Determination of ovulation by. How to accurately determine the day of ovulation in a woman at home without tests and what to do if ovulation does not occur? Signs of double ovulation

First, you need to figure out what ovulation is and why it needs to be calculated? It is known that pregnancy occurs as a result of the fusion of the female egg and male sperm This process is called fertilization.

For this, several conditions must be met:

  1. In the body of a woman, the very egg must mature, which will become the basis for the birth of a new life. This is actually called ovulation.
  2. In those few days when the egg is ready for fertilization, sexual contact should occur - if sex was much earlier, the sperm are likely to die before the egg matures. If later, the egg may die, and conception will not occur.
  3. A fertilized egg must be fixed in the uterine cavity - for this, the latter must be ready to accept and protect the future fetus.

Ovulation occurs in every menstrual cycle of a woman who is in childbearing age. What is a cycle? This is the period of time, which is considered from the first day of one menstruation (including the menses themselves) to the first day of the next. The ideal experts believe a cycle consisting of 28 days. But in reality, the options are very different, from 20 to 45 days, it all depends on hormonal background women and how the part of the brain that controls reproductive function works.

The periods themselves can also be different - both in abundance (with blood loss from 50 to 150 ml), and in duration (from 2 to 10 days). But, regardless of all these differences, ovulation occurs, and pregnancy becomes possible. It remains to understand why it is necessary to calculate the exact date?

Determine the day of ovulation - to avoid consequences

Many pairs for protection from unwanted pregnancy use the so-called calendar method. The fact is that the probability of conception within a month is very different. In the middle of the cycle, at the time of ovulation, it is maximum - about 33%. Toward the beginning or end of the cycle, the chances of getting pregnant decrease. There are relatively safe days, during which the possibility of fertilization is reduced to 1-2%.

And although this method does not give an absolute guarantee, it allows those couples who cannot use another method of contraception to more or less calmly have sex. For example, this is relevant for couples who had just given birth to a baby. If one of the partners is allergic to latex, the use of condoms becomes impossible. Hormonal contraceptives not suitable for women who are breastfeeding. And in order to put intrauterine device, it is necessary to wait some time after childbirth.

Accordingly, such a couple can have sex only on “safe days”, hoping that the woman’s hormonal background will not allow pregnancy to occur. Usually, ovulation is considered the time when the possibility of conception is most likely - for most women this is the middle of the cycle. Accordingly, the period of menstruation, the week after it and the week before the new menstruation are considered the most “calm” period.

It would be wrong to say that it is impossible to get pregnant these days. Under certain physiological features feminine or male body(the latter include the special viability of spermatozoa) pregnancy is possible even during menstruation, although this seems unlikely. Moreover, sometimes women have an early or late ovulation, in which the calendar method of protection is simply not suitable.

For example, with a cycle in those same 28 days, the egg can mature not on 13-14, but on 8-10 days. This happens, albeit rarely. At the same time, menstruation itself can last 7-9 days. As a result, it turns out that a woman who does not know for sure the date of her ovulation calmly has sex for several days after her period, believing that conception simply does not threaten her. But in fact, this period turns out to be the most dangerous, since the egg has just matured and moved into the fallopian tube in anticipation of fertilization.

And vice versa - if ovulation is too late, a woman may think that the most dangerous period already behind. But in reality, for some reason, the egg only matures, say, on the 20-23rd day. And all the remaining days before menstruation, it remains viable, so conception is not only possible, but also the most probable, despite the fact that according to all calendars, the “safe” period has come. If there is a suspicion that a woman has such a shifted ovulation schedule, then to determine exact date you will have to use a method other than the calendar.

Determine the day of ovulation - so that the miracle comes true!

A woman who dreams of becoming a mother is preoccupied with a problem of a completely different kind. It is important for her to determine the very day when conception becomes most likely. This is important not only for the usual way, but also with artificial insemination - after all, it is still necessary to wait for the moment of maturation of the egg.

