When to cut your hair in May 2019 lunar calendar? This question is asked by many girls. And today you will learn about the most favorable days for going to the hairdresser and about the days on which you should completely abandon any hair procedures.

Cutting your hair in the first two weeks of the month, when the moon is young or full moon in the sky, you make them stronger, besides, the curls grow faster.

If in rapid growth hair, on the contrary, you are not interested, then it is recommended to get a haircut in the second half of the month.

However, this is not all you need to know about cutting and dyeing your hair in May.

House Influence

In hair care, it is also important to pay attention to which House the Moon is in.

  • For example, it is not recommended to perform any manipulations with your hair while the satellite is under the influence of Aquarius, otherwise they will begin to thin, and later this will lead you to baldness.
  • But those who cut their hair at least half a centimeter with the Moon in the sign of Pisces will have to come to terms with the appearance of dandruff.

Much more trouble promises a haircut at a time when the satellite is under the influence of signs such as Leo, Scorpio or Aries.

  • Scorpio will make adjustments to your personal life, and they are unlikely to be positive.
  • The influence of Aries is so strong that you run the risk of paying not only with the health of your hair, but even with a general decrease in immunity, up to the occurrence of inflammatory diseases.
  • As for the influence of Leo, it is considered ambiguous: cutting your hair in May, during such a period, will bring changes to your life, but it is very difficult to predict whether these changes will be good or bad.

The rest of the Houses, under the influence of which the night luminary is in May, will not bring anything particularly negative into your life, regardless of whether you cut your hair or perform any other procedures with it.

  • Astrologers assure that it is very good to do a haircut in the days of Virgo influence, while a haircut under the Moon in the sign of Gemini will give your curls splendor and make them obedient during styling.
  • Capricorn and Taurus too positive signs- in the days of their dominance, both the structure and growth of hair will noticeably improve after a haircut.
  • And if you have long been thinking about career growth, promotion at work, then go to the hairdresser at a time when the Moon will be in the sign of Sagittarius.

Unfavorable and favorable days for cutting and dyeing hair in May 2019

Having decided on the appropriate periods, let's move on to a more detailed study of the lunar calendar for painting and haircuts in May.

When to cut your hair in May, and when is it advisable to refuse to go to the salon?

  • May 1 and 2. These days, the night luminary is growing, which means that it will welcome the ideas of those people who like to experiment with their appearance. On the first day, you can try the most fashionable and unusual haircuts, various, including bright, colors for dyeing, and on the second, it is recommended to resort to coloring - thanks to such an unexpected change, the management will definitely notice what career growth will entail.
  • On May 3, the satellite will be in Leo, so in the morning it is better to do some kind of neat and ordinary hairstyle, and in the evening just have a relaxing or strengthening hair treatment.
  • On the 4th, the moon is still growing. Your hair will become thicker, stronger and grow faster if the hairdresser cuts you short.
  • On May 5, it is recommended to temporarily postpone the haircut, since Virgo will have its influence today. In general, it is worth cutting your hair at least a little today, and you risk conflict with colleagues or superiors.
  • On May 6, the Moon is still in Virgo. Of course, haircuts are prohibited today: the maximum that is allowed to be done is to cut the ends a little.
  • May 7th and 8th are perfect days for a haircut! You have the right to give free rein to your imagination, and make at least a square, a cascading haircut or an asymmetric one. Whatever you think, everything will work out, and the hair will gain shine and strength.
  • Calmly use the skillful hands of the master and May 9th. In the same case, if upon arrival from the hairdresser you also do a head massage, headaches will leave you for a long time!
  • May 10. Since the next day is the Full Moon, do not try to change your color today in the opposite color. Not only will the color fall completely unevenly, but you can’t avoid life’s troubles either.
  • May 11th. The full moon has arrived, and therefore today is the perfect day for any hair-related procedures. Make hair masks, dye them in any color, cut, curl - everything will have a positive effect on both your curls and your destiny.
  • 12 May. Do you want change? Then cut your hair today. But those who do not complain about anything in their lives and do not dream of changes should not take risks.
  • On May 13, it is not recommended to get a haircut. The reason is simple - you will provide yourself with depression and melancholy.
  • If you decide to take care of your hair on the 14th, entrust this matter to professionals. It is not yet recommended to cut your own hair or carry out other procedures.
  • The 15th is an unfavorable day for cutting hair in May - give it up. Ignoring the same this advice don't be surprised if you get disturbed various diseases and injury.
  • 16th of May. If you're worried financial difficulties time to go to the hairdresser. But the next day, on the 17th, any manipulations with your own hair are forbidden to you.
  • Haircut and hair coloring in May 18 threatens you with unnecessary expenses. And it's not about the high cost of procedures - that's how the Moon, which is in the sign of Aquarius, will affect.
  • May 19 is suitable to dedicate it to hair care. Believe me, your efforts will not only benefit her, but also bring good luck to your business.
  • May 20 visit the salon is not worth it. You don't want to be in conflict with the people around you all day after that, do you?
  • Even if you really need to go to the hairdresser on the 21st, do not try to do this, otherwise your chronic diseases remind of themselves, or rather, aggravate.
  • 22nd of May. You can change your image, and at the same time settle some financial issues, only if you visit the salon in the afternoon, while the Moon has not yet entered the sign of Aries. And to stay healthy, give up haircuts and dyeing on May 23rd.
  • May 24th. Have you long wanted to try to become a blonde, but lacked the courage? Well, that day has come! Believe me, having painted today, you are simply destined to look irresistible!
  • May 25th. New moon. Do not load already heightened feelings also artificially, due to a haircut.
  • 26 of May. A haircut will become a kind of ritual for you, which will finally help you get rid of resentment towards others and fatigue.
  • If it is recommended to cut your hair in May on the 27th in the first, and dye it in the afternoon, then on May 28 it is better to completely abandon these manipulations (it is only allowed to take time to care for your hair).
  • May 29. When cutting your hair today, you should be prepared for good change V personal life. The day is very favorable for manipulations with scissors and hair.
  • On May 30, the Moon will be under the influence of Leo, who tends to bouffant, manes and lush hairstyles, so give up the hair gathered in a bun, they should not be slicked with gel, etc. Instead of all of the above, make a predatory hairstyle so that everyone can feel your decisive attitude.
  • May 31, 2019 is the best day to finally decide on a serious change in appearance! If you have been thinking about some kind of haircut for a long time, but have not dared to try it, then be sure to do it today. The time has come!

