Oxygen capsule: light breath of health. The value of oxygen for humans


Oxygen capsule- a technology aimed at combating oxygen starvation.

The main causes of hypoxia :

  • Ecology;
  • stress;
  • Food;
  • low physical activity;
  • Bad habits.

Cause on which I went to the sessions.

Mom, looking at me, thought that her daughter looks sad - always tired, nervous, often has a headache, the second year without a vacation - so she gave me a certificate to attend this miracle procedure.

There were 8 sessions, I went through them every other day, since the admin said that this was the most best option, and that we will definitely see the result at the end of the procedures. And after the first session should pass headache. Further more.

The brochures that came with the certificate promised a lot of good things, but first things first.

Increased mental, physical and emotional performance. Getting rid of the syndrome chronic fatigue, improves memory, gives energy and forms a desire for creative activity.

To be honest, I didn't feel any of the above. The first three days (days of sessions) did not hurt my head, but I will not say that earlier head I was in pain every day. Coincidence or does it really help?

Antistress. Removal of symptoms of overwork, stress. Recovery after sleepless nights. Filling with energy in the body.

Here, too, a catch awaited me. I was stressed best friends this summer. There was a lack of vacation, strain in personal life, there was not enough money even for a sausage (which I love very much), there was no money for travel, or rather, I put aside "there" for 8 days, "back" I walked.

It is necessary to continue the story after the third paragraph - so that the picture is general.

Visible effect from any weight correction program, normalizes metabolism, breaks down fats, reduces adipose tissue, and as a result - weight loss, lymphatic drainage effect.

Now you can continue. I walked a lot, skipping rope, Torneo roller were present in my life without changes. So. I mean going to work on the 6th day after the session. I don't go, I crawl. The strength left me, I was ready to sit down and burst into tears like a little girl. I'm so tired! I so wanted to eat!! Always wanted to eat! It's such side effect? I started eating chocolate at work (which I don’t really like), which my students wore to me. I also ate after 18:00, everything I could find in the refrigerator.

I asked the teachers to buy me a doshik before they came to work.

In general, it’s understandable - I was attacked by ZHOR! And I cried that there was nothing special to eat.

Weight loss, anti-stress, of course.

The structure and color of the skin, the condition of hair and nails will improve. The aging process in the body slows down.

I can’t say anything about skin, hair and nails - visible result did not have. The specific dates do not indicate when we will see this very result. The same is true about aging.

Recovery. Visits to the oxygen salon normalize work internal organs, arterial pressure and dream.

Here I want to talk about sleep. I went to bed as usual - 11-12 pm. But I started getting up at 6-6:30 in the morning. I got up invigorating, but by lunchtime I was ready to go to the office and snore for a couple of hours.

Oxygen treatments prevent mental and physical fatigue, improve memory, give energy and form a desire for creative activity. In just half an hour, they restore strength and normalize blood circulation, restore the work of all organs and systems of the body. Barotherapy gives instant effect- restoration of the main energy functions occurs on the day of the session.

About any mental and physical activity, of course, there could be no question. Sleep and eat. Work stopped X_X

Detoxification in case of poisoning, when taking alcohol.

There is also something to be said here. I confess - I drank. And in the morning I didn't feel well. I lay down, breathed for half an hour - but the hangover does not go away. And I so hoped!

Now I'll tell how is the procedure:

We are located in a capsule;

The first 5-8 minutes is established optimal pressure(1.3 ATA). The time depends on the volume of the capsule - there is a large one (climbing from the platform, there is a lot of space) and a small one (climbing for me - the Eiffel turret was a bit problematic). The first time lays the ears;

In the atmosphere oxygen capsule the oxygen concentration rises. Also, you are given a mask, which probably heightens the effect);

At the end of the session, the pressure in the capsule equalizes to the atmospheric level. Ears pawn again.

Before the first session, I filled out a questionnaire. I was asked whether there are chronic diseases and claustrophobia. Therefore, there are contraindications.

With me, when I was lying in a small capsule, the girl in the big one was hysterical, 5 minutes after the start of her session.

After the procedure, they offer an oxygen cocktail, which I decided to try once. There was a feeling. that I was swindled, in the truest sense of the word.

