Why is rib pain dangerous and how to treat it? Posterior thigh muscles. Treatment regimen and rehabilitation

Kinesio taping (synonyms - taping, kinesioprosthetics) of the thoracic spine is a treatment technique that helps relieve pain and maintain posture by gluing a special medical tape to the affected area. In this article we will take a closer look at the essence of the kinesioprosthetics method, as well as the indications for its use. The specifics of the procedure will be discussed in more detail. thoracic region spine.

What is taping

Kinesio tape is a special tape consisting exclusively of cotton and having a special adhesive base. This is where the name of the method comes from – kinesio taping or kinesioprosthetics. The essence of the taping procedure is to apply strips of tape to areas of the body where pain is felt, or the tape is used to prevent pain in the muscles, ligaments, joints and spine. The treatment was developed back in the 1970s by an American doctor with Japanese roots, Kenzo Kase. Initially, kinesioprosthetics was actively used by athletes. Later method began to be used more actively in medicine.

When performing a kinesioprosthetics procedure for the thoracic spine, you should expect following effects in organism:

  • Increased tone of muscles and ligaments.
  • Blood circulation and lymph outflow improves, which stimulates local metabolic processes.
  • The joints of the thoracic spine are stabilized and their functioning improves.
  • Muscle spasm is eliminated.
  • Slouching is reduced, which enhances posture.
  • Reduced risk of developing inflammatory processes and the appearance of swelling.

Kinesio tape made of cotton.

Cotton tape, used in kinesioprosthetics, unlike classic sports tape, does not hinder movement. The composition, devoid of elastin, allows the skin to breathe and does not trap sweat. Kinesioprosthetics does not limit a person in any way and does not cause discomfort; it is even allowed to swim and take water procedures.

Indications for taping the spine

First of all, kinesioprosthetics of the spine is suitable for people actively involved in sports. The therapy will serve as a prevention of pain, cramps, excessive fatigue, and joint overload. It has been noticed that athletes who have taping before training have better results. good results. In addition, kinesioprosthetics is indicated in the following situations:

  • For pain in the lower back, cervical and thoracic spine.
  • A feeling of stiffness and limited movement in the spine.
  • At degenerative diseases spine (osteochondrosis, spondylosis, etc.).
  • After receiving injuries, bruises and sprains.
  • For hernias, protrusion, extrusion or prolapse of the intervertebral disc.

Kinesioprosthetics is primarily suitable for people actively involved in sports.

Thus, the indications for kinesioprosthetics and the areas of use of the method in treatment and prevention are very wide. It is actively used in physiotherapy and rehabilitation. It is prescribed for treatment and recommended for prophylactic use by neurologists, traumatologists, orthopedists, rheumatologists, therapists and many others.

How is taping carried out?

Tapes for kinesioprosthetics are applied for a period of 3 to 7 days. However, they do not interfere with everyday affairs, personal hygiene, work. General scheme The teip application rules look like this:

  1. Wash the skin area where the tape will be applied warm water with soap, then wipe dry.
  2. Select the desired length of the tape, cut the edges with scissors, making them round.
  3. Stick the tape on the skin, while stretching it and the tape itself. In this case, it is necessary to leave not stretched 5 cm at the edges of the tape.
  4. Rub the tape with your hand, ridding the space under it of the air.

Teip operation is simple, but requires knowledge of certain rules. So, if the edges of the tape come off a little while wearing, they need to be trimmed. When conducting water procedures strips of tape are gently wiped with a towel, without rubbing moisture. Over time, when worn, the tape loses its properties, so after 3-7 days it must be removed, after moistening it with the solution included in the kit.

The procedure for performing kinesioprosthetics differs depending on the purpose of the treatment. It can be used to relieve swelling and reduce inflammation, improve the functionality of the thoracic spine, as well as for a speedy recovery from injuries and bruises. We will consider the features of the use of kinesioprosthetics for some diseases of the spine in more detail.

For herniated spine

In case of spinal hernia, strengthening of the muscular frame of the back is required, bringing it into tone. Due to the peculiarities of the development and location of the muscles of the thoracic spine, tapes are applied so that the result is the letter of the Latin alphabet “X”. The option of applying the letter “U” is possible. For spinal hernias, sometimes an additional tape is applied that goes around the scapula.