May pleases us with warmth, excellent weather and an abundance of days off. The first seasonal vegetables, fruits, young greens appear on the shelves - an additional source of vitamins for the body. For quality hair care, do not forget to include the first gifts of spring in your diet, and also use the lunar haircut calendar for May.

The haircut lunar calendar for May 2017 reflects the influence of the phases and critical points satellite of the Earth on the condition of the hair, and also contains recommendations for cutting and coloring hair for any date of the month. Following the advice of the lunar calendar, you can choose the most successful hairstyle of the day to create a whole and harmonious look.

05/01/17, Monday. The moon is rising

  • Strict, classic styling without flashy accessories and unnecessary details will become the most preferred type of hairstyle for today.
  • Misunderstandings with colleagues, scolding from the boss, empty quarrels with family members - all these troubles can be caused by hair coloring. Move it to another day.
  • Strengthen immunity, improve defensive forces the body is capable of a haircut, made by the skillful hands of a good master.

05/02/17, Tuesday. The moon is rising

  • Curly curls, light and voluminous - this hairstyle will save you from the blues and add a charge of vivacity.
  • The image of a fatal seductress will help to create hair coloring in rich, bright, flashy shades. Don't be afraid to experiment with new looks. Today, all hair manipulations will be successful.
  • A haircut will help transform your inner world, tune in a lyrical mood and will contribute to the development of insight. Cut your hair on the growing moon if you dream that they will please you with their strength and grow faster.

05/03/17, Wednesday. First quarter

  • Graceful, catchy, non-standard hairstyles will help you create an image of a purposeful person and emphasize your leadership inclinations.

The lunar haircut calendar for May warns that any global change in hair color and shape today is fraught with unpredictable consequences. It is better to postpone the haircut and coloring for a more suitable time.

05/04/17, Thursday. The moon is rising

  • Traditional, everyday styling, which does not require much effort and time, is the most preferred type of hairstyle for the day.
  • Avoid radical hair coloring, you can “refresh” the original color a little, nothing more.
  • Entrust hair cutting to a professional master, otherwise unpleasant “surprises” are possible.

05.05.17, Friday. The moon is rising

  • Do not try to create a new intricate styling today. Choose a hairstyle that suits you. This will help you feel at ease.
  • A very favorable day in May for cutting and coloring hair according to the lunar calendar. The main thing is to choose a proven beauty salon or a well-established master (very good if he is of the opposite sex). But you should not trust your hair today to a “newbie” or an unfamiliar person.

05/06/17, Saturday. The moon is rising

  • Complex, unusual, bright, catchy styling - choose any option that suits your taste and create. Independently or with the help of a master - decide for yourself. Today, your hairstyle should strike everyone on the spot.
  • Haircut and color must be done by a certified hairdresser. It is better to entrust your hair to the "stars" hairdressing. Do not visit unknown salons, do not allow inexperienced people to your hair.

05/07/17, Sunday. The moon is rising

  • Long-term styling is best done on another day, also avoid intricate styling that requires perseverance and accuracy.
  • Today, even the most experienced master can make a mistake, so it is better to postpone the total repainting for a more favorable time. Although, it is possible to “refresh” the color a little by using natural dyes.
  • Haircut will have healing effect on the body and contribute to the sharpening of intuition, but on condition that it is performed by a proven master.

05/08/17, Monday. The moon is rising

  • If you want to impress others with an eccentric hairstyle, do it today. Imagine and bring your ideas to life! The creative impulse will encourage you to take action.
  • If you decide to dye your hair in an unusual color for you, get ready for a possible “surprise”.
  • Choosing new model for your hairstyle, today you can completely trust the vision of the master. A haircut made by skillful hands will pleasantly surprise you with its result.

05/09/17, Tuesday. The moon is rising

  • Ordinary, as simple as possible styling will help you better capture the messages of mother nature. It is better to simply let your hair down, it is advisable to use a comb more often.
  • Hair coloring can give unpredictable results, so it's best to avoid it.
Hair cutting on this day of May will be extremely successful: it will contribute to the formation of intuitive skills, help to avoid nervous breakdowns.

05/10/17, Wednesday. The moon is rising

  • Choose the most simple hairstyle to perform, it is very good if it focuses on a straight breakdown. It is better not to fix hair with hairpins and elastic bands. Naturalness in everything is the main message of the day.
  • A slight change in hair color will contribute to business success.
  • Unconscious fear, anxiety, depression - all these unpleasant emotions can be caused by a haircut.

05/11/17, Thursday. Full moon

  • The full moon suggests maximum restraint in the hairstyle. If you are a fan of wild curls or flashy styling details, today is not the best day to show off your preferences. Straighten your hair and gather it into an inconspicuous ponytail or bun.
  • When choosing a hair coloring agent, give preference to dark, and preferably black shades.

Today is the most right decision will complete failure from a haircut. Don't even trim the ends. Thus, you will save yourself from relapse. chronic diseases and give rest to your nervous system.