I don’t know why the capsule didn’t have the desired effect on me, perhaps due to the fact that I do vocals, and I breathe “correctly”, and oxygen goes where it needs to. Or perhaps we are missing something. The main thing is that we go, because the price is rather big - 10 thousand for 8 sessions.

10 thousand! This is a course of vitamins, tasty and healthy food, a month of training, all kinds of masks for the face, hair, and so on. Or add money and fly on vacation.

For me, it turned out to be a dubious pleasure. I will not say that it did not affect my body at all. I believe that 10 thousand produced some kind of effect, albeit an invisible one.

But I will never go for such procedures again, especially for my own money.

Thank you for your attention!

She breathed this real oxygen and became as good as new - fatigue, lethargy, as if removed by hand. Therefore, when a colleague told me that an oxygen capsule had appeared (and there are not so many of them in our city, and not all of them are available for visiting), I really wanted to get into this world of fresh clean air and breathe deeply.

I am in the house

I imagined the capsule as a pressure chamber with a lid, but it turned out that it was more like a tube with a zipper, a kind of cozy nest, but not for claustrophobes. Inside there is a place to read and you can even chat on the phone. As a child, I would call such a thing a “house”.

Maria Matveeva, project administrator Beauty and health", explains that since oxygen is released during the procedure, not in pure form, and mixed with air, it is absolutely safe to be inside. (100th oxygen is explosive and it is impossible to enter an old-style pressure chamber with a telephone and other equipment).

During the procedure, 24 kilograms of oxygen is delivered to the body, which is 27 times more than with normal breathing. And one session in a capsule is equivalent to 24 hours on fresh air in the forest.

During normal breathing, oxygen in the lungs combines with hemoglobin and is carried to the cells. Oxygen delivery - 900 grams per day. If hemoglobin is low, less oxygen is delivered.

During the capsule procedure, the amount of hemoglobin in the body does not affect the delivery of oxygen.

In the photo on the left, the capsule is in a “deflated” form, on the right - in a straightened one, during the session. TV presenter Sergey Maksimov (Ekaterinburg) helped me in filming


Before entering the capsule, I was warned that at the beginning, when it is filled with a mixture of air and oxygen under pressure, it can block up the ears, just like in an airplane during takeoff, and the same thing at the end of the session, when the pressure in the capsule decreases. And, as in flight, you can take sweets so that your ears do not pawn.

The first sensation, when you are closed from above with a zipper and you are waiting for your ears to start blocking up, is not very pleasant, but it passes very soon. Because nothing terrible happens to the ears, it is much more serious on the plane, of course.

And in general, after 5-10 minutes after the start of the session, I bowed to sleep, but I did not fall asleep, but was in such a relaxed half-asleep.

I must say that I came to the procedure not in the most best condition- with low blood pressure and weakness. Maria said that everyone individual reaction for the procedure, for example, two hours after the capsule, she became incredibly alert and thirsty physical activity. And it stayed that way for two days.

I was very inspired by such a prospect while lying in a capsule. By the way, the procedure lasts from 30 minutes to an hour. Although Michael Jackson generally slept in a pressure chamber, but that's another story.

Michael Jackson in the pressure chamber

For a complete detoxification of the body, it is advised to take a course consisting of 4 sessions, visiting the capsule every day or every other day.

The oxygen that enters the chamber is produced by an oxygen concentrator. because of high blood pressure inside the capsule, oxygen dissolves in the blood plasma and is delivered to all cells of the body.

Maria Matveeva, project administrator:

Oxygen capsules were used at the Sochi Olympics last year by Russian athletes. They recuperated after the competition or, conversely, before them. Important for them was such an effect as the breakdown of lactic acid in the body. The capsule is widely used in cosmetology (lymphatic drainage is enhanced, as well as the effect of weight loss programs, the condition of the skin, hair, nails improves).

The procedures help to recover from injuries, operations, stress, alcohol and smoking intoxication, relieve meteorological dependence and headaches, and chronic fatigue syndrome. Sessions are the prevention of vascular diseases.

Contraindications : orz, acute rhinitis, claustrophobia

Summary: I expected some kind of powerful air flow inside the capsule, but it goes quite evenly and it is not cold, room temperature. Being inside is quite comfortable, there is not so little space above your head. My condition after the capsule was clearly better than before it. There were forces, I will not say that wild cheerfulness. But still, it was a half-hour session, not a series of procedures.