With a compression fracture

In case of a compression fracture of the spine, taping is used to a limited extent and only after consultation with a doctor. First, in case of this pathology, an examination is carried out - an x-ray of the thoracic spine in direct and lateral projections. If the fracture is stable, the patient is sent to ambulatory treatment, prescribe a course of medications and definitely recommend wearing a corset. When unstable compression fractures shown hospital treatment, which includes bed rest on a hard surface with a course of drug therapy

Kinesioprosthetics for compression fractures will play a supporting role. That is, immediately upon injury, more aggressive therapy is required. Kinesioprosthetics is used already during rehabilitation when a person undergoes basic treatment. The principles of applying tape do not differ from those for hernias of the thoracic spine.

For osteochondrosis

For osteochondrosis of the thoracic, lumbar and cervical spinal kinesioprosthetics helps relieve pain, relieve inflammation, and improve local metabolic processes in the back and lower back. But you need to remember that this is not the main treatment, but an addition to taking medications and performing physical procedures. From the first application of the tape, patients begin to feel relief, as the compression of the intervertebral discs and the load on the spine are reduced. The most important thing to understand is that it is almost impossible to cure osteochondrosis with kinesioprosthetics, but you can alleviate the symptoms of the disease, relieve the load on the back, lower back and sacrum. Only long-term and regular courses of treatment will provide the effect.

Kinesioprosthetics is a good method in the treatment and prevention of pathology of the thoracic spine, but the isolated use of the method in the treatment of pathology is unjustified. It is clear that it is difficult to apply the tape on your back yourself - it is at least inconvenient. Moreover, detailed knowledge of anatomy, physiology and the technique of applying tape itself is required, so it is necessary to entrust the kinesioprosthetics procedure to specialists.

Rib fractures occur when the chest falls on sharp object or squeezing. There are simple, complicated, and fragmentation injuries. If a rib is broken into splinters, it can cause damage to internal organs. At acute pain, hemorrhages on the skin should consult a doctor immediately.

Causes of rib cartilage fractures

IN human body 12 pairs of ribs, 10 of which are interconnected cartilaginous part and form the sternum. Thanks to cartilage, the chest can move. The causes of cartilage damage are compression, blows or bruises of the sternum, as well as pathological contusion. Sometimes fractures are the result of infectious or tumor diseases. There are also multiple damages, for example, in a large-scale accident. Fractures of the rib cartilage are dangerous due to complications and require mandatory immobilization of the torso and hospitalization.

How to recognize an injury yourself?

The first thing the victim feels is severe pain. It is difficult for a person to breathe, move, talk, cough. The pain subsides if you take a sitting position. On examination you may notice a lag chest during breathing in the direction of the bruise, sometimes accompanied by a characteristic crunch of bone fragments. If there multiple fractures, the symptoms include swelling of the damaged area, bruising; when palpated, the lesion has no boundaries, the pain spreads to a large area of ​​the sternum.

Life-threatening complications after a fracture are the development of pneumothorax and hemothorax.

How to provide first aid?

Ice applied to the injured area relieves pain and swelling.
  • Give the victim a pain reliever. The number of tablets depends on the severity of the fracture. If the pain is not severe, you can take Analgin or Ibuprofen. In severe cases - “Ketanov”; "Butorphanol".
  • Apply ice to the damaged area. It helps slow bleeding, relieves swelling, and temporarily makes nerve receptors insensitive.
  • To reduce the shear of possible rib fragments, you need to wrap the chest with a towel or piece of thick fabric.
  • Take the victim to the clinic.


The doctor examines and interviews the patient. A damaged area on the skin is visually observed. When palpated, a rib split is felt, as well as crepitus of the fragments. Availability characteristic symptom interrupted inspiration serves as one of the evidence of damage, when due to pain it is impossible to do deep breath. Pain is felt when bending in the direction opposite to the fracture.

X-ray examination is considered effective method. The thoracic chest will help detect a fracture of the rib cartilage CT scan, which is more sensitive than x-rays and will determine the number of damaged ribs. A CT scan of the chest also reveals the extent of the damage. Milestone disorders of osteochondral tissue can also be detected by ultrasound.

Treatment regimen and rehabilitation

The bandage secures the chest well, reducing pain when moving.

If two ribs are broken or a cartilaginous part is fractured, therapy consists of immobilizing the sternum. Can be carried out oxygen inhalations, at severe pain take painkillers. At closed fracture The torso is fixed using an elastic bandage or bandage. The broken part of the rib heals within a month. If complications such as hemothorax and pneumothorax occur, a puncture of the pleural sac is performed.

Rib fractures are observed quite often. They can occur directly from a blow to the chest, as well as from compression (wagon buffers, weights). There are single (one rib) and multiple fractures. Fractures of ribs IV-IX are most often observed.