05/12/17, Friday. The moon is waning

  • A high “tail” or bun will help you save energy for important things and tune in to unity with nature.
  • And again, you should prefer dark, black shades for dyeing your hair. We defend ourselves from the attack of dark forces.
  • heart, blood vessels, endocrine system today will react negatively to a haircut. In order to maintain health, give it up.

05/13/17, Saturday. The moon is waning

  • Create a "sunny", positive look by choosing a hairstyle with bright yellow or orange accessories.
  • Straw, red hair shades are a great choice for today. You will radiate positive energy, and this will contribute to establishing contacts with nice people.
  • Trim the tips a little - this is the maximum in the haircut that the calendar recommends for today.

05/14/17, Sunday. The moon is waning

  • We “calm down” our image by choosing a simple hairstyle, not weighed down by means of fixation and bulky jewelry. You can and should clearly highlight the bangs. This will contribute to the onset of the long-awaited changes in life.
  • Total repainting is not recommended, but highlighting, toning, coloring the roots and painting over gray hair will be very successful.

A haircut will have a good effect on the respiratory organs, emphasize your charisma and attractiveness for the opposite sex. Cut your hair for the waning moon if you want to keep your hair in shape longer.

05/15/17, Monday. The moon is waning

  • Hair that falls freely over the shoulders is what the lunar haircut calendar recommends today. If you wear a short haircut, do not weigh it down with styling products and try to use a comb more often.
  • Natural natural dyes (basma, henna, strong decoctions of herbs) will help not only strengthen hair, but also establish contacts with business partners.
  • Absolutely not a good day for a haircut. It will either fail or you will get scalp problems.

05/16/17, Tuesday. The moon is waning

  • By choosing a mermaid hairstyle, you will tune in to the perception of the signals that nature sends. Try to comb your hair in different directions.

The haircut calendar warns you against coloring your hair on this day of May: injuries, depression and blues are possible.

  • A bold, radical, outrageous haircut will increase your self-esteem, improve your mood and cause a lot of compliments in your address.

05/17/17, Wednesday. The moon is waning

  • To activate the positive energy of the cosmos, a hairstyle with metal accessories will help you.
  • Do you want to become a dazzling blonde? Be brave, today is the most favorable time for this.
  • If you decide to cut your hair today, then do not treat your teeth and vice versa.

05/18/17, Thursday. The moon is waning

  • Give preference to unsophisticated styling. Well, if it is straight, loose hair. Remember the comb.
  • Do not drastically change the color of your hair. You can slightly shade them with natural ingredients.

Cut to health. This will improve your general well-being. Today is one of the most favorable days in May for a haircut.

05/19/17, Friday. third quarter

  • Today is curl day. Choose the degree of “curlyness” that suits your heart and delight yourself and those around you with a beautiful hairstyle.
  • It is better to entrust hair coloring to someone from your family. This will help strengthen family ties.
  • But in order to avoid various unpleasant incidents, transfer the haircut to another day.

05/20/17, Saturday. The moon is waning

  • Maintain positive attitude with stunning voluminous hair. Curls, bouffants, hairpieces and other small female tricks will help you with this.
  • If you're dreaming of a promotion or want to attract promising business partners to your business, you should dye your hair in dark natural shades.
  • A beautiful haircut will "breathe" the energy of change in you.

05/21/17, Sunday. The moon is waning

  • If possible, spend today with your head covered. This will keep you out of trouble.

The haircut lunar calendar for May strongly recommends that you give up coloring and cutting your hair on this day. Coloring can provoke quarrels and clashes, and a haircut can have a bad effect on the state of mind.

05/22/17, Monday. The moon is waning

  • Don't miss out important details, a high hairstyle will help you concentrate on responsible work.
  • If you need to demonstrate your professionalism, resort to staining with natural ingredients.
  • A haircut will steal from you vitality and "plunge" into the world of apathy, depression and melancholy.

05/23/17, Tuesday. The moon is waning

  • Neat, restrained, elegant styling will help harmonize the inner world.
  • If for a long time you did not dare to dye your hair in new color you can do it today with confidence.
  • If a master of the opposite sex takes care of your haircut, this will add charm and charm to you. Today one of better days for a haircut in May.

05/24/17, Wednesday. The moon is waning

  • A simple hairstyle will help you feel at ease in any circumstances.
  • Barely noticeable change hair color will have a beneficial effect on your social status.

If you do not want to cause a weakening of the immune system, forget about the haircut for one day.

05/25/17, Thursday. New moon

  • Negligence in the hairstyle today is most welcome. Let your hair look natural and effortless.

Financial difficulties, spontaneous expenses, debts - all this outflow of money can provoke any hair coloring on this day.

  • If you are planning to bring a fresh wind of change into your life, keep a short, even provocative haircut.

05/26/17, Friday. The moon is rising

  • A light cloud of hair - this is how you can characterize the best option hairstyles for the day Do not weight it with fixatives.
  • Natural dyes will come to your rescue if you want to slightly shade the existing hair color.
  • If you entrust the haircut to a professional master, you will not only be satisfied with the result, but also contribute to the attraction of financial flows to life.

05/27/17, Saturday. The moon is rising

  • Today is a makeover day. If you want to create an image of a purposeful, strong-willed person, prefer a concise styling, not burdened with various decorative elements.
  • A very auspicious day according to the lunar calendar for cutting and coloring hair. Any new image will be successful, and the process of hair care will bring satisfaction.

05/28/17, Sunday. The moon is rising

  • Make today the hairstyle with which pleasant memories are associated. Today is a day of relaxation, spend it without unnecessary fuss.
  • Refuse radical repainting, it is possible to slightly “refresh” the hair color with natural dyes.
  • In order not to provoke unexpected squabbles in the family circle, refuse a haircut on this day.

