Eye exercises from Professor Zhdanov - exercises, tips, rules (text). How to do solarization for the eyes

Solarization of the eyes refers to treatment using sunlight. The sun is the main source of nutrition for the eyes. Like all living things on Earth, the eyes need light, and it is for this reason that it is recommended not to overuse dark glasses, which are advisable to wear if the eyes are exposed to bright light for a long time. sun rays, especially if they are reflected from water surface or from snow. Sunlight stimulates blood circulation, which helps nourish the eyes better. With the help of solarization, you can overcome both ordinary eye fatigue and visual impairment. Solarization for the eyes includes three stages of treatment.

Indications for eye solarization

Indications for eye solarization are:

  • Availability age-related changes vision;
  • development of any stages of myopia or farsightedness;
  • presence of astigmatism;
  • emergence increased fatigue eye related to computer work;
  • weakened vision due to past illnesses.

Solarization for the eyes can be performed with the eyes closed or with open eyes, with the face immersed in the water and then looking at the sun, etc. The eyes must become accustomed to light gradually, otherwise, instead of improving vision, the exact opposite effect can be achieved.

Stages of treatment using solarization for the eyes

Solarization for the eyes includes three stages of treatment. The first step is to stand on the edge of a thick shadow. A brightly lit doorway or corner of the house can be used as such a shadow. After this you need to take off your glasses. One foot should stand on a piece of ground covered in shade, and the other on a piece of ground illuminated by the sun. The muscles should be relaxed, the head slightly raised. Eyes must be closed. Then you need to take it slow deep breath, and begin turning your head from side to side so that your closed eyes pass alternately through the illuminated and shadow areas. Wherein sunlight should fall into the gap between the eyebrows and the edges of closed eyelids. If you do not feel this, then you need to raise your head a little more. Movements should be performed until the discomfort goes away.

At the second stage of solarization for the eyes, you need to stand directly facing the bright sunlight, close your eyes, and relax your muscles. The head and body should slowly turn to the right and left, while the feet should alternately lift off the ground. The sun should pass by you, and in the direction that will be opposite to the turn. If you cannot concentrate while performing this exercise, then it is recommended to silently pronounce your actions. The exercise should be performed until the eyelids stop fluttering from the bright sun.

At the third stage of solarization for the eyes, you need to stand facing bright sunlight, your muscles should be relaxed. One eye needs to be closed and a palm placed on it in order to create an obstacle to the penetration of sunlight. The head should be tilted. After this, you need to slowly turn your head and body left and right, while your open eye should slide along the ground. With a closed eye, you need to blink continuously, but do not open it. Then you need to raise your head and continue to make turns, while the open eye should look at the point next to the sun and you need to blink quickly with both eyes. Turns must be performed within 5 seconds. After this, you need to close the other eye and continue the exercise, repeating the steps described above, then close both eyes and perform turns, while looking directly at the sun with your eyes.

After completing the exercises, you will notice that your eyes are dazzled by glare, sun spots, and lines. To relax your eyes and give them rest, you need to perform palming after each stage of solarization.

Surgery to restore vision is not the only method of therapy. Patients worrying about side effects, choose more gentle methods of influencing the eyes. IN alternative medicine Sun treatment for eyes is popular. How solarization is performed, what exercises are done to improve visual acuity - find out in the article.

Description of the method of treating eyes with the sun

Solarization of the eyes as a medical method was proposed at the beginning of the last century by the American ophthalmologist Bates. Unusual therapy based on positive influence ultraviolet radiation to the retina of the eye. It is believed that exposure to light trains the cells in the retina of the eye, causing them to work harder and better. The technique is offered to patients with myopia and farsightedness. Solarization will not help with inflammatory diseases, cataracts, glaucoma and other anatomical pathologies.

Exercises for treating the eyes with the sun are allowed both during daylight and under artificial light sources. IN latest version Please note that infrared lamps and fluorescent lamps cannot be used. Choose regular incandescent lamps or candles. The latter are even more useful.

Solarization according to Bates is a simple gymnastics that is carried out with constant eye contact with the sun for 20-30 minutes daily. In addition to just solar exposure, positive influence gymnastics itself provides. Exercise relaxes your eyes, allowing them to rest and recover from a day of work or other stress.

Exercises for treating eyes with the sun

The main set of exercises is performed with eyes closed. At dawn and sunrise they look at the light source with their eyes open, and during daylight they look at the light bulb only with their eyes closed.

