What age does puberty occur? Description of somatic signs

The appearance of a son in a family is a big holiday. Of course, this is the future breadwinner, protector and, ultimately, the successor of the family! And the latter, as is known, is determined by the normal sexual development of the boy.

How a future man is formed

The formation of the genital organs occurs during the embryonic period of the child’s development. Already by the 12-16th week of pregnancy, the formation of the main distinctive feature of the boy - the penis and scrotum - is completed. In the last weeks of pregnancy, the testicles descend into the scrotum through the inguinal canal - more than 97% of full-term newborns are born with the testicles “in their place.”

Hero in infancy

The first examination of a newborn gentleman takes place in the maternity hospital. And after their son was brought home, parents begin to examine and study their child with natural interest. And here you first need to make sure that the boy’s external genitalia are correctly formed: the urethra runs along the entire length of the penis and opens at the head, the testicles are located in the scrotum, the foreskin is mobile and does not compress the head of the penis, but not in the perineal area additional holes or slots. It is very important that the child is carefully examined by a local doctor, preferably in the first week. And remember that any anatomical violations are easier to correct at an early age!

An infant, as a rule, has a penis about 1.5 cm long. At the end there is a section of skin that has increased mobility compared to other areas. This is the foreskin. Normally, its opening is quite narrow and does not allow the head of the penis to pass out, but it is wide enough so that the stream during urination is solid and unsplit. With the foreskin pulled back effortlessly, you can see a longitudinal opening on the head - the urethra. Its size should be at least 1-2 mm. The color of the skin at the tip of the penis should be pink. Urination should be free and not cause difficulty for the baby. If, during this process, a ball of skin is inflated, the baby cries and calms down only when he pees, then he has a pathological narrowing of the foreskin. The doctor will tell you what to do.

A little son needs not only to be properly swaddled and fed, but also to properly care for his genitals. If the child does not have any pathologies in this regard, then care consists of following the rules of hygiene. In particular, young parents should keep in mind that evening bathing alone is not enough for a boy’s normal hygiene. The fact is that inside the foreskin, special glands produce a kind of lubricant (it is called smegma), which, when the head is closed by the foreskin, cannot be removed in a timely manner on its own: it becomes stagnant. In this nutrient medium, bacteria develop that can cause inflammation of the head of the penis (balanitis), as well as the glans and foreskin (balanoposthitis).

This is why you need to wash your baby after he has wet the diaper two or three times in a row, and when using diapers, every 3 hours. The boy’s genital organ must be washed with gentle movements, exposing the head without effort, and if this requires at least some effort, then the penis must be washed without exposing the head. Water will still get under the foreskin (into the preputial space) and wash away everything that is needed. Remember that rough, one-step removal of the head of the penis can lead to paraphimosis - a serious complication associated with swelling of the head and almost inevitable surgical intervention. When the boy grows up, you should teach him independent hygiene skills and try to ensure that these healthy habits are established for life.

Parents should be wary of chronic redness of the skin at the tip of the penis. This may be a consequence of not quite correctly selected creams, powders, diapers, insufficiently frequent changes of wet clothes, or the manifestation of diseases - balanoposthitis or dismetabolic (metabolic) nephropathy. With this disease, there is an increased excretion in the urine of various salts - oxalates, urates, phosphates, etc.

If you have ruled out hygienic reasons, but the problem does not disappear, you need to go to the doctor.