05/29/17, Monday. The moon is rising

  • Light, weightless, “airy” styling is a find of the day that can help in the realization of old dreams.
  • Today is one of the most favorable days of May for lightening hair.
  • Does your creativity need to be “awakened” from sleep? Create a new haircut and create for your health.

05/30/17, Tuesday. The moon is rising

  • Create an image of a business lady with a static, low styling. It is possible to use decorative elements, but they should not be catchy.
  • A quarrel with the second half or children is not included in your plans? Set aside staining.

an optimistic view of difficult situation a new haircut will contribute: it does not matter if it is extreme, or you just decide to trim the ends.

05/31/17, Wednesday. The moon is rising

  • It is worth doing a flirty, curly hairstyle. It will help you stay in high spirits.
  • Your sexuality will emphasize staining in unusual colors.
  • A new haircut will awaken your insight (intuition, sixth sense). It is important to entrust your hair to a first-class specialist.

Interested in hair coloring? We have selected some videos for you!

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Haircut lunar calendar for May 2017, indicating the days of the new moon, full moon, quarters of the moon, the location of the moon in the signs of the zodiac, as well as favorable and unfavorable lunar days for cutting hair. The haircut lunar calendar will allow you to almost always be aware of when you can cut your hair according to Oracle. The hair cutting lunar calendar for May 2017 will be able to assist you in planning a visit to the hairdresser and will be able to help you determine the favorable and unfavorable days of the month for hair cutting. In the haircut lunar calendar for May 2017, various events have a certain effect on cutting a person's hair. By choosing the most favorable day for a haircut, you will save your positive forces and get rid of all the negative, find harmony with yourself and the outside world.

We women are so arranged that a good hairdresser is more important for us than the best best friend. He can create small miracle not only with the appearance, but also change the mood and even internal state souls. In the atmosphere of beauty salons through the centuries and today, signs of hair cutting have been preserved. For example, it is highly undesirable to cut your hair yourself - because they have great importance in the balance of our biofield. If you change it yourself, you can harm yourself energetically. It is also desirable to choose a master of the same sex. Remember - in the Biblical story about Samson, he was killed by a woman who cut his hair? Now it is very fashionable to think that a man's hairdresser knows better what a woman needs. Perhaps this is so, but ancient signs they say that a male hairdresser can destroy established love relationship. By the way, if you do not want to change your life and like to completely control it, it is better to choose a master younger than yourself so that the force of his influence does not overlap yours. If you want to change your life - choose a master much older. In addition, it is important to choose the right time for going to the hairdresser, as the beautiful Moon is quite capable of influencing hair growth and even the quality of the hairstyle. The lunar calendar should always be at hand so as not to accidentally get into the salon on a full moon or a new moon. Astrologers simply forbid visiting hairdressers these days. In May 2017, the full moon falls on the 25th, and the new moon begins on May 10th. Starting from the second decade of the month, favorable days come in all endeavors, including trips to beauty salons. In addition, it is worth paying attention to the days when the Moon passes constellations that are most favorable for haircuts and the formation of new hairstyles: these are Virgo, Taurus, Leo. The most unfavorable days pass under the influence of the constellations Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio.

When to cut hair in May 2017 for women?

The lunar calendar has long been used to determine the days on which it is preferable to cut, curl or dye hair. Naturally, the health of the hair depends on proper nutrition and care. The use of vitamins for hair growth, strengthening masks and special means care cannot be replaced by a haircut. To know when you can cut your hair according to the Oracle, you need to be guided by the lunar haircut calendar for May 2017. sticking to simple recommendations, You can increase the effect of proper care behind the hair and be able to strengthen positive result from hair treatments.

How does the phase of the moon affect hair cutting in May 2017?

The phases of the moon in May 2017 primarily affect hair growth. A haircut on a certain lunar day can speed up hair growth or slow it down. On some days, it is necessary to refrain from going to the hairdresser in order to preserve the health of the hair: it is possible to increase the tendency to hair loss or, for example, dandruff. This affects not only hair cutting, but also other procedures: hair coloring, perm, etc. If you are addicted to changing hairstyles quite often, then it is obviously very important for you that in May 2017 your hair grows quickly. In this case, for cutting hair, it is better to stop the choice on the date when the waxing Moon is located in the first or second quarter. If, on the contrary, you prefer to rarely visit the hairdresser's salon, choose an auspicious day when the moon is in its waning phase. A haircut on the waning moon will strengthen your hair roots and prevent hair loss, but they will grow back quite slowly. On the new moon, you need to give up cutting your hair, because these days a haircut shortens a person's life.

Haircut lunar calendar for May 2017 by day auspicious days

May is almost summer. Hair care is becoming very relevant, girls are increasingly resorting to the services of a hairdresser. It is clear that you want to refresh your hair or create yourself new image, but the hair lost its shine over the winter and became dry and brittle. The growing moon will help to cope with these problems. From May 11 until the full moon on the 25th - feel free to go to the hairdresser. You will be satisfied, as from 16 to 19 May. The moon is under the influence of Virgo and Leo, that is, the most favorable constellations for hair growth. After a haircut these days, the hair will look thick and keep its shape perfectly. These days, haircuts will look great on short hair or medium length.

1st of May. 2017 9:04 - 6 lunar day. Moon in Cancer from 30 Apr. 2017 5:06 to May 2. 2017 7:32 am. In general, this is not the best day for a haircut. 5 lunar day is not suitable for a haircut - you can bring diseases into your life or just become depressed, which will also affect your appearance. Moon in Cancer - haircut is favorable. You can do styling, adjusting hairstyles. Avoid chemical treatments.