Sergey, 28 years old

I went through a course of four procedures, with the second session taking place after the birthday celebration, and I immediately noticed how easy it became for me - hangover syndrome was removed during these half an hour in a capsule. The main effect that I noticed is cheerfulness, freshness. And the feeling of fatigue, which was present even in the morning, is gone.

Photo: Yuri Kapustin, Elena Yurieva

Where do you prefer to draw oxygen from?

Daily stress, lack of rest, unfavorable ecology and somatic pathologies severely deplete the body, significantly reducing immunity. Quickly restore health and boost general tone the body will be helped by a sleep capsule, which is a new word in physiotherapy.

A session in an oxygen capsule lasts from 20 minutes

Unlike standard medical pressure chambers, where pure oxygen, sleep pods in Japan use an oxygen-air mixture, which is completely safe to inhale and does not require special control. These devices are already actively used by large corporations for short-term daytime sleep employees, significantly increasing their performance.

The value of oxygen for humans

Oxygen therapy has long been used in medicine and is a full-fledged physiotherapeutic effect on the body. In addition to the almost instantaneous stimulating effect, sleep capsules in Japan with oxygen:

  • improve blood circulation;
  • normalize metabolism and help fight obesity;
  • quickly relieve stress and eliminate its consequences;
  • increase defensive forces organism;
  • help you recover from surgical interventions and serious illnesses.

It is impossible to get a sufficient portion of oxygen in the conditions of a modern metropolis. Level constantly Negative influence city ​​is impossible even with short trips to parks and forest belts.

What is an oxygen capsule?

The capsule for sleep with oxygen is a "pencil case" in which there is physiological form couch. As a rule, there is sound accompaniment for relaxation, several lighting options, and aromatherapy devices. The entire chamber is soundproofed, and the person inside it is completely detached from the outside world.

An oxygen capsule is a great opportunity to relax and gain strength.

There are two types of capsules: fully closed, open. In the second case, only upper half, leaving the legs free - they are raised to a physiological position on the couch, which additionally relieves fatigue and removes swelling. Japanese sleep capsules are designed for short-term rest during the working day.

The oxygen capsule is excellent remedy body rejuvenation. It's all about highly concentrated oxygen - it starts the renewal process at the cell level, so the effect comes quickly and lasts a long time.

Benefits of oxygen capsules

The advantages of such devices for oxygen therapy abound:

  • extremely compact dimensions, allowing to place the device in any office;
  • complete fire safety, short circuit protection system;
  • minimal amount Supplies during operation;
  • proven effectiveness;
  • simple service.

Indications for oxygen therapy

Improvement in the pressure chamber will help improve sleep

The enrichment of our blood with oxygen is always relevant and has practically no contraindications, and given that the capsule bed for sleep is designed to stay in it for only 20 minutes, they are minimal. Therefore, "capsule" rest, even short, but regular, contributes to quick recovery immunity, increase vitality, general rejuvenation. The main indications for using such a bed are:

  • instant restoration of working capacity during the day;
  • pathology of the bronchopulmonary system;
  • dermatological diseases;
  • hair loss;
  • sleep disorders;
  • persistent headaches;
  • sunburn;
  • psycho-emotional overload;
  • constant feeling of fatigue;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • immunosuppression;
  • recovery after major surgery.

Such original idea came to the mind of scientists from Japan and other Asian countries, which is not surprising - the local culture is inseparable from unique techniques meditation and relaxation. The Japanese prototype of such a bed appeared in the 20th century.

Life without drugs

Mobile oxygen chamber

Oxygen capsules for sleep are unique in that even their periodic use has a powerful healing effect on the body. It is highly recommended to stay in a capsule for people who are busy mental labor. The human brain is the first to suffer from a lack of oxygen, because it needs it several times more than other organs.

Reduced oxygen content in the blood interferes with normal brain activity:

  • attention is reduced;
  • it becomes more difficult to memorize new information;
  • there is drowsiness, a feeling of fatigue;
  • the reaction rate is reduced.

An oxygen session will instantly increase the oxygen content in the blood, simultaneously eliminating all these symptoms. Athletes also need an oxygen capsule no less - the lactic acid that accumulates in the muscles during training dissolves much faster with additional oxygenation.