Five stages of sexual development

  1. The period from birth to the onset of puberty is considered to be first stage development - infantile, in other words, childhood. From a physiological point of view, no radical changes occur in the reproductive system at this time. Along with the overall growth of the child, the genitals also increase slightly (up to about 4-5 cm), the volume of the testicles can range from 0.7 to 3 cubic meters. cm, by the age of 6-7 years, as a rule, physiological phimosis disappears and the head of the penis has the opportunity to “see the light.” No secondary sexual characteristics are observed. This stage ends in boys by the age of 10-13 years. At the same time, some of them begin a period of rapid growth.
  2. Second stage as if preparing the boy’s body for the drastic changes awaiting him. It is called the pituitary gland, and it is the beginning of puberty, or puberty (from the Latin pubertas - puberty). At this time, the pituitary gland is activated and the secretion of the hormones somatotropins and follitropin, which are responsible for the appearance of the initial signs of puberty, increases.
    First, the subcutaneous fat in the scrotum disappears, it increases in size, its pigmentation and many small folds appear. The testicles also increase in size and sink to the bottom of the scrotum. The growth of the penis begins, although its increase is not yet so noticeable. General growth continues, the outlines of the body begin to change.
  3. Third stage- stage of activation of the sex glands (gonads). The gonads begin to produce male and female hormones (androgens and estrogens), and the development of the genital organs and secondary sexual characteristics continues. At 12-13 years old, pubic hair growth sometimes begins - the first hairs appear at the base of the penis. At 13-14 years old, pubic hair darkens, becomes coarser, and spreads towards the legs. The penis lengthens, the scrotum and testicles continue to grow.
  4. Fourth stage- the stage of greatest activity of the gonads. In boys, it begins on average at 12-14 years of age. During this period, the outlines of the body and face become more mature. The penis begins to grow not only in length, but also in thickness, and the growth of the scrotum and testicles continues. “Vegetation” appears above the upper lip and in the armpits, as well as around the anus.
    At the same age, under the influence of testosterone, due to the development of the muscles of the larynx and the lengthening of the vocal cords, the boy’s voice begins to “break”: it becomes rougher and deeper. The thyroid cartilage of the larynx begins to grow - the so-called “Adam's apple”. The appearance of pain in the nipple area in a child is also an indicator of normal sexual development. Some breast enlargement is also possible - this is the so-called physiological gynecomastia, which is also not a pathology.
    By the age of 15, many young men already produce mature sperm, which mature continuously. At the same age, the first wet dreams may appear - spontaneous, usually nocturnal, ejaculation.
  5. Fifth stage characterized by the final formation of the reproductive system. By this time, the genitals reach “adult” sizes, secondary sexual characteristics are also fully expressed - hair growth of the pubis, lower abdomen and face is completed, the physique and facial features finally acquire a masculine appearance. Around this time, body growth generally ends, although in some young people it continues until the age of 20-22. Puberty in boys ends by the age of 17-18, with significant fluctuations of 2-3 years possible. Physiologically, they are already ready for procreation, but psychological maturity will come later.

Dear Parents! Let me emphasize once again that the above data reflect only the average norms of sexual development of young representatives of the stronger sex. Depending on the individual characteristics of the child’s body, quite significant deviations from the “arithmetic mean” are possible. For clarity, we present a table showing the average indicators of normal development of the external genitalia of a teenager.

Relaxed penis sizes for teenagers

The size of the erect penis in adolescents depending on age:

The table shows the changes penis thickness:

Disorders of sexual development in boys

Although doctors do not hide the fact that it is sometimes difficult to draw the line between normality and pathology, both delayed sexual development and too early development of a boy should attract the attention of parents.

Delayed puberty

We can talk about delayed puberty in a boy if after 14 years he has no signs of puberty. Of course, this delay does not necessarily indicate any deviation: perhaps late development is characteristic of this family. In this case, we will talk about the so-called constitutional delay in puberty and physical maturation, which occurs in more than half of the cases. These adolescents usually experience a completely normal growth rate before the onset of puberty. A growth spurt and puberty can begin after 15 years.

But sexual development can also be delayed or disrupted by various diseases. Some of them are accompanied by disruption of hormone production. For example, if there is a tumor that damages the pituitary gland or hypothalamus (the part of the brain that controls puberty), the child’s body may decrease the content of gonadotropins, hormones that stimulate the growth of the genital organs (or the production of these hormones may stop altogether). Some chronic diseases (such as diabetes, kidney disease and several others) can also delay puberty.

Signs that raise suspicion of delayed sexual development in a teenager are as follows: a “frail” physique, relatively long limbs, a high waist, often the hips are wider than the shoulders. Deposition of subcutaneous fat on the chest, waist, and lower abdomen is also typical. The genitals are not developed - the penis is less than 5 cm, there is no folding or sagging of the scrotum, hair does not grow on the pubis and armpits, and there are no emissions. If you notice at least some of these signs, the guy should definitely be shown to a doctor, and you need to be both persistent and tactful (he is very embarrassed about his shortcomings!).

Treatment for late puberty depends on the underlying cause. As a rule, this is a set of procedures, including (after examination) the use of medications, biologically active agents, physical therapy and medical and psychological correction. Parents of a future man should definitely keep in mind that late diagnosis of delayed puberty can lead to infertility, not to mention disruption of the adolescent’s psycho-emotional state. Treatment started in adolescence gives a great chance of success, although it takes at least 2-3 months.

Early sexual development

Too early puberty is also a reason to visit a doctor! Puberty in boys is considered premature if it begins before the age of 9. Signs of this disorder are: an increase in the size of the testicles, growth of hair on the face, pubis and armpits, the appearance of acne, breaking and deepening of the voice, rapid body growth.

The causes of premature puberty can be abnormalities of the reproductive system, diseases of the thyroid gland, brain tumors, changes caused by head injuries, the consequences of infectious diseases (such as meningitis, encephalitis) and other structural disorders of the brain. After all, it is from there, from the pituitary gland and hypothalamus, that commands come to the peripheral sex glands to release hormones. A number of genetic factors may also be the cause. It has been observed that early puberty is more common in overweight children.