Today, thanks to the Internet, there is a way “for the lazy” - if you wish, you can, for this it is enough to indicate the boundaries of your cycle, the last and first days of menstruation. The computer will instantly calculate the options and issue a printout in which not only the day of ovulation will be marked, but also the most dangerous / safe days of the month.

But the pitfalls calendar method remain the same - first of all, it is suitable only for those women who have a menstrual cycle in the region of 28 days, and it occurs stably at the same time, and the menses themselves last from 3 to 5 days. However, in this case, deviations are possible. If within a month you had to pass sports standards or travel, have a conflict at work or get sick viral disease- the date of ovulation may shift, therefore - the results of calendar calculations will be unreliable.

That is why it is usually advised to use another one of the known ways determining the moment of ovulation. It could be a measurement basal body temperature, special tests done in the lab or at home using test strips, and ultrasonography. In addition, for many women, some subjective signs are very important - based on their well-being, they can accurately determine the day of egg maturation.

Method one - focus on sensations

Many women experience abdominal pain at the time of ovulation, which can be pulling, aching or stabbing. Pain, as a rule, occurs only on one side - in this ovary, an egg “hatches” from the follicle.

Since the moment of ovulation is associated with a change in the hormonal background, in women on this basis, the most various changes in the body - there is a feeling of hunger or a complete loss of appetite, there is a sharp aversion to some smells or a strong sexual desire. The chest may swell and ache, edema appears, and periods of hysterical mood roll.

Not everyone has similar symptoms, many women do not feel their ovulation at all, but if these changes happen from month to month for a number of years, a woman knows without any tests how to determine the exact day of ovulation: if the stomach hurts, and at the same time it became a magnet to pull to the refrigerator - the egg is ripe!

Method two - evaluate the hormonal background

Trying to determine the day of ovulation, you can donate blood for hormones - the closer the happy moment, the higher the level certain hormones who are sexually active and reproductive ability. But there are two tangible disadvantages - such an analysis is not done so quickly, so he will most likely be able to state the onset of ovulation only after the fact.

In addition, in many diseases, the level of blood hormones is always far from normal. Therefore, the results of the analyzes may not say anything - or simply turn out to be unreliable.

You can do tests at home, using your own urine, in which the content of hormones also changes with the onset of ovulation. To do this, you will need test strips, which are sold at the pharmacy. It is not difficult to perform such a study, it is enough to follow some simple rules. For example, do not drink too much water the day before, so as not to artificially distort the result.

This method has a big plus - you can find out the date of ovulation without leaving your home: I saw two strips instead of one - the egg is ready for fertilization, there is at least a day for the “process” itself. There is also a minus - such tests are not cheap, and they must be done within several days, and at least twice a day. Even if the approximate date of ovulation is unknown, it turns out to be very expensive.

Discharge and basal body temperature

Many women are guided by their own secretions. As soon as liquid slime, released from the genital tract, thickened to a state egg white- ovulation on the way. However, this method is considered not very reliable - judging by ongoing studies, only a few women manage to catch the right moment using this criterion, hardly 5% were able to do it.

But the measurement of basal temperature can accurately answer the question of how to correctly determine the day of ovulation. The fact is that at a crucial moment there is a sharp temperature jump, which just indicates the end of egg maturation. By the way, if after sex during this period the temperature has not stabilized, we can assume that conception has occurred!

The temperature is measured rectally, this should be done at least once a day, in the morning, without getting out of bed. Minus - the basal temperature directly depends on the usual one. If for some reason (illness, fatigue, bad dream, violent sex the day before) the general body temperature will even slightly increase, it will be possible to determine ovulation by such a jump with a very strong error.

Ideally, measurements should be carried out at least 3 months in a row, otherwise the result will be unreliable. It is usually advised to keep a special ovulation diary, in which you should record not only the measurement results themselves, but also all the factors that can affect their dynamics. Evaluate the data obtained should be a doctor who can separate significant causes from unimportant ones.

Ultrasound method

To determine the moment of ovulation, the ultrasound method is considered the most reliable. True, experts say that in order for the result to be significant, a gynecologist must be present during the manipulation, observing the woman. Only he will be able to accurately decipher all the received data.