May 2. 2017 10:13 - 7 lunar day. Moon in Leo May 2nd. 2017 7:32 to May 4th. 2017 12:48. In general, this is not the best day for a haircut. 7 lunar day is not suitable for a haircut - by performing this procedure today, you can attract enemies and ill-wishers into your life. Moon in Leo - haircut is favorable. One of the most best zodiacs for a haircut. A haircut will change your life for the better.

May 3rd 2017 11:25 - 8 lunar day. Moon in Leo May 2nd. 2017 7:32 to May 4th. 2017 12:48. In general, this is a very auspicious day for a haircut. 8 lunar day is very good for a haircut. It will bring bright and unforgettable moments of happiness into your life. Moon in Leo - haircut is favorable. One of the best zodiac for swifts. A haircut will change your life for the better.

May 4th. 2017 12:39 - 9 lunar day. Moon in Leo May 2nd. 2017 7:32 to May 4th. 2017 12:48. In general, this is not the best day for a haircut. A haircut on the 9th lunar day is not favorable, because it can bring ambiguity and confusing situations into your life. Today it is best to cleanse using mild natural ingredients. Moon in Leo - haircut is favorable. One of the best zodiac for swifts. A haircut will change your life for the better.

5 May. 2017 13:52 - 10 lunar day. Moon in Virgo May 4th. 2017 12:48 to May 6th. 2017 21:28. In general, this is a very auspicious day for a haircut.
10 lunar day is favorable for cutting and coloring hair. Your strength, luck and confidence will increase several times. (dbangthangche). Moon in Virgo - haircut is favorable. One of the most favorable positions of the moon. Your hair will be lush, strong and magically attractive.

the 6th of May. 2017 15:04 - 11 lunar day. Moon in Virgo May 4th. 2017 12:48 to May 6th. 2017 21:28. In general, this is a very auspicious day for a haircut. 11 lunar day is just perfect for a haircut. In combination with the Moon in Leo, this is just a “bomb”. Such a haircut will make your perception more subtle and conscious, and your mind more insightful. Moon in Virgo - haircut is favorable. One of the most favorable positions of the moon. Your hair will be lush, strong and magically attractive.

May 7th 2017 16:14 - 12 lunar day. Moon in Libra May 6th. 2017 21:28 to May 9th. 2017 8:24. In general, this is not the best day for a haircut. The 12th lunar day is completely unsuitable for a haircut due to the danger of attracting unwanted events into your life. (srog la ngon). Moon in Libra - haircut is favorable. The condition of the hair will not change. Hairstyle - "dandelion" is guaranteed. A haircut will add lightness and ease.

May 8 2017 17:23 - 13 lunar day. Moon in Libra May 6th. 2017 21:28 to May 9th. 2017 8:24. In general, this is a very auspicious day for a haircut. The 13th lunar day is perfect for a haircut - you will become a more attractive person and will attract happiness like a magnet. (bzangbskyed). Moon in Libra - haircut is favorable. The condition of the hair will not change. Hairstyle - "dandelion" is guaranteed. A haircut will add lightness and ease.

9th May. 2017 18:31 - 14 lunar day. Moon in Scorpio May 9th. 2017 8:24 to May 11. 2017 20:28. All in all, it's not the best day for a haircut.
14 lunar day is a great day for a haircut. You will become more lucky man, the results will not keep you waiting. You will attract property, material well-being. (en spyod'phel). Moon in Scorpio - haircut is unfavorable. You can take a risk if you have nothing to lose - there is a risk of both changing your life for the better and making it even worse.

May 10. 2017 19:38 - 15 lunar day. Moon in Scorpio May 9th. 2017 8:24 to May 11. 2017 20:28. In general, this is an unfavorable day for a haircut. On the 15th lunar day, it is better not to cut your hair - there may be problems with pressure, an acute feeling of incomprehensible fear will appear. Moon in Scorpio - haircut is unfavorable. You can take a risk if you have nothing to lose - there is a risk of both changing your life for the better and making it even worse.

May 11th. 2017 20:44 - 16 lunar day. Moon in Sagittarius May 11th. 2017 20:28 to 14 May. 2017 09:06. In general, this is not the best day for a haircut. The 16th lunar day is completely unsuitable for a haircut, because at this time you can attract misfortune and ill-wishers into your life. Moon in Sagittarius - haircut is favorable. The haircut is magically good, but maybe not so good for your hair. However, it changes life for the better, brings wealth and luck.

12 May. 2017 21:46 - 17 lunar day. Moon in Sagittarius May 11th. 2017 20:28 to 14 May. 2017 09:06. In general, this is not the best day for a haircut. 17 lunar day is unfavorable for haircuts - attract diseases and unpleasant situations associated with outside interference. (ha rtsi sngo gdan gnod). Moon in Sagittarius - haircut is favorable. The haircut is magically good, but maybe not so good for your hair. However, it changes life for the better, brings wealth and luck.

may 13. 2017 22:43 - 18 lunar day. Moon in Sagittarius May 11th. 2017 20:28 to 14 May. 2017 09:06. In general, this is not the best day for a haircut. 18 lunar day is bad for a haircut, as it is huge probability attract situations related to the theft of property or its damage. Moon in Sagittarius - haircut is favorable. The haircut is magically good, but maybe not so good for your hair. However, it changes life for the better, brings wealth and luck.

May 14. 2017 23:35 - 19 lunar day. Moon in Capricorn May 14th. 2017 9:06 to 16 May. 2017 21:10. In general, this is a very auspicious day for a haircut. The 19th lunar day is favorable for a haircut (tshe ring), but if the second aspect (the moon in the sign of the zodiac) excludes a haircut, do not cut your hair. Moon in Capricorn - haircut is favorable. One of the most favorable periods Haircut moons. Hair splits less and grows faster.