The main complication of premature sexual development is growth arrest. The fact is that the production of sex hormones contributes to the “closure” of those areas of the bone due to which it grows in length, i.e. growth zones. Thus, growing up, an early “ripened” young man turns out to be much lower than his peers. They jokingly say about such people that they “go to the root,” but in fact, short stature is a reason for serious psychological experiences, not only for young men, but also for adult men.

Timely identification of signs of premature puberty allows the doctor to select the necessary treatment methods. This may be the elimination of the tumor, or treatment of the underlying disease, or the use of special drugs that inhibit the release of sex hormones until the end of the growth process. Therefore, it is very important not to miss the moment and contact a pediatric endocrinologist in time.

Beware of childhood diseases!

When a son grows up in a family, parents need to remember that some childhood diseases can also serve as a risk factor for disorders of the boy’s sexual development. For example, the well-known “mumps” (mumps) is an infectious disease, one of the complications of which is orchitis (inflammation of the testicles). At the same time, orchitis in some cases does not manifest itself at all. That is why it is very advisable for young men who have had mumps to undergo a semen analysis (do a spermogram) at the end of puberty.

Crises accompany a person throughout his life, signifying a transition to a new stage of development. And, of course, the most famous, longest and most striking crisis is the puberty period. This is a period that will affect everyone: both boys and girls. In this article we will talk about boys growing up.

This terrible word "puberty"

Puberty, also known as a transitional, difficult, critical age, is the time when a child grows up, becoming a teenager. At this time, drastic changes occur both in the body and in the psyche of the boy. Typically, the beginning of puberty in boys is considered to be between 11 and 13 years of age, and the end at 16 to 19 years. The thing is that boys develop somewhat slower than girls. Some factors also influence when this difficult time for everyone will begin and how long it will last:


    diet and diet;

    ecological situation;

    drugs and food additives, hygiene products containing hormones;

    diseases of the endocrine system.

The transition period is a very important stage in the life of a child, which will determine not only the physique and ability to procreate, but also the circle of friends, worldview, hobbies and sexual orientation in adulthood.

Body reaction

For both boys and girls, the transition period is tied to hormones, or rather, a large number of them. In boys, puberty is controlled by a group of male hormones called androgens. The process of their production is called andrenarche, and it is with this that the very transitional age begins.

One of the first and main signs of puberty is an enlargement of the external genitalia, seminal vesicles and prostate gland. After which the last two organs begin to actively function, which leads to increased excitability in guys, as well as erections and emission - involuntary ejaculation, usually during sleep. Such unpleasant “surprises” often confuse teenagers. Therefore, if he suddenly asks what it is, then calmly tell him that he is growing up, that this is a completely normal phenomenon, and this is just the beginning, and if something worries him, then he should not hesitate to ask for your advice.

Also, the hair on the body becomes more intense. Hair grows on the pubic area, chest and armpits. It is not necessary, but it is quite natural to have hair on your arms, legs and back. A fuzz appears on the face in the form of a mustache or beard.

Another sure sign of adolescence is a breaking of the voice. He is rough at times and too tall at times. This also includes vocal changes during speech. This is due to the fact that new vocal cords are formed in the larynx, which become denser along with the existing ones.

Changes affect the entire body. Bones and muscles are actively growing. Moreover, all this is growing extremely unevenly and inharmoniously, which makes teenagers look awkward. The bones of the limbs begin to grow first, and the pelvis begins to stretch. Then the shoulders become wider and the lower jaw increases. At the same time, the child’s strength increases. Then rapid muscle growth begins. It is very important not to miss this moment and provide your child with regular sports activities, in addition to physical education lessons. This could be simple exercise in the morning, which lasts no more than 10–15 minutes, jogging or going to the gym (after 14 years). These changes can also lead to clumsiness in movements and lack of coordination associated with the teenager’s overestimation of his strength and poor control of his new body.

It is also very important at this time to pay attention to personal hygiene, since the composition of boys’ sweat changes, from which the latter acquires a specific smell, like the teenager himself. The skin becomes oilier, the secretion of the sebaceous glands is produced more actively, which is why acne and pimples appear. Here it is important to explain to the teenager the importance of caring for the skin of the face and body, since some boys rebel against the use of special washes and deodorants, considering them feminine things. Let him understand that girls prefer boys who are well-groomed and take care of themselves, and that using creams, lotions and perfume is not shameful and normal, if in moderation, of course.

From a psychological point of view

This is where there really are a lot of pitfalls, nuances and difficulties, and that is in the mental state of the child. Many changes are taking place, often quite negative, but not critical.

First of all, it should be remembered that the psyche of adolescents is extremely unstable, and emotional balance is fragile. At this time, they become very vulnerable and cannot adequately perceive criticism addressed to them: either they begin to scream and get angry, or they withdraw even deeper into themselves, engaging in self-flagellation, internally “eating themselves.” The teenager strives for independence, defends his adulthood and independence. That is why the reaction of loved ones and relatives, especially parents, is important to him. It is vital for a young man to see that you perceive him as an adult man, allow him to make decisions on his own, do not command or patronize him.