This method of determining ovulation is also recommended in cases where it is planned artificial insemination. Or for general diagnostics problems of a woman who cannot become pregnant for a long time in order to exclude pathologies leading to infertility.

An ultrasound examination of the ovaries using a vaginal probe on the eve of ovulation clearly shows the follicle from which the egg should soon appear. If the size of the follicle is already 18-20 mm, ovulation should occur literally in a matter of hours. Along the way, the doctor draws attention to the state of the endometrium of the uterus - if this layer of the mucosa has not increased to the required size, pregnancy may not occur even with successful fertilization. The egg simply will not be able to attach to the wall of the uterus.

Determine the day of ovulation - and the sex of the child

In fact, it is also necessary for those parents who want to predict the conception and birth of a child of a certain gender to know exactly the day of ovulation. This method does not give 100% results However, it has been widely used since the middle of the last century. It was then that a certain Dr. Shettles informed the world community about a new method of pregnancy planning, which gave positive effect in 3 out of 4 cases.

In order to know who will be conceived at the time of sexual intercourse, it was necessary to accurately find out the timing of ovulation, because it was by the ratio of these two dates that an assumption was made about who would be born to a couple - a boy or a girl.

Both the egg and the sperm that should fertilize it carry 23 chromosomes each, 22 pairs are exactly the same, but there may be variants in the last pair. That is, for an egg, this will always be an X chromosome, and for a sperm, it can be either X (female) or Y (male). If you get a combination of XX - a girl will be born, and if XY - then a boy.

But female and male chromosomes differ from each other, and not only in size, but also in vitality. "Boys" are more mobile, but they are less viable. Therefore, if sexual intercourse occurred on the day of ovulation, most likely it will reach the goal male chromosome. But if the sperm had to “wait” for some time for the arrival of the egg, that is, intercourse occurred a couple of days before ovulation, the male chromosome would die, while the female would survive. And reach the goal. Therefore, the more time separates sexual intercourse and the moment of ovulation, the greater the chance of conceiving a girl.

Of course, 75-80% is far from a guarantee, but if you want to try to give birth to a boy or just a girl, you will have to calculate the timing of ovulation especially carefully!


In its absence, conception becomes impossible. There are several methods to confirm correct operation. reproductive system. Their use allows you to determine the ability of a woman to conceive.

  • Methods of determination

    Confirmation the fact of having necessary when a woman cannot become pregnant for a long time. An examination is scheduled, within the framework of which various diagnostic procedures. If pathologies are detected, a course of treatment is prescribed. Most often, it represents hormone therapy.

    Each woman decides for herself which method of determination suits her best. In any of them there are both pluses and minuses. Among the main methods are:

    • Folliculometry.
    • on certain days of the cycle.
    • Use of tests.
    • Orientation to personal feelings.
    • Watching

    The most reliable way to confirm folliculometry. This is an ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs of a narrow focus.

    As a result of the procedure, the number and size of follicles in each ovary is determined. And also measured. Based on the results obtained, it is revealed at what stage the reproductive system is located.

    Research is carried out in dynamics. A woman should make 3-5 visits on the appointed days. The first visit is in menstrual cycle. Assessed development prospects.

    REFERENCE! On average, the dominant follicle grows by 2 mm every day. In some cases, slight deviations may be observed. To advance, he must reach optimal size 18–25 mm.

    The next visit is scheduled at the end. During this period, the status is checked. If necessary, medications that affect its growth are prescribed. The third visit falls on the days increased fertility. The doctor determines the best time for sexual intercourse.

    Recent visits needed to discover corpus luteum at the site of the ruptured follicle. Its presence confirms the fact of what happened. In addition, a small accumulation of fluid will appear behind the uterus. If, as a result of ultrasound, the main symptoms of fertility are not detected, then a second visit is scheduled.

    Tests for allow you to determine fertile days at home. The principle of use is simple. With an increase in the LH hormone in the body, there will be bright test strip.

    IMPORTANT! Definition Tests fertile days show two stripes in almost all cases - this does not indicate the presence. During the exit period, the strip will be much brighter than the control.