A few exercises in the afternoon sun:

  1. Turning your head with your eyes closed. Stand facing the sun and look first to the right, then to the left with your head turned (eyes closed). Repeat the exercise slowly up to 15-20 times.
  2. Train each eye separately. Find a shade that will expose one side of your face to the sun. Tilt your head to the right and left. The exercise is performed slowly up to twenty times. Then you need to change the position so that the other eye is in the sun and repeat the complex.
  3. Focus on the surface of the water. Looking at the bright daytime sun with your eyes open is harmful. Therefore, Bates solarization offers an exercise in focusing your gaze on any body of water. Focus on the reflection of the sun in the water for as long as you can without discomfort and discomfort In eyes. Try to increase the time each time.

Exercises with an artificial light source also involve turning the head. Eyes must be closed. Choose a light bulb no larger than 150 watts, install it at a distance of about 100 cm from the eyes at head level.

Regular exercise improves vision and prevents eye diseases.

The developments of scientists in the field of vision improvement include numerous works in which, in addition to basic exercises, a word like solarization flashes. In order to understand what it is, you need to get to the point.


Solarization is an exercise that aims to restore the accommodation of the eye using bright light. Initially, the main source of light for restoration is the sun. However, it's not just focusing on the sun that shows results. There are also recommendations for restoration by looking at a candle or a light bulb. Zhdanov uses this exercise in his complex. The video shows the correct execution, because the method has its own caveats that must be taken into account.

So let's start with the fact that most of life modern man takes place in artificial lighting. Almost 90% of people experience visual impairment from early childhood due to lack of sufficient sunlight. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that in rural areas Deterioration of vision is much less common. However, older people are more susceptible to it due to irreversible consequences deformation of the lens with age.

Repeated practical actions have proven that solarization in the sun, and not in a light bulb, can restore vision. In a practical way It has been repeatedly proven that sunlight has beneficial influence on the retina of the eye, strengthening it. For example, with astigmatism, partial muscle tightness and retinal detachment occur. If it peels off completely, complete blindness occurs. Therefore, it is very important to pay close attention to your body. Shichko, Zhdanov, Beit numerous practical experiences showed that changes in the fundus of the eye are the primary cause of retinal detachment. In turn, muscle tension contributes to changes in the fundus. In addition, smoking and drinking alcohol prevent normal nutrition eyes.

Usually, in case of partial retinal detachment, a special laser is used, with its help soft cloth soldered. However, if lifestyle does not change, the retina continues to detach and does so with greater intensity after surgery. Oddly enough, solarization is considered a “natural laser” that can solder the retina, strengthen the muscles and make it more elastic.

The essence of the exercises

William Bates suggested new way relief from photophobia of the eyes - solarization. The essence of the exercise is quite simple: expose the eye, naturally, with the eyelid closed, to the sun. Attention! Eyes must be closed. They should not be looked at when open, as the high intensity of the rays can literally cause a burn. And this is an important caveat that must be taken into account. The results of solarization are amazing:

  • the eyes begin to see freely even in bright light and in its absence (that is, in low light);
  • there is no need to wear sunglasses, since daylight does not interfere at all.

Artificial source

You can solarize using a lamp or a candle, but it is very important that the light bulb is at least 100-150 watts.


Under no circumstances should you use infrared lamps, ultraviolet radiation, and the same applies to blue quartz lamps. This can lead to complete loss of vision!


It is best to perform palming before starting the exercise. This will give the necessary relaxation to the muscles, after which you need to close your eyelids and expose your eyes to the sun or a light source.

Attention! If there certain diseases exercises that are accompanied by increased light sensitivity of the eyes cannot be performed! This caution must also be taken into account when infectious diseases eyes accompanied inflammatory process any part of the eye.

Within thirty seconds you need to let your eyes get used to the light. If you experience discomfort, it is better to look at a bright area of ​​the sky, gradually moving it towards the sun. Palming is recommended after each exercise. In general, the recommended exercise time is 20 minutes, frequency is two to three times a day. After each exercise, you need to do palming for complete relaxation.

After the glare disappears and your eyes finally get used to this position, you can make careful rotations of your head. For example, use the “writing with your nose” exercise. At the same time, drawing any figures. However, all neck rotation exercises must be done without jerking, smoothly, slowly and very carefully.

A little about glasses

Sunglasses are a necessity when there is bright sun and dazzling snow outside. In this case, it literally hurts the eyes to look at surrounding objects. Therefore, wearing them is mandatory.

IN common days when, despite the bright sun, most objects have familiar colors and shades, it is naturally better to do without glasses. In addition, this way the eyes get used to the light much faster.