For example, your son said that he is going for a walk with friends. You shouldn’t call him every 15 minutes and ask how he’s doing, if everything is okay and if he remembers to be home at the specified time. With such “concern” you will make him a laughing stock in front of his friends, from which your child may become furious and out of spite return late and not completely sober (again, to spite you) or sober and on time, but start making trouble. Whatever your parental impulse, restrain yourself and ask to warn you before the walk if it is delayed. This will let him know that you trust him, respect him and believe that he is old enough to control himself.

It is also equally important for teenagers to reveal themselves as individuals. Personal space is important to them - their own room or at least their own corner, where no one will intrude without their knowledge. Many parents - with the best, in their opinion, intentions - strive for total control of the child, look through his correspondence on social networks and on the phone, and forbid him to communicate with certain “suspicious” individuals, in their opinion. Thus, not only do they violate his rights and introduce a whole bunch of complexes and problems into adult life, but they also undermine the teenager’s confidence in himself and complicate his life, giving even more reasons for conflicts.

Put yourself in his shoes. You probably wouldn’t be pleased if someone you trust got into your phone or correspondence and found something, in the opinion of this “scout,” strange and frightening. And then, when you returned from work, this person would be taken aback by the phrase: “You write in correspondence with this and this that they don’t understand you at home and in general you want to run away. I wonder what we did to you? Well, come on, what did we do wrong? Or something like that. How would you feel?

Another characteristic of teenagers is isolation, gloominess, and constant depression. This is due to several factors. Firstly, adolescents' self-esteem is quite changeable, usually towards low. They are not fully aware of the changes in their body, and they think that they look bad. Guys can also have low self-esteem due to problems establishing relationships with girls. Secondly, you need to remember about such a concept as “youthful maximalism”. This means that teenagers divide the world into what is right and what is foreign, into what they adore and what they hate. And since communication is the main thing at this age, it is important for him to live up to the people whom he has elevated to the rank of ideal. And the slightest discrepancy with one group or another can greatly upset a teenager. Thirdly, increased fatigue from changes in your body. Often parents call this laziness and push their youngsters even harder to study.

Another stumbling block between generations is computer games. In everyday life, there is a misconception that if a boy plays “shooting games”, then he will definitely grow up to be a killer, that his eyesight will deteriorate from long hours at the computer, and that the fact that he spends all his free time at the computer indicates gambling addiction and urgently needs to be run to a psychiatrist. Now, that's not true. By playing “aggressive” games, a person relieves stress accumulated during the day, which has been proven by scientists. They found no connection between computer games and human behavior. Therefore, there is no need to shift responsibility for the child’s aggression from yourself to games. Aggression is another sign of puberty. This is how boys try to show their masculinity. Another passion for games may be a sign of a child’s loneliness, the absence of any social circle other than this.

Therefore, if in response to your speeches, which sound to him like “blah blah blah,” he says: “Well, now! I'll get to saving! I’ll kill the boss and that’s it!” – just ask how much time he needs, and tell him that after this time you expect him to leave the game. As soon as the agreed time is up, do not rush into his room. Wait at least 5 minutes and then check. In most cases, this method is effective, and the teenager obediently leaves the game. It can also become your common topic of conversation. You can ask him what he plays, ask him what game he wants to buy, and if it's inexpensive, give him pocket money for it.

In general, when your son enters adolescence, you need to be as interested in his life as possible. But not for the purpose of manipulating him. And show that he is important to you for who he is, and his interests too. Listen to his music with him, try to find songs of a similar genre and share with him. Talk about your experiences at his age, don’t be afraid to talk about the actions for which you are ashamed, or the mistakes you made. It is important to be on the same page with your teenager, because he really needs protection from constant changes and your support, no matter how much he denies it.

Denial of everything old is another trait of adolescence, called negativism. This is his way of saying goodbye to childhood, showing himself that he is already an adult. If it’s something uncritical (favorite color, movie, dish, song), then don’t say: “But you liked it so much!” Let's try again!". Support him in the changes, help him build a new one in place of the old. You should also remember that teenagers are not very good at planning, because they live one day at a time. Their hobbies can vary greatly, depending on how much others, and especially their parents, approve of them. Therefore, if you see that your teenager is trying to write poetry, draw, play the guitar, support him in this. Yes, he may not succeed right away, but with your support he will be able to develop his talents. Again, there will be less sitting at the computer if it bothers you that much.

A little more about fatigue. It has been noticed that in adolescence the brain works somewhat worse, and absent-mindedness is often observed. As a rule, in grades 6–8, a child “slides” academically. If you notice this with your son, ask him what he struggles with and what subjects he finds easier. Help him with his homework and don't scold him for bad grades if you see that he is trying his best but is struggling in a subject. Understand that the main thing in school is not grades, but the knowledge that your child will receive. And let him know that you don’t love him for his academic success.