Symptoms. When a rib is fractured, patients complain of stabbing pain when breathing in the corresponding half of the chest. During breathing movements, the diseased side of the chest lags behind the healthy one. When palpated, there is pain with pressure along the rib and at the fracture site.

With rib fractures, complications may occur in the form of injury to the pleura and the lung itself from the ends of the broken ribs. Due to injury to the lung, hemorrhage into the pleural cavity may occur. A symptom of a lung injury is bloody sputum. Coming out of the wounded lung air may cause closed pneumothorax and subcutaneous emphysema. The skin swells and crepitus is felt when pressure is applied. Subcutaneous emphysema can be significant. The symptoms of pneumothorax may increase. The air accumulated in the pleural cavity gradually dissolves. With increasing symptoms of closed pneumothorax, emphysema can spread to the mediastinum and neck and compress the mediastinum and neck organs. The ribs fuse in 3-4 weeks.

Diagnosis. Rib fractures are recognized by palpating the rib along its entire length and by radiography. Severe pain with pressure in a limited area is highly suspicious of a rib fracture. Damage to the pleura (parietal) causes coughing, which intensifies pain at the fracture site.

Treatment of rib fractures. When treating rib fractures, a fixing bandage is used to reduce breathing movements the diseased half of the chest, which cause displacement of fragments and friction of their ends against each other. For this purpose, an adhesive plaster bandage is used, which is applied as follows: take wide strips of adhesive plaster and stick them from the sternum to the spine so that the next strip of adhesive plaster covers approximately half of the previous strip. Such strips are applied from 6 to 10. The adhesive patch should be wide. Chest fixation is also used by applying a bandage or wide towel. Bandaging should be done tightly, in such a way as to reduce the excursion of the chest, thereby eliminating the friction of the ends of the fragments and stopping painful sensations. A 1-2% solution of novocaine should be injected into the fracture area, which dramatically reduces pain and improves breathing. Morphine, dionine, codeine are also prescribed to reduce pain. In bed, the patient is given a comfortable semi-sitting position, which significantly improves breathing.

For non-increasing closed pneumothorax, it is recommended to use drugs and a fixing bandage, which promote rest of the lung and reduce the flow of air from the damaged lung into the pleural cavity. With increasing closed pneumothorax, you can first perform a puncture of the chest and release the air. However, in most cases, this gives only a temporary effect. When the symptoms of closed pneumothorax increase, as mentioned above, they resort to autopsy chest cavity, into which rubber valve drainage is inserted according to Petrov. Do it in the following way. After opening the pleural cavity, drainage is inserted into a finger thick, onto the end of which a thin rubber finger is placed, split at the end in the form of a bivalve. The finger acts like a valve. When leaving the pleural cavity, liquid contents flow out through the drainage and valve and air escapes. When you inhale, the rubber valve collapses, is sucked in and prevents air from entering the pleura. The outer end of the drainage should be immersed in a jar, which is attached to the bandage. Once progressive pneumothorax is eliminated, the conditions for the spread of emphysema are reduced. Non-growing emphysema usually does not require intervention.

Quite often in the process active activities An athlete can get injured in sports. These can be both harmless sprains and more serious ones - dislocations, fractures, etc. All this can, of course, affect a person who is far from sports, but if an ordinary citizen can still lie on the sofa at home while sick, then for an athlete it is important to do as much as possible get back on track faster.

Has now appeared completely new method The treatment for such injuries is kinesio taping, which is based on the application of kinesio tapes to the damaged area of ​​the body. We will try to understand the features of this treatment, advantages and contraindications.

What is kinesio tape?

This treatment method was developed specifically for the therapy and speedy rehabilitation of injured athletes. Treatment of sprains and bruises is carried out without restricting a person’s mobility.

When applying tapes, not only does it not decrease physical activity, but the possibility of further training remains. In this regard, the kinesio tape patch is a unique tool in the treatment of musculoskeletal problems.

Sports kinesio tapes help relax overstrained muscles and thereby help them recover faster.

Japanese doctor Kenzo Kase deserves special thanks. It was he who developed this method of treating injuries in 1973, but the kinesio tape patch received its well-deserved popularity only after the 2008 Olympics.

Currently, the demand for patches is increasing not only among athletes, but also among people leading

How does the kinesio patch work?

Muscles in the human body not only perform a musculoskeletal function, but also Active participation V venous circulation and movement of lymph. Therefore, any damage muscle tissue lead to problems with blood circulation. It is in this regard that it is necessary to use such treatment methods that would guarantee speedy recovery after injury.