    Another, no less reliable way to determine is. It is carried out by inserting a thermometer into the rectal opening.

    Measurements are taken when the body is completely relaxed. Optimal time days for this early morning. The disadvantage of this method is the need long-term study.

    It is impossible to draw conclusions on the basis of measurements of one menstrual cycle. It must take at least three months.

    Whether it was possible to understand by donating blood for progesterone in. This hormone increases markedly a few days after the rupture of the follicle. When it is below normal.

    Analysis of cervical fluid, observing and focusing on one's own feelings are not direct signs, but they are often used to determine it. The use of all methods together will provide correct result.


    A woman can rely on her own feelings to determine her fertile days. To the main physiological symptoms include:

    • Increased sexual desire.
    • in the pelvic area.
    • Change . She rises and opens.

    On days favorable for conception, a woman begins to notice a change psychological state. This process is purely individual. Some the fair sex irritability increases. TO interesting facts can be attributed to the fact that during

What is ovulation? Some people know this word from foreign melodramas. Usually the heroine is well aware when she ovulates. All women know, and those who do not yet know, should understand that there is a period in their menstrual cycle when the probability of becoming a mother is especially high. You need to figure out what is a process called ovulation, and what events occur every month in the body of the fair sex.

The menstrual cycle is formed from two phases. In the first of them, menstruation occurs directly. During this period, a follicle develops in the ovary. From it, in a short time, a mature egg will appear, ready to meet with the sperm.

The second phase is called the luteal. Its duration is usually several weeks. If there is no fertilization, then the egg begins its movement into the uterus, moving along the fallopian tube to penetrate the wall of the organ. In parallel, and regardless of whether the egg meets the sperm or not, the uterus is actively preparing to receive the embryo. Her slime layer, called the endometrium, becomes dense and loose. If there is no pregnancy, progesterone and estrogen levels drop significantly. Endometrial detachment begins. In other words, the next monthly. Everyone notices this period. It's impossible to miss. Ovulation is called short span the time during which the egg is capable of generating a new life. This phase is between the follicular and luteal.

How many days does ovulation last

The duration of ovulation is not related to external factors. It lasts from 24 to 48 hours. This, of course, is not enough time for conception. But! It must be remembered that spermatozoa exist in female reproductive tract 3-5 days. If you don’t know for sure on what day the egg will be released, then intimacy for 2-3 days serves as a kind of guarantee that the sperm will expect the egg. This is the most fertile period for fertilization. Because sperm need time to mature and fertilize the egg. If sexual contact was 5 days before the maturation of the egg, then you can easily be pregnant.

Is it possible to get pregnant before ovulation

It is definitely easier to get pregnant at the time of ovulation. But calculating this lucky day is not always very easy. So it might be possible to conceive before him? Let's figure it out.

With the female sex cell, everything is pretty clear. Ovulation lasts 1 day, another day or two the egg is viable. And this means that it is possible to fertilize it. And then it's up to the male spermatozoa.

Being in the seminal fluid, they move independently. But how they behave in the female genital tract, it is impossible to say for sure. Researchers believe that in female body they are able to exist for 1-2 days, plus a couple more days, no more. But scientists have proven that if you place male germ cells in special conditions incubator, they survive well up to 8 days (or more). About how they move and eat while inside the female body, there are some assumptions. Spermatozoa reach their target in 8 hours. Therefore, you can become pregnant the next day after intimacy.

Therefore, the question of whether it is possible to conceive before ovulation is actually more difficult than it might seem. But he reveals the secret of whether it is possible to conceive after. If the sperm exists for more than 8 days, and the intimacy took place the day before the onset of menstruation, then provided early ovulation pregnancy cannot be ruled out in such cases! In theory, this is possible, even if with a low probability! It turns out that you can get pregnant before the release of the egg on day 4-5 of the cycle! And yet, we note that it is optimal when a woman becomes pregnant not at the time of the formation of the germ cell, but the day before it.