But in fact, you need to remember that all children are individual and that some signs, especially psychological ones, may simply not appear. Especially if you and your child have established good friendships. Remember that no matter how “cactus” your child is, he still needs your support and love, and not total control, reproaches for poor performance and condemnation.

Causes of early or late onset of adolescence in boys

Early puberty in boys is quite rare. If, under the age of 10 years, a boy experiences enlargement of the genital organs, hair growth, and changes in body and sweat odor, then it is necessary to consult an andrologist.

If at the age of 13 the boy does not exhibit the signs mentioned above, then we are talking about late puberty, and here, too, you need to consult a specialist.

Probable reasons for deviations:


    disruption of the endocrine system;

    brain diseases;

    poor nutrition.

Let's fix it again. The main thing a parent can do to make puberty go as smoothly as possible is to become a friend to the child, communicate with him as an equal and behave accordingly. Agree with him, fulfill if you promised something. Don't judge or laugh at him, let him make his own choices. Yes, maybe he will get into trouble, and maybe there will be not the most pleasant consequences for him. But he will understand the significance of his decision and gain experience that will be useful to him in the future. And control to the best of your ability, or better yet, gradually remove control, giving him more freedom and, most importantly, responsibility, which is the main attribute of adult life.

Puberty is a new period in a girl's life, but it can be challenging. Your body develops and you become more mature. It is often quite difficult to understand when the transition period will begin and what to expect from it. For many girls, the body begins to prepare for restructuring at the age of 8 years, but the age at which changes begin varies from person to person. Knowing the physical and psychological signs of puberty can help you determine when it will begin for you.


Waiting for puberty

    Know what puberty is. Many girls believe that puberty occurs with the onset of menstruation, but this is not true. The process of puberty begins long before menstruation and can last for several years. Typically, puberty is manifested by the appearance of body hair and changes in:

    • figure;
    • breast size;
    • psyche.
  1. Pay attention to signs of puberty. Typically, puberty begins at age 9, when the body begins to produce gonadotropin-releasing hormone. This signals the body to prepare for the transition period, but the first physical and psychological signs may not appear immediately.

    • Know that puberty most often begins between ages 8 and 13 and ends by age 14. Once the body begins to produce gonadotropin-releasing hormone, girls develop breast enlargement and then body hair. Menstruation usually begins within two years of breast growth.
    • Know that there is nothing wrong with monitoring your body. This observation will allow you to prepare for future changes.
  2. Consider your individual characteristics. Puberty can begin at different ages. Every girl is different, and a number of factors influence when puberty begins. If you keep these factors in mind, it will be easier for you to understand when you will go through each phase of puberty. Here are a few such factors:

    Talk to your doctor. If you are concerned about your body's development, make an appointment with your doctor. The doctor will examine you and decide whether you are developing correctly. He will then tell you when you should expect puberty to begin.

    • Ask your doctor questions about the stages of puberty and your body's development. Don't be afraid or shy about your questions.

    Physiological signs

    1. Observe breast development. Most often, the first sign of puberty is breast enlargement, or thelarche. As a rule, this process begins at the age of 9–10 years. You may notice small lumps in your breasts.

      Pay attention to the hair on your body. The second sign of puberty is the appearance of hair on the labia majora, which surrounds the vagina. Sometimes hair begins to grow faster than breasts, but both are a sure sign of the onset of puberty.

      Notice the changes in the figure. Transition is the period when your body becomes a woman's body and your figure will change. This will happen simultaneously with breast growth. Pay attention to the following body parts. As a rule, they become more rounded and increase in size:

      Look for hair in your armpits. Within about two years of pubic hair appearing, you will notice hair starting to grow in your armpits as well. The hair may be the same as pubic hair - sparse and soft, but gradually it will become thicker, darker and coarser.

    2. Pay attention to vaginal discharge. Within two years of your breasts starting to grow, you will have your first period, or menarche. However, already six months before this, you may notice clear vaginal discharge.

      • Look for traces of discharge on your underwear. Discharge is completely normal unless it is accompanied by itching or an unpleasant odor (this is a reason to see a doctor).
    3. Deal with your first period. For many girls, their first menstruation is a critical developmental milestone. As a rule, it occurs between the ages of 9 and 16 years. Most often this happens within six months after the appearance of colorless discharge.

      • Remember that for the first few years after your period starts, your periods may be irregular. Put dates on your calendar to make it easier for you to keep track of your cycle.
      • Buy the necessary hygiene products. You may need pads, tampons, or regular panty liners.
      • Know that you may experience cramps, back pain, and headaches before and during your period. Bloating is also possible due to hormonal changes. You can take an over-the-counter pain reliever.
    4. Examine your skin. Many teenagers and soon-to-be teenagers have pimples or even acne. This is a consequence of excessive sebum production, characteristic of the transition period.