Additional features of capsules

Depending on the specific capsule model, its healing effect can be further enhanced. Today on the market there are models with built-in devices for aromatherapy. There are devices with music therapy systems. AT recent times appeared capsules with aeroionotherapy. She helps with many colds, catarrhs ​​of the upper respiratory tract. It is important that you can use such a capsule even in acute period diseases. There are capsules where you can activate the dry sauna mode. At the same time, muscle pain is relieved, lymph flow improves, pores open. Of course, the cost of such models is higher.

Spa-capsule is, on the one hand, a miracle of engineering, which allows you to combine several types of effects on the human body during one procedure, and on the other hand, a whole trend in cosmetology, the number of adherents of which is increasing year by year. Let's see what kind of device this spa capsule is, and how it can be useful to us.

A bit of history

Initially, the name Spa referred to only one resort, located in the Belgian city of the same name. Gradually, the name of the resort became a household name. They began to designate a complex of effects of fresh or salt water, sea ​​salt, algae, mud and medicinal plants used to restore the body after illness, with a preventive purpose, to rejuvenate the body.

Gradually, aroma, color and music therapy were added to the protocols of spa treatments to achieve a state of relaxation and complete rest. Currently, there are universally recognized world spa centers. These are Evien and Vichy in France, Abano Terme in Italy.

Photo: spa resort in Belgium

Effects and views

  • Steam sauna effect.

Temperature and humidity rise inside the capsule. This promotes relaxation and also opens up the pores of the skin and makes it more permeable to the skin. active ingredients cosmetics.

  • Infrared sauna effect.

Infrared rays penetrate to a considerable depth and help to relax the muscles of the body. This gives a feeling of relaxation, helps to relieve fatigue.

  • Aromatherapy.

During the procedure, aroma oils can be used, which have a relaxing or, on the contrary, tonic effect.

  • Water massage.

There can be several options for massage with water jets in one spa capsule. Can be carried out general massage or massage of a specific area, depending on the selected program.

  • Vibromassage.

Pulsating massage is an excellent relaxing tool. Thanks to vibration massage, they diverge muscle spasms improves metabolism and blood circulation in tissues.

  • Chromotherapy.

AT modern spa capsules individual colors (yellow, purple, green and others) or their combinations can be used. The color treatment program is selected depending on initial state client and the desired result of the impact. So, for example, combinations of yellow, orange and red normalize the pressure in hypotensive patients, tone up nervous system, and combinations of green and purple, on the contrary, contribute to relaxation.

  • Musical accompaniment.

Usually in any of the capsules there is a stereo system that can play not only music, but also the sounds of wildlife. Such, for example, as the sound of the surf, the singing of birds and others. Music allows you to tune in to a positive mood and distract from problems with pleasant images and memories that the sound accompaniment of the procedure can cause.

  • Oxygen therapy.

The oxygen spa capsule allows you to increase the amount of oxygen in the air of the chamber. An increase in oxygen levels combined with exposure to heat and cosmetic preparations allows you to get a more pronounced effect of rejuvenation of the skin and the whole organism as a whole.

  • Air ionization.

Usually flows of ionized cool air are served to the client. This creates additional protection for the face from the hot air from the capsule and makes it easier to breathe.

What spa capsules exist

There are usually two main types:

  • dry;
  • hydrodiffusion.

Dry usually take less space and compared to hydrodiffuse ones, they cannot offer cosmetologists such a number of opportunities to create care programs.

Hydrodiffusion capsules have an additional water reservoir, so you can take a salt water bath or underwater massage in them.

Video: The purpose of such capsules

Treatment programs

  • Spa treatments.

In the capsule, both the entire spa procedure and its individual stages can be carried out. It depends both on the program of the procedure, which is usually developed by salon specialists, and on the functionality of the installation itself.

For example, the Dermalife Spa Jet is one of the few units that is designed to perform complete procedure thalassotherapy in one room.

  • rehabilitation activities.

Spa capsules can now be found not only in beauty salons, but also in sports training centers, in drug treatment clinics and medical institutions different profile.

  • Procedures aimed at weight loss and cellulite treatment.

It allows you to use and influence cosmetic products used for the breakdown of fats, and physiotherapeutic effects (local or general massage, sauna effect). Plus, during a session in a spa capsule, you can simultaneously achieve a state of relaxation, eliminate inner anxiety and recharge with positive, which is a must in a positive way affect eating behavior.