Kinesio tape is elastic patch for athletes, which is made from natural cotton. It has a wave-like structure, and in addition there is a layer that does not cause allergic reaction. The glue is activated only under the influence of human body temperature. The unique structure of the patches makes them very similar to human skin.

The tape acts on a microscopic level - it seems to lift the skin above the damaged area, which significantly reduces pressure and reduces pain. As a result of exposure, blood circulation and lymph flow improves, which leads to faster resorption of hematomas and tumors.

After the kinesio tape is applied, the instructions allow you to save moving image life, as intensive muscle support is guaranteed. All this is subject to correct application, but as a rule, there are no difficulties with this.

How does the patch affect the athlete’s body?

After kinesio tape is applied to the problem area, it has the following effects:

  • By normalizing muscle function, pain is reduced.
  • If you study kinesio tape, the instructions state that muscles quickly go from a tense state to a relaxed state.
  • Blood circulation improves.
  • The movement of lymph and the outflow of tissue fluid becomes more effective.
  • Neuralgia disappears.
  • Skin and muscle activity is stimulated.
  • If an athlete attends massage sessions, the effect is much more noticeable and lasting.

Considering this effect, we can come to the conclusion that active citizens can also use kinesio tape; the price, especially, is relatively low.

Benefits of using kinesio tapes

Compared to a product like a regular one elastic bandage, kinesio tape has significant advantages:

The use of kinesio tapes in medicine

All these advantages make it possible to use this method of treatment not only in sports medicine, but also for the treatment of certain diseases, for example:

  1. For the treatment of scoliosis.
  2. In the presence of juvenile kyphosis, the use of kinesio tapes is effective.
  3. Therapy for achillobursitis.
  4. To correct curvature of the legs in children.
  5. If there are neurological manifestations cervical, thoracic or lumbar osteochondrosis.
  6. Musculofascial pain syndromes torso or limbs.
  7. At varicose veins There is a disruption in blood flow in the muscles. Kinesio tape - the instructions mention this - can help in this situation.
  8. After a mastectomy.
  9. For the treatment of algodismenorrhea.

This is such a wide range of uses for such patches.

Where is the most justified use of kinesio tapes?

You can use the patch for athletes on various parts bodies.

Kinesio tapes are available in various color scheme, but this does not affect their characteristics in any way, but only allows you to choose the patch to match the color of the sports uniform. Although among athletes it is believed that black tape is more durable in its adhesive characteristics, therefore it is often used in aquatic species sports. The width is about 5 centimeters, and the length of the roll is five meters of kinesio tape. The price ranges from 500-600 rubles.

Varieties of sports teips

There are kinesio tapes various types. If we talk about sports, then among them most often distinguish:

  1. Inelastic. This classic version, which has White color or slightly creamy. Such patches are used for and wrists.
  2. Elastic kinesio tape has greater stretchability, which allows for increased fixation and increased coverage area.
  3. Special kinesio tapes are designed for use on specific parts of the body and have a specific shape.

All types of kinesio tapes are quite in demand in the sports world, since their application is not particularly difficult, and they perform their function perfectly.

How to apply kinesio tape

In addition to varieties of such patches, there are also various methods their application. They are selected depending on the purpose of use.

  1. If there are joints, then such a patch must be applied around the perimeter of the damaged area.
  2. If necessary, use as adjuvant therapy In case of incorrect posture, kinesio tape is applied along the entire length of the spine or foot.
  3. Some people use the patch prophylactically to prevent injury. In this case, it must be glued to those areas that are most susceptible to injury.

Rules for gluing tapes

If you are driving active image life and decided for insurance or as a remedy The instructions will tell you how to purchase kinesio tape and how to apply it correctly. If you follow all her recommendations, then there will be no doubt about the correct application. Here is the sequence of actions:

  • Before applying the patch, you need to make sure that the area of ​​skin to which it will be applied is clean and dry.
  • Next, you need to cut a strip of plaster of the required length from the roll and remove the protective film.
  • To ensure better fixation of the patch on the leg, it is recommended to round the edges. It must be remembered that the first and last few centimeters must be applied to the skin without stretching.
  • The rest of the patch must be stretched and glued.
  • After complete gluing, to activate the adhesive layer, you should thoroughly rub the surface of the body.

If the kinesio tape is glued correctly, it can be worn without removing it for several days. All this time he will provide his therapeutic effect. Those who have used it many times leave positive reviews. The main thing is to apply it correctly to the skin. Otherwise, you may not only experience discomfort, but also increase the risk of injury.

How to properly apply tape to your knee

The most difficult process seems to be the process of gluing tape onto knee-joint. To do this correctly, you must carefully read the instructions.