      • To get rid of excess sebum and reduce acne, wash your face with a special mild product.
      • If you have severe acne, ask your doctor to prescribe you special products and medications. Acne often occurs during adolescence, but at the same time a teenager feels especially vulnerable, so a severe rash can negatively affect the emotional state.
    5. Be prepared for a growth spurt. During puberty, rapid growth is possible, which sometimes lasts 2–3 years. During this period, you can grow up to 8–10 centimeters per year.

      • Weight may increase. Your body may also become more feminine (your hips will become wider, for example).

    This is the last period of childhood (puberty, high school age), lasting from 12 to 16-17 years. It is characterized by pronounced restructuring of the endocrine system and increased growth. Girls usually develop secondary sexual characteristics 1 - 1.5 years earlier than boys. During this period, functional disorders of the cardiovascular and nervous systems often occur (“adolescent heart”, “adolescent hypertension”, in girls - dyscirculatory disorders in the form of acrocyanosis and fainting conditions), caused, on the one hand, by rapid, disproportionate growth of the whole body and individual organs, on the other hand, instability of the vegetative-endocrine system.

    In addition to dental diseases typical for schoolchildren, they often develop gingivitis, and in the absence of preventive measures, early detection and systematic treatment, even deeper lesions of periodontal tissue.

    The characteristics of a child’s body at different ages should serve as a scientific basis for differentiated dental care for children.

    From 11 to 17 years old girls, from 12 to 18 years old boys. During this period, will, consciousness, and psychological personal status are formed, appearance changes, maturation occurs, and secondary sexual characteristics appear. Sexual characteristics that can be gender differences for a particular person.

    Primary sexual characteristics– these are the gonads and structural features of the genital organs. The male reproductive organs are the ovaries, which, as exocrine glands, produce spermatozoa. The endocrine glands contain sex hormones (androgens) (testosterone). The female reproductive organs are the ovaries, which produce sex cells (eggs) and sex hormones (estrogens).

    Secondary sexual characteristics those that do not yet exist in newborns but are well developed in adults. The process of puberty occurs under the control of the hypatoliam, the pituitary system of the central nervous system. The course of physiological puberty occurs in a strictly defined sequence.

    Secondary gender characteristics in girls At 9-10 years of age, growth begins and development of the mammary glands ends by age 15. At the age of 11-12 years, the growth of pubic hair (genital hair growth) ends by the age of 15-16 years.

    6-12 months after puberty, hair growth occurs in the armpit. At the age of 13 years + - year 1 month, the formation of menstrual function occurs; this is called (minarche) - 1 minstruation.

    In boys- changes in voice timbre (voice mutation), from 11-12 years to 15-16. Pubic hair growth 12-13 years old. Enlargement of the brush cartilage of the larynx from 13-16 years. Hair growth in the axillary area and on the face of 14-17 years old; in boys of 14 years old there is spontaneous eruption of semen (palutions). Phys. times: body length increased. At 12 cm, body weight at 3-5 kg. The respiratory system develops, the chest is an intense respiratory muscle, by 17-18 years the respiratory rate is 16-20 times, gender differences in the type of breathing are established: in boys it is abdominal, in girls it is thoracic. At this age, it is not uncommon to experience a lack of oxygen. Urinary system daily amount of urine is 800-1400 ml. The length of the urethra in girls is 3-4 cm, in boys 16-18. Heart rate 60-80 beats min. 14-15 years old. 16-18 years old blood pressure stabilizes. In a tall teenager they are higher than in middle-aged people. Symptoms of the complex are rhythm disturbances, increased blood pressure, headache, rapid fatigue, dizziness, increased effect on the heart, etc.

    Patterns of puberty.

    Physiology of puberty.

    The most important event of school age is puberty, i.e. period of sexual development, and since its onset and duration vary widely and it depends on gender, when trying to create its chronological stages, various boundary problems are encountered.

    The period of puberty of the female body takes approximately 10 years; its age limit is considered to be 7-17 years. During this period, the physical development of the female body ends, the reproductive system (reproduction system) matures, and secondary sexual characteristics are formed.

    The physiological process of sexual development is divided into several periods.

    At 7-9 years of age (prepubertal period), acyclic releases of gonadotropic (gonads - gonads) pituitary hormones - luteinizing (LH) and follicle-stimulating (FSH) - occur, which stimulate a slight production of estradiol by the gonads.

    At 10-13 years of age (phase 1 of puberty), rhythmic surges of LH and FSH occur. An increase in the level of estradiol in the blood leads to the completion of follicle maturation and the release of the egg, thus the completion of this period is characterized by the first menstruation (menarche).