Is it possible to get pregnant on non-ovulation days

Fertilization on ovulation days can only occur within 24 or 48 hours. However, spermatozoa are able to maintain their activity for a week. The most convenient moment for conceiving a baby is considered the middle of the cycle. That is, a few days before ovulation or at its moment. Many women are concerned about whether it is possible to conceive a baby after ovulation. Yes, if the egg is fertilized within the first day after release. At this time, she is in the body cavity for several days. After unprotected intimacy with a partner, the sperm look for the egg. Therefore, after ovulation, the highest percentage of conception of a baby.

In addition, you can get pregnant on any day of your menstrual cycle. After intimacy, spermatozoa live in female body about a week. And if sexual intercourse takes place before ovulation, then pregnancy cannot be ruled out. Provided that the intimacy took place no earlier than a week before the appearance of the egg.

What day after menstruation does ovulation occur?

Finding out when ovulation occurs can be done in several ways. With ideal initial data, the process is observed exactly in the middle of the cycle. This is not for everyone and cannot be considered a rule. Therefore, in order to find out when ovulation will happen specifically, you need to make calculations, listen to your body, do tests at home or undergo an ultrasound examination.

When the menstrual cycle fails or in cases where it is not regular, it is quite difficult to calculate the day of ovulation. In this state of affairs, ovulation can be considered late. That is, it will happen no earlier than 18 - 22 days after menstruation. With early ovulation, this day may be the fourth or fifth from the first day of the cycle.
Separately, it should be said that there is an anovulatory cycle. His distinguishing characteristic- Lack of ovum formation. When a woman does not have specific diseases, and she does not take contraceptives, similar phenomenon considered normal. It happens several times a year.

Signs of ovulation

Signs of ovulation can be detected by the woman herself. Even without going to a specialist.
They are the following:

  • abundant vaginal discharge, which differ in their ductility and quantity;
  • abdominal pain, bloating (a woman may feel aching pain in the lower abdomen or on the side, it is associated with the release of the egg from the follicle; sometimes women suffer from increased gas formation and bloating)
  • blood instead of clear mucous discharge (scanty bloody or sanious secretions can serve as a sign of the approaching appearance of the egg);
  • tight chest (breast soreness and sensitivity is increased due to hormonal changes);
  • elevated sexual desire(the woman is experiencing frequent desire make love, it was nature who made sure that the most optimal moment for conceiving a baby was used for its intended purpose);
  • change taste preferences and smell ( hormonal changes bring about a change in tastes and hypersensitivity to smells).

Discharge during ovulation

What are the discharges during ovulation and how long do they last? This is usually profuse mucous discharge. Most often they are yellow, but can be white or slightly pink. In some cases, it is considered normal bloody issues. But this is extremely rare.

At the beginning of the cycle vaginal discharge A little. They are colorless and have a liquid consistency. These discharges are different from those that occur during ovulation. By the time the egg is formed, the discharge becomes more jelly-like, similar to the protein in an egg. During ovulation, secretions are predominantly white color. Their pink or yellow.

How many days does an egg live after ovulation

The egg after ovulation exists no more than 12-24 hours. But this does not mean that if you have sex after the release of the egg, fertilization will occur. Now conception is impossible due to several reasons. After sexual intercourse, sperm need only a couple of minutes to reach fallopian tubes and eggs. However, spermatozoa cannot immediately inseminate the egg. They will need about 12 more hours to mature. After that, fertilization is possible.

What should be the basal temperature during ovulation

The day on which the basal temperature (BT) rises sharply by at least 0.2 ° C will be the day of ovulation. The ovum, ready for fertilization, leaves its vesicle and goes to abdominal cavity. Here she will be waiting for the male sperm. It will exist for one day. Therefore, it is ideal when the sperm is already waiting for her. If you measure basal temperature in order to protect yourself from unwanted pregnancy, then unprotected sex should be stopped 4-5 days before the expected ovulation and protected for at least 48 hours after. During ovulation, the basal body temperature rises to 37°C. In addition, for many, on the day of ovulation, BBT decreases, and then rises again.