Before applying kinesio tape to your knee for the first time, it is better to consult with a specialist who has knowledge of human anatomy and knows how to do it correctly.

Where can I buy tapes?

Currently, there are many online stores that will be happy to offer you a variety of kinesio tapes to choose from. The buyer has the right to choose a patch of any color.

If we consider the sizes that can be offered to you, then they come in two options:

It is more convenient to purchase the patch in rolls for those who often use it, for example, athletes. The properties of kinesio tapes do not change depending on the packaging, color and manufacturer. Although some note that Chinese-made patches have a weaker adhesive base and can be distinguished by their specific smell. While such patches should not smell of anything.

You can also buy tapes at a regular pharmacy, but not every one can find them, and prices may vary. Therefore, most purchase kinesio tape via the Internet.

This article is devoted to the main applications of kinesiological taping for damaged ribs.

Bruises and cracks of the ribs are quite common in traumatological practice. A rib crack is a partial violation of its integrity or an incomplete fracture without displacement of bone fragments, which occurs as a result of injuries or pathological processes. The ribs perform two vital functions in the body. important functions: protect internal organs located in the thoracic region; help breathing by keeping the spaces inside the chest open, allowing the lungs to fill with air.

Etiology. There are two main factors that cause rib cracks: direct traumatic impact on the chest area, which leads to a traumatic incomplete fracture of the rib (often a rib crack occurs after a direct blow to the chest due to traffic accidents, injuries or falls from a height ); pathological process in the body (tumor formations in the chest area, chronic osteomyelitis ribs, rib tuberculosis, osteoporosis, blood diseases, etc.).

Clinical picture. Symptoms of rib damage:

  • Prolonged pain in the area of ​​the damaged rib, which increases with inhalation and coughing, and weakens with exhalation.
  • Feeling of lack of air.
  • Dyspnea.
  • Edema, cyanosis of soft tissues, hematomas, subcutaneous hemorrhage and swelling of the skin in the area of ​​damage to the rib.

Diagnosis of rib damage is based on studying the mechanism of injury, analyzing the patient's complaints, conducting a physical examination (examination, palpation of the damaged area, examination of tendon reflexes, symptoms of nerve root tension, and other tests). A chest x-ray should be taken to determine the level and location of rib injury.

Kinesiology taping allows you to create therapeutic proprioceptive stimulation and support of the damaged area and helps to reduce swelling and pain. But this method can only be used for bruises and minor injuries to the ribs.

IN acute period(0-72 hours from the onset of edema and soreness), lymphatic drainage correction is most often used with the imposition of two, less often three fan-shaped applications with their intersection over the area of ​​​​edema or main pain.

Also in acute or subacute period a laxative correction may be used, usually several I-shaped applications in the form of a "Chinese lantern". Initially, if the patient's condition allows, it is desirable to stretch the tissues in the area of ​​edema and pain as much as possible and apply the therapeutic zone of the first application with a tension of 15-25% over the site of the main pain (Fig. 2A). Then the ends of the first application are applied with a tension of 0%, the remaining applications are applied crosswise according to the above principle, and the adhesive layer of the application is activated (Fig. 1B).

Rice. 1A Fig. 1B

Rice. Fig. 1. Stages of laxative correction with several I-shaped strips in the form of a "Chinese lantern" in case of damage to the ribs: A - the beginning of the application of the therapeutic zone of the first application, which is located in the area of ​​edema and soreness; B - application of the second application; B - finished view of the application as a whole.

In the subacute period (over 72 hours), mechanical correction is usually applied for the purpose of additional receptor stimulation. Most often, two or three I-shaped applications are used.

The therapeutic zone of the first strip with 50-75% tension is applied to the damaged area with slight pressure (Fig. 2A), then the ends of the application are applied with 0%. The remaining applications are applied crosswise from above according to the same principle (Fig. 2B). At the end, the adhesive layer is necessarily activated by vigorous rubbing.

Rice. 2A Rice. 2B

Rice. 2. Mechanical correction in case of damage to the ribs: A - application of the therapeutic zone of the first I-shaped strip; B - completed type of mechanical correction using several I-shaped applications.

Please note that these applications are performed in conjunction with other rehabilitation and therapeutic measures and only complement them.

President of the National Association

Kasatkin M.S.

Leading teacher

National Association

kinesio taping specialists

Shalneva O.I.

* When preparing the article, materials from the textbook were used edited by Kasatkin M.S. and Achkasova E.E.

Any copying or quotation is possible only with the permission of the copyright holder.



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