    At 14-17 years of age (11th phase of puberty), the maturation of the hypothalamic structures that regulate the function of the reproductive system ends.

    The course of physiological puberty occurs in a strictly defined sequence. The period of development of the mammary glands begins at 9-10 years of age (thelarche) and ends by 15 years of age. Sexual hair growth (pubarche) begins at 11-12 years of age and ends by 15-16 years; 6-12 months after pubarche, hair growth occurs in the armpits. The average age of menarche is 13 years + - 1 year and 1 month. The degree of development of secondary sexual characteristics is expressed by the formula of A.V. Stavitskaya: Ma;R;Ah;Me.

    Where Ma – mammary glands; P – pubic hair; Ax – hair growth in the axillary area; Me is the girl’s age at her first menstruation.

    Puberty in boys occurs 1-2 years later than in girls. Intensive development of the genital organs and secondary sexual characteristics in boys begins at 10-11 years of age. First of all, the size of the testicles, the paired male gonads (tes), rapidly increases in size, in which male sex hormones are formed that have a general and specific effect.

    In boys, the first sign indicating the onset of sexual development should be considered “voice breaking” (mutation), which is most often observed from 11-12 to 15-16 years; the second sign is pubic hair growth from 12-13 years; the third sign is an increase in the thyroid cartilage of the larynx (Adam’s apple) from 13 to 16 years. And finally, from 14 to 17 years of age, hair growth occurs in the armpit and face. In some adolescents, by the age of 17, secondary sexual characteristics have not yet reached their final development, and this continues in subsequent years.

    At the age of 13-15 years, male reproductive cells - spermatozoa - begin to be produced in the male gonads of boys, which, unlike the periodic maturation of eggs, mature continuously. At this age, most boys experience wet dreams - spontaneous ejaculation, which is a normal physiological phenomenon.

    The timing of puberty and its intensity are different and depend on many factors: health status, nutritional status (adequate content of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, microelements and vitamins in food), climate (illumination, altitude, geographical location), living and socio-economic conditions. Hereditary and constitutional factors play an important role (for example, menarche occurs when a body weight reaches 48.5 kg, when the fat layer makes up 22% of the total body weight).

    From 10-12 to 16-20 years of age, sexual orientation and the onset of puberty are formed. Girls develop an erotic mood, boys become hypersexual. However, many teenagers engage in sexual intercourse for self-affirmation, even if they do not yet have true sexual desires. The same can happen with a teenage girl. More often this happens if a girl does not find affection or understanding in the family. In this case, you need to work a lot with teenagers, especially at school - psychologists, social and medical workers.

    The task of medical workers, especially those working in schools, is to explain to adolescents so that, if necessary, they know where to go for consultation on issues that are difficult for them. It is necessary to inform the teenager not only about the rules of sexual behavior, but also about the dangers of contracting sexually transmitted diseases, etc.


    Puberty crisis. Psychophysiological development of a teenager.

    An important task of growing up as a teenager is psychological coping with one’s own physical and sexual maturation. For the first time, a teenager becomes aware of his limited ability to control and regulate the physiological changes occurring in him (body growth, weight gain, appearance of secondary sexual characteristics, etc.). The close relationship between biological and psychological changes largely determines the specifics of this age period. An explanation of many psychological problems and difficulties that a teenager faces is impossible without knowledge of the physiological and biological changes occurring in his body.

    The pubertal crisis that occurs during adolescence implies biological and physiological changes associated with the development of somatic and sexual functions. It is evidenced by the first menstruation (menarche) or, accordingly, ejaculation. True, the borderline nature of these signs is relative, since the changes characteristic of puberty begin even before their appearance.

    The biological changes associated with puberty lay the foundation for all subsequent developmental processes. The most obvious shifts are in height and body proportions. The changes that occur are regulated hormonally. Endocrine restructuring, on the one hand, prepares the transition to puberty, and on the other, provides significant functional and morphological changes in a wide variety of organ systems.

    External signs of puberty are important landmarks that allow us to assess its progress, although the influence of various factors can lead to noticeable differences in external indicators.

    Five stages of puberty.

    One of the characteristics of adolescence is rapid biological maturation, which is characterized by rapid physical development that coincides with puberty.

    There are five stages in the process of puberty, characteristic of both boys and girls (Martsinkovskaya T.D. et al., 2001; Physiology of growth and development of children and adolescents, 2000).

    First stage– childhood (infantilism). At this stage, the reproductive stage develops slowly and virtually unnoticed. Development is regulated by thyroid hormones and pituitary growth hormones. The genitals undergo slow changes at this time; secondary characteristics of sex do not develop.

    The first stage ends in girls at 8-10 years old, and in boys at 10-13 years old.

    Second stage– the actual onset of puberty – is associated with an increase in the activity of the pituitary gland. The secretion of pituitary hormones (somatotropin and follitropin) increases, which determine the acceleration of tissue growth and the appearance of initial signs of puberty.