How to measure basal temperature to determine ovulation

Basal temperature is measured in three ways:

  • oral (a thermometer in the mouth);
  • vaginal;
  • rectal.

The most reliable are the second and third methods. To measure, you need to use the usual mercury thermometer. Electronic may give distorted readings. Don't forget to shake the thermometer before taking a measurement. By doing this right before taking the temperature, there is a risk of getting an inaccurate result.

double ovulation

During one cycle, there is a double ovulation. It may happen that two follicles mature at the same time in both ovaries. Or even one of them. Sometimes they ripen at the same time. Therefore, the eggs are released together. Although they can be formed in turn, after a while. When the next ovulation will occur, it is very difficult to guess. This can happen completely unexpectedly. For example, during sexual contact.

How to determine at home

To determine the formed egg at home, tests specially designed for this purpose are used. In some cases, a woman herself can guess about the maturation of the egg by some signs:

  • enhanced sex drive;
  • sipping sensations in the lower abdomen in the region of the ovaries;
  • vaginal discharge becomes thicker and more viscous, sometimes with small blood streaks.

On examination, the gynecologist will reveal a "symptom of the pupil" - a formation in the cervix clear slime.

Ovulation test

You can detect ovulation using specially designed tests. They are sold in pharmacies. They are very easy to use at home. These tests work in much the same way as pregnancy tests. If two stripes appear, then a good period has come for conceiving your unborn child.

Testing must be done within 24 hours. Maybe even 2-3 days. This must be done until it is fixed elevated level luteinizing hormone.

How to do an ovulation test correctly

You need to collect urine in a clean jar. Lower the strip there to the indicated level. Wait 10-15 seconds. Lay out the test on a flat surface. The result will be ready within 5 minutes.

If you have purchased an inkjet test, then it is placed under the stream of urine. In the tablet test, it is necessary to drop urine with a pipette into the corresponding hole. Electronic tests are lowered into a container with collected liquid or substituted under a jet.

To conduct the test correctly, you must follow the following simple rules:

  • do not take drugs with luteinizing hormone in the composition;
  • do not test the very first urine collected in the morning;
  • consume 4 hours before the test minimal amount liquids;
  • the test is carried out from 10 am to 8 pm;
  • test daily, preferably at the same time;
  • test twice a day: in the morning and in the evening;
  • do not throw away previous tests, by comparing the brightness of the second band on them, you can calculate on which day ovulation occurred (this is the test with the most stained second band).

How to calculate the sex of the child by ovulation

It is impossible to plan the birth of a boy or a girl in advance. However, a theory has been developed according to which, on days closer to ovulation, the probability of having boys increases, and on the most distant days, girls. Therefore, if a couple really wants their son to be born, they need to be protected until the test gives 2 strips. And for those who are really looking forward to the birth of their daughter, on the contrary, you need to stop intimate relationship as soon as the test is positive. Note that this method not 100 percent effective.

Ovulation, which you can calculate right now, is the only day of the month when a woman can get pregnant. Many ladies use the opportunity to calculate ovulation online in order to bring the long-awaited motherhood closer. Other women, on the contrary, try to protect themselves from an unplanned pregnancy in this way. But, unfortunately, both programs and doctors can make mistakes. And if in the first case the calculation of ovulation with a calculator is done more for the sake of interest, then in the second wrong result can lead to very negative consequences. So, do not pin all your hopes only on this method.

But if you still decide to try, then you should understand what ovulation is, how to calculate it, and what you need to know and be able to do for this.

One of the most popular, affordable and reliable ways is to plot the results of basal temperature measurements. To compile it, you will need to measure daily for at least 3 months in the morning rectal temperature, while not forgetting to enter all the data obtained into the plate, in order to draw up a graph later.

The next way is to determine when ovulation occurs using a test, calculate, or rather visually see the result without using either a calculator or a graph. The test must be done several days in a row. The test strip itself is practically no different from the one used to determine pregnancy, and the execution technique is also not new. The only difference is in the chemical reactions.