16th of May. 2017 0:19 - 20 lunar day. Moon in Capricorn May 14th. 2017 9:06 to 16 May. 2017 21:10. In general, this is not the best day for a haircut. 20 lunar day is not suitable for a haircut - you can attract poverty into the material and spiritual world. Tibetan: dbultog. Moon in Capricorn - haircut is favorable. One of the most favorable periods of the moon for haircuts. Hair splits less and grows faster.

May 17th. 2017 0:57 - 21 lunar days. Moon in Aquarius May 16th. 2017 21:10 to May 19. 2017 6:58. In general, this is a very auspicious day for a haircut. 21 lunar days are ideal for a haircut - you will become more beautiful and more attractive (gzugs bzang). Moon in Aquarius - haircut is favorable. The time is good for experiments with a haircut and your life. If everything suits you so much, it is better to choose another day.

May 18 2017 1:28 - 22 lunar day. Moon in Aquarius May 16th. 2017 21:10 to May 19. 2017 6:58. In general, this is a very auspicious day for a haircut. 22 lunar day is well suited for a haircut - you can get what you want and get the necessary amount of money. Moon in Aquarius - haircut is favorable. The time is good for experiments with a haircut and your life. If everything suits you so much, it is better to choose another day.

May 19. 2017 1:55 - 23 lunar day. Moon in Aquarius May 16th. 2017 21:10 to May 19. 2017 6:58. In general, this is a very auspicious day for a haircut. 23 lunar day is a good day for a haircut - your face will become more beautiful and expressive. Avoid a haircut today if other aspects say so. Moon in Aquarius - haircut is favorable. The time is good for experiments with a haircut and your life. If everything suits you so much, it is better to choose another day.

May 20. 2017 2:20 - 24 lunar day. Moon in Pisces May 19th. 2017 6:58 to May 21st. 2017 13:22. In general, this is not the best day for a haircut. A haircut on the 24th lunar day will bring illness and misfortune (nad`ong) into your life. Moon in Pisces - haircut is favorable. Dandruff may develop, and hair may become brittle and dry.

May 21st. 2017 2:42 - 25 lunar day. Moon in Pisces May 19th. 2017 6:58 to May 21st. 2017 13:22. In general, this is not the best day for a haircut. The 24th lunar day is unfavorable for a haircut - you can lose sight of the most important thing, not see the opportunities that come and go. (mig tshag ong). Moon in Pisces - haircut is favorable. Dandruff may develop, and hair may become brittle and dry.

22nd of May. 2017 3:04 - 26 lunar day. Moon in Aries May 21st. 2017 13:22 to May 23. 2017 15:48. In general, this is not the best day for a haircut. 26 lunar day is a great day for a haircut. She will bring you happiness and fate will treat you favorably. Moon in Aries - haircut is unfavorable. Immunity may be weakened, diseases may appear. Try to choose another day for a haircut.

May, 23rd. 2017 3:27 - 27 lunar day. Moon in Aries May 21st. 2017 13:22 to May 23. 2017 15:48. In general, this is not the best day for a haircut. 27 lunar day for a haircut is very good - your life will be filled with pleasant events and good mood won't leave you for a long time. (dga` ba byung). Moon in Aries - haircut is unfavorable. Immunity may be weakened, diseases may appear. Try to choose another day for a haircut.

May 24th. 2017 3:53 - 28 lunar day. Moon in Taurus May 23rd. 2017 15:48 to 25 May. 2017 15:24. In general, this is a very auspicious day for a haircut.
An ideal haircut day - you will attract friendly people like a magnet, and your appearance will improve. (gzugs mdzes)
Moon in Taurus - haircut is favorable. One of the most favorable positions of the Moon. Hair grows strong and healthy, less split ends.

May 25th. 2017 4:23 - 29 lunar day. Moon in Taurus May 23rd. 2017 15:48 to 25 May. 2017 15:24. In general, this is not the best day for a haircut. A haircut on the 29th lunar day is strongly discouraged - you can go astray and get in a lot of trouble. (bla`khyams). Moon in Taurus - haircut is favorable. One of the most favorable positions of the Moon. Hair grows strong and healthy, less split ends.

May 25th. 2017 22:44 - 1 lunar day. Moon in Gemini May 25th. 2017 15:24 to 27 May. 2017 14:26. In general, this is not the best day for a haircut. 1 lunar day is completely unsuitable for a haircut. Tibetan sages say that a haircut on this day shortens life. Moon in Gemini - haircut is favorable. Hair will grow quickly. Hairstyle will improve the condition nervous system and respiratory tract.

26 of May. 2017 5:00 - 2 lunar day. Moon in Gemini May 25th. 2017 15:24 to 27 May. 2017 14:26. In general, this is not the best day for a haircut. A haircut on the second lunar day can bring unpleasant events and conflicts into your life. Avoid haircuts on this day. Moon in Gemini - haircut is favorable. Hair will grow quickly. Hairstyle will improve the condition of the nervous system and respiratory tract.

May 27th. 2017 5:47 - 3 lunar day. Moon in Gemini May 25th. 2017 15:24 to 27 May. 2017 14:26. In general, this is not the best day for a haircut. A haircut on the third lunar day is contraindicated - you can bring diseases into your life due to an imbalance of energies. Also, such a haircut can encourage you to spend money insanely. Moon in Gemini - haircut is favorable. Hair will grow quickly. Hairstyle will improve the condition of the nervous system and respiratory tract.