    The stage ends in girls at 9-12 years old, in boys at 12-14 years old.

    Third stage– the stage of activation of the gonads, which secrete steroid hormones (androgens and estrogens), the functioning of other endocrine glands (thyroid, adrenal glands) is enhanced.

    This is expressed in the so-called “growth spurts” (accelerated increase in height and weight), which is a significant indicator of the onset of adolescence.

    During adolescence, children grow 5-8 cm per year.

    Girls grow more actively at 11-12 years old (height increases to 10 cm per year). Boys gain height at the age of 13-14, and after 15 years they overtake girls in height.

    The increase in height occurs mainly due to the tubular bones of the limbs; the bones of the chest grow more slowly, which causes a change in the posture of adolescents - flat, narrow or even sunken chests, making breathing difficult.

    Along with growth, body weight also increases. Girls gain 4-8 kg per year, especially intensively at the age of 14-15, boys - 7-8 kg per year.

    The rate of body weight growth lags behind the rate of skeletal fasting, which determines the appearance of a teenager: a bony, elongated figure.

    The discrepancy between the size of the skeleton and body weight leads to insufficient coordination of movements, general awkwardness, angularity, and an abundance of unnecessary movements. However, at the same time, adolescence is optimal for mastering complex motor skills. This paradoxical situation of a combination of awkwardness and sensitivity in mastering complex movements is explained by the fact that the gradual development of precise functioning occurs sequentially: first muscle growth, then muscle strength, and then coordination. An unformed system in movement control has the greatest plasticity and readiness for learning, therefore training plays a significant role in the formation of coordinated movements.

    During adolescence, the lungs grow, breathing improves (although its rhythm remains rapid), and lung capacity increases. The type of breathing is finally formed: for boys - abdominal, for girls - chest.

    Increased growth of organs and tissues places special demands on the activity of the heart. It grows rapidly at this age, but the growth of blood vessels lags behind the growth of the heart. Therefore, adolescents often have high blood pressure and heart rhythm disturbances. This causes teenagers to get tired quickly. Insufficient blood supply to the brain can lead to oxygen starvation, which leads to a decrease in the functionality of brain activity, and this manifests itself in a decrease in attention, memory, and perception.

    At this stage, secondary sexual characteristics appear. Boys' voice breaks, a mustache and beard appear, pubic and armpit hair appears, and wet dreams begin.

    Girls develop mammary glands. Fatty tissue is formed according to the female type: deposits in the hips, buttocks, mammary glands, and arms. Body shapes are rounded.

    Fourth stage– the period of maximum activity of sexual hormones: androgens (male) and estrogens (female).

    Male sex hormones are produced by special cells of the testes. The main male sex hormone is testosterone and its derivative androsterone. They determine the development of the reproductive apparatus and the growth of the genital organs, the formation of secondary sexual characteristics: voice, larynx, skeleton and muscles of the male type, hair growth on the face and body. Together with follicle-stimulating hormone of the pituitary gland, testosterone activates spermatogenesis (sperm maturation).

    With hyperfunction of the testes, premature maturation, rapid body growth and the development of secondary sexual characteristics are observed.

    Damage to the testes or their removal (castration) at an early age leads to the cessation of growth and development of the genital organs, secondary sexual characteristics, while the period of bone growth is prolonged, there is no sexual desire, hair does not grow on the face, body, and changes in the voice do not occur (it remains high throughout life). The short torso and long arms and legs give eunuchs a distinctive appearance.

    Female sex hormones (estrogens) are produced in the ovaries. They influence the development of the genital organs, the formation of eggs, their readiness for fertilization, the readiness of the uterus for pregnancy, and the readiness of the mammary glands for feeding the child.

    In girls, a sharp increase in height precedes the development of secondary sexual characteristics, while in boys, on the contrary, a significant increase in height occurs only after their genitals begin to develop intensively.

    The main female sex hormone is estradiol. Progesterone, the pregnancy hormone (corpus luteum hormone), is also a female sex hormone.

    Ovarian hyperfunction causes early puberty and early menstruation. Cases of puberty in girls at 4-5 years of age have been described.

    At this stage, secondary sexual characteristics are actively developing and can reach completion. Girls sometimes start menstruating.

    Fifth stage– completion of the formation of the reproductive system, which means the establishment of regulation between the individual parts of the system: pituitary hormones and peripheral glands. Secondary sexual characteristics are fully expressed.

    At the age of 16-17, the formation of the female-type skeleton generally ends. At the age of 19-20, girls undergo the final formation of menstrual function and anatomical and physiological maturity begins.

    In boys at the age of 15-16, there is a process of intensive development of secondary sexual characteristics, and involuntary ejaculation of semen begins. However, anatomical and physiological maturation ends by age 24.



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