobia). This is the opposite of the previous phobia. A person feels discomfort and even the inability to breathe in indoors, other somatic manifestations of fear are also shown. Most often, symptoms are found in small rooms, booths, fitting rooms, elevators. A person experiences significant relief just by opening the door. Fear includes the very prospect of being locked up alone.
  3. Fear of death (thanatophobia). It can concern both the person himself and his friends and relatives. It often develops in mothers whose children are seriously ill or have been ill. It manifests itself in an obsessive and uncontrollable fear of suddenly dying, even if there is no reason for it. May be associated with religious beliefs or simply fear of the unknown, which is uncontrollable.
  4. Fear of speaking in public (glossophobia). This disorder is quite common among the adult population. In most cases, due to low self-esteem, fear of being misunderstood by the audience and strict upbringing. This reduces self-confidence, and a person is panicky afraid to speak to the public.
  5. Fear of blushing in front of people (erythrophobia). This is the fear of red spots on the face due to a stressful situation. At its core, this is a vicious circle for a person who is shy and embarrassed in public. He is afraid to blush because he is afraid to be in front of an audience, because he is afraid to blush.
  6. Fear of being alone (autophobia). It manifests itself in the pathological fear of a person to be left alone with himself. Fear is associated with fear of the possibility of committing suicide. It should be said that statistics show a negative trend in suicides among autophobes. Manifested by anxiety, sweating and panic attacks if a person is left alone in a room.
  7. Fear of heart disease (cardiophobia). This pathological condition, which provides for somatic manifestations without the presence of the disease itself. Man complains about discomfort in the region of the heart strong heartbeat, nausea. Often these symptoms can interfere with what he is doing and are perceived by doctors as heart disease, but after necessary examinations it doesn't show up.
  8. Fear of getting cancer (carcinophobia). This is a panic fear of getting sick with malignant oncological nosologies. By its nature, it is closely related to the fear of death and develops as a result of a stressful situation. This may be a disease of someone from relatives, acquaintances, or simply seen manifestations of cancer on strangers. The presence of a hypochondriacal personality and the presence of a couple of indirect symptoms can play a huge role.
  9. Fear of being hurt (algophobia). Underlying for many other types of phobias, including visits to the doctor and even medical manipulations. A person, under any pretext, tries to avoid the slightest manifestations physical pain sometimes abuses painkillers. Manifested by anxiety and fears about the upcoming test of pain.

Important! The feeling of fear binds a person and can lead to fatal consequences, both for oneself and for others.

How to overcome fears in an adult

Fears can be part of a much larger syndrome or nosology that only a specialist can diagnose. That is why if you have symptoms of fear, you should consult a doctor. The disease, the manifestation of which he acts, can be both from the psychiatric register, and from the somatic.

Fears are often included in the structure of schizophrenia, anxiety and neurotic disorders, panic attacks, hypochondria, depression. It is often observed in bronchial asthma, cardiovascular diseases accompanied by angina pectoris. A correct diagnosis will dictate treatment tactics. That is why only a doctor is competent in the question of how to treat fears in adults.

Every person who is afraid of something needs to realize that fear is far from forever. There are many techniques and methods of psychotherapy that can help with this problem. An obstacle to recovery is a human reaction - shame for their phobias. Usually in society it is not customary to talk about their fears, recognition of inferiority and vulnerability touches a person to the quick. But boldly looking your phobias in the face and accepting necessary measures you can get rid of them once and for all.

One of the most common methods to cure fears in adults is humility. No one forces a person to fight their phobias or deny them, to convince them of their insignificance - it's useless. Therefore, psychologists recommend not to be ashamed of your feelings and at the same time do what is necessary, even if it's scary. A person who realizes that he is afraid (after all, such is his nature), but still has to do something, will easily overcome this barrier in time.

For example, the fear of public speaking often terrifies those who are about to take the stage. A person who has confidently decided to get rid of his phobia must come out with his fear. Being afraid and performing at the same time is the real solution for this case.

Also good effect treatment of fears in adults can give a visualization of the achieved result. If a phobia prevents you from achieving high career growth or family well-being, you should imagine life without it, what would it be like not to be afraid. Then it will be much easier to overcome your fears, because knowing what you are fighting for makes it easier to fight.

How to overcome fear in an adult - look at the video:

A person's fears are his protection until they cease to act for good. Fixating on negative experiences, they can destroy families, careers and even lives, which is why it is so important to realize the pathological nature of your phobias in time.


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