May 28 2017 6:46 - 4 lunar day. Moon in Cancer May 27th. 2017 14:26 to May 29. 2017 15:44. In general, this is not the best day for a haircut. A haircut on the fourth lunar day is not recommended, as it can bring various fears into your life, especially about losing something or someone. Moon in Cancer - haircut is favorable. You can do styling, adjusting hairstyles. Avoid chemical treatments.

May 29. 2017 7:54 - 5 lunar day. Moon in Cancer May 27th. 2017 14:26 to May 29. 2017 15:44. In general, this is a very auspicious day for a haircut. A haircut on the 5th lunar day will give you good luck and wealth. A very good day in order to radically change your appearance. Moon in Cancer - haircut is favorable. You can do styling, adjusting hairstyles. Avoid chemical treatments.

May 30. 2017 9:08 - 6 lunar day. Moon in Leo May 29th. 2017 15:44 to 31 May. 2017 19:18. In general, this is not the best day for a haircut. The 5th lunar day is not suitable for a haircut - you can bring diseases into your life or simply fall into depression, which will also affect your appearance. Moon in Leo - haircut is favorable. One of the best zodiac for swifts. A haircut will change your life for the better.

May 31. 2017 10:24 - 7 lunar day. Moon in Leo May 29th. 2017 15:44 to 31 May. 2017 19:18. In general, this is not the best day for a haircut. 7 lunar day is not suitable for a haircut - by performing this procedure today, you can attract enemies and ill-wishers into your life. Moon in Leo - haircut is favorable. One of the best zodiac for swifts. A haircut will change your life for the better.

Haircut lunar calendar for May 2017 - when to curl your hair

The most successful perm is under the influence of the Virgin, any phase of the moon is suitable. True, if you get on a growing one, it will last for a very long time, but the hair will also suffer more. In May, these are the 18th and 19th numbers, which just coincide with the growing moon. It's no secret that any perm negatively affects the hair - dries them, makes them lifeless. Therefore, do not think that by making a perm, you can free yourself a lot of time from styling. The same time you should spend on hair care, making masks, drying your hair in a natural way, etc. On the days of Leo (May 16, 17), the perm can also be too strong, since these days the hair itself curls beautifully . So it's good to use these days for those who just want to twist their hair into bobbins without using chemicals. In general, any days are suitable for curling, except for Aquarius, Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio (1,2,13,14,15,23,24). Curled hair these days runs the risk of becoming dull and lifeless.

Haircut lunar calendar for May 2017 - when is the best time to dye your hair

Best of all, the coloring is kept with the growing moon. In May - this is the middle of the month until the full moon. (May 11 to 25). You can check if this or that color suits you using a coloring shampoo on the waning moon (from May 1 to May 3 or the last week May). When dyeing your hair, remember that you can not keep the paint longer than the allotted time - this can only harm. Before the procedure, cut dry split ends.

Unfavorable days for a haircut according to the lunar calendar for May 2017

First of all, among auspicious days denote the full moon and new moon - these are the days when astrologers strongly recommend to refrain from visiting hairdressing salons. In order not to spoil your haircut, and with it your mood, on May 25 and 10, do something else. For example, cleansing and restoring procedures. Moreover, on the day of the full moon, the Moon is under the influence of the constellation Sagittarius, which can further aggravate the situation. The waning moon in the constellation of Capricorn, Cancer and Pisces also affects the condition of the hair. In May, this will happen on the 3rd, 4th, 27th, 28th and 31st. It is harmful to cut hair on the waning moon in Aries, that is, May 6, 7. However, if you like short haircuts, nothing threatens you. Hair will grow back quickly, will be obedient and silky, hair correction also goes well - just refresh your hair, cut the ends and trim the bangs. Coloring the ends of the hair will also be successful. And the most successful procedure these days is, of course, depilation. Among the many ways to remove hair, you need to choose the most suitable one. This can be a simple removal with a cream, or a more serious wax removal. Any of them will be quite favorable. The waning moon in Capricorn is what you need to ensure that hair in problem areas does not appear as long as possible.

The haircut horoscope for May 2017 will help you choose the right day to create a new look.

May 1, Monday. 6 starts at 10:04 lunar day. The Moon is in Cancer.
Today, a haircut is contraindicated if you do not want to get a serious blow to your health. Coloring only with natural dyes, styling is the simplest, at home.

May 2, Tuesday. At 11:13 the 7th lunar day begins. The Moon is in Leo.
Today, the haircut will turn out incredibly beautiful, it will retain its shape for a long time. Hair coloring will bring good luck.

May 3, Wednesday. At 12:25 8 lunar days begin. The Moon is in Leo. At 6:48 comes the 1st quarter.
You can cut your hair, but not too short. Haircut will increase the flow of monetary energy. Hair coloring in golden shades promises well-being. Make your hair voluminous to attract the energy of nature.

May 4, Thursday. At 13:39 the 9th lunar day begins. Moon is in Virgo
It is strictly forbidden to cut hair, so as not to attract trouble. Also refrain from coloring, this is what the hair cutting calendar warns about.

May 5, Friday. At 14:52, the 10th lunar day begins. Moon is in Virgo
If you want to accelerate hair growth, you should not cut your hair today. But, on the other hand, a haircut will make your hair stronger, prevent hair loss and get rid of dandruff. Coloring only with natural dyes. The hairstyle is high for a better connection with the Cosmos.

May 6, Saturday. At 16:04, 11 lunar days begin. The moon is in Libra.
Today, a haircut can be harmful to health. Staining only with henna to attract money and success into your life. Comb your hair as often as possible.

May 7, Sunday. At 17:14, the 12 lunar day begins. The moon is in Libra.
Haircut and coloring with natural dyes will bring money into your wallet. To attract a life partner, make a bright, incredible hairstyle.