Psychological relaxation

It has long been proven that relaxation is impossible eye muscles without psychological relaxation. Therefore, when performing all exercises, it is important to achieve calm, uniform breathing and psychological relaxation. For example, if it is easier to do everything in home environment, you can use a candle as a light source. To do this, it is not necessary to turn off the main light. Solarization on a candle can be just as effective, and even more so in the case of complete psychological relaxation.

Thus, it is possible to improve the condition of vision without the use of medications, and in some cases fully restore it.

The computer is the main tool of today, and long work it does not have a beneficial effect on our vision. Add to this computer games, social media- this is the stereotype of how a huge mass of young and not so young people spend their time. The result is a decline in vision from a very young age. Ophthalmologists are sounding the alarm - similar problems Almost half of Russian residents already have it.

Headaches, dry eyes, redness and noticeable blurred vision are problems that you can cope with on your own, unless there are more serious eye pathologies. To correct deteriorating eye function, it is not at all necessary to pay a lot of money for operations and spend it on medications. There is a great opportunity to deal with the problem yourself and completely free of charge.

Ophthalmologists recommend not to start immediately with radical methods treatment unless the condition requires it. The gymnastics proposed by V.G. Zhdanov accumulates many of the techniques used by doctors, adding to them a spiritual component. At the heart of it eye gymnastics- the method of Dr. Bates and some of the developments of Indian yogis. Professor Zhdanov includes in his vision correction program the general health of the body by regulating nutrition, playing sports and healthy image life. The essence of the technique itself is simple - creating a balance in the mobility of the eye muscles, relaxing too tense ones and strengthening the weak ones.

Myopia, farsightedness, astigmatism and strabismus are diseases that gymnastics helps fight. For each of them, Vladimir Georgievich Zhdanov developed separate complex. However, there are rules common to all exercises that must be followed to obtain tangible results.

Basic rules for performing exercises

  • Before starting, remove your glasses and contacts.
  • do gymnastics regularly.
  • Do the complex no more than three times a day.
  • You should not make sudden movements with your eyeballs.
  • Gymnastics is carried out only with the eyeballs, without the participation of the facial muscles.
  • each exercise is performed at least 3 times.
  • It is recommended to consult an ophthalmologist before starting classes.
  • Do exercises with caution if your myopia is -4 or more.

Important! Gymnastics should not be done by those who have undergone eye surgery for six months after it. It is contraindicated in case of retinal detachment.

Eye exercises for myopia

Gymnastics is based on focusing your vision alternately on distant and near objects. To do this, Zhdanov recommends making two tables with inscriptions. The text can be any, the main thing is that each line below is written in a smaller font than the previous one. It should look like a vision test chart.

One needs to be written on large paper to hang on the wall. The second is on a regular sheet. Algorithm for performing the exercises:

  1. Stand at such a distance from the table that only the top line is clearly visible. The second should be less distinct.
  2. First, one eye is trained, the other can be covered with the palm of your hand.
  3. Hold a piece of paper with the same text in your hands.
  4. Focus on the first line large table, then transfer it to the top, on a small piece of paper. Repeat 3-4 times.
  5. Do the same exercise with the second line. To see it clearly, strain your eyes. Do this at least three times.
  6. Repeat the exercises for the second eye in the same way.
  7. Gradually master all the rows of the table.

And another set of strengthening exercises for muscles is performed only with the eyes, the head is motionless.

  1. Blinking is aimed at maximum relaxation and should be light, without squeezing your eyes shut. From now on it will be used in all other exercises.
  2. Eyes up and down. done for 5 seconds, then blinking.
  3. Left and right. Performs for 5 seconds, then blinks.
  4. Diagonal movements. Left and up, then left and down, do it 5 times. Blinking. Right and up, then right and down 5 times, blink.
  5. Draw a rectangle starting from the right side. We blink. We describe the figure in the opposite direction.
  6. Clock face. Imagine a watch with the base of the hands at the bridge of your nose. We make circular movements with our eyes from 12 to 12 o'clock in the direction of the arrow. So we go through the entire circle. We blink, then go in the opposite direction. In conclusion, we blink again.
  7. Zigzag or snake. We mentally draw a snake with our eyes. Then we follow in the opposite direction. We finish with a blink.

And remember, exercises should not be abused to supposedly get the maximum quick results. The effect can be the opposite and cause significant harm to the eyes.

For those with vision of -4 or lower, it is advisable to consult a doctor. Use caution when performing exercises to avoid damaging the retina.

Eye exercises for farsightedness

The goal of the complex is to strengthen the oblique muscles of the eyes by alternating their tension and relaxation. To do this, you can use a pencil or pen.