Ovulation, calculate, calculator, all kinds of tests and charts, ultrasound - all these terms and actions are so complicated and expensive. But you can trust your own feelings! When a woman's body is ready for conception, it begins to give some signals. First of all, this affects sexual attraction- it becomes noticeably stronger. The amount of vaginal discharge also increases. But the main thing here is not to confuse this natural cyclic process with infectious disease. Some women may feel discomfort in the region of the ovary where the egg has matured. Well, to confirm the reliability of all of the above signs, to find out whether there was ovulation, to calculate online, using a calendar - all this is not a problem.

But keep in mind that the only 100% method for calculating this favorable, and for someone - dangerous day, is an ultrasound.

Ovulation is the release of mature eggs from a woman's ovary. After leaving the ovary, the egg is able to be fertilized in the period from 12 to 24 hours, unlike, by the way, from the sperm, which lives 3-5 days. Therefore, if you want to get pregnant, it is important to understand exactly when ovulation occurs in order to plan conception for " fertile period"(favorable days for conception).

How to know when ovulation occurs?

To calculate ovulation from the time of a woman's monthly menstrual cycle (usually 28 days), subtract 14 days (i.e., the duration of the luteal phase). For example, if your cycle is 29 days, then you are more likely to ovulate on the 15th day of your cycle. If you have a 24 day menstrual cycle, then expect to ovulate on the 10th day.

Unfortunately, this method will not help if you do not have a regular monthly cycle. Therefore, if you are experiencing problems with determining the date of ovulation, visit your doctor, who will give advice specifically for your case.

Measure your basal body temperature with the Menstrual Cycle Chart

In determining the day of ovulation, the measurement of basal temperature will also be very useful. To do this, you will need a basal temperature table, which you can download and print from the following link:

When completed, it looks like this:

It is not difficult to determine the day of ovulation from the completed menstrual cycle table. Usually, right before ovulation, the temperature drops slightly, and after, on the contrary, it rises, and remains so until the end of the menstrual cycle. The use of this method is reduced to measuring the temperature for 2 months, after which it becomes possible to calculate the approximate date next ovulation, and then plan sex 2-3 days before her.

Basic rules for measuring basal temperature:

  • Take your temperature every morning at the same time (+/- 30 minutes).
  • It is not recommended to get up, sit down, walk and even go to the toilet before measuring the temperature. Pick up the thermometer the minute you wake up.
  • Use the same thermometer. If you bought a new one, measure it with the start of your next menstrual cycle.

Watch for other "signals" of your body

On the day of ovulation, you may experience discomfort or weak pains V abdominal region that last for several hours. In general, some women easily determine their ovulation, while others are not even aware of it.

  • Have sex more often. Best Odds for conception when having sex 1-2 days before ovulation, however, the cycle may not be regular, because of which you may well "miss". Sperm can survive up to 5 days in a woman's body, so in order to get pregnant, have sex daily, starting 3 days before ovulation and 2-3 days after it.
  • Don't rush to the bathroom after sex. Lie in bed for a few minutes after intercourse.
  • Do not use artificial lubricants, vaginal sprays, scented tampons, and douches. They can disrupt the normal acidity of the vagina.
  • Reduce your stress levels. According to research high level stress can interfere with conception. We do not recommend quitting your job or doing major changes in life. Help in reducing stress simple things such as a walk in the park, physical exercise Or hugging someone you love.
  • Try to maintain a healthy weight. Experts also advise you to watch your own, as underweight or vice versa - its excess can lead to disruption of ovulation, as well as negatively affect the body's production of key reproductive hormones.
  • Do you want a boy or a girl? Unfortunately, natural way there is no choice of the sex of the unborn child, however, scientists have found that "female" spermatozoa live longer on average than "male" ones. Therefore, to conceive a boy, plan sexual intercourse as close as possible to the time of ovulation, if a girl, then on the contrary, schedule sex 3-4 days before ovulation, then there will be more “female” sperm around the egg, respectively, and the chances of conceiving a girl will be higher. For more information on how to plan the sex of a child using the calculation of the day of ovulation, read the article:


2023 "" - ultrasound examination of human organs