May 8, Monday. At 18:23, the 13th lunar day begins. The moon is in Libra.
A haircut will help improve your health. Staining with any dyes is contraindicated. Do your hair only yourself, comb it as often as possible.

May 9, Tuesday. At 19:31, 14 lunar days begin. The Moon is in Scorpio.
A haircut can lead to depression and discouragement. A change in hair color, even a slight one, will help achieve your goal.

May 10, Wednesday. At 20:38, the 15th lunar day begins. The Moon is in Scorpio.
Give up haircuts so as not to harm your health. Coloring is allowed only in dark color. To get positive energy, do not curl your hair. If your hair is frizzy, straighten it with a flat iron and part in the middle.

May 11, Thursday. At 21:43, the 16th lunar day begins. The Moon is in Sagittarius. At 1:44 there is a full moon.
According to the horoscope, a haircut can lead to problems with the endocrine system. To avoid problems, you can dye your hair natural ingredients in dark color.

May 12, Friday. At 22:45, the 17th lunar day begins. The Moon is in Sagittarius.
If you are on the path of change, a haircut will help to realize your plan. If grandiose changes are not planned, it is better to refrain from cutting. You can dye your hair red to attract the energy of the sun.

May 13, Saturday. At 23:42, the 18th lunar day begins. The Moon is in Sagittarius.
A haircut will give energy to health, give strength. If you decide to get a new hairstyle, ask to have your bangs cut.

May 14, Sunday. 18 lunar days continue. The Moon is in Capricorn.
Haircut will especially affect the lungs. In general, today you can get a haircut for everyone who has health problems. The hairstyle will please the eye for a long time.

May 15, Monday. At 0:34 the 19th lunar day begins. The Moon is in Capricorn.
Today refrain from cutting, so as not to attract misfortune and lack of money. Hair coloring is also prohibited. You can make strengthening hair masks.

May 16, Tuesday. At 1:18 the 20th lunar day begins. The Moon is in Aquarius.
A new haircut will help cheer you up, but postpone the coloring until better times.

May 17, Wednesday. 21 lunar days begin at 1:56. The Moon is in Aquarius.
Haircut will give the energy of health and wealth, cheer up. You can dye your hair in light colors. When you do the styling, be sure to use metal jewelry.

May 18, Thursday. 22 lunar days begin at 2:28. The Moon is in Aquarius.
Do not cut your hair too short, no more than 3 centimeters. A haircut will help attract money energy and improve your health. To improve well-being, dye your hair your natural color.

May 19, Friday. 23 lunar days begin at 2:55. The moon is in Pisces. At 4:34 the 4th quarter begins.
Today, a haircut is contraindicated, it will negatively affect health, especially cardiovascular system. You can curl your hair in curlers, and you will be visited by joy.

May 20, Saturday. At 14:08, 24 lunar days begin. The moon is in Pisces.
It is impossible to cut your hair categorically, coloring will also lead to a disastrous result.

May 21, Sunday. At 3:42, the 25th lunar day begins. The Moon is in Aries.
Haircut is prohibited, but dyeing hair with natural dyes will attract cash flow.

May 22, Monday. At 4:04 the 26th lunar day begins. The Moon is in Aries.
If you cut your hair, health problems are guaranteed. Arguments with relatives are also possible. You can only dye your hair in dark shades.

May 23, Tuesday. At 4:27 the 27th lunar day begins. The Moon is in Taurus.
A haircut today will turn out to be very successful, it will keep its shape for a long time and please the eye. It will give you self-confidence and help in resolving long-standing conflicts.

May 24, Wednesday. At 4:53 the 28th lunar day begins. The Moon is in Taurus.
A haircut will open up additional financial sources, as well as help get rid of health problems. Coloring in any shades will attract good luck.

May 25, Thursday. At 5:23 the 29th lunar day begins. The Moon is in Gemini. At 23:46 there is a new moon.
Reschedule your visit to the hairdresser for another day. Today you can not cut and dye your hair. Laying is done only at home, the simplest. It is advisable to leave a straight parting in the middle.

May 26, Friday. At 6:01, 2 lunar days begin. The Moon is in Gemini.
If you want to change your life, do short haircut or dye your hair a color that is drastically different from what you currently have. Such changes will allow you to start new life, more successful.

May 27, Saturday. At 6:48 3 lunar days begin. The Moon is in Cancer.
You can’t get a haircut, otherwise life will begin black line which will not end soon. In order to avoid trouble, you can dye your hair dark.

May 28, Sunday. At 7:46 4 lunar days begin. The Moon is in Cancer.
Do not cut your hair so as not to end up in a hospital bed. Postpone hair coloring for another day. Braid your hair into a tight braid and, if possible, wear a hat throughout the day.

May 29, Monday. At 8:54 the 5th lunar day begins. The Moon is in Leo.
haircut give you great amount energy. You will be ready to move mountains. If you have health problems - sign up for a haircut. Coloring in light colors, voluminous styling.

May 30, Tuesday. At 10:08 the 6th lunar day begins. The Moon is in Leo.
A haircut will relieve ailments and attract additional finance. It is not worth dyeing your hair so that there is no discord in the family.

May 31, Wednesday. At 11:24 the 7th lunar day begins. The Moon is in Virgo.
After the haircut, the hair will keep its shape perfectly. Hair coloring will help to become more attractive. Make styling with light curls to attract the energy of nature.

Otebe.info website reports that the most auspicious time hair removal is May 12-14, 16-27, 2017.

Recommendations are given for calendar day(by Moscow time).
The hair cutting calendar is compiled taking into account the lunar calendar, the calendar provides additional information about the position of the moon on a specific calendar day.

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