Exercise 1.

  • Extend your hand with a pencil straight in front of you, blink and look into the distance.
  • Look at him.
  • Without taking your eyes away, bring it closer to a distance of about 15 cm.
  • Gradually extend your arm back.
  • Blink and look into the distance for a few seconds.

The complex is performed from 5 to 10 times

Exercise 2.

  • Bring the pencil to your eyes (hold it vertically).
  • The gaze is directed into the distance at all times.
  • Begin to quickly tilt the pencil to the right and left.
  • Move it 20 cm to the left, also keeping it at eye level, then return it to its original position.
  • Move the pencil 20 cm to the right, also holding it at eye level, then return it to its original position.

Duration two to three minutes.

These classes are also suggested to be done using thumb hands and extended index finger.

Eye exercises for astigmatism

Astigmatism – serious illness eye. This is a lack of focusing of vision associated with a violation of the sphericity of the cornea or lens. The disease can be congenital or acquired as a result of injury. If left untreated, it eventually leads to severe vision loss or strabismus. Apart from purely medical methods treatment, gymnastics helps very well as a supporting factor.

Despite the rather cool attitude of the medical community towards eye gymnastics for astigmatism, V.G. Zhdanov, she has many fans and grateful responses.


  • Make movements with your eyeballs from top to bottom and from right to left.
  • Walk in a circle.
  • Look around an imaginary square.
  • Draw an infinity sign ∞.
  • Describe the figure eight (8).


It must be said that palming is recommended not only for astigmatism, but for eye fatigue and excessive load on vision. It helps relieve tension and relax muscles.

  • Rub your palms thoroughly until warm.
  • Place your hands over your eyes so that they are closed, but your nose remains free and can breathe easily (one hand covers the other at a right angle).
  • Close your fingers so that the light does not break through your palms.
  • Close your eyes and sit like that for a few minutes. The body and arms should be relaxed.
  • Think about something good, pleasant memories will help. Hold them in a visual image.
  • We exit palming correctly: straighten your back, close your eyes slightly under your palms (several times). Then remove your hands from your face, with your eyes closed, gently shake your head up and down, then from right to left. Rub them a little with your fist and, opening them, blink frequently. All.

At the workplace at the computer, palming is recommended to be done every hour or hour and a half. It takes no more than 5 minutes.


This exercise leads to muscle relaxation and has a good effect on the process of vision restoration.

It can be done with any light source, with the exception of fluorescent lamps.

  • Face the light. Place your feet shoulder-width apart, relax your body, and close your eyes.
  • Turn your body to the right, while raising the heel of your left foot.
  • Turn left in the same way.

Make turns 20–25 times until you see the flickering of sun “bunnies” under your closed eyelids.

Palming will help get rid of sun spots and relax tense eye muscles.

Solarization can be done while sitting using a candle in a darkened room. To do this, it is placed at a distance of a meter. The effect of sun “bunnies” is achieved by repeatedly turning the head from left to right.

Palming and solarization for strabismus

Strabismus not only affects visual acuity, but is also cosmetic defect, capable of poisoning life. The help of gymnastics is very important and effective.

Palming and solarization on a candle give good results with strabismus. Zhdanov especially emphasizes the component of palming, which he calls “pleasant memories.” The professor believes that they create a double effect when using this exercise.

Eye solarization is special exercise, aimed at restoring vision using the bright light of the sun. Hence the name of the term solarization - that is, exposure to the sun. In the last fifty years, people have begun to spend most of their lives in indoors with artificial lighting. Does this make any difference?

It's no secret that artificial and natural lighting differ in their effect on our eyes. So it's not particularly surprising. that visual impairment is now present in very a large percentage population. In cities where people spend almost 90% of their time in rooms with artificial lighting various disorders sights are already noted in early childhood! On the contrary, doctors note that in people living in rural areas and spending most of their time outdoors, visual impairment is much less common and mainly in older people. We are so unaccustomed to natural sunlight that we cannot be in the sun without sunglasses. But for six thousand years people managed completely without them. It's hard to imagine an Indian in sunglasses... Or a Knight of some order... Unlike the ancients, many patients have developed such “photophobia” that when they are outside without dark glasses they experience sharp pain In eyes. Of course, the reason for vision deterioration is not only the constant exposure to artificial lighting. But facts are stubborn things. People who begin to use solarization in their practice begin to see better, and eventually restore their vision.