  • Carrying out complex Ayurvedic programs.

Usually, special spa capsules are used for this, which are equipped with the Shirodhara System option. An example of such an installation is the Oxy Spa Alpha capsule, which allows the beautician to conduct exclusive relaxation programs.

  • Treatments for hair and scalp.


  • harmonization of the emotional sphere;
  • relaxation, stress relief;
  • cleaning the body, and especially the skin from the products of cell metabolism (the so-called "slags");
  • muscle relaxation, elimination of muscle clamps;
  • improvement of blood circulation, outflow venous blood and lymph;
  • enhancing the effect of the used cosmetics;
  • improvement of the skin condition;
  • removal of excess fluid from the body (both by activating sweating and by stimulating lymph outflow).


  • use in integrated program rehabilitation psychological addiction(alcohol, tobacco, gaming, drug);
  • use in a comprehensive program for the treatment of obesity of 1-3 degrees, overweight body;
  • recovery after childbirth and breastfeeding;
  • improvement of the shape of the breast after a sharp weight loss, breastfeeding;
  • body skin care, elimination of cellulite, skin laxity;
  • strengthening immunity in people with frequent colds;
  • recovery of the body after injuries and serious somatic diseases;
  • elimination of headache, muscle pain;
  • relieve stress, overstrain, fatigue;
  • treatment of sleep disorders, insomnia;
  • treatment arterial hypertension 1-2 degrees;
  • skin diseases (in consultation with a dermatologist).

Video: Neo Qi Capsule


  • ischemic heart disease (CHD);
  • skin diseases of a fungal, viral or bacterial nature;
  • arterial hypertension of the 3rd degree with frequent crises;
  • the presence of weeping dermatitis;
  • acute and exacerbation chronic diseases internal organs.

Quantity and multiplicity

Determined required amount and the frequency of procedures in the spa capsule are the problems that led a person to a beautician. For the treatment of cellulite, procedures are usually prescribed in a course.

To relieve stress and overwork, there may be one procedure that can be repeated as often as the need arises and the work schedule allows. beneficial effect even one procedure will have an effect on the body and soul.


The cost of procedures carried out in a spa capsule is difficult to compare, since each of the salons develops its own session protocols. Treatments can last from 30 to 90 minutes and can be performed using a variety of cosmetics for body wraps, salt baths. Therefore, the prices for such procedures will vary significantly.

Our skin is designed in such a way that it constantly needs oxygen to function properly and produce metabolic processes. The lack of oxygen in skin cells is called hypoxia. This is the state where the skin for a long time does not receive the amount of oxygen it needs, can cause skin cells to break down faster, lose their elasticity, and your skin, accordingly, will look much older than it actually is.

While we are young, our skin does not lack oxygen, because the necessary amount of it enters the cells along with the blood. But over time, we get older, and our blood carries less and less oxygen, and thus less and less of the gas we need remains in the skin cells. The salvation of our skin is the oxygenization procedure, which is able to restore the skin to its former attractive appearance.

Carrying out oxygenation

oxygen capsule called the device inside which the patient is located at the time of oxygenation. The temperature in the capsule artificially rises, and the air is additionally saturated with oxygen in an amount greater than what we inhale in everyday life.

During such a procedure, the amount of oxygen in the blood instantly increases many times and, accordingly, this great amount oxygen enters the skin cells. In addition to blood, oxygen also affects the skin through the epidermis itself.

After the procedure, many patients experience mild dizziness. This can tell us that we are so accustomed to living in a gassed atmosphere that the body perceives a truly clean and oxygen-rich air as alien and includes a defense mechanism, albeit weak, in the form of dizziness.
By the way, in the oxygen capsule, not only the enrichment of the skin with oxygen is carried out.

For example, the oxyhyperthermia procedure is performed with a strong increase in temperature inside the capsule. The pores of the skin open up, and, thus, the skin pores are independently cleansed of everything harmful that could accumulate there.

The use of aromatherapy

Inside the oxygen capsule, a device can be built in, which periodically, using a special spray gun, can inject particles of aromatic oils into the capsule. This technique will provide you not only with the healing of the body, but also with the healing of the spirit through relaxation. Of course, aromatic oils also affect respiratory system, heartbeat and blood pressure, which gradually return to normal during the procedure.

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