Researchers have experimentally established that sunlight has a beneficial effect on the retina of the eye. Its effect causes relaxation of the eye muscles and improvement of blood supply to the retina. For astigmatism (uneven tension eyeball), myopia (general tension and inability to relax the muscles), retinal detachment is often observed. This phenomenon is detrimental to vision and if left unchecked, complete blindness can occur. Bates, Shichko, Zhdanov and others explain retinal detachment by a change in the shape of the fundus of the eye due to overstrain of the eye muscles, which is why this deformation occurs and, as a consequence, retinal detachment. Because the retina is not elastic. The situation is aggravated by deterioration of eye nutrition due to alcohol consumption and general poor condition body. To eliminate this disease, laser surgery is necessary. The price of the operation makes it unaffordable for large number patients. Using a laser, the retina is, as it were, soldered. But after a while, the detachment appears again, sometimes with sharp progress. Because the laser does not change the shape of the eyeball or improve elasticity. What is needed here is relaxation of the eye muscles and improvement of blood supply and nutrition to the retina. What should those who are unable to undergo surgery or strongly doubt its effectiveness do? Practitioners note that the use of solarization is very similar to the effect of laser soldering and note strong effect improved vision, which, unlike surgery, remains forever.

How is eye solarization performed?

William Bates proposed a way to free himself from the fear of light and called this technique “solarization.” Everything ingenious is simple! It consists of exposing your eyes with drooping eyelids to the light of the sun. Under no circumstances open! With systematic exercise, the eyes become so accustomed to bright light that sunglasses are simply not needed. You won’t squint in the sun, just as people haven’t squinted for 6 thousand years. The eyes will see well both in low light conditions and in very bright light conditions. Solarization can be carried out anywhere where there is sunlight. In cloudy weather, you can use an incandescent lamp with a power of one hundred and fifty to two hundred watts. It is strictly forbidden to use infrared and ultraviolet lamps! In this case, you can lose your vision completely. More on using lamps later. The exercise can be performed sitting or standing. But it is better to do this in a relaxed state, sitting in a comfortable position. Take a look at the pictures:

At first you just need to try to get used to the sun for 30 seconds. To do this, close your eyes, lowering your eyelids (without squinting), and expose them to the sun. If you experience pain, do it right away palming. Try to keep the time to 30 seconds. At the end of the time, palm and repeat 2-3 times. Gradually increase the session time to 20 minutes. If pain in the eyes does not allow you to perform the exercise for even a second, direct your eyes to a bright area of ​​the sky. Then, with each new activity, bring your eyes closer to the sun. Between each session, palm until any residual glare disappears. It is recommended to carry out solarization 2-3 times a day.

In order for the light to affect the eyes more evenly, head movements are necessary. Slowly change your head rotation different directions within ten seconds. You can draw various imaginary shapes in the air with the tip of your nose round shape- circle, figure eight. You need to feel pleasant relaxation, feel how the warmth of the sun penetrates deep into your eyes and heals your vision. If you experience any sharp unpleasant sensations, stop immediately and palm until the glare disappears.

To consolidate the effect, you need to try to give up dark glasses. In general, their use is absolutely necessary in places with dazzling snow (mountains, Arctic, Antarctic), as well as in the tropics. But almost always, with the exception of mountains and places with dazzling snow, glasses can be replaced with a large-brimmed hat or a cap with a visor. Through certain time The need for sunglasses will completely disappear and you will enjoy new sensations on a sunny day.

The Medvedevs describe an interesting way of performing solarization in their book. This is a method using a fan or a piece of thick paper. You can use your palm as shown in the pictures.

Position yourself facing the sun while sitting or lying down. Try to achieve inner peace of mind and relaxation of the body. Take an opaque fan or a small piece of thick opaque paper in your hand and place it fifteen centimeters from your face so that it covers half of your face. And smoothly turn your head from side to side, listening to the sensations in the eye, which is exposed to either light or shadow. You can place a fan (paper) in the middle and move it from side to side, while keeping your head motionless. This technique allows you to relax more. You can use your palms as shown in the pictures. Listen to how the sun warms your eyes through your eyelids, penetrates with its warmth very deeply filling your whole body, bringing your eyes to normal state. General relaxation and peace of mind and comfort have great importance, since solarization is aimed at relaxing muscles and improving eye nutrition.

After finishing the exercise, it is recommended to wash your face with cool water (to raise the tone of the facial vessels close to the eyes), and then do palming for an increased duration. Solarization should be performed like palming whenever possible. But at least two or three times a day. The results from these exercises may exceed all your expectations.

In cloudy weather, you should solarize your eyes by placing an incandescent lamp (preferably with a reflector) at face level, at such a distance that its brightness resembles sunlight. Good luck. We are waiting for responses.



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